GRAIN FESTIV^^ VOLUME 1, NUMBER 154 Weekly, Established 1860; Dally, Jan.13, 191?. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY PRICE FIVE CENTS $5.00 PER ANNUM WAR IS DECL AUSTRI AG/ AUSTRIA-HUNGARY HAS BE GUN HOSTILITIES WITH SERVIA GERMANY TO BLAME Attitude of Empire in Rejecting Peace Proposalo Caused De cree to Be Issued (Hy Associated Press.) The text of the declaration of war follows: Vienna, July 28.?r"The Royal Government of Servia not having replied in a satisfactory manner to the note remitted to it by the Austro-Hungarian minister in Bel. grade on July 23, 1914, the im perial and royal government finds itself compelled to proceed to safeguard the rights and inter ests and to have recourse for this purpose to force of arms. "Austria-Hungary considers it self from this moment in a state of war with Servia." "? '"?} . . ?.-? ?? . ? ?. TROOPS ON MOVE. Berlin, July 28.?Reports from the Austrian., border toda state that the transport of eighth and ninth Austrian army corps from Bohemia toward the Servian fron tier began yesterday and i that there was no other traffico on the Bohemian-railroade except that of ?-troop ^r?#e^ The, tWo' corps' cot?siet of 32 battalions of infantry with at lar^e number of quick firing machine guns, six regiments of cavalry, *wc regisaesfs .?.?? iiVi "*?'.* ?"' ? "?""""? Berlin, July 28.?An uticont \r3astern Prussia, to the Taegliche occupied Wirballen; Russian Polan fy, artillery and two regiments of been placed all along roads on th< ;asquadron of German Uhlans ha |.*ussi?n frontier. ,' Rome, July 28,?It is report squadrons are fofming to concentr of Naples. Vienna, July 28>?-The seirii lias been decalred. To th? people / or days no doubt that it was ine j> given emphatic expression to its I government. War is'also a fact 1 ."? * " : jV.,' V Berlin, Jutyv 28.?Np confirm 'hour this evening either by the G Embassy of the mobilization of. vi 'ported in yesterday's despatches to A German official declared f 1 jagainSt Russia, partial or otherwise CARBAJAL'S TERMS ARE VERY EASY Wants To Name Provisional President That Carranza Party Approves Of (By Associated Prese.) Vera Cruz, .July 28.?Unwilling to risk being captured J>v Cenerai Pas cual Orozoco, Jr., who is operating between Sau Luis Potos? and Tampico; General Lauro ? Villar, and David Gutierrezo Allende, Provisional Presi dent Carba jal's peace delegates, came from the capital to this port last night. At ,tho earliest possible moment they will go to Tamplcp to confer with the Carranza appointees. The federal delegatcp arc Instruct ed to hislst upon an amnesty and re cognition of the regular army as It was at the timo of the overthrow of Madero. They also are instructed to inform the constitutionalists of Carba. ial's willingness to turn over the gov ernment to the constttutionallste, but that the president urges that he be permitted to riamo a constituions!ist whom tho Carranza party could desig nate as minister of foreign affairs and who, upon Senor Carbajal's re tirement,, automatically would become provisional president. Those are the only terms upon which President Carbajai insists. Brigadier General Funston met the peace delegates special train at the station. lie offered to do anything he could to facilitate their trip to Tam pico. If a small steamer cannot be ob tained without delay It Is expected they will accept an offer to make the trip In au American naval vessel. CORONER'S INQUEST ABJOURN? Will Bender Inquest on Thursday on Saturday's Killing. (By Associated Press.) Dublin, Ireland, July 2S.?The cor oner's inquest on tho victime of Sun day's fighting between the King's own Scottish borderers and the crowd, was adjourned until. Thursday at the re quest of the lawyers representing the soldiers who asked to preparo their evidence. Tho bodies of the dead were taken to - the Ma'riborou gU . ?treiot* cathedral tonight, Tboupandri - of -por?on s ? i a. grand -procession followed the hearses and great crowd s ' lined the .streets. Not a policeman - or soldier was to be seen, all having been order ed to remain away from tho vicinity of thSvfun?aral cortege. At tBe cathedral tomorrow a re quiem high mass will be celebrated, and the bodies will then he burled in Glarneven cemetery. CHALLENGER* APPROACHES The Shamrock IF Has Beached the Azoren In Good Condition. (By Associated Presa)* Horta, Fayal, Azores, July 28.?The Shamrock IV, Sir Thomas Llpton's new challenger for the American cup arrived here today, having taken the seven days and three hours trip from Falmouth, England. According to those on board, the would-be lifter of the International trophy proved herself an excellent sea boat. Tho yacht left Falmouth at 5 o'clock on-the morning of July 21 for her run , by way of the Azores to New oYrk. ' Var Bulletin ited Press.) Servian steamers Deligrad and Mo on the Danube, by Austrains. The ind the Austrian flag hoisted. ; The \ consignm "<* of four thousand mtecrj was Glided during the night unty .Vftcklow. Another batch of >1, ?lsoJn'Wirklovv-. Firmed despatch from Gumbinnen, Rundschau today says Russia has id, with a force of engineers, caval infantry while Russian guards have ; frontier. The despatch adds.that s advanced to Eydtkuhnen, oh the led that the first and second naval ate ?t Gaeta, fony miles northwest (-official Frembenblatt says: "War of Austria^Hungary there has been vjtabl?, and popular sentiment has ratification of.thej decisions of he F?r. feurope."' atipn has been received up to a late irman foreign office or the Russian irious army corps in Russia, as re Condon. \-::'' ?. ' latiy that any Russian mobilization i m?ant war. ?/ ; '. ' MME CMtlAUX is a???tted JURY OEL?BI fifty m REACH EXCITING ^SCENES Spectators Oppocld Verdict By Speech and Force, Fighting Taking Piace (By Associated Press.) Paris. Joily 28.-~tytae. ' Henriette Caillanx was acquUtJdJby a jury in the court of assize'lie wilful mur der on March 10 ' -'^ Ga.v.?a tal inette, editor of tb^ytigaro. The ver dict was returned??flje? fifty minutes deliberation. The aif?oiincenieiii was followed by the* wildest tumult. Mme. Caillaux staggered and then threw her arms about the neck of her counsel, Ferdinand.''Labbri. Her liair fell over her shoulders ahd her hot fell to the floor. T?o*spectator8 stood upon desks and chairs.',-Cries of Cail laux! Labori!" ?no;f Caillaux, assas sin!" mingled. \$?$\ The din was deafening. Several groups of barrister's came to llcw^ and tlio republican i'gjusfds, trying to separate them, Joined in the melee. The spectacle of Labori ?nd Cileno, the latter counsel for. the ("alnntte family, embraclngreach'Otiier, calmed the tumult f?r n-'jfciom?iit, but It was redoubled when .-jttiey.'Jeft with Mmo Caillaux. Unable to maJ^?Thimsolf !'card the presiding judgo with the other judges marched from the. room. The advo cates took complet? posFesslon of the cc.u<; some mounted the judge's desks and harangued th/jfcrbwd. The guards then cleared a portion of the room and comparative quiot,:'Wp,s: restored. Judge ?Albanel". /Returned . and -reo.d tbovjudgment, orderjag the relcajie :of Mm f> iltn\i y -,. .._ & ..) - .' ?/_ _ $??$2. ^Shaken with euiQri'd'nyMm?: Cai?i?a?x departed -by the witness* door. She covered her ?ac? w?th'hor ha?da as if to shield herself from the furious crie? of "murderess!" By way of scvorr.l narrow corridore grid back ntair-.^ses, she reached a small sidj door in the palace of justice and drove away in an automobile unobserved. M. Caillaux left by Uie Malu en trance on the arm of his devoted friend. Deputy Pascli Coecaulh amid mingled cheers and hoota. Thus ended the. most sensational trial In Parisian courts hi years. Ea-m day provided Its dramatic thrill and though the verdict ha;? been-pronounc ed the final.outcome cannot be' tore told. - The court session today was devoted to speeches by counsel, ? Mme. Cail laux entered* the prisoner's dock pale and worn. She collapse] during the address of M. Chenu, who scored her bitterly. The tone of the speech of julee Harbaux, procurator general, was un usually mild. To the jurors be r.ald: "Your duty as the defenders of the Intereste of society requires you tc find a verdict of guilty, but no one expects you to bo pltllless," M. Labori, who came laet, delivered a masterpiece of passionate eloquence, He closed amid a tempest of applause saying: "My wish is that Mme. Caillaux shall leave here acqulted and that the press shall be purified. -Let us keep our anger for Our enemies abroad." Demonstrations against the Cail laux verdict's occurred -..'in several places tonight. In the boulevards large excited crowds discussed the case and when the verdict became known there were cries of "down, with Caillaux." Maurice and Jean Rostand, rens ot tho dramatist, wcre among ihc-sc ar rested. .The Figaro office was the scene ol a demonstration. . After dining at home.Wltli her hus bandi arid a few friends/Mme. Cail laux" recel i?d a n?rnberger oloeo ac quaintances. *It is M. LaJboritt.' she saldv "to whom -1 owe the gocd fortune to bo free. He pleaded today...with ..all hih fine talent arid I am profoundly grate, lui to him." Paris, July 29.?Thov^lgaro com ments bitterly on the acquittal ol Mme. Caillaux, calling it- "the verdict of shame and the greatest, scandal ol our epoch." >-'-.. Tho paper follows this! with an ar. tlcle-on Gaston Calmette, beaded "In Mem?ri?in." o o o o o o o o o o o ob boo o o o o o o FIGHTING REPORTED o o Cope Ha?tien, Halth July 28.-- c o Heavy fighting has been In pro- o o gr ese . between government o ? forcea' and revolutionists. The o o federals attacked the rebels, at o O Tro?, South of Cape Ha?tien, o o recapturing the towu:, ?tghtlng o o continues at several other o o points. o V ? ooooooooooooooooo o o EUROPE CALLS FOR MUCH GOLD MILLIONS CROSSES WATER TO WAR THREATENED COUNTRIES LARGE SHIPMENTS Gold Bullion Worth Millions Is Leaving United States On Every Liner (By Associatoci Press.) I Now York, July 28.?Further onorr I mous drafts on this country's gold r? j serves, having their origin in the dis . turned conditions abroad, added to the 1 alarm prevalent in the financial dia. I triot toduy. Thus far this y ?ur totul I withdrawals aggregate about $105,? 1000,000,. which breaks all known re cords. Engagements today amounted to I $13,000,000,'all but $2,500.000 going toJ : London. The remainder is destined to Paris. The French market since i January has taken approximately $8 ?,000,(>00. London only yesterday began pulling at this quarter. The present movement was initiated last week when the war clouds begun to hover, over eastern Europe. In five business days a total of 4-8.850,000 has been taken. The supply of gold barsj of requisito fineness gave out today and recourse was .had to eagles and double eagles. A torrent of gold has pc-trod out of New York to Europo slpdc the .bo ginning of the war scaro several days ago. Since last Thursday shipments have amounted to $22,350,000. There is no abatement in the (low and the' present movement, it is believed, will 1 establish a new rocord. Shipments for the calendar year arc now In ox?ese of $100,000.000. This, it is believed, is a new high mark for that period. Ten million six hundred thousand dollars was shipped today .aboard the said to be thelargest cinglo, gola shlp~ ment ever made from. America to, Eu rope. , .; < Of today's shipment $6.000,000 is consigned to London bankers and SI, 600,000 to Paris. In addition to this $2,750,000 in gold bars has been engaged for shipment to Paris by the Carmania, due to sail tomorrow. It was expected that other engagements today would make the amount to go out by the Carmaula at least $8,000,000. Bankers lav the new demand almost entirely Iq the Europoan war scare. , _-1 imcix; ke81lt8 Detroit, July 8.?Dick McMahon to day won bis second $5,000 : take of the year when he drove King Couchman to victory in straight heats in the ! chamber of commerce stakes for 2:15 class pacers, the event of chief Inter est on the Orand Circuit program. The M. & M. $10,000 stake for trot ; tors mised \ this year from the 2:24 to the 2:14 clase is the big feature.; of tomorrow's; card._. 'Worlds Mar ?n Dec?an (By Associated Pressi > Expectation of war between Aus tria-Hungary and Serv?a, and its'sub sequent ceci arat i on today dem o ral i ed ? the markets of the world. War was not declared until after ? tho Bourses of Europe bad closed, but in London, Berlin and Paris, panicky conditions and severe declines in se curities m anticipation of situation. At three capitals, bonde of European gov ern monts which have. been dropping steadily, registered further losses. In Vienna the Bourse, bod been clos ed since Saturday, but there, was a heavy run on the Austrian Savinge Bank, tho most important in the dual monarchy. . In{ Paris the commercial exchange > suspended all dealings in grains, sug ' ar and other commodities and ex ' change on London and private dis count for tho first time in years were not- quoted. In Berlin runs of savings banks, be - gun yesterday, grew heavier. ' In London, after the close of. tho . stack market, stocks tumbled on the ' curb. News Of the declaration reached this, country while the markets' were in session. With it .came an avalanche of .foreign, aelling .on. the New York Stock Exchange. Leading securities 'slumped from.five to tweny-five points and conditions pe ral leled in their in ? tensity the domestic panic of 1007. > Stock exchanges of Montreal and Toronto suspended their sessione. . On the Chicago Board of Trade there war, a tremendous rise in tho wheat market and the wildest trading in many years on' the expectation that war in Europe would create a demand for American grain. Other foodstuff a also advanced. These conditions were reflected In all produce markets of tho .country. -' .??.:; '? . '.? ' V ii'. "? ';!* .*? ? LUSTY CHEERS FOR E. D. SMITH At the Dorchester County Meet ing Where State Office Can didates Spoke Special to the Intelligencer. St. George, July 28.?Attack on the record of Senator Smith today brought furth a demons!ration of inoro than u minute for the Junior Unitod Stato? senator on the port of Dorchester county voters, whenever the name was mentioned there was much cheer ing. Tili? was during the speeches of .John l?. Itichurds and oilier candi dates. The senatorial candidates spoke here the first week of the cam paign. Another feature of the meeting to duy was the reception of a telegram inviting the anti-admlniatration can didates for governor to attend the con ference in Columbia next Friday. The ' invitation was extended by H. F. Hol ley, II. 1'. Dychcs and John ?. 11ut son, members of the cqmmlltco in charge of the "Alken plan." A. W. Jones and J. A. Summersott, candidates for comptroller general, continued their wordy battle for the umusentetit of the voters All candidates made their usual speeches. TROUBLE BREWING Rebellious Islanders Start Hostilities At Expiration of Truce , .(Uy Associated Press.) Washington. July 28. violent out break of hostilities in Santo Domingo is impending no a result of the expi ration of truce arranged by Ameri can naval officers there. Tho revolutionist- are reported to be closing in on the capital and the ! hold of the government Is rendered I doubly precarious because of the ab sence of President Bord?s, who Is besieging another faction ot rebels at Puerto Plata. ThcHO facts were laid before the cabinet today during its consideration of the Dominican and Halten prob lems, While there was talk of In-, ter vent Ion, no. definite conclusion was reached. mmg^a iie(:qb?.tbi&, i Stricken Man Is Carried 25 Miles | Through Mountains On Stretcher. Fort Smith. Ark., July'28.?Carried! In relays by 24 companions on an im provised stretcher for 25 miles ] through mountains from Smlthvllle, Okla., to Hutfield, Ark., Johnson Young, 27 years old, ot Mount Sterl ing, Ky., a civil engineer employed by] the United States Geological Survey | was brought hero today. For thirty one days Young lay 111 with typhoid fever In the camp of his surveying party. Monday a physician, said Young would dio Ih twenty-four hours unless he reached a hospital and a trip by wagon would bo fatal. Hastily construefing a stretcher, | Chief Engineer J. C. Herpendlng, or ganized tho surveying squad into relay | parties of four. They crossed the Ri amichi mountains, forded three moun tain streams and landed- Young at H ut field In seven hours. .There -ho was placed on a train and brought to Fort Smith. ket Shaken xtion of War On the other hand smart declines were recorded in cotton futures at New York Und New Orleans. Coffee also slumped, owing, it was reported, to fears that con tore;plated financing in Europe of Uro d? . is >.;??. ... ? - SOUTHERN RY. PROBE ENDED P.RESIDENT HARRISON TELLS OF THE ROAD'S FINANCES IS CROSS EXAMINED Refuted Charges That Roads Made Rates Under Agreements Known As Understandings . ; ?- ? (By Associated Press) . Washington, July 28.?At ilio con- . elusion of rigid cr?co examination or Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern railroad, as to tjp Jlrmnclul operations of his r/\d and the method of rate inuking employed by tit; Snuth ern systems, the Senato special com mittee investigating coal transporta tion toduy took a recese until Novem-i her 15. The bearing will then bo re s?nied with a view of making a re-' port early in the next Be3slon of Con gress. Under cross examination Mr. Har rison was plied with questions as to. lie holdings of the Southern directors In the systems of Blocks and 'bonds. Mr. Harrison said that .the stock books showod the directors were enly nominal holders, bet ho insisted that they held largo blocks of bonds. Charles A. Douglas, attorney for In dependent coal corporations in South ern Virginia, Bought to enow that the directors hold largo financial Interests In coal properties along the, railroads. On Itate Question* President Harrison was questioned in detail as to whether the- rallorads today make rater by conference agree ments, derlgnated '?s "Uhdarstand lngB." He inalsted , that..the rates were announced at these gatherings'of the officials of competingrailroads "Individually" and ' not Jointly. Ho was unable to give the detailed ac count o? how the ratea ?. worn mad o and . suggected that \ the r D. L. Dulneyvan Independent coal-op erator of .Bristol. Tonn., that coal traf" fie from the Apalachlan neide of Vir ginia had been arbltrttril/'divided be tween the t?ulaylfc fi&yf?ffiUe end Southern roade, Mr. narrinoti eatd that he bad no knowledgo pf'any auch agreement. Ho also declared'ho had. no personal knowledge of any attempt by ?the Southern to get a joint coal servlco over the NorfdlU. and; Western to. tidewater. "\ ."I Jut t wanted to see if tho nego tiations of the SouthernVfdrithe Joldt arrangement was in good faith," ex plained Attorney . 'Lyon, representing the Independent coal shippers, "President Finley carried on that ne gotiation and everything' that he did was in good faith," responded, Presi dent Harrison. ;? ?.'''. In Reference to Duianey. Charles Douglas, an attorney fop tho independent operatore/ rigidly, cross examined President ? Harri?on about his statement yesterday that Dulaney was suffei ing -?rom^."delu sion of persecution." The" attorney presented evidence to snow thai, in 1013 Dulaney had offered.-to. soil the Virginia and Southwestern Railroad to the Southern tor and three years later tho Southern bought it from Henry K. McHarg for ?0.000, 000. Mr. Douglas asserted that Grant B. Schley whose riamo appeared on the contract for the sale/Of the road with that of McHarg owaa a'brotht?r in-law of George F. Baker, ?rsone of the voting trustees of the. Southern and that.George F. Baker. Jr.,-was a Southern director. "You were in a better position to buy when McH?rg was selllhg than when Dulaney was selling; weren't you?" inquired Mr. Douglas, "Individuals made no difference; the time made the difference," re plied President Harrison.' "The reas on we paid $6.000.000 for the Virginia and Southwestern was 'd)c?ause tho L. & N. wanted It." ""?. f Mr. McHarg la now. a director of the Virginia and Southwestern* the witness said In reply to a question. Ho 1b the same H. Ki McHarg who was a diroctor of the N. *,/.*1? ? H?" suggested the attorney. ., "Yep." ' \ ? , , "And you stand by your opinion formed In 190G that he never did an unworthy thing?" '? ' "I know nothing to make me change my BUggcstlon." ,?Vft " ? Attorney Douglas brought out that Daniel B. Wontz of " Philadelphia, ? a large coal operator of Stqnegai near Dulaney's Black Moutatn minea, tad bought the land for the Southern's terminals to? be built; at^CharleStoai Mr. Harrison said that W?hta turned it over to tho Southern at tho figure ho paid for it Defends Went*. "Mr. Wentz le quite ? fayorito with the Southern, la he not?" inquired Mr. Douglas. "He is a largo shipper over our, lines." 'And a fcvorlto?" "Ho is a nice fellow, afcd we all like him.'' .. " 9WmM& Mr. Douglas asked if the directora o? the Southern railroad nad not for (Continued On Page ;?ur.) '. ; . " mnWfffr* ffinriftrT ir riY^ifflrTrrWrW^r1^^