FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. IS THE LAST DAY. COME EVERY DAY AND GIVE IN A DIFFERENT NAME. SEE OUR DAILY PROGRAM ON THIS PAGE OF EVERY PAPER. :: THINK OF A NAME For this Popular New Theatre and get Jhe $10.00 in Gold and the Annual Pass that we are ...offering tor a name... Somebody Will Get It. - - Why Not You? Everybody has an equal chance, no partiality or favoritism will be shown anyone, as the committee to select ? name from the ones submitted will not know who wrote any of them. Names for the theatre only will be submitted to them. New "Nameless^ Theatre A. M. PINKSTON, Prop. "THE MAN THAT PUT THE 'MOVE' IN MOVIES" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. ENDS THE NAMING CON TEST. AND SOMEONE WILL BE WELL PAID FOR A NAME. COME EVERY DAY. THE CHANCE TO WIN THE MON EY AND PASS IS FREE. YOU ONLY PAY 10c TO SEE THE BEST SHOW IN THE CITY. - a.. v> 4 Before yon go bone we neat job to see FORTH ANDERHON. We wiU be mUk? if >Kaw ;?? perfsSjagity ally, bet fa ease we haven't thli privil?ge, ask year hebt to shew yow ?THE TOWN THAT HAS BEEN Bl'ILT UP IN NINE MONTHS. I I & JR! RECORDER TALKS OF BLUE LAWS >W5iea seen yesterday and akcd concerning the method he would fol low regarding-the enforcement of the ' blue law" for Anderson in accord ance with city council's action of Tuesday, Recorder Russell said that he would simply enofrce the law and no more. Ho then cited the follow ing from the city code: _"Nv tradesT*jmm, artificer, workmau, laborer, or other persons whomsoevor, shall da or exercise anw worldly labor, business or work in the city of An deraor. on the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday or the Babbah, or any part thereof, works of necessity or charity only excepted" The pen* for each violation Is not more than |i00 or nor piore than 30 days. Section 87 reads: "No persoa or persons whomsoever, shall sell, or expose for sale within the corporate limits of the city of Anderson, ex cept In case* of necessity, any awe, merchandise, fruit, herbs, goods or chattel Whatsoever on the Lord's day, commonly caljed Sunday or the Sabbath pWhen asked as to the particular businesses to be effected by this aew ; ruling of council, the Recorder said that he would think It would apply *.o any nu?lne?> that was not a ne cessity. He said of course that the drug stores weald not be prohibited item filling prescriptions for the sick, but that they would be forced to discontinue selling drinks and olg arfi; that the fruit stores would have ta stop their Sunday* trame and that livery stables most discontinue their bp&incsc or renting team* for Sunday pleasure driving, He said that there would, of course, be discretion exer* ??ted In th*> handling. Of the various d to accomplish a number of things for the betterment of tho city. He stated that while he had received no official advices from the other members of the board as appointed Tuesday, he understood that all of thorn would accept. Dr. Ashmore's term Is for five years and the people of Anderson may well feel confident that the affairs of this body will be directed in a splendid manner dur ing that time. -b?? Patterson To Be Tried Today. O. M. Patterson, a citizen of the Fork section, will be arraigned in Magistrate Broadweil's court this morning on a charge of refusing to do road duty. Patterson has had considerable experience with the courts, having been convicted in Jan uary on a charge or carying concealed weapons and sentenced to a term on the chaingang. When he completed his time be was again arrested on the charge he will be arraigned un der today. When he finishes this case he also has to stand trial in Oconee county on a charge of issu ing a fraudulent check in the sum of ICS. -o Donald's Schee! Burned Tuesday. The Donalds' high school, a large trame structure, was completely de stroyed, by fire on Tuesday afternoon shout thiree o'clock. People from that ?action who visited Anderson ycater iay said that tbey had been unable to find any trace of how the fire started and that the origin of the blaze was a mystery. With little fire-fighting apparatus it was impossible to check the flames and tho entire bulding was burned to the ground, although much of the furniture was saved. -o Prominent Lawyer Wits' Anderson. Among the well known attorneys In the city yesterday to attend the SurA'ay School convention was Ira ?, S.?cScwcG? or Spariauburg. Mr, Blackwood is one of the best known lawyers in the State and haa a large number of friends In this city. Yes terday be was receiving coagratula lions from many of them on his re cent appointment to a position lb the Internal revenue service, which ho will shortly go to Washington to take Health Ofueer In Colombia* T. A. Campbell, Anderson's Health Offlohr, left last night for Columbia where he goes to attend the meeting r>f the Sanitation Congress which Is in session there today and tomorrow, idr. Campbell hopes to gain much valuable information from this trip and to be able to better care for the health c-f X?= tiiy ucicaimr i'san ever before. Grocery giere Ciosed Oat The Pure Food Grocery Co., which lies beeivdoing business on Barle street under the management of lohn Caudeil, has been closed up, the stock of goods being foreclosed under a mortgage held by Raymond Beaty. T. C. Carter has purchased the stock of goods and moved same to his store. Auction Hale Of Land. A very successful uuctlon sale of land took place In Honca Patii yes terday, conducted by the Anderson Kcal Estate and Investment Company. The land sold was a part of the Bar bara Brock estate und the sum total cf the sales reached $9,800. Members of the Anderson company said last night that 'the sale drew, a large crowd, the bidding was lively, and that the sale was in every way fully as successful as they had anticipated. New Clerk In In Auditor's Omee. M. B. Smith, who has been an effic ient assistant In the office of Winston Smith, coiinty auditor for Anderson county, him" resigned his position and assumed his new duties as bookkeep er for tho Bee Hive. Mr. Smith has been succeed in his former position by T. A. Graham of Greenwood coun ty. Mr. Graham was formerly county auditor of Greenwood and knows every detail of the business from start to finish. He will prove quite valu able In his new position. Debaters Are Popular Here. A. R. Boyd ana T. C. Haddon, who have been represent Clem son College In the inter-collegiate debate ttlta Georgia Technical school, are well known in Anderson, both havmg-trejtt'iwaltten* wtth-focal banks here last, year. These young men will go'Into the debate with the Geor gia men1.carrying with Diem'the best wishes of,tho Anderson folk. Mr. Smith' Has _ IMurued to, the City. K. P.,,Smith, a well, .known Ander son attorney, ha?r r^fnfSd.'to fhe ?ity from Columbia where.lie haa been spending the last'.few days in the in terest of two measures of radical im portance* to Anderson.. Mr. Smith expressed himself'last night as being well pleased with the status of tilings in Columbia, as regards' the Anderson legislation. . mmmmmmmmmm guou ... THEATRE I?D?Y'S PROGRAM. The Watch Dog of the IMP. 2reel feature with. Wm. Shay and Leah Baird. Slim's Strategy? FRONTIER. Comedy. Fourth reel lb be selected from LI CENSED .RELEASE Dally Program Selected from the Best Universal and Licensed Releases. 4 REELS?10c Former Pastor Ameag Visitors. Among tbe many Interesting visi tors in Anderson for the Sunday School convention la Rev. George Pierce' Watson, pastor of the First Methodist church of Manning, and at one time pastor of St John's Metho dist church of this city. Mr. Watson assumed the pastorate of the local church twenty years ago and served as pastor here for three years. Yes terday he was receiving a warm wel come from many of his old friends. Light Bates ? V Are Reduced, An announcement of Interost to the general public of Anderson Is that made by the Srnthern Public Utilities Company' ta the effect that Its rate on iitriiu ha* been reduced. Hin fore light in Anderson has cost IS 1-3-cent*-'pur kilowatt but from this tune on it will cost only 11 cents per kilowatt According to tho* state ment of the officiel? at the local light and power company this is a reduc tion of over 12 per cent Doubtless this move will encourage many people who are not now aatng electric llghtn to have them Installed. ELECTRIC E n'HW-1 M If TODAY'S PROGRAM. Faith of the Fathers? RELIANCE Special 2 reei feature Too Many Brides? . KEYSTONE. Swell Comedy with Ford Sterling The Golden Pathway? Vltograph Featuring Maurice Cas tel '?*.M ?gjs(?U Tt?Hi 4 Kk&L??>-?A He. ns il,, i as,I. gsjuztsai movies Time Fry. ---New? THEA$?E. TODAYS PROGRAM When He Sees Lubtu Drama. A Miracle of Love Lasfk Drama. Plants with Nerv?* Pathspluy War in Mexico Showing War Bidden Juarea 4 Bfe Reels?10c Col. Wharton 1 Is A Visitor. Among the well known men In An derson yestcrdny was J. H. Wharton of Laurens. Mr. Wharton waa a can didate for railroad commissioner lam year and made a spleudid race. He has many friends in Anderson county who were glad to Bee him yesterday. ?? ? ?? ? ** ? ? * * THE PABAIiK. Dr. J. W. Speake, chairman of the committee on parade, was greatly overjoyed Wednesday by the good weather, with its proraiBo for a clear day Friday and renews his invitation to all of the Sunday schools In the county to take part In the big event Friday night. Further announce ments will be made tomorrow, but the line of march as at present ar ranged provides for the organisations to gather as follows: Anderson, Brogon and Equinox mills, will assemble and join pa rade at the Chahiber of Commerce. Riverside and Toxaway, in front of Chiqnola hotel. Orr and Gluck mills, on North. Main between the public square and I The Intelligencer office. 'Visitors assemble at the court house. The parade will be headed by thf ?tecond Regiment band of Orrvllle, [ and leading the march . will be Ex [ Gov. Martin F. Anse), Mayor HoUe man, Fier. Dr. Speaks and the ?usy-, ! ors of other cities and other distin guished persons. The men from the mllf villages will follow In tills ?r der: ' .. -.< Anderson mill, Brogon, Equinox, Central Presbyterian. Orr-and Gluck, First Regiment band from WHUanl Bton, Riverside, Toxaway, St. John's, church: Grace Episcopal; Associate Reformed ^Presbyterian, Christian. Salvation Army, visitors. First Bap t. Any other organizations that [Wish to come in will please notify I Mr. Speake today. Mrs. pankhurst back in london Beguiled the Police Into Making I a False Arrest London. Feb. 11.?Mrs. Emelino Pankhurst, who yesterday returned to London from Switzerland, beguiled the police tonight into a false arrest. She addressed a crowd from the window of her temporary residence in Cempdes H?U square, taunting toe' government with cowardice. She announced that aha -woo coming into the oirw\, and challenge the police to rearrest her. A woman emerged from the house; the crowd surged sround to' protect her and a lively scuffle ensued. The woman was arrested and with seven others was taken to the police station. ; There the police discovered they hadj ! been tricked. The woman was attired I to represent Mrs. Pankhurot. All those arested carried clubs. I j They refused to give their names. They will be charged with obstruction and | assault. The police spent \he remainder of] the night watching the house. Misa Sylvia Pankhurst addressed a public meetltog in th? east end and tonight she declared "the peoples' army" would soon be drilling in the open streets like Sir. Edward Carwn'? Ulster army. ruf i'uft -rirai time in recent years, [suffragettes were conspicuous by their ! absence today from all the processions j connected with the opening of parlia ment They spent their time In an! effort to prevent the Bishop* of Lon- ! don from attending the opening see* I slon of the house of lords, of which he Is a member. They made him the first ' victim of their new campaign of molesting public men. Thotr Ire waa particularly directed against the bishop for his alleged whitewashing , of the government in his report on the treatment of suffragettes. Matters of Interest To Business World I (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 11.?The Ameri can business world tonight came in to personal touch with men whose j idess and actions are of great mo ment to business when, secretary Wilson of the Department of Labor.] and Commissioner Prouty of the In terstate Commerce Commission, ad-1 dressed the 'second annual Conven tion of the chamber of commerce of j the United States. Secretary Wilson discussed the relstions of bis de partment with the business world while Commisioner Prouty outlined the great task, undertaken by t?i commission at the direction of t on I grass?ascertaining the actual value jor the ru>n?try*9 rs?!???ds sad cis?r Interstate common carriers. Close ' attention was accorded lb a speakers by the delegates, 500 of I' whom representing every pert .of the cetuitry, are assembled for the thren ! WELCOM E Come In And Make Yourself At Home! D. GEISBERG ?SDI The Piedmont Insurance Agency Second floor of Brown Building North Main Street Gives prompt and careful attention to all k i n d s of Insurance? including Fire. Tornado. Health and Accident, Burglary and Liability. Also, Fidelity, Official, Judicial and Con tract Bonds. Let our solicitor beat the Fire Engine' to your property. M. M. MATTISON, Pres. J. W. LINLEY. V-Pree. C. EUGENE TRIBBLB, Mgr. & Treasurer JAMES L. FARMER, Ass't Mgr. Hi L Our Motto la Mruit ? -*ir?? ?POBMKBXY ee Anderson Steam Bakery NOW OPEN :: v?UneW New Management.? "SANITARY" And Up-To?Date in Every Respect. / ?TRY? "OLD HOMESTEAD" BREAD. You'll be more than Pleased. ~' Freeh Fancy Cakes and Pies Baked Every ?r Day. W8 DELIVER PROMPTLY ANYW1IEBU IN THE CITY. F. ?. Feuchtenberger? W. BENSON 8k ANDERSON, 8, C. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER is one of the songs most popular on Uncle Bom's birthday. We ask you to think* over the very first line. "Can't you see" and see wellt If not 'your wisest course will be to ' co?i? here and have your eyas ex pertly examined with a view of ob taining the glasses your eight needs. Don't delay. Delays In eye trouble are especially . dangerous. Prices Vi-nnOti?urry *5.3v iO giKOw Uftd U{- - ward. Repairs on frames and parts 10 cents and upward. Dr? M. R. Campbell 113 W. Wbltaer 8L Greaad STeer warn caeae us&i? Baa. nnsrtUHjt,