The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, April 03, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The Farmers & Merchants Bank and the Farmers Loan and Tryst Company, both of Anderson, S. C., take a great deal of pleas ure in lending money to prompt paying cus toni t* fe 111/1 /it 4 li te ratenn r\f 4 Vt /-? \mr\ 4nU? ?v >-/ .????-* m tiii^i owu^uii >/i vf?t- Jrwui id rwc an especial pleasure in 'lending-* money to th,eir farmer friends* t.? ?K< ., .*... *:*mn**nt* Wo would be pleased to extend our acquaintance with lite fann ers of thia good county by lending them money. COME TO 8EK US. Farmers & Merchants Bank Farmers Loan & Trti?t Co. ' '^^^^^^^^^^^^^in ' MW _^____kt_^'.___ Balds ^sfej^^wfl BLVit ?SPI?B ?BJ ?na^aanHuf ??'-Bavai afs!!!*!^^ UP all ol these echemea which "Smooth" strangers c o m e around to peddle are such great "Money Maker?" why don't they KEEP them themselves? ??n _nj _?_i?_ -ti - _____:_t^l_? ia .... 1_ Wdcn a mm ? u^ing nani w w*J? jrw ?? invjivwww^ u?cr? .? something m it io* HIM-that's a a*re thing. --'^M U H not better for ns all to keep our money here et home, mvest biwdl?ia? uf> OLm OWN Commtmity? The man who does Ibii t? p^j|^^ ^wt&Pl Wc pay 4 per cent interest oh Savings-, Make OUR B'.U;K. YOUR.tat* Anderson, S. C. rr r i Ii I / / f / ? BopUst rsa***' Felicft?te? Anderson . 1 IXL VILLI I \ , , . Qb, ?oed Lpch. . rcs? Have that Urta run- AhderBou College IH being rcllcitaisd down feeling and one of on nil Fide? on account of tho olec tlioao wearisome hoad- tlon Of Dr. Ja?. P. Klnard of the aches BO hard to get rid Citadel au President of tho College, of. 'Nough said. Your Tho Baptist Councr this week nays livnr ia. !! is tsty, torpid, ?r??iuaialiy : sluggish, mi it to. your Last week wc carried the announce hearest drug store and ment tbut Prof. Hand had been re sny leased from his contract with tho ''Li. , jtr?sUna of Anderson College. Had wc T? I Hr ?one to press but;a day or so later we *V? A. . could also have carried the .hewe that . . ! . Prof. Jan. P. Klnard. of tho South imf urusswt ?nows tc u. Carolina Military' Collage, had beep T..,.,^ . W1T1'00 .V'*1 olectp^io-yihccccd Prpf. Hand, Ct?ft wlU drive away -41 indi- trustees are greatly W'^??'? gestion and liver trouble, lated upon being abm to MTUC tlielr and, we. know that when problem BO auickJV and BO happily, that 1H done tho causo of The tvtii&ES debility, tired feeling. keen .dieappomta&ft^ beaeacxios and th0 other lng has given sway to genuine cntuus symptoms of a rundown 4?ew liver the coming of President condition ls removed. Klnard. Every OB? coneaenad. ???fl P?f py. President Ktaat'4 ia a S??*h.Cttro __" at Your Ornggfnts. Unisn and has damonstrateo: fct Wlh JWanufactured ned guaran- throp and the Citadel his capacity for reen by bis new position. Congratulations _?. ! hdvs =surcd in es the fmm (VIMQ'l. VlMUfilnf'V '??any eminent sources. The InteUt twilaa riiRiiiiflijl gft ?K?K Andersen^ Cl ??e State Us? versify: -,- - i i . _ '_ "Tho bo?ru of trustees of Anderson -^ .-r-.^-r-^---^w---- college ls to'be congratulated upon ?"_f nnv the wisdom of tts choice In the se S J USX L1IK6 llllS ,ec"?n ?r Dr? Janje? p Ktnard.aa president of their matltutlphy<aagV) ' " Kinari possessra to an unusual de* Waea you need glasses yon natur- degree tho qua?ittcattons demaaded. price. Right ho?o ts where yob get taromcnta. ho has had roany years of both, sa veil , as tho services of a ?uccessfu! exiwriencc in teaehtag and gradual Optrometrlct with twenty.< :jff^lr_??B^l>tfatlvo work WfeWirup two yr?rs experloace. ExaminatiA?ifPw -*??? .^l^fflSI entfrelv free imupioa w?n OM ?pvci?j training entirety wee. makes-hint an ideal man ior the presl KeCRKABX UL YMF fl . dosey of s high class college for worn on." . f.'ye-Slght gB^elalUt. We also congritu. atc President-Ktn " . ?', . ard. He will have back of him one of f flvsr Bvaafl pharsiacy ha, 1. the taoet lor^l.?ad devoted board?-that ?}t.r x ." _ >Ki ._j.L_ ever a'erven ?tt institution. Upon th* ' announcement of Professor KtaapA'a T?Mt!' Briton? AonrOVe ??octlon Nfc ^. S. Setllvsn, one at the n *T ^PP* ?T j trustovs and liberal contributors.. tre&Ce XrCilty Oraft ?tated that he wcnWImlW at once ?a _________ : the campus a beatntlful fesldouca. ah rrtfntirtt nttl notice i rom s iiwac TV nu vppose 5 i??cres?se Will Be Heard Today Wvtahlngton, April 1.m-TeotMO ayers railroad? la support ot tpiloattea for a frve per cent f .te increase virtually wa? uo? fore tb* ftt?efBtate caataserof ifiAtoa tod?y hy Pr*?i?ent ea. of the Penasyivssia sj gflfntt totaorrow taha aaa/ ratl QUIT J??T If YO?H KlOSIEYSJG? BADLY 57t VttXVST. Wc ar? a n ut lo ii ot. meat eaters abd dur blood lit lined Wlttl uric add.'suya a well-known authority, who warns us to bc constant!}' on guard against kid ney trouble. . Tho kidneys do their ' utmost tb free tito blood or th.a> irritating acid, but become ytesk from the'overwork"; they get whiggish; thb eliminative '-tia sttes clog; and thuB the waste in r?tain od lu' thc blood to poison the entire aystetn. ' When your kidneys ^acke and feel like lump? of feud,' und you have stinging pains in the back or ' the urine tn cloudy, full of sediment,"ipr the bladder is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; wpen you have severe headaches, nervous aifd dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumat. n, ip. b?d,vreatJ, or; get from your pharmacist about iour ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in 'a'glass'of wfcter before breakfast' each "morning and In ijw days your kidneys will act fine. This fnmouH salts is made from .the acid of grapes and lemon'juice combined with Uthio and baa bebb, used for genera/ ''.unit to flush abd 'stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize tito acids in urmo co jit- i's no longer a source of i?^ rittttfcn, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders'.; " Jad Sails jk. inexpensive and cannot injure; nwkcis tt delicious effervescent Mbla-wat?r. jflrlnk and* nobody can moko tx mistake by taking a little oe ^aaionoriy io keep the kidneys clean Abd active, fcvaus Pharmacy, Agents. Tho pupils of Hammond School will give a, phty .at Hammond school ou Saturday ovening' to which thc public ls Invited. Tba hamp ot tb?'play ts "Topsy-Turvy,'* and as tty name In dicates will be ? Jolly presentation, with lota o f laughable situations. oikUh u>lll C..11.. StaaUetf -lt ?-1 < I... small admission charged. ?, ' Bestba Won From ?aeua. Macon, Qa., April 1.-The i'.onion National league team today defeated the Macon South Atlantic league club. 13 .to 0. FiouUnfH 10 hits included 2 home rubH by Maranville and WbslbJg! amt a three baue blt abd two twn< inW j ..MW -ff . ^411??"' ...... lon qi a ten-round pout with John Eg gets. of ffew Vork, waa . better to nlgaV although still unconscious. Eg ger?, ww war ^kea-'liJ-TOr^^ the police, ls at liborty on bond pend ing developments. -- - :.--.--:-: Found raeletea ef ?ia?t. . Tjo?d?u. April 2,-Accord?rig: to a dr-pbttJu published' here today; 1 ?W skeleton of a person who nad . been C??r.^ri?^*?V tr-ii ir-rf if. hel-sh* .?tgL/'^MJ {foina at "?yBart, County LottS^wH land. The tike Ie ton was unearthed together wlt?t th?t of ?f : tw# ibtpor skeleton auoo>?ed la h?w - t??r<!HW^ ! ri. i In pr? figRgr^" ?tL* wUdles ?had been Interred in separate grave?; tall incased with stones. The skull of the giant measured 18 Inches' rrom the crown of his head to tko chin. 'j \ .\\ ." ,,-5-f_3g; Tb Prepare ^tvH Service law. Washington, Abril ^Members' of the two commut?es 'representing Hue *Mm-n%nmwL*. ?HU1I|U.; w?. UH) m.. vice commissions and the national eir II service'reform league began a Joint conference herc today, to prepare a proposed model ssrviue law far si?ia: ?J?ragajgB??^ f'harged WU? Peonage. ~ Atlanta, Og.. AptW Sv--<?harged with plnkUk fit Dg-l/Ji ll. ^Hniu C*"C"?C W?n . nl?rsktt. ?in trial bi the' ??nitftd States district court herc thday. !{r1s attcgo^i that pennag? toevntled JJ nectloh with htb e&idoynttfat of negro laborers. The ca*" is expected tc bo concluded, to morro . . Battlo-Scarrc;: tirteks Beturs. Now z?rk, Ai?rr? ?.^rWd"inaas?n? Greeks, most i : thom batt lo-scarred ' veterans of thc ialkhh War?, arrived , liefe today* o?r i K5" ?tcSHnj^- ??!<?Wifc ' Macy qt ther Hurn?d to resume In Asserts* '?are?? ? ? which they bad sb- ; andoned to ? tit* the Tarka and Bol ivars. Al ?et?Btttl?- CVee?!. Pastor ?. I*. Orr and tho Mountain Creek chi t oh taluda. AasotisdwivWB ltav*>a t?re!?? 7nte?icssKry atarjea! April ID. Dr. Victor I; itfga\ ter?, one of tb? Saludas eeMWtM'tftM? lo, Howft, MWPH?. WilJ ^ an^f Ine speakers. Secretary WT' B. Wilkins ".111 .-k-..r.- ...... -? .u. TX*- - ."v . ,^p.m? nan MB nmjtf sionary ,?$l*is.'a M*KI*t*y ??saods?. Youngstown, April G. Butler, Jr., cbairmaj. of the National 'Shin . place? Memoral a^toclatloa. made th? anr*an?en*?ttt t?ft?y that H. t^ttabnrgb fesd contracted. $&0.d?b the ereatlo-i bf the .nemoriat ?ti?*tttt' idrthplane of the ?o/te y?stdent |y JNijoil. Mr?, ftaaaa IferSIs BeadL . ::&xieato* ftnnds Mr*. ?itsan Neville, wWc^ lyeaterda arter t\ Hngetlpg ifineas. Mr?. Nasille (was in ber Sith year ot Agc. She ls survived by n son? Thomas J. &e , ville, and tw? dougbtere, Mrs- Charles ? tatter of ?kern has ker nome i w\t? her snot i - THAT rCiTsiNFrnciu CITY MARKET Cht|c Jfawf*^ Arraagin* for Toe firle Commute*** TftoeWtly ?p ptitetetthy tito Chamber tWitotoioerc?, <V?? )&1?B|iprUnT toasting list uight .at 8 o'clock st the Quarters Of tb? pr-i 'gatttzatipn, t'lialruian imfus Fant, aral Sullivan,-J. L. HlWardV G?etitf'l*sel ter and W. S. Beaty being prer^nt. j Chairman Kant congratulated tko corn nil tlc men on the splendid attendance. I (ihantaaqun. wuTcli win bo Handled by the com mittee, was discussed ut tenglh;: ?Tb? .chair appointed G. nullen Sullivan ?nd-fe 85; Elrocjrp a& a .^tt^tjb, to decide - about -tb?'',refr'^?luaeiit.A|iemf loges of thc Hame, with power tb I appointed'a commit* i./-, to secure lo cation. ' Thc chautauqua Will . open b-Hfe oh April 28. and will bring fo Aiidersb?,W'(i worth or high graflo attractions. I lly Market H wi^s stated ;tt thc committee meet ing Iba't the property owners nf-tho : P'"perry racing on the Blue Rldgo right-of-way between Main and Peo ples ?tr?et were annious to open- up ' that'street and make a proposition to .the etty to build thc market thereon. j It was stated that ^^eael'ppBfjorty owners would assist in financing -the saine.. ; W. 8. Be***. aad Chairman '^^!??rM??r? tho prop erty of$fea ?Rnff?hntmi? and get Inp a ^yoposUl?n for later submis l'?jt S^,te Way Cekbratien. j I latter of h?idfrig of a great \Vehito; i ray Celebration op the- occS ija^tf j ^ppeg^pyf Anderson's new ! :>'?g^aa< RRW8Cf%?D? atfff K' was de cided t41 hold such a elobra'tlon ' prc* vwedV^plan could be outlined for ?et? a^?Mt ? cdiQUiittcc of two, j watf1^"^* fPch a pian 10 tn<s 06x1 ! PASSED AWAY W. L. Belcher Died Herta Yester- ] ' ? ?saa v.* i? (bought of lu tho entire T>mniunlty and a friend, of hundred* of Aiide.rsd4-B?H,U?epP?0l .W^-W.Belck. er; t?;w?MP?^ ? terday' afternoon at 2 o'clock. Death ? iv.t-i duo^M^^^S^r^^'-,-,t . ? ???> ?n?^i^lBwjra? puu?ic d?a not 1 fo?r chttdren? h?i mother, abd a nura- I ber of' other relatives. V"*'l r of the Baptistj! -"??.." ?M--miiriwif? m?' u? ihi: firrt' to Jf?Bi < inu-c'-h u-nrl: or any wor^eguso that might ar?so ?I ws^ uVwd!^- cutICavor ne I r^JK^iflsB^r^15 w?? take ?>,?ce today tt'ttw, where the deceased ff* i^L I" : r~ y-"7 '"; t?'?^lfOB?Y WH N$Mt ?g?a iprt. O^ssna^as?, Rat j ?oagr^sq In .^r^ngras^oaat district j t^'ta^e?w bas had coble^eatMSS'wflEKnever.~ .. .. laid say* e??tr he'positively Wiri not J ? inV^PK^lfei hak son* ejp>rUMtc< la managing ?am- j ' ile luis-bc; - w,sere3 be wtttehe* lt-- . t hfr-Paaebte 1 torts ^mfe?en. is a great striait' of wonder and Bpei> j ti 1 ?Joft f*.^3jtn?*ea^^ and HI a-'or TmajaMHrtito Pttfe?deal* pdS ley will ?^^LHB^^ta for:t?sv i gt Bbs; nt Wf^^^^HHK^^ - j sf ate?', f oyjjyii^^riflr^ mer In th?i eadtals la doaotfui. bot tba bsa JOHNNY EYERS. Sold by ChioasoCubs ta SWIMT' lif!-?. Phoip br;*jnaj?aaa Pir? AsaWl??.to?.. 3^?*?. *~ o o o o op ? o o o o o p . 4 a . '. I , T* ?t^S?'Jfc-W rfy****-'N 4fr l? a^BASEBALL RESULTS 0 O o O Q OOOOO OOOOOOO Oak Ridge, N. C April1 ?i-^-Oakridge lu H Ututo S; Weaver College 1. ?paTKinbarg, Aprji a.-?Yiuiijr ?; | Wofford 2. Cliarlotteavllle. Va., April 2.-Vir ginia 7; Corne? 1. Baton Rouge, La., April 2.-Mis?tes ippi 15; Lou I ?lana 2. R H. ft Washington.r--3 G V .Newark.2 3 Detroit.. ., .. ? + ..IZ 18 ll Chattanooga-.5 10 G. Nashville .. ... .. . .. .68- 1 Boston .... .. ... .7 10 7 Providence . ,.10 lt 1 I Savannah .. .. . .. 0 3 1 New YorkJ^uierfcans.... . ..3 7 2 Brooklyn National? .. . .4 < Rt. Louis Nationals .. .\~..6 G 2 j St. Louis Aenirlcans il 6 2] (Wlngo caught for Nationals) mt?> ?? ? Nsw York .. .. ..' .12 16 1] Beaumont* -Tes ...... 1 7 l| (Matthewsen pitched) HER HAIR GE? Kept'her locks yonihfnL, dark, glossy I .JiB?Lthtck t???is cosmos garden Sage and Sulphur. When you darken your ha?r with SageiTcaar.dSulphur. no one caa j I tell, because it's done BO naturally, I --??/feat?fc Preparing thia mixture I though, at home is mussy and .trouble- I t^itnn Kor BO cents you can buy at any. drug store tho rcady-to-use tonic WWI "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur! Hair Remedy." You Just dampen al sponge or soft brush with it and drawl this through your hair, taking ono . small'strand at a time.. . By morning ell gray hair disappears, and, ' after I another application or two, your Bair I becomes glossy, beautifully darkened I dandruff is wine and hair has stopped [falling. "...? 1 ? Gray, faded hair,'though no dis1-] : a sign of old age. and as wo all denim a youthful and attractive ap- I pe?r?hcc, get busy at once with I tm w.-~.t.'~ a~~. sad Sui "hur and lock rears younger. Evans Pharmacy, Our buyor. Mr. John 8. Wet!. 1ms wired ua thai: he shipped' a??iip load oj fitto Mules and Horses, raised tn Tennessee. Th's car will nrirve la Anderf>on about next Saturday. an^'ijWiiMja?Mtj lo nee them before y-sd hay elseWbsWi - Prices and terms are always rt?hi, 4-4 3THE KKETWRLL OO. HM m rr sad Schooner. Co Bid e. 'Washington, April 2- Hear-AdaitrAi.1 Badger, commanding Ute' Atlantic Atlantic fleet, off tho Virginia Capes, reporter today wat tue steamer Rtt feert ,*M. Thompson from Philadelphia,1 hound for New Orleans, had collided ??^tth'tho schooner August W. Snow, that the schooner*A aide waa cniched and she waa water-logged, and that he had directed the tug Pataepco to Ip^r to port. Found JMstosssI 8ta?n*r. Knrfolk, Vs., April L-Wtrtdesa dis tunes moot ved today nt th? Norfolk ry yard said that the United States hain? cutter Onondaga aaa wand a American steamer Herman Fraeh Mell'was reportad yesterday tn iron 0 off Cape Hatteras and ia now ?ad?as hy th? Frisk, ?^vat is miles als lightship, it ie l iiyUwtdvti>at the Onondaga artH Uko ithe Fr?d? iff for Norfolk or Hal !M&frftteL ' , j ^?y?WTjRtaata woa fiatae. ?^j?tlanLa, April 2.--The AU*%S? pBSothern Hague associatinn UX?ay Lj^a^from the Cleveland American [ tiara here ft to 5. Joe Jack [son, t?v'C:???U?d outfielder, hit for ooooooooooooo, o P?ftSON?L3. I ? I p O O O O fi ? O G G 5 O ? ? W. -C.' Bcott ?of- Brushy Creek. one of j ?tbo boat ?urfljcrs nnd ono ot tne beat citizens of ?he county, was In Andcr aOri ofl 'Thursday. Ho just-ron over from Piedmont, whore ho bad ?ono to spend Uij> dayl, Farm work is prom-i lotug id Wa eU?on. Mr. Sobtt wonts1 to soe the road buitt from Easley to Abgovillo. "It would pas? fight near j ibis place. WJdebtata-W:' Bradley, secretary tb Congressman Aiken, was ia the city ?Thursday. Mr. Bradley slates that Mr. Aiken has not "given- any notice ?of bia intention to affect a change in .the local post?nico, and no complaints as to service have been mado. Mr. Bradley says' that Mr. Aiken's chan ces for reelection aro Improving every day, and tn feels that-'it will bo a vic tory in tho first primary. ?-' rv.\.? ..:_j_iii . : }? J. R. Pernell of Ebeneser was lu the city yesterday an business. ?. i,,,. ... ? ?. ..t,- , Jame? M?WO!OI Starr spent yester* [ day in Anderson. . ? 'Jerome Cromer of ?the Fstk section ' was among "thc visitors In the city yesterday. Otis Holland of Mt. ?reek part of yesterday ia Anderson. ?spent ;-! Mr. and Mrs. Wd SS son of Flat Roc k were in tho city yesterday. j -. ? ? ?. I T. L. Huinoy ot Starr wa3 among the business visitors tri thc city yes-j terdoy. , _i____" Wi t?. rt) M?j?y of spariam?urr wau] in Anderson yesterday un business; A; E. Hil? of Columbia' was in An ] dcrson af the Chtquola .hotel. T. *. Milford bf Towmitfc.'TO*te~3.1 was In the City yesterday on business. W. w. ?j?inhnii-. R^te? ?j?eat a j few hourstit Anderson yesterday, C. D. Hawkins of Anderson, route] 8, spent yesterday in tiie,city. Lucius Tudd ot Starr was omens the visitors id 'spend yesterday in tho] city. , "" a Mrs. Emma Hawkin? and little son, J ?HJ?iBjr, of. tho.Lonj; . Branch, section] I Were in; Anacreon yesterday. , W. W. CHhksealea add -three sons I of the ' Cravenville section .'.spent a j few hours In tho city yesterday. J. li. Branyan ot -Oak- drove was ai Jbusiness visitor to'tho city yesterday.! J. F.' r.riffin and daughter Miss] Myrtle of Pendleton spent yesterday in the city. M. M. Hunter;-V?t* Pendleton spent] yesterday in. the eTt^ on huniness. J. D. Cruyton or" Un* Sandy Springs] EBctios"was among tho visitors ?a the] city yesterday. H. R. Wright spent part or yester day In tho clt? ' A. T. lllcfcu.ot Columbia io spending] a few' days In tho city on ?uiBiness. -Mrs J. li. McGee is spondlng a few days in Columbia with friends. tl mi r?_?l.l?C Z?.-A-j_ 1, "wes ip the, city ye?t*rd?y od busi ness. OHvcr Byej-8. a', well known J>us1 hess man of Au??n .spent, yesterday,] in tho city. 'P. S. Bolt of Portman was among j the buainsse visitors to the city yes W B. Mw the City yost of f?endiotou was In] lay for a ferr hours. lt. W. Harrfe, of WtillaMafifU^B among the victors to spend yester-] I day in tuo cjty. , , , ?ira L. A-, .pieun or the ween .hehUpa waa shopping la the. etty yt J. H. Wright* a progressive Ander non planter; was ta the city lester ? :., . W. V: TWi??ifi~oFHone? t^ wai here yesterday ter -.a. tow hours, Mr und Mrs. j: lt. Eskow, well known Anderron* county people wt/e ?hopping (In .tho city yesterday. A. W. McM&han, one of Anderson's best firm?is, .waa in tne city yeeter *H? ed h?st??rs. . Mrs ret Msjor of the HaaweV*? .?ction w?^R,soveplng la the cit* yes terday. Ju IA Duckworth of the Lebanon section waa in Andereon yesterday on hns?ness. , ?. - F. B Hart ju Of? Pendleton was among thc vtsltdra to spend yester day ia the c?t*. " 1 *A d Whinston wac ye?tetday*fof a short stay. ^ yasterddy. * j '???PI..i.-... ..TV.MM>^-> Slop Torture t?cmu'MP Him? l?rtn* .ndet-ptktiierrpwthaf iroar-r bird?. Yog ctn mlfaMand TBIBII? ?*h ' let? Killer ?ru, Mfcim ?utir.' AU? Ou? Uwt ?Mar.tU '?.torSoc?,e?t?. p?tnU'?nd flower?. K*fo?? ?en?? tatami t>?l?t tn Pratt*. iB<?f?W?iaWr?> G?arantaed or M*??y Batk *W Hal? try Fouehe Drug Co., Andefsdn, 8. C. W. H. Harrison, Anderson, fi. C. W. A. Power, Anderson, B. C., Brans' Pharmacy, Anderson, S. C. Peoplca* Grocery Coi, Anderson, 8. C. Anderson CnshGroco. Anderson. 8. C. Si. Hunter. Pendleton. 8. C. 3303 Friar son's Pliartnacy. Belton. 8. C. -ff and look ?.t thc Pretty Cut Claas Water Sets on <fis play. Also $otnc very pret ty Bowls and Dishes, VERY HIGHEST QUALITY, at vefy ?*owest price. SEE THE WINDOW Jeweler Cox Stationery Co's, Stote i s'd?K. ai OUT o . *t -1 un youl lawn rass will improve it wonderfully, t will also give the leaves on ? .""7:-. your trees an additional luster, wil please any .Civic Asso gatton. :':.,..<,.. ... *.? . . Anderson Phos P?ll;.....k,.X^L.fco. ? * * -# * ,:*.<* * * * ??? ,". v * *' *.. ARCHITECTS * <* Bleckley Bldg. Anderson S. C. * SAYRE ^ BALDWIN * Citizens? JNaitonat Bank Bldg. * Raleigh, N. C. * * a o * a a * * * m * a * .*? * * ? + * ' * * CASEY A FANT * * ARCHITECTS *. * . Anderson, S. C. * * ... _ a * Brown Office Building. * * Second Floor.. Phone 269 * ?*. ' . * * * * * * ? . ? * a ''?. '. ?.. i_J.J^i-m.'UJfl'.uii1-!-L'. ".. f^ftd* * ? 5^ * *.*....* BB. W. H. W0OB8 . * (SPECIALIST ? * DISEASES of tba Eye, Car, Fose . * and Throat - Glanes Fitted * * . ??ours? * .*!.?;.? In, m. 5, p. m. to 6 n. m. * ? j,?a--?im ta' mi .WV... m_rui._ A * ErenJngs by Appointment * '*. TELEPHONEtioNWEtrTION * ? ANDERSON, g. V. * >? * * . ? * * * . ae . * . -... ._'^.-.M,}IM .M_;_i_m 1 Call on A. M* Sharpe &Coe when in th? market for FIRE INSURANCE GET TKK BEST 5 4. \V. Moor* ot Portman was in the city yesterday oh* nosiness. K. H.' Snipes-'of Townvjllo waa in thc city yesterday on- business. Mae* treed and Bert Fisher of Lev el ? Land- were in the, city yesterday. Coiectdesee la Freaeh History Parla April I.-Per the first tin?:. In tho-history of the third republic th* chamber deputies will retire be fara the budget comos law. , Thc bamber to-night by a vctn of 400 ta ) Joined to the budget tho measure 'Posing j* tax ott /enta, income end >"??. me senate already had ro ted thia measure and will lo budget separately. As f the enamber ot sei ine end or tba week for t