g Next Moi First Instalmc ouppers I TT IlllC A swell Uno ur Whlt* Slipper? for Women and Children at prices Amas in);Iy Cheap. Women's button oxfords, pretty quali ity 11.76 S pair. Straps pumps with light or heavy soies, th-SO. Plain pumps with detachable straps 9iM a pair. Wh'to poplin colonials, the best yet ?2.4.', ? pair. They ore here tor the kiddies, too? th? pretty kind. i SHOE COMPANY UNDER MASONIC TUMP LE SHOES THAT SATISFY This Week BRIMMER Tomato Planta ?Oc Fer Dozen GER5QH FLORAL GO. f ,, m KsrsJiail A**s*?, 2 K?ne ISSU. Atanber* of RwW* TeJejrapti ?, Delivery, ? I ni^ ^BALDWIN st?rracTs BoHoh^i - April 30.- The O'Neal Ora*1 torical Contest ?Iii.lie h?ld in th? at*.] era house' at Holten Friday evening, May 1st. During tiu day there will ?>? r?verai garner of baseball and pa*-1 ket ba'.l between the vnrlous harkct bull school teams and a most enjoys-, ble time Is In store for all who attend. The program for thaw-day's events was announced ss fallows; 0:30 a. m. to 13 noon?Basket ball; j Wlllamston vs. Hone#"Fath and An. demon vs. Belton. . 3.S0 to 6:80. bssewB-^Anderson vs. BeUon and WilHatns*.on vs. Hon Path. 3:80 to 10:30?Oratorical contest. 1 The speakers are announced as f lows: For Anderson, st. Clair Minor and; Josephine Wcmble. For Belton- Frank Sutherland and Melle Kay. For Hones ' Paxb?-Carlisle Cannon and Marie Qalaee. For Wllliamston?Jack Knox and, Annie Donald. Juuee*?ur, Koomson Of-We Wem an'? rvtileg?. Due l?*?t; Prof, Gallo way of Er^klne Colege. and Rot. L P. McGea of - Greenwood, The admissions.to the event) were! placed at the following figeras; !>40s;. 'the ussfeet bsll games So; to the^hfaij bail games IOe,, and to the oratorical contest, general public ??c., a&4 frehooi children IKc... ?er *5. i A New York Jury decided that one iflocktail. one brandy and ?orne cham pagne didn't befuddle ?1rs. Francis Fraser, .and awarded her t?.Ro?. She jit of the Bi ****** * ******; * ELECTRIC CIT * I * Items of Interest and Person* * . Wireless on the Si * * * * * * * ****** School Affairs Transacted Today. 1 Today will he a bus; u?, with the educational Interests of the coun.y. The first matter of interest is the j eouu'fy teacher's examination which has be?n ordered by J. B. Felton, sup. erlntendnnt of education. The sec ond matter of Interest is the election of the teaciiers for the next session for the public schools of the city and together with these two events the O'Neal Orat.ori.cal Contest is going on at Belton. With these three very Important affairs underway the people of Anderson who. ere interested In ! Illing:; educational will have their 1.mills full. It is probable that ther: [ will be about 40 or 50 applicants for : teueher'a licenses, while there are to be G:; teachers elected by the board to serve In the Anderson city schools during the coming term. Hoeea Path Will Hare Good Roads. A committee of Honea Path men. consisting of J. W. Clement, hi A. Morris and Reed ..'lenient came to An derson yesterday for the purpose of securing a tjysctlonj engl.v with, a read scrapn attached. They cloned g trade for the machine and It will at once be seht to Ilonea Path for the purpose of road work on the streets gf that bustling.town. The committeo. In conversation with a reporter for The Intolllgenoer. said that their town wan now going ahead (aster than It had nvor dona before and thst busl-j tnesa conditions there are splendid. -o Boat* Action ^'*| Is Necessary. Something should be done In regard tn ?,^jk~u<<|jtiSn> en the oi,z side of th? bridge across Main street now open tor \\bo. it seems that the auto mobil? drivers, the drivers of buggies and wagons and the people riding bi? oyolea : and motorcycles . would have \ ordinary Intelligence-enough'to drive slow at this particular point. Tes-' t?rday one of the carpenters at w.'k on the bridge tried to cross the street and wag run over by a-bicycle. He waa not seriously Injured, but had it bepa an automobile he would have been killed. It will be some time be fore the bridge Is opened and It seems ,tbat an officer to act as traffic police man might bo stationed there ow& too bridge is finished. < -, Botsfbt Auto In AthtnU*. Eugene Anderson and J. J. Galley returned yesterday from Atlanta where they bave been sponding some time. While in Atlanta Mr.- Galley, Who la.a well known cttlxen of Iva, ipur?hased & haatfiiHiw autoradtV'. The Anderson men say that they had a pleaaant ts?p.'-enalriK fthroiisrh frym Atlanta. BB&V -O Kinnrvr* Is Rack From Trip, .1. W. Rothrcck, farm demonstrator for Anderson county, returned to the city yesterday ii^r spending several days In visiting various demonstra tion plots In the county. Mr. Roth rock says, that he found C. H. Gas?n . mi* ? A?t~- .i.U-JIJ .--1- --I.V. cover croo In the Long, Brar.i-h : < '. tIon.-turning them und^r nnd prepar ing to plant and that Wade Drake la tfcir.g fine with the work of cutting back Ms coyer crops. He says that T. W. Pruitt has j one of > th? ',fine?t fields of vetch he has ever seen und MnAjbonstrator said that. A. \V. Attav } way at WllUamston has the finest field of red clover in the county. All told. ! Mr. Hotiirock saya that tea crops throughout, the county are in good nhapo and - tho farmers now have things In, their own hands. ' J-,-- -rO- \ Now Schedule On The It. F. R, 1 Effective today the rural free de livery carriers from Anderson will leave the city at 6:30 o'clock Instead of at fl:30 aa has been the custom during th* Winter months. This prac. -lice will he continued throughout the Summer. By. leaving the city s?t this hour the ?arri?ra are enabled to go over their routs and return to the city by 1 o'clock, making it easier on the stock and upon the carriers during the bet weather. Fears O^Mmdtess ' lagmfcr? fleae. I J. E. Wofford of Pendleton was ! much exercised a few da; e ago when a 'rc^-rt reached cii" thai his I brother *W. l?. ' WoffordVhod b^n cap | tur?d ' y Mexican soldiers and takes from a train m Mexico. This v.tate ( ment soema to have been incorrect > since a dispatch appeared In the At lanta papers yaaterday to Ute effect ! that Woffcrd was safe and sound at j Vera Cru*. _ThI? Inform.:. H-?ivwj by iw?'CK.niWi crom Tvt " 'rate Is ?t ?! the Race. John H. T?te, who had uwncod as a candidate for alderm from ward 4 to succeed L. P. Foncl resigned, is 'said to have snaouot yeaU'rdfcy that he woaid not make i i of .the ward's be ilnesa man. Only N g Serial StJ f- * * # * * ******* (T sparklets * _ * kl Mention Caugbt Over the * precis of Anderson * ft * * * * * ******* New Signal For Fir**. Tho flro department yesterday, test ed out tbe new system installed by| the Southern Public Utilities Com pany and found it to be satisfactory In every way. .Heretofore it has been necessary for some one to telephone the power house before additional power could be secured. With the new service it wsS vesterday demon strated by the chief, without the knowledge of the Southern Public Utilities Company, that the water could be secured in two minutes from the time that the alarm reaches them. Tbir- will be quite a valuable addi tion to the present service and will] mean a great deal to tin' firo depart-] Little Damage liy the Runaway. Two.mules hitched to a wagon. rnn| away yooterde.y afternoon at the of fice of the Excelsior Oil Mill. Tho| animals belonged to M. M. Campbell | I and were turned over to him Immedi ately after they were caught. Happ?-| ly neither suffered any Injury, al though nome Blight damage was donc| to the office of the plant. ?-a Many do To The Contest. Many Anderson people are planning to go- to the contest today which will be held at Belton, At this time aev eral of the school in this immediate rectlon will meet and throughout the day the rivalry will run high. The orutlons exe'te tbe greatest Interest of the day and every school represent ed will make. a great effort to win the handsome prize. Another event is the basketball game and still another haccbftll ??am? in ??e a?fr<.y..*.n>? All told the program fa replete with interesting events, ami the people from Anderson will have the chance to en joy the .day. Immediately following the Piedmont and Nosthern lines %v .11 test today the speci?lrpar-operated by the conclusion of the oratorical con leave* on the return .trip for Amteri , ; -O? ton. City Now In VAOl'-Of Visitors. . The city;of. Anderson is\*odey %\\\\ of visitors-, and the hotel ?'c omodn tloas ore not sufficient to take caro of them. One fact making this true b? the number of peopiela tb.?-clty for the ChautauQua. i Yesterday afternoon tho Chiquolaihotel was filled by ":;t0 o'clock ?*?t?d sat .-^o'clock'- thp BeUovue hSa?^yfwas al bo filled. Several of the visitors were lodged at the V M. C. A. md the city was able to look after | ihi remainder by sending them to pri vate home?. If the Chautsuqua con to give aa. good,. programs as has been the case foe,.the last week ?fc? Hotels. If !io*'.e el&t?. ^ri?? t'erlve a bfg benefit. I old HOT?LTs " coming down Work Began Ye-*erdcy Of Tear ing Down Old Structure On .. .. Main hfQ'oct The imperial hotel, a long and fa I miliar sight on Main street, is now be ing torn down and by the end of the week all signs or this familiar old This property, which Is located just next door to The Intelligencer, has been vacant for some time and the owners, Mrs. D. 8. Warson and E. P. Y and! ver, havo detcrmtnod to remove it and In Its place will fct erected one or the city's handsom?? bufldlngs. The new building will -lie twoMstorlss In height and' will be- finished In the must up-to-date and complete manner. It Is underatooav.JMMMlWre are al ready nnouiries from ; ahd It m probable that the entire build will be rented before l?r construction , Is ever begun. ? Mr. Vandlver said yesterday that he plana to make this building one of the nicest In the ctty end thai its splendid location, right in the heart of the business district, vowld make a good business building there one of the best in the city. He said that , no pain would be spared In making {this one of,the nicest JttAs in the cHy. ! It 1* estimated the building will be I entirely down by the first of next week and then the work of starting tbq.naa] fetrAntorA wilt : . .travailv part or the material has "been placed on the ground and when the work of ! pu'ting- up the naw building Is begun ' \t will be rushed as rapidly as pos sible. -;:HaH^B? lite wfth a balle day rather tana squad of his for HTaririaea ?t (By Assoch) l.Tnchbursr Va.: i> arrison, president ailwa*. was the PEARL 81NDELAR. PEARL BIND F.T.AR la one of thx raoTfe actresses orten seen onl screen plays. Perhaps yoo may reiuembor seeing her or if not will ] watch for her. "His Sweetheart'* Child" Is a pa thetic drnius containing some beauti ful ?c?ne? of rural France. Adrienne marries Phillip, a city chap, rejecting her childhood jfweetaeert, P*t*r. 8*?*; gee* io the city with PbllHp, and in a. few years she returns with '.er little girt, 'broken hearted. Late: she dies.: Fifteen years later Pbll'.ip want* to [itgk* his child to the city to give her an education, but be Is preveutcd from do! :g this by the child's grandfather and Peter. Phillip goes away, and Pe ter marries his sweetheart'* child. "The Mansion of Sobs'* is a drama with an old plot laid in the early nine teenth century. The costumes and scahe* ndd to it greatly. An old sci entist neglects his wife for'bis studies, while she engages In a harmless flirta tion with u young lawyer. J>'C. Bolt of CVhtervHic spent yes terday in the city.^ ;~ Miss Loia 'femith of 9>ntervil^? chopping In the city yesterday. .' . -r A. M. Holland of the Flat Rock sec tion was in the city yestcrdSJt?K; Mrs. Charles Causey left yesterday for a few day? stay In Atlanta, Oa. Mr*. B. H. Horton Is spending this veek in Atlanta, Ga., with friends. alph Hunter and sam Whltten dleton were in the city ye*t*i . B. Campbell of the Eureka wa? in the city yesterday on bnsl B. ' I Mr. an* Mrs. J. W. Dickson have returned from h week's, stay in At lanta. Thomas H. Pope of Greenville spent yesterday in the'.city on busi ness. Q. T>. Butler, Jr., of Columbia 1? ding a few days in the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cobb of Harl I, Ga.. were shopping lu the eft terday. W. M. Campbell of the Eureka sec tion spent yesterday in the city cm business. [ "Rlley Hawkins of Long Branch w among the visitors to spend yeaterd in the city. 1 John ,B.. King nf Willi? among the visitors to apen in Iku ' ' -Pf?^f? Wed It- Allison and Dauiei P. Ml h are spending a few days tn Colurab op business. Clarence BSaty has returned from Atlanta where hp has been attending grand opera. Mr." and Mr*. R v the Hopewell section son yef trday. Aloe Ktdd and Frai well, Ga., spent ye*t on buslnesa. m jsh*. Ralph ,<$f^ktn* Buchanan city y est? * wort h in And? e Girl of U THEATR 1 THE SCENE FROM "T! Harry Stafford. mftgazine writer, phy alclan, and. for several years a prpml jneut actor on the legitimate stage, is' j the author , of a three reel comedy drama adapted from the novel of the same name. Toe Bolted Door," by George Glbbs- This "novel was one of the best sellers of 11)13 and was eboseu from a score or more of books as hav ing the moat adaptable and suitable story for J. Warren Kerrigan, a photo play star. A six reel prodqetlpn of Rlchnrd Henry Savage's oovei -my Official ! Wife" has been finished. This novel of j Russian nihilist life was once a dra matic vehicle for Bobert Hilllard. ' the Long Branch section were shop ping In the city yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter !.. Kcesc anc 'ittle daughter < have returned from , Aflanta where they have l een opepu ing a week. ,J.,H, Dudley of Columbia was In the eity yesterday, s?. g?estat theChlquoIt hotch Hp is former state president o? th? T. P .A. DR. ltrPEKT BMnB Will Orde^a atndy'of'c'au?i? of Ha. " _ health service would be glart to send reprerentatlyes i to Green ville to stuAv and reoort on the causes of malarial fever in that locality, with the consent of the ??t?te board, of health. This information wna also given Representative Johnson, thron Rh whom the negotiations have bc*>n carried on. Some ?me ago Mr. Hoiiis. r? tho request of. the county board of health of>Qreenville took the matter up with the public health service ihrougb .Mr. Johnson, and the. jserv'cc stands ready *n u'Tlertake it. 'It was suggested to Mr. HolUa. however, tliat he secure a letter from the secretary Of the state bOard-of health, atating ti wii'itnRnens for:tn? recierai bureau to undertake tho workv Dr. Bloc further st Oed. however, that there .might be some delay In ihr carrying out of the plan, owing to the fact that a number of thel ptosiehws of the oublie health service had been ordered to tho Mexican border, for possible service in tbt0^eMSimm than evor before in the past months, due in part to the fact Dr. BJue, ? bo 1h in charge of it. South Carolinian. H<> ?h Admiral Victor Blue?htef of the reaa of navigation of the aavy partmont. Another cause or th? creased interest In the public s bureau iP the fact that through efforts of n ?presents* ivaJoltnao has undertaken an extensive plaj the t?-satment ar.d st In Sparenburg, HAT IS Mystery E. ?5? i? BOLTED DOOR.* "Lucille Love, toe Girl of Mjrgtery.*" ?This de luxe production U Bure to bo a success- From the Terr outset It scents of - excitement and oijstery. Two reels are to be prod-heed every week for Ofteeo. weeks., . As is-si way s the ta?e in pictures that are "to be continued'." the last reel cuds ?t an exciting .moment, which is sore tu cause the public to return for the next installment The Colonel's Orderly,** an excellent drama contulniny somo very joed scenes. \ Burton commits B robbery in the colonel's bouse and blames it on Berger, who Is arrested. He escapee, is shot and confesses. ...THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM. TI!E MYK-rrm'WlVft.-SHOT^i Reliance. Special two reel western drama with much refined excitement and many thrills. Be sure to see thla as^ft'e a'great picture.' THE STAR BOAKOEB-^ ^ ' ' Keystiwc!. ? A1 rt p-ro?ringV '* ' t?irt?dy with Keystone's new comedians. See this and hlave a fifteen minute laugh. FUI.'KTH REEL TO BE ' SE^ECTE?I Coming " tomorrow 'aA WAIF OF THE FLAWS'* a special three reel Warner fe?ture taken on Miller $rpb ?ftlJ-ranch. 4 9t?ELS-^10c. Matu?i Movies. Makef Tewe Fly. p?LIV?ETTV, * T J? A ? ? at ? ? TODAY'S FEOGR?M. I SOME STEAMER St'QOPITf6? Vi.tagrapb drama. Featuring Mau V". ?...v? V'.Wl .*> IIHOWPK' Pll'" gets sevofal "Scoops" Tor? her news paper at tho same tlmd? somebody teresting concerns him and her. TAINTED MONEY ogcegrit ?**a?BA. 4 Big R^fe-^?fte THE MAW THA? MIT THE MOTE $1.00