The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, January 21, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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J. M. Motown's Grocery GOOD THINGS TO EAT * ?> i t i; Oranges... . .. ..16c, 20 ana Sic Apples, per peck.40c Raisins. 2 lbs..........26c Nuts per lb..tao Bananas.,. .IC and 20c Cranberries.10c qt Prunes, 2 lbs.26c Citron, pee lb.20c National Biscuit Co.'s Fruit Cake st per pound.Cot " J.M.McCOWN : Tbono No. 22. 4 MEETINGS CONFERENCE BOARD AND COMMUTEES WILL BE HELD IN GREEN WOOD HEREAFTER IT IS REPORTED MORE CONVENIENT Is Reason A*t!gned For Thia De cision Being Reached--doard Session Tuesday. Hist a decision was reached at the meeting of tho' bor.rd of missions and presiding ciders of tho lipper South Carolina Conference, hold in Green wood Tuesday, to the effect that hereafter all .ile committee and board1 meetings of the Upper Conference will be held in Greenwood, ls the un official report which has been given out. Hie Upper Conference embraces 19 counties in Western South Carolina. Tho board of missions of the Upper Conference met in Greenwood Tues^ day . for. tho purpose of transacting routine basilicas, lt ls ?tated that Greenwood was selected as the meet t ng place for the board and commit tees because that town is the most j accessible point in the Upper Confer ence territory and because of the ex cellent hotel accommodations of the] town* N The following members compose I the board of missions:-. Rev. J. W, | Speako, president; Rev. R. E. Turu ipsced, secretary; Rev. Henry Stokes, j treasurer; Revs. W. H. Murray. O. M. Abney, and G. C. Leonard and the fol lowing laymen: Messrs. G. S. Good gio?, B. W. Crouch, D. -OJ Peeple, J. I J. B. Harri?, James H. Glenn, S. Tv) Lanham. Tho presiding, elders of tho Upper I CosfcreaCe are: Di. 3. W. 'Rllso, OOH lumbla; Rev. R.L.Holroyd.RockHill; | Rev. IL E. Stackhouee, Spartanburg; Rev. ty. P. Meadow, Cokeabury; Rev! T.''C. O'Dell, Anderson, and Rev. P. ] F. Kllgo, Greenville. KOW TO CUR*; A LA GRIPPE ; tJOUGH "Coughs that hang on" demand treatment. Stop and think! Reason and dommon sens? tell you that it ls folly to "grin and b?er lt." Those racking la grippe coughs that wrench th? hddv and cairne soreness and palate in tho lungs yield more quickly to Foley's Honey abd Tar ihah lo any other treatment. Forty years* record of successes proves thia: For coughs, colds, croup and other dis tressing ailments ot throat? cheat. lungH larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that wilt compare with thia reliable remedy.-Sold br Evans Pharmacy. Superintendent Lewis Here. Superintendent LewlB of the Jack . Bonville Mille, ai Ira. was In Ote city yesterday on business for a short while. Mr. Lewis ls on*, vlf the best cotton mill men In this section of the country and I* held in high es-J teem by both Superior officers tmffl ot the tolll with which hot iiif?jUfJSL li! ? JtlLl1 "h'jX?l "Uff c* ourtl) ?il? buiidliietri it haa benefited tfcct&tnc ailing women ia its pas success* M U&m lo You can't tinko a Bi mu; "l ftfafft Cardui ia the $ ke*j for women- Before I beg. IS! so weak arid nervous, atv rTj fcpeite and a ?.?GT ftppeiita. KB M trtfOflg as ? ever did. so r^j Begin taking Cudui {oday. ELECTRIC * * g* ? * Ifen? of Int?r?t* ?rid * Wireless on tte ? ?.* * * ? * * * V ? ? * Invitations to * .> Aeeenl Ment???. . Invitations reading as follow? wc mailed out yesterday, by Secretar Porter A. Whaley of the chamber o? commerce, to tb? annual meeting ol, thbi organisation: "The mefobers ot the Anders Charol-rr ot Commerco take pleaaut In extending you r. cordial invitati to attend the Annual Meeting* . anc Smoker of the association, to b*. held ?t 8 p. m., January 2?th, Chamber ofj Commerce Rooms, 126 North Mali ftreet. Anderson. 3. C. If you desire to attend, which we sincerely hoi you will, kindly advise us promptly. Cotton Sold Again For 8 1-4 Cents, Though 8 cents was the prevailing .pr I co of. cotton on the local market yesterday, 8 1-4 cents was paid for the daer grades of the staple. Quite a* number of bales sold during thc day-a great many more than wer? sold the day previous-yet at the sa time the cotton buyers.were far fromj busy. ?. V. Taylor and Party Expected. Col. Z. V. Taylor, president of the! Southern Public Utilities companyj .ind. one of the executive committee *non ot,thc Piedmont and Northern! Linea, ls expected In Anderson about Saturday with a corps of New Yorkl on ginee rs.. i The Object v>f the trip isl jot known* a* yet. Col. Taylor and hlsl oar ty were 'o lie at Charlotte today.[ Friday it is probable that they willi j top over at Greenville, coming to thla| Panama Exposition Stamps Seen Here. The new postage stamps advertising! the Panama-Pacific Exposition, etl San Francisco, have made their ap pearance in Anderson. A letter receiv od yesterday by a local concern con talned two of the new stamps of one *.eut denomination. The stamps were j light green in color and about a half ames tb? width of the ordinary stamp, with depth the same. Tho center of the I stamp shows a lickness of Balboa, with the dato 1513 and the name ot I tho discoverer engraved thereon. San Francisco 1915, ls tb? only other mat er of foreign nature engraved on the! r.tamp. -o Freight Train Wreck On th? Blue Ridge* The derailment of mixed train No. 7 of the Blo<* Ridge railroad near Seneca Tuesday ' afternoon between 2:30 and 3 o'clock blocked traffic over this portion of the line for some hours. The accident occured sotno five miles this side of Seneca. Ave box cara run hang off the tr*-* ?nd three- of them 'overturning. Two section g:?n/gs nn/i a bridge gong were r.ent to thc ivene of tho Wreck fivim Anderson, ?ul yes terday, after no little trouble, suc ceeded ii? cie?7!u? tho track. M?i? met ter and passengers were transferred at the scene ot the wreck. The gas electric'car did service between Bel ton tu?? the scene of the wreck, while the stearn train ran between the r.cene of ihe.wr^ck and Walhalla. fteeoad B?ndle Fpr Belgians. The second package for the Bel gians to be shipped under the new plans of the Southern Express com pany, that ia, without cost to the send er, waa placed yesterday morning'tn the local office ot the express com pany. The package contained s *'?t of clothes and was shipped ty.B. H'M-i man, a well known clothier of the city. Aa nas beeb stated before in The In telligencer, packages of clothing and foodstuffs for tbs Belgians will be carried by the Southern Express cont-, nany free of charge, that is, ot cost to the sender, aa the charges will be paid by th? Belgian Relief commit tee ot New .York, city. Th? express company has agreed to carry the Bel gian donations at two-thirds of the commercial rate. Contribution* for the Belgians are deposited with the local effie* of the express company and for warded to Greenville, .which is one pf the two collection pointa In this itu te for clothing and foodstuffs tor Ith? Belgians. ;_. ~ , ? Tonic y vwrna^JfeWhen she s over th? hard plsc??. /ou, you know what ionic i's tonic. Cantal ls e&/> i- ingredients, which ?ct eakened womanly organs, to strength and health. atid thousands cf ww?c la)! century ot wonderful i ft O. No. 4, ?ftt?a, Art*?, T?ate^t medicine on earth, M? to Jaie C?i, I wac i had sud? awful ditz? Now I feet as weft end ii vsn eat roost anything.* Sold by ali dttioatb^s \Y SPARKLETS * |M! Ideation Cgttfcfat Ovar HM ? of Anderson * Very Popular. Th? illustrated, religious end edu cations! lectures which are being giv en at th? cotton allia ot Anderea under the auspices of ?he firtewsf Department ot the Young Uen'a Chris tian Association are proving quit popular Tuesday night the first lee ture of the series, ' Touring Tbr North India," was shown at tb? Olu~ Mills to a lsrge audience This, la th same lecture which was given Monda night at Orr Mills and which attract ed fiucv tremendous audience Las night lue same lecture was given a Bethel church, before a large an ?Interested audience. This lecture wil bo shown at the other mills ot Ander son, and then a new subject will ! taken up. The next lecture to be giv is entitled "John G. Patton Among Cannibals, or a Travel in Gie New brides." --o- ' Double-Header In Basketball, ?Next Friday afternoon the basket ball teams of Anderson High Behool and Lebanon High School are sched uled tn lock horns on th? field ot Ute Weat Market street school. On the same afternoon the gins' team of the bleh school-will play the girls' team ot the Henea Path high school. Ex citing games are expected in both r contents, and it is probable that there will ht a large, number of lovers of ?the sport out for the battles. Reported W. H. Glenn Has Resigned. The columbia Record yesterday car ried the following item, which will be of Interest here: 'That' W. H. Glenn, of And orson, I has resigned as a member ot the board of directors of Ute state peni tentiary at Columbia, waa learned from authoritative sources st the capi tol. His resignation was filed with Superintendent P. J. Griffith, .ot Ute penitentiary. Three vacancies already existed on this board and those with j that caused hy the resignation of Mr.' Glenn, will be Ulled by the general assembly by election to he held' next Thursday." Telephone lines being out ot order last night. Mr. Glenn could not be communicated with at his home, three miles west of the city, with reference to the above statement, to determino whether it was accurate. Flurries of Snow Throughout the Day. "Crary weather" Is Ute woy on? ex pressed yesterday the condition of af fairs meteorological which has exist ed in these parta for the past several hours. Late Tuesday afternoon there > a light flurry Of snow-Just a few cs here and there and eyer and n. For some 16 minutes about mid night of Tuesday there fell one ot tho heavloet snows that hos been here in ve*?? The f lakes came down so thick and fast and were of such huge dime*, sion* that one, could scarcely see across Main street, while the precipi tation waA in progress. At intervals yesterday ?now fell in light flurries. Indications during the afternoon were that tho night would bring freezing weather. The forecast for today cans for fair weather. Were Marched Out In Good Order. Excitement, caused by an alarm of fire, occupied a conspicuous place on the program at the North Fant school yesterday morning. It,so happened, however, that there was no fire. The Binnu **?7ing been given, Miss Nelle Cochran, Ute principal ot the school, bad the children marched out of the building, a feat which wak accomplish ed with absolutely no contusion and in quick . time. The alarm of tiro was caused by the blowing off of a safety valve on one of th's steam radiators used for hearting the building. Some j youngster had been tampering with ?the cap on the valve, irving It in such a position that the slightest bit ?f pressure caused it. to Wow off, fill lng the hali with steam. Excited by the clouds of Steam. Someone rais ed the alarm of fire. -cv city. Satar&fc^ ' Nothing in Police Court lenteriay. /Once again the police court has] drawn e blank, for yesterday "jere was a dearth of cases, op tae decket. For the past'several days the court mill has been without material, and as a consequMice the recorder has >Hft having a tong rest t AIRSHIPS (CONTINCBD ? M?B FOUT SAFE >ii PACES QKSJ thu. French official. report they w^re roiakan. The only other point of importance disclosed bv oC?cial statements is an intimation fa.thc .Berlin commun'ta tton thei the Germane have undertak en a counter offensive in Alsace. , tn Poland and western Galh^.Ol js and Austria hs continue iso attaoks against the F.-uesian , which, ucoorqiag to4tho l*us report, have beea rjgflHlfed with loeSes to the attackfc?5 forces. Russian* ora -odvandsg slowly v^h the mountains eeparatiag kowiua and Transylvania sud are ?roaching i*sr)ive-Weira,, a Krwu or non* importance near the Rumanian border. It ls hellere* the "turkish Caucasian army will hot retire to Ers?in will .h* put'la rs^ ; against the Russians when thea to advance. It is considered i PERSONS STATES D . 7 OTHER TOCOME PROPOSITION I fwklnt lo |ho Erection ol Grain | Elevator Came fn Yeater That the tame of Anderson County aa a crain growing section is wide* spread and that people throughout the country know of the proposition on foot herc to erect a. grain elevator for the handling cf the grain that ls to be produced ia thia county, ls evident fro? letters which, came to the Qttara hc. o? Commerce from persons desir ing to look into the elevator project I which. buainess men and farmers ot | thia city and county have in mind. The last letter ot this kind came in | yesterday morning from North Caro lina, ead reads' as follows: Hope Mills. N. C.. Jan. 18, 191G. Mr. Porter A- Wheley, Anderson, S. C. Dear Mr Whaley: I baye not heard | anything from youln some time tn re gard to Anderson and douri alli project. I am much interested la thia, and am very much in hopes tntt we can get together ou this mat ter I feel very sure that I should Ilk? very much to get in business wita yon and to live in your city. If there u anything I can do to be ot service to yon ?a getting up the stock or helping to organlre and get the bus iness on foot, I should be v?ry glad to render you and . your town ?hts ser-1 vice. As you know, .wheat as a .commer cial product fluctuates rapidly at times, often jumping from one ex treme to another in a few hours, and takes a man of practical experience and well balanced Judgment to handle the hue loess successfully at. such times,' . I should be very glad to hear furth er from you in regard to this mat ter. Trusting that all ls weU with you and wishing for yon and your city a | year of good business, attended with prosperity and every success. I beg Jp remain, j*vfdjp j Yours most respectfully, i J. A. FOWLER! lia? WA Editor ' FhaaottT; Wtfosmes Veterans. At the dinner given in honor of Koiwr? ^ L?* '.tc ehtspt-r ??' the I lr. tx C's bearing als name, tho ad dress o." welcome waa made by Mrs. I HenJ. P. Wilson, one ot the most loyal I and well ?iVti daughters of the Con federacy. We Vetoing to publish thia address without asking Mrs. Wil son'! permission, feeling sure that she would hot deny her many friends the pleasure, ol .eadtbg thoughts so beautifully expressed: Honored Veterans: As guests of the R, E. Lee chapter, il ir. D. C., you have beeh most cordially j invited to partake ot the birthday dinner of your illustrious chieftain, Robert 12. Lee. We ask you to-forget for a short .while the. care of the'outside world andonee again revel in those reminis cences so dear to ?very oM 'noldler's heart. Perhaps to recall the battle, when you, shoulder to shoulder, bravely plunged ?nto the thickest of the fight', or ypu will love to linger In the shady spr% where yon wero allowed to halt for a brief rest, or of another day while suffering thc dis comforts of hunger, and not as neatly clad or comfortably shod , as you are today; you strapped on your empty knapsack, seized joiir gun and with cheerfulness inspired by tho great lovw you bore your leader, y >u com bed a long, weary march With the . fFot er a hand liva vt- sword from stain as free. Nor purbr sword led "braver band, Nor braver bled, for a brighter kand, Nor brighter land had a cause aS grand, Nor a cause, a chief like Loe* h???* $M*sg*n today is tinged with sada?*, for while our hearts beat in Sympathetic union with >eurs, as we note th? vacant chain, sad reminders Sc the thinning of your ranks we aro assured ot-ybur sympathy In o?r\ be reavement; fof ,we too have satd ^imda bye" to two ot Our beloved'?embers. Mrs. Callie Seaborn Sloan, ia mag nificent specimen of the charming wo fnf n ot "The Oat South" widowed and Mdtao?d. ftant affluence by the cruet hand Of war; aha cru?hed bei1 great sorrow Into a sacred memory sod ?Ingle handed commenced tue battle Of life. By her courage- and fidustry .soe gave to th? world splendid tat* and consecrate'* dan^rters. -Aajhe loyal wife and widow of one ot your bravest and beat comrades, she has onrned a wann place In tue heart, of ovary soldier. aBmVa/Wt.mrtry tn rn we miss our beloved Sirs. Bleckley wtjb with her natlv? ewtetr.eas and charm of man ner made a friend of evevy one Who had clasped her warm band or come within the radins of ber elwrry ?mlle, ?enlat and bright, with the fragrance of the June rosea eve* lingering hear ker, she aaa left tho twfet memory of a bnhd that always plucked the thorns irani the new-srs ?ha scattered. From youth to nie and even now. aa I ddt facing the sunset; th? recot lections of your brave and chivalrous deeds of "*,E? Co.V* thrill roy soul wltii patriotic joy. Linked to these preciosa memories is the brave battle of ballots you fought in November. Thia time you have proudly flung our banner to the j br?ese ' with victory perched upon it. And may I net add to these mem ories a more priceless one? We trust your strengt'i may 'be renewed like the eagle's and.a.double portion of wisdom be given you when you en sage in (he next battle against the hydra-headed monster, the enemy of all that is pure add good, the demon that devastates happy homes, pauper ises innocent children, and causes the j once proud mother to blush with j 3hsme as ebe sees her son, with pen tn hand, make a cross x mark aboveJ hts r/ne. Wheo your sons sro edu cated by money earned by honest toil, sad not by money reeking with the1 blood of broten hearts and pauper ised child lood-they will then be en abled to make a mark that will not only- uring Joy to the mother's heart, but make your sons the peers ot the educated; and best ot any land. While we are so eagerly reaching j forward to grasp the many blessings tho rosy dawn ot this new era prom ises-let us not forget our blessings! often come in disguise and bear in mind that there is some good In the j worst of us-for even Mr. nieosoj kindly gave us our only prohibition governor! iEXAMINAItON FOR j Positions Open With Government Paying $1,500-$2,000. On February 3 examinations will be held at several points in this State by the.United Ste res Civil Service Commission for;. Uvje attorney,: for service in the nVdd with salary rang ing irom fl,600 to f??,000. Oreen villa is th? nearest city to" Anderdon where the .examination may be taken. Char leston, Chester, Florence, Greenwood, Orangeburg and Sumter are the other cities in this State where the examin ation may be taken. It is tkfelred to ?-?cure eligibles capable ot making Independent titles ip connection with Uio ncqul'iltlon of forest lands by tht. Government. Competitors will bo examined In the following subjects, -yhlch will have the relative ? eights indicated. ?wojects. Weights, i. Prar.ical questions on exam ining titles.H 60 S. Girer?! fend !???!? education and training. 10 ft General legal experiencn_ 10 4. Experience In examining ti tles . 20 Total . . tap ly those persons who have been ttted to practice before the high est court of a State or the District of Columbia and who can show legal ex perience in connection with the laws of one or more of the following states will be considered for these positions: Maine, Vermont, New ?\irk, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia,, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina. South Car olina, Georgia. Alabama, In answer to questions at applica tion Form 1312 the competitor? ahould sute In detail ail their education and legal training. andvahv> give their practical and professional experience, with special reference to the examin- . lng or titles and the rendering. ot opinions thereon. Statements as to training and ex * "lenco are accepted subject to veri- j ts must have roached theM but not their fifty-fifth I on the date cf th? examin . ..^.....'.4iv%?''"'-iv,i* "..*'..*< Applicants may se .examined at any ?ce at which tkts examination is ield.\iegardless of tlojr place ot resi e; but under au act of Congress those who are examined in the ! or Territory in which they reside id who have been acTtaally domiciled 'ifljra-Statwor Territory fer at least one year previous to the examination ?rill be eligible for appointment to a position in, the apportionment service In Washington. D. ?. . No sample questions of this exam ination will be furnished. ?ach applicant will he required to submit to the ??tra?ner on the day of the examination an unmounted ehoto "iph of himself taken within two s. Au applicant who f*tie to pre >t stt?V?e*$ogT?gtt ?mi not be ad mitted to the examination. Tintypes will n*t/$?*e0ept*d. S Thia examination ls open to ai) men who ere.?Lis*.?* of the United States and -?ho ?*eet ?hu requirements. F ortona who asset the reooJcewenta snd<*4Sdre this exam i netto? skoal d at once apply, for Form 1312. ?tating the . pe o?S? rm ls d< Cfim Service Board at any pko> nen' i Urned in the list printed thereetti^K? application will he accepted uniese properly executed, excluding the roedl 3?* certificate, and flied oJth the oom, mission at Washington tn time to ar range for the examination gt the placa ?elected, by thc applicant. The exact JUe of the examination as given et (hp head of thia announcement ahould M stated, in th? application farm. At Salem Chnrek. The Ref., ft. H. Berriss wilt preach kt Salem Bciptfei church Sunday norning at ll o'clock. X I CHANGE OF PBQ6BAM GRAIN RAIE [SECRETARY, WHALEY AN NOUNCES MEETING TO BE HELD IN CHARLESTON FEB, ll. REASONS WHY ?Were Practical and Agreeable to All Concerned-Those Who :m Attend. \ " ?S I 'fi"'?^ Pl \\\ It was announced yesterday morn* lng that the conference which was . schednted trf" tie-held in Colombia about February 5 between prof. W. W. Long. State agent ot the farmers co operative work; Porter A. i WhaHy, secretary of tm iocs' Chamber of Commerce; officials ot the bureau it market?, national department of agri culture; representatives of the va- x rious rrmmerclal organisations of the Statt: representatives of the Bute Bankers' Association, and traffic offi cials of tho railroads, operating in the " State for the purpose of procuring ?pedal rates on grain in South Caror lina, will not be held os planned, bul 1 will take place in Charleston on Fib- J ruary ll. The reason for tho change ivdtto and place ot holding the Beefing In that there will be held Ju Charleston jUBt a few days after .the propoiecl meeting in Columbia, or on February 11-12, a State-wide conference on de velopment and settlement of the waste lands ot the State, and that lt would *] bo better for all concerned to combine ' the two meetings ar.?? hoye the mee?- C inn which was ?o' be held, in Colum- i bia. held on the ilrst day of the con- * ferenco In Charleston. J> A telegram waa received yastorday morning at the local Chamber of . Commerce from Secretary Snail of o the Charleston. Chamber hf Commerce rf ? requesting tb , the change be made. u Shortly off tin a telegram waa rc- t! eel ved fro j Shannon of Camden, president nth Carolina Bank- ? era' Associate,,.-recufatlng that thou, change auggeoied bv ' Mr. Snell bo made. Secretary Wheley thereupon |\ announced ?'.tat t'.t* requests would M { r compiled ?.-i'i;. , FITE CENTS PB0TE8 IT " A Generous Offer. Cut out this v ad., enclose with, 6 cents to Foley t C Co.. Chicago, HU. writing your name and eddreas plainly and receive, a;Srag trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughB. colds and croup; Fo}cy Kiduoy Pills, J tor kidney and bladder complaints, / backache, poins in Joints, rheuma- * Warn;; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome, and tborougTily,' cleans- - tag catnarUc--try all thrco tor Bents, the coat ot mailing. Sold ey Kyana Pharmacy. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t> o o j? o FAIRVIEW SCHOOL o & o . or ooooooooooooooo hf News of the Community. er Among those numbered with tho sick are Ur. Handy Stewart. Mrs. W. j A. Mulilkln. and Mrs, V. V. Kades. Wo hopo they will soon be able to asaume their duties. Mr. J. F. Ward has moved near An- 4 der son. We. regret to have him leave . us but wish, him much success in bia A hew home. Mr. V. v.. Collins was In Central & Friday. Mr. W. A, Milli Wff was ia Anderson Saturdu'-. , .Mr. Lepn Stuart was in our midst Sunday^ jaej^Mon^ t o'clock by the pastor. Rev. L, 1. Hen derson. Let's everybody be present. Wi0* IN OOeB CO??lt?O?T suffer indigestion and do not know it ?usos ?no.iaptr JaTOie jnouth, h bilious f over-moot of f tiona when yon; "are not wf^m^?iu^eaa be ' " bowels and torpid Mk Tnbhfte ^Issasd' tig arouse th? liver, baulah in ssid make you "tesl ?oed alt energetic and ambitions. .Wim? PROSPERITY 1N1915 nm -Vi 1 ; Economy, ludn^try, ?vrl?t-Make moro thou you ?pend, Etiml. nato extravagances, Encourage economy. Work, work, worki Work intelligently. Plan plain pleasures, Dress Simply, Rave Something. Put your money to work, Pay promptly your prom. ?B<?8. Boost instead of knock. Each pay day deposit with the Sw ings Department of The Bask of Anderson RtroDge?t Baan tn tte County. (iss Your Coal Stove The ?as stove has the 'oal stove beaten a mil ion ways. io wood to chop, no coal to car y, no ashes to take up, carry ut, and sift, leaving a trail of irt and dust from the stove all hie way out to the ash pit. v!o fire to coax and cod dle. No excess heat. No vaste. ia s is ? guarantee of the right ind of a five instancy f/r any urpose whatever; and it's mort ^Kjonomical, too. Merson Gas Co. ".:, ...V,..^J* .rrj:_. ?? "| -,? WZ SUV AND SELL DEBTS If anyone owes you money furnish J au itemized written statement it e account. WE GET THE MONEY If y cm oas?, anyone money, we will ,!p you pey the debt hy Our Mutua! Lana Pina. Our "Indian" will call on slow pay. a and -collect had debts. Tani ts his business. MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY ?Pff? .'? Anderson, S. C. LOVE ANDA FELLOW-FEEUNG I pm now located over W. A. Po-veVs Grocery store at 212 1-2. 3. Vaia Street X thank my Head* for their gast patronage indi,?ak coaUnuanoe ot same. *yo Od ? isling of the gums all crown and bridge wort, rsswpMag m*t s%*rrom work guaranteed first-class.