I ?70R TDD4Y OAJT V A T^enty-five pound sack of "ROYAL" FLOUR for only /Ifi^ I .*? *^Xx ^yj^xx. ? K^/l > J-/ J. "~~ As /ona as tfiey /ast and they won't Jast long at this price V^^ I GOING OUT OF BUSINESS-GROCERIES AT LESS THAN COST I j I This is a Straight, Genuine, Closing Out Sale and it will Pay You to Stock Your Pantry "j I 'rhone 829 JOHN A. M'GILL Thone 829J you ...THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM. ? THF, JU lt M Xi TK.UX Malia i\ three reel sensational fea ture Thrilling scenes UH I ho flame enveloped train plunges no beyond thc ?ontroi of th? engineer, whoso levens arc broken Sensational leap hy lite actress mother Hom a high lr;|p<;ti? to thc grotto ! as sin- hearst lin' volet! ol' her chilli, ami many other exciting incidents. I Nt Li: SAM IN MFXIUO Victor, extraordinary ?cell?;? taken hy the Universal special war photo grapher showing the operations of tho I". S. troop:' lo and around Vera Cruz. t'omlng Monday .Chelsea 77?tr 4 reel Famous Players detective story. Coming Tuesday "Lucille Love se ries Nt?. ?. ?'timing Wednesday '.Across the Al lant lc" :: reel IMP with King Maggot. "1 am very much pleated with my house since you have painted it." This was the expression used by a gentleman whose house wo have just finish ed painting. .. ; jrn*.-. . ? >. Anderson Paint and ., Color Co. Bleckley Bldg. Phone 647 FRESH BUTTERMILK with ^ Cornbread J OWL DRUG GO., Phone 68?-Cash Store. E. 6. Etant * Son, Pendleton, 8. C The Bank of Anderson The Strongest Bank in the County solicits your banking business. It is prepared to supply your needs in all phases of Banking. It solicits Savings accounts, Checking accounts and borrowers. All are, welcome* Is y o ar name tm its books 7 ' i riot The BANK of ANDERSON The Strongest Bank in the County. -XA A revolvingf turgot. on which Images of birds are perched until shot down, 1B a Frenchmasw? invention. ****** * ****** .1 * ELECTRIC err * _ Items of Interest ?nd Persone * Wirelesa on the St ****** * ****** i J. M. Ilolliriny Rets In the Kure. MS J. M. Ilolliday, from near Hol I May's bridge lu Hie eastern part ofji th?' county, has announced his candi- 1 dacy tor county commissioner for Hie 1 division Including Honea Calli. Mellon. I Marlin ami Itroadaway townships. Mr. Ilolliday is a substantial anil success ful farmer and bas had several years of road experience, ticing at the pres ent one of the Mill-commissioners. "1 stand for good roads ami bridges"' is his motto. He says Hint it elected j be will try to serve nil of the people impartially. -o ('elton ls Kow I.miklng Fine. i Encouraging reports are coming to Anderson every da) from thc farmers of thc count) and a short trip through Anderson county will convince al most anyone thal thc dry weather hus done but little damage in this Im mediate section. Much of the cotton will be late and some of it is just now beginning to appear above the ground , but taken as a whole crop conditions should be very satisfactory. The last rain brought everything out wonder fully and one more rain will put An derson county farmers In a very op timistic humor. Hankers Buck From Convention. Among the bankers returning to An derson yesterday from the State con vention ut the Isle of Palms was J. H. Anderson, who fays that the affair was pleasant. Henry Moseley, a well known banker of Lowndesvllle, was in the city yesterday for a few hours enroule to his home. Mr. Moseley had likewise been atlending the con vention and he pays that it WILB one of thc heel the State association has yet held. Everything had been prepared for their reception at the Isle of Palms and nothing was left undone. All bankers bad a glorious time and Lee G. Hol hinan. the recretnry. made every effort to look after the Anderson delegation's welfare. Will Mell takes-?~ Tbl-. Afternoon, The Junior Philathea Class ol thc First Presbyterian chjureh has a??.- , nounced that lt will conduct a cake sale al the Owl Drug store this after noon, beginning at 4 o'clock and con tinuing until a late hour tonight. Many an unlucky husband will be dep- i utlzed to bring home one of these cakes tonight for tho simple reason i that no Anderson man har. a wife willing to cook Sunday cakes in a hot kitchen today when the choicest and most delicious cakes are to be pur chased at this salo. Mr. Spearer Is In Anderson. H. W. Spoures, a well known citizen of Townvllle. has been spending a week in the city, attending to tho af fairs in tho office of J. B. Felton, dur ing that gentleman's absence, und will probably remain here for another week. Mr. Speeres has been pron.l nently mentioned ar a candidate fo: county uudftor but this has come fro;r friends or Iiis and he has authorize*! no statement that hu is considering the matter. Br. Snider ls To Move Here. Dr. Lt, H. Snider of Greenwood, a veterinary of that place, is now mak ing arrangements to move fe Ander son for the practico of his profession and is expected to arrive here within the next fow duys. Dr. Snider will have otllces at tho Fretwell Stable and will doubtless find that this ls a very profitable field. Ile already luis sev eral friends In Anderson and will bo warmly welcomed by'them. Soda Fountains For Anderson lu n h. Two soda fountains wore sold here yesterday by F. G. Schaefer, repre senting the factory. One was bought hy W. C. McBray for a new pool room ho will open In the new Walson-Vandt ver block; and tho other ls for'the handsome new drug store to be'built by Dr. Lewis on tho sito of the old Garrison building on South Main streot. Miss VoleiuUu Is In The Hospl'nl. While on a visit to friends and .rel atives in Anderson, Miss KlhybeC Colemun of Blairs was seised with'? serious Indisposition, and has boon taken to tho Anderson County hospit al for__ treatment. Mina Coleman taught In the public schools horo for somo time and the news that ano: ls ill' will occasion much regr'-.t. A Conference To Re Held Today. A gentlcrian from Pendleton stated yesterday Gat a ?otter had been sent to a number r?f Gov. Bleaso's friends calling them Into conference here to day. He did not read the letter, but was informed that such a conference was requested. f? ?Y* .i"" ?^?* <^f* ^ ??^ ?fr ?^ k7 SPARKLETS * _ * il Mention Caught Over the * rceti of Anderson * r- * .y. * -Y- * * Voters Aro SI??? Alioul I-:ti roll tu? Secretarle* ??f ldc various precincts fay thal the voter? ure not enrolling ul a very rapid rate ami it begins lo appear that many of the voters are going to let the time limit expire on Diem ami then set up a howl of having had no chance lo get their names on the tjlub roll. The new rules of the party very clearly state that thc hooks shall he closed hy each secre tary on thc last TucFday in July and within three ?lays after that date thc original hook munt be turned over to lue county chairman. Thai ollieial will huve copies made of all books, and these will be tiled with the clerk of court and will be open to public in spection at all times. And Anderson vo ten- should bear in mind the fact that !f their names are not on the rolls bofoie the last Tuesday in next month they will not he permitted to vote. Dead Milli Hud Friends Here. Universal regret was experienced lu Anderson yesterday when it became known Ul ?lie city thal James T. Ouzts, a well kno.vp ard progressive mer chant and fanner of the Mountain Creek redlen of Green .vood county, had committed im leide. Mr. Ouzts was woll known in Anderson and had a number of friends here? especially among thc traveling men of Ander i on. Ho was 57 years of age and lt is understood that ill health was prob ably rerponrlble for his rash act. The accounts say that he went from his stoic to the Hold near-by where some of tho plantation hands were at work, borrowed a pirtol from one of the nc groos, returning lo nu outbuilding near the ?toro and shol himrelf through the'temple. -o-/ Mr. Felton Flensed With the Convention. J. B. Felton, county superintendent of education, returned yesterday from Rock Hill, where he has been attend ing the convention of the State Sup erintendents of Education which was hold at Winthrop college. Mr. Felton says that he wont to Hock Hill with the idea of enjoying the affair und he was not disappointed in thc ."lightest particular. He says that about one hair of tho ruperlntendents attended this convention and that th?) papers read and thc topics discussed will prove of benefit to all of them. Thc Winthrop colloge authorities and the people of Rock lilli, tim wed the visi tors a good time from the moment they arrived until the hour of their depurtuie. -o Proceedings in Magistrate's Court Undaunted by thc hot weather, Mag istrate, Brad wei I had thc nerve to fly Into two cates yesterday and dispose of them In short order. It was entirely too warm to devote much time to the hearings but the defendants In each ea. o learned the meaning of the "strong arm of the law." E. C. Grant, A white man, was charged with a mis demeanor and was adjudged guilty of Ihir charge. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or to serve for 20 days on tho public roads and tn lieu of the coln, he took tho days. Alma . Wil liams, a ginger cake mulatto or slight ly lighter than that, was charged with A>()lng drung and disorderly con duct and she -vas- sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or to serve 10 days. She airo took tho days. Pension Checks Were Received. Four ?ndert on county people, enti tled to pension under the law, were considerably disappointed some weeks ago when the rest of the pension money was paid out for .this county ?nd they failed to receive theirs. James N. Pnarman.? clerk of court, yester day received the roar additional checks, tho?o being for A. Y. Shirley. Mrs. Mary E. McClellan. Mrs. Ann Bagwell and Mrs. Martha P. Martin. In some unaccountable manner these liamos were omitted from tho Ander son county list when it was made out In Columbia, and Mr. Pearman han dad samo difficulty In getting the mat ter rtralghtenod out. However, the four checks reached Anderson yes terday and the four people named may call and get them'. Jury's Dollar. Fer Itefrcshincnt. Mr. j. Balley LOWIB, 'ohserviue In The, luteUlgoncor yesterday Mr. C> I', langston's Inquiry as to the o>l?ln or thc custom of giving each^jury a doPar in each case In which it is engaged, comes up with'the answer. Hr* states that H ls an old custr.ru in this country, probably derived from England, to give the Jury a dollar to provide for refreshment. In late years In this country the jury has been pass ing the dollar on to charity. Roys Back From Florence Meet. The eight members of the Anderson fire department attending tho State Firemen's, tournament which has been in session In Florence, returned to the :lty yesterday.' The members of the local depart men i tay that Florence deserves the thanks of the state for her hospitality. They say that they enjoyed the affair hut would have been milch better pleased had it been pos sible for them to enter UK- Anderson wagons in the tournament. The moot ing next year will be held at Green wood and Anderson wisher, lo serve notice right now that a portion of the prizes will come her?; from that event. Dunning for A Big Hale. The Columbia Tailoring Company closed the doors of Ur establishment on West Whllner Kfrecl yesterday, in order to prepare for the big semi-an nual clearance sale ol' clothing which will begin tomorrow morning. This is one of the best known tailoring os tablishmuntr in the city and these semi-annual saler long ago became a fixed date in thc minds of many ?if Anderson's r.hcppcis. The advertise ments in regr.rd to the sale say that some rare bargains will bc offered. -o Queer F.gg Was Seen Yesterday. Seeing a queer "freak of nature." or omething of that kind is almost an every day performance in Anderson, but a really queer egg was brought to the city yesterday by A. G. Moorohead, of Sandy Springs and was exhibited at thc office of The Intelligencer. The egg reemed Just like any other egg. until a close examination was made. nd it war then discovered that the taco of a clock could be clearly dis cerned on one side. Mr. Moore bead says that the egg was laid by a plain, ordinary old Rhode Island Ked hen. . .Mrs. Osborne Seriously III. Friends ol' Mr?. A. II. Osborne arc distressed over the continued serious ness of her Illness. Her daughter, M rp. J. C. Blanton of Jacksonville, lins been summoned to Anderson be cause of the crisis in her illness and will arrive today. Mrs. Osbourne is one of the best known of the older Indies of this city. Weather Is Kew Slightly Bet'er. Aderson people were thankful yes terday afternoon when the clouds came up and shut off the burning nun. For some time lt was not nearly so warm and la.-t night was really pleas ant compared to'ithoso of the last few days. All indications are that a heavy rain will fall within thc next 21 hours and the enSire section will not only be benefited but suffering humanity will be relieved. oooooooooooo.ooo o o o MARRIAGES. o ?o o ooooooooooooooo Miller? Watson. Abbeville. June 2C.-A wedding of much interest throughout the state was solemnized at Beulah Baptist church Thursday at 4:'l0 o'clock when Mlsr. Annie Louvtnla Miller became the bride of thc Rev. Samuel Lawton Watson, formerly of Latta, but recent ly appointed missionary to Brazil. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Thomas Edwards, the bride's pastor. The church was decorated In green and white. The wedding march was played by Mrs. P. B. Warren. The bridesmaids and groomsmen entered coming down the aisles In the follow tngg order: MIFS Daisy McCord en tering tho left, the Rev. M. G. White entering the right; Hoyt Watson and MtsB Mattie Tblbort, Miss F'aulinc Watp.on and A. H. Miller. Noxt carno thc maid of honor. Miss Blanche Brad ley. As the bride entered the left with her brother, T. W. Miller, the groom came in the right with Julian Watson, his best man. The bride wore a lovely brown coat suit with accessories to match. Sim is thc only daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Miller and is a young woman of at tractive personality, being a graduate of" Greenville Female College. The groom is a graduate of Forman and also of thc Seminary in Louisville. Ky. After the ceremony the bridal party loft for Greenwood, where refresh ments were served and a reception waa given by Mrs. Lucy Seigwald. Thc young couple lett on a 7:35 o'clock train for Columbia and Latta. From there they go to Now York, where, on June 27, they sail for Bra zil. The guests from a distance wore: Mire Paulino Watson, Latta; Hoyt Watson, Bennettrvillo; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Miller. Columbia-, Miss Blanche Bradley. Statcsboro, Ga.; Rev. Wbito, Louisville, Ky.; Julian Watson- Oeor 4 EARTHQUAKE IN BATAVIA Many Lives Lost on the Bola* Island Snmutru. Batavia, Java, June 26.-Many were killed or injured today in an earth quake which caused widespread dam age in Southern Sumatra. -Building collapsed at Bonkoclon, the capital, and telegraph and cabio communication was Interrupted. . Sumatra ls the largest island in the Malay archipelago, except Borneo. It has a number of volcanoes, some ac tive and some believed extinct The population ls estimated nt 3,600.000 among whom are about 5,000 whites. PA L f?ETTO THEA THE .. TODAY'S PROGRAM "HOOK AND HAND" This is that thrilling detective story that we have been telling you about. We have made a repula! ion on our Saturday program that is filling the Palmetto to.the doors. You'll certainly miss something good if you fail to see "Hook and Hand.''' "HJAONCFO BILLY AND THE MINE SHARK" vi. M. Anderdon plays the title role ard "Broncho Dilly" is ev-r'1 ody's favorite. The ?veie fad that he is appearing in a picture should be suf ficient inducemei.t ti* br ing you to the PALMETTO. F< ai Ff HU; REELS EVERY DAY 10c. THK M -\ ? Til . ? PUT THE "MOVE" IN MOVIES. s J. C. Lillimur, a well known Honra Path citizen, was in the city yesterday on business. K. A. Sullivan of the Fork section spent part of yesterday In thc city on business. Mr. P, A. Corteo and Miss Dot Cof fee have gone to Johnson City, Tenn., for a short stay. E. J. ! Hachborn of New York city spent a few uours in thc city yester day with friends. B. H. Earle, a prominent citizen ol' Central, waa in the city yesterday on business. P.. M. Palmer of the Portman sec tion spent yesieruqy in the city. Harry Miller of New York wss among thc visitors to spend yestor ds> In the city. Miss Cecelia O'Donnell has gone to Asheville. N. C., where she will spend several weeks. M. M. Mitchell of. Providence was among the visitors to spend yesterday in Anderson. Levi Gabel of thc Antrevillc section was in thc city yesterday for a few hours. J. M. Clark of the CarBwell Insti tute section was in Hyp city yesterday. Il E. Pennel of Belton.Was among thc visitors to spend* yesterday 'in thc irlty. Tl. A. Opt, well known business man of Belton, was in Anderson yesterday Dn business. ' \V. M. Strickland of Starr was in the city yesterday tfor^a fofy hourn. John I.. ShaW of Iva spent part of* yesterday In the oity onXbuslnesB. i Oliver Branyon of the Level Land section spent a few hours In the city yesterday i L. C McPhail of Hall township.we? In the city yesterday on business. Thomas Link of neat PerMlJeto^ was in the city yesterday for a short stay. Langdon Fretwell and Miss Eliza beth Fretwell have gone- to Clayton,' Ga., where they will bo the guests of friends and relatives for a fortnight. Miss Ida Allen of Lowndesvlllo ar rived in the city yesterday and will bc the guest of friends hore for a week. GHCFSOML EXHIBIT Sunday School. Contention Goselw . Tombstones. Vv ' ' (By Associated "ProssV** | : chicago. .Juno ^T-Mjat|^??l, ports and addresses nt ' tho - Sunday school convention here are cheerful, ?rn tim is tlc affairs, but. tho Scientific Temp?rance Federation of Boston, has chosen a gloomy but effective niethbd to drive Its lesson homo It is" nn jxblblt of statistics with .graves and prabstones aa symbols. ; 4M sf Demonstrating the number of deaths n Basic. Switzerland, in. a certain pe riod as the result of alcoholic.indul gence a row of graves painted black s used; with the statistics on. jthA leadstones. Theu there is a row ot irooden figures in convict garb, nc-j :ompanied by statistics showing than tt?&ZZ MO MC Or YO MR 7! ^.^i?ri ??y OWN i?i A MOM V. i f jr v;? v '*A Wouldn't It Be Fine? . jj| ^ v-flWdOHN tl MLE V /?"^PAwwm p'u?t?. ' r?L' . ir . ./? ' '^#5 li Just to step around the corner to a nice cool park these hot days 'AND Wouldn't it be fine for the chil dren to paddle in the branch and play under big poplar trees. Then Come To North Anderson ms* v asa DC. Dor cent ot them owed their troubl? ^ tfi tfi t?i Lfi lJ?^ ^ ^ ifi ?fi S W to strong drink'. * A country without opium by 1920 N was the prediction made for China n " TOI^-WIJ, AW? a tn an address today by Rev. Wilbur *?. tu mtCKiej v. H. Heard F. Crafts, of Washington. Pfcen* ?71 Ph?., ev "Tho chief encouragement bf the "one 871 FhoBe *7' naqvflment for^wprld-.widc ^prohibition ofJthe use of opibfn' has been thc un precedented SUCCORS of tho Chinese ( government in suppressing the traf- QI |"j? 1/j PU Q UC?Ofl t uLtonLtT 0 iltAHU Washington a few months ago that 85 per cent of the poppy growing and * 90. per cent of the opium smoking had Undertaken r-cuaed. In five Chinese ' provinces tho suppression, is complete, and five narc will bo added soon." 117 E. Wbltner St. Rotary Clubs Disperse. Answers al! caUs day or night Phone I 1 I) ~ -T^?- l ?BL i i Houston, Tex., Juno" 25.-Tho fifth Snnual convention of the International \ ?, . . _ ... ' . .saociotloh of Rotary *Clubs closed '"."?'? v I \ ,.>' ' nore tonight. The board. bf directors tc te ie it ie tr, tfe tn IR tc IE tc tc IK . IStlcdho name a Wventlcnt city tor g g 153 * " ^ " "* ^ * ^ W IMS/buV Wairespected to db .so with- ---'r-- " '. ? ??.-?? l? thewnext few weeks.; RrSylous.tjo . . . ..' ... . ... . . . .'. . :he.announcement each'Rotarian city .* ""' . ',' . jf Its choice, but the directors have . " - . :i . Jl . made no pledge to abide by the' deel- * SPECIALIST 'V If don thus made. '*S ff. 4 ?'.y? *'r. , y r_:_:_L MHSF.AflES of thc Eye, Ear. Nose ? T ?hln^ ba Mliehge. ^ .?? Threat ^..es Fitted ? { Washington,. June 26.-The house , Honras ' ? l?day 'sett back to conference d.ho ? g . - ?. ? . ?V ?, *i> * " lAosti?fe 3f mileage of representatives . . * " * ^ m w * *rf^ . O, congress, -yesterday the house * Ofieest SSS.1? Blas&Iav BstUK?a * rpifed for f*ro cents a mlle each w*y ? W*SM| -19 m 'il 3 rnt0r?' and"lhe. dofea' tot?*V' * R?e?lofra by Aopolntmeafi . ,84 to r,9. of a motton^to re-.edo from . TELEPHONE CONNECTION ? UBsgreement to tho Ecnnte propoBl- . . ? ' jon pf^o?lnning the present twenty . ANDERSON, 8. C ' . :?bts a mile, jont the wholo qu?s^to . .a:. . . . . ? . . . >ack tt> ?Ttb/?shed out again. \ . va