The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, May 11, 1886, Image 5

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. S v r i *> * . 3TI)e itteascngcr. M. L. BONHAM.Jit., ) EDITOHH AND JAS. S. I'ERRIX, f PHOPKIKTOUS, TUESDAY. May 11, 1886. MESSAGES. ( ^ , \ Jim Bryan is whitewashing the jail. ! Col. Eugene H. Gary goes to Charles' ton to-day on important legal busiiV ness. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Smith returned on .Saturday from the Savannah Centenni(A. There is an important notice to teachers in another column concerning examinations. L Mrs. S. J. llethea, who lias been quite nick for some time with typhoid-pneumonia, we are glad to report is much better. The boll of the Abbeville German Olub comes of to-night, and we have no doubt our young people will have a pleasant evening. Very interesting services were conducted at the Catholic Church Sunday by Father Monoghan. A good congregation was present. The Abbeville Farmers' Club' will meet in the Court House on Saturday at 2^ o'clock v. m. Hy order of the club, i G. C. Dcskxhuiiby, Secretaty. Mr. and Mrs. M. I\ DnHruhl left for Angusta on yesterday. Mr. DeHruhl goes from thence to Charleston in attendance upon the the United States Circuit Court. The pupils of the High School had a picnic on last Friday at Morton's Mill, j The weather was rather inclement, but we understand thoy had a pleasant day, y nevertheless. > We hear that the Dry Grove merchants are contemplating the advisability of closing their stores at six o'clock. We think it a good scheme and advise them to adopt it. * Ml. James McMillan returned on Saturday from the Land of Flowers, where he has been since the beginning of the year. He says he likes the country but not the people. Isaac Wardlaw, colored, who is in jail charged with larceny of live stock has gone crazy, we suppose from romorse of conscience. He has not eaten or drank anything for six days and is thought to be in a right bad fix. The Methodist Church was closed last Sunday on account of the absence of Rev. S. A. Weber, who is attending the General Conference in Richmond. Va. We understand that Mr. Weber will be absent two weeks yet. 'PI... ?r llw. CI I. m in, liiuivn VI tin; V/IIUJ UII propose* to have on to-morrow evening at tiiu New Hotel, a*^i;i|d.p. Tea. It isj , (given in behalf of a worthy cause anYf1 J deserves the liberal patronage of our people. They never undertake anything L that they do not do handsomely and we ( [ prodict that they will make a grand success of their Mikado Tea. Coroner Shillito went up to Ifr. T. L. if- Haddon's on last Thursday to hol?l an inquest over the dead body Joe. Cunninghnm. The verdict of the jury was that "decased came to his deHth from a blow inflicted on the head by a wagon Spoke in the hands of Ciusar Thomas." /rue latter is in jail awaiting trial at the ' June term of the Court. Miss Ollie Thwtnpson, who has been [ giving dancing lessons for the past two Ill mths in Abbeville, closoil her session 1 o i Saturday of lust week. At the last' ' tnoetiny of hor afternoon class, she sur- * p -ised them and lew of their friends, with a nice troat in the shape of straw- * b jrries, cake, lei?onade, candies, nuts I vc. Miss Thompson is a very efficient ' t -acher. and has pjiven entire satisfaction * t? her many patrons in Abbeville. She ' leaves with their best wishes and hearty recommendation to any who may want t lier services. I j For Selicol Commissioner. * The many friends of Capt. E. Cowan, " of the Savannah side, place him in nomi- t nation, for School Commissioner, sub- K ject to the action of the Democracy ut ^ the primaries. ^ , Iliickleii's Arnica Salve. 1 The best salve in the world for Outs, Ilruis- 0 es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hhenm, Fever Sores, a Tetter, 0happed Hum's, Chilbains, Corns, c tnd 9II Skin Eruptions, and positively cures, [ Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed 1 to give perfect satisfaction, or money refundop. Price 25 cents pes box. For sale pv ' T. O. l'errin " c Don't. supi>ose if you have that pain through t the right aide and shoulder blade, that yellow- 8 ness of skin and whites of the eves, and j urred appeayince of the tongue, that these indications arc of little account, or will depart s by themselves; much batter take I>r. J. II. ? McLean's Homoeopathic Liver and Kidncv \ Pellets and remedy the trouble. 25c. per vial, iv for sale by all druggists. ^ Alabastine,a natural material Tor fin- * tailing walls, ceilit?u>. i-ohjcIi plaster. | new smooth sand finish, a soiled hard ^ fiuish. painted walls, wood ceilings, wall paper, brick, rough boards, canvas, etc. * Superior to and cheaper than Kalsomine. Keadv for use by adding hot water. Can j bo mixed by any one. Any houso- ^ stepper can apply it without the aid ef ^ skilled labor. For sale only at T. C _ Porrin's Drug Store, ,? t Larje lino ladies and misses opera 1 slippers at Haddon's. / * f Our now kid button boots for ladies f and misses are fast becoming the most f Latest New York fashions in milli 'J ery record this week at Haddon's. * We carry an extensive stock of hat n , . And bonnet frames and can tnako one j short notfc? almost any shape hat or \ bonnet you may desire at lowest aolo rJ prices. Haddon. t . \ : . . ' v ' ' .. V ' ; NINETY-SIX DOTS. Xinety-Stx or a c sempre ! We had refreshing rains last week and our housekeepers are smiling, particularly those who know that through the stomach they will keep up the affection of their Lord's master. Yes our gardens are blooming. Our town council although losing their , head by the resignation of Mr. Pratt, Intendant, issued another appeal of the "indict of Nantes" so to speak in a spiritual way. About seven of our juvenile tribe, with our grand old blacksmith John King were arrested by order of the town I council for throwing ball on the streets. I The trial took place last week but all ! prisoners escaped with a reprimand. Clreat minds always will attend to the smallest matter. Quite a sensation was created by the news among our citizens that the charter of Xinety-Six was out of date. We hope some one has put it in date by this time. Anarchy at the very best is a bad customer. We had actually a show in town last week at the Academy exhibited by a i travelling artist. Xow we know all about.!erusalem and the adjacent country Further we received the advice that boys i ought not to wear brass rings neither i girls brass bracelets to decieve their respective lovers. All for ten cents. Now j we know the reason we never succeeded" well with the girls?"Too much , brass. ] Mr. W. (t. Ross our bachelor friend ' aner rtiinigating in the Mountain l)is- < triots for the last twelve months came down to the plains with his well-boring t apparatus. Three years ago he bored , lor Dr. Wenck the best well in town and hope he done it again as he operated for the second time on another place. Call j on him if you want a good well. Such t as Mr. Boss are an acquisition to any town or or city. uNeopolitanisherdudhdelsackefiferm- ^ achergesellpnherbergsvater," is one of the short words in tin? Gorman lingo. All those who are about to master language?aud I hear it is now fashionable to say uwie goht's"?let them consider v ami beware. s The narrow gauge road to be graded " from Ninety-Six to Edgefield Court House has been let out to Messrs. Alex Stuart iCfc Co., to be completed in ninety o days. Mrs. Cason widow of our late esteem- h ed friend and Brother J. F. Cason is in "j town visiting her numerous friends. ,s We give her a hearty welcome. ' The following have express packages .. in the express office : J; 1'. Brooks, J. \V. Haltiwanger, Miss Florence Camp- 01 bell. T. T. Beacham. a! al The following have unclaimed letters \> at the postotlice : Albert Boozer, Tuck- w en-C bander, J. 11. Clenn, Aner Johnson, tl Bobt. .lonos. ITonrv Smith * The case in the court of our polite and li learned Trial Justice T. L. Moore of Mrs Altu Fooshe vs. #J. A. Moore, stood a fii third-trial last..week. The jury found of lor the plaintiff the worth of the door m which sold for three dollars. J. A. ta Moore has taken an appeal to the upper 01 :ourt. "O. tempora ! (J, mores /" s'j Vasmkk. b( Bradley Bits. ^ Quite a large crowd attended the \Y stockholders meeting in Augusta, of the to & K. railroad. 11 Mr. \V. 0. Bradley and family spent several days with <_?en'l 1\ 11. Bradley, last week. vi Mr. Widlev and family of Lenoir, X. ^ j are spending some time with Mr. i). a'! W. Jay. Mrs. Widlev is a sister of Mr. lay and it has been fifteen years since a die moved from this place. They will co i.iu iijicim auiuu lllllt' III 1 I'OJ'. tt'l Mr. T. M. l)endy of Troy, who owns i plantation near here, has been getting jarrel htaves for an Augusta store. He las a car loud now and will make a shipment in a few days. We wish him nueh success in his new enterprise. The Heading club met on Friday evening at the beautiful fesidonce of fslj )r. .1. 1). Neel. Reading by Miss Bessie th iountrblood, recitation by Miss Kinma S'eel. reading by Mess. Lewis Harrison w< ind A. G. Youngblood. I'luce of next do neeting, Capt. K. II. Youngblood. An \ (lection for officers took pluce and re;ulted as follows. President Mr. J. H. C? Whiles, Jr., Vice-President Miss Josie Mi Whiles, Secretary and Treasurer Miss un Jessie Cothran, Critics Messrs. George \ Neel and A. G. Youngblood. The to^ :lub will give a picnic on Hard Labor 1 it Winterseat Bridge on Friday next, bo svery one invited to attend and bring a 1 Jasket. We are beg to extend to lai -)r. Neel and his lovely daughters our un hanks for their hospitality on that ocasion. Mr N 0 Pyles of Troy passed through own on Friday. We think there must b? ex ome attraction up this way for hiiu. As ic failed to procuro a convpvjirwu Hu vn ,,v ** tarted off on foot and in the rain, lie 4,0 urely must have a true heart and we ro1 mb him much success. * Your correspondent took a flying trip kii o Troy on Friday to witness the base foi >all game. Greenwood vs. Troy, the oc< ;ame was called at 8 o'clock with J. W. ph jyon as umpire. F. A. Cook scorer. 'n( iuite a large crowd Rathered to see the ;amo. The game was broken up sever- be kl times by the rain. Greenwood playid nino innings and Troy played eight nnings and the game was called, Troy dri 11, Greenwood 7. The next game will v'( >e played at Greenwood on Thursday text. ?"? ltev. U. F. Bradley having procured Al he services of two printer#, the I'mhti Singer will soon put in it ap- en learance. th< The meeting of the Associate lie- t'0 brined Presbyterians on Friday. Satur- do lay and Sunday was largely attended. RJ) L'he house was packed on Sunday, sev- *'i; tral visiting ministers present and m< >reached somo able sermons. The ?f inging led by Mr. G. C. Bradley was lerl'eclly grind. fo> Mr. VV. G. Calhoun has moved to Troy and can be found in the Drug off itore of Dr. L. W. Sbeppard. N. - ' *> : . * 1 % ''V' '. , " v '' <? Dne West Dots. Vegetables. Strawberries scarce." Potatoes are simmering. Due Westers were plentiful in Abbeville saleday. Abbevillo made a fine showing of her live stock resources. Mr. Clifford Mooro is improving his dwelling. | Mrs. Anna Brice has a neat wire fence ] put up along her lot. 1 Hurrah, for Home Rule ! We hope ] it may succeed. Gladstone is a grand < old statesman. One of our distinguish- ] ed citizens says he would follow him , like Stonewall's soldiers "with his eyes shut." i The College uniform will be very j pretty this year. Black skirts with t cream waists and white Leghorn hats, t The latter is a great improvement o;> last year. The choir is practicing up on anthems ( for the Theological commencement that r occurs last of May. I Wo learn through a private member I here of the election of Capt. M. L. Bon- * havn as Grand Dictator of the K. of 11. of South Carolina. A worthy selection, v Capt. lion ham is now in Providence K. > I. attending National meeting of this or- t ganization. ? Joe Cunningham has taken a relapse \ ind it is expected that he will die. lie I mid .gotten up and was going about, i'here is a suspicion that he has had an- v jther fight. R Mr. \V. C. Iladdon and wife went up 11 o Anderson last Saturday to visit their J nothcr. (, Farmers here are ploughing up their larly planted cotton and planting cotton, j? t is so cold that it does no good coining hrough the ground. m The Missionary Society held its meetnir Wednesday evening. Drs. Boyce, ll( Irier and Rev. W. L. Presaly made re- j, naiks of an interesting nature. at The Teacher's Institute will be held tJ ere on the second week in July. This e, rill suit all parties and School Comiuisioner Hodges is making complete urangmenu for a nice tiling of it. Come tie come all. Mrs. C'litl'ord Moore has the finest nrdeii of cabbage we have seen. ^ Capt. Kirk has been ordered to hold t'r imself in readiness to go work at any N loment on the C. (J. Cr. Jk (5. R. R. We liould have a full meeting at Green- C(| ood on the 13th. ru We have received a copy of the Hon. . >*. C. lienet"s Essay in pamphlet form $ ii the question "Is the Negro a failure 0ji s a laborer ?" Prof. White' article is sa so in it. Mr. Henet demolishes Prof, rhite's argument. This production ?jj ill,well repay a careful perusal. It is ;ty le ablest and fullest discussion yet resented on this subject and is true to fe. M> . cnl I he town marshal 1 has instruction to Mc nd out if possible the persons guilty '.perpretating the contemptible meanjss of cutting harness and buggies; ? King on laps uiut turning horses loose i the night of Bill Are's lecture. The _ isplcion rests on some "frying size" >ys. Mr. W. T. Cowan has our thanks for & couple of copies of the Uoad laws. ,( re understand that lie does not intend tj1, run for county Commissioner again. c e is the very man we want. Mr. James S. Peri in of the Mksskn:u ami Miss Annie Hemphill of Abholie, C. H. attended the concert at the (j< male college. Mr. \V. C. Sherod was Su so present. ^ We will be absent from Due West for j,j few days which will account for an in- X* mplete report from our town this R? ?-'k- M, K.8. G. sv Mt Greenwood Gleanings. Awnings are high and advancing. j,r We arc glad to report Mr. Marshall m, >rdan better. Sh Mr, J. W. Duckott's incubator has % I oil tvi*ion fA 'PV*n wv? fcv iftllKUUi AIIU UlU UVT1I 15 jjj u surest method. The game of ball between Greened and Troy last Friday resulted in a S? feat for Greenwood. Score 23 to 30. Iri fine game. Mr. J. T. Duckett and Miss Gussie ? lhoun were united in marriage on u? xy 6th. We wish for them a life of alloyed happiness and pleasure. ^Ir. W. J. Parks of Laurens, was in ? >vn Friday. ? Two fine rains lately. Cotton will om up. The Greenwood Tribune will be en- rP ged at an early date to an eight col- -* m paper. " ^ Mr. Parker Jordan is in town. scr A man with painted scenery gave an hibition in Waller Hall Friday night. It may not be uninteresting to give to ur readers some information in refer- ( ce to the change of gauge on the rail- Un ids in the Bouth. Mr. W. D. Melton, ter jo is a first class railroad man, has idly furnished me with the desired in -ination. The change of gauge will cur on first of June, and will be anged from fivo feet to four feet, nine ;hes. The oast rail will bo moved in 1 ree inches. Three inch guages are to ^ furnished. The spikes are all to be ; by 27th of May. On t,he day of A 2 change every other Bpike will be iven on outside of rail and those pre>usly placed driven down. The regir number of spikes will be put in mediately after the change of gauge. 1 sections will be reduced to five les. The section masters wjll be giv- ant HJteon men, one working north and , ? other south, until they meet. Secin masters will receive ten and a half ? liars a day, and the men one dolli?r d fifty cents per day and rations. v_ fteen men will work five miles, oommcing at daylight, and when the day June the firft closes the track will be ? ir feet, nine inches, and will be ready t.i r trains the next day. -p. Mrs. C. M. Calhonn, of Greenwood, is A * on a visit to her sister in Brooklyn, Y. v . ' ' * 'vv /; ' , . / Railroad Mooting At 11 i>' clock. Tuesday, May 4th, a moot injf of the citizens of Klberton am) Klbcrt connty and representees troin South Carolina iu the interest of the proposed Chester, Greenwood, Abbeville and Klberton Railroad was organized nt itie court bouse by culling lion. J. 1'. Shannon to Lin* chair anil the appointment of W.O. Butle* Secretaay. Messrs L. W. l'errin, Capt. J. T. Parks, E. M. Kucker and <). T. Calhoun, of S. C., were called upon for speeches and responded, I'nlisting the attention, eliciting the applause, and prou.ised hearty co-operation of the people present in a most important railway enterprise. These gentlemen represented their own people on the proposed line as greatly enthused iiver the road, and determined to have it, and unlv asked that Elbert county do her part in building the road to the Savannah Kiver and meet them there. In behalf of KI her ton and Elbert, county and '.heir disposition to do their part in the matter Messrs. J. I'. Shannon, Rev. .1. II. Grogan, C. Grogan and J. X. Worley spoke the lentiinent of the people iu endorsing the ;nt On motion of G. C. Grogan, Esq., the chairnan was requested to appoint a committee of cn confer iu the afternoon with the South Jurolina gentlemen present on the proposed oad This was constituted as follows: G. C. Jrogau, J. N. Worley, II. K. Gairdner. M 1'. i Jeadwylor, M. 1*. Watkins, J. II. ,Ionc<, Sr , i j. M. Dadisman, '1'. J. Hern-Jon, I). ( . ! >mith, J. II. Stovall. Mr. L. W. l'errin, of Abbeville, gave notice ; F a railroad meeting to beheld in Greenwood >. C., earty in June, and. on motion of l)r. 1. 1'. Deadwyler, the chairman appointed the ollowing to go to that meeting, with power to ; ppoint their alternates: Messers. M. P. Jeadwylcr, D. A. Mathews, j^J. N. Worley, V. W. Wilcox, .Mc Alpin Arnold and E. M. ' tucker. The following preamble and resolutions 'ore adopted: Whereas, The railroad situation, as it Sects Elbertoii. seems to be that our chances re good for the Chester, Greenwood, Abeville Olid Klhiwton ItniI?l ..u ? ?..!i ? ....... WH%|| lie IH-Ii (1.1 tut' ugusta and Chattanooga Railroad, therefore e it. Resolved, that we lieaitilv enter into the rojeet of the C., G., A. & K. H R. and irther. Resolved, Tliat we send five delegates* to lass meeting of the Augusta & Chattanooga ail road at Augusta, on the 10th of May. The following gentlemen were appointed [)d<>r this resolution : Messrs. J. H.Grogun , W. Roberts, 11. K. Gairdner, E. B. That id R. P. Wright. The meet ion tnem adjourned to convene on le 1st Tuesday in .lune for further conferice. i .1. P. Shannon, Chairman. i W. O. IU'tlkk, Secretary. action or committer ok t*n At the committee meeting on Tuesday 't croon the nature of charter required in this tate was fully discussed and a committee urn Elbert, consisting of Geo. C. Grogan. J. t . Worley. M. I*. Watkins, appointed to tain a charter for the Georgin line of this' ad, ami to rcqueat others in each of the unties of this State through which it wouid n to he joined with theiu. The charter of Chester, Greenwood 4 Ab ville Railroad provines for touching the . ivannali River at any point from a point posite Iiowndesvillu to Barksdale Ferry on id river. Hon. L. W, l'errin presided over the iiimittee meeting and much useful informant was given by him and the committee put (elf into working shape. At a meeting of the stockholders lobe heid Greenoowd S. C? of which nrucise tim<? W. O. Hutler will be Riven notice this linn it tee of Elbert will rentier u report. ;tting tliein a<liourned. L W. 1'ekuin, Clun'n Cko. (J. Gkooan Sec'y. , ( MAURKT It K POIITS. , Correctutl weekly by Messrs. Parker Hill. I'OTTOX?Market steady. Good demand a jiis ' 7 714 Iter grades 7% pro visions. !ftt 614 6><j ird U itFec 10 15 i?ar, Yellow 7 7J? bite Granulated 7% 8 ilt, tine, per sack.., 75 85 veruool, 200 Hi. sacks 1 25 tils :\Yi 4 ce 7 8 ibacCo 40 50 ilasses 30 40 i rup 25 50 ;ui , 05 75 * f dry goods. ints 5 7 i-aehed Cotton (5?^ 109? irtinfja 5J<j &y2 Shirtinjrs (5 7 Shirtings 78 lids 8 10 i country PBODUCK eet Potatoes per bushel 75 100 ah Potatoes, per bushel 150 w Corn per bs hel 65 75 ickcns per he d 15 20 gs per dozen 12}? 15 iter per pound 15 20 J i s NOTICS. , HE $20,000 to stock of Chester, Greenwood and Abbeville Railroad haring been subibed, as required by charter, pursuant to loiution of corporators, a meeting of subibers to said stock , for the pupose of orlization, is hereby called at Greenwood on J esday, 22d of June, proximo. W. H. PARKER. Chairman. Jreenwood Tribune, Laurcnsville Herald, ion Timet, Chester Reporter, and Luncas* 1 Ledger, copy 4|tiracs each. * Lowndesville jIIMBER COMPANY, . V. BURNETT, Manager , ' A.N furnish LUMBER, DOORS SASH and BLINDS at short notice 1 at low pjices. May 11* 3m. S 1 ENTRAL HTOEL, t Mrs. M. W. Thomas, Proprietress, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. sr. perrin. t. ivcotokan, >ERRIN A COTHRAN, ^ Attorneys at Law Abbeville, 8. C. j f ? * J. L. SIMPSON, AGENT FOF Fraley Quiltmg Frame. rpiIK only thoroughly practical invention jL for making Ql'M/l'S and COMKOKT jUUiKS on the Sowing Machine. Works I v..?wiin mil.(iii all mo mitoivnt makes of Machines', and doos all manner(it Quilting. O11i lr tnki's two liours to make a Comfortable, and three to four liours to make a Quilt. Will make Quilts and Comfortables of any size. Willi this Ql'lI/l'INC! KUAMK quilting is done with less elVort on the part of the operator than anv other sewing within the range of the Sewing Machine. It works like | a elinrin. 'Kxamiueit, and see for yourself. ; No family Sewing Machine is eomple without i this littuchinciit. Hetail price only $7.f>0 I .Jan., 2?, 'SO. tf .1. L. SlMI'SOX* i An Ordinance ! Against Carrying and Using Siing Shots. r|",'IK rareless and impro[ier use of SlingJL Shots in the I'uldic Square aud streets to the destruction of private property having been reported to the Council l?y ."Mindry persons, notice is hereby given that the use of Sling-Shots in the 1'ublic Suuare and stri?nt? is inrmiHlcti by Ordinance and the Town Marshal is instructed ami required to arrest all persons %-iolatinfr this Ordinance. Hv order of Council. J. S. HAMMOND, Intendant. .Mcli.2:^ \Sf>. i Notice! The Subscribers to the CAPITAL STOCK til' the National Bank of Abbeville AUK hereby notified that a call for the payment.of the tilth inst illincnt (beinjr >nc-tcutl. of their subscription) has been made for MAY 1, 1886, I Tiie Cashier will be prepared to rec?j****. for 1 .he same at the oliiee of the Hank. I I Hy or?ler of the Hoard of Directors. ; I A. H. WABDUW, President. I 11KX.I. S. HAKNWKLL, Cashier. t Feb. :?t. I Undertaking. 1 I V OPH FaCTLTIKS AltK UxSCItl'ASSKn. i # l'i Wll arc prepared to conduct burials in a most satisfactory manner. All modern Undertaking Appliances'. Competent manage- I nent guaranteed. j COFFINS, GASKETS 1 And Full Line of h BURIAL GOODS, Which auk Skcoxd to Xosk. Prices Reasonable. We aim to be Prompt Considerate and 1 i urnislied on Application. 5 Our Furniture Dep artment Is replete with an nnusunll line line f ?oods. Call and see us. " J. R. LKAVKLL, .Ik., r Greenwood, S. C. ? LIO ' <) k C yyfALTKR L. MILLER, a Attorney at Law, ' # F Abbeville, S. C. jj^'Office formerly occupied )?v fudge Thomson. oct 21, '85. Ivi lillinery! Millinery \A rllE most extensive stock of Millinery can . now be found at ^ M HADDON & CO.'S. A Job Printing ; F OF ALL KINDS F JE1TLY and PROMPTLY EXECUTT" J ?AT THE? T. ' 1 Messenger Office ? . v ' .... .... A . * V ' ' " ' , . 1 ' v ' I ' " ' -S ' ' SFE11S MODS AT Tin-: STOKK OF E. M. MDDOH & CO. 0\\ in stuck ami to urrivp l?v cvcpv train .jL^ an elegant line of MILLiNMItV atnl DKEHS <?UOl>S purchased the last ton days by Mrs. Huddon at Headquaters in New York. Can now be scon on our counters MKI.K SEEK SUCKEKS, TOULE I)E XAKI), llOUKETT GINGHAMS, ZEl'HVR SUITINGS, and otlier goods suitable for wash dresses. II. M. HADDON & Co. WE, the undersigned have this day fornivd a partnership, under the tirm name of HAMMOND & SMITH, For the Handling of GUANO. The Best Grade FERTILIZERS ire offered for sale by us at reasonable prices The Light Running New Home. finSiR 'ayinenls made to suit the purchaser. You unnot afford to do without one of those 11111hines when you can <ret it 011 sueli easy rins. Come one come all nutl hop the New louie. You will buv no other. For sale b* K. M K KAToX. -Abbirvillc. S.. July 20 th'85. 12mo. 118 ffONEY TO LEN1K [N sums of $300 and upward 011 Abbeville farming lands. Apply by letter (o ALFKKI) ALDIlICir, ltarmveU, S. C. Or in person to my Attorney, CAI'T. M.L. 1IOMIAM, Abbeville, S. C. - 1 Feb. 23, '8j-:bn ' / ' Mllial jbgJFfri IT Jheap Goods, but Credit Played Ont. rHOSE wishing to *? < ttie worth of th?f?r money, fur this venr, will tind it to their dvantage io tiadu at this well-knowu estabshment, as nopains will be snared to keep n hamls Finest tirades and Qualities of nil inds of WINKS, LIQUORS, BRAN HIES, 1GAHS and TOBACCOS. l on who pnv fasb nro tipeciaKr inTited * nd guiranteed to receive kind and prompt ttention, together with host, goods. Gentlemen can nt any time find plensiant muaement in a game of BILLIARDS or OOL, at a reasonable charge. Respectfully, F. CUNNINGHAM, Jan. 26, '80 tf SOLE PROPRIETOR. r^UGENE 1i. GARY, Hi Attorney and Counsellor at Law* bbkvillk, S. C. C. CASOK. m. l. bokhax. jr. ^ASON & BOXHAM, .J itoi-tieyt* and Counsellors at Lav, Abbeville, S. C. rill practicc in all the ConrtH of the State. |R. G. A. NEUFFER, hysiqian and Surgeon, Abbeville, S. G. cb. 16, 1885, 1 yr. \ > i. * ; < kTEW DINNER. HOUSE, Gkxknwood, 8. C. Kept by Mrs.F. <3 .Parka GbeapraUa. First-class fare. ' -4, w. thomson. i. v. tsomms. ^110MSON A THOMSON, ' Attorneys at Law, A sat TILLS, 8, C, o. 1 O'Neal Baofe. :: '>''55 ' . m