The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, February 08, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Our Buyer Wired us this morning that we might expect an other Car of those FAN CY YOUNG Mule? by Friday morning, 6th inst. They are all TOP PY, SMOOTH, WELL BROKE and you will miss a treat if you fail *o see them before you buy. COME and take a LOOK. Terms and Prices always right. The Fr?tw?lt Company like the s3vk1'+*' yon get at this rcstaur* at From SLhtkmil0^eator untfl you loaT0, every attention that will attend t<j waltl your comfort will bu sohwu you. Your order will be promptly taken and as promptly filled. You'll wonder how we can cook things to quickly and-perfectly as wo dp. Pi ? 0 M 0 NT CAFE 114 West Whitner Street. ; ,J . ... il ' I?-' .IrT? G. D. Antonekos. Prop. New Vehicles of cv?ry description keep coming n every day. . Our stock of Harness, Whips ?n? Robes is the finest ever. We also have some Extra Good Mules and Horses on hand* come and see them. J. S. F or Haying Electric Lights is from One Dollar up per month, according to quantity need. THE COST OF NOT HAVING ELECTRIC LIGHTS is matches, scratched up Wftl!^, danger of burned matches; dan ger cf lamp e^^aions* mdasirablsJieat aid odor, vitiation of she atmosphere, smoked Wall covering* and wall paper, : Cart of lam^ ?no lamp ch.. -c , .% tKo purchase of wicks, nil and chimncya. and general neenrertionce. it costs a wh?;? tat to do without cXE?tttt&U?jOTS e?e RENT.:. * ? room house, Morr?a Street,.$12.80 6 room house, Welch Ave.,.$1CM$ S room house, S. Main air cet ..$12.50 *^Tf?c? roonvs, west ^too oqnare Office rooms, S. Mala Street Store ffoQm, South Main Street . . Store room E. Whither itreat . Livery Stable E. WhHner at ctt . .$10.00 ..$80490 . ..$30.00 AUBEBSOM BE?t ES?A?E S m?ESlSSE?I? TK05L F. C?F.TWftlGHT. Mgr. Renting ?sparfcaerf Stocks and Bonds New York. Feu* 7.-?Haw York Centra] ?ml the Rock Inland sceuri tlc? today again developed murked weakness. oi/erwUv, tUc mar net wap dull and .apathetic, .with Ihe Kai?c dragging tendency of the pre vious days of thu week. Price? eased c? ?Ughtly.alike q&isniufe but Uto movement was cheeked quickly. New York Central was forefcd down to 00 J-8 bv n continuation $p Mi* pendp^'Ul >%elHug. Earlier Tn the week this stufl,k sold at OG. Tin I Jbock Isluud securities, rvached new ; low points in the history of the com pany. Tue "ointnon stork fell to ( :i-4, the tp. 12 1-2 and .the collateral 1? to II.. Afuch of the Belling of tin- Keek Island stocks was for foreign account, it was estim?t - ed that ?VH^Ott-share*-of t.'.cve js. sues had been 'placed at varions times in the Amsterdam market, whence came a considerable part of today's sel ling orders. Canadian Pacific was ?irons In tac oarly market, being Influenced bv u previous rise in London, but later it receded. Steel again was well suit ported. Forecast* of the hank statement wer? far from the. mark, Instead, of tbn predicted rash gala Of *8.?00,000. there was a loss of more than $3, ?Oti,000. ?Reserve requirements were feduenri, however, by n shrinkage in depoai's, so Uuu there wan a nominal increase in surplus., were,.inclined to shade off, owing to tin: pronounced w^akr nesa of special issues. Totul aale*, par value, S2.CiiO.00U. .ynttcd States 2s registered advanced, 1-8, and 3s registered 1*2 and Pnmiiua 3s cou pon 1 point on call ob the week. United Status 3s coupon d' ?liued 1-4. ? Total sales were 102.000. Money Market Now York, Feb. 7 ? tall money nominal no loans; time loans weak: sixty duvs 2 1-2 4$ i-V, u uftty .dny? 2 3-1 <?t 3; six months. 3 i-i Wn?/^nUlft MBPr .'. 1-2.'.3tiit? ling ?^change'" caju , d?js, $.-i.s3J.0; demand, $vw.7?* ..jjiuuqjv f;bfl..l.?lUV ?l.S::r ,|u s.U'*?r, .;,I..S-S. Mexican dollK.r?..., f.\mrumeni bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. New York Cotton tf- ., V" ??ew York. Feb. 7.- -<'o^q3 to-lay rath lu a rang'- of "or 4:P*>mta. >?Mt, Hi Ills atk^-aaA t^x hrt lit. .tjjg I way or .?tr^dtoT^^^?ii??r " ?**? about the only, feature, was the tear ot prominent house., brokers te? Jatdl. M?rcu anT^iiy May whanthe, (Ufloi. race widened to forty ; points during the early trading.. Then*, .consentent: ly Boomed some disjio^lticu. arouad tau rum.iou4ne:i the nrotab'.e widening of. the d?Tor ence between New York a;ud Liver pool. Tiia?wayket ^sadJ*?*A*4i, a i net decline of q, to 5 pointa. Lower cables and. rather was fa vorable trade advices ?JQ0a>tyv,; ?c. counted, for an qpeafafc, deolinq ot from 3to 5.ooie,t#..aDd aqtiye monOje apid 6 to ? pointa net. lower during the. first few, minuta*. There.., .we* mtut a good ,umpy .buytjig: orders, however, fcrlcos ruillpd 4 to $ points on covering of nhorts. Las* judceji wer? -. s^ev'ft.^Kij^ tV.q,,^ UMK realising. Private cables reported American selling in Ltvcrnoob^ *j|A. also said that cloths were accoin? la ting in..Manchester py, some of the dealers'in the Huraly section going en short tluio. March lost part - of l|?-early premium, closing 35 points over May. Spot cotton ulct; middling no land*. 12.0&; gulf, 1.2:}M). Sales, 224 bales. Cotton futures r*:v-?edr steady: Open' fLow Close Fob.12M 12.* 1 1*2. IV 12 cmb Feb .. .. Ifi.W --.? 12.12 March .. ..12.20 1J.23 12.17 VJ.^ti .la>- .. .. 11.81 U.S6 11,78 llJt? ulla'Ver^ July .. .. 11.82 \\$\ 117? 11.82' Oct- .. ..*-M0?-lLlfc:lUJL.U.4O ' -* 'VA' - ?, - -tt?.??? 'v^xar-v. New Or! - ana Cotton ; J|sw ?W.l||j^S hndf a dpwaw s. tendency^t?mf was ajeWT--. > ro^o^fW|? oaua ad by profit aklng tua, ahert. t iu.. loug. acvour : ?aa~ifl, Oi0* ^lmc. Rwd : * tivvt local Planning take aft eottbn :oa, ftfetrck contract* uatonla^a? s'.?ert covering. I The,de?.lhe of d to s orening was ' ca?eed b: Ing cableB from ^ye enough at times to mo the demand for reftia . and at the lowest the t(iftrke*_ it to nb>e points down.^ The cb?c J \,i&jfrs. at a ne> U %\o ft pototH. ! Jpdt cotton quiet, unchanged. Mid- J dling, IS 11-1?. Sales on the spot, irftve ?0. jien futures erosmit mry. ... 12^? 12.42 , CottonjGoods ,. New Trorh, Feb. 7.?In* some ?f t^o j cotton goods market quarters price* j A^cmimercial asking. P/lce* for what *?/ey wa|tf. Printern nave placed good sized or. dar* oft four yard eighty ?yusren fpr delivery on the March contracts, April and May at l-a beiow ihe top of the recent market. Manufacturer* of ovcrullH have contfaeti.'d (or da nint? at 1-4 to l-u a yard^4rom -?tiie ton. of .U?Ht^ >Lur aud JlaYn paid, foil prices jtof iviuill lota, oj^. spots. TM" vav:ll!.Ailon in t)ie .ma.rkeV is attribut ed, to . w-eakue/h >u.. cotton, and JtjU. <l= r.iiv 01' as en of Koodrt to make tlieir puniiapes from band to t>)oulh w/agp i.PO.vun ?crure what, toey ?neu tiiat way. Atynufactur??e Jiavay py*n .forced.ta closer margin* of prot.'t in consequence o( the nremluni op io\ ton pfgoqd spinning grade and they avo. slow. 40 moeV Price oopcesSio^s in goods. There, bat? been a light cjo mun'd.far goods for^exuojjt .wlth bide too low, to b(! worfcabfe, with . iptlla. JBetailer?. hav? been. e&Hefpns in primary RiarketH asd they, are operat ing- I .oteadtly, but .,constativciy. Prices are as fpllowe: . Pclnt cloths. Sfelnch, ,S*,\(J4s, 3.4.4t<4k9inlaAl 0Ok1 & 5r$; Us bgrlach Ol*?,!*, T. ?-S asked; brown ?{icetlugs Southern bt^udnntH, S; deisms, 1? outtpe, 14 1:3; tilings, feopujfejjl 44;'u|*?rte prints; 3 l-i; staple ginghams, Q 1-4; drcutj ginghams, 9 ^-4. Liverpool Cotton 'Uvejuool. F?b. 7?Cotton?Spot Wi?t; price.> utugdy; good middling T.::i; r?*Jes, icclttding r.,toi Anwurlcau; rucetutj?, &i,uoa. Including : ?:i4igrt?ftA closed barely titoady. Fehrmisv . mm Feb.$nv:>.I-"!* U2 M*y-.J4iiie .<B. tLoT Aug-sept.r.r%.., 6.4C o?t-^^v^,. ^,?,^ $4$ Cotton Seed OU New"York, Feb. 7.-.'" a coiton seed oil market today quiet. uu*. pricei Vicie steady on local covenr tag in the face of. lower markets-;tor lard und'cotiuu. closing iiot'unaUaag? 1 U points .iilgUer,. Prime crude SaBju to curt; nYijMa summer, yellow. spot, 7.06; prime' winter yellow end summer white, 7.20 @ S^?Q. ?, .. Financial _%yie?r Now Yor.v, Feb. 7!?Trading hi Se curities this week Vas on a dliuln bculo and 'movements' wert narrow.^. Th?'htgher prices ostablitn. -''.lamiary rise were l?se Kt r mvcitp?*ai and lbs an, apsalty of tho mw'tet erat rjuea ceaUora?4-;tia ?^i-|Wt kly. Increased borrowing a factor. . Offerlnaa of mercaa fe.Sa paper V?ora. largor. - Now 1 York State employed. more than half the proceeds of lta C00.?00 bond eale in notes due. iviaturity of notes tor:-Vebru'ary ?re on a large rtate'w'rhrlargcr amounts In Juno and July. Losa, conildeacc was felt, fre?^. rate increase will $f ^o granted , because of the?4nti ler?a.iC?nnnljwlbns ;. decision. ;t vestigation. tbc.nlon. for goyernmcat "iasa ?teleKr^idx -and tclcnhone ;th,Q gV'nata hearin.? on hUjc^ w^^pij^tlon^ and the?^exl can sltuaW?n ^.nhtnod to make. wanhingtcguPOW? a depressing, fact Trade, reworls were .favorah^e?.,) aonio lalsglvlags were felt that i prpvement :liad-, been, o.vercstlm especially ' bi thc; st,cel trade,.,r.t?sl^ mates of high perecatago conditions of winter wheat helped tent intent. Chicago Graiav - and Proviaiona I rCh4tWo*.? ; "t.?S?vero ' weath?r west held, il? ^tLto^**??& bu| JJ\e proj> soaro y devejoe to atari.a, Auer a. ?uod?si an ctoucd easy at exactiy lot, sutnc [nmi rat** ^ff?*orn t* ho wed land J^^J^^!?0: I V^eet r^naiWoand ?xp*rtejace^ JtW hno^.taere ta,*- ?re*t; Ity ft^d^hape et?laitKseatet jrte te<iuiremenu ot _.\lt you will ??mtne L?M?u. -atill at once soc they. ^ y * * * * ^ . %*?fe??r-?-V * LO Ua I were pressai cerycd de Rev. :ved to ? ?. Quite a number ) whifth tho keeMtaa I mcqts. . -t.\ I neasr ^Cal ivg guest of Misa Ellen Tennan, has returned to her house* m v .,. a IMYs. r.osa Price soft ?fclklro? of Monterey bar* bjc* vpsltlug tec for mer'n sister, Nfiv*. I^utb^r -"iowaaan. Rev. Mr. Cnaodler has returned (rpra the low countrv where he went to perform the marriage .ceremony of Ills former members. Mr. and Mm H M. ??h?in?per* of .Ofcgg, Shoals spent a few days this ween with the family of Mr. and Mrs. .}. M. iluckubce. per; II. C." Feunel! spent Tuesday la Abbeville. . Mr. C. !.. Bowen has sold his buBi. nesB interests to Mr. Will Ellis and h t? gone to Augusta to go in bugl JB'jM. " i*. >, ' fir. T. V. iacksop, of Iva was Ja jtp*n ?M</Wck. |dr. <;. V Speer bas returned from a visit to her mother. ;, Miss Gertrude Bell has .> to turned from an extended visit to nslgtlvog In <J teen wood and 8partaneurg. i Mr. J. C Lomax, proprietor of Bolle vue hotel of Anjlerson, is fn town for a, lew days. f\ jdr. llryan Lomax of Anderson is visiting relatives at tho "Hermitage ifarm.' '?,;f?te ' -y-* ij*fbi <tt . . jklr. Will Cunningham of Monterey was a tfuslno&s. visitor here Thursday. i-The Savannah Valley Chapter of .the 1'. I). C.. hch! Its regular meeting with Mrs. C M. Clinkscales on last {Tuesday. Tho chanter will serve oysters on the 13th and ltth ant! it }s hoped thev will pe liberally pat cf.nb.od ' I VJs?:,KUn, Xickjos has raUuaed to her home, after a visit to the home pi.Mr. and. Mrs. E. W. H. Harper. I Miss..I en nie Harper of Greenwood Is visiting" the family of her brother Mr. B. .WyUargpr, * TUB DA* IN CONGRESS * ? # ? * * ? * 5f *-*?.*.? In Washington, Feb. C?The day Congress : , Senate. Heilet at noon. b Gen. Woodiqjd .thftrm.illtar?. com mittee the destruction o! military academy by union-troop* in. |8?1 was not in accord with the laws of war tj Immigration committee took up the Burnett bill and discussed the liter. sp? test feature. tu |ii&r?H.?av??ily,??i v?.- ??p- Vvwt?&?t?. gt<}?k Exonange ot Wnw l'or*, .testi fied on the O^ea bill for f?d?rai reg-* motion before the/banking commit te?. -sijPsssed Norris resolution directing ?jsb?rstate commerce commission to continue iU,' *^4ifaMoo uf. the? New H?ven raljn. f fairs. Agricultural csteuajon .bill, passed ia-ijamended form, - . .President sub-fitted nominations, i ,1 r1 ?idine Medical inspector 8j ^rgjs|e^^ftfl S8^QQR.g??er?,l Qi Adjourned ut-0:17 p. m. to noon House. Met at noon. Miscellaneous legislation consider "hit. oeforo tho iojbtrstajte. comaeajpe ' ommfttee advocated 'his bill to em power op ' interstate trade commis sion tc regulate price fixing. Concluded general debate ou the Shackleford good roads' bill. . Adjourned at'. 1:35 p./ m., to noon Sunday tor memorial exercises for the late Repr?sentatives Roddenbury and .Whey, j-. fei - .YEW BKLTON SCHOOL. Box Pari* ^^^^^laias Brought Special to, Tha Jitfgjllraeer. ... WilllnmsAon, R. 2> Fpp\ C?T,hC far, mers in this community arft making bis bWiiwny^ Abolitfarmings Same, arc plowing and some.are hauling fctiliz ^er and some uro aiwost ready to put It v"|o KToamjL, . , he school aT this pigije M .1? a tombingjMifttfMttoh-? ;... . Wc ar?; glad to. know, thai tome of tlic Dcoolo that hav,e \eea on the ajck list ore able to ,1^. thta-w^WI** There wcr.cL. a,j^;,,mawr.Jf?i?? folks of this cemmuni'^ ,who attended th? box part? ^.^M^^ hoaso las^.iirtiu^yMalght tho>,qisi Jnat.,.to make u?t^monsy to-get. a. hell pBr.aao.s2maomwiwaxgsfliirha^ It at; the. rise of,abp?:'t; ?40, The poqpje of this communUy v. ere glad to know that thn younjs.?oi^.?^.ti.Is place am White Plains dW ??>t thjt much mon ey. to. some good lAstoa^. ?( V h*?*u? ajMp pop skull .and ?c^iqUnvs* b**. teg ;to pay tbrec.or, four. dallare doo Cor s be?Ideb.>. But 1 hope Abs aarfr ii* ?c4 ;oo^ ji^e ono did la g fimmunity cimm.:5jrjawbile back when a be* bought a girl**, box and ska, got mad becauea certain on*; aujn'l get it o^^th^ t?x ,bs4 to be ^l^wSS?i^ ai? girl bot.o-ht proud to Htjow ?tat the bog, tynt ?Ml h|ir *U oblo to feed the dogs s?ph good-rations. Mr.. XvmaitiWm* hjw.fiori;Unsed^ new buggy and -we are U&teai&g to h?ar his wcddlf?g,i)ellH oring very soon. M*. KUn,.-Harris has reaigaod tnaTcountrv and gone back to in C^yiHe wh.jrej^ will Uke m^h.m^w'cTr ffTamdo" a Trol with W%?jtm?$i^%Jmi year, Mr. H. P. Siartln at this community and wa* well pleased until after Christmas and he decked to go back home, hut v?e hope tu see him once and a while. (Mr. J. ?H- Elrod iuad.o % bM?e*s ! trip to Pe?ser last Tuesday. Mr. John Mhuidin; made a business trip to AndcrscM? l?at Tuesday^ ^ C^^^^lUoa *ho*?t? in ilm^f?a^rllal and who was operated on and found her getting cloag vary .well. , j?<. J. H. ???rvv ni\'\ Irv v???d?w, Lawrence and little Jeefcqtt* >??4 bhter-ta-mw ? aallie fiirod, to Frantrvillc laut Wednesday to spend ou Are I ou'ii find this stock the most interesting in the fjftjpi t.'rtr.n'} .i-^t|fc. .- aw. tpw , ^* -, vv;:v City. Good clothes ?uro the only kind we sell, and always you'll find the price reasonable. We'd tike to have you look through this line of Piece Goods, for? ajUlIS* OKlliSj jl#susses, Shirt Waists, Etc. Etc. ***** -^JfriirM ?t?tr?frV HQ. . -'??-;- - /j?^ft^^^^t An excellent showing of all the Season's most desirable cloths. Ratines very prominent, we sell' em in many colors at 25c, 40c, 75c $ 1.00, $1.35 yd. Stop in any time, we are ready for you. Spring Coat Suits. Dresses* M???ihery and Ovtfrnv\rla AI V? 'M ?S* ? ? terra? to suit Convert Pianist und Lec?urer appears! ,j entJjw'K'.w 1 ' .' 1 "'-vi PLENTY OF EYE GLASSES: tve worse ihan; useless. In feet the* >I year eyes. #hs* fc wkyyei not parclutse them except af an exsert end ttorosife **** eJ mr *fcrht. J?te k***??*>1W? ?By ** ifrtj supply ?s lew nriee an U ?aie fer ji* t*. pay. SV? t* SMS ' npware. Bepalrs ea franse* and Itetx and upward. Dr. ML R. Campbell TB?' tnutner SL 0round Floor rfceaeStel*: Ben. TPfcoaejSfr. afternoon.. Sfcrs. A. ?. who is down with -pneumonia for breaatast ot his re aoKville and left kU v1(* the sick folks. eiirtendeni; 11:15 ship, sermon .by tl "The Culture of tb iC:12' uvesl***' r^t; "The Scarlet dow." Je^bua strangers cordially