IV l)c ittc0snger. M. L. BONHAM,Jk., I Editors and J AS. S. PERIlIX, j Pkopkiktoks. f TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1880. The Bible Socioty. The Sixty third annual meeting of the Abbeville District Bible Society will convene (J. v.) in the Methodist church in Abbeville village at 11 A. M. on Wednesday the 29 July 1880. The annual sermon will be" preached l>y the Rev. J. A. Weber and the annual address will be delivered by J. C. Klugh JGsq., The following Branch Societies are expected to send delegates and contributions nt that time : Cedar Springs and Long Cane, Cokesbury, Due West, Greenville Church, Greenwood, Lebanon. Lowndesville. Ninety-Six and Troy. The liev. C. H. Wiley D. D. the agent of the American Bible society has consented to be present and to deliver an address. The public are invited to attend. An opportunity will he presented to all, male and female to become members. Fee $1.00. The Board of Directors will convene .... at 10 o'clock on the same day in the Law office of Perrin & Cothran. The following compose the Board of Directors. W. M. Grier. 1). D., President. R. H. Wardlaw, J. S. Cothran, S. McGowan, H. T. Sloan, 1). 1")., and J. 0. Lindsay,I). 1)., Vice Presidents. P. H. Bradley7, Rev. \V. l'\ Pearpon, James Boyce, 1). 1)., T. T. Cunnin- " tin, Joseph L. Pressly, G. Mc R. Miller, John T. Parks, W. K, Blase, J. P. Kennedy, J. 1). Neel, Rev. W. H. Hanckel, Rev. W. G. Neville, Rev. R. F. Bradley, Rev. W. T. Mathews and T. C. Lipscomb. L. \V. White, Corresponding Secretary J..P. C. I)uPre. Librarian and Treasurer. L. W. Perrin. Recording Secretary. The following resolution was adopted al the last meeting of the Society. "That hereafter the absence of a Director from two annual meetings of the Directors, without a satisfactory reason, shall disqualify him for reelection as Director." L \V. Perrin, \V. M. GrierSecretary. President. The Ontside. Our readers must not fall into the error of supposing that we'put all the good reading matter on the outside of our paper. This week will be found on the outside a most pleasant account by Capt. Dawson of his visit to Due West. In liis own graceful, felicitous style, Capt. jj. tons now ne enjoyed the hospitality of the people of our "Athens.*' And of h:s impression the kind, warm-hearted people and their manners and customs made on him. -.Theve will also he found an unusual]}' interesting letter from Leipsic. Germany, written by our tak'nted young townsman, Mr. \V. H. Parker, dr. This is one of the newsiest and plensantest letters we have ever read. So it will pay to read the outside of the M ksuknuku. The Due West Female College. We hope that those who have daughters to educate will give hood to the advertisument of the Due West Female College. There are few institutions of learning in the South better equipped ihan this for the education of girls. A corps of competent and accomplished professors in all the branches of instruction, gives guarantee of the faithful work that is being done there. At the ?u.. : - ?Li- AL.f . ucitu ui iiiu tunuj;i; ip> linn mxiiu Vviii'islian gentleman, Prof. J. 1\ Kennedy? in whose care parents place the control ond education of their children with implicit trust and confidence. Mt. Caatnel Social Club. * We are indebted to the committee fot J r . the following invitation and will try to f ' have a representative present. We hope some friend will write us an account of the affair: The pleasure of yourcompany is requested at a Hop, to be given on Friday, duly 23d at 9 p. m. in Towel'? Hall. Committee of arrangements?M. W. Paschell. Dr. G. W. Abney, W. W. Iilack. W. O. Covin. Floor Managers?.T. P. Smith, T. P. Paschell, Dr. P. lv. Iilack. Committee of arrangement?J. 11. Tarrant, M. R. Casey, S. 1). Wells. ir *i\_ At w vjiiujicj uns?xurs. ur. Aoney, mrs. I . G. Baker, Mrs. J. F. lioykin. Laurkns, S. C., July Gth, 1880. Mr. W. T. Cowan : Dear Sir : Wc have a great many bridges to have rebuilt?and it will takrid(*o. And wc will not have enough money collected from taxation to pay expenses. Yours tiuly, A. S. OWINGH, Co. Com. Laurens Co. K. of H. The Knights of Honor of this place have Invited the Grand Director, M. L. Bonham, Jr. to deliver an ?ddr illll? M.KUUUd 111 UIUUII WIPUU. Miss Fannie Jav, of Troy, is visiting relatives in McCormick. Miss Sallie Youngblood, of Winterseat, is visiting the Misses MeCaslan of Troy. Mr. T. X. Dendy, of Troy, was in town Tuesday. Capt. It. G. Bonham and I?!aj. Ernest Gary, of Edgefield, passed through town on Wednesday evuning on route for Abbeville, were they will spend several days with relatives. Dr. J. 0. Maxwell, of Greenwood, was in town Friday. Two of our popular 3foung men visited our sister town, Verdery, not long since for the pur|K>se of calli ug on aoiue young ladies. We cannot say whether they succeeded in gaining an interview with the ladies or not, but we suppose they did, and they, or at least one of them failed to talk to suit one of the brave boy?. On arriving at Bradley, he iuul to seek refuge with his "pare!"' the remaining portion of the night, in order to console liini. Be careful, boys, when you start out. "Be sure you are right, and then go ahead,'' There will be a basket picnic at White llall on Friday, duly 23. White Hall is a famous place for such gather ings, and wo feel confident this will be a grand success. Candidates look to your interest and be on hand. jjM iss Jennie Harrison returned home Friday from Anderson where she has been visiting relatives. l)r. Frank Harrison returned home from Abbeville Friday for a short stay. Mr. llobert Cunningham, ofAnderson, is visiting the family of Mrs. 10. P. Harrison. Mo uk Anon. Lowndesville Locals. For the past two weeks the planter? have had a good tune for killing grass it is not subdued, but smartly demoralized. Miss Annie Baker, who has been attending school for a year or two at Ninety-Six, has returned to her home at hoi grandmother's in this place. Mrs. W. II. Whitlock, of Newmarket, is now here visiting relatives. Mr. Willie Young who, several year* ago went to Texarkana, and after staving there awhile, went to the Indian Territory, having been telegraphed for whili his father was sick, reached here a few days ago. looking none the worse for hit sojourn in that far olF country, alinosl beyond the confines of civilization. Mrs. Sarah Allen, relict of Mr. C. P Allen, died last Saturday was a week since, at the homo of her son-in-law, Mr. W. G. Watson, noi?r Anderson C. II, Her remains were brought down on the following day and committed to theii last resting place, in the graveyard at old Smyrna, Rev, F. Auld officiating. A good woman, ripe in years, and possessing the love and esteem of a large circlt of relatives and friends, and one sustainin'? a christian ehatartor *if n nr
  • r has gained her reward. Mr. Jhs. M. Baker lias bought of the Methodist parsonage lot, 78 feet froni and 125 foet rear. Upon it he intend: to build at once three brick stores. The money received for this property will be used in changing and repairing the parsonage. These changi-s will adil greatly to the appearance of the central part of our to ami. It is rumored Jhat the citizens of Anderson C. H. are going to have the swell* est kind of an occasion at that place 01 the 29th in honor of the completion oi the S. V. llailroad?will have a rcgulai ul>lo* ouV'?must confess that lam rioi well enough versed in slang phrases t< tell exactly what that means. , ; v. ' '.-V- A ; Mr. Willie Haskin hns a hen that does not seem to favor the missionary cause. . For sometime the children in and around hfcl'G huVH honn Qnllirx* oil /\f (hn Wnmlo w *,mv eggs that the}* could pick up and giving the proceeds thereof to the missionary f f cause. Now I do not pretend to say the ^ hen above alluded to, heard of this and i determined to contribute as little as pos- ] sible thereto, but for three sundays now ^ i in succession she has laid the smallest kind of an egg, and during those weeks has given those of the usual size. Several years since, a young lady was leaching in this township. One night, 1 as she was perhaps dreaming of ghouls I and goblins, she awakened and imagined < she saw some one trying to get in at the I window, and she began to scream, which 1 action brought the i?cntlemar of the house to her room, armed with his navy, prepared for action. Being shown the object of her terror, he iired away, and one ' would have supposed that half of the geese in the neighborhood had come I there to disrobe, from the way the feathers flew, ho having shot one of his ' wife's pillows to pieces that was in a | broken pane. - ] Some of the natives on the eastern side of Rocky River, sometimes cross the river in a batteau, and then 4,foot it" ( to town. Between those two points is a ^ pretty broad creek which many prefer t to wade to taking a circuitous route to 1 cross at the rock ford. A few days since a man, his wile and two little girls 1 reached there, and not to be outdone by 1 trifles,- he told the little girls to "pitch , in, 'taint deep he then shouldered his ^ uole 'oman." she being on the small or-, dor, and carried her across. If she had | been a one hundred and iifty pounder, he would have stuck in the mud sure. Tt is not generally known, but it is nevertheless true, that we have a veterinary surgeon in our midst, lie has only , began to practice, but it is believed that t he will do well when he ''sorter gets ] the.hang of it." l)uc West Dots. , t President Kennedy has a fine field of upland corn. vJapt. Dawson speaks in a very com- ' plimentary way of Due west, the colleges t and citizens. ' Solicitor \V. L. Phillips' introduction of Gordon at Louisville, Ga.. was elegant as to language, sentiment and thought. We are always proud of the success of ] Erskine's sons. , Fifteen glasses of soda water, drank t at one time, by one person ! Mirabile t Dicta ! Mr. J. B. Bonner is off to the Press Association. We saw on the street last week of bevy ( of five as pretty girls as you will strike ( in one batch?Misses Josie Chiles, Emma Woodruff, Jennie Grier, Jennie Edwards and .Julia Kennedy. Now beat this. We acknowledge with thanks a copy t of the New York Netos Letter, with a fine portrait of John B. Gough. handed us by our young friend Mr. li S. Cochrane. Her friends here will be glad to know that Miss Mittie Patterson's school at ( Ebenezer, Ga. closed with fine success j and a handsome exhibition. Mr. A D. Kennedy will have a fine line of hacks running to convey passen- 1 gers to and from the Institute to Don- ' aids. I Miss Eastler of Philadelphia, who has endeared herself to our people by her 1 gentle and lady like bearing (luring her ' stay in our midst, left for her home last week. And now there is "an aching < void" in the bust of one of our most es- < teemed young men. j Mr. llobt. Cochrane, of Charlotte, is making a pleasant stay with Capt. J. M. Cochrane. An Indian, monkey and 'coon took in the quarters of our town last week, and ihe town council took in $5 as result. The Widemans speak of disbanding. They have not been on the diamond ' since the game with Augusta, and baseball fever is dying out. We have no second nine to practice with. Due West 'is so quiet now that the other day a terrapin was seen walking around on main street, within a few i steps of the post office. Our j'oung friends. Messrs. R. E. Al len & Co. were damaged by the recent floods. The city bore part of the loss. Miss Mary Darlington. on? of the . most successful female teachers of the state is spending her vacation at home and is looking exceedingly well. Mr. Allen McAdams has two brag j patches of sorghum. > Mr. Geo. C. Hodges was in town Fri. day making arrangements for the teach! ers. Hoard was .agreed upon at .$1 per day. J A number of distinguished educators t are expected to lecture at night during the meetings of the Institute, n. s. o. Club Meetings. The Smithville Democratic club aro 1 requested to meet at Evans Mill on 1 Saturday 17th of July at 3 o'clock p. m. to reorganize and elect delegates to centr.il club. W. E. Henderson, J. L. White, , Secretary. President. The Long; Cane Fanners Club will i meet at Crilgal ?t 4 o'clock p. m. on Saturday 31st of July. A. P. Calvert, ' 1). P. Hannah, President. L-. Secretary. 4 The Long Cane Democratic Club will meet at Gilgal on Saturday, the 31st oj r July at 3 o'clock p. m. r D. C. Calvert, I A. F. Calvert, President. [ Secretary. The failure of the County Commis sioners of Laurens County to help build i thobridge at Maddox Mills is doing much f damage to the ownors of the Mill and is 1 r putting the public and the patrons of the t Mill to inconvenience. It would seeui i > thatHo important a bridge should receive very prompt attention.. CANDIDATES. For CoiturcHB. The friends of Judge J. S. Cothran innounce him as a candidate for Congress from the Third Congressional Disrict. Subject to the action of the Democratic primary or convention, .vhichever plan may be adopted. For the State Semite. The many friends of (Jen. llobert It. Elcmphill announce him us a cnmlitliitn 'or the State Senate, from Abbeville bounty, Hubjoet to the action of the I )cmocratic primaries. For the House of Representatives. We are authorized to announce Dr, Jeorge 11. Waddell a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce Orville l\ Calhoun, Esq., as a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. The friends of Hon. W. K. Blake anlounce him as a candidate for re-election o the House of Keprereseutatives at ,he ensuing election, subject to the ac,ion of the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce Hon. W. 11. Parker as a candidate for the House of Representatives. We are authorized to announce Ellis 3. Craydon, Esq., as a candidate for lomination for the Legislature by the Democratic Primary Election. For County Auditor. We are authorized to announce A. W. Jones as a candidate for recoininendaion for County Auditor, subject to the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce '.John I'. Lyon as a candidate for rccommcnda.ion for Auditor, subject the action of .he Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce Capt. I. T. PiirksS n? n ( iiniliilnhi fur nendation for County Auditor, subject 0 the action of the Democratic primaries. For ProbalpJiulgft. We are authorized to announce J. Puller TiVon, Esq.; as a candidate for e-election to the office of Probate Judge, subject to action of the Demote primaries. For Sclif ol ('oinmissioner. Wo are authorized to announce George C. Hodges, Esq., as a candidate or School Commissioner. The many friends of Capt. E. Cowan. >f the Savannah side, place him in nomilation, for School Commissioner, subset to the action of the Democracy at he primaries. For County Commissioner We are authorized to announce Capt. 1. X. King, of Ninety-Six as a candilate for County Commissioner, subject ;o the action of the Democratic primages. Capt. fr. M. Mattison is announced as 1 candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce W. [1. Whitlock as a candidate for County [Join missioner. Capt. Joel W. Lites is announced as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. Troy. We are authorized to tinnnnncn Mr YV. 1). Mann, us a candidate for County Commissioner subject to the action of Democratic primaries. The many friends of James A. McCord announce him as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner at the coming election, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. Speed&Nenffer DRUGGISTS. KEEP constantly on hand a full, and wel! selected stock of pure Drugs, Chemicals etc., etc. . All the latest and popular lines of Paten and Proprietary Medicines. Uertoine, the best Liver Medicine, cures Dyspepsia for Sale only by vx. Try our BLACKBERRY CORDIAL to. Summer Complaint: and our ConiDonnd Svr up Sarsaptirilla with Iodide Potash, for tlie Blood. BEI> BUG POISON, the most cauvcnient way of destroying these insects. DIAMOND DYES, all the Staple and Fashionable Colors A full lino of Fdncy Goods, lottet Articles, Stationery etc. etc. The best brands of Cigars, Tobacco, and Cigrar4fc$?: A complete stock of White Leads, Paints Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc., Paiut Brushes Window Glass. Golden Machine Oil. We sell the cclobrated Harrison Brother's Prepared Paint; the best in the market. Special attention paid to the Prescription Department. Physician's prescriptions and fa.nily recipes filled at ail hours of day and ni^ht, by experienced and competent hands. * Orders by hand or Mail, promptly attended to. - \ . ' . ftpcpn s- iirmnwB ? nourron. April 29, ia3J.-tf , 83. ; ^ , .'\R :>V'? ' y y! '. . . >. V !?' / '. Jv /JaifiAhnyvv AJ jgTATR OK SOUTH CAROLINA, # county or ahbkvcm.k, Ex Parte. Lula N. Quaki.es, Petition for Homestead. Notice is hereby given to all persons concernod. that Mrs. Lula N. Quarles lias applied to me to have the Homestead exemption allowed by law set oil' u> ner in the personal property of her husband, the latn 11. P. Quarles, deceased. Dated, July 20th, 1880, and published once a week for four weeks in the Abbeville Messenoeu. .1. f' K1?"h. ? Master. T.C. PERU, UNDMU The New Hotel, HAS in stock a complete assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stud's, Varnishes &c. A LSO A.LL TDK POPULAR Patent Medicines now in use, many of them Non-secret prepaniliniK vi inc ?erv best Cough Mixtures, Dispeptic and Kidney preparations, Rheumatic and Ncuralgic preparations PREPARATIONS. T YDIA PlXIvHAM'S Female.Remed\ HOLMES' LINIMENT ANI) MOTHER' Fill END. so necessary to Woman's comfort and health. Also Abdominal Supporters* Campbell's Itepositor i\rc. qur line of FANCY GOODS will be found very complete? consisting of Colognes, foreign tracts in great variety, Toilet Soaps from the cheapest to the finest. Hair, tooth, nail, shaving shoe and clothes BRUSHES. COMBS OF ALL SORTS. ALSO many articles for Housheo 1 Cooking Purposes? and Baking Powders, Extracts and Spices, and Vinegar. Close Attention Ci 30 n m 5 Oft a in 5 27 p in Di?*j Camden 12 37 p ui 7 42 p in 7 42 p in WKST DAII.V, KXCKTT SUNDAY. Leave Camilen 7 15 n in 7 III) a m 3 IS p m Due Columbia 10 25 a m 10 35 a m 10 00 p in TO ANP KTOM Al'Ol'STA. Kast (Daily.) Leave Columbia i.,"... : G 30 a in 5 27 p in Due Augusta.. . II 35 a ni 10 25 p m WKST DAILY. Leave Augusta 0 05 a in 4 10pm Due Columbiu 10155 a ni 10 00 pm Con utctionx Made at Columbia with Columbia and Greenville railroad by train arriving at 10 35. a. m. and departing at 5 27 p. in.; at Columbia Junction with Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta railroad by same train to and from all points on both roads. l'assenpers take supper at Branchville. At Charleston with steamers for New York n ~ Savannah Kailroad to and from Savannah and all points in Florida. At Augusta with Georgia and Central rail roads to and from all points West and South ufc Blackville to and from all points on Barn well uulroad. Through tickets can be pur chased to all points South and West by apply ng to . I'll D. McQueen. Agent, Columbia, S. C. 1 John B. Peck, General Manager. llen. Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag't* Turflfip Seed. ' * * V-il, h ' BUIST'S new erop Turnip Se?^,v/ All varieties. 2* centa per poun? < ' 'mm ' _ -^1