".~V'-V-.*'J ' V ' V . ... . . ~ri ' .. ' -V, '*, , ( . ' , ' ' .7 ' . V ;. .<' ' ' r' -v f ! \ ' ' v--'- ^ "" V0L- 2- . ABBEVILLE, S. C., TUESDAY, APRIL 27, IS8(i. ~ NcT^T Tne President's Mutrluge. [Now York IlernlJj Wasiiinutoo, April 18.?Curious as i may appear the current tulk about tin President's marriage .to Miss Ful ion has not yet created any agitation here The simple truth is, nobody believes it else there would be a ferment. The s?mi tuition has been worked up from Bufialt jind for the benefit of certain social in terests there. When the subject wa.< first broached about ten days ago a verj near and personal friend of the President authorized a positive denial of the report. Miss Cleveland, jtnor to bet departure for Atlantic City, also gavu it a most unequivocal contradiction, though it :.s untrue that she expressed any disapproval of any such alliance for her brother. Miss Folsom and she are warm friends, and the younger lady wns the guest of this former nt the "White House last fall. There might have been some excuse for the rumor at that time. Not that the engagement is by any means unlikely to bo true, but because of the manner in which the story has been circulated is any real doubt cast upon it. The union would certainly be a desirable one for Miss l-'olsoin. That may go without saying. To bo raised to the position of first lady of the land by such an alliance would charm an}* woman's imagination. The close personal friendship that existed between Mr. Cleveland and his now deceased law partner is known to e\ery citizen of Buffalo. Nothing could be more natural than that the former tdiould interest himself in the welfare oi the widow and daughter of his friend. If the most positive denials given here go for naught, and President Cleveland really is to be married in June, there will be a social upturning here such as tVashington never b?. fore has seen. Despite Miss Cleveland's scholarship, her position and her man)* graces, it is / \*ii undeniable fact that she has been so'Mally overshadowed by Mrs William C. H^>?v'hitney, the wife of the secretary ol VW the navy. This lady with her vast for?une, her splendid residence in New York, her commodious house on I street in this city, and her country seat just outside the borders of the Capital, has been recognized the social queen of the present season. Previously unknown to the country and unheralded on her appearance in Washington, she has, in one short vear become th#? liintntnv Republican court and the leader ol fashion. 1 am aware that many Wash ington ladies who read this will shake th *ir heads, if they do '.not dispute the assertion even more warmly. Hut the less impulsive among them will recognize its truth. Where is there any lady in any way identified with the present regime that can dispute with her the place at the top ? She cannot be named. Mrs. Manning had all the charms that fitted her for such a position. The treasury department outranks that ol the navy in the unwritten cede of precedence, but the dangerous illness of Secretarv Manning i? likw.lvr ??? ? o 'j ,w "v v r lady of Albany out of the social field fo** some time to coino. Everybody who-kdows anything about this season at Washington admits that V. rs. Whitney lias been appealed to when a triumphant success in any charitable or social enterprise was desired. Her house has been at the dispasal of her friends when she is at home, though it must bo admitted that some ot her annotates felt very badly because she recently declined to permit them to take possession of her hotne and servants when see was suddenly called to Cleveland by the death of her grandmother. She was resolute in her postponement of the newsboys' charity reception, however. For one woman to make a secret enemy of another is a serious affair. There is no such word as forgiveness in the feminine lexicon. I have been convinced of sincere womanly delight at the scandal 'vhich Mrs. Potter's reading of an obnoxious poem brought upon the "Whitney coterie. It was the only serious misstep, prior to the closing of her house, and, of course, she innocently suffered for her friend. Nobody supposes foa a moment, that Mrs. wmtney would have approved of such nauseating rubbish as "'Ostler Joe"?a species of verse that has for months been sold in beer gardens and in the stroking car of trains, but never mentioned in the presence of ladies. Tho unforeseen act of her guest has placed Mrs. Whitney in a position of conaider-nhlf difficulty. It is believed to havo "givup rise to the remark in certain high circles that it was high time to make the I White House the social center of the n t Capital. Womanly malice had every- 3 [) thing to do with th's remark. It prob- s 1 ably wus the precursor of the marriage * . seesation now having its run/ Sonic cu- y , rious things have been told me by la - dies during the past week regarding the I > channels through which ?,the prospect-, v - ivc- marriage has been given to the h s world. 1 do not dare to repeat them, a for I should have the lea'ders of the so cial factions about my ears like so many b : hornets. 1' If Mr. Cleveland is to marry in the ti near future?and I believe it is a right a gutranteed even to Presidents under the tl Constitution?it moans the inauguration b of a merry war for social supremacy such as has not been seen in this Capi- ti tal since the days of the I'ierce Admin- s< stration. The local nabobesses, now w almost a unit against "the foreign invas- s< ion," so called, will inevitably divide B and ally themselves with one or other wing in the contest. Miss Cleveland ac will retire to the . leisure necessary to produce future successful literary fruit, ill She may contemplate writing the "great tli American novel'' for all that is known to m the contrary. If she does ond introduces a review of Washington society, in there are those who will be able to re- a cognixj, if not dwell upon, some of the pa characters in the tale. ller reception in by Washington sociotv novi>p iwmn .... excessively beauty, despite her charm- th ing manners, her bright intelligence and yc and her excellent taste in dress. as Labor Unrest in Augusta. nc Auuuhta Oa., April 20.?Two weeks do ago the Executive Board of the Knights in uf Labor petitioned the Presidents of the lei cotton factories here to abolish the is ,4time or pass s3'stein that no Knight op be forced to take the place of a discharg- of ed Knight until an investigation by the th; Kxecutive Board of Knights ; that all ba machinists receive three dollars for in; twelve hours work; that lifty yards shall de constitute one cut; that where one mill ;>:iys one dollar and thirty cents daily for card grinding, and another pays one dollar ana seventy-live cents, the average price be one dollar and fifty-two and ex a half cents; thit the average price thus P'1 obtained be raised 15 pur cent., H,his ad- 1,1vance to begin May 1st. NVa The Executive Honnl asserts th.it l'h operatives have quietly submitted to il^' from 30 to 35 per cent, reduction during Ial1 the last two years. They ask an advance L>rr now because the mills can afford it. an> They desire conference with the Super- nu' intendents and overseers on any vacan- "01 cies or discharges that they may tilll the* at 1 vacancies. They ask for a holiday for f?r the employees on May 1. when they will Pal discuss the labor question ami kindred n'11 topics, and invite the Presidents of the f?? mills to attend and appoint two speak- aIK ers to address them. There are eight cotton mills in Angus- am ta, employing about 3,000 hands. It is a^1 thought most of them hnvn w?ino#l wit Knights of Labor. The Presidents of ^ } the mills held a meeting to-day, and ^e issued the following circular letter to ot^1 their employees in the mills, not notic- f?? ing the Executive Board of the Knights of Labor: 8011 "Your attention is requested to a calm wai and careful consideration of & lis paper. aft< We have received a communication purporting to come from an order known as It i ihe Knights of Labor and signed by the tho Master" Workman ? and '.he Executive J Committee of that order. Ths cominu- f?u nication pretends to . set forth certain the grievai.ces under which you are sutler- P?* ing, and their redress. This ovder jpc claims to be acting at your instance and tha in your behalf. If this be true we decline few most positively to recegnize any out- thii side interference between ourselves and hor our employees. Wo are always prepar- er < 1 x _ _ t - uu 10 comer witn you as employees, but try in no other capacity upon all the sub- of < jects to our common interests. We she recognize that the rate of wages- is a adv fair subject of agreement between the or 1 employer and the employee, and the tho right to work or quit working foranoth- .tev er belongs absolutely to every person, tho who is not a convict or a slave, and tho teai right to employ or not to employ another daj is absolute and incontestable. These ing rights can only bo limited by the parties for themselves. We shall, therefore, be elal glad to receive and fairly consider any mu communication from our employees- as mo such, but will allow no outside parties offt to manage our affairs. In conclusion, w ? > n; i rcMuuius wnoso names appear on ie circular distributed through the ills to-day a copy of these resolutions. Augusta, April 21.?Just now it is inossible to say whether there will be strike in the factories or no'. The osidents of the different mills are not cliued to talk about the matter. They e evidently determined to adhere to eir letter to the operatives telegraphed >n yesterday, and to confer with them employees and not as Knights of La- ( >r. The Knights are equally firm. It ?w remains to be seen what will be me 011 the 1st of May, the time fixed the circular of the Knights for a con- j renee with the mill presidents. There no difficulty at Graniteville, as the { era lives at that mill are not members s the Knights of Labor. It is said ;it the operatives of the factories here ve been t<-ld that the mills are tnak- -j 5 money and they ought, therefore, io inand more pn'y. " - ' SSWg | ti Feeding Horses. rhoro is a vast amount of ignorance t liihited in feeding horses. ' Some peo ^ feed their horses just when it .is ?st convenient, regardless of the nts or necessities of the animal, e capacity of the horse's stomach is nit 10 quarts. People who are ignoit of-this fact fall into many grievous ors. Those who have the care.- of mats should know something of their onomy. To illustrate?suppose' u 'se itf fed a ration of grain, and tijen . once fes a quantity of luiy, the hay ^ cas the grein from the stomach oplv tiallv digested. Grain is richer. vfin rogenous ^elements than any ot&cr J d, and should be fed at "such a time I in such a way that jit will be per- ^ tly digested if possible, and do the ^ tual all possible good. No farmer can ^ >rd toliave grain go through his stock . hout serving the purpose for which A-as fed to such atock. Toere should one time for feeding grain, and aner for feeding hay, or other coars> ,1 an^ i.? -?? ?- ' *' uiiu .y iiu iticuns siiuuiu nay do immediately aft^r grain, for the reit- 11 already stilted. It is a much better yr to feed the grain some little tiipfc )r feeding hay, and then not give any ^ r and water lor shme time at least. ^ s the office of the stomach to digest ^ nitrogenous parts of the food, and ^ ;rain, such as corn and oats, contains , a ' v b r or five times as much nitrogen as same amount of hay, it is quite imtant that grain should be longer subt to the action of the gastric juices of n any other food. These are but a r of the seemingly unimportant rags that those having tho care of m ses should always remember. Nov-] to :rowd the stomach of the horse, or in any way to hasten the functions di ligestion. If the crowding process S| >uld ever be indulged in, then it is cl isable to let the grain crowd tho hay bj force the hay from the stomach into bi intestines of the animal, instead of a ersing it and driving tho grain from in stomach only partially digested. A w nj that works regular hours every ty has a time for feeding in the morn- if and at night, and usually an hour w this purpose at noon, so that any , to borate 'method of feeding a horso gi st necessarily b? confince to gentle- m n*s horses. Yet the suggestion I hive m ircd may fce of. use "to the plebian th pk horse. When the time for feed- th is limited the grain should be fed bi t, and in thia w#y the groatost 0 | amount of good can bo derived from it. There is .still another thing of importance Hi the caro of horses, and I mention the matter with great reluctance, for the reason that ]no farmer owning and having tin; care unintelligent horses should have to be told how necessary it is to good healto that everything about the hordes, and more especially about the feed box and manger should be perfectly neat and clean. It is too often the practice for the attendant to empty the measure of grain into the feed box without even looking to see if the box is in a condition for the horse to cat out of. If the horse does not %eat his grain clean, the box should be cleaned out before another food timn > ' * .iv.1 V. i O IIU (lllllllcll more fastidious than tho horse, and if a little grain is left in the box time after time, it soon begins to decay aod offends the horse's sense of tastand smell. For the same reason'the hay rack should not be crowded full hf .hay every time the horse is fed : give qut .a small feed of hay at any timeyand it will he thus always fresh and the horse will eat it much better. Take better care of the horse and lie will serve you better.?Co)'. Canada Globe. Dmmntic Scone In Court. The following is contained in the New York Herald's report of the trial ;>f Gen. Slmh-r, secretary of the armory commission, for bribery, now in progress : The rat tat of a drum was heard. Then the strains of material music loated upon the balmy air. Every sound entered the windows of he court of oyer and terminer, and in itinctivoly the throng there was hushed 11 sympathy. In one eye some- moisture appeared or a moment; a sob almost inaudible es j^edJYom the lips.^of a soldier who had need vnflittehingiy the mortal terrors of i lenth. ' Without the Seventh regiment, in gala ' egimentals, was passing in review of | he mayor at the city hall steps ; within, leneral Alexander Shaler, major gener- ( 1 of the First brigade, National Guard, J f the State of New York, who should j ave been at the head of the ranks, him- t elf in proud array, was undergoing trial n charges of bribery. ' "Twenty-five years ago this day," j aid William Howe, of the general's t ounsel, in tones that sounded like the t otes of a distant bell, so softjjwere they 1 i Lis emotion, '"General Shaler stood on t lie steps of the Merchant's Exchange, r i Pine Street, and heard tho newsboys ' houting, that the first gun of the war c ad been fired. "\Extra! Firing on Fort Sumter!' le -boys were screaming," said Mr. 1 [owe, with elocutionary effect, and as ? e spoke his voice was accompanied by le military music. * ? "Down the steps this old soldier ran," t Ided the lawyer, "and, obtaining his itchel, saw his wife and four little ( aughters, and, as lie then felt, perhaps n eternal farewell, lie left for Wash- \ igton. There the genera) met 1'resi- g pnt Liinrnlii. wlu> lmrl ...t.." 7 .. -.w W??V?VV4 ebly.' " A more impressive scene has b yen rarely witnessed. w A i Part of Meckfcuburg Conuty in South Cardina. - - '1 Cnpt. S. B. Alexander, one of the Com- n issioners appointed by Govenor Scnles d i Investigate the disputed State lino be- E veen North and South Carolina yester- ^ ly gave County Suveyor Orr a copy of p pencer'ti survey for examination. It is aiincTl that South Carolina now has a It ig slice of land belonging to Mecklen- d urg County, and Gov. Scales is making vigorous effort to get at the real facts s' i the case. Spencer's survey-was made j. e believe,'in 1880. Mr. Orr, our Coun' Surveyor, ia'to '"figure on it," and see it contains any inaccuracies. Mr. Orr , as also given a written copy of a his- u >ry of the dispute, how it arose and the p -ound upon which it is based. He will gtp n Ciiroflll nvom!rv?t;~" ?..w v.?. vMHuunanvil illIU IIIU ^ attcr under dispute, and if he finds ' ist South Carolina is claiming land ^ lat belongs to this State he will not be ^ ickward in telling about it.?Charlotte bscrver. ii r ^ > ' . . I Elbcrton on the Railroad. [Special to Augusta Chronicle.] Ki.iucktox, April 18- Pursuant to a call, a mass meeting was hold in the court house at Klbcrton yesterday to discuss the advisability of iu.mcdicte action on the matter of building a railroad lending out of Elberton southWard Tlw? I*n?ilt lw?nen ? ?? ""^1 ..V.j.-v >, n.-j ncil IIIIL'U with interested citizens and the mooting was organized by calling Col. John P. Shannon to the chair, and appointing Mr. II. J. llrower secretary. Mr. Joseph X. Worley was called on to state the business before the meeting, which he did in a brief and forcible manner, declaring that we must do something at once towards the building of another railroad. Mr. \V. O. Butler addressed the meeting favoring an ellbrt to induce the Augusta and Chattanooga road to come by way of Klberton. I Mr. tieo. C. Grogan was called on and strongly advocated the immediate building of a short line from Klberton to conncct with the Savannah Valley road at Knright's or some point near there, thus giving us the quickest possible connection with Augusta. Rev. J. W. Roberts in a sound and forcible argument advocated an effort to bring the Augusta and Chattanooga road by IOlberton. Mr. J. X. Worley advocated the Knright road but was in favor of either. Just so we got a road he was satisfied, but a road we must and would have. Colonel II. I'1. Wri^lit moved that a committee be appointed to draft reso lutions exprcsj-ij the sentiments of the meeting. The chair appointed R. F. Wright, Thomas M. Swift, L. M. Dadiinan. X. G. Long, J. N. Worley ami George C. Grogan, who reported the following preamble and resolutions : We, the people of Elberton and Elbert county in public meeting assembled hereby express our belief that the time has c.nne when to insure the Continued growth and prosperit}* of Elberton, we must have a railroad leading from Elberton soutward ; therefore he it Jtesolved 1st, That we do hereby declare ourselves in favor of a railroad from Elberton to lap the Savannah Val ey road at or near Enrigh*'R, and jb'dgo ourselves to use all otir energies ;o oMain its accomplishment. < 2d. That a committee of seven bo opjointed to confer with the authorities of he Savannah Valley railroad and the t ntorestcd citizens of Augusta and all >ther companies and parties from whom , hey may obtain information and help , owards the building of this road.^ 3d. That we call upon all our citizens , o join heartily in this enterprise and. . 10 matter how divided we have been ; ipon other questions let us come to;ether on this?an enterprise, which in >ur judgment will add so inich to the v velfare of our town and county. 4th. That a copy of these resolutions t >e sent to Ool. W, G. Raoul President i if the flr., N. G. Lang, J. X. Worlej', and Geo. !. GrOgan. a The meeting was characterized U_ ? i-_ iiiuu^iiuui uy great earnestness and ^ p.termination, and while there was cmie difference of opinion as to the est course to pursue, all agreed tiu?: e must and would have an outlet to lUgUsta. - LBERT. ? A choice line of black gros grain silks. 'rhum\ngs to match at Iiaddon's.# s llosary bead trimmings, something ew and pretty for black aiul colored h reuses at Haddon's. >on:t be induced to send off to Now ? ork or other largo cities for your miln2ry when you can save from 15 to 25 er cent, by purchasing at Haddon's. c Russian plush for window curtains imbrequins, fringes to match at Had- - on's. rj Black all over lace, for yoke and leoves at Haddon's. Choico line lisle thread, silk and Ber- rj n gloves at Haddon's. Ladies and misses silk mitts, black _ nd colors at Haddon's. * Pearle buttons a necessity in making j( p summer garments, 5, 8, 10 and 15 cts. er dozen. Our poarl buttons six dozen >r 25 cts. a feal bargain at Haddon's. T Tho best kid glove for $1.00. Tatt, eige, brown and black at Haddon'ft. L Ladies and misses hose in light tan, [j eige, pink, blue, drabund black at Had- p< on's. ' . ? Curtain laces, nothingham and Serene i beautiful patterns at Haddon's. F . . . ; ? MgMMMMWBMBMWMnWWnrini Rasping and Greasing1 Horses Hoofs. The horse is one of the most snper. bly perfect of Nature's works, viewed physically ; and he occupies besides an exalted position among animals as to his intelligent and moral qualities. It is, therefore, most painful to see how, under the handling of intelligent (?) man, he is maltreated and even abused. Iio submits his neck to the yoke uncomplainingly; he accepts the iron planting of his feet; he allows the galling check upon the movements of his head, and yet gives man his best service, even to the death. The ignorant smith has his views as to what should bo the shape of his feet. So he cuts and rasps, and forms to suit himself. He has an idea that the hoof is made on pupose for him to rasp and shoe, and exercises all the tools of his trade up on. So he makes a shoe and fits the hoof to it; he removes the natural polished exterior, which, by its tough elasticity defends the tender parts from injnry, is nearly impervious to water, and permits a little evaporation of internal moisture, by which it is kept normally pliable and vitalized to the very surface. Ho rounds and smootns off the new surface ; leaves it in a condition to allow the moisture of the hoof to pass off rapidly and the hoof to dry and crack, and thus he recommends the application of tar and grease and lamp-black, as if he was trying to render and old boot pliable and presentable. The greasing moy be well enough?better than nothing?after the mischief is done. But why do sensible horse ovrers allow the evil which their preremptory orders, if not their remonstranes would prevent.?American Agriculturist. The handsomest line of neck wear for gents and boys to bo found anywhere at uuiiikl u OOll S. Ask for the 50 cts. reinforced shirt at Smith Son's. An elegant assortment of gents and boys straw hats in the last styles just received at Smith & Son's. Go to Smith & Son'for a nice cravat and straw hut. Uterina, the best female regulator offered to suffering women. For the cure of painful menstruation, suppressed mentruation, rheumatism, sterility, pain in back and head, or any trouble arising from disordered menstruation. Price 75 uts. For sale only by Speed & Xeuffer. Paint. Speed & Neuffor have a full and complete stock of white lead, oils, varnishes, colors, ready mixed paints, itc. etc. This is the time when a coat of paint will do your house the most ;ood. Cull and see prices before purchasing elsewhere. Also Johnstons dry sized kalsouiiuc. For sale by Speed & Xeutfer. Diamond ' Dyes. Brilliar.t, simple, economical. For coloring dresses, coats, >caiTs, yarns, stockings, ribbons, feathjrs, grasses, basket wofk, wood, etc., itc. Also for making the finest inks, .''or sale b}f Speed & Neuifer. A beautiful line of white Jndia lawns tt 0}..i, 8 and T.O cts. J'ist think of it 12 rards white lawn for 75 cts. at Hadlon's. Figured ,4In^ia linens" something new >eaulil'ul and substantial at Haddon's. Another lot of those broad plaid Irilia linens, latest out for wash dresses at laddon's. Beautiful lot colored zephyr robes vith embroidery to inntch, just received t Haddon's. If you wish comfort and durability ry our $1.00 corset at Haddon's. Nice line printed lawns at 4, 5, 6j^ nd 7 cts. per yard at Haddon's. Something now and protty in dress oods* Etainim with boucle and moray tripes at Haddon's. JPatent Medicines of all kinds at tho tore of T. C. Perrin. Chow Sullivan's "Free and Easy'' toacco at T. C. Perrin's. Sinoke the Homo Kulo cigars sold by 'homas MoQettigan. 7:-;^ Messrs. Speed & Neulfer have revived another fresh lot of nice candies. If yon want anything in the station-, ry line, besuro and call on T. C. Perin. ' v ,"_>Vv Careful attention "given to prescrip- ' tons, at all hours of night and day, at C. Perrin's Drag Store. ; ^J|hs Home Rule always gives satisfaction. 'ho best five cent cigar, sold only by 'homas McGettigan at Palmetto 8a- . >on. , St. Louis, Dee. 34th, 1885, ...,; : -Jj o Dr. J. H. HcLean, St. Loots, Mo ; fflxSSK r % ^ " i nave uaea JJT. J. H. MOLMUl'O T * Win? ung Balm, for five year* urticnlarly for my wife, 1% ?*lw wy rem*dr iat ever gave her relief for the eotlgjung flM SurrhFpowdeV together with*i*. and^will not or ult by all dmggisti. Markti Gardwex.