Muddy Complexions Most poor complexion? sro doe to sluggish, torpid livers, constipation and other tiver ills, A dose ot IL L.T. ?aken Jest before retiring will tone np the liver, carry off the excess of bile and cause an essy and natural move ment of the bowels. It will not only ?unke 1U good work felt in better health-make you LOOK well and FEEL well. 60 cents end 1.00 per bottle at] your druggists. Manufactured and guaranteed by 1*9' . . i Vi Evan's Pharmacy Three Store?. __._' y -?(in-vu ? . ' liss Your j ?oal Stove Goodbye! The gas stove has the] coal stove beaten a mil lion wa vsi No wood to chop, no coal to car* ry, no ashes to take up, carry out, and sift, leaving a trail of dirt and dust from the stove all the way out to the tish pit. No fire to coax and cod dle. No excess heat. No I tyaste. . Gas is a guarantee or* the right kind of a fire instantly for any purpose w-tel^tferjt and- it's friere economical, too. ?nderen Gas Co.! Most Everybody In Town and tb*? Country Around TAKES THIS PAPER &hove~t< .tass* climbing, ti hu*f housewife '?* The services should he without Calithe SOUTHEE AND TEL . m ? ? ? ? a ? ? * * ? * ?i * ELECTRIC CIT' a. * Stout of Interest mm& Persoai * Wireless ou the Si Bioich Coeala? ; fe* if In Pe? Days. A letter received yesterday by Judge J. 8. Fowler, presldsnt of the Anderson Development Company, j from C. H. Bleich, of the Bleich Amusement Company, lessees of the j new theatre, stated that Mr. Bleich would arrive in Anderson between January 28 and -February 1. The let ter further stated that Mr. Bleich was j now assembling a first class orches tra, that he had purchased s floe mo- j tion . leture machine and ls still clos ing on tract? with good shows for this season. Burning Chimney Calls Ont D?partaient. The burning out of a chimney of j the residence of Mr. Will Osborne, in the eastern section 'of the city, was responsible for the fire department being called out yesterday morning about ll o'clock. Despite the slmost Impassable streets, the automobile hose wagon and other vehicles of the j dre department made a good run to j the scene of the fire. . Sunday Scrapper ' Goes to the Gang. Charged with fighting, two white men, Monta Ledford and E. II. Haynle, were- brought before Magistrate W. C. Broadwell yesterday for trial. A thorough examination Into the case revealed the fact that Ledford was the aggressor lu the fight and that Haynle waa blameless. As a result] of this Judge . Broadwell sentenced Ledford to pey a fine of $15 or serve! 20 days on the public works of the ' county. The charges against Haynle were dismissed. As Ledford' .was j without the price ot his fine, he vas forced to go to the gang* The fight occurred Sunday near the Townsend Twine Mill. . ; ' Bat lear Cases Before Recorder. But four cases were before Record er Russell in the police court yester day noon. Considering the fact that this represented the gleanings of the police dragnet from Saturday noon to Monday, noon, lt speaks well for. the general good order of the city. Clin ton White and Cleave Lesley are the names of two of. the offenders before the recorder. They were charged with stealing hides from the abattoir and were convicted, each being sen tenced, to pay a fine, of 125. Several weeks ago the police arrested ead convicted two negroes for stealing hides from, th? abattoir. At that Urne they bad^ldne ?hone totheiloor irving raw ' 'tavett Messing that ike m the ye*v~* I we-ffc. No home o bear petitions ead suggestion* a? o Iocs! legislation from tba general ?ubilc and reports from county offi iera as to their budgets tor 1915. Hd City Bara ?old Fer Hi. The city's oed wooden bern, on Bast Harket street, just In the rear of the dty hall, was sold under the hammer yesterday noon for the ?urn of $?i4. Ute dd shack going to Frank afc Lees, ^ty council deckled some days ago to [et rid of this old shack lu order that certain Improvement? in ile city lot night be carried out. The ?ld barn md been standing for yearn and was n a rather dilapidated t ondit lon. The mrchaaer t's given 10 dsys In which o remove the barn. delegation Measters ' Segarn ts {Cef ambla. Senator J. L. Sherard an 1 other nembers of the Anderson County del gatton to the general assembly who aube borne -for-the week and returned 0 the capital city yesterday. The ?nate reconvenes this morning, while he house met lsst night. Members of he delegation whr were asked the 1 ii eat lon when the appointments for Anderson Co tn: cy would bo mode mown s?ated that this matter would te attended to Ute last Week In Jan larr. There are a Urge number of lypolntments to be made In thia conn, y and there Ja. a s'.ill larger number ?f appllcants^for the various positions I complete Matzot the appointment* to avjaaA'e^ t?V-??larles attached to each loaition and the length of the terms v^ i^iWiM home days ago ta The iSr^ i late Arrested ea A Forgery Charge Herbert Fowler, a deaf and dumb >rlnter, was arrested Bundey by Chief >f Police Sommons on charges of for tery, set forth hi a warrant from au horitles nt Greer, in Greenville Cooa y. Fowler recently came to Ander: ion from Belton, where, lt ls stated, te forged a check. . It is stated that ie got out of this trouble by making rood the araouu: of the forgery and iffering some explanations. Saturday norning Chief gammons received a .equ*st from authorised at Greer that hey arrest Ute young man, aa he was vented there tot . forging the name of i business man of that town to meek and securing something like ito. Fowler appears to be about 20 rears of age. . -a ?? - ? ?uaa Returns at Bro gea Wednesday, .County. Auditor ^Winston Smith an lounced yosterosy that county re urns for taxation would be token at be-Bregon-lltlwr-oo We?>?uts la his appearance Wednesday st ern ooo. The schedule announced ome time a|o for the batanee ot " ?unty will bo followed as adv* ?remuent Cortea Man Was Here* ' Walton Storm, 'member ot the firm *. W**^Spl?* Go.. cotton brok *s and .p^ ^eton dealers of New Cork etty? who ts making a tour of he option, belt for the ' purpose of ?tkerlng data with reference to the ottou situation, was a visitor tn the tty Sunday, leaving here that, after loon for i Augusta. He waa the gue? if Capt. P. K. McCully. Jr., the An lerson County representative of the brm. while here. He stopped at Ben vettsvlle, Darlington, Columbia and Anderson In this State. Mr. Storm ls luoted as saying that hi Marlboro ?ouhtv he found cotton stored la (welting*. Of hts conclusions with egard to the cotton situation, the fol owing has been giren out: Mr. Storni bjores that over 7.000,000 balee of otton yet remains ur ?old tn. the louth. He feels that enough ot this otton will hav? to be liquidated to atlsiy the Southern bankers before hey csa finance a" aew crop, ead If hat be the case this cotton will be old during .the. months cf February nd March. And. unless the demand ncrenses enough there will be more >0 thu/ cotton coming on thfe market han lt can absorb, unless at low ?rices. In other words a decline will ollow. If th!? cotton is sold at a low ir.Sce lt. WOHU tend .to. further the re* ucUon tn acreage and with th? /eight of tola cotton off the market nd an appreciable reduction in acre* ge Mr. Storm beUeyee the way will . paved tor IQ neate cotton by July. Ie saya that lt u bl*andal?n that ag ong as bad weather continues to re ard the nvfgteta4na r cotton market rill be strong. QaetedntBCeniai . Though no cotton was sold yester ay on the streets of Anderson.' the tapio waa quoted wt ?tv cents. This ras about td potato above the close f the market 8M?*Aay. Mew York pots were ap Sd point?, or fjSft g?tant g 32t w tfattt Saturday. ; Yes srday January cotton opened et Ktt ?rt ebortiy titer fair to 8: IS. Shortly fter the noon hour li rose agnln 1o end ?leead at t:27. Wk ltotMFf'-|^^h- ' rcolumbta*: '^tSrW to your favo? f the 12th last, we can not say et this une , lust what plans we may be forking out In the early earing, wat f there is aa opportunity fer oar tob ie an th? sweet cream proposition Uh ike dairymen ot your section, >e will Indeed be glad te do ea. ead s that event we will write yoe la nod season H astan ^ftr^erpls:\ l^JJtJiJtwMwt**.. Receipts ot cotton ai the platform f tba Standard Warehouse ap aatU Jato rda y nicht were 14.781. Receipts j or th? corresponding period of lest mar vars 11.074. The?? figures ?"o] tot iuclude cotton bought direct by | be Balli? from wagons. . deathly Bassetts ? Fer eu r. IT. Cesapeaj. Mr. Leake Arra way of Charlotte, C., formet secretary of Greater Charlotte Club, connected with the Southern Public Utilities ?ompady. ?aa in th? city yesterday. Mr. Car away, will be ta charge of the pall iation of a magasine for tbs em >loyees cr the Southern Public, Utili t?s Company and kindred companies, vhicfc will make tts Initial appearance ibcut the loch of February. This negaxla? will be devotod entirely to j bc Interests of th? employees, ?nd sill be a most interesting publics ion. , - Personal \ Col. Alex McBee of Greenrille -pent Sunday in tb? city, the guest ot ] tis daughter. Mrs. Maxwell Creyton. Prof. J. I.. Vasa of Forman Uni ver il ty waa In the city Sunday. n.W. Whitten of. SpartsUburg waa ? visitor in the letty yesterday, i ' T. . U Gentry of Columbia . was ?Wong the visitors in the city Mon i?y ( . . . " . _r ; Joe Amos of ^lumbla was In'the Htf yesterday for a short while. I ' Jame? M. Chile? of Greenville waa! In tb? city yesterday.: . L. D. Hoffman of Columbia was .mong the visitors tn th? city yester lay. R. D. William? ot Columbia waa In th? city y terday on business. H. C Sbackelford of Charleston ipent yesterday to the city on busi ness. . . ; R. W. Poole of Atlanta waa ?moog Ko business visitor? in the city yes rday. Mis? Kathrine craytou left yester i?y for - Everett. Washington. Where ibo will teach-in tb? high j sebe?la- of bat city. Mis? Ceaytoc bbs been via ling her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank brayton, for tbs peat alx months. In 1er new home ?he will be with tar ?rotb^r^Mr. Frank Crayton. who liven: J. J. Fretweii left yesterday for Btr nlngham, Ala., where he goes on bus-; J. B. Spearman of tbs'Whtte Ptelt?a section was a visitor tn tbs city yes A_ Hr?. J. W. Keys of Charlotte ls tu bs city en route to Charleston, where ?he will visit relatives. She had been flatting ber sos, Clair Key?, who bolds i position at Clemson College. Mr. and Mrs. a F. Martin ot Green '?lt? spent Sunday la tbs city with ira. Martie's mother, Mrs., King. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jones wer? ber? I resterdsy on their way to their borne Lt Townvllle. . . 'Mrs. C^ie McCuily leaves today or Charlotte to Visit relatives for teveral week?. Mya, B. O. Evans, Mrs. F. B. Cray on and Mrs. W. A. Speer are going J 0 Greenville today ta spend several lay? with Mre. J.r 1 Norris. Mr. W. A. Speer baa returned from ; 1 short trip to Moatery. . fra. McClain's Experience with Croup. "When my boy. Rey. was ?mail he rab abject to croup, sad I was always ilarsaed at Such times. Chamber atn's Cough Remedy proved far bet er than any other for thia trouble, t always relieved brm quickly. 1 tm never without lt fn the house for knew it is a positive cure for roup," write? Mr?. W. R. McClain. Hall-orill?. Pa, For sal? by all lesiars. _. NEAR DEATH BY SNE?THERINO irtlkg?!, WU ASiai CifaU ifiacte Bay Dsj?rsgaa?au Will? kl BIG CONFERENCE IX FEB. SUBJECT OF DEVELOPMENT AND SETTLEMENT TO BE DISCUSSED AT CHARLESTON - _ . Prenaient aV?en of Use United States WI Meet for Purposes _* ?. . i: or ?ssuey. ? preliminary announcement of -the state-wide ' ooh fe renee on develop ment and. setUsmeot to be held at Cbar lea ton Thursday and Friday. February ll and 12, under the sun pices of the Chamber ot Commerce of that city and the Southern Com mercial Congress hts been received by the local- Chamber ot Commerce. The Anderson Chamber ot Commerce has already been requested to appel?t 10 representative business men aa delegates from tbla city to the con? terence. . < '. . The conference will be presided ov er by Dr. Clarence J. Owens, manag lng director of the Southern Commer cial Congress. The general topic of discussion on Thursday will be ?State Wide Agricultural lovolopment. Sub topics which arm oe discussed are: marketing, state, highways, dralnege, country schools and churches, farm d?monstration work, commercial or ganisations and their relationship to agrtcultursl development, agricul tural organisations and their work for Ute farmers, rural cr?dito and agricultural finance, unimproved lands ot South Carolina, developing undeveloped landa ' for settlement. A partial list of the speakers ts ss follows: on. Charles J. Brand. Chief tfi 8. Bereen od Marketing. Hon. Reid Whitford ot Charleston Sanitary and Drainage Commission, Hon. Netta Christensen, of Beaufort, Dr. V/. 8. Currell, President of the University of South Carolina, Porter Whatey, President of 8. C. Secretaries' Asso ciation. Hob. W. Dabbs. President of State Farinera* Union, Hob. E. J. Watson, 0tata* Conunlas'-wor ad Agri culture, Hon. W. w, Long, tn charge Stase- Farm Demonstration Work. Paul N. Meo**? Secretory Spsrtan burg Chamber of Commerce, Hon. T. O. McLeod of Bishopville, Hon. R. O. Rhett of Charleston, Hon; R. G. Balser of Sumter. Evening Beadon: Speakers: Dr. ClarenceJ. Owens. Managing Directer Southern Commerclsl Congress, Hon. R. I. Manning. Goveraor ot South Wm. B. Wilson, Secretary pt Labor, Friday will be devoted W a dls?us slon of the subject of settlement. Un der thia general bead, the following sub-tcplca will be discussed: What the railroads are doing to rirttti? and asUls the tarra landa ot South Carolina, bow to prepare lands for settlers, bow to advertise end sell lands, elana-and. character of settler? nc rf J. tfrom the citisens potat ot vlevr, from aA Immigrants point af view) ws^ aJMiaoal sectional and local organisations can and should do to deveTope a?d settle, tb?-weeta lands of South Cerollhs, adoption of a state-wide policy on development and settlement. A partial Hat of th? speakers for this meeting ?a aa followo: ?V.-?'. A. Cardwell. Agricultural Agent, At lantic Coast Line. N. I. Stone of New York City, JO Russell Tdereillert of Rochester, N. Y* Hos. R. G. Rhett of Charleston, a C., George A. Simma ot Atlanta, Qa., Hon. T. V. Powderly and HOA. Anthony Camtnettl of tb? U. a Immigration Bureau, L'on. Le roy Hodges. Immigration Bureau of roy springs of Lancaster, ?, C. Coker of Hartsvllle, W. D. Morgan ot Georgetown. 1 ?-* J. B. Felton Goes to Meeting of Education Li TM? Week. To attend a meeting of county su t.?rlntendenu ot edacation of South Carolina which will be held la Colum bia this week. County Superintendent of Education J. B. Felton left Ander son yesterday afternoon for the cap?-j drat meetiag ot the superin tendent? will be bald ibis norning. | Bee* iona wiN be bell every day until Friday, and mady ntattor. of general Interest to tbo?e;eng*ged In thia work "i"* rr*..-? EH PROSPERITY IN 1919 Boooomy, Industry, thrift-Make moro than yea ?DOBO, Elimi nate extravagances. Encourage economy. Work, worV,'wa>k ?Jork Intelligently. Plan ?lain pleasures. Dress Simply, Bara SomeUtlng. P ut ' you r money to work,/Par promptly your prom ises. Boast instead ot knock. Each pay day deposit with the Sav ings Department of TN Ntresfsat Bank te tba' ?"t?': \# In a Bottle aw is the only best way to have your Cheto-Cola. This insures uniform ity in flavor--perfect cleanliness, rilways pure., wholesome antf refreshing. Stop Eating MeeUornlrYeUe ? Yeer Bladder is Trackltag Lea. j When yon wake op wtth backache and dull misery,in the kidney region it generally means yon have been eat. , lng too much nient, gays a well-known iBteS^1,?^>.^!?. *ri?wbs*whlch 'overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter lt from tee Woodland. they ^va? body's urlnous waste, else yon have backache., sick headache, 41say spells; your stomach soars, tongue lo coated, and when the wether ts bad* yon Kaye rheumatic twinges; The urine is cloudy. faH of s?diment, enan? nels often get sore, .?rater scalds and you are obliged to seek, relief two or throe tunee during the night Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or getTtom your phar macist about four ounces ot Jad Salte; take a tablespoonful - te a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wlU then act flea Tafe famous salts ts. made from the acid of grapes and lomon juice, com bined with ? bis, and has * tor generations to clean uni sluggish vtdneye. also to' saids in .he urine so itao tonier Irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jed SatU ta a life saver for regular meat asiera ie ts Inexpensive, can not tejare ead makes a ddttgf-" fervesceat - ll th i a-water drink