WANT ADS. GET RESULTS FOR .Fa*.8?le~CaiVV^c^';^n*n?wn. \*ov, red-ripper and polo/ cat peas. Alse . borne raised cora. Write us for pr ires- C. W. & J. li. Bauknlght Walhalla, g. C. o-20I6t? . ," .-? Fer Sale-One dark Jerpcy cow, fire years eld wita eecoad cair.' Th? Fretweil Co., 5-l?-3t Fer Hale- i will cell tay farra, cou* elating of 4:;r, acres of the. floest farming latfd tu Georgia; very fer tile, dark loam and clay subsoil! About 409 uer ox iu cultivation; li plows ? on Hame. Adams highway ruua through it.' -Tenant Improve* un i;?!. Three lull?? east of Vicuna, tja., a low* of o.UOd. Will sell for tW.ettV; pcr ft,-re. ??,000.00 loan ot 6 1-3 per cent, running 0 years? bah anns cash. 1 aaf the owner and not rani estate dealer. Dont write un less you mean business. Yours Italy, \ H At,M.jwnaw -, Cordele, Ga. . '. -. T, ?.jV ;',. ..'.i -T WANTS vtasted-To call special attention to our. Galvaniz?!. Steel Watering Troughs' for lloras*; Cowa, and Hogs.. Bout, rt ronge?t, cleanest anil mtost durable trough made. Blvt ver Booting 0or, "The Shop 'With Lost- Arny leather pocketbook, con taining ??ivor card case, carda, *20j hill; aud other change, two gold plas and check for f?e./-Reward h | -retaroed to tho Intelligencer office. ' ? .J... 4iu-fLi;^ii_L.r.... Wanted-To Sell yon your wood. Nice dry? Pine and Oak wood? Cut 4o .ott you. Delivered promptly. Ph T.-u 'in ' {- ? Phono 604 -WBHB ?IO0ET-Trial 2:16-7 year? The fastest and best bred horse you ever had a chance to breed tc. Will be ia the atud at Davis Broa. Scabies., Fae 18.00. I ras^a^vL'-^nit^^^ j J Li?>f;V-*s"fclrnwf: roil a ia hath -flail* andi ' ?j^|?|^^[^^Mfcs ?7 BO: u> imx^W&% ' W M , ?aW.in edvanc* ?tltrtctly^ For etty offices: in' daily Vfa^l^Mayar, aldermen $3.00, . ' " -' i ? ? i i_ FOB MA?*?B -- " nersoy announce myself s as??** tate for r *nsa.eed,.;ai? a ,candidate for mayor1,! ubje?t tb the rules of the city demo-: ratio primary etoctiou. 8- announce Walter dldato for Alderman FERMAS -BftTwatee an* dt?ate for aider* atiounctd ft j roto Ward ? tho demo lyself a candi ? roles of th*: iMewnatt fr?? pearmah. 1 rt?aaonns? *man fra? lOHT COMMiTTEE HELD ? CONFERENCE CONSSDERED MATTERS REL ATIVE TO BUSINESS BIG REDUCTIW5 Tremendous Saving To Anderson WU! Be Effected By the New Rates Soon to To Be In Use There wai a very important meeting! of the freight rates committee of IM, Chamber of Commerce last night at which time was considered the recent roductlon In rates secured in part by tho efforts of this comm;.iee. W. Wi I Sullivan, thc chairman of the com tn flt ! tee, and D. A. Ledbclter, attended a ; meeting in Atlanta at which it wa* di^'usBed. abd the railroad as a result will put into effect on the loth of June a rate from the West and on tba l&fb ! of July a'rate from New York and ex tern points which witt mean a savina ! In freights of from 140,000 to |60,kpdereon'tr rate bat to equalise the rataaV After much study Mr. Pow jil ..oncluded that Anderson had been ; to rta* owner.;?.. ' WHEELS rr THE LAW I MI mm SLOWLY SECOND WEEK OF CRIMINAL COURT COMING TO CLOSE ' y* '-Vt, ? .. J. ..' ? -"iv ?P^?P SOLICITOR ABSENT ? Hon. J. E. Bogg? Discharged tho Dirties of Solicitor Kurtz P. Snvtb In Court Yesterday Yesterday's session of the Court ol General Sessions brought un, but few cases of Instance and thc business of tho court eros mainly- confined to CAB* es of minor Importance. On account of th? death of the Solicitor's father, KUrta P. Smith was not In attendance at court ? mi his duties were discharg ed throughout tho day hy Hon. Julius IS. . When thc court oouvented yesterday uso rn in 3 the X>remun or the jury in tho ra^o oft*. A. Shaw, fudictcd for obtain ing goods under false pretenses* re porte! to the Judge that no verdict could bu reached. Judge Prince order ed a record of a mistrial bo entered o? thc journal and discharged tho jury. Policemen and ethe* Anderson people who spend the nights up said that the phhlta would doubtless be thankful that this jury IB.not to romain In nos ,sion dining nay other nights. Accord ing the policemen the jury found un organ in their room Wedesnady night and throughout the entire night ono man played lt while the remainder on the came eldo a? he waa ? sang "^ImoBt PersnadHd." This 'continued J until morning when they reported Shut j they could not sgree. Harvey Oliver, charged with viol?t-J lng the liquor laws, waa given a hear? tn?* yesterday and a verdict of guHty I was returned. On account of the fa^t I that the Judge'had escused the juron' who were on the Shaw rase all night. J there w. re not enough left la attend- ! once to try a ense while the Oliver trial was going on and accordingly the wiia i m? *w KUI. utiL.i ?.HID ^uty im ported so that more men could be secured. Ollie Adams waa tried on a charge of assault and battery with intent to Wl| tho hirv returned a verdict ot guilty. Ellis Hughes pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery with intent (o hill and he was sentenced ta 1Z ntbktns at hard labor. John Adger wa* given trial on a charge of larceny and tho jury return 12 months of gujlty Gsorgo C?inascales wa? tried on a charge of violating the dispensary laws. -Tho defense introduced no wit nesses, no arguments were made hy the attorneys and Judge Prince direct or' the formena of tho jury to sign a verdiet of not guilty. This concluded the business o? th? day! and,1 adieuromcCat waa hat'/ jt B o'clock last night. Court will con vene again this morning at S:.?O FINE SELECTION OF THE SPONSORS Conunander of Sons of Veterans AstnotnSced Yoting Ladies Ap pointed Bf Local Canap Anderson's Sens of Veicj-erf. the PUL*lc of thc city will eciupllmi JU 1. W. tjuatl'chaum, cara?n .? .lo.- of l'r lo <.. tamp. On the ar?i..mi'.l s-xcun-i he h.i< .ist made Of ?'he tu?-, "i-r- tt represent'Camp W. NV. iiu'ui>'i .?..a d : - tn? ti e t^nr-op '.hiti^ ? ; *P.*??.'?? itf* unlon. Mr. Quattlebaum announced jtaterdar that be had' 4prwilirU?d M.u--a Pitfh V."atb'ns and Mise Anua.'fr'hhio to ..ct x\K sponsors for th.? local cair.'?. I Mist? Watkins lc a dauiluer ?.r . late John C. Watkins and a grand daughter of the late Ucutenani-Colo; cl Thomas C. "Watklnsv who was kui-j ed during thc Civil War. J Miss Trlbble ts a daughter of Ike I army, I The eeloctloh ot iheso two yoting hld fen will lOitttt wbli the .htiarlv tin. provsl of ali membeis of C?,mp Hum phrlos ?and they are well-pleased over the choice made by Mr? Qusttlebaum. ?LiEB???iLL ArTO?flSON \^??u?x? STU* ? DENTS EKTERTA?NfeD G?ESTS H?NV?l^ED orughi Deikii Even tomorrow may end your chance irr\ f?a-tro 4-Ua. T\T17\*T l-I'#~irfcCTl??> ' com* too late, that we th? Hoosier Plan tn th?. rh??.,? truing r.---..,-? ftVBiaiiv? oonuwluei of tho. Aaderioa ; , ~ ~ 1T ^ ? \ "_x - ir^ ar? cwiaes. parf?es}> js .-|AtUMr*S^ . ?i-V< Y!? -;: 000000000009006a ? SEW ON H??RSl*5 b?'-'" cfl^ , oj j t?Vj^ 1 ;; vh- ?**'V' f> ?KMO?^JHkA'T?ON d'J.'.. ' : ?.. .: ?. ?icttl*^*^^ Jai!, .'!) i.?-.ir,'{.:;!? -Vr-."'^.'^-?-"1 o Ag-,., 0 nar?seaz Fhyatcfar? Ha? tn? 1 m? Such in dhWeu* : jayanar thu a IDEAL FIRELESS COOKER ol Ma&od ?ai Says It Werie? -ilS&S Jrw^?*^ 8?t*?H -^^^?'ftir??/ o at our atora, ?*i*y day next o ? " i- '<-?-' ?.MVh a'-'- ??V?t\i N; rr vn^-?B?tom?m? o J?** - ina ? . ? >. .. ! : \ I- m.t'.n-kr ?15SBB5BMB ?aVMfl| a- MOK&AY at lt A. ML o ' -:-~~ ] }?r Iw??iaa-b?' .tss?B illili.^ d', ;;.-. ' i ; . .-kt?lv f?r pl?aa?*??roid?? tor ?lii' o ' ? o] Egg' r?^S1^, *V?: ' *?td ' M? f?ns Oiu. .. .?..?r**fo? cn*e? '