* *' ' ^ ?B>9??-S-555? I * d)c ittcsocngcr. Enteitd Ml th# *a 2nd-claS8 mutter ' TUESDAY. June g, 1888. tcrhckiption $'2 00 Ninctv-Six Sews. June 28th, 1886. After very cold weather accompaned toy still colder rain, the sun burst forth once more in all its Southern glory to help the farmer to make cotton, but, I am sorry to say very little money. Although Sparta was celebrated for paying the greatest respect to their aged people, still the whole civilized and uncivilized world more or less have in all ages, as history tells us. honored old age. For this reason no doubt we see ' very oiien in me papers oi our county made mention of the women and men, who have attained u high old n^re. Ninety-Six gives her quota as to old honored people. Here in this place lives Mrs. Agnes Calhoun, who is in her nincty-seventh year. Her maiden name i?f Griffin and she married in her younger days Johr Calhoun. Of seven children born four are living. She too helped the lost cause in sacrificing two sons, .who fell beneath the conquered banner. ?. Mrs. Calhoun Is hale and hearty, remarkably so and is not to be out done in household duties. We wish that the eve of her long life be free of all that is disagreeable, and when the last hour comes she can say, a long life and a long life spent usefully for the benefit of mankind. A gun will go off if there is no lock, stock oi* barrel about it. If Mr. \V. It. Littleton had known it, lie might not have hurt himself. But he knew the pistol was not loaded, very natural to think ro, nevertheless he now wears his hand in a sling. Such are the ways of the world nowadays. Tbo lower bridge over Wilson creek vr&a let out on Tuesday last by county Commissioner, James A. McCurd, to the ^lowest bidder, Capt. J. N. King for $500 dollars. We know we will have a good 'bridge. The 'Capt.' knows all about a ' (b ridge. Commencments are now the order of the day and many a fair maiden will return to their home for recreation. We ara sorry we received not one invitation to attend, not even to make an address but we know why. Mr. Yancy Sherard successor to Mr. E. S. Hill P. the OnloKrnloil T^otliinitrr.un jwas in town last week in behalf of Patterson, Kenshaw & Co. of Baltimore. Yancy is one of our boys therefore vre wish him great success and may he fit himself to all circumstances during life as well as he fits everybody who buys his shoes or boots. Borne time ago miscreants broke into the store in which the goods of the late 'firm of tialphin & Griffin were stored jbefore they were sold. On Monday night, June 21st, some party or parties 'threw a heavy coupling pin through the "show window of Miller & McUaslan's store. After making an opening large enough, the robber extracted two pair x>f fine shoes and other articles not 'exactly kno*n by the owners. It was 'a very bad night, the rain beat down and the elements were loose in general. Some clerks heard the racket but it was not their business to run after ?ach suspicious .noise they hear. No pedestrian far and near, and as we do ;riot indulge in the luxury of a policeman the intruders were not disturbed fend the robbery was not discovered un"' iI #KA I--- ?-? ? w. tuc vtsin mailt: him appearance nexi morning to open business. There is so ;far no clue as to the perpetrators. Ninety-Six can always be found in the front ranks of culture and enter j)risf. We are glad to-day to chronicle the fact that. Miss Mamie Rogers, daughter of Mr. James Rogers Jr., President of the Ninety-Six Agricultural and "Stock Fair, graduated at Cooper Limestone institute and received the first konor. She also was chosen by her class to deliver the Valedictory which is as all know the highest honor the graduating class can bestow udoii her. Misi Mamie Rogers finished her education by frequenting the above named 'Institute for two years, which is presided over by the Professors Griffith and Sams. Capt. Bonhain delivered the miniversary address and all who heard him, braised the orator. No doubt Cooper limestone Institute is one of our best female colleges and South Carolina ought to be proud of it and thank fcinccrely 1 these who take a lively interest in the education of the future housekeeper* and mothers of our sunny land. Rev. Chriet/berg of Newberry held n protracted meeting last week which wat* continued by Rev. Meaddors. The Sheriff locked up the stock of goods bought by J. D. Moore from J. A. Moofe and will remain locked we suppone until the ownship is established. ' Don't' forget the Stock Fair to be held August 10th. Prepare and be ready. V ASM BR. Housekeencrs will bp ? , - -- ? ?? iciirn that Mr. T. C. Perrin has on hand again 'this year the American Fruit Preserving [Powder and Liquid which ho many of them tried last year, and which proved i so reliable. A one dollar package will preserve 256 pounds of fruit. This year : 'promises to be a good fruit year and 'nothing is more enjoyable in the winter than well preserved peaches or applet. [Call and get a package and you will ' never regret it,. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for Outs, Bruis a, Sores, Ulcere. Salt Rheum. Fever 8ores? 'Tetter. Ohappea Hands, Chilbains, Corns, tad all Skin Bruptkma, and positively cures, 'jPUea* or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to gWe perfect satisfaction, or money refand p. Price A cents' pes box, For sale py !T.C.Perria " ? ? v;;?, ' \ J The Death of Ex-Senator Davis, of Illinois. Bloomington 111. June 2G.?Senator David Davis died at 6 o'clock this morning, He sank into a comatose state ! twelve hours before (hv end and passed ! .1 - lit film icmi ) umhj, .NiirniiiiHicu uy ins family. The cause of Judge Davis's death was Bright's disease of the kidney, aggravated by the weakened condition of his system dating from the time when he became afflicted with a carbuncle. His last hours- were calm ?nd peaceful. The fu leral will be held next Tuesday at 3 o'clock. The remains will be buried in lilootnington Cemetery. The following gentlemen have heen inviteil to act as I honorary pallbearers : Judge Walter Q. (iresham .ludge Lawrence Wilson, Hon. Leonard Swete (Jovernor Ogloshy, Hon. [ Jos. 10. McDonald, Judge John M. Scott j lion. Clayton II. Moore Col. 11. B j Latham. Hon. Jesse W. Fell. John Thorn ' tts Druttimond. H >11. D. W. Voorhees | Hon. John A. Logan, A. A. Treat and j W. D. (iriswold. The following have been inv'tcd ns ! acting pallbearers: lion. Robt. T. Linloo In, lion. A. F. Stevenson, James S. IKwing, Lyinan Burr, Frank J). Orme Duncan L. Folk, Henry W. Uinhop and i Lucius (*. Fisher. ! . . David Davis was born in Cecil County ' ; Maryland, on March 9, 1810. He was I educated at* Ketiyon Collge, Ohio from j I which he was graduated in 1832. He; ; studied law at the New Haven Law j Schools and at Lenox, Massachussetts, ' and was admitted to the Bar about the | year 1835. He began the practice of ins ! profession in Illionisin 1836 at Blooming , ton. He early turned his attention to politics and was a successful candidate for State Representative in 1844 Three I years later he was chosen a delegate to ' the Constitutional Convention which assembled in 1847. In the following year i he was elected a Judge of one of the | Circuit Courts of Illinois, which posi' tion he held by succssive elections until I 18li'2, when he resigned. He was a | delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, in 18(50, and in aud in J862 was appointed by {'resident Lincoln as one of the Judges of the .Supreme Court. Mr Davis attracted the attention of both political parties in the eventful ynarofthe election of llayes, in J87(?. when he resigned his seat on the licnch to qualify as United States Senator from lllionis. to which position he hail been elected over John A. Logan by the combined votes of the Independents and Cemocrats in the State Legislature. Upon the nrgnaiaation of that body he was elected President of the Senate, and generally voted with the Democrats on strict party issues, in the arrangment for the electoral commission the Democrats hud counted on the voto of Judge Davis then in the Supreme Court, to secure a majotily decision in their favoi Judge Ibivis however, accepted the Senatorhhip and declined to be a member of the commission. This secured the nomination of Judge Bradley on the commission, and resulted in a decision in favor of Haye* instead of Tilden. Judge Davis's Senatorial career wis noi remarkable or eventiful. He was suecceedcd a* Senator from Illinois by Cien. Logan in 3885. and since that time had been living outside of the political world. Soon after his 'utiremunt from activel political life he was married at the age of 70, the event havii g been the subject of much good-natured social comment and gossip. Judge Davis's name was twice used in relation to a candidacy for the I'residcncy : Once in 1872, when he was lIUllMIIUltMl il.s L1JU CiillVlQtllC ot ihe iNll* tional (/on vontion of the Labor Reform party and again in the same year when he wax nominatad by tho Liberal Republican Convention in Cincinnati. When Grant however had been nominated in that year Judge Davis formally declined to run as the candidate of either of* the conventions which had nominated him. Jud^e Dav s had wsa j ro ounced views on any of the zreatissues of the country except as to the finance question ; and .?ven on this subject he was merely understood to be in favor of the roinonctization of silver and the post ? ?L i?miviiiviii. ui uie resumption or specie payments. Open to the World--$100 Reward. Thomas McGettigan. Proprietor of the Palmetto Saloon offers a reward of one hunnrcd dollars to any man that can prove that he is ho K Rolling impure goods. He advertises pure tiqnors and does not dupe his customers by falsa advertisements. Call and sample his stock on court week. Everything fresh and cool. Tiy a Democraiio milk punch. s / . When the liver and kidneys are disordered ; the bowels become inactive -retain the badly digested food from the ntomaoh, and absorb deleteri* oa mattecj whicb thus poisoning the bolod gives Viae to other aerioas deran amenta. Use Dr. J. H. lie Lea*,s Liver and Kiduey Balm. | T. C. PERU, i UNDER The New Hotel, HAS in stork a complete assortment of Drills. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Varnishes ?Xrc. A LSO AM' T,IK l*ntent Medicines now in use many of them Non-secret preparations, consisting of the very best Cough Mixtures, Dispeptic ami Kidney preparations, Rheumatic ami Neuralgic preparations PREPARATIONS. jr^YDIA l'lN K HAM'S Female Reined HOLMES' LINIMENT AM) MOTIIEK' FltlKNl). so necessary to Woman's comfort ami health. Also Abdominal Supporters. Campbell's Kepositor At. | 0[*!I LINK OF I I ! DP_A.2SI"OY GOODS will be found very complete? consisting of Colognes, foreign \ tracts in "rent variety, Toilet ! Nouns from tiic cheapest to tini . lllM'St. Hair, tooth, xail. shaving SI!OK AND CLOT.IKS BRUSHES. COKUS OF ALL SOltTS. ALSO ninny articles for Household an Cooking Purposes? Baking Powders, Kxtracts and Spices, and Vinegar. Close Attention Ci v. No family Sewing Machine is com pie without | this attachment. Ketuil price onlv Jan., 20, SO. tf J. J,. SlMI'.soXPAVILUON HOTEL, Chaki.kston, S. C, First class in all its appointments. Kates, $2.00. $2.50. Kxeollciit Cnistio, I urge airy rooms, Od Passenger Klevator. Klectric bell an lights. Heated rotnm|acentrally located. Oct. 1, '84-tf Lowndesville LUMBER COMPANY, A. W. BURNETT, Manager. C1AX furnish U'MKKU. MOORS. ) SASH ami IlLIXDK at short untie anil ?t low juices. Mnv 11, 8m. Don't Hire Him. 11)0 lierebv warn all persons not to liirt I Harry Wharton, colored. who is under contract with me for the year mid has left my employ without cause. 1).?F. Andrews. Job Printing of ALL KIN';)4 NEATLY aud PROMPTLY KXKCUTF" ?AT THE? Me s s enger Offlcc. j 1 When TOU VISIT . AUGUSTA, j DON'T forget to go to the elegant bur of < R 8 Anderson, in the Augusta Hotel. Dick >ndorson is a native of Abbeville coun- 1 ty although for a good many years he has < been doing.business at Edgefield Courthouse. 1 While atopping in Augusta you qpui get no < mow elegant plaee to atop than at tho Augus- * ta Hotel. Mr. Doolittl*. the proprietor, is the hoes hotel mau of the South. Jtrae 8th| J n^os R. 8. Anderson NOTICE. rPlIE |20,000 to stock of Chester, Greenwood -L and Abbeville Railroad having been subscribed, aR required by charter, pursuant to I resolution of corporators, a meeting of subscribers to said stock , for the pnpnse <>f organization, is hereby culled at Greenwood on Tuesday, 22d of June, proximo. W. H. PARKKIJ. Chairman. 1 T-.'l. I 'ii " uicviinouu i i tlixnr, IjUUrCIIS V 11 It* Jlt'rtllU, Union Timet, Chester Reporter, mid Lancaster Ledger, copy 4 times each. COLUMBIA AND (JKEENVILLV, RAILROAD. On unci after October 5, 1884, I'assknokh Trains will rttn as herewith indicated upon this rond and its branches. ftaily ,e.rce/>t Sun tin ?/*. No. 53. trp PASSENGER Lonve f'olutnb in S. . .lunc'n...... 10 45 p ni " Columbia C. A O. 1) *11 10 p in Arrive Alston 12 10pm " Xewberrv 1 13 p m Ninety-Six 2 47 p in Greenwood 3 Oil p m Hodges 3 33 p m Helton 4 40pm at Greenville 0 05 p in No. 52. DOWN PASSENGKR. Leave Greenville at 0 ;V) n in Arrive Relton 11 1 a ni I lodges 12 2 m Greenwood 12 43 m Ninetv-Six 1 32 p n> Newberry 3 02 p in Alston 4 10 pm ' Columbia C. A G. I) 5 15 pin Arrive Columbia SC. .hitic'n . 5 30 p m 8PAKTANIH'K(?, I'NION ?V OOM'MHtA IIA 11. Ill) All. VO X A' E C TI VX.S. A. With South Carolina railroad to ami from Charleston: with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta railroad from Wilmington and all points north thereof: with Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta railroad from Charlotte and all points north thereof, 11. With Asheville mid Spartanlmrjf railroad from and for points n Western N. Carolina. Willi Atlanta and ('harlotte div Richmond and Danville railway for Atlanta and nil points south and west. Shiinfiiril hiixhrA 'Jim*. t?. It, TA l.COTT. Superintendent. >1. S I. a ('is it t Kit. t ion *1 I'assenjrer Airt. I). CAitnwKi.L. ass'i tJen'l l'ass. A?rt. j?lON*l)KNSKl) TIMK CAKI) I MAti.XOMA i?asskn<;ku KOCTK. In i'IIVcI March l.*?, IKKj. UOINIi KOITH. I I .... T ? - - - .?< < .imiu-ua -.>-< a in t .'id a in " Waterloo. . . it a m y 55 a in " Uri'i'iiwimd 7 00 a nt 2 15 p in Arrive Augusta 10 45 a in 7 45 j? in Leave " 10 50 am 10 00 pm Arrive Atlanta 5 40 p in G 40 a in Leave Augusta 11 110 a in Arrive Heuufort ft 20 p in Arrive Port It oval 0 35 put Chaleston 5 50 pm " Savannah 7 00 i>tn " Jacksonville: 7 00 am (lOlXU NORTH. Leave Jacksonville * 50 pin " Savannah 0 55 am Leave I'ort Itoyul 7 Hj am 4* Beaufort 7 47 am " Charleston 7 511 am Arrive Augusta I 50 pin Leave Atlanta + 20 pin Arrive Augusta 6 10 am Leave Augusta. *2 ;tl) pin ft 15 am Arrive tlreenwood 0 10 piu 11 40 un> " Waterloo 7 04 pin X :10 pm " Laurens 7 50 pm 4 40 pm *l)ailv tDaily except Sunday. Tickets cm sale at Greenwood to all points at thimigii rates?baggage checked to destination. Connections made at (Irecnwood with C. A G. K. It. K. T. Ciiarlton, (!. I1. A. Augusta, (?a. HMSiJCHSSV.I X.woil *j;c *tix * ThAXTlU COAST LINK, r AssKX(? KU 1) Kl?A U AM KXT, Jf(ImiiKjIuii, JV. . !/'//. i.s'iS'J. CONllKNSKIi SCIIKDCI.K. (JO ISO < IN '.VKST. K AST 4 20 am Lv.... Chillies ton.... Ar. 0 05 pin I 34 " "....Lanes 44 7 0;5 " 0 33 44 " Sumter " ?$ 37 44 7 40 pin Ar.... Columbia Lv 5 127 " 3 02 " " ?. Winnsboro.... " 3 40 " U 1 j 44 44 Chester '4 2 41 44 7005 " 44 .... Vurkrille " 11 45 a ni 7 01 " " .... Lancaster... . 44 7 00 ' 1 5ti ? Uuck Hill 44 2 02 pm 0 00 41 " Charlotte 44 I 00 2 52 p in A r.... Newborn* Lv ? P 2 50 44 44 .... Greenwood " 21 50 ' 0 01 44 14 Laurens " 0 10am 5 01 44 44 ....Anderson 44 10 27 4* 5 45 44 44 .... Greenville 44 10 00 ' 0 45 44 44 .... Wnlliallii 44 ? HO 44 4 20 44 ....Abbeville 44 1 1 25 44 3 27 44 44 ....Simrtnnburjr.... 4' 12 25 pm 7 l'? 44 44 .... Hundergon villc.. " 7 00 4* Solid Train?) butvveenlbai'Iuston ami Columbia. S. f. I. K. niVIN'K. T. M. KMKKROX. G?*n*l Siip't. flon'l Pas. Agnnt SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAY COMPANY. Cmnineneing Sunday. Jan. 3d, 1K8H. at J 35 a in Pii.?senjrer Trains will run ns follow*. until lurtlier notice, "Eastern time:" Col a m f>i n J>i r in ion?Duilv. Leave Columbia 30 n in r Due at Charleston 10 00 a in i WEST?DA 1L Y. Leave Charleston 7 20 si m 5 10 p m Due at Columbia .10 35 a m 10 00 p in Camdfn Diritinn?Daily except Sundays. Leave Columbia 0 30 a m 5 05 a in 5 27 p in Due Camdon 12 37 p ii 7 42 p m 7 42 p iii WKST DAILY, KSOEFT 81'NPA Y. Leuve Camden 7 4."? a in 7 00 a m 3 15 |> m Due Columbia 10 25 a m 10 35 a in 10 00 p ni A hi/tin fit Ihrifion ? Kast Daily. Leave Columbia 6 30 a in 5 27 p m Due Augusta II 35 a m 10 25 p m WEST DAILY. Leave Aujrnsln 6 05 a m 4 -10 j> in Due Columbia lU 35 n in 10 00 p m Connection* Made at Columbia with Colombia nnrl f?rcenirille railroad by trnin urrivinsr at 1ft 35 a. in. ?nd departing at 5 27 p. m.; at C'olumhia Junction with Charlotte, Columbia and Aurusta railroad by same train to uml fr??m all joints on both roads. Passengers take supper at Branohvillc. At Charleston with steamers for New York in Saturday; and on Tuesday aud Saturday vith.istcamer for JucVs >nville and pointa on 3t. John's rirer. l>. ily with Charleston and Savannah Railroad to' aud from Savannah ind all points in Florida. At Augusta with (Jeorgia and Central rail roads to and from all points West and South it Blackville to and from all points on Burn veil railroad. Through tickets can be pur [based to all points South and West bv apply >g to D, McQueen, Agent. Colutnbin, S. C. i John b. Pvok, General Manager.. < !y,H Men. P?m. and Tickat Ag'f HO, &EITL] W. JOEL SMITi I Is the Place to Get "Well Fitted up i uxraaoisL w We havo the FULLEST PRRTTIE8T and CHEAPEST vats ever exhibited in tliin market: Hindi silk and HHtin di dudeletn. black, white and colored ties and scarfs In great Celluloid and linon cuffs and collars in tho latent styles. Black half hose in cotton and lisle thread, fancy colored a for only Met*. We keep alwavH in stock a full assortment of sizes in thi mio" the only perfect fitting Hhirt known. t>Oc. Shirt, SO We will givo you a linen bosom reinforced Bhirt for a Gauze and nainHOok under vent from 25c up. Eaady Made Clothix In addition to keeping a good ntock of clothing on baud York House with splendid stock to select from. Measure teed. Wo cau fill orders in leas than oho week. Men. Bo Wo have recoived an elegant line of Qente aud Boys fol fine selection of straws just iu. Shoes for Ladies, Gents an Our shoe stock is as good and fnll as is to bo found in t specialties : Evilt ?V Bro. ladies tine button boots, Hanai sewed shoes, Ladies and Misses Newport Ties and operas shoes. Ball and Congress and all prices and in varied styl? with spring lieels "Eat Baby" shoes. "We Would Call the Spe Of the Indie? to our nice line of Black dress goods, Oashn , A beautiful line of "Crinkled seersuckers." nim/tmn." t? i'laiu INainnnokrt and Piquet*. Aluo a choice utock of lilacl and brown Balbrix^an nolid and fancy colored. Ladies Col soapn, and any and everything the ladie* may want. Qiv W. .10EL I 747 D AY & TAN? HEADQUARTERS I Carriaps, lapis, Coacl laterii Leather, Shoe Finding i~he Finest ami Most Vario?l Assortment u liroujjht to the City, at rji: ,1:.. ~ * n ? jl uuugs oi uoinion Tit tho..o who linvi* been wrenched and jerked ill now otfor yob the incist delijjh ll'nl vehicle, will $35.00 Try one nml sure ynur hvallli. Kvcrv nnin who (iv hould have one, as the price is within v lie reach of all. DAY & TANNAHILL, PALMETTO i THOMAS McGETTIGAN. of the Inrjrest SALOON in the up-ctmnlrv, don't intei vertitffnuMits. The half is not mentioned in the three A ed for full trade. The Palmetto Hoii.se is well stocked w Foreign and Domestic Wine ??. . i. ? '? me umi iiic inarKet atlonls. lit? has pot LIQUORS nine Rye and Corn, Irish and S< Apple Pefich, Oalilornia and Fr Ale Jir Hi; can cheorfuHv roeommeuct bis poods to the piibli drinks with all the UEUCIUt'S HKVHRA(?KS of tint : DRINKS. His speciality is u larpe stock of PURE 0?<1 Gentlemen's Resort. No. 4 \ and you will not forget ajrain A Good Line of Tobaco and Ciga Speciality. WHITE BIT tall the attention of buyers to a FEW SI' DRESS G< They Iihvo the oheapest Hue * !' lSLACK SII.KS tlu-y li They hsivo also some handsome Colored Silks. They fi Colored VKIjV ETEEXS fur Dresses unit Trin.tnings. ' in all e?il | \rt}? '*! Leave Spartanburg, A. L. depot.... 1 50 p m ! s' Leave Saluda .... . 4 35 p m I Hennnpti. Leave b'lnt Itock 5 20 p m riinmnnev .1 rrivo Hendersonvilu> 5 35 j. .n r-*/*t??v?-*r. points on i tinn and al Lea* !T?iidcrftonvilTe 7 00 am night expi Leave K!at U..ck 7 15 a ni w Charles Ia-uve Salmis 7 55 a nt 7. All tr Leave Jir Line Junction 10 4:t a m nd ?? Until Arrive li. * l? ?. .. .. pjmimiiuiir^. ill JU a 111 ? . ... . ... ... . I.. W. PBRR 1 rum# ?n this rond run hv Air-Ilinc time. T>KRR1I jmlli trains make connect loan ft':* Columbia ?wl Chnrlunton viu Spartanburg, (Tnlmi and ' "nlumbiit ; Atlanta und Chariottt? by air line. J AS. ANDERSON, Superintendent - 'v ; .. t . ' , EMM! ~' I & SON'S for Spring & Summer EiVR. lino of Oont?, Youths and Jiey* Cra ,id?* Vjowh, fancy silk and wliito lawn variety of ntyle and price. nd brown balbriggan, a real balbriggan 3 laundrlcd and QulaUudried "Eigh>< . Shirt. half dullfr, ask for it, it in a bargains Lg and Eats. Ih we have an agency with a large New taken and tit and mtisfactum guaranyrt and Children a full line for all. t bat* both Htiff and slouch, with a ^11, id Cnllciren he up country. We mention only & few 1 iV Sun taken tho lead in gunta hand lippern. GentH pumps, low quarter ;. Make the children comfortable :cial Attention tore?, TnmiHe, Henrietta find Anninen, intn. Colored mid White * awn*, Large It, Linle Thread and Cotton Hone white larx, Handkerchief*, Perfnmeiy, Toilet e uh 11 call and .see fur youirelve*. SMITH & SON. JAHILL, OK lis, SaMlery, Harness, is, Belting, if Children's Carriages Krt all l'riccH. fc and Joy >out by so-called road farts. We i FIXKST wheels and axles fo >ns a horse, or wishes to train a c<>U Augusta, 6a. SALOON ! Prowietor * * ? ? id ti? dupe hi* enstouier.* by fdlse ndbbovillf ;?upoiH. Ho ix wvll Vf \ is and Liquors, v v- v i year* nil), Good olt) lotch Whiskies, ?rich Brandies:. id FVesVi Laj?w c fur MKUK'IXAI. Uf?K. mixed and ?* nnnswallr large L/and attractive. mre ever offered. mve a jjnod assortment of lllack and 1'hoy have a nice line ?f Wmtl Laces KKKcd. They have hoatowi?d ?? n?? they arc all right in regard to color, r before. IXXKL.4 nnd BLANKETS are this stockof WI11TK BBOTHKK8. f all. A pood assortment of CAR* TILKKS. inyWm be had. L-d to the public by FEZKIRS, they hare ever carried. It is comMNtiTOX. COLUMBIA Axn awt USTA KAILROAI). f Sou h No 4 No 40 ilniinptnn 9 HO p m 1110 pm Florence 1 Mi m 2 20 * m Columbia 6 40 a m .No, III no 4# no 47 nmbia 10 00pm rcnce. 4 SO p m 1 52 a m Wilmington. .7 40 pm 610am i> 4:i >topa at all stations, Nog. 48 op onlr at Hrinklvr'*, Whiterille, n, Fair Blitft', Marion, Florence. ille, Sumter, cumdcn Junction ard I'liMftvnpera for Columbia and all c * on R, c, c a a R K, Aiken Jtinc1 point!) be.Tond, should take no. 48, ess. Separate Pullman sleepers V ton and Augusta on trains 48 and aiiiM run solid between Charleston iRtnn. COTHRAN, T* r*COTHBAK? Attorneys At Law Aibxvillk, 8. <1 .... v'/ - ; ' 'vj'vi.lr. -.jt-Y wJy&i