The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, May 26, 1914, Special Reunion Number, Section One: Pages 1 to 8, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
..I?.;., ? -
All Pkn? Complete Far Taking
CWT? of tho Veterans ami Pro
g?sm la Perfect
Everything ia In readiness for ta,t
Big Reuolou. Thc veterans will be
gin arriving In thc city before uooi
today and many have already come
A special car will arrive lior?( a
11:W) from Greenville at 1:25. a npec
lal train of nix coaches troui Beek
lilli, Btackaburg und pointa between
will come over,?tc lllue Uldge.
special car from Columbia and Or
ungoburg wili ?: tu late thia after
noon, and ea. ea?o| t was being madi
late lear, night to work up a special
car fran Suaatt* and Florence. In
quiry nudo rv# 'Me information Bureau
at tho Cham^rf erf Commerce late last
night,, tike oaegu'helug opon till ll
was that no- reliaos estimate as to tht
nunite* ?J delogata? was obtainable.
Provision bee i noe- been mado foi
mora than 700? delegates.' the largesi
in the bhrtery of the city, exceeding
the Bundey : school convention mon
than 300. Emergency provisions arr
alee being mode at thc Y. M. C. A.
and. elsewhere, ano-.?till provision!
cannot bo mada. An effort will b<
ni add .to cecure rooms at Andersoi
Collage and.the Fraser Fitting School
The, tent was phwud yesterday ano
platform completed, lat? yesterday af
tcrnbon. The oral rehears.". I undo
thei , tent of. tho combined malo and
female choir: was held; ycrterdny af
7 p. ra. nader the management
Miss ?6. Wnlsch, chairman of th?
music coasmtUeo.
Andaman. Hot?! wltV he eoniiinci
today for. 110 sueste. Special bed
ding luis boen provided, thanks to th<
quick?actio? today.
Mrs. Rufus Font,, chuiruinn of th'
Concert Committeo?states everythtni
ls m. shane nt Beena Vista Pork.
The; tri-jolnt reception at the Chi
quota hotel will occur Thursday nigh
und tho Ball on tho same night, ala?
.lie ?qs??i?* s?-*,Lir'* is D,x'? D,,r,n'
tho Wo"r"r
Lmonade will - be provided at th?
Chamber of Commerce free to all tht
veterans. Ice water will be placet
around tho city tomorrow morning
end 3,000 drinking cups distribute*
to th? veterans. ""vM
Tho work of decorating tho city cou
tinue? and will be closed up late'to'
night or tomorrow, morning.
i. B. Ul Toague, head of th<
State Veterans, will arrlv hero tod?'
with hlB etaff at about 10 o'clock, and
will Immediately go i?io conference
with the members of the Contra
Committee of Axrnnnvunents at
Chamber of Commerce,. after whlc:
bo will meet with ike Parade Com
mlttee ?I the Chlquok* hotel..
Tho Begistratlon and Informattoi
Bureaus, uuder_tho management
ans Kubanka layiov. w??? bo op?tiBtU.
iq thc Chamber* ol. Ceotntence ai t?
o'clock today. The Bey Scouts rr ll
he* ;ready tor workj^tha jame time.
Secured Good Amount From Or
ganizaffcxiFor Entertaining
Young Ladies Hera
v. v..,.-' Hti ? v"?, -4 .ir'tfW?
A committee, heeded . by,. Capt. WJ1
?lam Laughlin and representtog tCeai
W. W. Humphries of the 8ons,at>|Con
federate . Veterans., ?pent ysatertfe*. fe
canvassing Anderson for the purpoa
of raising a fund with, which to en
tertatu tba maldaof honor, thee ape?
sors and the other young lady visiter
to Anderson during the Confedera!
reunion. In the canvass yesterday th?
committee visited only members o
the Sons of Veterana and all told ?}
sum of $23 or possibly slightly more
was raised-for the purpose stated.
.The Sons fell thst they have a rlgb
to be proud of even this sum and I
will be quite sufficient, according tt
those ht a position to. know, to .tah*
' ?cerv-nf tue yoting ladles herb rot th
reuntqa. VW course this fund will g<
to-defaaylpg none of the usual expen
sas, itt < ?Ul to devoted entirely t
snewiegi t?he, charming guests of tb
city a?U . ot i Anderson's points of in
tsw.n ?A4. arfW' supply them with bo
qutta,!.g<to*,idaring their stay here.
Tbclhanka of ell tho Sons ar? di?,
CSBt. bangate* ami tho ??.raatnder o
tj^coa^a^bee^fet the splendM wort
J. E. - S^ttfefe e? ^bafteldhftoi
0| <ug?g "Pay ?of ftasjaeon .
. *.?'?l?kJiU'.Jj .i ' " j
. Tuc flrt? delegete te?afieve>ta Aadar
. wgldh ? iw^?<c?B*e?ot tanwrruWf oom
ittfe ? WS?UI?*^:BH OeoilUk?iOf JfOasfietd
Ml& !><>oi^g^A??srlw?dviaMaV' ?*ty m
tH?Sy ,vn?ir??Mrliu?di??JH?l ?*cu* <
.'?..adi be&ftr be'tauf besa hera fe
tit** yo ^o?id?'^*?"u*^,i,!* M?fan- keehj
iij?to a fear hours a>Sad ct ?rtaest* at.
rlrtr.g even, ? fevrj?inutoa behtoa.lUgt?
dgd t * tnaS-.reswaevd^.4>toitolMs'^
?tte e* ?srfir start sstdi be ?a han?
promptly **ot ka*w?n*?us* haw ?Vas*
it might tala to reach Anderson ~
s Ut. Itnollttly was given a hearty ?rai
come, by Secretary Whayley of fi? An
derson chamber of com nu roo 'Alien ho
arrived in thc city and throughout yea
if'?ay ito wu? K!IQWJ< ."?vt-r;' ppasiolc
attention by Ute people of the city.
Mr. Doolittle commented upon the
numerous decorations around tba bue
incas IIOUKCH of thc elly tn huno* of
the rou ii lou and said that, it m -n ? bim
feel elated to see that tho people of
tilt? community toke au much l.ttereii
in tito reunion
Mr. Doolittle waa lodge,] at Ibu
Bellevue hotel and he expect?! lo ?.?!
Joy ?very minute of hi? stay m thc
Splendid Year of Anderson's Great
Institution SOT Boya Will Come
To Close In Fitting Style
Today's program will conclude the
.?ommoncement at Frazer Fitting
.School. At ll o'clock thc.annual de
-tarnation contest will be held, when
in interesting program will be ren
At night the class exercises will bc
told, at which timo tho class history
viii be read by Jerome Beck and thc
:lass prophecy will be given by Wil
lam W. Sullivan, Jr. The cluss song
s another feature .that will be of ln
ereat. y
The literary aildress of thc occa
sion will bb delivered hy thc Hon.
Jj C? Featherstone of Greenwood,
riioso who know Mr.- Featherstone
ire looking forward with groat plca3
ire to his coming. He <s an Ander
en county man and Ima scores and
cores of friends who wit! be glad to
.i I ? ll ll vu- ?UkO ?it * u- 11/11 .
Prizes* for> 'prwftcleney in- essay
vriling, in HI bte work und dcclama
lon will bo delivered. Tho handsome
irise that is offered, Is the Essayist
?rizo offered by Jambar 1>- Hammett,
vhich is $25 ?a rath. Thc ::.:iiir.--s
.^signed by Mr. Hammett IB: 'Vei
tonal Liberty ls not tn bc Taken as a
license tor do Those .Things Which
viii bring L>enre?ui.iuii mid Rum io
he Citizenship of Our Country."
Ch ero has beau a.warm and spirited
:ontest fog all of the prizes and the
vlnnere will bo congratulated for the
i .ffort necessary to wis.
The public ls most cordially. Invited
o attend these exercises.
" The annual meeting of tho board of
rustoee wHI, bo heldthia morning*^:
) o'clock.
* All ot Anderson ia proud of the
plendld work dono by thia lustitu
lon during the > pas* year and they
rill shosv that they are deeply'inter
isled in tho woltara of the institution
?y. the splendid attendance at tho ex?
rclacs today. Following ls the class
. George William Brown,
Jerome .Beck.
Louis H; Farmer.
t. Earle Hunter,
0. L. Martini Jr. v- ?j.';vV> Sm
Floyd it. Purkii, . .
! J. B. JWaHajijn.
Iw. R, snowy
D. E. Sloan, Jr*
I Frank B. Steal?,
J W. W. EStorm*. .
1 LAlnOr?Ei^TTttC
i wo rwtgroo waxxco tvemy rnaro
Anderson Ofi&cere, Both With
Handcuffs On
; -Aju--, "?vi
Anderson people are familiar with
he saying thew Stat laugh? at leefe
mlths" but there ft nothing on teer
rd to ?how any. relationship between
upldand two big black burley ncgroe
aturday night Anders?*,county offl
.lalB received Information that a 'crap*
rame waa* going on bet wen a isuwssr
<f negroes near tho Orr MRI and the
.mc or? ?et eat far the anea? Whee
hey arrived they caught thc party rem
anded and proceaded to round them
<p, putting handcuffs on the whole
. unch, locking each negro's wrist to
he wrist of another ot the party.
While this operation was going ob
ito of tlic officers chhmed to look
.round and dltccrvered that Munlcy
turns and Frank Williams, twa of the
frat to 'be handcuffed, hod strolled
way from tho scene ot activity *shd BO
ur aa, ia known they are ?till "stroll
ig " The negress. imtwlU?atandt?8;tha
act that the* Were lockod together.
'?em to lniy* .??da A complete get
way an4 tbjfelift bo trail. ' 'S'jtf.
Tb? cwnatndor o' the party roachMl
'te city In abfety abd Wave lodgod tn
Mr. .Altea ?tated that his road in
xewtfteg to handle a spacial crain bf
tts* en account of the annual state
**yc*teft?i* be Jield tn. thia
aet^wtll tte^yjlke from 0,
?ny w whoui jSfabeaajLj||ffi
>e uar and wilL return on tho 1
Vto ?k night ?adcome bftck
***?!ftter? will probably ix*,*
.vay?jVb>ootaio>.^ia i ?io icienuhsn- we
reehvlUjB .iodss wit*.bring ny breas
ead. and the Sparfeetejog loggte ?it*
, tao have asm* big, atunu Ti
[ ^u=bia isdrs?te earning OB a skeet*!
In of PUUS^B? troni th* tor* c?|?/>
T in connection With tb? lodge? front
s ton. Orangobcvg. FJoroaaeand
> columbia: todse< wttt-gave a
corps and some of the other
aggas wjjt come in great force,
Frazer Bore? Hear AM* Speaker
Tell Them of Wondrous Fit
ting School of Christ
At tiic First Presbyterian Churcli
Sunday the harcaiuurcut<: surnion b?
^ro the Frazer Fitting School was
praaoh?d hy th* Rev, J. E. Wallace, of
Westminster. It.wa? a mose eloquent
??Seenrec !:> which Jesus as the Christ
waa" offfc'rcd aa the solution of life's
problems. Th/ sermon was widely
commented upon us being especially
appropriate. The following is n brief
synop&h; of what was said.
Texi. Idatt XI:2?. "Take my
yoke upon you and learn of me; for
I am mock and lowly at heart: and
ye shall lind rest unto your souls."
Subject: The fitting school ot Christ,.
These versea arc au invitation from
thc headmaster of the greatest fitting
school lu thc universe to come to
him und learn the greatest lessons e
of life. Christ's servant are to bel"
also disciples learners. His school
for them is his yokes. Ile is the mas
ter artist of life audi we must be ap
prenticed to. bim and learn to live na
lie dees. We can never get the most
out. of lifo uur put the most into life,
until we have learned Borne lessons
from tho. yoko.
The li rsl ia the lesson of service.
Tho yoke meana service, and no man
can become truly great without lt.
"Whosoever will be great among yoi*
let him bo your minister: end who
soever will be chief among you let him
bo your servant." We will learn the
why of service. Wa can never learn
why we should give our lives to the J ?j
service of Christ ana man. when it is Jv
net ?ppre^?ited end When thc world
offers so much for lt until we learn 11<
lt from Christ's service to us at such a
great sacrifice.
Wis wi!! learn th* how of Christian
sor vice, roany williup workers are fail
becau&c they ar0 unprepared. The on
ly, school to- fit us to he proficient ser
vants ia the school of apprenticeship
under the. yoke of actual experience
with Jesus. Wc will learn also the
Joy this earth affords is to bo found In
the service of Pur fellowmen for
Christ's ?uk?.
I We learn, secondly, the lesson of
character. If there ts anything great
er, than what we do U is what we are,
our character. Jesus ia supremely .fit
ted, to teach, us character because he
possesses lt. He ts ''Meek and lowly
lp heart", which Uv the. climax of all
true character. We learn character
hy association, .?Our lives .are fashion
od siter them with whom we live most
UuaeljK?'..-lf Jssuavla our constant eom
p?*iic5", cur loki; ?A*LOW? we will leam
.tftihOKlUo Uhp.:. Wo csa never become
truly great, wi*h aver so much service,
unissait is adorned with hulmlty. Wo
ieawn the third lesson which is con- j i
tsstiaent "Ye shall find rest'1
untoi your.souls." Thia 1B sn age of
un?-***, social, political and spiritual.
lt.. offers labor in which wo become
.The world knows no4*Mu of true rest, ? y
'heavy laden.with care.: Only Jesus
Vetters reih Me does not offer bodily
Sst. for ho calla to service, "but rest
your-souls" fredora from anxiety
and. responsibility for earthly things.
Cher; business ls to bear his yoke, his
business lt ls to bear all the, respon
sibility. . We ega never rise to . th?
higheat ia service end character if wo
ase weighted down with dally earea
.all, these things do
We are to aoepf i
i. and trust him to J S
. these thing* to us. In conclue*?*. Il
?.We ?ava hsoo. tought by the world to]
look upon Christ's yoke as a burdenJ
.and as a hindrance to the broadest
ffreeedoto. But entering this school we
eater? "the glorious liberty of thc sons
of God," and And that Instead of bria??: t
[jpS??s.inU? a.aarrow life it ls tbs ?site, #
way to the more abundant life. In- t
stead of being a burden to carry and c
hold us ;down. lt ts transformed into o
wings hy which we may risa 'above a
earth's sorbld cares Into a higher lire t
of service of eharacter and of content- ft
ment or rest In this school alone,
can we be prepared fot the blahes!
lite on earth and for eternal life In the. J i
world to cen}*..i The teat la tha.SShOOll
bell of the grast uptosrslip of .Oo-Mhull
has been Wnftop ?*ih ?t*ar .t*?*e**4i .
down the aged,, calling ho ?a wea
restless souls rtp casie a?d lesya fr?"
him life'* lessons from his yoko. Po
his yoke ls easy and his burden ls
Fight.- _?
?AncT SKt#&V Sfck ''MM Calls
up*m>m*? i?* cuin. - ;
Ree?rtrr fifi Coco
iha nani u? 4*oti
J|sp> ppraes and residents ?o uuu they
thp^ipiissj^lsd If sip? approaching
mir, ^a^?ib
Tbe. forraex seoestary.ot Ward 3.
ihk. CA langston, ls atoa eui ot t**
etty sad ti fcprot*hte4hai be..wU| he
away soma time This ts another ward
ju which some attention to the cl?h;
oll muy ho necessary. As to this
rp do not ii.oii'. .
All of tile club roll? will have to
n rovlsed for the county and state
Timarles and we suggest that tho
rora lu the city wards be started at
nco HO that everything may bc put d ur dar. .Mr. King will .have the
lub roll for Ward Five ip tho office of
lie Chiquia hotel at al hour? of thc
ay, aaa if any -number o' citizen? at
onie point remote from Main street
-ill notify him, he will take tho reg
?ratlon book to any they may
uggest, and at any hour they may
t '
-j . * '|0? UB
ury Deliberated Only 45 Min
utes Is Trial of Men Charged
With Murder Spann Aiken
At G o'clock last night the case of
to State against M. T. Gilbert and
'ord Springfield, sbarged with the
lurdor of Spann Aiken, went to tho
try. After 45 minutes deliberation
sat body' returned a verdict of not
uilty and the two defendants were
roe men.
This caso excited great interest all
vcr the oeunty and people were pres
nt from all sections, especially from
led mo:: t, to hear the testimony and
ratch the progress of the case. It
ae possibly. the hardest fought- le
al battle of the present term of
ourt and: James H. Price of Grecn
ille, attorney, for the defendants,
pt up one of tlie most determined
gilts ever , made in the - Anderson
ourt.hpuse.- _Gen?raI opinion seem
d to expect an acquittal.
When court epnvened yesterday
onsisting of. the following gentle
ten: .
Joe W. Norris. J. M. Dell. D. C.
irown, B. C. Yoong, W. E. Razor,
V. J. Trammell, O. S. Sullivan, W.
ir. Romiwa>r. u. Tribbie and veal
er Dobbins.
The Jury trying thc murder case
/as ex follows:
S. L. Kakow. Paul flnwr. W I.,
ludereoo, P> T. Hayn le, J. W, Keily,
,. F. Gaimard. W. L. Bond. J. R.
)rake, R. Kv, Leach. E. P. Tate. \V.
1. Stone and F ? L. Pilgrim.
This morning tho court 'will take
ip tho case of Sam Brown and Bob
Vulker, botli negroes, charged with
murder. Thia, 1B a unique .case, bo
auso of, the fact that,neither of the
tegnwB squally, fired tho, shot thai
Lilied either one of the participants
n the fight. Boto, are said to have
icen, accessor iee. - v
The fight i occured in February al
f hick time two negroes engaged in
i pistol dun),-eacbi being kiUed by
he other,, lt ia alleged, that the two
tosswaju,, staadtag trial were inipllca
cd, in the killing, because . ono fur
ilshed a gun-for the. affair and other
ook a hand when both pf the princK
.sis "?^cro ?,rsrc??ua.?jr ?L-a?,r ?i nida
air to bo ono of the mjst Interesting
?' itHj? iv?ia of ih^QOUAt. ^
F'?LElvs?N SERV.CE ?
m? Be Put On By the
To Go Through To Atlanta
I Via the Setiboard
C. S. Allen, general passenger and'
isisht -agent of . the Peidmont uud|
Northern railway waa in the city yes
erday and announced that the Pull
nan would be pat on the interurban
?at. Sunday. The first will leave
?partanburg Sunday afternoon next,
rheashsdale will be aa follows:
Leave Spartanburg.7.50 p. m.
Leave Greenville.9.10 p. m.
Leave Belton .1013 p. m.
Leave Anderson .. .. ^. , .9^45 p. m. i
Connect at Greenwood with. Sea
ward and arrive at Atlanta following
norning at C, o'clock and passengers
nay remain In the sleeper until . 6
?.clock. Return, trip, leave . Atlanta
it 9.50 p. m. and get back to Anderson
>t 7.35 the next moaning. Thia Pull
ban service gives through connec
ionTor the'West via the Cllochfteld
otfswrjy of ?partanburg.
wi.A? w*," - r.e.? V^?,^. Ht
Anderson For fi*? Time At
the Stroke asl Ten
Just aa the city clock strusl
ant alight Manager Harry Orr.jor tba
louthem Public Utilities Qsmpaay;
brew the switch which illuminated
Lnderson's great whito way and Gio
(tty sprang tuto light as though ?
seale. The arc lights on
teer, streets had been.turned
he contrast between the old
if lighting and the new was truly
lo. instead of the hard
ot the area the. street*'
. _/tan. the mellow gtow. of i
satpfei ?BaexaatS a- prestas*?
?SK. tass? lt ejjna- l,ad?bete!
ld not
paUea wrougavt -,
P proved of ian chan?? and Ander
ea ia proud of the new light? oe she"
tas every right to be.
tr-mm u-i iii- . J -.
f u? Iwpfsseioo Uftoo Yonne .
Ladies of Y. VY. A. Here
-? j H.,.
K Hiera wer? tuan y events during thu <
closing exercises of Anderson C0U030 j
worthy of note U?ut t?tere- will be" more ? 1
during thc yean to come but there ia ,
no possibility of securing a more
splendid speaker, a more fluent talker
or a more charming man for Gie' sei
mon to the Y. W. A. at Anderson col- ?
leg^ than Dr. E. S. Alderman proved
himself to be last Sunday. He made
an impression upon his audience and .
this impression will he lasting.
The music furnished for the occa
sion was another decided treat abd ev
ery person precant at the college Sun
day felt richer by reason of his or tjer
presence in the auditorium.
The following ls tile order of the
Organ - "Andante Grazinoso" -
Invocation. . /
Hy md-Tune 4.
Scripture Reading. ?
Cello Solo-"Moderato" in G- Mo
zart. Herr E. Graul.
Hymn-^Tuns 311.
Cello Soh*r-"Ave Marta"-Schubert
-Herr E. Graul:
Offertory Prayer. '?
Offertory-"Tluf Watch. Word"- ,
Sermon to Young Women's asso
ciation-rDr. E. S. Alderman. ?
Hymn- Tune 31<?. v i
; ..? i.... 1
Postlude-Fjfgurc in D-Bach. I
Dr. Alderman chose as his subject .
"Christ. Tho Center of AU Things." '
and he gave his hearers a very com- .
prcBensive survey of his opinions. .
From an historical standpoint Christ "
was shown to be the Power behind all
our advancement and growth. Tba
speaker showed that this, was applt
and materpieees of various hinds. The
speaker closed hhs remarks with an
appeal to the graduates that they so
direct their lives and so run their
cours? that they could say tu?t tbey
had fulfilled the designs of the All
Wiao Creator in the painting of the
picture of life, In the rendition of the
gogy of Ufe and in the writing of thc
great book of-all books, the record ot
. Ufe.
It was a strong effort and every
tuan, and woman in the audience roust
have felt a better influence as a result
of Dr. Alderman's splendid sermon.
_ . ....
TIM More Citizeiu.Adekd Yatte* ;
day to Eve?.Incr*?*ss?4f. !Pe?*a. \
lation of the City
. Anderson grows greater , day by
day and there can be no mistake about
[that. Yesterday witnessed two cl?i
gens and their families, added to An
derson's ever-increasing population,
and, these two men will probably, be
responsible for several more people
earning to the city. M, R. Ruilej?ge
pf Chariot-ton. a well known real es
te^and..? vestment mai? o?j*%t,?Jty
has decided to come to Anderson and
oat* aad.will arrange*:!? ,w>jra.he?*
[within the next few daya. He will
engage 1*. general re^l e*tajte aa4 in
surance business,
a, *to,C^f*, who hts
boosting Anderson for.
in Baltimore, where be has beefl. tak
ing a special course in a ?piano and
organ tUAing cstabllabajant. .Ha* re
turned to the city and announces that
Ike ;?tU probably cast; his U&
Anderson ls richer today -
citizens than she was yeatsrd**. and
inls ta but the tale of every day here.
[J^ardly a day passes, in,And?
I without new families coming in
the best part about the whole thing
it that the Influx bears none of the
earmarks of tv boom. It ir the steady
and continuous growth.
i Dr. W. ?. Askatnre's Mother Died >n
Snaday Afternoon at Steading .
Mrs. Julia Ashmore, mother ot Dr.
W. Frank Ashmore of Anderson, died]
Sunday afternoon sj^.i o'clock a&4]
waa buried yesterday afternoon. ?t; t j
o'clock. 4The sympathy, Of ajLlhe1
psople ia the county ls extended to
Uti.. Atb^o^Jte^l^lKrUr .of bereaver
'r 'Ti^i* igujlTftiL imilitsw vit
- : isa SB
New Stf?w H?ti
JThe straw hats in our stock go well with the sum
ner feeling that's in the air these days. Droj> in to
iay and see if our idea in straws doesn't coincide
^h.yours. Prices $1.50 to $4.00. Panamas $5
md $6. Get into a summer shirt that's built sper
zialjly for comfort, and warm,weat)ier tro,ul?le^ will
r-^istv QUR SHIRTS are the comfortable,
r,ot. too heavy; for coolness, not toovli?ht to gfye
joo<$ wear. A^.FAST colors and .new patterns.
Look 'em over today. $ l .00 to $3.50.
.3bJbdB&y Co..
[SIS^^? '} EyeryboyJ
" j?yt EsPecia,!y VetiMP#
M?M^????& Invited to D??lt?
f?^ JSgt? PUR FOU^Mit.
rhe Best Soft Drinks and Purest
Ice Cream in The City?^_^,.
ill VifiDIA nmnv on ? ???; fmrui ri?t^lSl
iiLi mi in uniiu? U?. ft fi Ut ?nCHI%.,^Kfett?
108 NORTH MAIN ST. :: ANDERSi*?*rS? C.
20 Tons Baled Burmuda Hay
$20.00 Per Ton
irrivcil at Standing Spring? only a
boura befcr?, ?icr dr^?h.
Thc following- is from tue Green
ville Nows pf yesterday
"Mrs. Julia Ashmore, aged sixty
nix, years, died at one o'clock y ester
lay afternoon st the home of her
laughter,JMrs. John D. Richardson,
a ear Standing Springs, church. She
wa* the.widow ot tho lat^o P. H. Aah
aaoro and was on a visit to her dau
ghter wheo, t^,fln^sttKjinw>?s came.
Hr s. Ashmore was a woman respect
ed, by ese>jfho?>v ?Wd ter. death will
zause sorrow not only to her family,
tait> to niaqy trienda. who cherished
.*^.-Asl6rioMtt inverai services
.Ul be held /today af ene o'clock at
the ?tfhol S?tk. chureb. and the
Ret. T, "K. Seago" will officiate, She
le. survived by ?one daughter, Mrs.
Richardson ?nd tour sons.. Messrs.
J. "4M.ty.Cu A.. and Pr. FrAuk
ashmore.. Tho latter is of " Anderson
?nd the former of tao lower section
af thia eounty.'
?peela! Iteottttft 'for' Attendance.
All of the yoang ?eople that are to
take part in the Re un loti Chorus will
pleaxe meet st t&e^t?j&? Wednesday
norning st 9itmL
(Slgnodr tenolia Weisen'.
?i?f&?^MUBIC Committee.
Hone Barnside Heath rTaen Ii well.
. ?Mit. J
il tl:" i .-, J.le 'ciUUe^ i;
MKMIC n.* halt *m?~m ?*-i 1-t
?? y - i^. i ?'ini- I.M i ma hWum
***** ^Wu**? *<?thi .
^M&imX MAY
fay f?asjawiu j?ease1 gar?e? Ia Ta?
. . , Jtfee *?r Governor.
; C^tuptbia, May 25.i~Ther? U ?
.^^^^^nt^r^^st Qeo. Bell. Tim
t strong lojkhta ^?uioi. lie ia * aoi
if ine late v>'. H. TfAupc?mag an
4 tn Andfirtoe. it
wee ex thc please caadvlates up t
ats time has been centered upon.
. - ? ( ifiir
Friends Authorize the Announce
ment Thai He Will Make the
Campaign for Mayor
Friends of J. Harrington Godfrey
last night authorities'?be^niolHgcnccr
to publish tba announp?Ueat' .^at he
would be a candidate, ?or mroigr'aud .
that his platf?rm would be announ
ced, later. Mr. Godfrey ir tba city
clerk, city, editor of tho ] I^eily" MaR
and secretary o?; t^e IpcaJ lodge ot
Elka and a ! member of other frater
nal orders and social clubs. .
Mr. Godfrey is a native of Che raw.
Bad came to-ibis city to engage In
tbo rMwspaper business and later ho
became city clerk, a position which
40 bas filled with ability and skill,
rust what hie platform will be re
mains to be seen.
Thero are three 'other well known
cititens In the race for mayor and Urn,
entries do not close for sovcraiqaK.'
rhone at present announced are Jus
M. Payiio, for many years an ukfca
man and later cogety-1~
Elmore, at present al
W?rd 1 and qr. W. P.
chairman of ?he board
k^ is stato|,that W. I
jince ponnd?olly
Ud not-caro (or tbs _
.ot accfipt under a rVT^^'rfrtn tami
it government.
Ta* ne* entrant* ak"
^uN9..j|oUucai backin?.
Sflljai? ansti?c7
?aa onceen cgfcer t?U
^ 1?T**?? ?eaera?ly pop
ular wrth tho,yooag saeRj^y it
Wei Xaaaay Ntf^ after a hom HI
iMm?r.. ? WP**., ... uu
Ura. A
held at j?1il^MF7ni?lg Tlj|jij|L
^.J^Bft^nwa at s oflai*, *
fy^v&nZUfi been iii ?- long
ime aBd had been at borne trom
T t'ospiuj but a weet.