The building on North Mains 1 reef formerly oc cupied by (he Elite Cafe, has been leased lo me, and will be convert ed into a MODERN, UP-TO-DATE Motion Picture Theatre To be opened between the 1st and 10th of February. ...WORK... IS PROGRESSNG RAPIDLY. REMODELING THE ENTIRE BUILDING. THE FRONT WILL BE SO ARRANGED THAT DURING HOT WEATHER IT WILL BE COMPARATIVELY OPEN, WHICH WILL GIVE PER FECT VENT'LAT ION. Positively THIS THEATRE WILL BE SANITARY IN EVERY RESPECT. :-: :-: :-: WATCH THIS SPACE FROM DAY TO DAY FOR FULL PARTICULARS. A M Piplrctnti lillietuu THE MOTION PICTURE MAN Buggiet agons .... . . .ON CASH TRANSACTIONS ...... FOR NEXT 30 DAYS -"SPECIAL BARGAINS" On remainder of our Shipment of Horses and Mules. They are going fast~~See them at once.. j. s The Piedmont Insurance Agency Second floor of Brown S North Main Street Gives prompt and careful attention tn all kinds of Insurance, inching tit*,' Tornado, Health and Accident, fcurg??r a cl ! .i*?bi ity. Also Fuie) ty off?chrr. lu ici;i' nnc <- n traet Rondf IL - Let. our solicitor beat^the Fire Engine to yonr property* X M. M? MATTISON, Pres. J. % LINLEY. V Pres. C. TRI BB LE. M irr. &. Tres2?rer JAMES L. FARMER, Ass't Mgr. Our Motto is "SERVICED Phone 305 Financial and Stocks and Born's N w York, Jan. 27.-Attempt* to carry further tho advance Lu Htockg were checked early in today's market, which thereafter followed an uncer tain ?ours?. .Speculation aludkened. Investment b?ylng w axon a dimin ishing scale. Union Pacific's report of a shrinkage in net earnings of $443,000 last month discouraged buying of railroad stockB. General speculation was hampered by uncertainly as lo United States Stael's quarterly report, 'which did not'appear until after the close. Con trasted with the corresponding nunn ter of the preceding year, when earn ings were f?5.185,000, the earnings tor the last quarter amounted to only $23,036.000, which failed to meet divi dend requirement*. The total, how ever, was well up to expectations, in view of the diminishing business and failing prices of the nerlod covered, since which time there has been c. change for the better. The bond market moved uncertain ly. Selling of some of the specula tive Issues offset improving tenden cies elsewhere. Total sates, par value ?4.080,000. United States bonds were unchanged, on call. Total stock Bales, $404,900. New York Cotton New York, Jan. 27.-Cotton was easier today under scattering liquida tion apparently chiefly promoted by predlcltons of a sharp falling cff in spot demand after the first of the month. One cr t' o southern Wires reported that dimand for apot luid already Blackened and there wa-i -il so a little selling here which may Lave come from southern sources, but gen oraMy speaking, private advil cs re ported continued firmness in the In terior and the ?-niall business noted around the ring appeared to coinb juoi,ii>kirom local, scurces. Th? close was barely steady ata net decline of fl tn il points. ? After showing a net looa of 8 to 10 points pricMi rtoadled sU:?' i? covering, but there w is r.o important ciennmd end Ut?: lc*ist teyal ot tho day wai? t?aeti?d |h > trading, w'.en .May contracts poid at 12.2">... or wtth:n 2 pointa cf thc lowest ;>rice roached aftei publication cf tV? recent bear ish ginning report; Tm; semi-.veekiy tiravy receipt?, nd Indicating n slight interior movement showier relativ-Iv aerease of stocK notv.-tthstanding th? large shipments, may fiuve cont-lbut ad to the forenoon decline, ir. connec tion with talk cf an oii'er r.prtt alt? ation after filling of January engage ments. Cotton,-- cpoU -Ktea?y j-* midiin g up 1,130. Cotton f-.iturea: Cpcnffcg Closing lunary.12.33 12.26 Mai eh. i*-5& 12.47 May .. .. .12.33 12.26 ?r. .12.30 12.22 Otic ?tl' ...11.60 11.65 N?w Orleans Cotton Kew Orleans, Jan. 27.-The best <.v.A of fipot account*, higher prices md tales cf large sales, constituted ene side of the cotton market today md dull and jagging futures formed the other. Traders were puzzled over the situation and lhere have been few sessions in many years and there were l038 speculation in evidence. During a good part of the session the future ring was stagnant and prices barely moved. Late In the day a very moderate amcunt of selling served to create a soft spot and the close was at a net los3 of seven to twelve points. Gossip was chiefly in connection with thospot department. Texas sent telegrams to ?he effect that consid erable news business waa doing for February and March shipment, but Lhls news, like ctiior equally favcr ibl0 Items, failed to have a stimulat ing influence on tho future market. Spot cotton steady, unchanged. Middling, 13 5-16c. ?-?.les on the spot. i,163 ; to arrive, 1,C. J. liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Jan. 1.",-Cotton, ?pot, good buslness.donc prices unchanged Salea. 1.2,000. Be pta, 40,000. Futures clcsed .uict: January, G7 %. > Jnn-Feb 677 Feb-darch, 077 j. GREAT! / REDUCED -Rotii 1 Trip Fares -.-TIA : : Soi them Railway : In connection with Blue Ridge. Premier -tarrier 'of ^tftb* South, from \nderson, 8. C. ?19.20 New Orleans, La. md return account of Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on sale Feb. 1st to 23rd with return limit March 6th 1914. $14.55 Pensacola, Fla., ujd return account of Mardi Gras [Vibration. Tickets ott sale Feb.. 17 to 23rd, with return limit March Cth 1914. - $15.00 Mobile, Ala., and return account of Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on sale' Feb. 17 to 23rd. With return limit March 6th, IBU. ?12.75 Richmond, Va. and return, a*--oun< of National Edu cational 'Association. T?ckota ori salo Feb. 21. 22. snd 23rd, with return limit March 4th, 1914. For complete irfor matipn, tickets, etc., call on tickri agent, or. fl. X. MfGRE, AGPA", Colamba, 8. C. lt. R. TABER, PATA, Greenville, 8. C Commercial March-April. C79 %. April-May ?'77 %. ???y-Jji?i 677. June-July 673. July-August 668 AugUBt-September 654 %. September-October ?38. October-November 628 % November-December 624. Cotton Seed Oil New York, Jan. 27.-Cottonseed oil was lower today under liquidation in duced by the weakness in lard and cotton! N'earby deliveries st'-adicd towards the close on covering by re finers, but late months were heavy. Final prices were 4 to 8 points rk-t | lower. Sales, 8.400 barrels. Cotton Goods New York, Jan. 27.-Cotton goods | marketa were steady tpday with busi ness of moderate proportions. Yarns | wreo firm. Meh'f. wear lines Bold fairly. Retail orders for silks con tinued to come along steadily. Chicago Grain and Provisions Chicago. Jan. 27.-Rallying power Bhowed itself today in wheat when news had been received of a falling off In the world's-available suppl}'. The market closed nervous at a shade [town to 1-Sc up, eonipn-ed with last nibht. Corn finished unchanged to 1-Sc nigher. Oats were not altered, hut provisions :lc?ed at a net de- ? [Minc of 5 !-> IO'S. WHEAT- Open Close May.93% 93% July.SSte 88% LORX May.65% 66% July.65 65% OATS May.39% 39% July. .'9% 39% Jan.: 75 ? ?..72 May.11.12 11.10 iii BS Jan.- 11.22 May.11.67 11.57 PORK Jan.- 21.20 May.21.62 21.5.r. Money Market New York, Jan. 27.-Call money iteady, 1 % a 2 per cent; ruling rate, I, %; closing, 1 7-8 a 2. Time loans weak; sixty days. 2 3-4 a 3; ninety lays, 3 a l-2ffi six months, 3 3-4 a 4. Mercantile paper, 4 1-2. Sterling ex weak;.sixty days, 483.75; de land. $4.86. Commercial bills, 04.82 1-4. Bar silver. 58c. Mexican dollars, S ."ic. Government honda steady; ailroads irregular. * PENDLETON * Special to The Intelligencer. Pendleton, Jan. 27.-Misa Susie 3harp : returned from Townville Thuraday .after spending some time pith her Bister, Mrs. J. B. Ligon. Mr. B. M. Aull of Autun, spent s?v irai days this week at FingervHle on Htainesa. Misses Clara Ballinger and Vera V?cPhail spent some time at Walhalla .his .week. Miss Carwlle of Anderdon, slalt ng her stater, Mrs. Goav/right. *. Mr. Sloan Stribllns cf Seneca, spent Friday night with hi? brother, Mr. J. ?.. Stribling.' Mr. Paul Dickson, of Anderson, was n +owft Wednesday. Mrs. J. T. Hunter and daughter. Louise, spent several days at'Green ville this week. Mrs. J. B. Sadler spent Tuesday at Greenville on business. Mrs. J. B. Burdett and little diugh :er, Martha are visiting the former's irother, Br, J. H. McCleskey. On Monday, January 19th being Robert E. Lee's birthday, holiday was ?lven the Clemeon College students. \bout fifteen' or twenty spent the day it thia place. Mr ) J." H. Harris, left Saturday fdr Woodruff where she will visit her brother, M?\ Ligon there. Mesera. Glenn Abbott and Claude Muller of ? Walhalla spent Saturday ?1?re on business. Mrs. Moonee, who hss been very Lil with pneumon?a ia improving new. Ker friends'will all be sorry to learn :f her illness and wish her. a speedy recovery.' Mr.'W. M. Whctlock went to Greed ville on business Tuesday. Miss Leize Stribling returned from Anderson today after visiting her sis '.er, Mrs. F. V. Tr?bble. Mr. Walter Aull returned to Clinton :ollege thin week, after being at borne several .weeka o.t account of aick 1033. Mr. Maatera ot Anderson was in town Saturday. Several friendB enjoyed the evening greatly last Friday at a chating dish party given by M?as S. M. Trescot at tier pleasant home. After several in teresting games ot set-back were played, "Rechauffe of Fish" waa cooked on the dish and served ?Iso delicious salad, cheese .straws, crackers and coffee were served. Among those visiting at* Harris Hall this week were. Mr. and Mr?. Anderson and.Mr. Water of Spartan burg and Mr. Masters ot Anderson. Misa Cole visited Mts. Duckworth during tte week-end. M Ls a Bollo M?Cutehcn spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. Masters of Anderson. Wedd?ng_Bd?s? LET ?8 StmLliW?t INVITATIONS. DO YOU What You When You Want It? V 1 Not Use Want Adi In The cer? JADS? are the Kind that Get They put th "RIZ" m t;l.JSI E5 ; Phone Your Wants to SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE ANDERSON DAILY INTELLIGENCER, Anderson, C. C. Gentlemen:-Please enter my name as a subscriber to The Daily Intel? llgencer. I am (or am not) taking the semi-weekly Intelligencer. NOTE:-If you are a subscriber to the semi-weekly and your sub scription Is paid in advance, you may receive credit for the amount paid. The subscription of the daily is $6.00 per year; $2.50 for six months. Please enclose check or money order. Respectfully, Name . Address R. F. D. or SI. No. Lowest I BIG REDUCTION rnces m_is DAYS - -7"- $15 Gold Dust $5 Plates $12.50 ^S????I^^^k^^m Something Classy, ^T^WTO'tHrTiJ Most Beautiful ^?J/^AXJ T 1 LJ^ Natural Gums. " J Painless Extracting Crown I DR. H. R. WELLS & Co. and ...Electric Dental Parlor... Bridge Over Farmers & Merchants Bank Work I Anderson, S. C. Woman Attendant We will have two loads of nice Tennessee mules for Monday's trade, call and give us a look. If you are in the market for any mules, here is the place to buy them,-as we can save you mnnev. -" - DAVIS BROS. I THE PHILOSOPHER Was supposed to trans mute the baser hetals in to gold. Today we cali it efficiency. Efficiency is the result ot knowing how, and of do ing the best you know how. We could; do our work cheaper, but we won't. We would do pur . ork better, but we can't. L 6R1S3EY LUMBER OG. ANDERSON, S. C. MEN LOVE TO ;ER at our tables. Th? first meal they have eaten makes them appreciate the homelike character of eur ser ver, and .ie pleasantness' ,.of the surroundings. Stoi.^?nd take dlnnr>r :j?r? wfth. a friend. Loth of you will - be fo tiffi good humor after the mesd ttot~iyouTt hate the time to come whon you have to leave. n i r* ri if n ii T M t U RI U ill