The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, November 23, 1886, Image 8

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m r l)c Messenger. ' " r vv-r*i at ttif- postrJRce as? Ond-rla.*--- matto; V-05TH ? *' V I'KllKIN, (1KJ Ayr- i;RO?lUKTORg. ' wl'.SDAY. Kovombcv 23, m - p f; '.I.'TiOK 520(1 ' " i ? ? iWjMWWPfl? r;?ProfxMMil m . -? it h.vpcned at a bote! not far from the ry \ 'tsuvy building. He was a man of |:v.% ' * v:' v- "'mentions and numerous attond tdio v. aa rich and weddable. rn night ho was there, and they jpVv' i,. .>xq h?ll nnd?r the stairway. It * *??.- nook for lovers. There wasn't a ii- Fight, and bo thought- his golden y /; ()" rtimif.v had arived. 1)own he S&v-' : id og hij knc< 3 and clasped her &.< ' , * /.. *' : no." he whispered, not very P, i id enough, *'1 have loved you ? ,*.a ' . >lc- strength and ardor of a : .' , when i>; roused by all . * >: : : and good and lovely in }> - 'wot-r.-; I can no longer restrain my ing. I must tell you what :s in : j vrt and toil you that never P";,' 1 J h? :r an beard from my lips the are thiobbing in my heart H s.rjii---1' 0 r, ::l then a rustle was Y.eard on "the : *:: above Uiem, and a card fastened . -' ' bread swung down and dangled \r*i more than two inches from the *'b nose. Ou it were these portents words; "I am something of a Liar .nv< ;f." Thon the awful troth gashed '.}* " iiii.* and he fled. As he went out " t " door, sixteen girls at the head of *.Kf -;airs sent sixteen laughs out into f.h< diuup nighl-air after hira. He makes vo in hot;!:--. now.? Washington C 'rC, Wft* U the lilair ttill ? .' (hi Editor of t/ie Sews: "/ii>!anaticns are in order. Why was Mr. Gailislfj so nearly beaten in Kentucky ? AVhy wore .there such heavy eniocrntic losses in North Carolina ? v'by hn.: Virginia gone Republican ? Vr<;e trade.'- "failure of the Democratic '' >nsy to repeal internal revenue laws," -ny at home," and other reasons are *;;;?k>?1. Msv not the failure of tho mo .mitie to pass the "Blair i-: II,'.' v. hicli has twice passed the ltepub,'iiWi Senate, iio an explanation V Mr. Carlisle is opposed to Federal aid -education. He has expressed such i >ws in public speeches since Congress . id ;->uinetl. ./ North Carolina pemocratic Con; t nan. Mr. Ueid, said in a Hpeech in -\:c- louse, that if the party the second t uie. refused to pass the *'Ulair bill," it d not expect to retain its control of }?>< State or of the National Houso of V^presenuiives. Iio was very near a *ruo prophet. Mahor.o hid tables pnrepnrod showing how iuucU each county in Virginia .'ApUl h/ J. Ko<l tlin ^ Plain V. .t. .... < v/ . VVV. W IIHU %UV 4JI?I1 b U" become a law. These were scatover the State. v'ay not Democratic losses be attribv.-.y^to failure to support the u Blair j ' ! v Enqujrkb. _______ Nov/ iJefliQCi'ftts in Congress* Aithousfn there' seems no longer any ) >ul>t (hat iho Democrats will have a .Majority in the next House of Repreaen* i-.'.i v"R. it )= quite certain that there will *. ? - nH;?.v so much ability on that sido ] ; of i J*. . , 'use as among the Republicans. , ' the best men on the Demo- ' i-i.!.'have failed of a rc-election ] ',1 . It lllimlmr lit flionri m/.?? ??* < , .. ? ? ? - W. V..VM. If VI W 1IUV ' rev .iv.ted. Th(^ Republicans will , ' ';yy respectable proportion of j oi r ?ul ntrl prominent leaders, but j t~: h" ; majority of the Democratic < : : j- r ation will be composed of new .ti led men. If such a thing should j'ftt-i a;w*s thai Mr. Carlisle should not the Speriker, the able and powerful Uepubliean minority wtuld find it no * y difficult matter to run away with Si? control of the House whenover it yjtiif.ed the\n.~?Baltimore Sun. iov. John 6a8S, of Winnsboro, S. C., r,s iirrjved in Augusta to Uke charge of r.h Ohnrch of the Atonement, and he v. UI enter uvpon his duties at once and : omlupt the services to-morrow. He } accepted the call to the parish, and . highly esteomed as a man and as a V/iinister. He will bo given a cordial W'ilcoftie to Augusta.?Augusta News. L Iter. Allison Capers, of Greenville has declined to accept tho Bishopric of a ; ; Kapfcen Mar^jimd which was tendered ? Uim rr.irehtlj'TKis was one of the high- S r m hor.ovs iii his Church, and in declin* j ing it Mr Caperrt has endeared himself a ^oubly to hia congregation an4 ffiopds 1 tiuuth Carolina. 1 Unsnnn. V?4?,l 41. . 4J * > 1 HI-1--4 U|/CUVCI IVICU tUV ilUIU^rt 11UHVI Mr. Qeorgo W. Spencer and Mr. Thomas I). Sponcor, two of the brothors - of the Hon W. W. Sponcor, wore at the polls and cast their bailout for the regular Democratic nominees for every office. Mr. L.fL. Spencer, another brother, was on the ground during the day, but did not rote. Late in the day intelligence was received that the Hon, W. W. Spoucer would soon boat the polls. Throughout the entire day he had been absent. There was considerable curiosity to 1 learn how he would vote. After examining tiie tickets he voted for the regular Democratic nominees for the Senate and the county offices. He scratched the name of Mr. llankin for Representative, also the name of Col. Earle, the nominee for attorney general, and the name of Senator Mauldin, the nominee for Lieutenant Governor, The A, &K. No More. About twenty-five gentlemen assembled Tuesday, in Augusta, to confirmj the action of the Directors in consolidate | injfthe Augusta and Knoxville railroad with the other railorads of the Carolina system. At their meeting the stockholders confirmed the action of the Directors, and from now on the Augusta and Knoxville will be known as a line of the Western Carolina railroad. Major Raoul introduced a resolution, instructing Mr. John. J. Cohen, their financial agent, to pay those who desired it seventeen dollars per share for the stock of the Augusta and Knoxville railroad. Major J. W. Green is Genefamanager of the system and Capt. W. W. Starr the superintendent.?Anguata Chronicle. Senator Don Cameron and Gen. Sheridan have been riding horseback in Virginia, and it is definitely known that neither one of them used "Gen. Lee's saddle." They simply went down that way for a few days' shooting. They went after the election and so cannot be accused of "intimidating voters," and they did not say or do anything to "antagonize the Administration." This statement is made in good faith, so as to prevent some of the sectional newspapers from saying that these two distinguished men invaded the Old Dominion with "sinister designs." Some days ago JJr. Charles Dudly Warner, of ?>ui esteemed contemporaries, the Hartford Courant and Harper's Magazine, met the daughter of Jefferson Davis at a j gentleman's house in Virginia and behaved himself like a gentleman, as he always does. He Was courteous and polite. and said some pleasant things to 1 "the daughter of the Confederacy," , whereat thu organs of dead issues and a ' dead past have been howling themselves ] hoarse at his "abandonment of princi- ' ulttt" in fact, soma rtf th;>?n nro tlninst ready to believe that Mr. Warner and 1 Miss Davis were "plotting for the" over- i throw of the Union."?Wews and 1 Courier. The Independents in Berkeley and Chesterfield Counties, in South Carotins, . were beaten, as they ought to have been. k The climate of this State is not congenial to mdependontisin. j The Kev .H.O.J udd has been elected , rector of Trinity Church, Columbia, to succeed Dr. Shand, deceased, Mr. Judd Jf has been assistant rector of Trinity c some time. . \ 1 1 The town of Chester has established a s regular annual arbor day on which every J citizen is expected to plant at least one * tree on or in front of his lot, ] ? t Brace Up. You are feeling depressed your appetite is poor you are bbtberea with Headache, you are tidgettv, nervous, and generally out or sorts, ; and wiiut to brace up. Brace up. but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters. which have for there basis very cheap, baa whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour and then leave yon in worse condition than ? before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood start healthy action of Liver ana Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength, such a medicine you will find in Electrio Biitfirs, and i >nly 50 cents a bottle at T? C. Perrin'a Drug " tore. ????????? * "The Lee Book." \ UBMOIBg OP BOBBRT B. LBS ?T QBNBBAL A L. LONU. A full history of his mi llitary service and 1 :ampaifri)8, written by General Long, from lata collected while a member of the personal ? staff of Oen. Lee, and from lotters and | material contributed by the Lee family, commended by the Governors of Virginia and North Carolina and approved by the Southern lelegations in CongrebS. ' * F His private domestic and personal history, _ "rom information heretofore unpublished, 'urnished by personal friends, eompanious in g irnis and leading men of the South, collected | ind edited with the assistance of Gen. Marous \ Wright. One of the principal objects of the Work is .0 provide funds for the snport of the Cnoederate Soldiers' Home at Richmond, VaThis deserving charitv alone should be suficient to win for it the lieartv support fo ivery patriotic heart. It is carefully" preparid bv bis friends. It recounts His whole ri Leeds. It contains bin own words. It con- J ributeatoa noble charity. It is cordially si ipprovod by Gen. Cuatis Lee as the reprc- < enxutive of his family. Comprehensive ac- <-i mrate nnd standard Memoirs of the Illustrious ioldicr. T Complete in oilo Vovume, 700 pages, fully liustrattd by Portraits. Maps, ?c. Sold by lubscription only. Alents wanted. For eras, Ac., address. M. A. McNat*. )c Sole Ajjentfor State, Colombia, S C. C PALMETTO TQQffiAS BcGETT Is the larpreat SALOON in the up-country, vertisements. The half i? not mentioned in t ed for full trade. The Palmetto House is we I Foreign and Domesti vuc uctk uiu umiftov Huurus. ne lias Rye and Corn, Irish Apple Peach., Oalifoi*nia s Porter, He can tfteerfullr recommend Wis goods t drinks with all the'DELICIOUS BBVERAGI DRINKS. His speciality is a large stock of Gentlemen's Resort, N and you wiil not forgot again A G-ood Line of Tobacco ar Spec DAY & TA IIEADQUA Carriau, Waps, Coaci Leather, Shoe I Tl?e Finest and Mont Varied Assm Brouglit to the C Tidings of Coi To those who have been wrenched and now ofl'cr yob the most delightful vehii m Try one and save your health. Every ma hould have one, as the price is within the reac DAT & TANNAHILL, Cents- 1886-imial SALOON Cheap Goods, but Credit Played Oat. THOSE wishing: to get the worth of their money, for this year, will And it to their advantage to trade at this well-known estabishinent, as no pains will be spared to kee^i ?n handt Finest Grades and Qualities of all kinds of WINKS, LIQUORS, BRANDIES, CIGARS and TOBACCOS. Yon who pay C?sh are specially invited tnd guaranteed to receive kind and prompt ittention, together with best goods. Gentlemen can *t any time And pleasant imusement in a game of BILLIARDS or POOL, at a reasonable charge. s Respectfully, F. CO NNINBAM, '86 tf SOLE PROPRIETOR. . r. L. SIMPSON, AGENT TTOF PkaIAW naiojf ^luiiwy ric&iuu. THE only thoroughly practical invention for making QUILTS and COMFORT IBJjES on the Sewing Machine. Works squally well on all th? different makes of Mushines, and does all manner of Quilting. ()nj takes two hours to make a Comfortable, ind three to four hours to mnke a Quilt. Will make Quilts and ComforiableK of any lixe. With this QUILTING FRAME quiltng is done with less effort on the part of the >perator than any other sewing within the ange of the Sewing Machine, ft works like i charm. Examine it, and see for yourself, fo family Sowing Maohine is comple without his attachment. Retail price onlv $7.50 Jan., 26,'86. tf J. L. SIMPSON* I. ft. BRXPHIbl*. WX. P. CAtHOl'N gEMPHILL & CALHOUN, Attorneys at Law, ABBKVILLB, S. C. Vill practico in all the Courts of the Stat o. oabok. x. l. bombax, jr. 0ASON A BONHAM, Lttorueys and CounselIoph tot Law, Abbktille, s. G. Vill practice in all the Courts of the State f|R. G. A. N BUFFER. J 'hysician and Surgeon, Abbeville, S. C. 'eb. 16, 1886,1 yr. CENTRAL HTOEL, U Mrs. M. W. Thomas, Proprietress, Broad Street, Aagasta, Ga. JfOTXOB. HKK $20,000 to stoek of Chester, Greenwood L and Abbeville Railroad having been ?ubsribod, as required bj chwrter, pursuant to -solution of corporators, a meeMnp of sv.brberstosai ? stock , for.the impose of or' "ixstion, is berebj called At Greenwood on eaday, 22d of June, proximo. W. H. PARKER. Chairman. Greenwood Tribuvt, I.aurensvillo Herald, mion Timet, Chester Reporter, and Lancasr I.rdgmr, c<*>y 4 times eaeb. SALOON ! IGAN, Proprietor lon't intend to dupe his ciiHtomerH by false adhe three Abbeville papers. He is well preparI stocked with everything in the line of Ic Wines and Liqnors, JORS nine years old. Good old , and Scotch Whiskies, i/ncl French Brandies, Ale and Fresh La^ex* Be^i'. o the public for MEDICINAL USE, mixed and ES of the season. Also COOL, TEMPERATE PURE GOODS. Call at the [o. 4 Washington street, THOMAS McGETTlGAN. id Cigars. Budweiser Beer a iality. LNNAHILL " RTERS FOR I Materials, Saddley, ladings, Belting, rtment of Children's Carriages llty, at all Prices. nfort and Joy jerked about bv no-called road carts. We cle, with FINEST wheels and axles fo ;.oo n who owns a horse, or wishos to train a colt h of all. Aaansta. Ga. v * ? ?J AS. 6. BAILIE & SONS, DBAIiBBS IZEsT Carpets, OU Clths, Window Curtain and Shades, I WALL PAFERS, BORDERS AND DADOES, i Hearth Rugs, Door Mats &c 1 i 7X4 BROAD STREFT, AUGUSTA, GA FOUTZ'S HORSEI AND CATTLE POWDERS ( No Hones will die of Hot* or lr^e Fit rr.R, if Koutx's Powdare nre iu,ed isi tinio. Foutz's Powders will cure find prevent 1lo"<~i!OL*RA. Fouu'a Powders will prevent <?/ ?<c Fowls. Fontz's Powder? will lr.oren?e tlie nnntltr of milk fund erenm twenty per ce. and nir _ tuu l>uttcr firm and sweet. v Fouu'a Powders w',11 or prevent nlmost kvkkt Dmkask to wlilcii Hordes timl ('aulanre snhK'ct. Foutz's Powni:rs will oivk 8 vrieFACiioii. Bold everywhere. DAVID XL. rotTTZ, Proprietor. BAI.TiazOXU. MO. for sale bvSpeed & NenfFer, Abbe* lllo S. 0. tl !i S d Job Printing 0 OP ALL KINDS ft! fl It il hi NEATLY and PROMPTLY EXECUTED H ? ?AT THE? * U T to ai 8] Ht B Messenger Office. tb i t ' 7 r"!U^"J ' * ,..* . r >. * nmOITTin I nmn*rn mm\ mw WE are now selling a real good NO. 7 STOVK, ( Pipe for $15.00 A good No. 7, for $13.00, complete. No. B?, cump COME AID SEE before buying elsewhere and we are satisfied wo cm as anv huuse in the country. H. W. LAI wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmaammmmmmnmmmmmmBBBmn vera AT GOODYEJ CARRIAGE I \ CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND A FULL LI> GRADES OF OPEN AX I At Lowkk Pkickh than at any other house this sidi order. nr?> Pnnnin.. ? "' ' * , -r-.v. niiu iiuncr riuiKll sold as Standard Vehicles. But I have ji OFaxnily Carriages, Phaeto Also another shipment of those Fine Ote: orders, by the best manufacturers North and East, of these vehicles but the best materials, and in Qur any others now in the market. In stock a Full Lin Saddles and ATiL GRADES, which I will offer at LOWER PRII in the history of the business. Milburn, Studebak sixes. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Calf Skin Materials, Harness Leather, Belt Lacing of superi Also a full 1 in HARDV Guns, Shells, Powder, Shot. Table and 1'ocket C Axes, Hoes, Picks and Mattocks, Pitch Forks, ? Beams, Grind Stones, Rakes, Paddocks, Carpent Doors and Blinds, Farm and Church Bells, which I AT THE OLD STAND, > r Ooposite Georgia Railroad Hank,> 13 704 BROAD STREET. } THEO. MARE Steam MartilR ami IV fcV *?! AIAIAJi Miu UliU HLSpW Georgia and South Carolina Granite A large selection of MARBLE and GRANITE WO TER1NG and DELIVERY. WHITE BB ^RE now prepared to show the most attractive and Fall and Win hey have ever offered. TIIE attention of buyers is respectfully called to t DRY Gl rhich this weli knowu house is now carrying DRESS GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, TABLE LINEJfS, WATER-PROOFS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, CHILDREN'S UNI LACES, EMBItOIDERIE GLOVES, BLANKETS, RUGS, AC They carry the largost-stock of Ready Made Clothing am D be found in the county. Thev keep constantly or nc shoes, made bv ZEIGLER BROTHERS, of Phil >boes which are so justly celebrated, and which have urability. In addition to the above they offer all kinds of S lapfl, Saddlery, Crockery, Glass-ware, Groceries, Pre iV ?. 3- ? * juu nuui, vncup goons, rename goods, and prett] WHITE Look to Tour Having recently returned from the Northern ad attractive slouk, we ask our friends and the publ ill and complete lines of almost everything need idies with DRKSS GOODS in Brocadts and Plai: BLACK CASHMERES" in quality and prices are ims, Table Linens in Bleached, Brown, and Turkey I > match. Damask and Huck Towels, Doilies and Ci omeBpun and Sheetings, Tiekings in Single aod Dc Fhite and Red FLANNELS, Twilled and Plain; Whit The gentlemen haye heen specially car HATS, CLOT! We have the Prettiest, Largest and Cheapest lc attbuns that has been brought to Abbeville in ye ock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, we are prepan ke orders and give you a Tailor-made Suit at about [t and style guaranteed. Our Boots and Shoes were i durability as well as style, and we guarantee as fu lywnere or ironi anyone. Buddies, Harness, Whips, Bridles, Breeching i pring-Seat Saddle always in stock. 'Nor have wo ociced Grocery House will uhow by its stocks of heav arley, Ac., and tbo tasteful array of Shelf Goods. A simple reference to our complete stock of Hai lit time. fcSFCome and see us and we will do you W, Joel Sir V>. i.'V .:'V' X -.'&l ^ ^ si stuvhs i large nv?-?> ; ? ilL 20 pier***, mid 10 f??t of .ftft, froin $17 00 up. OUR STOVES i give you good (roods for as little money SON & CO. LB & CO.'S POSITQRI ;k of mkdicm and cheaper ) top ruggiks ; of Cincinnati. This work is all made to cd than the class of work generally idt received a Full Line of Fine ins, and Cabriolets.o x and Tor ItrcoiER, made upon special Nothing being used in the construction ility, Style and Finish are unequalled by e of Harness, CES than lmvc ever before been known ;cr nnd Standard Plantation Wagons, nil s,$hoe Findings, Carriage and Wagon or quality, Rubber nnd Leather Belting. utlcry, J'low Points for all makes, Nails, 'hovels, Snades, Steeh'ards and Scalo er Topis, riles. Hinges, Window Hash, ani offering at Lowest Cash Prices. tOQDYEAR & CO., Successor to Ii. H. MAY & CO. WALTER'S Granite Ms, NEAR LOVER MARKET, GUSTA, C3--A..I fork, Domestic and Imported. Low Prices. i Monumenis A SPECIALTY. RK always on hand, ready for LETOTHERS the most extensivo stock of ter Goods he large line of nnm; uuw RED FLANNEL, WHITE FLANNEL.?, DERWEAR, GENTS' UNDERWEAR IS, HOSIERY, CARPETS, AC. i Boots and Shoes i hand a larce assortment of Ladies, odelnhia. These are genuine Zeigler nn ann?n-m?in "f ?l 1 * .... >? ?u |iuiin 01 ui, BLJ19 ana rOTIONS, HARDWARE, HATS and visions &o. r,goods, call on BK;OTHEI?;S? 1 Interests. Markots, where we purchased a large ic to give us a call and examine our led for comfort. We will interest the n ? e ' * - u iiuiHin, iroui \iy+ cents up. Uur decidedly in the lead. Calicos, Gingted Damasks, with Napkins and Dailies rash Towelings, Bleached and Brown iuble Width. A most complete line of 6 end Colored BLANKETS, Ac. ed for in the selection of , IING, &c. >t Of CA881XKRK8 IN SlTIT AKD PXHTB ars. In addition to our well>selected id from a beautifnl line of Samples to the same cost of ready-made (roods. bought with speoial care, with an eje || vain. fr\r * .. ?vi vu? luviivj aii cin do Hid ind Collars. The genuine Kentucky forgotten the inner man, as our well y Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Oats tnWAKK ANB CCTTLIHT SflUlt SU ffice a good. tith & Son. ; .. '* ,? ' . . , , . ' ... \ y