The Anderson daily intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1915, January 14, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 5
Founded 1NW
126 North Muiu Street
..Entered According to Act of Con
freeM as Second < luss Mall Matter ut
the Post office ut Anderson, S. V.
W. W. SMOAK, - Business .Managet
Published Ei cry Morning Except
Semi-Weekly Edition on Tuesday aud
Friday MornlngH
Daily Edition?$5.00 per annum:
?2.W? for Six Mouths; 1fl.1V. for Threi
Seml-Wcckly Edition v*l."??i pet
Annum; 7.*. cent- for Six Months; >>ti
cents for Four Month*,
Member of the Associated Press ftD<!
BeeelTing Complete Dally Telegruphlt
A larger Circulation Thau Any Oth
er Newspaper In This Congressional
"Amid our vast and lofty aspira
Hons," says Lamartine, "the penalty
of a wasted youth overtook me. Adieu
-'then, to the dreams nt genius, to th'
aspirations of intellectual enjoyment."
Many a gifted heart haa sighed the
same sad song, many noble sackcloth,
has walked to the grave in sackcloth,
for one brief dallying In the bower*
of Circe, for one short sleep in the
Castle of Independence.?Bayne
Anderson in MY TOWN.
Is Everybody Happy? Sure?If they
get the Dally Intelligencer.
Bugenics is a game in which Cupio
always holds the joker.
Columbia says that there Is an
other Richmond in the field.
The world is beginning to know tin
greatness of Anderson county
The beautiful Mrs. Pickle, of At
lanta, got her gun to pot a masher.
We don't care whether or no banks
are regional. Just so they are reason
able. , f
No mule is more like Use:? than
a bucking newspaper press on the
lith day or the month.
Our neighbor, the Daily Mull, of
this city. Is very kind in its refer
ences to this paper,. Same back.
CSarley Morse and old Doc Cook
are asking for vindication. Ai Jen
nings, ex-convict, is also posing.
Well, it was but natural that the
first Issue or the baby morning' pa
lier should have been a fat infant.
Fair warning?After this approach
tog cold s^ell, we fear that our spring
poet ?ii! hurst from hin ?ibera&tlag.
Tbo whole State is looking to An
derson to make tho greatest success
of all of the Sunday school conven
Desttttn lila ffttnpUInt nf ? cold
deal. Harry Thaw would melt the
hssrts of the people with Iii? torrid
The only way this oiilce will ever
'' learn that you are not getting your
j' paper Is for;you to tell us. Please
j do us the favor.
Work on the "bridge" will qpt b<
'stopped, although several hundred
, "erver-aecrs have, been put out cf busi
ness by that fence.
W^e wiak to whisper a word to sev
eral thousand friends?Co>V*dentlal
j 3y, dont try to start a morning daily
paper on the 13th of the .month.
The Morning Intelligencer sends it
love to the It. B. 11. B. 11. and Col.
J. .Tho*. Arnold of Greenville, ch'.e'.
of staff, will promulgate the order.
Well, Anden>on can say that Wood
row Wilson didn't pass through, li
ever he cou*?* .around this neck ol
the wood ? he will be a guest. Speed
the day.
The present city council hns dota:
Vgreat many good things for Ander
son, but -we like that license ordl
nancc?unleoa thero U a Joker in it
As soon aa the Ford people an
nounced that they would share their
profits with .'bclr employes, there
was a Hot ot 10.000 persons trying
to get employment.
' ' .
. - Borne of these days an outsider will
?orne along und toll C e people of An
derson haw mach Porter Whaley has
, done for this city and they will'be
lieve It. We tell them now.
v in Paris that It Is now customary to
take a Turkish bath between rounds.
Jack Johnson and other animates
merely sponge o?t and .(are rubbed
Anderson is growing lu litigation
ami in crime as will u * in material
matters of a better kind We have
Been for some time a discussion of
the merits of a bill proposed by Hen
ntor Wilton Ii Barle of Greenville
le divide this circuit and to group
Anderson with Oconee J Greenville
with Pit-kens. At iirst we gave little
thought to the proposition, hut up
on investigation we tind that the
courts are in a deplorable condition/
The grand jury of this county has
alrcudy turned In true bills enough
to keep petit juries busy for four
weeks. There are upon the dockets
cases against sellers of liquor und;
other malefactors that will never u?>|
tried. Tlcre i? a custom of dii?i>o8-j
ing of Jail cam firnt. and this leaves
the appeal cases and the liquor caa-j
os never to be heard. Some remedy
is needed. We have asked for in
formation on the subject -ind Solici
tor Proctor A. Bonham has furnished
u.s with the following statistics:
1 most heartily urge the pn?sage
of such a bill, for as conditions now
are it is Impossible to keep the calen
dars in Anderson and Greenville
counties any where near clear. The
criminal docketH especially have nev
er Muco 1 have been solicitor, which
Is now live years, been clear, and an
time goes' *0ti thev continue to get
more clogged.
"There nr.- now on the Anderson
docket more canes, with over ilf
ty new' indictments to be handed out
at the coming term. The Greenville
docket is in u similar condition. You
can readily t?eo what the result la.
The great majority of the cases can
not bo txied, for by the time the Jail
is cleared and the capital felony cas
c . tried the term is at an eud. By
the timo the next court convenes, the
same condition exists with the same
result. The conEcquence ' i? that
many casp3. which if they could be
promptly tried would net a return to
the county','are never reached for the
reason that the witness get scat
tered or the prosecutors so discour
aged they.jdrop their cn?^s.
"In the event that tho case is fi
nally tried and convicted, tho county
has been put, in all probability to
to' In costs than the fine
to. 4
"For the reasons above stated, dis
pensary cases in the two largo coun
ties are seldom ever tried, and nre
not disposed of unless the defen
dants agree to plead guilty, if a
small fine"'Is imposed.
"I know It to be true of Greenville
and I am Informed that in Anderson
too. if Is ten or twelve months bc
4sro s case- caa,- qjt reached on the
civil docketv i - ;
the circuit be divided, putting An
derson aud Oconee in one circuit,
and Greenvlle and Pickens In. the
other, tho additional expense Incur
red thereby wo'Ud be more than offset
by the prompt dispatch of business.
The ?t?te would be saved money and
the moral effect of a Bpeedy trial for
criminals would be a healthy and
beneficial one for tho community.
"I see by the papers that at at
tempt to establish a county court
may he made This in my opinion
will u?t bring tho relief needed.
First, because -the probability of tho
people voting It la alight, and second,
because it would not affect Ander
son county, which is as badly In
need of relief as Greonvlllo la."
! I
That thump against the front door
Tuesday morning was the plea o?
The Anderson Dally Intelligencer to
be admitted to- the homes of the
city. And wo are ploasod to say that
Li-.., waif round hundreds or nome.s in
which It wns n welcome visitor.
This was tho first daily visit of a
neWspaper that has come to stay und
will bo an In stitution tof the city of
Vnderson. We hope t!?ut tho lifo of
:he. paper1 will be conunonsurato in
mpo: .ence and in vitality and in use
fulness nnd m i.ervioo with tho do- \
i dorment or tho city to whore u.>-'
>ul!dlng ttilti pup*r stands pledged.
Th;? dally edition will be st:;t ifoijl
U lenut one ' i.-.on'.h, ; without extra;
sharge. to each' subscriber. T .en
?i!l be priutcd a coupon upon rV'hloh
ach* sui)Wr!NT l.H renue.Vtod to state
vhether he Wishes to take tmj dally
xtper or the .vcml^veekly.
Tho promoting or t' e circulation of
he dally tfap - will" be in the bunds
>f the Joyce Syndicate, *whioh has*,
jontfoctcd a successful campaign fcl;J h
he seml-weokly in December, adding ?
nor* than 1,GOO new subeoribers to! ?!
?ur lists. At the end or the. time, the
uih Heat Inn or the semi-weekly will
>o resumed as heretofore and It will
t* sent to those whA do not prefer
I morning paper.
The morning issue of The luteili
rencer will for the present bear
he name of this time honored old
>?per, founded by the splendid citizen,
an. A, Hoyt; and edited with signal.
ability through succeeding yiars by
home or the best men the State has
ever produced.
The Anderson l>uily Intelligencer
will receive the full service or the
Associated Press, will bave u con*
plete legislative report daily. will
have a battalion of correspondents
throughout the county. It in our in
ttntion uleu to serve the city and
county news crisply and readably.
The price of the morning paper will
be %'t per unuui and the semi-week
kly $j.r..
Uns} Scene iu broadweU's Conti r'or
Two Days.
Monday .iud Tuesday brought sev
eral coses up for attention In the
court of Margistrate Broadwell and
Judging from the lines placed on
those who dared stand the veat of
being arraigned bcloro this official,
It w ill be some time before they again
appear. In the cusc of Gus Hall, a
negro. Charged with being "V. and D."
which in translated for the benefit of
The Intelligencer s readers as stand
in,'; for having imbibed too freely In
do juice thnt exhllerutcu and there
upon besoming obnoxious to the cus
todians of the peace, a fine of $50
was lui] : ^ed. Gus managed to scrape
togethe: .he necessary amount and
went on his way, presumably n sad
der but wiser man.
. Henry Thompson, nlso of hiibky
due, appeared before the bni of jus
tice to show cause why he should be
sarrying around on his per/ion a min
iature guttling Rtir.. In o?'.ior words.
Henry was charged with carrying a
pbitol. It was found that he could
furnish no satisfactory explanation
as to why he should enjoy this de
cided advantage over his fellow men
and he was therefore forced to part
with the munlftcent kuiu of $?u which
Magistrate Mroadwell received with
Charles O'Shlelda, a white man,
faced two serious chargea, these be
ing false representation and the ad
ditional matter of having wandered
away from tue domicile where he
hud been wont to sutiete the cravings
of tho inner man without having re
membered to remunerate in the coin
u? the reaim of the house Keeper of
the afore metj.ion stAbiishmcnt. It
seemed that O'Shields has siinply
bcat his board bill and since Mag
istrate Brcadwell was convinced of
tho guilt of the defendant he sen
tenced him to tho public works Tor 30
dayB. It is not thought likely that
he will have any opportunity to leave
his present ounrters with any board
bill unpaid.
Clayton Sloan, a negro, bad been so
unreasonable as to try to interfere
with an oftTcer when he hlmscir had
juBt committed an assault. Magis
trate Uroadwell looked upon this with
such displeasure that ho ' taxed the
defendant to the sum Of $100' and af
tor frantic search the defendant final
ly succeeded in locating the Iron men
and at once made room for some one
else In the temple of Justice. This
concluded the day's business.
Mxk. Woodrow Wilson Pleased to See
Old Friend of Her Father
Seneca, Jan. 13.?Mrs. W. J. Lunney,
who hca been upending the Christmas
holidays with her relatives in Char
lotte, N. p., returned Sunday.
Tho ladies of the ilaptlst church are
jbservlng a week of prayer this week.
Miss May Hamilton la spending a
:ow days In Greenville.
Mr. S. K. Dundy, who iravo?u out of
3rand Raplda, Mich., speut Sunday
with bin family hero.
The many friends of Dr. John Ilop
ilns will be grieved to learn that ho Is
rcry 111 and not expected to live many
lays. <
President "Wilson and his party pass
ed through Seneca Monday afternoon.
The prealdeut Is getting to. be a famil
ar figure to the people of Seneca. This
h the third time he has passed through
m?r little city since he became presl
lent. Quite a large party was at the
rtvJn -to meet him. Mrs. Wilson alao
:arae out of the car and shook hands
vlth many of the crowd. Mr. O. F.
lacon received a warm greeting from 1
ter when Ins told her he used to know
I.... fnHinp it.*? Kd^'?^d O?"o?? of 5s
raunah, Go.
Mlaa Carrie Hunter has hern in At
nata for several days visiting and
bopping. * .
Mr. Sdyrard strlbllng. son of T. K.
itrlbliug. has gone to Iva to take a
ilaco us ^bookkeeper with the Hank of
F KO M .UK. K. 1. 31A NM I NO
leal Wishes For the Suceo* of The
?uiiy intelligencer.
'o the Udilor r.f Tm- . Dally Intel
i'erm't me to comrutolate you upon
ib growth of yom pnper Into a dally.
Such development ahows efficiency
nd ability in supplying an agency
>r furnishing new.; aud reading mat
?r, the value of which S3 recognised
y the community.
In this tlnie when public attenilon
. directed v/Uh emph.taia to the need
f education, any agency which aids
l bringing to our people more infor
?ation und In fostering and creating
better and higher public sentiment,
lust bo" welcome everywhere..
1 wish for you a bright and auco.ess
>1 career and trust that your offorta
> give to your readers a paper.clean
I principles and high id?als, will
teet with results at once gratifying
? you and helpful and beneficial to
our section.
Very truly yours,
Richard Li Manning.
Sumter, S. C, Jan. 12, 1914.
(Written by a Carrier.)
It takes lots of men in a newspaper shop,
: And all must keep busy or presses will stop.
The Editor's certain that he's the big noise.
! He looks more important than the carrier
He sits at a desk, and he bosses the works
! And keeps the gang jumpin' like so many
But what is the use of his work in good shape
If the Carrie^ fails to deliver the pape?
The Reporters are pretty important young
They write about weddings, hoss races and
Of course they are needed to hunt up the
But if you should ask for my own honest
I'd say the Reporter needs legs more than
For he spends his time running from hotels to j
But what good is all the Reporters can do
If the Carrier don't bring the paper to you?
The printers and pressmen- are all worth their
pay; !
They do their work well and with little to say.
They are needed at times, and so is the clerk
Who takes in the money, though that is not
But the guy that's the real thing, the one who 1
cuts ice,
TU /-? ?'.,11m... i.rUni-a ..^1...-? s>n-n1\r Y\a -fi vr a A 1+ r\ B
Is the one who begins when the others are
And hurries to bring the paper to you. 1
.Is <, \- ?
Greenw'ood. Jan. 1-'.?Greenwood
wil be represontcd at the horte show
mornng by'Messrs. S. O. Harvey ;u>d
Brooks V .rahall, who will c.rry with
them tl\a,-city's 'SI.'.too guarantee, re
quired by the association. When the
*nnun?'ciMODt ?'ti? thp.t Qren
wood woud be ihcludedc in -the cir
cuit or Rix cities, comprising Cam
den, Darlington. Sunitqr; Columbia.
Greenwood and Greenville, tin; re
tail Merchants' Association named a
cominiitcc to formulate plans fcr the
organization, and this committee got
busy at once with the result that Hi
men subscribed nearly twice t't<! sum
?-IfWin *_ *?..-... ?... . lutKM
uvutaoai > uibum icon inan t ?v%? RCUSy.
This committee was composed of
Messrs. S. ?. Harvey. M. 0. Wise, \V.
C. HaRood. Dr. J. A. Marshal1. M. It.
Rosenberg. W. A. William?. EL P..
Goodwyn, M, C Strawiiowu ind G. A.
The probable dates fov *.no hcrsc
show in Grepnwood are <vtirll 2'j and
30. Plans arc under way to have, al
so, a number of other attractions
during the two days. Secretary
Brooks Marshall ih endeavoring to
got baseball gamou, preferably be
tween c.dege teams, and the Gren
wood Choral Society will likely put
on ".The Mikado" during the big
events, using Agricultural Hall at"the
fair grounds staging Ihe opera.
- ureciniuu^ I> auMiirn??j rtjuijijuiu
for such attractions at the hor?c.
show and baseball games since the
completion laBt fall of the new race
track and ball ground t. Loth of which
are ample for accommodating large
? ?
ic *
V * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sam J. NivuoN. of Spartuuburg. "? am certainly glad that
- ou are goln* to make The Inetlll
ronecr a' dally> and wish you much
gicce.vj in your new enterprise."
Editorial in The, State:
"We ;?hnH welcome the Anderson
tlornins Intelligencer, which will Is
mo Its first-number Tuesday. Under
he guidance of. two such good newt
taper men ?? Hanks and Smoak. the
Homing venture should he a success
rom the very, beginning.".,
iWtorlal in The Greenville Piedmont:
'T'h? AcderaonV Dally Intelligencer
i-ill make Its, bow next Tuesday
aornlug. Mr. Wlllir-n Hanks, who Is
. well known newspaper man, "Is to bo
ditor, and Mr. W. W. Smoak, fur
norly editor and owner of tho Walter
oro Press and Standard, is to be
lUPineis manager. Mr. I), Hut
tel), a very capable young newspaper
lan. who bas been connected with the
iaffney Ledger, will be news editor.
V* welcome the new daily."
Eureka, Jan. 12.?(Special)?Sun
day was a good day with Us. " The
Bun rose bright and clear, regardlesj
of the sharp biting wind.
Our pastor, Rev. O. O. Fletcher, of
Greenville, a Furman man, was at
J.I? wtat nn <l..,.. <ifi, A\A cii'i-nni
ingly. The text, "I am a Christian."
was well delivered and listened to
with profound interest. Wo were de
lighted to have with us also Mrs.
Fletcher and a young gentleman from
Furman. Other visitors were! Miss
Bessie Shir joy, Mr. Cox. of Anuei son,
an ex-Furman man. and Mrs. Ar.hley.
The R. S.'a will meet at the home of
tho Chief Counsellor, Mrs. W. !.. An
derson, Friday night, lGth inst. All
the members arc requested to bo pres
ent and bring along any others ivho
will come. Several matters of import
anf.e *iro *o \?n at*e*ide#' to.
Tho W. M. Society met three af
ternoon* in* observance or the week
of prayer.
Mrs. J. O. Uucworth, who has been
spending awhile with Mrs. Walter An
derson, added much to the last even
ing's entertainment and Instruction.
She is an able j Iker and h clear think
Mrs. M. T. Ureazealo left yesterday
for Qreenvlllc, where bIio w'il spend a
day or so with friends, then go to At
lanta for a visit to relatives of~a week
"or so. after which she will return to
her homo at Mt. Olive, N. C.
The many friends b fMrs. S. V. Mc
Clain will be glad to learn that abe is
slowly improving,
We are sorry to note the absence of
Mrs. Reynolds and daughters- from
chu~r?; T?\rv were do????T?J -* ? - ?
co?t* of sickness. Wo trust that all
will , le well by Sunday. We sorely
Miss our organist rmd alto singer.
One of our l>est Sunday school
scholars, Mrs. R. E. Campbell. Is back
again with us. Uttle Miss Helen will
be enrolled soon.
The now auto is Just the thing.' Mt.
Anderson and family went to William-,
ston Saturday afternoon for mineral
water, and returned home by Ander- '
son. Just as they got in sight of
home the machine stopped and couldn't'
be coaxed to stand up. Come to find
out tho gasoline was out.
Rev. Orr fines tp One Church, and
Take* o* Another.
Rev.. J. L. Orr. who was recently
elected pastor of Mt. Bethel Baptlat
church, will preach ?t this church on
tho second and fourth SunCays of each
Besides this church Mr. Orr will
serve the New Prospect and Mountain
th-eek churches* He recently gave up
the Mt. Tabor church. That, church
has elected JRev. James And* /son. of
Central, tb serve them for this year.
Tom mille Steward's Conterrnce
There will be a steward's .conference
of the Tewnvtlle Methodist circuit at
To v. r.~ i ? ! c; Mcthr.d'zi ~sx5c>n5~s_
Thursday at 1 o'clock p. m., Jan. 15.
Each and eyory steward of ths Town
v'iio circuit te mort especially invited
to be present.
MtiiM.MMV, JASliR? 14. - 1914
Something Fierce
The way we slaughter
But .it's our clearance
time for all shoes?a gen
uine old-fashioned house
cleaning in our shoe de
Here is the leather you
prefer in the shape your
feet demand.
Prices pruned on every
So.00 Shoes.S4.75
$5.00 Shoes .... 3.75
4.00 Shoes. 3.25
3.50 Shoes ..... 2.75
I >
v f
M Lester Quality
Lester Value
Lester Price
bunds fer s!! thi
m pianb
Lester Terms
is best
is but another nanti
for rich rare mel
is unquestioned. Kb
better piano"can H
made AT AN? PBIQ
and yet the
is surprisingly lo\\
and we make the
so easy that even th
most modest incomj
will not feel the strain1
Music IIousi
Bleckley Building
Anderson,: South CaroJia.
If yon want, tho BUTTKIiICK FASHION SHEET each month sen!
c in stamps and we will send it to you for the next twelve immths.jv
?ount simply covers postage and we charge notiiing for the Fallt
cet We save a full line of Patternns in stock and wo will fill all obra
For the next thirty day* w* ?Hl aalte s Spt^l?? Offer o? ihr iir^ea?
r fer "Three Heaths fer Sic, provided you call at our store for it.
Stationery Company