?-1--~-;-?---:-___________ For uncharming Vislflir. I Miss Wilma Polk of Jackson, Tenn., j waa Mrs. Bond Anderson's charming ; honor guest on Tuesday* evening' when j rhe entertained about 40 cou pies ut | a beautiful dance at the Rose HUI . Club. It was a delightfully informal affair. Charmingly pleasant In every way. After a grand march, each guest was presented with a flower, ro3e bud for the gentlemen, and daisies for tho ladies, each one num bered and by these the dances were arranged. Tempting refreshments and nectar-were served during the evening. Miss Polk "ls a pretty and attractive visitor and is being the re cipient of many delightful social courtesies while here. I>. A. It. Thc D. A. R. chapter will meet on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. J.J* Sherard on North McDuffle street. The members are asked to come prepared to pay their annual dues. In Honor of Miss Murray. Mrs. Bond Anderson and Misa Cun ningham hove issued Invitations to ai} at home on Tuesday, January 2ti,~610 ?Weat Market street, from 4 to 0 in honor of Miss Murray the attractive, bride for this week. For Miss Murray. Many beautiful entertainments' are being given for Miss Felicia Murray who has always? been one of Ander son's most popular young society wo men and whose marriage to, Mr. Joseph J. Feed of Knoxville will-be an important social event of next wc ?k| Miss Murray has had charge of domestic science ot Anderson College for the past two yeara and on Tues day afternoon her clasa there gave a delightful party In her honor in the parlors ot the college. Thc guests Included the members of the faculty and each brought a dainty gift for the bride and-these were presented to Miss Murray by little Miss Nelle Kin ard. prettily dressed as a dainty little bride. Elegant refreshments .wore served later. A Pretty Compliment. A pretty compliment to MIBH Mur ray was the entertainment given last . night by Dr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Kinard at their home on the college campus. Their guests included the members of the faculty and the trustees and their wives and the evening waa a most enJoyable one. Music ? waa a delight ful part of the evening's pleasure and later an elegant salad /course was served. An Acre of Diamonds. ? Russell Conwoil, ono pf the great est of all lecturers", vii give his famous address, "An .Aero of Dla? mons," on Tuesday evening in tho college auditorium. This ls one of the best numbera of the lyceum courso and promises to be a rare in tellectual treat Miss Thompson Entertains. Another pretty entertainment of Calhoun Street Club waa given on Thursday afternoon by Miss Unda Thompson at her home. on . Calhoun street. The games were unusually Interesting, and the. prise a pair Tit 1_L-_-j_-L. ? ii i . ll ) . I i tn in. , .ff-'/V'"!:-/^?'-'' J I II' ! Il > I i HM ! I. "If you owned a G egg?, wouldn't you eoiikL" MUTUAL BENEFIT __ -.timm C.W*V^B/Dw AJTROWBRIl .?? ?'- - ;- f - y . ijij iiii.i w-?_-Nw-fy-->-^ " II .>.ni ?'???inMn.i i_i,m__--.IH.IIMI PIEDMONT INSUf ? See M ? j Any i 3DNSUR MRS. W. A. WUHSENS, EdS'or, Phonl xilk hoae was won by Miss Ella Maul Cummings. Tho - attractive hostessl served an elegant salad course after| the games. Elks Club. Card afternoon at the Elka Clubl on Friday waa delightfully pleneant| and the following ladlee were pres ent: Mesdames PA J- Ramer, 8. N. Gilmer, A. 8. Fainer, J- J- Baldwin, T. E. Howard. Levis Sanders. W. D. McLean, W. WV Morrlsou, S. X Parker, J. H. Godfrey, Ri C. Macdonald, Charles Causey. P. K. MJcCuK/. Bond Ander en, W. B. Valentine, T. L. Cely, Mles Ethel Hatch ol New York and Miss Wilma Polk of Jackson, Tonn. MJKH Elzlabetli Robinson Entertains. Miss Elizabeth Robinson entertain ed a few friends on Tuesday evening at a delightful little informal affair in honor of her 16th birthday. Cania and dancing furnished the amuse? ment, for the evening which was a most enjoyable one. Pixie Chapter. The Dixie chapter. U. D. C., willi meet on Tuesday afternoon at 4:!!0 with Miases May Russell and Maryl Acker at thc home of Miss Ru ascii on South Main street. Calhoun Street Cub. Tho Calhoun Street Club* was beautifully entertained on Wednesday afternoon' by Mrs. Frank Todd at her home on North Main street. Besides the club members Mrs. Todd had several visitors and the afternoon was particularly pleasant. After the leards were laid esSdo the hostess daintily served an elegant two course menu. The guests Invited for this occasion were: Mesdames J. L. Hor ton. Levis Sanders. T. L. Cely, K. P. Pr?vost, W. W. Morrison, W. D. Mc Lean, H?.-leeton Barton, Reuben Long, J. L. Sherard. E.. P. Cochran, Frank| Reed, James Farmer, Calhoun Har ris, r R Oreen? G. !B. Greene, C. P. Ross, Frank Hall, S. L. Prince, W. R.| Wones and Miss Bertha Casita. Mrs. K P. Smiih has rs^rfced from Weatherford, Texas, where aha waa called several weeks ago by the illness ot her mother. Her friends will be delighted to know, that her mother is rapidly recovering. Mrs. Mamie T. Ligon abd Mrs. J. W. Speake have returned from Chea ter, where they attended the meeting! of 'he State Home' Missionary' So-| clety of the Methodist church. . Surprise Party. The friends o' Miss Lydia McCully gave her a delightful surprise party on Friday evening at her home on .Weat Whither-street.- About 20 young ?people were present, the girls wear ing long dresses and hair done high like ladies; the boys also woreNlon* pants and a very merry time they had playing like they were grown folks. Each carried a pound and a delightful feact they had later. I Mrs. Harry Orr win entertain at bridge orr'Mondav afternoon tn honor |of Misa Felicia Murray. Mrs, Julian CHnbstales has issued Invitations to a lunohecn on Wod oose that laid solden insure her if, you I I ? -r i IT? F? INSURANCE I, General Agent r trfct Agent X?E, Special Agent (ANGE AGENCY ie For UMS All nesduy morning In honor of Miss Felicia Murray. M?as Beasie Major has ncturnod from a. visit to Honea Path. -Miss Muvy Hough is spending the week-end In Greenville. , Miss Hazel Gllreath of Greenville ls visiting her sister, Mrs. Julian Clihk scales. _cy Dinner Party. An elegant dinner party was given on 'Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Orr at their home, on West Market _>treet._ Their guosts were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. R?mer, Mr. and Mrs. C .R. Macdonald. Miss Ethel Hatch aud Mr. J. H. Glbboney. Miss S pen err to Entertain. . Miss Grace Spencer will entertain on Wednesday evening at the Rose Hill Club In honor of Miss Felicia Murray. Misses {Marguerite Adams of Char leston ana Beasie Allen of Greenville are the guests of Mrs. G. B. Greene on North McDuf?e street. In Honor of Miss Hfltch. Mies Ethel Hatch of New York was Mrs. R. J. Ranier's charming honor truest on Saturday afternoon when she entertained two tables of auction bridge. Mrs. Ramer ?B one of Ander son's most popular young hostesses and her pretty home on Woodrow Cir cle- 1B very attractive to her friends. frs. Bwayn Qtlmer. T. P. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Causey. W. H.* {.yon. Paul Whlklns, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Fanner. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ccly, Mrs. John Anderson, Her bert Dunn. o o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O( 0 o AT THE CHUKCHIS t o o oo o o o oo o o oo ooo o o o j rirsv _-tr?_yi> I o'clock, undor the s-pei'Qtendinoy ci i %tr E. Xt. Brown. T>.? pastor, Rev. W H. Frasea, D. D-, will preach at 11.80 j jrtid : ac. A very cordial invitation is extended to /the public to make this the'r regular place of worship. Midway Presbyterian Chorea. The services at the M I'd wt?. Prasby-, terian church will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Sabbath school will convene ot 3 o*cl_ckv. Tho community at large 4* invited to at tend. j Central Presbyterian Charch. : Sunday school'at lti:).6 o'clock. Lat everybodr be on time m view of the j extra alteen minutos, a program of j variety and interest w'H he followed. |a'i-?rnlBK service al 11:30. Subject, ot With The Ch Phos Missionary ^Society. . Tho foreign department of the mis-1 slonary society of the Central Pres byterian church will meet Mondav af ternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. k. J. Gray on Church street Instead of at the church. The lesson will be "The New Era In India." conducted, by Miss Nelle Cochran, the president. Aa this ls tb? first meeting of the new year please, let as many as tossible be present. , PhUathea Claas. The PhUathea Class of the Central Presbyterian church held their regu lar monthly meeting last Tuesday evening with Mrs. D. T. McLees on Sayre afreet. There were a largo number*of membera present, also sev eral visitors. After thc business meet ing a very pleasant hour was spent during which the hostess served de licious tea, sandwiches and \ minta. Rally Meeting of Greenville Street | Division of W. M. 8. * On Monday dosplte the rein and mud a goodly number of women gath ered at Mrs. S. L. Barrett's to begin the new year of our Wonmn's Mis sionary Society with a rally meet-1 lng and talk shout ''Lives That Couht" Our leader, Mrs; C. W.. Mc Gee, had asked others to talk on the lives of our women who first went to ! Ibo foreign, field and labored and sac rificed and succeedf ? In laying the ! foundation and doing a work that will | count till all mission work shall cease.' \ Mission study was discussed and planned for the first week In Febru ary. The aeed of a missionary li brary was impressed on us and I think the day la not far when wc will have. one. Last, but by J?O means least, tho! Misses Barrett served delightful re-] frcBhments and we all enjoyed a so-1 clal talk and pleasant time Contributed. Stoats at the Central Presbyterian; An. unusually attractive musical program wUliibe rendered In connec tion with the service st the Central Presbyterian church today. In the morning an anthem. "Praiae Ye the Father," by Gounod, will be sung by a sextette composed of Misses Stran - atban, Smltlyand Alword and Mesare. Fitzgerald and Bice. _ \ At the night service a quartette composed o5 Mlsaea Stranathan and Smith and Messrs. Fitzgerald and Mc.' Trihhl- ivill also sing a solo. A congregational meeting la called for after the morning serv3ce, at which every member of the church la urged ta bs present. W?. cordially In vite you to worship wita-.car Mt. Creek and Prospect. On account of pressing business, thero will be preaching at Mt Creek, fiftu Sabbath morning at 11:00 and at rrospect at 8:30. Superintendents please announce same tn Sunday schools. St Joseph's Catholic Charca. There will be services at St Jo seph's Catholic church-Sunday morn ing at 8 o'clock. The public ia cor dially invited. ? Grace Church. Rev. J. H. Gibbony, rector. Phone 835. Services for the Third Sunday after Epiphany, 8:00 a. m., The Holy Eucharist, 10:15 a. m., Sunday school with Bible Class at. the rectory. 11:30 Morning Prayer and sermon. 4:00 p. m., Epiphany service for the Sunday school. Monday, Feast of the Conver s?n of Pt Paul, tho Holy TEncharlst at 10.00 a. ra. Wednesday 4:00 p. tu.. Evening prayer. The Woman's Auxil iary will meet at the rectory on Mon day at a:30.p. m. Eplpany Service for Sunder School. Sunday is the Epiphany Missionary Day for the Sunday schools of the Episcopal church end throughout the United States the scholars ot the Scnd?y schools will keep this day by attending'the. JSpiphany service. At [Grace church a special service ot Thanksgiving will be held, for the Sunday school and children jn gener al are Invited. This service leads up to the work ot the Sunday schools in gathering their Lenten offerings. Last year the Sunday schools ot the Epis copal gave as their Lenten offerings one hundred and eighty-one thousand dollars. The public is cordially invit ed to thia servies. rirst Baptist Chards. Teachers' prayer service st 0:45 Sabbath achoo! at 10:00. Dr. A. L Smothers, superintendent. Public wor ship at li.SO. Sermon by paator. Rev. .loba JVVines. Subject: "Dwelling in a Large Place,"' Meeting of the Sun beams at 3:30. Subject: "Children of thc Bible." Led by Mrs. R. R. King. Y. M. C. A. Meeting lc Senior Baraca room at 4.00. Dr. Davis of Missouri will deliver an address on "Japan." It ie specially desired that every mem , brf' of the Y. M. C. A. be present to bear Dr. Davia* addres3 since we are to study "Jape** tn oar Mission Study etas*. B. Y. P U. in basement at 6:80. .Subject: "The Safety of Believers." IterniOB.lry'?tyvW, B. Spillman at 7:80. I Teachers* meets h g at*?: 00. Prayer and praiae service at 8:00. Subiect : "The Ohriatian's Program " The following to?l-js will o*:jtfe? cussed by the brethren named: 1. "Thc Steadfast Christian,** by Rufos Fast a. '"Tho Abounding Christian." by a R. Korten. The public ie cordially invited to attend and worship wtth us al ail RU JohnVMet feodirt Chareh. / John W? SpsSU -???el at io o'clock, o. M. Heard, aup-irtntcjutfisi. JPr^cSiiig eerricsJ1 at arch Women ?37. .i. tin Tribble will elnjg, unaccompanied by the organ, "Day7 ia Dying in tb? West." And in addition to thia Mr. Sam Orr Tribble will sing a aolo, "Flee aa a Bird." We cordially invite you to worship with us. Kain makes no difference at the Central. Junior Ihilathea. The Junior Philatbea Claaa ot 'St. John's Methodist church gave a de lightful supper to their young men friends on Friday evening in the base ment of the church. The meeting was purely a social one and was pleasant and Informal. Several Impromptu toasts were given and after supper games were played. Missen Nelle Findley, Willie Cann and Ruth Wella had charge of the evening and assist ed their teacher, Mrs. A. M..Sharpe. Maisie was given du'.ng the evening by Misses Gladys leece. Ruth Wells and Ruby Wilcox. Oyster 8upp*r. . The Phllatheo Class of thc Central Presbyterian church will serve an oyster supper on Friday evening, January 29, in the vacant store room next to G. F. Tolly & Son. Missionary Society. The Junior Missionary Society ol the First Presbyterian church met on Monday afternoon with Miss Jean Harris. There waa a good attend ance of members and a greet deal of business transacted after which the following program waa given: Paper of African Women by Miss Sara Dickson; giving hy Miss Eugenia Mawell; a song by Mles Kathleen Norry ce. During the social hour the hostess served dainty refreshments. Missionary Society. The Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church held a delightful meeting on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Jap Bell. The two selections on the program were reed by Misa Nsn Forney and Mra. Chester Plant, with a piano selection by Mrs. Charles Spearman, and a vocal solo by Mrs. F .MC Burnett. The subject tor the afternoon was "Mountain Missions," and was most interesting. New year's resolutions for the society were also read. The meeting ended with the usual pleasant social hour, when de lligbtful refreshments were sorved. with their teacher for ' this service. Vesper service from 5 to 6 in after noon. This will be an hour's service of delightful music with a short aero mon. A cordial, greeting to all visit ors at "Tb- Frls&il;y Churc-.'' A? B* P. Church./' Sabbath school at 10:30, a. m., Mr. M. B. Smith will open the school. Preaching at li";SO a. m., and 7:30 p. m.. A Christian said the other day "I always feel mean on Monday lt I don't go to church on Sabbath." Another said, "Me too." Junior Phllatheas of Baptist Church. The Junior Phllctheas ot .the First Baptist church are requested to go ftirect to their class room at the church on Sonday morning 1 where there will be a meeting to discuss eome matters. Tbe meeting will be at 10:00 o'clock. OCOOOOOOOOOOOO o WILLIAMSTON o o o o o o o O O ? O O?o o o o Miss Blanche Ferguson of Green ville spent last week-end' In town with the home folk. Misses Edith : Oossott and Otis Thatch of Converse College spent the week end with tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Goasett. Miss Annie Adams has returned to her homo in Greenville after an ex tended visit,to her sister, Mrs. Batley, at the Bon Air hotel. Mrs. M. E. Wayland is on a visit to her mother In Greenwood. Miss Wylton Parker bas returned from Columbia whare she was In the hospital and was operated ?n for' ap pendicitis. We are all glad to see Miso Parker bock and to know that che is so much better. Messrs. Pleasant and Redfern of Greenville spent Thursday in town on business.: Rev. TL W. Alexander is. back Itt town after a visit to bia old home it Durham, N. C. Mr. E. If. Weiborn Bpent Thursday In Anderson on business. Mrs. Bl B. Gos sett and two chil dren of i Anderson spent Thursday with Mrs. J. P. Goasett, The friends ot Mr. Hugh Martin of Simpoonvillo are glad to welcome him back to town. " 1 Capt. opto* Horton ot Philadelphia, Penn., is home on a .furlough. "' On Wednesday evening tho friends of Miss Mary Weiborn gave her a sur prise party. Music and cards wore enjoyed until "a late hour when re freshments were served. The follow ing yoong people were tn the pori y: Miases Lela Hammond, Cleo Wtelborn, Lots Hudgens, and Mary HaiyflMtj ,no, Messrs. Roy Griffin, George Wei born, McSwatn Mahon, Paul Goasett. ami Clyde Stone. Mr, J. A. Snodgrass of. Decanter, Ala., apcrtl Thursday in town un basi nets. Ute music lovers ot.e^.'tpwfiHM delighted with the Reloader Concert Company., Tills la thc best entertain ment gly_u Jrtre in many a day. This .. " ' i i.IM.....i i, i , ,wnt i ?im. Watch the Drop MONDAY If the rain drops fall or the dew drops linger Monday at the Bee Hive means a big drop and you had better attend. There will be many tilings you'll wish you had not missed if you do not at tend. Here Are a Few: 132 piece 15c and 20c Fancy persian Ribbons, Monday % jfi^ choice, per yard.. awC 36-inch dark percales, worth toe and 12 l-2c, Monday? fia>' (10 yard limit) per yard, only..?...,. **** -.-.-j--rr? to piece 40-inch curtain scrim, worth ldc (20 yard ; limit) Monday, per yard, only....... ...?, >JC 4o-inch new sand and putty shad ?j, and other pretty. *l O colors in $l.5o Crepe De Chine, Monday per yd. V * . * 25 dozen 72x90 seamed sheets, value 49c, Monday *^"7#? each... *.. ... . Af C 63x90 best seamless sheets, Monday each ....... 49c 55 pieces pretty bordered and hemstitched edge curtain scrims Itt white, ecrue, etc-, value 15c, Monday only; per XOC yard. For $12.50 Monday Only Big assortment of Smith's Axminster 9 by 12 Art Squares, worth $17.50, but Balles boufeht 'em eh??p; tfew Pat terns Monday. Only one chance to buy J*J2 50 at this price, each . j,. * 1 A latan*. G. H. BAILES, Proprietor. ion a business trip through the inoun ?tatns of North Carolina. hfrf. and Mrs. R. 8. Sharp of Belton I spent the week-end with the family |? Mr. J. R. Ferguson. Misa Julia Piakney spent Wednes I day tn Oreenvin? ?lmimini? a o lo o' o o a a o 0 o TOWNVILLE Miss Annie Bell ot Lydia ia visit ing relatives here this week. Mr. Charles Hutchison bas return led from a business trip to Anderson. MT: and Mrs. C. TL. CliokscaleS [have moved to our town from. their country, hom?". We extend a cordial ?welcome to ihese excellent people. Miss Elva Keiuaody has returned I homo, after spending several days in ?Atlanta with relatives. . The friends of Mrs. H. A. Tennent [regret to learn that abe is critically lill. Tho msyor and councltae** have taken up their duties in '.ernest. Now let everyone rally to them and try to make Lowndeaville a model term. lees?OB^XBCt-l^A^re pms rr??! Younga Island. S. C., hTor. 23, To ?at started with yon wo you the following offer, ?end nh tl, for 1,000 Frost Proof Cabbage Plas grown la the open ?Ir and will sta tressing, grown frost' the- Cssepgej Seed ol BoWna * Son and Ti & Co.; ead t will send yon 1.9M hace Piant? additional FR3EB, earn repeat the order as many ; aa you like. I will give you prices on Potato Seed and Planta later. We want the eceout of cloon buyers, targe and email. I can eupply alL Atlantic Coast Plant Co. Lower Prices on Ford Cars Buyers to Share in Profits Effective August 1st, 1914 to August li, 1915 and guaranteed against ?ny reductions daring that time. Al! cars fully equipped f. o. b. De troit. Runabout. . . .$440 Touring Car. 490Town Car . 690 AH retail buyers of new Pori cant from August 1st? 1914 to August 1st, 1915 will shara Hr?h?, profits of th* company to the extent of S4i $60 per car, on each car they buy, VBQ\ ED; we sell and deliver 3oo,ooo new I cars during ?hat period. - ..(Ask for Particular*.* ne' TODD AUTO