EXCHANGE YO?SS APIA! If You Aie ?ntere We Will Exiai? G?T STARTED NO' 'i^ssday, January 1? l#l*?-Ths A* eerson Itellgencsr wu brought out as a 4*41?, paper. In.ths some issue we sj^Sbsc ?ist we would conduct a young ladloB* contest and would give tbe ladles of this state a chance to help ear paper and also ein some valuable prices for themselves. The news o' the liberal offer has borders of the State. It'has attracted the attention of thousands of the states best people, and many of whom bar* pomlnated> themselves or their > friends. The Dally Intellbjencer ex ' pects tobe talkett t*out a great deal be tween now and the close of the con test, and after that time to bs known aa aas of the leading Dailies of the south. This contest has been launched by Vas Intelligencer as a combined cir sutettch- and advertising campaign. We went to have the people of all; see-: ti*a*>?f ttos State ?car rri^es. and see knew this could be most effectively eotflflby the energetic efforts of the A fovd automobil? maybe justly eon siaeasd a meet liberal prize-such a prWtMn keeping with the policy of The* amirs-,, intelligencer not to do thing* by hair It was this same policy thatvsau.ed add, two beautiful p'eaos ar.d t e two rubber tired bug riss Co the lists of prises, besides seve rs^epeelal prises to be announced In ter. These prises have been purchase ed from some of the most reliable bmnness bouses of the ?ity of Ander eta. If yon srs interested lb the prizes call at The Intelligencer ofnee a?t| we will direct you to me businesi houses where they are on dleplav. Votes are obtained easily after a obtained in. two ways: frst. by cl?p day 'tjt $wo of expej !c.hce T' ey are two ways : by flrat oilpi Unding to-this office is ted in The Dally Intelii* ^pnd i?if?ondly^by sei "you iar? Mie^flted and WoM like to own one d^the prises thjit w? are glvlftff, eonie ,!b> the* contest of fer snd fee the?M?ewjfe/ the office-all day and wil t e office eall day sad , ed to meet1 theiJa^s*'isadii r ny informauon m n?o power Um nwvs to go to work to ^%\m^$m^j?m p?* zee their own. if you ttohtenefllctfl yoo wtu can at ' miSkmW Hryon **m c*a-? Intelligencer office and get the rv ?KtulrarllnnM . A Pearsea ... ... i.92i ?stt^teJ'J?.. '-MS K'J*l? M, ~~TJ. h. TewBsend. 1.021 S. C. Te*?5*s* ... r XJHH J. D. Hammott.L03I ?m?> m:, jx-: . te* lersT r. k.' Mcc?iiy, j& W O. Oelsberg ... ... 1.08 Oi WtCaeoey ... . ? m B*rtea:_.. i.*t A. GSSBibr??-. ?.?? I JR-'-nVPesiWas>*.?.'. 1,0? Mr?. K. P. Smith. 1,02 Mrs. W W. Chubais*. 1.02 Mrs. C. 8. MtaaV ... . 1.02 Mrs. ?. 8. Grey,... 1,08 iw>?. O. ?. Walten . 1.02 ^als.1^ ., . ..L.VS ftatiStt??:: :::: Boss Payne.t,02 lmmL]tO&&. -. >. . .l.f? sted Call at The In ) How Xou May J* One of the Prizes. vV-ITS THE EARL MIbb Jesale Plckens., .. . .1,025 Miss Launa Watt.1,025 Mrs. Edna Byron.1,025 Mi** Ullle Mo? Simpson.1,026 Mi ab Evelyn Kay.1,02? Misa Bleacker Clark.:,025 Ma? Maria Baybt.1.02* Miss Ruth Watklns.1.025 Miss FlorslU Beek.1.025 SaiM Louise Glitter.1,025 M'bb Janle Hanum.1.025 Mrs. George Jolly.1,025 M re. Malcolm McFall.1,025 Mrs. Harleston Barton.1.025 Mrs. Jim Reith.1.025 Mrs Jim CrsJg.1.025 Mrs. Hunter Thompson.1,025 Mrs William Muldrow.1.025 Mars. J. ?. Howard.1.025 Mrs. Fvnk Johnson.1,025 Mrs. l'on Rice.1.026 Mrs. Flossi? Briggs. .. ..1.025 Mrs. Raymond Cockran.1,025 Miss Leila Mossly.1,025 Mrs. Ola Cooley.1.026 Mrs. B. p. Brownie*.1,025 Mies raiaabsth Van Wyck ... 1,028 DONALDS, Miss Litzis Agnew.1,025 Miss Lela Martin.1,025 Miss Lucille Humphrey*.W? Mrs. J. T. Johnson.1,025 Miss Lills Dodson.1,026 Mra. SUts Brown ...1,025 Mrs. Dr. Canton.1,025 Mrs. E. H. uoouer.1,025 Mis? Virginia Kelson.1,025 M' -. Orelielle Martin...1,025 Mrs. H I. Barmore.1.025 Wik M' Ivlu Agnew.1,025 LOW Vif Kx' LLE. MJin Lela Farmer^.1,025 ..ii/.?',ih iit,- Kiibes.?,?25 M Ida Mien.1.025 M '*- Amin Hfc?.Bi.1,025 M ! R?-ia. Floyd w ai .1.025 M vv w r umptton.1,025 M Loul?r ilorpsr.L026 fMci . r .i. irryiUrou.1.025 Mm. C. T. Baiiei*...1.025 Mrs..E. J. Hucknpee.1.025 ' 026 lata, a m MteAda?as,. l.tlB Miss Nora MoCullougn.1.025 Misa Annie Eeaty .. .. .1,0J|. Miss Minnie' a?as*ma?*'.'.L025 uasiss Lnm ?rnnn.i.?zo Miss Mattia Simpson ,.1.025 Mrs. Lula Reld., .. -1.025 Vre, Frank GiWland .u.1.025 Mrs. Ladle Lererette.1.0? Mrs. Harper Hall.^.025 v*__ r t? tr,_.___ >. Bot Mrs". ?Bri.- Wh?rton'. !.. .. . * ?.?? Mm. Frank Motte? .. ..l.?3* HTA 8 k. Mrs: M M. Teargln ... .LUV Mrs. FranlrGeutry .. .: .. .. ..1,025 Misa L'illa' Dean.1.025 Vir?. F. ?. Jon?.1.025 25> ?. i. ai. iM?iu.i,5s5 Mrs. -<"-iyde T. Bowem.M** Miss Mary Fool.1.025 Miss Mattie Baalater.1,025 ^Ltt^;r^^.. .. ..1.0ia ?mn FT?swsw yTs?*.i.?s5 rs. C.: $ff Poor*.1.025 Mm* a!%. Cheshire.MW Mise Blanche GTeaa ,.1.035 S^?te:.::::::?:?I? 3*?* Nans/>? CaapbsU.1.026 Mro, HearyJfrees* .Wjf Mrs. j.o. wkr :;. ..m? .?SB Miss LHltaa Darnall. M?s Beatrice Godfrey .. Miss Lola Hammond .. . . MVS. Crlgler. Miss Le?a Irby. Mm. H.XIrby.1.022 Miss Lydia Sherari...1.025 Mr?. De?i9??w?.1.025 Mrs. E. W, Gregory.L**" Miss Anna Doasld.1.025 aifc* CJhHrtlae Scett .1^5 MissI'?encheMUler . Misa iia,h Cox. ., .< Mies Mend Bowls. MiBj Anne Laarfe Celires .. >itas MassrrwUbawe . . ^ ^HW Miss Julia Blwnaea. Miss SsllIS Cobk. Mrs. Frank-Trtpp} . . .. .>;,;{'\ Belle. ..x.vas M- . Joito Kudaene ...1.525 m Be ..1,011 r..' ..'!. V. '.'.t?u , v if. ;l/en^.v ^.lill :no.i"\:. ?T.uty.1,521 ^;i0 .lOjT.e?..1,026 M< vju.1.026 Miss Ida Mae Oreoshaw .'. Miss Belle Norris ....... . \ Mfee Lela Oodttey. eGarOla Seoitftt* (West) .. ..l.f? PrE?aTO?T. 5 5 1 5 I sYtAas Llllle Mae Armstrong .. ..1,021 5 Miss Ethel Cobk... .1,026 ifMlss Sophta_puncan.1,026 ' atm. rv. v." wench .. '.. .. .. .~i,pxi Miss Sadis Oilllard .1,026 Mlaa Bra Clifford.1.02? 6 Mrs. i. 2LLe?eraUe.1,025 jlMiso aisaeae*Mvtealtte .. ?> <, .. 1 ,*3S telligencer Ofilfce 3 an Owner of BIRD, YOU KNOW Miss Ann? Aiken.1.025 MIbs Fr?d?ric? Donald.1.025 Mian Carrie Lou Root.1.025 Mrs 8. D. Campbell.1.025 Misa Lela Anderson.1>025 Mrs. Frank Suber.1,025 SENECA. Mrs. F. B. Strlblings.1.026 Miss Dorothy Jennings.1,025 Miss Floride Probst.1,025 Miss MacysTtton.1,026 MIbs Sue Bally.1.025 Miss Lula Gignllllat.1.025 Miss Louise Farmer.1.025 Miss Stella Fincannon.1.025 Miss Mae Hamilton.1.026 Miss Kittle Sligh.1,025 Mrs. EuBtlce Hopkins ... .<. . .1.02F Mrs. Sallie Holleman.1,025 HONE A PATH. Mrs. Jerry ?cXenrle. 1,025 Mrs. Oscar McCurry. 1,025. Miss Ruth Williams.1.025 Mrs. J. F. 8hlrlsy .1,025 Mrs. M. A Kay.1,025 Miss Lola Andersen.1.026 Mrs. M. A Mann.1.025 I Miss Julia Moffett.1.026 I Miss Lela Flowers.1,0251 MIbs Ana Mattison.1.025 I Mrs. F. B. Dugan.1,025 I Miss Ethel Brock.1.025 Miss Lois Monroe.1,026 Miss Willie Sullivan.1,0: Miss L. Gasnoway.1.025 Mrs. 8. T. Blaekman.1,025 Miss Luna Wright.1.026 Mrs. Jsssle French.1,025 Mrs. Ella Hudgena.1,025 Mrs. Henry Lattlmer.1.026 Mrs WLJ. McGee.1,026 v u?rj. jjOiV i# ma e ?|Vi?9 IMIsa Rosa Cox., .. ..1.V26 ANTRE VILLE. Misa-Fanai? Killlngworth .. ..1,026 Miss Annl? Bell? .. .1.026 Miss Sadle Princ?.i, ..1,025 Miss Zula Buber...1.026 |Mlss Hattt? Lou Hadden.1.025 LEVEL LAND? .diss Ines Wilson .. '..l.OSd SANDY SPRINdS. Miss Carrie Darby.1,036 Mrs. Sam Hammond ;.1.0J5 Mrs. Alice Glenn- ... .1,026 Mis* Oor.rude Doutblt.1.02J ieis? Kathleen Elrod , . ,1,025 I Mrs. H. L Reed .. .. .... ..L*2& CLEMSOir. ; Mis? NeU Sloan I..i.e. 6 Mrs. W. L Hutchinson .. .. . 1*25 Mrs. M. B, Abbott.1,926 l-Ura. N. M. Rn#?? ..3*?* 'Miss Etta Badi?r.i.209\ Miss. Pauliae Hugbee.1,026 [Miss M. SUk?s ..l.#2S rAIB PLAY. iMi?? Ve.? Crawrerd.UM Mrs. Casey.1.020 Misa Badi? Merrett.1 026 Mis? Llllie Col*.1,025 Mrs. Bernice Gllmpk.1.025 Miss Mee Bell? Crawford.1.025 SOUTH UNION. Westminster P. 0_ Bl ?. ?. Ve. a Misa Georgia Thomas...1,025] i. Gtto B??r?s* .. ...'?< .. . .1,025 Miss Amanda Reeder....1,125 PENDLE TON. Miss Louise 8l?an .. .g.? 2S ? Louise Hunter ...1.025 Mite It A. Buehaaaa.1023 iAft.ei J. ,J. Sltts? ..... .. .. ..i,0iS Mise JRgsr Fester.l.?58 1 Mte? Margsm HTsaB.i.ttt M?ev" JV *tO?f evet?a; .,.1,02? Mrs. V. Q. Herron.1.0? ?i?. ?. ft WhUtan .. ... ..l.f.i TfrffNVItLB, J. A UlrCIBBBOU' ?fc J. D. Dobb. Mrs. 8am Johnson .... . Mrs. Rev. Myers .. ..1.025 Mrs. Lon Bblemaa.1,026 Mre. J. W. Dickson.1.025 Mise Msttie McfCerley .1,025 Miss Janle Games. ..1.02? Mfrs. J. L. Gaines. ..LS? Mts.H. W. Bears.1,025 lVCpSaftlS^ ! Miss Lels Whiting i. 1,025 Mies Burnett A^exgader.1,025 Miss Neil? RoMneoa.1,085 I Miss Mary CJsatt ... . 1,02" Mlss Pett Chapman ,.W SttaiDaisy WUlls w. ... ... U EASABY. Misa Gladys ^ ftaith. Mlaa Edna Mae Folger ... . Ethel Wyatt. Emily Robinson . 1, Jennie Rcbtnson .1,025 Has Margaret fiieliera.1<0? Miss Be" Norrls^..IfiU j Alex- Slmpaen^!^ .1.025 1 M?S? Maude Whitman.l.02is ' aas* Mae? Lea Nortis.i,m mtim Mis? JenntacAUea w Mr*, il Mise Mar/ 1 PELLAGRA HOSPITAL. Following 1? the Text hj fiesater CL W. Sullivan's bill te Pre. rite for a Slate JPell. agru ftuuilanu tu Section 1. That the Exekutive com mittee of the state board 'of health is hereby authoried to mtabllah a suitable Hospital or HotiDltals for Pellugra patients, where tlsey may be treated, and wherein the disease may be studied. Section 2 That a com missioa ef not lese than three memlters to be chosen frost the Medical j profession, who are men of ability, edu ration and discreetion, shall be appolmled by the executive committee of the Si late board of health, whose duty It shall be to investigate the prevalence, distribu tion causes, and the treatknent of pellagra la al sections of thai State. Section- 8. That the State commis sion Is empowered to employ such ex pert assistants as they deem wise, and appropriation tor their use Will justi fy, not to exceed the amouht provid ed tor herein after. Section 4. That for the purpose of carrying out the provision of this Act the sum of twenty-five thousand #lnll n fa 1m >*??,?aHw nnT\rA?l?l(i*n^ n m ? " " *"* m ?. 4 C ^ J ?-^" *?.* building end equiping the Pellagra hospital or hospitals, and the sum of ten thousand dollars Is hereby ap propriated for the use and purposes of the sites or buildings, or both. Section 0 That if at any time the Commission deems it wise to asso ciate itself or combine its efforts with other bodies, national State or private, which have been or maybe organized to investigate Pellagra, ch*7BY* authorised to do so and, also to accept any financial aid from any source, i Section 0. The executive commit tee of the State board of health Is given authority to remove any mem ber of satd commission, and to ap point a successor, and to fill any vacancy caused by death or resigna tion. "*ia said commission is auth orised to carry out the purposes of this Act in all details. I Section 7. The chairman of tks commission of the State board of' health la authorized to draw warrants direct upon the State treasury upon the appropriations carried by this Act In payment of all claims. Section 8. The commission1 through the State board of health nhn.11 Vwn 1tMm1ZA(t hnnka nf ronojn?a j and expenditures ad report their work and a financial statement to the g?n?ral assembly at the next sssslon. : APPEAL FROM DB. Ill HIE TJX. The Baptist to Balss to Debt (TT!. the Baptists of Aiidereoa sai '.atitfty: ' I .am addressing you through your community paper, as well as through the Baptist Cour.'er, appealing to yon to cnnblo nie-^by. personal gift from SjS?h Of yo?-r-*0 pay en ?raharranaln g debt ^?w resting; on your Stats Mis j ion _Bo&i*$ * ^ * Quits s number of people havs sent contributions, varying from tWenty-flve cents to ten dolsrs, but the amount does not near pay the ?eui. Dj juni - m lomr.?? wwjri?cw aii? >?bme self-dental,': bugdreds of your people could send at least one dollar on this debt. This, I beg you to do. .Pisas? do not Imagine that your i neighbors Will send theirs and there fore you need not'bother to send yours. This la probably Just what your neighbor is ihlnkiug about you. If you send cash, you will receive a receipt at ones, but if you send a cbeck or post office order, you will need no receipt The name of each giver, and amount given, la put on my book of remembrance. Aet at once, so ws can settle this early in irually. _ 7. T. DBRIHUX, eorrsspondlug Secretary. tfrsfevlUe. * Qu Je?. 20? Uli, ISSFECTOB IB S?XEO. Ilaesms Tax OrtfoMee* ?epstfes ?-~~-u The fbllowtae hsTebeen esjsed ool lectors for the income tax for Sooth Carolina: Ispector., I*. M. Over street, Alken; office deputies, W. H. Rosa, Walhalla,; J. F? Mclntcsh, Lynchburg field deputy trank rarrott. Oaffnoy. sddjnea t. .oog;. Ssld.. P pleojQeg? f to tap.rtad to your whole Hock by ttn -itHlnimn. tBTtswttsasl&cta ot *ftoHry Urn * %1U Cht Prmtu 190 t**? FmUr* Sto*. jjj, For Sale by? POUCHE DRUG CO., Anderson, S. C W M. HARRISON^ Anderson, 0. 01; teya. PAwrxevK Affiiyfrtn, a ? SVAN'S PHARMACY. Anderson. S. C J. T. McConn S?na, Anderson. ?S: C. PEOPLES UROC. CO., Anderson, a C. Anderson Ca?b- Oeoae. Anderson, 8. a M. M. Ruster, FesrtRetoc, S. O. IMS ...THE POINT IS JUST THIS*. I Want An AUTOMOBILE Bat Cannot ^vv*Afford To Buy Onevvw O U F? ' & To enter the contest fill out this coupon and send to the Anderson Daily Intelligencer Contest D?partaient, lach contestant Is* entitled to one Nomination, good tor 1,000 VOTES--1,O0O la The Andersen Daily latelllgsacer Popularity Contest I hereby nominate / Urs. or Miss.*.. Street No.District No . Postofflee .State. Signed Address .. Profession Data Only one nomination will be credited to each contestant, Under no circum stances will tbe name of. nominator be dlrulged. Fill out the ^bove Coupon, mail it to The Intelligencer Office and find out ??dw you can easily get an AUTOMOBILE FREE. G?vD tvs 'jrwjsn?V*emym y O rna* IN in?u AJSUatl?OH DALLY IN TELLIGENCES POPULARITY CONTEST. Candidates Name Ton may send lu as many of these free ballots as you can get, each one will count twenty-five rotes. ' This free ballot must reach the contest office not later than Jan. 84, 1914. TOJCP Agg? JAS?ABTr 8fr gfjfc AT THE ?HlfHinSfe ?I Mae* t* IM?! the Ontre? Mr. F. SvMfeOsraeli, ennarint*??*?** I the Bethel Sunday echeol. writea > The Intelligencer in regard to cor -tag Bethel church, "the home>lMte mrcfc^ Mr. MeCaraell states that ? oatuiUMjr auciawD wiTTUlig ITHS great success. It was on the old me rasinon or the cqontry and all kernest to enjoy it tarr much. The Lrpentera came- la promptly and ounted the building. Just ae if they Ml net worked any through the week. Ana decraei ta. pa la gpleedl? au ?lrer and- Uten: *eke taetto^?to the nine raeta where there was an old ahloa tec rolllag, eupper awaiting iem which bat been prepared by te ajtbd ladle* of the comnmnity. l?rfw-??jjhl. rartAAk of i ha annn?rr an d e carpectora anoTriend* wfc!? cam? re nof W^'jCw;': #W? oe^SaSlE??'n?t^B music that yo^ Iik^k Pte it ^en you want it, and play you want it. Xini cm play aaytfiing from t he simplest ^pW^. auv to the most difficult passage ffom Chopin, without kn?wi n g.a note of musflc, We wiif take vour ?0EiaaQ, i%. e&cbajflge on Wth^^m^^^^ and yon c?flS* the balance o? easy terms. j COME m - AN? L?T US ?*W^^