The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, July 12, 1914, Section One: Pages 1 to 8, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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We ike Still Expecting Your Deposits l / in the meantime, will be glad to Accommodate you in loaning you money if you need it. Dime Savings Bank HIRFFTOHS: John W. Unley, H. SI. Duckworth, S. lt. Parker, A. K. Funner. J. II. ( mig, .1. II. lin.un. , SJ. 31. SfiitiNon. ?Friti. lt. Humbert. OFFICFItS: J. IK, Fros. J. H. Shedir, V. I'rcs. \\. K. Walton, Cushier BELTON FAIR ALREADY ASS?REOW SUCCESS O I' <> <> () (I (I o HATS AHE WO HT H o FIVE IMM.i.AUS A Pl FF F PEOPLE HERK& YESTERDAY | ?? TOLD OF PLANS ! ?' BIG UNDERTAKING Sister City Proposes To Show An- j JJ demon - That Successful Fair j ??? Can Be Held In County ! ? Time and time again a couuty f.ilr.? bus bean proposed for Anderson ( ? county and each time tho husine.-s|0 men would say that they favored thc 0 plan and tor a day or two it would Q seem that tho hopo was about to ho 0 realized, only for the promoters to, finally glvo up the plan and another year would pass by without anything being done. The attempt? to hold fairs Vvo'itf) a failure because of poor management. People living In Holton do not scorn to believe In failure of this kind, and . New Orleans, July M.- "Any II perron finding a plague lu- II Iccted rat will be given u bou ll- o ly nf $5, provided thc ral ?s o properly tugged- where caught o if alive and where found if II dead." ii Thia .eward was offered to II day by Dr. William <\ H?cker, o ninlstani suregoii general of thu o United Statis Public Health ? Service; in charge of thu rat u destruction campaign to pre- o vent u spread of the bubonic o plague in New Orleans. u Of the 2,300 ruts examined o not one has been found lo bo <. infected, it was announced. o No new cuses of th? plague o were reported lo day. thu to- o tr.l since the outbreak on June o 27 remaining at four. Three n dentha have occurred. o o o ci o o o o o o PYriIOID FE VF IC NOW IN VIRGINIA S ADMITTED TO BAIL IN SOM OF $2000 _ WHITE MAN WHO KILLED NEGRO IS OUT PROTECTING SELF Accounts Say That He Had Been Attacked By Infuriated Negro Wth a Knife Before Firing lu,i?*Ub," ii V ir,,., Washington, July ll.-Virgina had i People,living In Helton do not seem " niore unfftVorablo typhoid fever ro to believe In. failure of this kind, and linrt ,han any cthcr 8taU! ln 11M3> ai._ when thoy decide they want a thing fording, to a statement today by the1 they go after lt. A number of 3wt4^?qft|lcT eealth ?service, giving utatis pcoplo wero in Anderson yoBteTday. ,ics sported to thrt r .rvlce by the and they told about tho organization! fltato boulh tofheers. of their fair association mid of tho I in Virginia Ibero wore D.9G8 casen plans which they hopo to ccrry out. I 0r typhoid reported. v'tch is 2.803 They sajr that tho SUCCCBS of tho ven- I casca to ovcrv 1.000 copulation, thu ture ls already assured. highest rating rho wu. Souih Dakota Th? m?mbers of tho Helton fair ss- showed the best record with only WA sedation, met lost,Wcdnosdny morninb ; cases, or .222 case to every l.ouu in nnd elected officers, nppnintcd 'com-'}.habitants. mlttoes and fixed tho dato for the next | - annual fair. Tho following qHlcors' NEG HO F S I SI .HT NE woro elected: D. A. Ger, president; i - Or. E..?. grierson, vice president; E. To Malady Now I'revalenl In North G. Campbell, treasuscr, and Claude] Carolina .Mountains A. Gr?fes, secretary. Tho fair, as us- .... ual, wilt bo for one day onlv. ' and Washington, July ll.- Results oi an Wednesday, October 21. was named. Investigation or tho niountnln districts This fair promises to he the best oi North and South Carolina to do ever pulled off in Helton, though the ."??lue how prevalent trachoma ls. former wero away tho best in" tho wore made public by the public health state. Thousands attend the. annual Trv Vo 5 survey was un fair in Helton. Tho rule ls a Utile J?r, ,hc d'rti? '"V ?,f 1U9T' ,A8S,8? different from most fairs. No admis- ?KUrpc,0n A" DJ, ltt?*iC\ Bi? ,UiUt -inn ," "?."--i.j T," " . ., ,, ... tho diseusi! exists only In isolated lo li^ inreJi.?i'?L^l ^ ^ ^1 calilles. Conditions were found to 5n7?? "I!" ' " " i' hc nUm" ^ better Ullin In thc mountain sec chin! VCry ?X" llona t,f K*'?uoky. West Virginia and . i? *?.?! ? . i Virginia, where tho disease alto ex In tho near future tho premium Hst jpta will be ready for distribution. All 0j tll0 1Ki805 p,.raon8 examined In committees will moot in tho next day lhv two lltnlC3 only :u woro f?UIul to or so and wi I get down to work. In havo tno disease: Most of these cases tho next week or so a boosting party wero on t,,0 cherokee Indiun reservu will visit Andorson and other towns tloh in Swum count. N.?C, twenty distributing advertising matter. This uu:s bt.i"p located In that county, trip will bc made in automobiles. practically nil of them traceable to _ the reservat lon school. The survey disclosed that negroes For Stains on Mahogany. are singularly fron form the dhi .TJso oxalic acid and waler, rubbing ease. Foreign immigration does not lt in with u clean cork until tho stuln seem to ho responsible for tho malady disappears. Mahogany may ho pol- as immigrants ure free from it and ishvd- with a flannel cloth dipped In practically all thc sufferers are nativo MWJI or cold drown linseed oil. born. W. H. Harris, overseer of tho Fret well farm, war brought to Anderson al au' early morning Saturday morn ing and lodged in jail on the charge of thooting and killing Lewis Goode. Mr. Hun is remained in jail ult day Saturday und Saturday afternoon he was admitted lo bali in the sum or $2,000. Af noon as Judge Prince re turned to the city yesterday afternoon from Walhalla. where he hus been holding court. Monham, Watkins <Vr Allan, attorneys for the defendant, appeared before the judge and secur ed the order grunting a release to the defendant. Tho story of tho killing, as told to a reporter for The Intelligencer yes terday seems tn show that the homi cide) wan justifiable. According tn this stoiy, fjowis Goode WEB employed us a fnrm baud on the Fret well-place and when the negro's wife appeared ut tho coin ni lssnry Friday afternoon and U3ked for additional grocery sup plies, she was told by A. G. Fretwell who -hud general ruporvlslon of the farm, that she and her husband must do better In the way of keeping their colton free of gruss. Thia angered tho negro woman and after using some rough language to Mr. Fretwell, she looked up her hus band, who was at work in the field, und reported the happening to him. Ile became infuriated and ret out. for his house, saying that ho would "lix" Mr. Fretwell after he got his gun. Ho was intercoptcd before ho reached tho house by Harris. who attempt ed to reason with him. When Mr. Har ria stopped, the negro drew his 'knife und attacked thu ovcr-seer, striking him with a knife In the left breast. Mr. Harris lind a large watch In the top pocket of his jumper and thc blade struck this, deflecting the blow nud probably savlug Hun lr." life. The ne gro rtruck again, cutting Mr. Harria* hand, whereupon thc overseer drew his pistol und struck the negro over the bend. Mr. Harris then warned Goode, "if you come at mc again. I will shoot" and tho nogro ls snld tn have replied. "Well, you had better get ready, because I'm coming." Thc story goes that tho negro then ad vanccd and Mr. Harris shot. Two bul lets took effect in tho forehead, one lc the right wrist and one in thc side. '> ^^^^^^^^^^ ?JV?? ;These arc thc points you consider when ; $2 4* > ' - selecting a Typewriter. . '-'''Sttff i I L' C SM1TH TYPEWRITER ?''^SSI/!''! ?ombines nil of these points and a ?ood many <?...' K 'more besides. i '-v " '''^i V,'-*. K V,,'N Please y?ur Stenographer and its ; ..?iftyiVVi steady, continuous service will . .. - PLEASE YOU ^ TJ. E. CRAYTON & CO , Charlotte, N. C. Agents. llll?? -M??feS?ffima j g m i I i ? I? ? ?? ^<im^mmm^\Am^rm^mmw^immm min.mBBa&ESSm.mBSSm MUCH TROUBLE OVER NOTHING MILL MANAGEMENT AND OP ERATIVES COULD NOT AGREE EMPLOYEES QUIT Thc Matter Might Be Arranged In a Few Minutes By Arbitrators tireen vii le, July ll.-There was no developments in the labor troubles ut Monaghan today. The mill umnagc iiM ii' bad no announcement lo make and the laborers took no active steps toward a settlement of the trouble. .' Tonight about 400 members of th? I. \V. W. met in their hall and eon ducted au orderly meeting. It is this organization whose rules prohibit "nvcrl line," nud which caused the fr let ion, when tito company ordered certain lost limo to be made tip. The Monaghan mill has been (dosed since ..arly Thursday morning when tho I. \V. W. members, who were employes in the weave room declined to abide by the rules of thc company ?md make up lime lo3t during a sturm Wednes day. No excitement ? prevails here and there has been no .disorder from the; llrst. Sheriff Ashley was here and was among those who made speeches i to the I. W. W. The statement as to the cause of this trike is that tho mill wm, shut down twice Wednesday for just a lit tlc over un ?lour and when the super intendente, informed the help that tho mill would run overtime, they refused and as thc help is working hy the pieee and not by tho day, there is no | mutter of pay involved. i A. F. lluntilctitt, one oi' the leaders] of the I. W. W. and an operative In a locul mill said yesterday that the or ganisation stood for certain working hours a:; follow?: Tho mill to start at six and run until noon, when ?? recess of ono hour shall bc given for dinner; ; then re: unie work and continue un til six o'clock. Tho organization is opposed to overtime. Cull for Houses Tho munugemont of the Monaghan mill gave notico Thursday that the houses ut the village must he vacated by Saturday tho 18th if the operatives decline to resume work. The occu pants of the hoimea pay rent by the week, and so a week's notice, in com pliance with law, was given. No formal statement was made by thc I. W. W. It ls generally under stood that they object to overtime, and' that it ls this point which lias caused, thu whole tumble. AN EYE WITNESS SAID TO BE FO?ND " ' -\ '?>. A Alleged to Have Seen Murder of Mrs. Bailey In Dr. Carmaek'? 'Office ' - 1 ? _" twuv . ill Minchin, N. Y.. July ll.-An eye witness to the murder ot Mrs. Louise Bailey, shot down in tho private of fice of Dr. Edwin Carman at Freeport, has been found by District Attorney Lewis I. Smith, it was reported to county Jail charged with the crime.' The one other important devel opment in the cuse today was the de claration by George Levy, counsel for Mrs. Carman, that Cecelia Coleman, thc Carman negro maid, who has play- ? ed an important part as a witness for. the defense, had been spirited away, j Mr. Levy charged tjmt the maid hus been kidnapped by private detectives. District Attorney Smith denied any. knowledge of tho affair. lay on his face with his right hand clutching the knife. When word reached Anderson of thc happening. Coroner Hardin, Deputy Sanders and a physician went to the scene and began an investigation. A coroner's Jury was empaneled and tho inquest held, a verdict being returned to the effect that the deceased came to his death from a gunshot wound inducted by W. H. Harris. Mr. Harris ls about 40 years of age and ls a well known farmer. Ho Is a candidate for county supervisor and enjoys a splendid reputation. ? ? Tho negro ^os 10 years of age und was said tc have hcen of a vicious dis position. He had been in trouble a number of times and tho officers say that ho waa a bad man. . It seems to be thc general opinion that Mr. Harris war. Justified in lim ing the negro, doing so to sav-j hid own lifo itird that ho could not havo I done otherwise. Another Account ' Another account is that thc negro had yr* Into debt |1G0 for supplies and bud gone to loafing. Mr. Harri* sent him word that his work wait ['.lagging. Thc negro -wullcd until S o'clock and wont to the Seid where Mr. Harris was working and de manded to know why/the farm man ager had seat him a. message instead Df coming in person. - Tho negro cur--, sod Mr. Harris, who clapped tho ne gro .on the side of his head with tho pistol, and then the negro rushed Mr. Harria wit h tho knife. exclaiming .hut bo .would butcher him. Mr. Har- , rle rabjUt have been killed, but for, ?: Iiis watch, which received tho thrust af the negro's knife. : Goode waa a.bad man and'his own' race is glad that he ls dead. ?'I le .beat lils wife Friday. Last year Goode. . Irovo a.white man out of his owh_^ leid with a pistol, so Coron ir Hardin' , iras Informed. "No, I didn't want to, but I had to do it." That's what Minor says, and that's sc. Minor wonts more room. His business lias grown till ?t's hide bound. Stock too big or house too .Utile. Uh! the crowd! Must have more room, more lijht, moro air. Must be on Main street, so Minor plans to move. How to do it, h the question, but Minor finds a way. Did not want any groceries bul had to have the store corner South IV lin and Church streets; N. 220; J. T. McCown's grocery store you know. The youn^ men did not ant to sell out but Minor ' shoqk the money in their faces till they gave up and took it. Now what ? The store to be. re modeled, made into a 10-ccnt store, the up-to-datest thing you ever saw, takes three moons to do it, and here are these groceries .in. thc way. But minor knows how5 and Minor is going to do it. Minor says prices will draw thc money from any man's pocket but these figures are strong enough to draw a man's eye teeth. No wonder everybody.. ( ?B making a bee-line to help m ovo..,. lh?3 stock. Richards & Evans Co's Cortland. Ohio, Full. Roller Patent, Blue Ribbon Fl?jur. About a carload and a half, nearly 300 barrels. Special Prices 481b Sack $1.40, Full Barre!! $5.50 The Best Flour In The World To-Day. Thc most v/ondsrful asosrtmcnt of syrup end mplas ses, comprising nearly every known brand, in barrels, in kegs, in cans, large and small. See thc goods, get tho prices. AND: Do you chew? Or do you smoke? In either cese wc can furnish you 32 brands, high class chewing and smoking, the price trimn-cd to IH^ queen's taste. \ Nobody knows how to do it but Minor. . J. T. McCOWN'S SONS OLD STAND,'220 SO?TJ' .MA?N STREET, CORNER OF CHURCH STREET. . C. S. MINOR, The IO Cent Store Man. PLANS ARE COMPLETE FOR FARMERS MEETING WILL GATHER HERE ON NEXT WEDNESDAY FROM OVER STATE Anderson Will Take Care Of Her Many Guests For Big Event In Handsome Style Practically all thc plana have been completed by tho Anderson County] Farmers' Union for tho meeting of the State Farmers' Union, which will be held here beginning next Wednesday. I This is thc eighth annual meeting and I it is said that this meeting will provo j to be one of the most successful of > any yet held. The meeting will be' called to order by the president Wed nesday night at 8:30 o'clock. Thc opening Besslon will be takon up with tiie enrollment of delegates, the president's address and the re ports of o i tl eera Thc leading sub jects for discussion will be "What has the union accomplished since it waa organized " and "What, ls being dono to enlarge Its usefulness and Increase its mom hers b ip?" The reports and discussions under these heads will oe- j cupy a large amount of the time bf. tho meeting. -\ \ It IB the purpose of Ute officers-oft' tb* state fanners' union to make this ; meeting a conference on tho good that) ' the far m er ii' union hu? done ??? ;.",". state and to formulate plans for its increased usefulness. With this end, in view they request ano urge upon j' every local union to be in good stand?,. ! lng and to have one or more mern-1 hors attend tho state union meeting,'! as well as tho regular delegates to ? which the county unions are entitled. : A leading feature of the state union, : meeting will be the visit to Clemson1) College in a body on Thursday, July,1 23rd. The state union will be enter-J tatned as guests of the college and < will return to Anderson by 6 p. m.< Anderson ia the county, where tho first local union was organizer) in Sduth Citr.ilina. Here ls whero tho , j movement o tarted in the Palmetto.] state. Five Forks local union No. 1 Ts ' still living and will no doubt be'rep resented at the state meeting. . | All members of the order in good standing will be admitted to the meet- . lng and it is requested that as many, ss can make it convenient.will avail' themselves*of this privilege.. .rn-j---, Literature. Literature would pay better if there vere-not so many dead men - in the auainessr-?eorge Pandolpb fester. Thompson's for Quality Oar shoes sat'sf 7 your desire for Quality and still leave jun cheerful as regards expenses-Yuo can pay more and get 110 better-You can pay the bailie and not get aa gcod-Sew Colonial Pumps und Oxfords. S2.00 to $4.00 THOMPSON'S THE 0 XE-PRICE SHOE STOKE TTE SELL FOll CASH ONLY. BOYS ARE BACK FROM THE HIKE Anderson -Patrol -of^-Boy -Scouts Enjoyed a Big Outing For One Week In Mountains The Anderson patrol of Boy Scouts returned to the city on tho 6 o'clock train last night after spending a week In the mountains ot North Carolina. The trip was one that tho boys will never forget and. not a. boy went who will not profit by. tho experience. AU told there w.ere iZ boya In thc party and they were under the direc tion ol Fred"'M." Burnett, secretary of U?B 'A??bV?in Y. M. C. A. and Scout Master, while they were away. Kir. Burnett ?aid last ni^i. that every one| nf tho ted beautifully on tue trip and be was proud .of the manly way In which they conducted them selves- in tho presence , of,.strangers. He said that tho "boya made a fine im pression upon the people they carno In contact with- . .Tf '* The; party chose a route via Wal Italla when leaving here and there the Hike began. .?After, gobi g. to the town on thc train, they trekked to Toxa way, then to various poIntB of Inter est in North Carolina, including Lake Toxaway and then they came back to Greenville, from which town thoy took the train yesterday for tho re turn I rip to Andersen. Tho Fcouts making tho trip said last night that they had never had a better time in their lives. First Hnptist Church.. 9:-l5 Teachers* ?looting.. 10 a. m... Sunday school, A. L., Smethers, supt. 11:30 public worship/ Sermon by Rev. Gordon Poteat. Subject: , ''Our Con fidence In the Gospel!" ' S:'?*d p. m., Young Woman's Auxiliary meets In church basement. All , members are urged to be present. Mira Inez Kay leader. 7:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U. service. Doctrinal meeting, led by Charles Dan iel. 8:30 p. 11., sermon by Rev. Gor don Poteat. Subject.- "Good Stew ards." Wc .-ou:.-*, ourselves fortunate to ?r^icome to ou?' pulpit for both boura of preaching Rev. Gordon Po teat, son of Pres. E. M. Poi eat of Fur man University. Rev. ' Pc teat is ' a young man ot a noble Christian life, who hns surrendered his life vc* God. The public ta cordially invited to at tend and worship with us at a|l thcsi ocrvices. H N. Garrison of Denver was in the city yesterday. V- ?s?;'u <t.~? Don't be porpri tinily tied to other peopled opinions, If/yob don't like our ,GOODS don't buv them-but get your reasons ont of your own.'Af hd 'and Hot have It handed yon by compel [tors. . We have .UM goods. We hare tho Prices. We have tho Sor ThU beats Hut Air-Try Us! 5 Oil AO V> WALTER H. REESE. The Leading Jewelr. 1