The Luncheonette (Next Door to New Bridge) Select Norfolk Oysters will he served from Today on . Try Us For a Delicious Stew Or a Ta?ty Fry EXCURSION I Atlanta 9 Ga. I -.AND Birmingham, Ala. I i VIA " Southern Ry. 1 PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOI TH In connection with Blue Ridge H. R. SB Thursday, Sept, 3rd, 1914 I FROM-Greenville, Greenwood, Abbeville, Anderson, Westminister, ?nd ail in te rmediate ^points, on the follow ing schedule and Excursion Fares: H mm Train No. 16-rRonnd Trip Excursion Fare Atlanta Birmingham I Lv. Greenwood .r-ri.10:16 a. m. 3.O0.6.00 " Hodges.10:34 a. m. 3.t?0.. 0.00 ~B " 'Abbeville. 9:10 a| m.3.00..*....6.00 " Shoals Jct. ..'.10:47 a. m. 3.00.. 6.00 " Donalds,.....10:63 a.m....... " Hone? Path _11:05 a m. Ar. Belton .1.11:22 a. m.. 3.00....6.00 Lv. Belton ...11:22 a.m....... 3,00.... 6.00 " Anderson .v... ..11:60 a. m..^ .... 3[00....6.00 " Antun....12:18 p.m..._2.75^.5 75 " Pendleton .12:26 p.m.. 2.75...6/75 B Ar. Seneca . .~.J5 p. m.-.?rr-*- EM B. R. R. No. 84 I Lv. WalhaUa .:ll:4fl-a. m ....-.. 1.75.....-:6.76 " Westunion .11:45 a. ra!.. Ar.-Seneca .12:06 p. m.......-.-. Ar. Atlanta .3:55 p. m. (CT). Bi Lv. Atienta .N4:10 p.m. (CT). Ar Birmingham lOtOO p. m _ ? Bl ...Excursion tickets will bc god only going ea special train and regular trains to connect, with special '.... as mentioned j above. ._-? ? ?,_'_ J -; ~~ t. ,! -, ' ? ^^B* ' EXCURSION TICKET? WILL BB GOOD REVUBNlNG AS. | FOLLOWB: \ B TO ATLANTA: Returning on ali regular trains except At- I Jania Special and New York-New Orleans Limited Noa. lat and BB 2nd 38. to reach original starting point by midnight, Monday, September 7, 1911. Bi TO BIRMINGHAM< Retrning sa all regalar .tratas ex, M copi Atlanta Special and New York-New Orleans Limited. Nog. mk IUI and 2nd SS, to reach original starting ~j*nt by midnight; Tuesday. $cpt 8, 1914. B _^ OPPORTUNITY IT To visit A? lan tn. tho Metropolis of the South and Birming ham, tba Pittsburg ci the South. Attractive ?*ibor Dar celebra- ?51 Wt tlons In Atlanta and Blrmlngnani. BI i ~ 2 EYEBALL GAMES 9 ? AT ATIRANTA WITH MONTGOMERY, SEPTEMBER 8.4-5.. M AT BIRMINGHAM WITH NASHVILLE. SEPTEMBER 7, B m (two games)_' __'._ Ba \ I Five Pay? in Arianta~-Six in Birmingharri ? I fl l or further Information apply to llcket agents or Bj I VYr E. McGEE, A. G. P. A, Columbia, B ? JR. ANDERSON, Sot B, R. H. R. Andersen. B YT. R, TABER, T. P. A. Greevllle, B RETURNS TO PSION. ? . . James Sims. Surrender*, to. Sheriff Pent. Union. Aug. id.-James Sim', who Vltled .? ?*eccnt havo proven fatal. Dr. Michael F. Barrett. Philadel phia, believes.hechas found the gorra cruising pyorrhea, an organism sim ilar to a germ.associated with dysen tery. Says that EmUipp, a* component part of ipecac, ls' a cure. Wa-be-ne-geW-wes.' or words to that effect, sometimes called .lohn Smith once a chief' of the Chippewa In dians, is said to bo 128 years old. Government records^soem to v.iuch -for this exlBtohce as a bt?y Tili years ?go. ., Jaes Sturglll, of Sergeant. Ky.. 16 your? old. is 5 feet.* ll i)Inches tall, we>ghr. 409 pounds, and ?s? ?till grow ing. Harry Lowie, Philadelphia'," 13 ycBrs old. started'to'taln** fT^h '"fe coBtly, now weighs ino nounds, and is growing Urger every day. riaarntte 'smoVlna ?mon?: women ind girls at Kt. Louis, har donWnd ir. ''f?lf a year, according to the t'ndlnsrs of tho Pt. Loni* ?rand fcirv, which is inquiring into the sale of cigarettes to minor*. Popular among wealthy ind society women. Dr. Oscar H. Allis, addressing the PwnrteaVL- Arthooedi". Association of PhiDvdelnbla, says that "It is . a -j-i e'nnlc crime to send children to Behool liefore the age ot ten years, ".nder tb*?t se* th? fixed oorltlon at the uchool desk nftcn causes serious spinal curvature." s Two-year-Aid Johanna Wlgaors. *U Fast 2Rth street, New York city. ?vi- round, to Ki the ttrtxn h.ihv at the Dis Baby WVek coooUtlon. trettlim n rstlnr nf mint? on h**r jeorn ??nrd. She is twonty-olrht months old. T. 1 9 ir>?hn?? b'ch. and weighs 83 pounds, 14 ouncoa. Prof. J. M. tj?Hay?; mt th? Academy ?? Medicine, Paris, said that TO fafigue Increase* Mood "Vessnre more 4th-rt te'tv?dr<>l fat I ru?. Ois* tbe. meri -t Vorker. I? real'v more fa ti cu cd by ?us dav's work, nnd that In bb?, ea?? 'arlee** or. raPnT tn worV bar"" ftja?? tested by tho state of his blood prosr.ure. Considerable interest aroused In New York over. Abe .tajtlng nffeet nf ihn Boylan antl-dru* law ort Jolv 1st. Ti,?t inw nrobiblts th? sale of heblt formicg drug?, except under rigid Renditions, rcinlrin? nhrskHses pre srHD?"on??. to be verified, osreful rec ord Vof sales, names' ?fd addr*?se? of| "..r-hnaor and physician, and other similar restrictions. I Clubwomen iir.^nihlid .st the f?fen-J nial Convention of the Oenemt Fnd Firstlen M Women's Clubs. In .Chicago, protested against" modern fashions, "specially agatnrt sV?rts that "cover but do not conceal." as tondlnx to designed for the demi-monde of Paris. rt VOR noticed, however.- that tbe 'wantiful younu women in the con -?nfon won the f?rVonsV."e stv??.?? Meanwhile the president of the Na tional Ladles' Tailor Association, end m?nv women nhysirlan? defend and. highly praise the prevailing moder, j ,. Two se'entlflc man hava - recent Iv { Rls'faeo to hsv#? discovered *he sanfet nf the control nf sex; in part, at least. Dr. Oscar Bidden, of the experimental [?volution rtntion of the Carnegie .In-j stltute, hus experimented' with doyes.' pigeons and froga, : believing that tim sex could be influenced.' Dr. Israel f?rzm, of the Medlco-Cblrurgtcal .Hos-) altai at Philadelphia, has two theo-1 rles, one that on agrees ot nourish moni ls eoBduetve to the hirth of fi n?ale children, and the other that the mpra-renal glande have much to do, with lt. so that when tho prospective mother is stimulated by the ?drotnln irai ion. of iielthin with the extract mr "-renal glands ot eheep, wales ure likely to '?.? produced. 8CE.\^ FROM "qpil?? WOLF." a pictur'xatlou of ? thc great play by Bugr ic Wal ter, ls'ready for relea- Till* wojJUffrful success)-nf the k" t?mate Btuge has Ulineil perfectly and ls well acted throughout. fin ????& Shadow of Disgrace." by Blchnrd ifid^fly/ln two paris. Beth is madly In love with Nora, tr ho ls with out a doubt tho prettiest Kiri In the village. Norah spurned Seth's love for that of Arthur Maitland. They are merrel ly married, and Maitland leaves for India. Seth Intercepts Arlhur's let ters, and thc gossips get busy. Anent the Mexican situation. ''The Little Houtte In the Vnil.y" will prove a big drawing .?.-ml. No attempt ls made to prodbce linttle scenea, hut the Mexican hriguudi. Ogurc prominently. Winifred Greenwood plays the lead and !s ably supported by Kd Coxen. George Field and William Bertram. WHY 'THE ?HELLO (?I It LS" DIE BEFORE THEIR TIME. Answers In Giving "Information" to Subscribers to the Telephone. Southern Telephone' News. Here are soma questions asked the Birmingham, Ala., Information clerks on a busy day: Subscriber usked for party; said she didn't know, lita Initials or ail-, drer.r "You'll remember ho's the ono! who lost his wife n allc-Yt lime ugo." | Subscriber daliel"'complaint ''and wanted to know if that was the "Kick. lng Department." A little bov wanted .thc number of thc shoo shop that tl oil a monkey on thc wagon. *'ir< i\l . JV^?ffav "Information, will you please giro the number of a ooldrid mau In Enn ley by tho name of John?" "Information;"'plo?lBd'?ivc mc Flor Bnce'r telephone. "Information, please/ give mo :.ula Iones' number. She used to bo Lula lone:;, but she run away and married in i 1 don't exactly ksww her name BOW." 1 ; . - . A negro woman said: "Please tell ?tube to. dbmc out tev'thy house About joven-thirty.' You'k.-.'tfwV'he Just come >ut of the 'Big Rock"fhls afternoon." ? .? "Please give me Mrs, Williams' lumber. She Is tho widow woman'who ivos around the comer." "Please give roe. Urn humber of a ndy who has ? store orf'the corner of ^vrr.t;.'" ? and- T^cntw-f-enrtl! ?Irent, fler'first name ic Miss Faunie, but I lon't know what tho rest of it io " "Information, I want Mr. Keyser, ie ny es'ut ibo grave yard?" "Please glye .rae, tho number of Dago Jake's' fruit ' Bt?hd In Pratt! 31t.y.;* . t "Pl?asc gtvC me tho number pf that adored woman that Uvea at/' Parker Springs." ''? . . " i i--.'-:. , '. A man called Complaint ami said: 'Plear.e send the undertaker out to A--.- It died this afternoon." "Pleeso give the temperature or ho weather." "I dont know his initials, but his lame is WTlllam T." "I'm calling Irene you know she Ives nest door to you all." "Hello, could you tell me If Bess " dash one is a railroed office?" "old subscriber he didn't want daa>< ine. but ring one, and he said: "Well, hts' lr the first time In my life that er heard of a dash moaning ring." for ?v rain. >i "Information, I don't want you i old that operator I wanted Mrs. John Vade. Her. number is torn ont of my took, but she certainly Ought to have enso enongh to ring her after I told ?;r who I war.ced." "Informai?m, csu you tell me how he fight came out to?tay between Jack ohnron and Moron ?" "Give me Berney on 8ixth avenue. I lout know tba other, part of her lame." --71 "Information, please give me the lumber of the dead ex-post master's rlio who lives on Sixth avenue." v .; .r.> . ? "Information, could yon tell me If fr. E. El Spencer ls a member of tho Irst Presbyterian church.!" . Subscriber asked George Forgotus." "Iiiformation, my trunk ls si tho 'THE WOLF." I In "Tho Polo Champions." ibo Bog' llsh polo team, ?>f which tho D?ke of j Mike mid tho Euri of Jake aro mein liera, challenges Foxy Bean, manager <>f Ute American polo team, to u ebnu'. ploushlp uame. Through the superior plating of tlio Duke of .Mike mid the Euri of .lake the Britishers win. Hut tho Ameri cans resent what surely seems unfair methods mid a "free for nil" resulta. The Britishers are saved by a number | of American heiresses. "Polly nt tho Helm." eleventh page In the active life of "Dolly of the I mi llos," by Acton Davies. Both the Com et's managing and city editors were taken from their office on account of sickness. Shortly ufter they left word was received of a large fire-and an ex cursion boat disaster. The masterful way lu which Dolly bandies these sit uations only add'< more to ber long list of creditable n.-'.levemente. MARKET REPORT COT SEED OID New Yor, Aug. 29.-Tho cotton seed oil market was little easier at tho start owing to tondors of 1,800 Sep tember notices, but rallied on iv newed buying on the firmness in the lard market. Closing prices were 1 point net lower lo 3 points higher. The market closed steady. 8pot 680 a 65; September G79 a 80; October 678 a 79; November 656 a 58; Decem ber 668 a 60. FINANCES Now York, Aug. 29.-The statement of thc avcrago condition of the clear ing house banks .and '.rust cpmpanies for the week shows that thc cash re serve increased 18,682,900, still leaving a deficit of $2,857,000 below thc legal requirements. Thc statement followu: . Average condition: . -. - Loans $2,127,667,000; decrease $1.359, 000. Specie (317,937,000; increase $5576.000. Legal tenders $76,243,000; lt Incroaso $1,010,000. *Not dep?sitos 11 $1,902,704,000; decrease $9.846,000. Circulation $103,157.000; increase $14, 618,000. Bank's cash reserve in vaults $67, 489,000. Aggre;teti er on Seventeenth a'veujio 1 don't know the rest of ber nano " "i want that Greek'* nuniiie> tivor jn the South Side.' "Information. ?lv.> me Josephine's lumber on Avenue G." "Information, give me Mr. Sjonry's lumber. I don't know all his name, >ut be's got a sou named' Harry." Told a partj a number was Usted b >n page 98 and be aald: "Ninety days,! resin." * ,P "Please give mo Ute number ot that muse on the South Bessemer car line, don't know the pwne." BESSIE LEARN. Winsome little B?sale Lonni ls tin bright pa rt Uti lar stur vf tho hspp.i love comedy which alway* comen lUii nil right and uiake* everybody feei happy. Miss Learn luis probably p'uv i'd more roles of th!? sort thu: aiy other Ulm favorite. "The Adventure of the Ahscutmind ed Professor." hy Frederic A m nhl Kummer. . Professor Harper's asl.inv Octavius to learn who stole hi* an tiquea was nu innovation. All r-nni" liefore were aeelileutal. Arriving a: the sc ene of the crime lie hid. with flo knowledge of the professor only, who left uuex'iectedly. The supposed eui prit enters-n struggle- Octavius I held captive until the professor returns FUGITIVE TELLS HIS EXPERIENCES Germans Treated Prisoners In An Inhuman fVH&nner After Cap ture of Louvain (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Aug. 29.-The Ito sen Jual correspondent of the Hendelsblad Interviewed a fugitive from Louvain who gave his experience in that city. Monday evening, he seid, gun firing suddenly resounded in the streets, i tlid not know its meaning, but lectured that the German troops bad li red upon each other. The Germans, however, insisted that the uhott bad been fired by the inhabitants and that several soldiers had been killed. -Tho 'act is that throughout the night heavy field guns bombarded the town, destroying many houses. We sought shblter in a cellar and at daybreak we prepared for flight. We hurried to the. railway station whore the refu gees wore parted, the mon being plac 3d on one side and Ibo women and children on tho other side of thc eta lion square. Near thc statue Of il on. Van de Weyor, In front pf the station we saw bodies of six burghers who tad been shot. The town waa nov; a flaming mass. f\t last, escorted by thc Oerman sol liers we walked to Camponhout, where wc, witnessed tho shooting of ?even pr:ests in u group. Our party of 73. handcuffed like wo vorc crim?nale, was locked in a murch. Additional prLonora arrived it intervals. Outside the lamenta mos of the women and children iroso. Within thc church an im ?rl*?OTicd prie? .ave absolut!"** When we left the building Campen ?out was burning florcely. Wc were old that we would be freed but Wo mist return to Louvain. Returning o that city. I was once moro taken a >risoner and given in front of thc lerraan soldiers' across tho country vi ? hon t rest or -food and used with thc itber prisoners . as a cover for thc roops. When we arrived within a short dls nnce of the Belgian outposts, I re el ved permission to go my own way. arrived at Matines proceeding on a nllltary train to .Antwerp. I am un iware of what has become of my wife md children. All my valuables were ajeen from nie. I was told that the lurgomnster and a number of prom ue nt me" of Louvain wore shot. The Itv has neon cut off from communi cation with the outside. [he Day In Congress _ Washington, Aug. 26.-Senate met it ll a. m. Confirmed nomination of Attorney isneral McReynolds to the suprema .unid .uni che nominal iou ni T?MIIMH? rV. O re ?cory to be attorney genorr.l. Amonded contempt sect'ons of thr ?layton anti-trust bill to provide Jury r?ate for government actions. Recessed at 4:10 p. m. :o .1 a. m. donday. House met at noon. Administration war risk bill came ip for vote. Consideration of bill to create a lorchant marino continued in com iT'ttee. Passed war risk insurance bill With mendmenta 230 to 58. 'Adjournment 5:30 p. m. to noon on fonday. -:-j ??? - .IV COTTON I.'vorDonI, Aug. 29.-Cotton Ipot nchanged; no sales. Receipts 1,000 ales including 800 American. ION ON CALL New York, Aug. 29.-Mefcaatllo aper 7. Sterling exchange nominal; Cables D8; demand'607; bar eilyer 63. PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAYRE * BAUD WIN . ARCHITECTS . Birrin?) Bldg. Anderson, 8. C. . Clllzcnn National Bank Bldg. . Uallegh, N. & CAliEY A ?'AKT . ARCHITECTS . At;d?rn?;R, H. C. SSS* & Brown Office Building' - ,* Second Floor, rhone i!6t ? . T. Frank Watklaii Saat L. ft?.? WATKINS A FRI NCR > . A Horm sys and t'ounsellnr-atLaw * lat Floor Blcckley Bldg, . Anderson, S. C. . >**.?***..?.....??* ? Blt. L. H. SNIDER . . t VETERINARY SURGEON . Fretwell Co. Stable ? Fhone ?J. Anderson, H. C * B.B.BI.ECKLEY O.M. HEARD Fhone 671 Fhone 27 Bleckley & Heard UNDERTAKERS 117 E. Whitner St. Answers all calls day er night Phone ?63. Is It year ayes er glasses hi question! Alright then don't seek farther? Just sae ne. I specialize on these troubles and ena give yon that finish an v??rk that spells satisfaction. Prices pJOO to ap, Ra. DR. M. R. CAMPBELL 112 W. Whitner St. Ground floor- telephone con nections. A ?^raytorCs *s ream Is ? Good Cream :: Ice Cream :: Eat More Oflt.$ . i II' Sum J I We are now cutting the Chambiee Place into Sinall Tracts j and lt looks as If wc will sell nil be. fors the stakes are driven. Three Already Sbld I Can yen ge taj where else within five saBes nf 2he city and get a tract of land fer less than $100 per acre! We are selling this at $?5 te ?76. Anderson Real Estate & Investment Co. E. R. Horton, Pres. L. 8. Hartan, V. V. W. E. Haraball, Treas. ; BOILERS, TANKS? STACK**, ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, REPAIRS PIPE, GALVANIZED ROOFING LOMIIAND IRON WORKS Augu?t*f Qa.