? 1 I I Ori)f messenger. , Entered at >tl?e poatoffioc as Und-class matter j'/ ttONHAM & riCHNIN, ?pl??ns AS? I'HOPB I ET.OK8,. fV '' '; Sj$ ' ' TY715SD AT. "November 23. 188ft. < 1 ; iSirnscjurriON.. $2.00 THE LEGISLATURE. The General Assembly of South Carolina will meet in Columbia to-day. As the >:tate House is undergoing repairs, both Houses will meet in what is known ms Agricultural Hall. UfctLe interest seems to be taken in tho election of a Speaker, Mr. Simons, ofj Charleston, being so far ahead in the race that his election is assured. His opponent, Dr. Pope, of Nelvberry, who 2, gained some reputation during the last session by fathering what is known as the "Economical Convention," and opporing many measures which passed both bodies, does not stand the least shadow of a showing, unless things change nrniinil ir Wo nrn onrnrifn/l V/ UMVt WW Vtl V4V. ^ %M * m J V Ul W OUI |il liiwu, moreover, that this "three for a quarter" statesman, as one contemporary speaks of him, or uiwo for a nickle," as another says, should desire the Speakership. His influence on the floor will be much greater than in the Speaker's chair. Aqaong the important matters that will come before the Legislature, will be the election of a Judge for the Eighth Judicial Circuit. Three prominent candidates are out?Hon. W. H. Parker, of Abbeville; Hon. B. F. Whitner, of Anderson, and Hon. J. J. Norton, of Ocofieo. As wo have said before, we believe Mr- Parker the strongest man for the pl%ce, and that he will be elected. The floulh Carolina College, the Citadel, the Canal, the Agricultural College, and a Constitutional Convention will all come in* for discussion. Free tuition will .doubtless be done away with in the Col Jege, and the C'ta^ol will probably be .Mil) maintained. The fate of the canal is doubtful, ?while the Agricultural College and the Constitutional Convention, a?*e believe, will fail to pass. Many questions of local interest, such #sthe right of counties to vote on the whiskey question, will consume a great 4eai of the time of the Legislature. Their passage is doubtful. " The Session wiU be a short one, and , we trust that their "haste may not make waste.** THANKSGIVING DAY. Next Thursday has been 9et apart by jboth Stitfo and Federal Governments ns i jtt day o( special thanksgiving to the .Author of ail good, for the many bte*s jogs wo h.avo enjoyed during the past year. The custom is a beautiful one, .and is becoming to be universally observed.. Think of a nation of over fifty millions ,of souls, abandoning the business pursuits of life for one day, to return thanks for the blessings which they have enjoyed, and to acknowledge their dependence upon an all-wise Creator. The e.u?tom, wo say, is a beautiful one, and the more universally it is observed JLjie.more striking does the appropriate_ and beauty of the custom appear. In liliu iliiinnHialo um.tlun * ?? ?rr- ?r- HVVWVH ?? W IIBTC J juuci; U) be thankful for. Wo have es- i luuidlrouj storm and pestilence; cylones ' .unci earthquakes have done no damage; * our agricultural interests have suffered r hut little, and the tiller of the soil is j blessed with the fruit of his labor. t We have .a good government, presided r over by honest and patriotic gentlemen, *nd indeed almost everything to make t, MS happy and contented. Let us, then, with one voice and with one accord, give jthai)ks unto Him who watches over us jmd presides over the destinies of nations. ^RESIDENT ARTHUR. J s Tbo papers of last Thursday convoyed u i n yeaierdey, J ,aD*MWH>gb notgorgeons, sufficient honor q J - .wasaUown hun. B - ' _A .WM <>'. I 1 l; " - I'.'.'Jl' b ie Ihe abnen.cc of the edMew of Th* f Js*t week, Col. ft. T, WardM ,eh?rge of the paper. fry}. ?Werfthe news I receivod from North Caroina, that an attempt will be made by lome bad men to inaugurate movements vhich must be considered as equivalent jj o aid and comfort to the enemy, and vmcn an patriots should combine to put town at any cost. You may count on Ri ny aid in every effort to 5 pare your li Jtate of the scourge of civil warfare, j*3 vhich will devastate her homes if the lesigns of these traitors bo suffered to ta nake a head. I know you will place rourself in your legitimate position in rp he lead of those who will not suffer the tame of the old State to be blackened by uch a stain. 4 Will you pardon me for suggesting tw hat my only source of disquietude on Re he subject has arisen from the fear hat you will delay too long action t? rhich now uuiiears incvitAhln. ?nd >y your ever earnest desire to reclaim >y conciliation the men whom you be- ? ieve to be sound at heart, but whose oyalty is more than suspected elsewhre, ouwill permit them to gather such trength as to require more violent meagires than are now needed. With your influence and position, the promoters of unfounded discords now >revalent in* your State would be put iown without the use of physical force, f your would abandon the policy of J onciliation and set them at defiance. In jr his course, frankly and firmly pursued, Jn ou would rally around you all that is ?a est and noblest in your State, and your in riumphs would be bloodless. If a con- 1 rary policy be adopted I muoh fear you rill be driven to the use of force to sup- mt ress treason. In either event, how- b? ver, be assured that you will have my Mi ordial concurrence and assistance in j1" maintaining with you, the honor and ignity and fair name of your State, and oi>r efforts to crush treason whether ^ icipient, as 1 believe it now is or inore ^ iati)red, as 1 believed, if not firmly mr let, u win in tno near future inevitably Sh ecome. 1 have the honor to be, very . ' J Signedj Jkfferson Davis. ?r| '' ?h? W. P. Calhoun. Esq., will have charge. 80 f the Medium during the absence of en. #e?vlor Co. againtit J. N. Hush et al.--Foreclosure. lly virtue ?>f an order ot pale made in the above stated cane, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on saleday in December, 1886, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and county, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, containing TEL It HE HUNDRED axi> EIGHTEEN ACltES, more or less, and bounded by lands of J. M. Pruitt, M.E.Hroaddus nn.. Henry Rush. Terms of Sale.?One-half cash, balancc in twelve mouths, with interest ' from day of nmc, nutrurtru uy uonu oi ine purchaser and morfgasre of the premises. Purchaser to pay the Munter for papers and recordnig. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Abbeville. Court of Common Pleas. Wm. H. Brooks against Sarah A. Armstrong. Foreclosure. By virtue of an order of 6ale made in the ibove stated case, I will offer for sale at public jutcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on 3aledaj* in December, 188C, within the legal hours of sale, the following described propsrty, situate in naid State and county, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, containing FOUR HUNDRED & TWENTY FIVE A.CRES, more or less, aud bounded by lands >f Thomas J. Mabry, Jack llummond, Harriion Cole, and others. This tract may be divided in several smaller :racts, ench of whicn will be sold separately. Pints to be oxhibited on day of sale. Terms of Sale.?One-half oash, balance in welvo months, with privilege to the purchaser >f paying all in cusn. Titles to be withheld intil the purchase money is paid. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. uoukty ok abbkyille, Court of Common Pleas. ohnson, Crews & Co. against J. Frank Smith et al.?Foreclosure. 1 By virtue of an order of sale made in the bove stated case, I will offer for sale at pubic outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. c., on sale < ay in December, 1886, within the legal hours ; f sale, the following described property, j ituate in said State and county, to wit: j One lot or parcel of land, in'Donnaldsville, , ontaining TWENTY-FIVE BY SIXTY FEET, ; lore or less, bounded bv lots of E. H. Bookor, t. J. Martin & Co.. and 'Ball's Road. Terms of Sale.?One-half cash, balance in welve months, with interest from day of sale, ecured by bond of-the purchaser nnd mortage of the premises. Purchaser to pay the (aster fur papers and recoruiner. J. C. KLUGH, "y Master. Master's Sale. } STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA'^ * county op abbeville. 1 . -j . _ . . :f>-. 'ft < Court ot, common Pleas. * osa R. Cater against Arabella O. Pressley 1 et al.?Partition. j By virtue of an order of sale made in the] bove stated cane, I will offer for Bale at pub- ( c outcry at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on sale- i sty in December, 1886, within the legal hours j T* snlc. the following described property, t ituate in said State and county, to wit: All that tract or parcel of laud, lately be- ^ ingiug to Win. A. Pressley, and containing ? >NE HUNDRED and SIXTYrTHREE j CRES, more or less, bounded bv lands of [rs. A. Q. Pressley, James M. Latimer, Jas. . Latimer, and others. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay ie Master for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Master. p Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I County of Abbeville, Court of Common Pleas. " . F. Crayton A Son again?t Mary Tucker et ^ al.?Foreclosure. Bv virtue of an order of sale made in the >' >ove stated cage, I will offer for sale at pub- 0 c outcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on ileday in December, 1886, within the legal >urs of sale, the following described prop- n tv, situated in said Stnto and county, I wit: 1] All that tract or pareel of land containing <> WO HUNDRED and EIGHT ACRES, b ore or less, bounded by lands of Ibzan rowther, J. J. Shirley, and others. n Terms of Sale.?One-half cash, batancc in j| elve months, with interest from day of sale, 0 cured bv bond of thfl lllirplinn* nnA n " igo of the premises, with leave to purchawer anticipate payment at any time. Purchaser pay the Master for papers and recording. C J. C. KLUGH, lr Master. j Master's Sale. ? STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. di ConHTY of Abbeville, tf ec Court of Common Picas. mes E. Caldwell against Margaret C. Cald- pi well et al.?Partition. By virtue of An order of sale made in the ? ore stated case, I will offer for sale at puboutcry at Abbeville G. H., 8. C., on saleday December, 1884, within the legal hoars of le, the following described property, situate yaid State and Countv, to wit: III that tract or parcel of land, containing THIRTEEN ACRES, >re or less, and bounded by land* of T. O. kcr and others, being the real estate of Si s. M. R. Cal-lwell, deceased, at Mt. Caril. Snid tract may be divided into several h, and if ho they will bo sold aeparat-elv, kv d plats will be exhibited on day of sale, ' ou at.an aa ts 7* and 8 of the former surver, oarh eon- ?f ninjc ONE and ONE-FOURYH ACRES, ?t >re or loss, which wore bid off for by the eriff at a former sale, will be resold. Jo rerms of Sale.?One-half cash, balance in elre month*, with interest from day of sale, mred by bond of the pnrehaser ana a mort- mi pee of the premises, with the right to pay E. i whole of the parehaee money cash if tbey an elect. Purchaser to pay the Master for iers and recording. lh< J. C. KLUGH, Master. < - * ' \ \ i s '' ( " 'yr-VV* : W * '- ' W- * ' : " .T' >" >7 ' Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Abbeville, Court of Common Pleas. Km mil O. Anderson by Guardian ad litem against Marv K. Davenport etal.?Partition. By virtue of an order of sale made in the above stated ease, I will offer for Hale at public outcry at- Abbeville Courthouse, S. C., on Haleday in December, 1880, within the legal hours j of sale, the following described property being uie joint estate of Mrs. W. S. Bell and the late Mrs. S. L. Bell, deceased, situate in said State and county, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES, more (or less, and bounded bv lands of R. P. Pinson, Dr. W. B. Millwee, fieasley and others, and known as Tract No. 1. Also, that tract or parcel of land, containing ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX AND SIX-TENTH ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of W. J.Wells, R. P. Blake, L. D. Merriman and others, and known as Tract No. 2. Also, that tractor parcel of land, containing EIGHTY ACRES. more or less, and bounded bv lands of Dr. J. C. Maxwell, J. R. Blake, \V. J. Wells and others, nnd known as Tract No. 3. Also, that tractor parcel of land,containing ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of Dr. J. C. Mu*w?ll. Beaslcy and others, and known as Traf sale, the following described property, being teized and possessed, situate in said State ifid county, to wit: All that tract or parcel of and, known as the "Homo Place," containing DNE HUNDRED & SEVENTY-FIVE tCRES. more or leas, bounded by lands of A. 1. Hughes, J. II. Nickles, John Turner and ithers. Terms of Sale?One-half cosh, balance in welre months, with interest from daVot sale, iccured by bond ot the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to, pay tho blaster for papers and recording. J. C. KLUOH, Master. H/fn o-t-et-n? a C/k7/i VUU/OI/Cf O kj LV OO m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County ok Abbeville, Court of Common Pleaa. \ W .Wagoner & Co. ngainst W.W Mars ct al. By virtue of an order of snle made in tbo bovo stated case, I will offer for sulo at public utcry at Abbeville Courthouse, S. O., ou saleay iu December, 188(5, within the legal hours f sale, the following described property, situte in aaid State and county, to wit: One-half ntcreat in the Homestead tract formerly wned by John A. Mars, said tract containing NINE HUNDRED ACRES, tore or less, bounded by lands of Mrs. Jane ee, W. D. Mars, Estate of D. M. Rogers, and ping on waters of Little River; also.that tract f land known as the Bcllotte tract, formerly wnud bv Thomas Tlmmunn u-iJ ' m _ ? . ww?| ?ub oniu I I out eing ... . SEVENT Y-FIVE ACKES, ore or less, bounded by lands of W. lb. Mara, I. 0. Tolman and others, and lying on waters f little lliver: also, one-fourth interest in the oYin tract, formerly owned by W. D. Mar*, aid rrnct containing INE HUNDHED and SIXTY ACHES, tore or less, and bounded by lands of Mrs. ane Lee, Estate of D. M.Rogers, James Tasrart, and others, and lying on waters of Little iver. Terms of Sale?One-half cash, and the reminder on a credit of twelve months from ?y of sale, with interest at seven per cent.,' le payment of the credit portion to oe secur1 by band and mortgage of the premises, ith leave to purchaser to pay all cash if prerred. Purchaser to pay the Master for ipero and recording. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Master's Sale. am A rrw /\T* nnTim? ? ? ' ojini.ii ur DUU1U UAKUIjIJNA. County Abbeville, Court of Common Pleas. c krah E. Ellis against John Turner et al. c Foreclosure. By virtue of an order of sale made in the t ore stated case, I will offer for sale at publio itcry at Abbeville Courthouse, 8. C.,o.> gaiety in December, 1886, within the legal hours * sale, the following described property, situ- " e in said State and countv, to wit: 1 All that tract or parcel of land known as the 1 >hn Turner Place, containing J EIGHTY ACRES, >ra or teas, and bounded by lands of Sarah Ellis, Jaraos H. Kickls*, ftdpMt Anderson, 4 J. Frank KelleV. J 1 Terms of Sale?Cash. nMraiier to pay j 1 Master for papem. J J. 0. KLUGB, Master. A Y-':;-. V'.:;.-'V.'-v-' 'v ? . f,'"" State of South Carolina, County ok Abbkvii.i.k, C In the l'robnte Coutt. "1 ? * - * viwikiun lor inciters ol Administration. J h J. FULLER LYON, Esq., Probate Jud^e )] n Wiiereas, M. O. Ziceler, C. C. P , made ii snit to me to grunt him Letters of Aominis- / trntion of the Est^e ?nd Effects of Kitly l)u a 13ose. late of AbbCTiltc county, deceased," (. These are therefore, to cite and admonish c all und singular the kindred and creditors of the said Kitty Dn Dose, declared, that they be and appear before iih . in the Court of Pro- '! bate, to be held at Abbeville C. II., on WEI)- , NESDAY,DECEMBER 22, 188(5, after publi- 1 cation hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to I show cause if anv they have, why the said -s Administration should not be granted. (Jiven under my hand and seal this 10th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eipht hundred and eighty-six, and iu the llltli year of American Indenennence. Published on the 10th day of November, 1886, in the Mrssrnoeb, and on the Court House door for the time required by law. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probate Court. t. c. perrinT UNDER i The New Hotel,; HAS in stock a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, " Dye Stuffs, Varnishes &c. <^LSO ALL THE POPULAR Patent Medicines now in use, many of them Non-secret prepa- ? rations, consisting of the very best Cough Mixtures, Dispeptic and Kidney preparations, Rheumatic and Neuralgic preparations n PREPARATIONS. E YDTA PIN KHAM'S Female n.id " d HOLMES' LINIBfrlS'T AND MOTHER' a FRIEND. P so necessary to Woman's corafor and health. Also Abdomina ~ Suppo rters, Cam ?fec. qur line of ZF.A.ZsraiT GOODS will be found very complete? ? consisting of Colognes, foreign tracts in great variety, Toilet Soaps from the cheapest to the finest. H Hair, tooth, nail, shaving ? shoe and clothes j n n n ? ? ? ? on u anfi5. COMBS OP ALL SORTS. Baking Powders, Extract* %nd m N Spices, and Vinegar. es Close Attention Ci <. ^jc*v'vi*' ^' ' 't'-ji ;'''v'*'~'f? *' nnMHKfiiHaMMnMaMMMMB SHERIFFS^ SALE. !. Aultman & Co., ueainnt T. C Stuart and F. ?Execution BY virtne ?f tin Execution to me directed, in the ??-? " ' vnnc, 1 mil sell 10 Ihe ighcst bidder, at Public Auction, within the irnl hours cif sale, nt Abbcrill Court House, ii Monthly, tbo sixth day of December, 1886* 11 the right, title and interest of F. M. Pope ii Ihe following described property, to wit: ill that triirt or parcel of lnnd, situate, lying nd being in the Town of Ninety-Six, in" the 'ounty ?if Abbeville, South Carolina, and outuining. TWO AGKKS. uore or loss, with the two and a half story welling thereon?being the residence of said )etendant. Levied on and to be Hold as the iropcrty of F. M. Pope to tmtisfv the aforeaid Execution and costs. TKRMS?Cash. J. F, C. DuPRE, sheriff Abbeville Countv. State of South Carolina, County ok Aiuikvili.k, In tho Probate Court. I.F. Johnson, ns Administratrix, Ac., Plaintiff, against Kebecca Johnson, Ida P. Williams, et al., Defendants.?Coinpla'nt for Sale of Lands to Pay Debts, Dower, Ac. I will sell at public outcry, at Abbeville C. I., on Salesday in December next, for tU ayment of debts, tho following described eal estate belonging to the estate of L. } . ohuson, deceased, to wit: 1. The Dule Tract, containing ONE HUNDRED AND;FORTY ACRES, .u>re or less, bounded by lands of Allen M?'antey, Win. McKcnxic, and others. 2. Thi! Barnes Tract, containing >NE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN ACBEB, loro or less, bounded by lands of John A. Irooks, Johnson Tract, and othera. 8. Ono,small tract, containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, ioro or less, bounded by lands of J. A. Irooks, Barnes Tract, and others. Terms of Sale?One-half of the purehaM tone}: to be paid in cash, the balance on m redit of twelve months, with interest from aj- of sale, secured by bond of purchaser aid mortgage of the property. Purchaser t? ay for papers. J. FULLER LYON, Judge Probato Court* State of South Carolina, Couiitt or Abbeville. Conrt of Probate. artha E. Norwood, as Administratrix. Ac., Plaintiff, against Ludic N. Speer, Jennie P. Glymph, ct al., Defendants.? Complaint to Sell Land to Pay Debts, Ac. I will sell at public outcry, at Abbeville C. ., at Saleday in December next, for the payent of debts, the following described real itate, belonging to the estate of Dr. W. C. orwood, deceased, to wit: 1. The Home Tract, containing SRVENTV.TWft innva - - " ^ ?vmmu| ore or leas, bounded by lands of Wm. Moairy, C. & 6. R. It., and other lands of the ,tate. . 2. The Parks Tract, containing TIIIRTV-SIX ACRES, ore or lees, bounded by lands of J. F. Kelr, Estate lands, and others. 3. Tho Brown Tract, coutaiuing TEN ACRES, ore or lesf, bounded by lands of Dr. B. C. art, Wm. Butler, and others. 4. Tho Watson Tract, contaiuing SEVENTY ACRES, >re or les?. bounded bv lunil? nf HuHUmuui tate, Wni. Butler, and others. 5. The Cochran Truct, containing FIVE ACRES, >rc or less, bounded by Watson Tract and ler lands of the estate. J. One House and Lot iu the town of idges, containing THREE AND ONE-HALF ACRES, ire or lens, bounded by lots of D. B. ttlymph, D. Cochran, C.A G. R. R., and others. '. The McQbce Store House and lot in the i-n of Hodges, sixty (GO) feet front width, rty-seven (37) feet back width by one ndred and seventeen (117) feet in length, jnded by D. B. Glymph, House and Lot No* ind others. i. The Smith Place, containing [REE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE RES, more or less, hounded by lands of b. D. Ellis, J. A. Ellis, J. A. Smith, and erB. . The Beaoham place, containing r0 HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT RES, more or less, bounded by lands of A. Moor*, Doc Arnold, Estate of Mrs. M. Qary, and others. 'erms of Sa'e,?One-half cash, balance on redit of twelve months, with interest from ' of sale, secured by bond of purchaser a mortgage of the proporty. Purchaser tny for papers. everal of the above described tracts wil lividcd and sold in smaller parcels. J. FILLER LYON, Judge Probate Court. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. tii< fAKTJKH are hereby forblddentoo . 'hunt, Hub, tr in anywise* trespass upon land* of the undersigned. The full penof tho law will be enforced against all I. J. H. LATIMER. J. W. W. MARSHALL.