Then come on* I am^going to give the people about that much to help me and I want you t?^?v^. your share of it. \ So come with your wagons and teams, cars, carriages, market Baskets, and what n^j0: ready to carry a load, hut be ready to carry full loads* ^HereVthe proposition: I have to move the 10? Store to Z20 South Main Street. But ? have there th? stpck-of Groceries formerly owned by J. T, McCownV Sons. I cannot move the 10c Store in on top of the Groceries. ? must;make room first; so to make room quick and move at the same time; ? will giv? away, absolutely free to thqse who help me move it, one-fourth of the entire stock, consisting of : General Merchandise at the 5c, 10c and 25c Store, about - $ 30,00 Groceries at ??20 South Main Street, about - - - - 10,000 Your Shas|e 1-^4 of It 1$ . . . . . . Here's th? . You come into the10c Store, 112 East Benson Street, or to the Grocery Store, 220 South Main Street, and select^!! the merchandise you are willing to carry and pay for. What ever amount you select and pay for at the regular gj?ice we will give you a che^k f?* one-fourth that amount on the other store at the regular price, to be delivered to you Absolutely free of cost. That is: Every 4c purchase at one store gives you 1c free ?t the other store, altd every $1 purchase at one store gives you 25c free at the other store. A $100 purchase gives you $25 free and so on and on and on. You's?y, ,*Mr. Minor, how can you do it?" I say, "Mr. Johnsort, I just do it to move." You say, "How 1? *ny, Tiil the stock is inoved." It may be a week or two weeks, but I am going to move and move fast. So don't be late and' don't be slowj 1 want you to do your share and get your share of the pay. Remember, everything is spot cash ?nd an amount ecjtoVl to one-fourth ^up purchaise is absolutely free to you at either store on everything but special sale items ?t the 10c Store an? 4?t the Grocery ?S^mW$m$? on Hay, Oats, Coito, Sugar, Meal, Hams and Bacon. Sale begins Wednesday, Joty 29, and continuer^ intil h moved. M .\ i?/i'a nini' ?Si hi ??oiax. , 5 c, 10c, sod ?5 c S 112 East Benson Street 220 South Main^Street HC* -V TM Mrs. Guy ton ?sd Miss Julia Guyton h?vo gonfio the mountains for a two weeks fcthy. Miss jW Ida and Lois Watson return ed yealoruay from a-week's'visit to relativas, in Lowndeaville.- . . Mrs. IW. E. Atltinuou is at home after a'month's stay in Baltimore, . V - .' r "-' ? '?'? ' Mr. Boyce^Mlller, j>? formerly.' p? .of Greenville but now of the government service In Panama was hero, yesterday -om Greenville wheio he 1b spending his vacation. Miss Mabel Durant of . Sumter. is .visiting Miss. Isahelle Webb on" Frank lin" street. . . , ' 1 ?William M. Patterson of Charlotte Avas in. the city yesterday, a guest at tho'Chhjuola hotel. G; II. Hallentine of- Lexington w?s among the visitors to spend yosferday In iht oity. W. Orr of Charl?tto' 'was m the city yesterday for a few hour^ - on busi ness. " ?-?.?. - ) ; Miss- Julia Camph?ll left ye?t?rdaj for. a ?h?rt vlelt to relatives " ani friends,at. H?oea Path. j. E. ?lrrtnie, a-well known mill en giacer ?fvGr?enville, Was m the eltj yo3terdo.y,7 Mr. und Mrs. J. C.-Jones Iva: am torod inr and spontvyeaterday in An . dorcon. , ?' .? ? Dr. J..M. HobBoh 'ot Townvtllo wa nmong Mio -visitors to spend.yeaterdiv in tho city." ?X*' ' . ,, . J. M.? Glenn of Holland's atore see tion was among the visitors to spem ycatonmy in the oity. John ?I. Kay: of hear WUllamnjo? wos yesterday oh buetnest f ??? . Th?foas' : Kay ot tho ' ITep'?w?l section "spept-' few h?nra ia the eti .yostdroay in the - interest - of hif .-^djih dldacy. for. county ' supervisor. r\ ? ?-'. " : Ben?McMahan of the Triangle set tlori waanmbng tho vial tors to ?pen yesterday In rtbe city,. Sosli Arhl?y of Bolton was tn t? r yesterday for a ehort Bta^y^x C. 0.. Bannie?er anU M. J. B?nulstt of Cr?yt?nvill? were In the city yoi ^i^B^ on- ?usinoss. . ^'.;$f?p& A, ?J ?^illingl??n- of tho Union so 1 W' ? ? tlori ' was 'among rthe" visitors to" spend yeBterd?y iu tho city.* Wilson Bannister o? the Bemei sec tion Avas among the visitors to spena yesterday in the city. W. W. Hale of Centervllle wan one of the business vleitors to the city yesterday. . ' Walter Wilson of .Craytonvilie spent a few hours In the city yesteruay. S. Q. Murdock. of Martin, townehip' was^'in the city yesterday oa mier noss. ,'????? '.>',? ? E. C, Pcnnell of Martin township, spent part of yesterday in tne city. ?? ?r . , ----- 'M. T. King ?f Hope well, Was Ohe*ov the visitors to spend yesterday in the city. Columbus Shaw of Hall township t wos one Of the visitors to the city yea terday, ? B.'F. Phillips of Union section spent a fow hours, in the city yesterday. Lester rFulibrlght of Union was in the clty_ yesterday on ; Justness. A.' W. Plckens of the Three and' Twenty section was In Anderson y?b terday, ...'?, ' John Prultt of Ebthoster epent"'?'??rt of yesterday ih the-city. J. W. Simpson Ot Hohen rath spent part of yesterday in,the -city on ,bys Prof. J.B, Wat kin s of Bolton spent irt ( these'. part of yesterday hi the ctty on bns . J. C- Boggal arid Hoyt - Boggs .ol Tottaville were among the visit?n to! spend yesterday In .tno crty, Wlnfleid Bogge and McXlnnej Brown1* of Town ville ' spent yesterday In the cfty. Mrs, A. W Smith arid children nm Mrs. E. Lynn Iilttlojohri.' of Oaffnej are visiting friends and relatives ii the county. - ? MiescB Annio and Little MePhall c Pendleton wcro chopping in the clt yestorday. ' . Dan Shirley, w?o has been spendln sc vor al months Ini Anderson. 1 nstal! in some machinery ?n tho Equinox mil left - yesterday fo^,s Rhode.. Island, r B. F. Robinson/Prof. 8. M, Harpe and Pfanh Clinkso)ales> all of Clomso College, passed through the city yei t?rday. en route tcf Iva, whore-they at attending the Salitela. Baptist Associ: tion. ? . f . W R. 8now hks gone to Havtwol Oa., wh?Ttt. .ho;:lVlll -anend ?heKne: fortnight. . I pimiJC FEARS DREAD TYPHOID Local People are Being Yaccinat . ed In Large Numbers Every -Day To Be Immune ' Almot t eveyono 1e ? ? fraid of ty phoid fever and why any should have this dteca?o,'.when it is now so easy to prevent 'and suclf'n simple "m?tt?r to become inoculated, is indeed hard to d?termine'. It is. said that numbers of "Andor ?pn. people .are calling on tho local doctors every day to tako the tnocula tfo'n and for the rest of the summe.' They will feel safe-and secure. In view of the quantity of anti-ty phoid vaccine that, the state board o? health has beep sending to'the phy sician ? throughout the state, James .A. Hay ne, Mb D., state health officer, hoc said* "The vaccine Is sent out free of charge, the only condition being, that the people who want to be immun ized have- their family, physician or health,Officer ort??r the raceme. Thb laboratory' 'Will :ribt/seqd^'th? vaccine to layman, because it l?as to he In jected under the shin and the-layman lias no means of administering it. "Administering * the ' vaccine * is practically-.' painless. '\ . \ It does, not hurt ' nearly so much us being "stuck With a needle ur pin. No open or run ning sores" results'as in. the case of small-pox vaccino. A slfghf swelling usually occurs and some soreness and tenderness, but these begin-to sub side after 12 or 14 hours and disap pear in from.3?,to,48 hours. Mode rate headaches .occur -to about ope person out: of every 20 and in rare instances, 1 per'cent. or less, thu symptom is quite severe. No serious results have ever occured either ir this state or in the hundreds of thous ande or cnsoS In the army/or navy. Three applications about, a week oi ten days apart ano necessary io pro duce Immunity. ."As to efficiency. It mhy bd said Ii tl?e .arny/V whero statistics are avail able antt-typhoid vaccination has re duced tho typhoid case rat? to lesj than 1 per cent of What. It was prio to vaccination, nnd the typhoid dea ti rato was entirely abolished, thls'yeat The length of immunity* conferred b; the vaccination is not known, but it i thought to be at l?aat four years." . ?S -?-? !? '. I wont the bns?no>fs/-of every man and wbmau-Tevery family who realises that un honest dollar Is hard to earn. you, wan money to buy the fullest extent of Us power, bring it here and " show youwhat cagdo for you. . .nv.-oj.; WALT?J& H. KEESE & COMP ANW The 'fttompt and Reliable Jewelers. niT Hy who Hh BURMISS9 SHINGEBS s? '?> ?>v< 3/ih??>? -'. i % SthMvi ? nutria v' .'.i ,? .dl? ' ) ?.-t tlnC ? ?. 1 in? (if;.-. .ita ?.olrig /:?,' tr??nrjx? irf?-'i .? ??M ?>lti^ M <-'.iv;fob t.'Vv. : .ectiaV/: *.'. ? Win?? .??.? :'l .TjKr>ni'?. >?. ?) ? !' ' )ftV," .,u:\l , ? .?'; ( ; O.I'f. . ' Has recently sav?in two houses from: fired '?it?tie on Franklin Street, wnere Mr. Geisberg lives/* One on-McCully Street r||:ed' by N. C. B?rr^. ^ri?? is well worth considering when you b?il^;^^w house or need a new; ro?f. Insurance is Tess where you use Burriss Shingle^. W? irh?k? a Baiti '"$o?f that never leaks. No hails exposed to the s?rt'S?e ?r. before roofing your houses or phone* nacfttf?l we will come to -See you. ^ a ; BUR?pS & j . .. ... . ?, ? v4 iVv6Unt $ ?';?.'.-;?ai).??.?: ?i :;.!<: [ s--' . . ; : . ?-s?. VuV