MGOIAR A j? - 4 9 c Stock limited One to I TO f RQ a Customer |H fc AR rrJ^ > ComeEarly | -- ^ , '^1"" ?iV^- Fi iday and Saturday I pYf IVlairi Store | | Only j | OOOOOOGOOOOOOOO o IDEM, FIR^SS COOKER o o ?t our store every dey next o o week, co.mnendng o o MONDAY at 11 A. M. o o EVERYBODY INVITED o o - o ANDERSON HARDWARE o o COMPANY o ? o OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO? ANNOUNCING THE NewRoyal Model 10 0 out of typewriting! ? | Q. T^HE rapid-fire action 0 ? i of the new ? j ??S tfjam/? 11 < bn?io tage of supet'^ conven ience-irs ai, ^ ?y speed without tiring ?heopera tor- ils new Adjustable Touch -make it easy for ANY stenographertVJ turn out MORE letters in the same working doy. ? Cet the Fada! - Scotts?. Afce.?4tayei iwtT. ih.jrcoj' town end ?ik fer a DSMONSTfcATION. . m?i> ,.. ? jr?..-. . . " . -.*.?. frrirexwrecr for our n*w brochure, "BET TER SERVJ?E,"*n?!? b-?.^l t??al Color-Phetogiaph of Ute "Write ti?vt-r-i'gh? rou : ' || Cecil's Easiness (cliege. Pot Renl 1^ AM sorts of 8 j houses in all parts ;of the city. REN?IHB DEPSBMH? A nderson Rea! Kssate UNION Tona KC4 TH KO. N. VAIL. PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT Anderdon, S. C., 7:35 p. aa. C<*H?D>?, May 21. Edfcor of The Andereon UaSy Intelligencer, voroewa, ?nay The time until the convening bf the reunion of the Confederate Veierans is growing short Please urge the people: Q? Anderson tc- make Arrangements tb strain ,$t\ty of the hospitably of their homes to accomodat^ the number of visitors who are. coming. . .Otherwise it may mean a black eve: tor Anderson. I know that the people of Anderson ;witt do-as they alwavs have and will niste trie *A: ;:;v?^??r^'^V,e;a .good time, bp do not procrastinate. . ;,-^P^S^fe 'ir, vt : m Ui -: u< '. -S-i \'-,\w . " Leon L- R5ce? Chairman of. ^committee. - ? i STEEL MEN A UNDER THE BAN m.vVojBpi to Deirraud U. 5. In Canal Lock? Contract ( By i Assos?ated, Press i Pittsburgh, May "fy.-? federal Bfftnrt;pary barp ^odaywmade a pre sentmcnt lecomh?eudlng the indict ment of fire employes of the Carbon Steel Company on a charge of ? con-' ?piracy In connection with steel ffctr ti?cnc? ?Or hrcks in the: fan ama ca nal. lt is alleged that the steel wa? of such an inro/lor quality that the ca nal iswks^ are liable to let go at any aiuuel M. it. Dennis .James i*". Warren and >ye? -of Uta the preseh't , recommeud BO> that no indiotraenube founa.gnuwt rhta. -Th? 4ttry r-fQueated that the court smut . < mm -yate* -mtttm Att&t ?^?-It?PB?.H^ena to lay before lt a bill for indictment, moro partic itfirT^-iimsrjit, setting forth the alteg ^^ojatlojia of law. District At ?Jhe. would present .morrow. plates furnished ?r were tempered highly ea government inspectors chopped off: an edge to analyse they g^m^i?jpl?? >ar Bujwrkir to t'aangjBja Sf the beams and platen. . .H H'*?!?'??? vtuiCo?- oi me car bon Steel Company are In Pittsburgh Dena H, Wilson secretary bf the company today 3ald that but two of the men named in the pre sentment are employed by the car bon 'steel 'company at the present liane. UNCLE SAM BUYS ?!3MAH UUMAIN . . -. ? . i Government Plans Game Pr?serve -Or4.;^?ri of , Moutain Estate Of Ute ?eo. V?a?terbKt ' (?t Asscimbsd Presa.) tne puren??}. By ?tb? Untied ? States Forestry Coa>tsjiapion -of simoatthe en tire _ Vanderbilt eatato. conslstin,; of about 8?>? o o 00 o o o o o 0V00 O O O O o f SPECIAL NOTICE TO RESIDENCE OWNERS o o J - ' . i '' j ? - ? 0 ? k? ^Nottjing will ?So more than te make Anderson look at- o o tractive durras the Reunion than for the raeidencea o o Utfousaoirt the city to be decorated. Jost a little work by o o the own*? of the ^ ? o oued Prof. Jno. O'Connor of the Soiithero Decorating Co., o * J?** u ** offksaj decorator, wilt he ?lad lo do o 0 ff Sr?? went Mr. O'Connor, teiepheaw 4Amm- o w ?ra xx v-uroraerce. :^$????n^ra5n2?!S=29_Sl o f . . ; Mre. R. C. WEBB, Cruirman, o 0 Decorating Committee, o 0 0 o o o o o c O o o o o 00 o 00 0.0 o o 00000 O OOO O ooo MAI* OUT PROGRAM PubEsbing Houee of the American Church at R?cjunon* Said To ?. s. wo ON H.Sy A**.^inteO Pre% . Kansas City, Mo., May 21. Arnon? vari?os reporta submitted to day by the general assembly of ta* Presbyterian church In Um United Statea -waa tant of the oaecative com?, mittee of publication and Sunday School work. The committee declarea ta? the publishing business of tba church ia flourishing, that enlarged quarterE are under- construction hi Richmond, and that ambitions plans for the future ar? being made. %*'Srt?*'' section of thc report dealing with Sunday school extension^ d% dates that as! rapidly - as tho church suppli?s the funds thc follajalgg 7"Peace"?e?d" workers."in" tho neediest 5&F'?arean^^ i - .. -, -, - s,-....... - j IWBCT m-mut, - 2. H--?- woman a ?au?bate 1 Encourage Preabytcrie* to hold waa found later along the sid? ot the < Sunday school institutes and employ track Sunday acbool mlastonarles. At the hci?piraMhe woman waa anf- ' Parana** every church of ability to fleient?y revived to answer-a few of < oetoblirh one or more misalon Sun- the o.ueeti?fHa asked nor. She had I Pr? ?Ln?. / taken-the . tralsveiit. ofvJ^or*?nce and t,?L-?!3..?.,?rg^li*aH0^or I*** was alone in tho compartment. Harli P ? l? .dU Vt* ?.**;?*0?- assailant waa* young italian who ea- l Endeavor to bring the school? up tered the compartment-and ?hot her. j ?ZJ^I otandard? APbroved by the She said she was ?0 years old and I Ute CPUr^n. U'nr mut-'-1 Mr- -?- - Aid in e*tabltahiA? and maintaining, relapsed into a state of coma. 1 iNESL?f?-*0 ^ f ? J&W0Jker?' . According to the train bands, she Stimulate the memorisation of occupied , the compartment alone, in a?F?S?.^>W|h'- ?ffer ?f U,e nw fi^ropartntent was a maa. of.L ?l# ^ ^ .... about ?e. He did not enspieio,i3- ? i?f!Ti??*??i:?K* libraries and eu- ly. out at Arezxo he, teft the tra? la*geJhofjB?>iaJne3s of old collections fcom tb* ,.wraa$aide. 1?L oT J^}*,'n A U ia ?apposed the crime occurred I ?.?u??*er tram,n? fusses iB a tunnel Just outsWe of Arretso. It wnereyer possible. wap aloes ?he tracks at that saint l? - ?,d ^S?*' *C**??A institute*- a? ay jtbat th* valt^o aid!a3^^wc^'s ' caaje?^r- . . ,,- y. f aunar . , Fnlarge our donation* of religious The noliCe tonlcni' fe?^V?i? iisi*!1 tracts and literature. bad cstabllehod that t?e Oman's M I1 ?^&E wHh tb* other , agencies ?allant returned ?otu Arroyo On the i of too chtrrch in promoting erange- night train fromTr^feaca. - M llstic effort and arousing tho church -? -. ' HEN?!? ?Luft ^r1*?**1 Howard- j < Koowa ia i??feagOi h ?hip responsibilities, and austo n the 1 (,Kin?ir?l M"" *t.iT-??-?_ J? Woman's Attxlliary in tts splendid i?-^ SS*". ~T fi~T??e WOE|U?n 8fc{)t < _ Mr6.;?a^r?n^,O?t?b?#: ?4 fer a 11 ^* ? W**'?' AI ?? Knv.i? ^ from Home said that she- r?ntemplat- 1 yp^Pren?ent Oa^Tof ?Maars at * R ^ to Fn?renCft; . Virginia C?anftaL < ?BK?.Giy toi NDATIt.^ Fi sp * ? .. .. ? . ' Riebi^?^May>?^omaa^ H ^ ???^???t? fre?a ? Aia^allr?e* pre?i?eat of the United -c ? as? ?Sj;??? ? ml^waa^heg^iest of honor at a joan- ' ???.-.*% ' *^vtTS . ! qulst given tonlgat jry ^^b? -^tta^mi^, 1^^?U^ ' P eo^lM^ot^f rt? inawme;X 4n?T^^,T Mf? ^.^fjOarnegie j?, B?nin. ?t?ap?o; Tao vfoe .president &"B??%?i5^^/a^5m^ of ? nada a brief ? address en nub^vyvo?} 2S*%f' ?l^^^&^T^.^S?" H f?etebe la a 98?! degree n?anti.,Bc-|^i S^^r^?S?K ^??i^00^'" I1 co?c?r?ia?.oi?;t?e ^MJakr^-?aki^ ?^.?S?1?^?^T10^,Mi^S*a: ; Taken Front Traci im Pyr?g ??ov* ^Kt?on. Say?ws SJh? Had Bean, Atteched anil: Kobhed ofjChii^oy ,?ecordi^r**t police Iden-, tlflcatiop, wa?; foicgd'tM-ia' dying oqp dttiea in a cpn^runent. & ,a train whan lt arrlTed fet Arw?-o yesterday. Tho train was. hound tre?a - ^^p?n^o to Asslai. ,T^B w?w?Vhud beetj ?bot through tho ripht tempfe a?d was re moved to p hoapltsl. ^9W^j^.]^kt^ook..wafl found a let ter of credit for *J,3ft? which h^ri been coAbed par?. T?o hand bag, 'WflW'Oi" Attars ^c?-Zfiinndr b;it n baggage label wiSih. {fie nome Mrs'. l?NWin?i?^^':Mofc^ on thc *re*9yter?An General Assembly Get? Down To t&r?ess at Kansas City . iBf Associated Press.) KSCBS.9 i 'irv, may zi.-Declaring, that 'delegation^ of discontented people ?rill keep on coming to the .churches :o disturb worship, until ?fter a while Be^L S. Lyons, of louisville, Ky., in the moderation ceremony^ before the general assembly of the Presbyterian yfaurch which opened here t^gfgjm)^ -~ mt-Kmt* pic? mr iltgncr TlaJlVB. -il'JAXbe church," he saicV-'le. equal to ce opportunity bf today, many -who make malicious assaults upon lt, wilt and thenseelvefi bresking into the Kingdom of Heaven." "What ls the vision today?" lie said! 'Aa w? turn to tba world we see the yamo dark shadows, which appeared In ^11 the prophetic visions of the peat, r&e behold coptendin?torces in all the railed forms of .economic, social and a'cHtteai ferment and strife. Moreover, wei see the world ?rowing more and nore wcarry of Its problem, with ninny [taperai ermehccH inat lt ia eomtnst to4 realise that the. problem, requires Jar Itg^eoSvt'on more than, the alemnt. of >ducatloa and culture and naomi Infiu? ! The report of the r???o?o7i?~"ccr:t!*?? j committee, represented-to tbs aJwem-j uly, upheld the policy'of the national J at'Washington In thc j hat lntea^kSon'lu Mexico take the] erm of Christian instruction rather} ban tho force cf arras. | William J. S&artin. president nf Da- j rtdson College, or Davidson, K. C., *?91 ?lccted mod^?ttt?^r^c??d Rev. J. ?. Lyona of Louisville. Ky. j i?i?an/eai^.Martin, who is a layman, ! vas chosen on the second ballot and ila t clett.ioa^vtteu- .was made unjKaJb* nous. SaR."'.t?iu^"^RHHB \ Ijs RADIUM MAY~BE C??SE OF CANCER kidi Is Opinion of Doctor Who. . Hap Treated Disease Success- j fully With lt j (By Associated Press.) London, May 21.-Dr. Walter 8. ijiasrus-Barlow, .who has recently had rtiecesa in tb? treatment of cancer jy radium says radium lo. thc human 3ody may also be the cause of cancer. At a recent meeting of physician? ?qd surgeons he told *df expert merits ie performed upon animal cells and isplawed that while cancer might be 11 vlded into various -lassea it waa mthiog more or leas than disordered sell qrowth. "it ts reasonable tb oup joa?*?f he said, "that there Ie one cause, :no I would suggest to yo? that in the adium .end radiation? wv -havo the probable cause/' Radium, he continued was widely IJatn buted in nature .in quantities i*ttcb had been shown to proC.u<>? the iMsmlstioa of ceil growth and l?titM? levelop some deleteriout eft ?,Vt which' iu'mtuated In deetb" i'^acer waa,very ri - ?j/ v-aorlated iv?tl? Incarnation to auch n extent bo ?a c that, chronic irritation was the >ei> caused which was naiver*?!?.? ac cepted, but chronic Irritation waa an Krund np with bacteria, that thara ?U- question whether radii/mi iiiu-qiiiiw ?a ?ii?i?i? Celli Dr.' Barlow sala experimenta of ' nie iad demonstrated that bacteria actual? y pulled radium oui ot a solution and I rttrseted. it to tbems*l*??. . If radium i UMKi.asq :ocauy oeposu tue j A, fottning & focus of that wup- ) s, producing stimulation of the] m thc neighborhood, "ile salo j n, was press?t ai timtg'in n<...... E? y^L C XJ R. S I O GBEEILIE, SPABT?NBURO 8 ANDERSON -HY. and . Carolina? CHnchfield and Ohio Railway First Summer Excursion and Saturday Outing to -A?te-^aati^ N. C., And RETURN, SATURDAY, A . ^^^^^^ *^3f 1914? Via tho Great Electric System of tho South and the Plctiriroari ot tho Carolina, Cllnchflcld and Ohio to niue Itldgo Mountains Carolina a? the following round-trip fare?: ive Greenwood, 8. C., ?SO ve Hodges, 8. C.6:60 -- JiitainBMBaiUHHnai Leave Donalds ...7:05 Leave Honan Path .. ... .7:16 Leave Belton .7:.:o Leave Anderson .7:00 Leave Wtlllatnston.7:35 ??eave reiser . .7:40 |2,7t> honro Piedmont .. *?2f Leave Greenville .. . 2^ lieu ve Tay ors 2,'so keave Ch!jk Springs .'. ..8: 2;60 Leave a.m..rat 2.50 r^onvo Greer ..... J .V, *.*f Leave Duncan. i^ave Tu ca pa u ... Arrive Alta Pass, N. C., 12:00 Noon. . Leave Aita Pass. N. .< ^yarea^ror children between the ages of five end twelve aa named above from the next more distant station. Tickets will tho train by conductor from ?talions having no agent. This ia your ?rat opportunity to visit ate beautiful Blu Mountains at such low spates. The Clincbfield ls known aa the route of tho East, passing through the heart of the mountains of North Carolina, "The Switserland ot America." Thia Itne is ^l&o , BCV^ M ILKS of ronnel* fc?*n through aol? rock. Tea of th? CT New Vestibule Coaches w?l he provided and tnere wHJTheSj Sffi?i?ftMS^2^- ^J*T t? operated' by *?e < .S^rfanhBrg a?*5*?%*r?0^my^a5? tbe Carolina Cruchfield attfl ?ri oVe^nn ' Sff^rS*^ M carrying your wife dren on IfcM excursion and have tbe assurance that it will be pw ^aXW?te\^ ^ ma?P *? T* hleaanra and aP3 ear wtil be attached to thia train where good things to eat and drl aerved. Yen vi? reach Atla Pasa In time togo to Al? rr yon prefer not to carry-your picnic baaltetr^h^o^^ ***** .SATUliDj C. S. ALLEN, :GrtmaiU?? JW? ?ZO TO WASHINGTON,.'fe?. and , turn, account ?taveiltag Arlingtc? Monument md Peace C?l?bration, Jane 4, X?14. To ATXANTA, GA., aia? retwj, ac count Annual ?Convention, Photo.? groaners Association of America. June 15-20, 1014. To PHaAJ&WJPH?A, PA,, and re turn, account Natl?aal Electric Light Association, June I.S. 1914, * toi scjj?u??Wt? ?r other? information, cali on Seaooard agents or wHt3,the undersigned: ^ -S^v^^^^ iV A., Atlanta, Ga. C. S. Compton, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Fred Geissler, A.G.P. A., Atlanta, Ga, ss Plates j B5Q ?Rediuctlora and Up. jj ... Y0R HEXT T?Bf DAYS. .yy. ffjfS ^^^^,,?181"] Gl11 D?8t F1^?es ^^^?mpwJHSi Our Specialty . $12. TTTjffl^^^H $7 Crowaopen fsce SS. ^^^^LJI^LP^ Avo?d taJigeallon and L--.-";; Trv*r~*'^l 1 Improve your H&A&m Bridie H by ****** m Vt* Y0Xi& ii DR. H. R. W^S ^?0 1{ Phos? 5? Lady AiteediRt StTimSK SCHOOL-WiR,?f?p CeUege, ?o?k COURSES OF 8^|> F~*VtaU?fj^ tvlU be srovided to .th? needs of: 1, ^perlnteftj^u/e4^ni^Beipa.|9. ?. ?ig? ?ciioui ?^?b> ; ?#es. 3, PHotftry- and gre? '..:<..; 4 Rural school teachers,. SPSC?AL PEATtJtlftS-Model school through first six grad 3j?nrn ?