/ ?mssifie? I y vv ani /-vu?tu Twenty-five words or lees, One T Six Times $1 00. All Advertisement over twenty-flv word. Rates un 1,000 vords to don. Ko advertisement taken for less If your name appears in the tele your want ad to 321 and a bili will prompt payment. ! j I li I , ? ? I ' ' I ?' FOR SALE HOBftE FOR SALE CHEAP-I have two mares and one borse for sale. . Call at Howard's Stables, known ks Ducworth's Stables. Come and look r them over. Cash or good papers. V B. Cheshire, tf FOR SALE-180 acree 2 miles east of ?var S. C. 6 room dwelling, barn, tenant -housees Well timbered and watered. A bargain to a quick Buyer. Address G. W. Belcher, Iva. S. C. -!-i POR SALE-260 farms So. Ga., West Green and Denton, Ga.. $10.50 round trip. If you., are interested write or aec me at oana. C. E. Key, County Clerk's Office. Anderson, S. 0. tf WANTS [c Wafted-U;ds on two thousand dol litre worth ot school bonds to run a period of twenty years. ' These hoads are of Fairview and Cherry ? school districts. State rat? ot in terest In bid. < mk H. O. BROCK, W. A. MULLIGAN, ?_Pendleton, 8. C. WARTED-Teachers with certificates wanted immediately tor following positions la graded or rural Schools: 3 nt $60; 6 at $50; 8 at $45; H at $40; 7 st $35. Direct from school officials. Special enrollment. Act quickly. W. H. Jones, Mgr., Columbia, ac. , VSMJWV- You to try the cooking at The Luncheonette, next door to New Bridge. Short Orders Quickly Served. , WAKTED-The public to knew that we have Just rec?lvsd a large ship ment of hex files, sad can supply your wants In this line. Anderson Intelligencer, Job Department. tf WANTBt* -Youno knew that we make the beat Evaporators. Either Cop per er Galvanized Steel. Metal Shingles. Tfn Roofing, Guttering, I SmOte Stacks, Gin Suction Pipe, j etc. Divver Roofing Co. The Shop with a Reputation. couple desire boord. Private family preferred. Address Bu. Care Intelligencer, tf LOST M#t-rf>ae small beauty pin with name "Baby" painted in blue la Bijou theatre Saturday afternoon. Finder please return to No. 18 E. Franklin street.-Mrs. W. O. Cul. lin. LOS11--Bunch of keys, probably in POStOfflce. with M. P. A. Meta) check. Number on check 51,014. About ono dosen keys on ring. Re turn to L. L. Bradley, Box 72. 9-3-?t CONDENSED PASSENGER SCHEU ULE8 PIEDMONT AND NORTH EBN RAILWAY COMPANY, V Effective August 18, 1014. j A Baarsen^ B.C Arrivais Departure* NO. Sf 7.4? a. m.No. 30 6.2C a. nv No. 3$ ?.40 a. ES.NO 32 8.30 a. ?A ?:?xS#" ?1.35 a. m.No. 34, 10,25 .a m. . N& 3T. 1.35 p. m.No. 3e ii ?? ?. ?\. No. 39 3 30 p. m.No'. 38 2.10 p. m. No. 4f -k*4ft p. m.No 49 3.30 p. si. Nd 4? 8.55 p. ffi.N6'.K42 4.48 p. m No. it T.15 p. ni NO. 44 5 46 p. m. Nd. 41 ll 15 p. m.No. 46 10.00 p. m f ??e P.bel !n?.vr. The article td' which he refers AV neared in a S?neca: naper first andi later in an Anderson pipar. R alleg ad that Mt. Dominick bad held a acc ret conference wttn supporters vat a j [tote! ra Seneca and had announced! lils determination to oust the yost? tnaster ?.orn and at some other [>oimp and TO nam? nnnW O? u'-.i U?S ? maa!1 '-V;? Mr. Dominick saya the only color >f truth in the Whole matter is the fact that be spent a' few minutes in Seneca an the day mentioned. He waa on his way to Pickens and held io conferences. Mr. Dominick spoke rather bitterly >f :*ab" matter ya connection with Ottl ar charges made against him. Ile rna provoked about ? tale that he had lipped liquor to Central and to Sen !oa. Tho only truth In these r can prove that he nan made any >remises or place or other thing of j felpe to get votes. { :: SPO South Atlantic PENNANT HKKIKS At Savannah 5; Al lui ny 2. NATIONAL At St. IjOUiB-PlttBburgh. rain. At Cincinnati 7; Chicago 8. Only two scheduled. AMERICAN .At New York 2; Detroit 3. At Philadelphia 1 : Cleveland 3. At Boston 7-4; St. Louis 0-2. At Washington 4: Chicago 5. 15 In 'j? gs. VIRGINIA LEAGUE At Portsmouth ?; Newport News 3. At Petersburg ll; Roanoke 2. %Al Richmond 7; Norfolk 5. FEDERAL At Pittsburgh 2; Baltimore 1. 10 ] innings. At Chicago 0; Indianapolis 4. Others rain. North Carolina League At Asheville 0; Charlotte 1. At Durham 8; Winston 4. At Raleigh 1; Greensboro 6. International League At Rochester 2-2; Jersey City 0-1. At Montreal 0; Providence 1. At Buffalo-Newark, rain. At Toronto.Baltimore, rain. ++++++++++++.:";..M.++<.+++++4.+ + Personal Mrs. R. C. Laughlin and RI C., Jr., returned yesterday from Wllllamston niter ' spending a fortnight with ] friends. Miss Margaret Archer has returned from a month's stay with friends ln| Birmingham and Atlanta. T. B. Kins/ of Pelter Rout3 3, was] among the visitors to spend yesterday ] in the oity. tilpa Thelma Wright'of Elberton, Un., ^wlll arrive ip the city today for ? visit to.Mrs Harleston Barton on' River street. itt; and .Mrs. B. F. Robertson of J Clemson College autoed to the city] yesterday and were shopping here, j D. C. Brown of Wllllamston WUB In' the city yesterday Cor a Mt hours. P. J. P, Cogswell of Gr>envill) ?as! in tho city yesterday for a few hours.! Miss Nell Barton and Miss Bessie1 Major reached Anderson yesterday, after having apeht several months tn foreign countries. They report that they had some very trying experiences whii?'in'cy were away. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Gray, and Miss Marlon have returned from Hender sonville and Arhevfl?a, N. C, where Mrs Ora/ ha? been spending a few weeks. J. M. Richardson of the Fork section waa' In (he city yesterday for * few hou.'s on business. Steve Fisher of the Level Lan s tion waa tn Anderson yesterday for a tthort stay. , e Lee Milford of Qray bon ville waa among the visRofe to spend yester day in the city. Joe Simpson of near Hailey's Fer ry, waa in Anderson yesterday on bus in os?. \ MY. alid Mrs. F M. Armstrong of SrVajhnah, Ga., are In the city, thc greets of relatives. . Miss Willie Sullivan of Hone? Path rratf thring lb' the" city yesterday. Johu'M^Hubb?rd and Miss Edith Hubbard .'have gone to New York, w!;ere they will spend a few weeks J. M. MJUavof Sandy Springs was in Andetabt'?jrWer?ay tor ? f houra on bUstnesr.. E. J. MoPown of the Mountain Creek section spent part of yesterday in the city. Wiles Leila Hoogley has returned I. from Lowndesvllle,. whore she has1 been visiting relatives. Miss Sarah Hayes of the Intelligen J -<-- business office returned last J -from a riait to her relatives at .. >nvilie. Ky. i*ve- M. I* Martin has. returned to her home in Central after a visit here to relatives. Fred Patterson of Sandy Springs spans part of yesterday tn the city on business > Pat; O'Neal or -Anderson R. F. P. wa? in the city yesterday for a few hours. W- M. Sherard of Wllllamston was RTS :: American Association At Louisville ll; Milwaukee - At Indianapolis 1; Kansas ( ?ty 3. A'. Cleveland 0; Minneapolis ?Ci Med end fifth, darkness. At Columbus 14.6; St. Paul 3.0. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Birmingham 0; Atlanta 1. At Mobile 2; Chattanooga 1. At New Orleans 0; Nashville :i. No otherB. oooo-ooooooooooo oonoo o o jo NOTES OF THE ?AME o o ooooooooooooooooooo Chicago and the Washington Amer! cans played 15 Innings to br?'ak a tie T^,?s is three In succession that Wash ington has lost. The Chicago Nationals climhed up in the National league battle hy de feating Cincinnati. Jimmie Luvender, the South Carolina boy. was in the boy for Chicago. Falkenberg pitched Indianapolis, into undisputed possession of first place in the Federal league. Philadelphia made a clean sweep of tb.e series with Cleveland. This is twice this season that feat lias been perfumed. THE SOCTB ATLANTIC S^vanuah and Albany Are Tied l p For the Championship. (By Associated Press.) j* Savannah, Sept 1?-Savannah evok ed the South Atlantic post season championship, ?eries today by defeat ing Albany 5 to 2. Causey outpitched Wiley and received good support Score Savannah .. .. 100 001 30x-5 10 A'bany. 000 000 002-2 7 Wiley and Wells; Causey and Smith. among the vinters to spend vester-| day In the city. Miss Georgia Clement of Belton wa?| shopping In the city yesterday. A. M Alford, a well known business! man of Hartwell, Ga., spent yeager-J day In the city. John Bregzeale of Pendleton was] In the city yesterday. John Glenn of Holland's store sec Ition was among the visitors to spend) yesterday in the city. 1 Mi s H Fuiby Spoon, Mis? Sarah Gilll land and Will Gilliland of Iva have ar rived in the city for -a visit to Mrs. Clarence Payne on Marshall avenue. SElfWE?GnSES FOR oem COORI SOLICITOR READY TO ?BEGIN | WORK ?VOMM?NGER HERE Doubt Abuot Presiding Judge Scvue? By Announcement That Popular Jurist Will Preside Tbs doubt aboui whether Judge Memmtnger, Judge Wilson ''ar Judge Dev>re would come to Anderson to preside at the. coming term of the vMflft of general sessions for this county was settled yesterday wi ie ii definite announcement was mode that Judge R. Withers Memminger will come to Anderson and open court hefe cn the moaning of Monday, Sep tomber 7." Judge Memminger' ts popu lar with the lawyers of Anderson' and he ls popular with the people of tho I county and ho will reeeive a cordial] welccine. The coming term of court will lust hardly more tt*->ri two week?, although | it is understood that it could last lon. gff If necessary. However", Clerk Court Pearman has drawn Juries fort but two weeks and' lt is believed that] (he business of Hie court can be dis patched In that length of time. All to}d there ayr* 4" or ">? jur; calves to te tried at this term of com but Solicitor if.. P. Smith says that bo expects to get'-tiie docket pretty well cleaned up^n a, fortnight. There ire seven murder caaes to be tried-af this term of court, these being: .Claude FvJ?re, charged with the murdT of Jss Kelley. It h* re membered thai Poore wasy.a member, of the police .force of WiUUmston and that Kelly wa? an < nan. The affair created great Interest tn ? Wllllamston when lt arose. Oscar Boxeman. a negro, charged wfth the murder ot Matthew Jon; Archie Colyer, charged witA the murder or Rosamond Walker. Thia : killing occurred near Belton and the d?fendant ts only a young boy.; J|V? believed thafe this may be, nothing more th??? e ?M* of accidental Killing. Will Garrison, charged witb i"" murder of Will, Hall. 'nus killing Dccurred on Pt?ples' Row In Ander son and wag ?no usual negro killing shout a wonano. W.R. Harris, a white maa, J* charg ed with killing . Lewis Goode lu the Foik section of thc cqunty. tnysses Davis, n negro, is charged with killing Jim Emmerson, anottmr aegrq, In North Anderson last Sunday alghlt , . ,. |n addition to t*ase casaa^nc Itt case was continued from the last! Len? of court? thhi being WW. Belchei Jt HamwaVSanK 8Y OBOER YESTERDAY ANDERSON CONCERN GOT BIG CONTRACT FOR THE THEATRE Anderson County Bri?k ?nd Prob ably Anderson Stone, Will Be Used in Handsome Building Th? largest single order for brick ever placed in this county was award ed yesterday ty the contractor who will build the Anderson theatre. The contract goec to the big brick kiln at Pendleton and calls for 800,000 brick, .-.ll or which will ho used lu the con ti tr action, of Anderson's new play play house. Builders said last night that lt was' a larger order than had .over been let at one time in thia city before and that probably the new building Will require more brick than aa*- other building in the city. .. "he contract wac awarded by Nich-, ola? ."Bopney, local representativo of of the S. W. Atkinson Co., of Atlanta, Ga., which firm has the contract for erecting, the handsome new ed'?U:;.-. Mr. Rooney also sub-let tho excava tion work to Clarence Osborne* who hegen ou the work yesterday. He estimates that he will be ablo to com plete ali pt the excavating by .Satur day and be ready for the contractors to begin their work. ? 'wa. Roohfey directed that the first consignment of hie brick order be delivered In, this city Thursday and from that time on as fast as the man. ?It?nrero could furnish them and it ls very evident that Anderson's' thea rre^Dl soon1 be completed. lt Was said yesterday that the Wil li amBton quarry -ls figuring for the contract to furnish the crushed etouc used'In the construction of the .build ing and it is believed that they will gftt .U. : The building permits required the city before a new building constructed was taken out y and so far as can now be is not a single hitch in the preparations ?for (?he amuse place. Micawber Wouldn't Shine as aGyranast, Would He? m By MOSS.' -? ' m>otr whember far* 0 ? bow Mr. Ml ?^Mt4T\ 4m cawber> ln ?>icb Al^lw'T en8' story, was al Ip^l ways waiting for MK??d0?3 up Said he to ,| jf??r//\ DU7ld Coppered: ? ' ' "You ore., no stranger to the fact that there have been periods of my life when it . bas been requisite that ^ 1 should pause until certain ex--. ' pectedSevents should turn up, a'be? it has been necessary that I should. Tali back before tusk- ' 1 . JU:; V\ 'jilt 1 ? I xiii i ?MM'? MO? tm \ accused of presumption in ternr i\ ing-n spring. r^ ae present is I one of those momentous stages. J in the life of mun. You And me riiiien back for u apriua, ?ii? ? have every reo?-?!:: to b?lievo that a vigorous leap will shortly be the result." Some Micawbers alt back in similar utter self complacency i waiting to leap upon the golden opportunities that their more alert uelghbors really pounce upou In the advertising; columns ? of this imper. DONT be a MICAWBER. Act PROMPTLY when you see bar gains advertised here. Really 'LEAP upon them. Yoo'll be sur-, prised to find bow much it SAYS. THOUSANDS OF OTH R8 DO. lt ls Bettor to (fera an ki In tbs HGIRB Tiisn GU IHS Fsiibo., ADVERTISE IR This Hmpiftir. II i i . ni L A 4if LINER CHASED san Francisco, ?vguss ai.--Tn el lrner, rhljo? Mart?, which ar-1 -e today, reports that on the Angwrt ? she waa eiased for1 ?ur hours by s German erutocr, bot t'ftenped hy crowding on ail ?peed* -.-;-^-f who ID charged with killing Warren Roebuck. There aro also 25 or 30 miscellany dpus casos which have arisen since Pta.ls*t terns of court, the charges! rnngine; from arson to assault end' ..About 10 cases were brought over rrtftti th? last term ot court on ?c ?Ount of jibe sickness of defendant?' ?nd tr Ten or twelve cases were also tried it the last tera of court in walch the iefundsntn were convicted and sen ehced but unger the tern? of their ;entencea they, were lo appear at this cnn and receive tho remain* , heit- sentences. Anderson City , Is "My Town" Anderson County Is "My County" What About Anderson' College ? - ii, ?iii Palmetto Detective Agency Criminal and Civil Work V A corps of (rained Specialists whose services nay he secured ia strict. 1 ly legitimate work. Address P. O. Box 402 . . ? -?? . .... Just As Important AS A GOOD PHYSICIAN IS The Quality of Drugs Used / And the correct compounding of them. Our Prescription Department is second to nerte in Accuracy and |] Quality of Drugs. Sling' Us your Prescriptions and have them Filled by a Licensed Pharmacist As lu S PHONE 636 ANDERSON, S. C. Vf PORTANT CASE HEARD TUESDAY irW Prince Handed Down De cisi?n in Cane Br ought Before Him From O?onee County Judge Prince yesterday handed iwn an order in a case sent here om Ocone? county, which Js rather i port ant. . Some tlue ago the Mayor Seneca appear id before Judge ?Ince in this city and asked for tome lief because parties were building corrugated iron gin house within e fire limits ot their town. At that ne Judge Prince granted a restratn g order and he has now changed ls Into a temporary injunction, iii eh means that the case will not dlspoaect-of until the next terra of pit" ia' hold tn uconee couui? Ki&w er, in view ot ibo fact Ui?? ino g?n ng season will oe almost over by at time. Judge Prince said that the Itter might be refsrre* to the Mos f ot" Gooree county _i take tC3ti my and reach a d?cision, provided e t Interested parties BO deeired ?wever. it is understood that the ov^-- ^f tn hui I cl th? cln hausa ve about'decided to abandon thc sn and move , the building outside e town's fire limits.' "' - THERE IS A REASON FOR THE ENTHU SIASM OF OWN ERS IN * Vicf TALK TO ONE Anderson Real Estate ? investment Co. E. Bi. Horton, fte?, L. 8. Horte a, Y. f Vf. V, Marshall. Tr*** i.. Monats?* "frtiW School.. A supper will be served on the Tawn ^t^Mountain View t-o^o-ti Pn'dny -._, t.-"i-"-- >ro-ri "> uu'ni s o clock. The public ls invited. (Miss) Jessie Thompson, Teacher. , 1T*? ANDERSON INTElXIGE^jER JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT wirla* Og! V rt