VOLUME 1, NUMBER 120 Weekly, Established 1SC0; Dally, Jan. 13, 1914. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS $5.00 PER ANNUM VOLUME 1, NUMBER 120 Weekly, Established 1SC0; Dally, Jan. 13, 1914. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS $5.00 PER ANNUM Air Fleets In a Death Grapple. German, French? British and Russian Aeroplanes and Dirigibles Battling Among the Clouds. BATTLES In tho air! A?roplanes darting "nt dirigible balloons, piercing their 'thin envelopes"ftrid ^exploding their gasoline tanks until attacker ; ?nd. attacked f??l to death! Maddened with'the war fury, the aviator fa glad to die. if so he oap hilt take with him the enemy who disputes with him tlie mastery of tho atmosphere ' '" .'" War in tho air ls a reality. Long tho dream ot the poet ntjpi novelist .who ' "saw red" in the glare of the sun. it hos in the present li^rbpean. wnr fulfilled all tho dread prophecies thnt havo bcen ioade; about lt. Tn'e military aviator. 'Clr?llng-ev?r upward and outward in his search for his foe, has come upon him in tho upper reaches of the alr.;' ^There bavebech fcharp. short 'skirmishes for I position, encb/tean.?itent..-^pbht';|Imr(fhig'hlS'd'H'n machine, aright ard seeking to deal n 0enti\tflpw''tosthe'o^ Speed up the propeller, feed the eogtne to'theiaSt^uuccOf '-p^wer! There he Is, circllug around ond look ! lng" for'you.- .?ttd thc?/ln tho: last fatal dash, drive the Ubse^&'.'your 'machine, into'bimi your planes lock-^^^nd tnugfo^n a mortal embrace-you fall, thou ; sands and thousands'of feet-hilt be?cro you land ymi h n ve' t h o' fl e ree co?rolous ness bf having dragged 'y?Wtf?e^witbyoU to death! ' '"J".'.' j Already ;-w?\h?r?,bajl" su cb'elftes.' And we. baye hail, tpp/tho stories of the . gun ..and the rifle ort- land.- Blteil unUl they' painted almost to the, zenith. |, sending shell pr bujlot Int?^aeroplanca''^{ad the dirigible balloons rind ' bringing them down to the ground with their occupants in a lielplesis. shapeless mass. ' Mon aro fighting with guns bb land and isca and-In the air.- " The lost unde flled element bas been made tofcrve the purposes or Slaughter. Aeroplanes 'and dirigible^ aerial battles and bomba for dropping froidtho^fMgftta on. armies and cities. '? : AH ?ibo'great'fighting ?>^^ deadly n?rh'i fightlng.'gAme. ?re?t'Britain. Frn^ce7o.mV ttussin sertd tfi'rfr hopes aloft tn aeroplanes, Oermrtny rind Austria spread"their fuljl? abroad on the heavens In monster dirlglbja?batioofts. 'Of1 the'heavier. tfa?V air flying .machines Great Britain has ^00, Franco. 1.?0O ?iid Bussla/^. To Gcrhintny ts credited ?lie oWferahip of i\f^ Tn. dirigibles Germany, is richer than'.'pny; other country.- thanks to thc efforts"cf. Zeppelin; Pars?rat 'dud others, ??? tins thirty" "battle 'Airships," whilo Franco has^only-twenty ?h;d Great 'Britain ?even. Austria-Hungary planned to Jmitd six. l/iit that was before the great war began. Jmtt bow fnr they are tu ward completion no one knoW but the Austrian general staff. And j ita members wj!l uot tell. * VOLUME 1, NUMBER 120 Weekly, Established 1SC0; Dally, Jan. 13, 1914. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS $5.00 PER ANNUM OOOrtOOOOOOOO rt o <> TOWNVILLE NEWS. ;? o o o ooooooooooo o Mr. Evans Hunt and Mrs. S?ymoro, \ of Greenwood, aro upending awhile ! wit t their brother, Dr. W. !.. Hunt. , Prof. John Gaines, wtfc, two dill- ( dren. Harold and Francos Marlon, of j nonie, (Ja., are .visiting tho. former's | father. Mr. .1. H. Gntneit. ? Miss Pearle Owenr. of Seneca, ts J tin- guest of her sister. Mrs. Leard J Moore. Mrs. Mary Dickson, of Anderson, ls I visiting her sisters. M?SCH Sallie and j Mattie McUarley. . j Horn unto Mr. and Mrs. I.ec Hunt, .'illy :10th. a girl. ',"* Miss Mane Gailles, who has been visiting friends in Asheville. N. C.. for the past week, bas returned home. Mrs. Jana Marlin Is visiting Jier son,. Mr. (Mind Martin, of Anderson. Mr. A. T. Schlock ls spending a few days in Richland on business. Mr. Lagrove, of Johnr.ton, S. C., ls with his sister. Mrs. W. S. Myers. Miss Grace Com ot on will leavo now soon for Athens, Ga., where she will take a course in the hospital to be a trained nurse. We wish for Mien Grace much success In her work. > * Rev. W. H. Hawkins has purchased a nice touring car. Mrs. B. li. Bomtir. of Sportanburg, ls the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Wfdcman. Mrs. Hrowles. of Anderron, ls mak ing au extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Loni:. Gantt. Mrs. John Gault. of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr. W. H. Pickard, of DalbiH, Tex., aro visiting their sister. Mrs Edna Cidnor. Horn unto Mr. and Mt's. Pleas. Ma huffey, August 5. a son. Both mother nnd babe are doing well. Mrs. J. V. Johnson and two chil dren, of Anderson, are spending awhile with S. it. Johnson and fam ily. Little MisseB Celeste and-Lula Mae Jackson, of Anderson, uro tho guests cf Miss Jeanette Bolt. VIEWS OF PRESS. Leaden 1? per Publishes Reports of . Situation. (i:y Associated ProsB.) London. Aug. Ll.-3 a. m.-Tho Hally Mall ?aya it learns that on Mon lay. after the Germans' fruitless as ault n? tho Liege forts, tho German ;? vern mont again approached Hoi - leluni through Holland as Intcrrae [ di-. pointing out Hint Germany lind i narre! with Belgium und ? asked thc Belgian government to reconsider 'ts refusal to allow tlie German army j to traverse Belgium to save useless expenditure In blood and treasure'., j The Belgian government, according Ito the newpspaper, aghln refused the ?German request. '.,, Tho Daily Mall says it understands Turkey had, assured the- British gov ernment tliat thc. :Gormao cruisers Gooben apr Breslau, which arc in tho Dardenalles, will be disarmed, but that'there ls reason'to.heil?vo"Turkey has purchared the cruisers and in tends to put thc"i in commission. IIEADEif F?R JAIL. ' ' " - ? (?'ern)?n Prisoners Enropte to Pole? ?1er??, Where They Wll Re interred. (By AsEOcIated .ProSB.) ' . Paris. Aug. 13.-Via London, 2i40 a. m.-Several hundred German pris oners passed through'the Cnampigny station near Parle today on their way to Polctiers, where they will be in terred. 'v ' ~ . The untiling activity' bf General Joseph. Joffre, commander-in-chief ot the French array, has won the admlra tlon of his troops. Since the first day of mobilization he has travelled thou sands of miles In MB motor car and appears to be everywhere at one time. His chauffeur ir. the famous ' racinfe I motorist, ?corge Upi Hot,, who three I times won tho French Grand 'prix. APPROVED BY SENATE. Tux on AU Cotton Sold for Futuro Be livery Except Under Government . Standardisation. (By Associated Press.) Washington. Aug. 13.-Thc senate today agreed to tho conference.repost on the cotton futures,blll. wJjlch,Jho house already "liad1 approved. Tho measure places a tax of two cents a pound on all cotton sold for future de. livery except under .contracts based on the government's,,, standardization of cotton grades. "', . " v * Racing Results. (By Associated Press.). , Kalamazoo. ?$|ch" . Au?. v ?n'-tr?E*0 world's records were' brollen" today'by I Peter Volo driven by Tom^Mulr^fiV/fh winning the Bondman and Spirit ot the. Times futurity, for, three^y?Ar-old trotters. _ , , .r , i . HIr time of 2:04 3-4. 2:05"3-4'' and 2: nn makes them th? tb rori fastos* heats ever trotted by a stallion. 'the former, reoord be)ng 2;,OJ 1-2, 2:GS and 2:02 made. Jp JOJO .by Tlio ^?Sti?; Tbe lieats were also the three taste?t by .a three-year-old trotter.' " '. Peter Volo'a re cords ; were forced by Lee AxwortJ^y,),w^o.ti?ott^ a^pwf race throughout. . ... irfc*?? Drilv second' In Importance IQ the futurity was the rice for the 510,000 paper mills purse.for 2:11 trotters, won ,try LasBle McGregor,, .w^-.toojc the.seco?d. third and fourth heat? .> This waB "JNm neors'-&ay7ahd2ffii veteran drlvrr d..;iflited tho crowd :$>y drWt" *?UM? .tho .winner in' |w? . .He captured . tb,e itors^rnall .ud Spirit of the ftinms.fut^rtoj?. two-year-old trotters with apara* W?tti and drovo' Kapolcou Dlrccf?? \lctory In the $2,000 American Hotel stake for 2:15 paceH. :L -5 The fifth and slxt.i heats,of the un-* flnlBhed 2:q5,trbt,.resulted;in a victory for O'Mar?. ?' ' . ^ >orf?lki VaTpAusc. ships Illinois and Missouri, wiffiruS^ shipmen aboard, have aWS^i-:^? Hampton Roads from their annual cruise, ^ . ?-. .4