nrif -ZTZZ-;-:- - . , .... . :... , UH'*. - * ? m.- , v. ,^-^-rrTj_^^==gg . B?LTON PACiaF devotcdt0 communicating - - ^^fg* - V news and advertising. 1 '! ' gift buying At ^hi? ?tore. Per hops that thottghtrW act occur red to jrom for so many iWRlej imagine that Jewelry i? "expen-, ?t1 ' ' Conte In And See i ??.US.?? Garden $ee?; We have the most com4? piete line of Gatzen [ Seed in Belton. Iffis^! are of the highest quality and we seel them at reas onable prices* Ask*for one of our Fith Annual Seed Lists. You will find it convenient'in selecting your wants. When in need of . any thing in the drug line, get it at FRIERSON'S if you want the best results. < - Hem 1 PHAjgy.?Y - my styles . ? . i '. - 6f Photographs are displayed in our rBV8. C. TO THE FARMERS O Bjr The Read Phc Bulletin No. ?72 of the South troj shows ttrtt .tht'rty-threc s?rnpi at Cfcit;s<;n College durW ^s f*i TKlrlWiJ. I antec, th a.;- spring . of 1912-1913. * -ihre? analyzed above ttjg guar thre?-sampfi? Being $1.22 per Not only thjfeAui- w^y^g cn?^ as high grade Blood, Fish Seed Meal in the Read Goods, ^?i?zers not ofil^^t^ the boat r^Jll??^ per ton -on th* 3Ll,00? I ' factory last season' sbawa that .00 more than we guaranteed., ri?ht $way about;Reidjs, JFeriiihsars. )nt s. c ) 7QFN?WS ^ * \QM BUSY BELTON * - ' > # Vl&CrwW^wW .** **i a ? ? * ? ? * ? * ? ? * -r Mrs. Bob Gray .. Mica Mattlc Vandtver f Tom/ CftHor, Mrs. Cray's brother. ; ..v.. Max Rico I Mrs. Peter Wyconibe, a personage.. .Mbw Sue Covlngtoa Mr. Peter Wy?omb*;;a\pe?slmlet with e digestion -4?.-Blaire Rice Dorothy Landon. secretly*engaged to Tom Carter .. Mi*s. HeUto Woodslde Mr. Janus Lan don. Sr.. Dorothy's fa ' tber of peppery disposition _ -.- . .. ;\ \Lewls Cox Uncle Tom, am old colored butler from ; the 8opth ,.,. Ethan .FrlersonJ I Officer Hogan of the *2nd Street Po3 , j lice station Dr.. J, E.. Harper? HELTON ON WHEELS *>Bbl|o?, March l?,-~-Haoks A Clink scales .have sold the following gentle min automobile* this week: Dr. O. C. ?Todd. S. M. HOrton-and Luthar Ma jlcy. These cars are roadsters and sell well where they are known. ; Py^ l? Better ; Belton. March 10.-??. A. Wiles of Honed Path. 'Ford dealer, was in'Bel ton yesterday with come handsome cars. He was accompanied " by--Mr. Urubbs and sold two Ford touring cars while In towff?one. to C H. Horton, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank and one to John C. Dean, a arruv. pcrcu? r?rlucr of near town. : -- -Oratorical Ccatest ' Belton, M?r?rh 1?.?The O'neal Grsb torlcal. contest planned to come off at Belton on May 1, promises ta -be sr. occasion of much olessnre, Asdsr jjOg, iionea Hath, Wlljlamston and Bel ted'spools wttrh?v*: representatives la the contest. An all day picnic, basebaU and basket ball will be the features of the day. and that night tho i oratorical contest' -TSveryone in Bel ton is looking forward to this occa sion with a great deal of pl?asuro. I Real Estate DeaL The: managers of the Broadway Oil Mill 'have - bought the p/opferty belong ing to Mrs M. A- Vandlver, which ad joins them. , >ew ?jirac?en. . Belton, March 10;?The splendid ,-oew - eaaet ate? ?*^v^e*a?JP*d -byA.^fe^, Hcncl Campbell for the Pastime 'Th??tre It**-Jttat co^e- ^nj - U -?n^ (what th? manager needed. It is ? beautiful -instrument-And.adds greatly PERSONAL MENTION -Mayor Boos Mttcbcll bad business in Edgef rfetd- yesterday. I D. W. Poor?, who sells the "Hup roabllc" of Pelser, was here yester day.' :> . I Misses May Faat, Ray Master and Carrie Howcll a-c among those at tending the State teachers' association at Spartanburg James f7. Rodg?rs of Gaines, 8. C, weST^no^-p?^ yesterday Mrs- Layton Wilson and Mrs Crimes or Wllllamstcn. werd among thoae in ' o?eoi^gs'*5^^' ^-^S ln the mUllnory > Walter Goldman, of Greenwood, who has ' been in Anderson visiting reUtJvea, .waA- la Helton yesterday. I Mre. 'EdnavAokor-?f Due West, la ln town, the guest.ot Mrs- J P. Cox. I C.' S. SOllivao: Of AUd?rson, proprie ytor of Uie Sotltvan Hardware Co.. of " Belton, was among those who had business W :tjtte;.Cttr ?f Belton yes terday. Mrs. Ed Clark of Honea Path waa in town yesfet day attending "the mll ' I Mrs. Cooler an? Misa Willie Cooley} of Wtlllasnstoo. wese. in Belton yeser- j day attending the/ millinery openings, j :- Tlw rOlTOwilftp ilOwing mitt w?re' registered at Hotel Geer yesterday:' M W. armes, Now York! !. M. Israels, Anderson: R, ,Ha*rell. Atlanta; F. ' Pintlrift.-'(4!n>ttMe: Hefcry Thompson. Opiambte. Fr P^raiUey. Chicago; n. . ?lardon. Rlcbmohd;' Robert J. Car ' ledge, Jr.^Wi?e*ta*Jj|4;tB W. Mathls, South Carolina; H, P. Reahey, Atlan ta: J. P. Lear, South Carolina: Ben Simmons, Knoxvllia; W. R F?rber., -Atheiie- -> Among thoae from Balten who are attending the state teachers' Associa tion at Spartanburg may be mention ed Prof. J. R. Watklns, Misses 'Pearl I Wardlaw. Emmie-Wright. Susan Cov-j ??atufi nu ? aaus r?coit ai oz ins ttei-; ton High School. & I Miss May FW^Ment Wednesday j [ ntght at her home with her parents,1 Mr, anti>Mya: Oeorge Fant. Miss Fant j bad her'friendsi MUs Hay Masters and Miss Carle Howell. who teach at Leb-{ anon w*r. .They left Thursday morntng for u.-tellers' meeting now i ton In ; spart anburg .,. 6. Bl?Sflck of Pelter was Thursday to attend tho op-j F.~ Knox was la Belton Thurs on business. Mis: Hcs? I?ud?e?? of Frixer s I charming young ladles spent Thurs - day m Belton. Misa Hungens was ae 0ompae4ed e^tMiss FanUie Leby ^r?h?nxtbvm school trill be clon ed rriday =a account of so many of the teacher* beleg-in Spartanbui? Little ^ls? Katherine Woodslde will spend the week-end with her sister Mb? i Helen at Mm. J. T. Wrat'r. Miss Ellas Neville left Thursday aft era oo lo spend the week-end with I per iialsthsr. -Mra. O, W. NVrtlKr CUatott, S. C* ANDERSON, S. C. l. >^o?$tci- ? ? g .... . Bank and Cotton MiU Work Hi :*^^Jo;.ii* '.? S*s ?r'-' ' Tinting galiWork LOOSE LEAF LEDGER WORK, and ALL OJTHER RULED FORMS H a?' _?fiflf?g Everyone Ma? M Within : A celebrated; Preach physician has said.that "a man's liver is the barom eter of Ids dIsposl.M' KVcry man and every woman knows that the cheerful smile is a big fac tor; for ' oa?'e eucees?. Everyone Should know that the dis ordered liver ' Is canse> of jpinety .per cent Of' hunian^Ufa>'V'I^[a^,.'>?Vcnvork-' ed -livers are the prime ; causesof headaches, Indigestion?, constipation and dozens of' other .ills. But :'the' ' ib active liver always waros by coated tongue, nsoiii; 3tomac]i, dull oyo^ ? and - even r Jazteeai jleod, .your warning; end you lostfre.Tj|^tpA..- c.,,,... tThe Chronicle. > < The plant of the Southern Bell Tel Company at this place' hr bc ed' and improved" and as finished toe- ser-. to that of ?ny;t?vtn* f?jfctn th'tlttt'.M?'te. Alitas recently been r?ea? w^th'th* improvement* n?w ?ttef Trayaham. who l^'been tor his-oncle. Mr. J. L: Trayn be will locate. Jane Barmore has been: se-! ill for the past week at her; near -Shoais Jonction. She Is t 84 years Old and her condition is-the cause of much anxiety to her relatives iand friends. . Mr. Luoa P. "rtar and stttWWW*1 Ing for CoV?mbla e'ttotegni-of their ooaain, _JPwfco died yesterday saOrn irrg as the result of a fall from" His ea**fce last week. Vs?grrfed on-Sunday afternoon. March ll&fc by Bev. M, McQee, at Ware Shoals, Mr. C. O, Prcssly and Mt?s -ui?B ici v o??cjrf**y mw ternOoif tor an extended visit to New ' of Panama and m MOMK OFfiCE "> whig season. - . ' Kmc* cur LY?. DwrkworUi, Ander*?*,Jfc CT. ? . .1. IleJd Harris**, Denier, fa. C. ''e"trSL?t,i: * 8.4'. T>.L? ?WataJav S..?. ;^oca.yPath*&*^ nui before returning t? Hone? Path* Reb. W. E. Wilklna of Greep ville, sec retary of the Laymen's. Movement for ?f?ABaptla?iiin -jSouth. -Caroling; ,wJJ|Jdt>M&i preach at Broadmouth church on Sun ^daar_mo!rnin&.at 11 Lo'cloak xod at,Tur 2?B to.; these- services, ' be read by all who ***SfiEW*$?ti?(ii!iii ??ter.who recently pur- j certes.' ' lie 'qnot ?a soiii? attractive pri-' st^k/of groceries and ces and promises ?a square dbSl to >-alL fia|fe8iaj||fc>aaw HKI|ll!b*trs^ raised by UNION GUANO COM PANY'S Fertilisers Mr. ToUieop la one of tha thou?u>? t? ?s?sAftd customer* ?sing . these BartWeeea. 44* *enr 4e4?er for vur.aood* endeccept n sonhpWsTT afJjiKUiKer win produce a better crop. TJNIO?? BRANDS have demonstrated to many of the Ml s to, your own. ^>uaty ibelr.aaperkrt- "cropped Pfedaiea*. BetUm Mercantile Co, Bettet Vieler Jferesnttie Ce* Wfiltaarto*, ^aspire Mercantile Ce, Wniia?rsi?& igV BealsttU^Satadr flealtfi