The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, January 10, 1915, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PALMETTO ALL THIS WEEK this week will beat any show you ever saw for the sams prk?, If it a very successful four week's engagement! at the Bonita in Atlanta,?, Regardless of where you have been, or what you have seen, we GUARANTEE that th?ishow isn't, stop at the box office and get your money. That's fair isn't it? They come direct to us]from where they turned the people away on many occasions. Our contest, which has grown so very popular is still in progress; it will continue on through this month. Two Annual Passes given each week; You are RS apt to get on? as any other person- I" i liaOT-lWJMW'ilili'p lim i i. Come Monday? and Remember this Show is VE NEWNAN'S MUSICAL isitig the immensely Popular Marian Girl GUARANTEED to Please! YOU ! - HSI IN CONNECTION WITH THEFTff $52.00 FROM RESIDENCE OF FRANK P. ROBERTSON LAST MONDAY. NIQHT A COI^ftSSlON By Clever Bit of Detective Work Constable and Police Get Mattie Scale? in Toil.. : li T . ' Arrested oej?u?pJclan le connection with tho disappearance..last Monday dight of If>3 lib^^ash from the resi dence .of Prank, j-P* ttoberUou, 60." Bout h Main'street, but relensed the .ol lowing dav becauac of lack of evl len co ngnlnpt her. a negro woman of many "olaisee," but who, through oxl ' fenoles of thc occasion, ls dubbed Mund Saales, wa? rearrested Friday night on charges of ha\Vng stolen the money, and according to Polico Chief Snainton*, baa mrjle a confession KI ihlH effect. ' f>-ve Her Rear. Although. the police hod no evi dence > against tho negro woman In connection with the robbery. They were morally certain that she bad had something to do with lt. But before tho bar of Justice opinions and moral certainties. do not go-one must be ablo to deliver the goods, which, tn legal parlance, ls evidence of the brand where no reasonable doubt ex ists as to the gull* or Innocence of the accused. In thin lnmtmnr* v?n Msrils, con stable tor Magistrate B? F- T/l'.aon, ?un members ci the polico depart, meat decided to bring lato service a i lui e-h ono red and homely blt of epl trammattlcal wisdom, to wit, ''give ?-?no plenty of rope and be rr>\\ haag himself." So they decided to give Maud Scales plenty of rope, and now Ht appears that:?!aud bas, figuratively speaking, placed tba noose about ber own neck. Beat** SSaS Finery, .j One night lani, week Private? San? Sers and Whitten aearched the dornt .-ile of Maud Scale?. They discovered several new garments of rather tx- ? pensive design, and tala aroused their BURPlolono. Hut Maud lind nut bren given enough rope. While Constable ' Van .Martin and Hw police roiled on their gut)? Marni went about the Job of w? u ncl eboul herself, no lt In said. In nome way the ofhccra learned iliai Ntuud hud unid.- .-ut her extensive purehuses ut a local department Blore. They lande un investlgution but tauud that tho gooda hud been returned. About this time they received u "tip" that a colored woman hud-mad" con siderable purchaser from a ladles" More of the elly. They Investigated this, but nt flrsi found nu evidence. 'Tis true extensive pun ha: . . had been made ut this store by ?j negro, woman, li nt aim did not give her linnie' .l.t Maud Scalen. She had purchased goods amounting to $3i, und hail left them at the store, lo be delivered lat ?r. Tho police wen! n little further with tho investigation and learned that tho purchase! lu question had he,.? made by Maud SenleR. but under an assumed name, or as she would probably sav, a non de plume, lt was m interesting fact to note thut the won i a ii had requested thut the pur chssoH be held there nnd not, sent to her borne. A Sly Mere. The oollce are of t he opinion thut Maud Scales ordered the gooda not Bent to her bouse Immediately fur fear Ibat tho police might search her domicile and find them. In other words, they believe, she planned to Watt until tho "storm had blown over" before taking the goods home. Tbo woman waa arrested Friday night and placed In this guard house. Yesterday morning she waa transfer red to tho county jail. Hot case wi'/ be handled bv the county authorities, as the amount of money stolen Is ove; $20 and constitutes grand lar -eny. which ls not within the Jurisdic tion or the recorder's court. Recovers WO. Mr. Robertson ?uee??a? in getting back the I3R which waa spent hy the ??if? woman ai ino Indies" Mord men ttenrd. Uti reenvites iv?z another source, which leaves him still 912 short of the amount stolen. Maud Beales waa a domestic ut the borne or Mr. F ?berteoo and the money waa taken from a bureau drawer. Tilla Troops Holding f Hy. SAN ANTOKIO, Tel.. Jan. 9.-Dis. patches received here tonight, from tho Mexican harder reported the hat tie between Crremo and Villa forces at Saltillo, Mexico. sUH in progress with the Villa troops holding the city against tba attacks of the Carranca army. Both eldee claim an advantage ta a Toeult ot the two days fighting . ? PALMETTO THEATRP fl fljj I . Ill ll "li 1 f " ---r-^= ^ I I MONDAY I ? DAVE NEWNAN'S MUSICAL lg I COMEDY CO. gi with their Popular Tabarian ffl || Girl? in a Very Funny, Funny j Show? jg B "THE OLD MAID"-A two reel Majestic |9 Drama. ?JS K. "HATTY'S MAGIC PANTS" o/ Itase |fl Bf ftinny Keystone Comedies for which 18 Bj Pits company is justly famous. (fl BB Remember the Contest for Jg B Annual Passes; Two are fciven IB fl away each week. The Vaude: fl B ville this week is a GUARAN- fl W fl B TEED Show. X v ? MHRkUF^^^ ^a\flw?^^3 pBhJifi BflB ...... . PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE TO BE HELD IN ANDERSON COUNTY BEGINNING TOMORROW DR. J. C. CARMAN And Other Prominent Speakers Will Attend the Institutes and Discus* Matters. ' Tho program for tho Sunday school institutes to bo held in Anderson county beginning tomorrow is us fol lows. Anderson, Jan. U-3 O'clock, All the schools or each denomina tion in. Anderson School District Na. 17 and (Huck Mill will send delegates! to tba Institute meeting at the Central | Presbyterian church, meeting Mon lay. Jan. tl. at 2 o'clock. Belton, Tuesday IS -S O'clock. The schools of Broadway. Belton. Martin and Hoon Path townships willi Send delegates. Meeting held tn First | Baptist church. Starr, Wrdnenday 18-8 O'clork. The KC htols of Varen nea, Savannah, Hall and Corner townships will send delegates. Meeting held In Methodist Episcopal church. Piedmont, Thursday 14-2 O'clock. The schools of Brushy Creek. Oar vln, Wllliamston and Hopewell will send delegates. Meeting held In Bap tist church. , , Pendleton, Friday, Jae. 12.-S O'?****, j Tua SCuO?li? ut nock MU is. jvor?t. ' pendleton aad Ceutarvllle towa?uip? will sena .doltgates. Meeting hellt In MM hod itu Episcopal church. It is boped every church In the county will bo represented et nome of j these Institutes. Dr. Carman and oth er good speakers will be pre seat and. a live man will discuss a live topic und our schools will be greatly bless-' ed. If-any school linda lt difficult toi fiend delegates to the Institute meeting In tho district then aend to some other I distict on any of the other days men tioned. Below will be found a list of the speakers und the topics to .be dis cussed and alio tho county organiza- | lion: (Each school is urged to fill but Ibo ! blanks carefully and return as re nnest.) Conn!y (entrai Committee. A. L. Sm et hera, M. O., vice presi dent; Mr. T. Prank Watkins. vlce| president; Mr. K M. Cecil, secretary; Mr. H. M. Cathcart, treasurer Assisted by State Committeemen. Dr. J. P. Vine?. Anderson; Mr. J. A. Brock. Anderson and Ave institute teams. Andersen, Central Presbyterian ritnreb, Jan. IL John C. Cannan, state superintend ent; H. 8. IJgon. P. M. Burnett, Q. Cullen Sullivan. Dr. J. B. Townsend. Belton, FJrst Baptist Churth, Jan. 12. | John C. Carman, state superintend Mit; O. W. Chambo rs. W. S. Ramsey, Rev. D. W. Podge. A. R. Camplin. Starr, Methodist Charca, . John C. Carman, state superintend ant; P. W, Bannister. Rev. J. W. rt pea rc, Rev. Herman Stone. T. Prank Watkins. Piedmont, Baptist Churrh. Jan II. John C. Carman, state aunerlntemh ?afc; Rev. D. C. Williams. W. P. Cox, i\ B. Ka le, O. M. Heard. Pendido?, Methodist Charra, Ann. 1&, | John C. Carman, state superintend ant; E. w. Brawn. Re*, j. M. Gar rison. Dr. J. JR. Young, J. W. Quat tiebaum lastltele Program. Some of the following subjects will bo discussed by some of the workers kt all of the institutes: Afternoon /Hessian 2 to i P. .IC 1. Weakness of Our Sunday School Work. .1 How to Make Bible Study De lightful. 3. Round - Table Conference on 'Sunday School Management." 4. Should the Sunday School reach 1 Systematic Proportionate Orr in g T - 6. What "Kind of Bible Class At tracts Mea? 6. Shall Anderson be a Front Line 3aaday Sebent County? 7. Institute Surprise. Kening f>s?tea, 4t3t te 9i9tV 1. strong Polata of a Successful Sunday school. ?. One Minute Talks on "Why 1 go to Sunday School." Tl. "The Home and the Sunday School Har?eased Together." 4. The Qualifications ot an Effect ive Teacher. 4. -2 -Will Make You to Ascetas Fishers of 'Men." <;. Tho Kv <T I asi i nr. 7. Institute Surprises. ?/ Whar a WM? Organized il en's < 'lass Menus to a Church. Anderson County ??Islrift, .No. .1. Hrusliy Creek, dur via. &'ll llnmston und Hopewell tovynr.hfc . No. 2. Uroadaway, ?{elton, M Ttln and I foti ea I'm h townships. - No. .'. Varennes, Havannah.1 Flail and Corner townships. No. 4. Hork Mills, For'.i. Tend eton and C'entei ville townships. I No. f>. Auderson School ?iislrirl No. 17. including Oluck. lavery Hulday scho?)l should send two or more l?lcr Kates, preferably to the ?ontItu* lu your dlRtrlot. PROGRAM FOR FIRST SESSION! Outlined For 71st General terribly ol Sooth Carole?? Which Befins Tuesday. A.. The Intelligencer Bureau , W. F. Calda 4L. COLUMBIA, Jan. 0.-A progli n of constructive legislation httB beet out* lined for the llrst session of th< 71st general assembly of South Ca dina which begins on Tuesday nt koon. Everything ls in readiness for th? an nual moeting of the legislature! and the session which begins Tueedly ls expected to prove one of tbe mosd im pon ant in recent years. Organisation of the two houienwill be first perfected. 'rtetlrlng i lerk James A. Hoyt will cali, the new 1 rase to order, and as soon ns n tempi rnry presiding officer ls selected MC- ?oyt, who 1* .?. representative fi-oar [ tch land. will be unanimously ve! cted speaker. Six candidates are oft ring for the clerkship, j. Wilson C|>bea *nd L\ G. Do!*as* ,-.r roiu:cbacff jfflW Mays cf Greenwood. H. C. Bdjjfefr of Spartanburg, J. Ti MoOee o BS JHfl burg, and J. W. Baritel of Kfc? mw. John S. Wilson ls a candlunteffe re election UH sergeant kt arms.-oi 1 S. McQ- Slmklns fo~ reelection' ag ead trtg- clerk. No opposition hos,'4 -vel oped to Rev. J. P. Know of P?tt??b?u for chaplain. Tho holdover senators will ci jens tomorrow uight tn select u proi dent pro tem and make the commute Rignments. . The names of ? Legrand Walker of Ueorgeto Alan Johnstor?? of Nowhen prominently rooken- of tor pS dent pro tem. It ls expected that SB Aova Christensen of Beaufort for chai mau of the finance committee, Sink! r..^ Charleston for chairman of ?lit* edu cation committee. Carlisle of Sfll^H burg for chairman of the JdHJtWrf; committee, and Aspelt of iMir?>don for the chairmanship nf Ihn 1HH committee will ho reelected wuoat Apposition. M. M. Mann of ShfUat thews for clerk, R. Beverley ni) ol Polumbla for assistant clerk, fet^red Schumpert of Newberry for U-arins. Rev. W. S. Stokes CELUH uton for rending clerk, and RCBBIHMB Freed of Columbia for chaplaS-Bis,--* no opposition for reelection,, afiSwA ) probably be unanimously ?seleftn by the caucus on Monday night. ; | lieutenant Go\J>rnor ChatHjlBM Smith of Tlmmonsvlilo will call the tenate to Order. Thif aew seta tors trill bo Rworn in md tho nominations if the rnuctta read ?ut? elected. I New races will needemlnate BHHH tions.y'Only 2? of the la^t h ou ff are returned, bat some of the mgghors navei served >u iorioer iesjisnjy'v^B llettrevrr over t*?o-?u?rds of tjSnrrpw loane will get their first legSfUive experience.- Prominent memlHHjH termer bouses who ore' he new boase are T. C. CothrS* ***o! Toe. A. McCullough of GreenvflNH 3. T. McKeown of Chester. ? I>ess than a third of the *e*#r will ? new members. Many ot th<Bj9H| elli not return have beep promrant y identified with one or the nCSRK stative branchea tor many flHHH There la one vacancy In theMH 'rom Chester, caused by the OjflBUUI Senator P. L. Hardin.. A spct*MHH lon to fill this vacancy wUffl >lace on Tuesday, sad t^crn ?MBB ?nd otates offering. A. ' ?as a member of the last'hoofed] and J. T. Sfcokea. The ms agu ration of Ctover noSB? trd I. Manning and UouieaadMJMJ >rnor A. J. Bethea edit tah* PBHM rnesday week st eoe*. The InMj igercicaa will be held In the $m m the'.boase ,of repreeeatativv* j if ; thc pr?sence or the1 joint session? s?nat? atol noose, supreme o4SBB nciaU on4 the people. Chief HffiM Bary- ot the supreme court ar-IB minister the oath of chee to *. crnor sud lieutenant govero*a| The capita! ls. ready fm bU*g ?t-tS? lawmakeia." theWgjb? the house and senate have been swept and prepared, and ult the prelimi naries gotten into shape. The message of tlcvernor Coi ?. 1,. Bleaso wRl be presented to Mitt house?"Tfntuedlatfdy after they organ Ito and send u co?nmlttec to notify ! him of tho fact. The message has ?been written and IR now in the hands of th? printers. Members have, atreaily begun drop? ping Into Columbia and by tomorrow .. ight practically tho entire membcr t?lp wft^ be in the city. NO STOMACH PAIN, GAS, INDIGESTION IN FIVE MINUTES "Pape'? Dlanepain" ta the emly v. loaawn. ["Really does" put had stomachs in order-really does" over- come lb di? gestion dypepsia, ga?, heartburn' and sourness in five minutes-that-just thaWiuakes P?pele Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you? eat fermenta Into: stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head 1B ditsy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insides tilled with bile and -indigestible waste, remember the moment "Pape'e Dlapepeln" somes in contact with tho stomach all such distress vanishes. It'a truly astonishing-almost mar velous, and . the Joy is Ita harmless. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dispepsia will give yon a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist bands you your money back. .UV. worth Its winghi in gold tor men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. it. nelone in handy in case of u sick,'' sour, upset stomach during the^y or at night. It's the quICBOBt, surest - and most harmless stomach regulator in the world. Wf?Tf?bHl ?oltt it Ma si wo?? EX-SHERIFF--?ff SARGENT A?-A OF THE HOUSE OF? REPRE SENTATIVES AT AP PROACHING SESSION '.il IS O PT IM IST I Has Received Assurances of Supi port From Many Parts of ! State. . - ? W. n. Klug, ex-sheriff of Anderson county and former police chief of tho* city, ls a candidate for^ sargeant-?t arms of the House of ; Itooresen tat! veal a position which will be filled 'by thd lower branch of tho Legislature upon) the convening, of thc- General Assent My -on Tuesday. I Mr. Kblg stated yesterday" that hq entered tho race at tba sold tl tatton ot friends and that he had received assurances of support from friends ?ind acquaintances and"~manv who are not acquaintances, and'tflat he f?el? he ha? a good chane? *t beS^ Elected to the position he s?eks. ?1 his campaign tor the position of sergeant-at-arras di the hciuse. Mri King baa not traveled aver the Stat? tor the purpose of consulting various persons of influente aa; the remuner* att?n of the ontce^oK not warran! such. Mr, King has, however; address: j ed letters to members of thc House] and others throughout tho State In* .in that ho is a candWwre for thiaparticular oJs?ce. He has aa*] s3^"^?^' ?^=?o02B?t? J?IHJ their 1 t merely'reqaemed them pledging, diemselvea to tho ?wpport of tony ono iain until he could have ah interview with them. Mr. King stated. yesterday that he would gd lumbla 'tansy or tome in the interest of 'h?a campaign That Anderson's - S?fcti ?f^Ew^jaiai popubar es-sberiff i? but for this poi eltjon Jffltao of, Interest to hi. mau? Under-neath ls where you'll find the soil, and that's the sttjtr. from which all wealth soring*. Do . you ever think of that? '.*('' . . '.''.*".'.* 'J ' ".'. - .'-.;r,:: And while you ara thinking of it, please .remember that I se? lois of farms every week; how ever I still have some of the very best fnrmf. in Anderson Countv fat sale. * * If you contemplate th's pur chase of a farm SEE ME! Rea) ?Estate Office Ov?r Hahfeartf's Jewelry .Sterc, trieiids throughout ibo cosnty. He woe tiTn end reared 1B ibis county and hes always lived here. Far years he figur ed conspicuously tn public lire of th's city and county, and no man who ever heht nubile oTftca her?? IR mor? popu lar with the rank and filo or ?a&atS?^ ?le. Big hearted, practica * bus stern, and. wiw?nes. coarse o? ?uty.-w?eift ... .juirss, he vvould make sama :p? smon. r llltcv itutttvufinvi of ?he Lggistatu he 1? ?t?tere tot VOLUME 1, NUMBER 342. rTeeUy, E.tabUshed i860; D?fljr, Janis, ?1?. ANDERSON, S. C, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1914. $5.00 PER ANNUM PRICE FIVE CENTS WAR DECLARED BETWEEN TURKEY AND RUSSIA