:. PALMETTO THEA. THE .'. TODAY'S PROGRAM ? . SETTING THE STYLE.Vitagraph Comedy. Featuring Johnny Bunny and Josie Sadler. The Finnegan's sol Hie styles at tlie Horse Show. The "Four Hundred" follow their lead and everybody dresses a-la-Finnegan. THE VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS.Essanay Two reel drama. Featuring Francis X. Bushman1,''the man who won the world-wide contest as the most noted actor, and who will appear in the special series entitled "One Wonderful Night," which will he released shortly, and will be shown at the Palmetto Theatre. CUPID'S CAPRICE. .Selig Dramatic drama. *. i*ft*Ititi! FOUR UKi REELS EVERY DAY 10c. THE MAN THAT PUT THE "MOVE" IN MOVIES. * ELECTRIC err * _ * Items of Interest and Personi * W?rolci? on the Si ?Y- ?Y? -Y- ?Y? *Y* ?Y* *?C ?fr *{. ff* Pfc 3f Lights Make An Impression. Anderson people have now hecomol a Huh' accustomed lo the new while wey and for that reason many ol' I hem tail lu think of the impression made upon visitors coming to Anderson af ter night. An automobile driver ar rived in the city la?! night, well after dark had fallen, and he was surprised when lu uaw tho lights here. Ile had never visited Anderson before *latit| sahl lie bad understood that this was only a .miall plaee and he did not think it worth while to .stop herc _ until he arrived at the ripiare an : aw j thal tho town is really a plaire of im portun?e. Ile ls ?pending the night here and he will leave in thc morning, a converted "hoosier." That one man's influence may result in several new ( enterprises being attracted lo Ander son, thereby paying for the system.' This le but one illustration and there arc dozens of others. itnilreads Have Completed Pin nv. W. lt Tabor of Greenville, who la connected with the Southern railway at that point, spent yesterday in An derson and while here made the slalo ment that his road had completed all preparations for handling the large number of Elks coming to this city next week. Mr. Tabor said that his line had made every possible prepara tion for looking after the travelers and would leave nothing undone in an effort to make them enjoy the trip, not only to Anderson but over the road. Thc Southern railway will sead three or four Pullman cars Into An derdon from Columbia and Spartan burg and this will be a great help since Anderson has not the hotel faci lities to care for such a large number of visitors at one time, lt is esti mated that 500 or possibly more mem bers of the D. P. O. Elks will bc herc Wednesday and Thursday. -o "General" .Must . ? Not Carry Arms. Magistrate Hroadwclt had before him yesterday a no-less distinguished person than General Stoverson, a ne gro, charged with carrying an "owl's head" which In the parlance of An derson's negroes means a vicious :18 calibre pistol After due deliberation and considering the "matter in all light:;, the magistrate could see no reason why Steverson should carry a pistol, even though he ls a general, rind therefore the sentence of the court was that the said General Kt ev erson pay a fine of $25. The negro did not have the money but his boss did and his fine was paid. '.? ? o -- Teaching How1 ? . To Make Clothes; - - . Anderson women doing part of their own sewing will bb interested in the visit of Mrs. Atlee R. Bellamey of the Pictorial Review Company of New York, who will pay a visit to Ander ron today. MTS. Bellamey comes hero to be at thc Moore-Wllson Company for today only and she will explain to al! those Indies- calling during the day at this popular store, about the best styles for various dresses with patterns and doubtless there will be I a number of people to avail them selves of her advice during the day. She will leave tomorrow. .. Mr. Brlssey Shows Slight Improvement. It was stated yesterday by his rela tives that J. A. Bri ss cy was possibly a little improved, although his con dition is far from satisfactory. Ow ing to his advanced, age the patient is not recovering very rapidly from tho injuries he received when he was thrown from his wagon a week ago. The most serious Injuries consist of a wound on his head and two broken ribs in his left side. He was brought to the Anderson County Hospital a few days ago In the hope that ho might improve there more rapidly and his friends arc trusting that the next few days may see him well on the way to a complete restoration of health. Mr. Harris Will ? Be Wedded Sunday. * Anderson people will learn with in terest that C. li. Harris, who ts one of the efficient and accomodating sales men at Kay's Cash store, will be married next Sunday. Mr. Harris is to wed Miss Margaret Griffin and tho ceremony will be performed at thc home of the bride in Ninety-Six Sun day afternoon. Only a few tntlmatc friends will bu present and after a short trip thc brido and groom will be at h?rne to their friends in this city: , ?_ Barn Horned ? By Lightning. Buring thc progress of Wednesday afternoon's electrical Storm, lightning struck a barn on John T. Bolt's plan tation, In tho Ccntervllle section, and burned it to the ground. There waa nd water protection and the building was burned to ashes tn a few minutes. Prom different sections of the county came roports of damage done by the storm. In many sections trees were uprooted, hams were blown down and In some instances damage was done to houses.' --. ; WV, . .. Y SPARKLETS _ * il Mention Caught Over the * reefs of Anderson * ****** * ****** Inspecting HIP Picture Machines. F. M. Burnett, secretary of Hie An derson V. M. C. A. and one of Ander son's livest wires, spent yesterday in tireenvillu winn' he went lor the pur pose of inspecting a motion picture machine, with a view to purchasing il for use in connection with the ex tension work of the Y. M. G A. in the mill village of Anderson. Mr. Bur nell says he is determined to buy nothing but the liest for the mill peo-' pie and he known that they will ap*I prec?ate it. because this has been dem-, oust rated (o him- It is impossible to over-estimate the good work that Mr.! Burnett is accomplishing in the mill; sections and with the assistance of, bis capable co-workers he is doini; ' wonders, lt is understood that the motion picture machine will be pur chased and delivered in Anderson within the next few weeks. Com lug Huck For Summer. A number of Anderson's former res-, (dents, having learned that this ls the finest place in the country to spend thc summer months, now plan to re turn here for the hot part of thc year. j .Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Maynard and fami- ', ly arrived In the city yesterday and will bc here until the fall. Mr. May-, nurd was at one time a well known cotton buyer of Anderson and has done well in that same undertaking! . at Columbia. The news that this fainl- ' ly is to spend the summer here will' be welcomed by their friends. -o People Pleased nilli Nov ?nies. 1 S. Dean Pear man, chairman of the( Anderson Colinty Democratic Execu tive committee, yesterday told a re- ' porter for The Intelligencer that the public seems to be pleased with the nev/ rules and regulations governing thc primary. Mr. Pearman says that he has talked with a number of voters and so far as he can determine, the ? rules adopted at the Columbia con vention on May 20 are meeting with general approval. Services ('bunged . At Flat Hork Church. lt was announced yesterday that a ' change has been made in the preach ing days for Flat Rock Baptist church. Instead of thc services being held on the third Sunday In each month they will be held on the second Sunday und thc new rule will go Into effect next Sunday There will also be preaching! services on Saturday preparatory to the Sunday services and a cordial in I vitation is extended thc public to at-1 j tend in these services. I Little Girl ls Now Recovering. People in all sections of tho county will he glad to learn that little Sarah , Lucy Quattlebaum, thc daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Quattlebaum, ls1 possibly a little Improved. The little girl has been desperately lil for some days and while she is by no means : yet out td danger, it is said that her temperature Ia lower and ifce phys!- j ciaos now hold out somo hope for her recovery. The friends of Mr. and Mrs, Quattlebaum, both In this coun ty and elsewhere, will read the news I of her recovery with Interest. New Building i Will Be Rushed. It is understood that Flske-Carter Company, thc eoncorn to which was I awarded tho contract for tho Ligon & Ledbotter building, will shortly have a large force of men in Anderson and will usc all possible speed in getting this handsome building erect ed. They plan to do the work as rap idly as possible, at the same time con I forming tn all the rules of the archl . tects, and they believe that they will bc able to have tho building roady for occupancy within 120 days from this date. When completed the new build ing will be an ornament to Main street. Agent Says Rain Seems General. The county demonstration agont for Anderson county, J. W. Rothrock, said yesterday that, from what he could gather the rain of Wednesday extended almost all over the county. He Bays Borne sections were visited hy a down pour of almost a torrential nature and that almost all sections had some rain. A few districts failed to benc . flt. Mr. Rothrock says that the plant ers are jubilant over the rain and were niore optimistic yesterday than 'they had been in some weeks. -0 Another One of "Thc Hottest Yet." It was the.consensus of opinion in Anderson yesterday that the day was "the hottest this season" and it would hardly he a safe proposition to argue that question with any one whose duties required him' to be out In the sun all today. Any1 objection to the statement that yesterday was a record breaker would probably precipitate a battle. Tho mercury at 2 o'clock mounted to 101 in the .shade and lt cannot bc denied that this ls' about ar hot as it ever gets- to be in- thjs "neck 'o thc woods.". Some rolisf waa experience'* at sunset. Challengers Strong. Hempstead. N. Y., June IL-The challenging British pololsts today scor ed a victory over what ls considered the second strongest'team In'the Unit ed States. Captain Leslie St. Geo: po Cheape, who last Sunday was struck on tho nose by a polo ball, today kept hia place throughout the seven periods that comprised the game. Captain Cheape .will play in Saturday's inter national game. . " .i.y.v FANS 31 LEAGUERS FOR THE FIRST E WON FROM Y. M. C. A BUNCH YESTERDAY SCORE WAS 5 TO O Chick Watson Struck Out 20 Men and Red Childers Registered 3 Runs Out of 4 Times Up Anderson baseball lana yesterday witnessed the first appearance of tile Anderson league leam when that ag gregation went up against the V. M. C. A. leam ami won from them by a seore of r> ni u. Willie there was some ragged playing ?lone, the exhihition I w as us good as lias been seen at Buena j Vista park in uome several moons. The Ians were tickled with tin? showii." j made by thc league team and did not hesitate lo say so. Tile two most marked features of the game may he mentioned as the pitching of Watson for the leaguers .md Un- hilting of Childers. Watson! struck out 21) men and Childers, out t;t four times up, secured three three naggers, any one of which would have ' been stretched into home runs if thc league season had opened. I The Y. AI. C. A. boys played good ball but they were handicapped by the fact that their team was disorgan- ? ized and several vacancies had to be filled with borrowed players. If Anderson goes Into the proposed Piedmont league with a club ranking ! equal in all respects with some of yesterday's playing this team will be, found among the top notchers before one week of playing has passed. The I heme aggregation looked good. It is said around the circuit that thc season positively will open Monday, j regardless of whether lhere is a fourth town in the league by that date and if Ibis course is pursued Anderson will be ready to send her bunch out on tho opening day. With a few weak places filled the Anderson bunch will have a good show at thc rag and wilLrank well with any club in the association. It is said that "I^cgs" Martin has corrralled a husky bunch of collegians and has them in Spartanhurg now, ready to open thc season and Slouch i:; supposed lo have a team in Green ville, ready for thc field. Anderson is certainly b?t a little way behind and this town will give a good ac count of herself, lt ic now a question o? whether Gaffney or Union wll got thc vacant berth In thc league. Gaffney has the refusal of thc place and Union will have no chance unless Gaffney refuses to enter. In that event, it is said that one Union fan is ready to finance the entire venture and put a club into thc association next Monday. Any way there ls to be baseball of some 'sort in Anderson this year and that will bc cause for rojoiclng among thc local enthusiasts. CHURCH PICNICS The two picnics conducted by An derson churches yesterday proved to be successes and they w?re enjoyed by large crowds. j The Sunday school pupils and mem ' hers of tho Central Presbyterian ?)pcnt tho day at Williamston and bsd one of the most delightful outing-* at the Willtamstou park that this church lins ever experienced. Under the leader ship of p. Witherspoon Dodge (who al most missed tho train) the Central people left Anderson yesterday morn ing at 10:30 o'clock on thc G. ti. &. A., railway, traveling on a special trait; They had a delightful dinner in the park and returning reached Anderson last night at 7 o'clock. There was not a single accident during the day. Like the other church, ibero was no accident on the picnic conducted by the First Presbyterian church to Simpson's mill and this was a tho ! roughly enjoyable event. Tho chll I dren composing this picnic party left I Anderson yesterday morning at an early hour, making the trip ont to this beautiful spot in automobiles. They had a pleasant day and there was not ? Ingle accident to occur which could cause annoyance. Both the outings were enjoyable and the tired, but hap py, children Bald last night that they had never enjoyed picnics more than they did those yestorday. PHILLIPS SMALLEY (Rex-Universal) Bijou today in "'?'he Triumph of Mind. WALLACE REID (Nestor-Universal) Bijou Imlay in '-The Quack." ...THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM. THK THU .MPH OF MIND 101 Bison. Thin wonderful 3 reel drama willi Phillips Smalley and Dois Weber hitb a new note. Circumstan tial evidence says ? man shall dio Mental science delivers a knockout blow with a fist labelled "physic phe nomena" and the "man goes free. It is a big ni (dod rama of tomorrow with a Itleep henri interest. THE QUACK Nestor. A drama founded on the infamous ooraine traffic, with Wallace Bold and Dorothy Davenport. Coming tomorrow '?'The Sheep Werder" 1 reel Victor with J. Warren Kerrigan. Coming" Tuesday '"'Henris Adrift" 4 reel Famous Players feature with the queen of lb? movies, Mary Picford. PRESIDENT RIGGS COMING TUESDAY Will Aid Anderson Farmers In Taking Care of State Meet and Invite Body to Clemson I7LECTR?C ... THEATRE TODAY'S PROQRAM FOOTPRINTS OK M07.ARK American. A strong two reel drama that wi?1 appeal lo your emotions and make you want to see more of it. OfB MUTUAL' GIRL Reliance. Heel No. IS. In this number thc plot is?resumed nnd things begin to pick-up-In goori shape. FOURTH REEL TO WE SELECTED Coming tomorrow. "fcingo, Son ol Sea" a thrilling three . reel Warner feature of tho deep sea. Notice to Democratic Club Officers. The~enrollment books for-tho va rious democratic clubs of Anderson County are now in posesslon of the County Chairman. Each secretary ls requested to call or send for a book to be used by hiB cl ub at once. These books should be opened at the earliest possible date In some convenient place, so that the voters may appear In -poraon and en roll. . * '? S. PEARMAN.Chra. LEON L. HICE. Sec. W. M. Riggs, president of Clemson College, will come to Anderson Tues, day to be present at the. meeting <"* the Anderson County Farmers Union, At this meeting the Anderson farmers wilt consider ways, means and dis cuss plans for taking caro of tho State .Farmers Union when it holds Its meet. 'lng here, in July; {.",:? Dr. Riggs ls coming to Anderson for the purpose of submitting a proposi tion to the. Anderson Farmers Union. With the consent' of that body, bo will tender an Invitation to ali the del egates to the State convention to como to Clemson for one day bf tho conven tion. The college win arrange to show the farmers the splendid plant that.it has there and wi ll explain the work ing details of all the agricultural de? partmento. Thc visitors will bo tho guests ot the college for dinner. While po statement ' can bo made about the matter until Mfr. Riggs puts his i proposition before .Ot? Anderson fermera. 1t is foregone conclusion that they will appr?vo of tho plan. The Tuesday meeting ot the Ander . son union will be held in the city hall, F owing to the fact that court will be -In .session*at the court house. It's Far Cheaper to usc "Town & Country" Paint at a' higher price per gallon tKan to use a cheap paint which doe? not begin to go as far or last ak long. Anderson Paint and Color Co. , Bleckley Bldg. Phono 647 f -, v ? ? WHITE OXFORDS FOR MEN $3. GRAY OXFORDS FOO MEN $3. Get around soon and pick yours wc have Uie pair for this hot weather-and say, fellows they're great. Remember only $3 A PAIR. SHOE COMPANY IINDLK MASONIC TEMPLE Shoes That Satisfy. North Main St., from Greenville street, north (the part we sanded las! fall) and North Avenue as far as the old race track was as smooth and hard as a sand-clay road gets to be. It'? a joy to drive a car over this road through North Anderson. I OOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Because of the fact that people in /dl sections of An o derson and enjoining counties are deeply intreated in the o approaching State campaign* The Intelligence^ baa arranged o at considerable additional expense, to secure a. complete and o comprehensive report of the campaign, day by day? as it O progresses. In addition to that The Intelligencer now an o nounces a remarkable reduction in the subscription price o DURING THE CAMPAIGN ONLY. The campaign and o elections will continue over approximately three months o and for that length of time The Mornings Intelligencer will o be tant to'any i duress for Seventy-five Cents, strictly in adV * vance. ; . , . "* . fl oooooooooooooooooo ooo o ooo o ooo o o o !?* ?i.M i- Wi \. POLITICAL NEWS o o bi et : O O O O o o o o o o o o Miss Myrtle Bolt has returned from a Bhort visit to relatvles in tho coun try. E. H. Cllnkscalcs of the Corner sec tion spent part of yesterday In the city. K. W. Long, commcrlcal agent of the Seaboard railway, with headquar ters in Greenville, spent yesterday In Anderson. B A. Vandlver has returned from a short hustness trip to Columbia William N. Graydon of Abbeville spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. J. H. Mattlson has been spending a few days In Columbia. E. H. Bowman of Xcwherry was in the city yesterday for few hours, a guest at the Chlquola hotel. J. W. James of Greenville, formerly associated with Tho Greenville Daily Piedmont, spent yesterday in Ander son with friends. \V. T. Hyde of Sparta, Ga., was among tho visitors to spend yester day in tbe city. Misses Louise, Margaret and Lila Sloan, and Miss Nancy Evans, all of Pendleton, were shopping in the city yesterday. Dr. W. K. Sharpe of the Rivoli sec tion wau in the city yesterday for a few hours? Mr.and Mrs. J. C. Campbell of Pendleton wera shopping* its tho city yesterday. B. H. Glymph of the Pork section was among the well known visitors to the city yesterday. Doc Dobbins of the Fork section was in Anderson yesterday for a short Btay. Hon. O D. Gray of WilllamBton was among the visitors to spend yesterday In the city. Dewitt George of the Fork section was In Anderson yesterday on busi ness. Leon and Carl Brock of Honea Path have arrived In the city to spend a few days, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mattlson. Robert Parker or the Varennes sec tion was among the visitors to spend yesterday in the city. Joshua Pruitt of Belton was In An derson yesterday for a few hours on busless. J. M. Maddox, a well known citizen nf Iva. spent a few hours in Anderson yesterday. John Strickland and Sydney Strick land of Martin township were busi ness visitors to the city yesterday. LITTLE GIRL WAS BADLY BURNED Alice Smoak Suffered Painful Injuries From Dropping Bot tle of Carbolic Acid ' Alice Ward'?moa;;, th? little tive year-old daughter of W. W. Smoak, business manager of The Intelligenc er, ? was seriously ? burned yesterday when she dropped a bottle of carbone acid. The fluid struck'the Ut tin girl on the right leg and tho acid burned deeply Into the flesh. Medical aoslst anco was summoned as soon as possi ble simple homo remedies being em ployed uotil Its arrival, and Inst night lt waa said that the little lady was doing nicely. It s no ins that Mrs. Smoak was at tending to Injuries on one of her nons snd sont the little girl for the bottle. She must have tripped her foot as she waa returning with the bottle and all of the acid struck her leg. Tho accident took place at Mrs.' Bickens' boarding* house on West Whit, tor street, whore Mr. and Mrs. Smoak are now-making their home. vCV.-'7 . '. ' ;>