- : ^liiaii I . I IIUUIII 'j.'ii _ I _ ? l)e iHessengcr. ?7 l i ^AS. 8. PERRIN, Tv^r Proprietors. . J-V:Y -t*'fy11*' ' r ?? I . k?'|. mffai 'rfli'VV I TUESDAY. Ap^n 20, 188C. ft .. . ' 1 9 ? * >;HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL." ^ ',Weof Abbeville are again enlivened | ^ with, the hope that our sore need ot J ,l?ore and better railroad facilities is ( about to bt? met. The proceedings of i the meeting held in' Columbia, and ;y. . which we publish elsewhere in our pu- ! per, 9,how the character of the interest | that is aroused in the enterprise. We | : twere greatly impressed.with that meet- ' V ;ing. Impressed by the character of the ' .men who participated in it. They were ] intelligent and earnest and honest men. y. And it was evident that they represent- < qd a sentiment that was not all froth and .talk. Indeed the meeting did not in- ( dulge in the blatherskite talk, common- j ly called "gas,'' which is usual on such ocotflions. Th) question at issue was 1 calmly and quietly discussed. We de- ' duce from the remarks made by the gen- ( tleman from Chester, Maj. Mills, who i .had seen Mr. Robinson, the Baltimore ^railroad magnate, that if the ^ places interested in South Car- , 'olina help themselves, he will jhelp them build the road. It is clear that Mr. Robinson is deeply interested. He must have a Southern outlet for the Sir** ; f system of roads in which he has an in- ' vtcjrest, and this offers to him superior in- 1 ,ducements. tie has the capital to com- I j.i- jplete the enterprise if he engages in it. ( Therefore, we must at once show to him < that all along the line we are willing to do our whole duty. This is the more imperative on Abbeville because there are other routes proposed, which if we *re lukewarm and indifferent, may draw s.the road away from us. Wherefore, let MS all work together harmoniously and .enthusiastically and we verily believe we will succeed in building this road. ,NO. 0?rfriend and correspondent, ^R. J8. ^ tG.'' from Due ,^Vest says this week in ' his always interesting "Dots" that Due vjnrest iias an iu?? uiai Aoucyiiie 18 quiCK to unite on any road that leaves Due . !i I'" I i West out. We assure our friend that .this is a great mistake. Speaking for ourselves we have always believed and do still,believe that the Carolina, Cumberr-.\ > ' land Gap and Chicago R. K., is the grandest railroad enterprise yet projected; and*we have an ^biding faith that that road will yet be built, and we aro sure Aur friends at.Pue West ought to know .ihi^t jpo ii^r always be counted on to speak for and defend and aid it. In thcf'meatitime other railroad facili' ties are offered us, not antagonistic to the C,, C. G. . died" too hard tyrtty^t roajl to gifi, up j (hopc whilst {here is any prospect. We ^olisve there is yet a chance. i f Mr. i. Earie.Lewis, of Pendleton. 8. C., has promised to brihg his horse, , -j .? ?od nets said to be the beta : brtd bor^e Splith. flfe is reeUtered in c WtHaceu stud Book and took tfte first , prise* at Louisville and St. Louii*. To J all'Tttrersdf fine ptoiok.it will be a treat | - , p-;. Sick headache a sensation of oppression \ a^/faHto? ife tbetyad are Tfcty commonly t ptodoced by iodigeetioo, morbid despondency. SsM.r-ii'rltabUJ^r aodt orer aensitWenes* of the ner*Mttay/ip'a rprmjoi*jty ofemses. be traced to . pEt^b?.k?te? eiiimi' Dr. J. H. UdLmb1! Haim?. andKidney Balm. 'For sale h7| J I NINETY-SIX DOTS. Spring has come at last and we hope in good earnest. Editors will pleaso sharpen their lead pencils?we mean Hcissora lor gushing Spring poetry. I have been told in at least five different. languages and heard it said in twice that uiHiiy di tie rent countries, "That where there is a bride she is always the prettiest of her sex." Hearing the siiine fro in people with various tastes, manners und customs there must he some truth in it. %Ve had occasion to verify the truth of this old ndage at the residence of Hon. C. \V. Ivinurd, ex-Legiilator from Edgefield Uounty, on Wednesday, April 14th. The nuptials of Mr. E. M. Osoorne and Miss LoiaKinard were celebrated in the presence of a number of fair maidens and polite gentlemen of the neighborhood. Rev. R. D. Smart Prosiding Elier. of Green*vood, otticiated, assisted by Rev. W. P. Meadors, of Ninety-Six. We enjoyed everything that could be enjoyed on such occasions, because it was there in profusion and tastily arranged?except the toasts. We had our notes for a little saucy speech, carerally prepared, in our vest pocket. Our young friend Mr. Jeff. I). Moorp, a ready speaker, according to his own statement, was ready to fall into battle at very short notice?but no signal was given. Therefore all the great thoughts remained unuttered. Towards midnight the Ninety-Six local band serenaded the happy couple. The next day, April 15th, we attended the reception at the residence of Mr. A. S. Osborne, given in honor of his brother and bride. buck occasions have been so often described, that we desist. Will only mention one feature, which we can at all times recommend. The lady of the house superintended and assisted her own cooks. That was no doubt the reason we saw such a lovely table, and could enjoy the feast like a genuine French gourmand. The 0. K. cake (Osborne and Kinard) was a prolusion of thought and ideas. The last 1 saw of the lady she was accompanying a song on the organ in the parlor, [f South Carolina had as many ladies in the kitchen as in the parlor, we poor rulers or lords of creation would faro better. The Beachatns and Mr. .1. D. Watson, so well known among us for theif musical talent, were present, and we were digesting admirably under the sweet strains, reminding us of days long gone by, and could have staid there forever. But as it very often happens in life, two extremes meet, as the soft variations from the party were at their height, the writer of course was called away. While the last notes of that beautiful Scotch song Annie Laurie died away on that clear moonlit night air, we wended our way tad and lonely, from the merry crowd to one in pain? from those at the zenith of health to the bedside of one sick, sad and forsaken, stricken by the same hand who gave those we left gayety and happiness. Venly such is life ! In conclusion we wish the young couple all the good and only the good, the Great Uulcr of the Universe bus in store for them, and thank all kindly for the happy hours we spent on this occasion. We had the pleasure of seeing and examining at the residence of lion. C. W. Kinard, a bible printed A. 1). 1720, in the German language at Basel, Germany. Very large, it was bound in wood, covered with hog skin, with brass plates corners and clasps, secured well enough to stand the wear and toar of several centuries more. It is illustrated with wood cuts, showing the most interesting events of ancient history, and had in addition an original commendatory from Dr. Martin Luther. The book is comparatively well preserved and for a lover of ancient literature a great treasure. I remember to have seen an old edition of the German Bible shown to me with great pride, by Col. James Edward Culhoun at his residence on Savannah river. The Colonel gave it a place of honor. These books should be taken great care of. and if a possessor has not the time or the taste to do so he should put them in the hands of one who will care for and profit by them. Our old friend and adviser, tho well known and original Tully Branch was in town last week for several days in behalf of the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of New YnrW W? wish him the greatest success and now ;reet him most heartily wherever these lines uiay reach hi in. The bed of the Narrow Gauge Railroad through the town of Ninety-Six was located last week. We hope sin* serely that every body concerned will be pleased with its location. The Ninety-Six Stock Show will some off sometime in August. Listen ill ye ladies and farmers, and help us >ut of the difficulty. Gome one, come hi, ana success will bo the inscription >n our banner, taised not only for the jood of Ninety-Six, but for the benefit >f the whplo .country. Rev. H. T. Sloan, D. P., pastor Lower Long Cane and Cedar Springs Churches aaiMted through town last week, returnng from a religious meeting. For Jiirty-six years he has labored in beia1f of the above named churches and still never tips to serve the Lord in all j he difficult period? through life. 1 Mr. 11. it. Turner made last Tuesday j in assignment of his goods to Mr. J. D. 1 Watson, liabilities $1600. When thoughtless persons fasten a ?aper bag full of air to a dogs caudal X remits and {the canine makes tracks or a shelter at the rate of a full grown ! limoon, everybody shouts?even the i iwner, tyut latter only until he Inds out it ishis dog?after that he gets 1 nad, madder, maddest. ; The bent way jto convince your neigh>or that rou ?ro in d#?d Mrnw? ?* lim a good example and you will sue- I see*. i The furniture ?tore pf Mr. H. J.. Ki- I tard, of Ninety-Six. haa been run * -bout and ; ucp a good furied stock Ijej^t air the j ? % 0 titne and prices so low, that its trade extends over more than twepty-five miles, in fact it is the largest furniture, cottin and sewing machine store in the county. Ninety-Six is proud, and ought to be, of the establishment. VAS?MEK. An Appalling Calamity. St. I'ai'L, Minn., April 14.?St. Cloud und Sunk Klipid.-, this Stat^, were swept by a terribly destructive cyclone about 5.30 o'clock this afternoon. The first knowledge of tlie disaster wus continued iu a telegram sent to Mayor Ames fromNSt. Cloud reoorting the disaster and asking that a special be sent with physicians. A similar dispatch was received from Sauk Kapids. immediately upon receipt i (if !!> <*? nii?u*i!nr.?c ? ? - ? -V ? jr. W } > auiMn ? rie IllllliU 10 respond in I lie cull for help. A truin for St. Cloud loft at ti o'clock, information ut hand is very meagre, and sensational reports ur? current tliut 100 people were killed. It is believed that at lea^t fort)' persons have been killed and about seventy-live wounded, but it is impossible to get much information as vot. All is excitement and the streets urs filled with men and frighteued women and children. The disaster is certainly appalling. As nearly as can be learned scores of houses tiave been entirely wrecked. Twelve physicians were aboard the relief traiu which left for St. Cloud. St. Paul, April 14.?Private advices say the storm struck the railroad between the roundjhouse and depot, and swept a path 600 yards wide through the city, levelling between i60 and 200 houses. M. H. Clark, a well known lumberman who lives in St. Cloud says ninety persons were kilted and more than 100 injured, many very seriously. Superintendant Wakcman of the Manitoba Koad says between thirty and forty persons were killed at Sauk Kapids, a few miles Southeast of St. Cloud, and nearly double that number tujured The telegraph wires Northwest of this city are all down and no news direct from either St. Cloud or Sauk liapids has been received or obtainable since 7 o'clock. Our correspondent who signs himself "A Spade" writes good, sound Reuse. The Farmer's Convention can accomplish nothing if it ignores political matters altogether; for one of its chief objects is to effect a political reform in certain measures. No harm can come of this. The danger to be avoided is the organization of a farmers' political party outside and independent of the regular democratic party. That something of this sort is contemplated by at least a few is evident from the proceedings of the convention in Spartanburg, where negroes?presumably republicans?were allowed to vote for delegates, and more evident from the proceedings of the Pickens convention, in which a notorious and partisan republican took a prominent part. Advocating the filling of all officcs by farmers; and this fellow heads the delegation to Columbin. Some men in the convention will bear watching and will have to be art down on ; else they will bring discredit on the movement, and prevent turning what was intended as a benefit to all classes into a factious opposition to all classes except farmers, thus establishing an exclusive farmers' party. The good sense, the conservatism, the patriotism, and the democracy of the convention should and no doubt will give the disorganizers the g. b. ?which being freely intrepreted means either the grand bounce or the go by.?Stwbtrry Ohftrar. Mr. W. H. I'earce, of Colombia has been in Greenwood this week andhasa forceof hands at work on the stone quarry about three miles from this town, whic'i he has rented from Mr. S. A. Benjamin. Mr. I'earce is a son of Col. S. A. Pearcc, the chairman of the board of trade of Coluiubiu, and a member ol the I'oarce quarry company. We are glad to know that he has engaged in business near our town, and aa he will have a large force of hands in his employ the business will be of considerable importance to the merchants of Greenwood.? Tribute. Bridges oil the Malndu. Last Thursday the county commissioners of Abbeville let out to the lowest bidder the buildiug of two bridges on the Saluda ltiver. One at Watt's ferry was let to J. C. Aull of Edgefield at If 1200, and the ouo at liovd's mill was let to Mr. Boyd of Laurens at ? Gret 11 icood 2'ribune. Persons who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbairo and wll find a valuable remendp in Dr. J. il. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, it will banish pain and subdue all iuilamutiwn. For sale hv all druggists. The article on the first page written for the Augusta Chronicle by Mr. W. C. Benet is the best contribution to the negro question wu have seen. We agree with the writer iu the opinion that if the paeudo-philanthroptst and the politician will let the negro aloiu:, it will be better for the negro and for all concern? ed.?Newberry Obtiercor. Sickness comes univited, and strong men aud women are forced to employ menus to restore their health and strength ; Uie most successful of all known remedies for weakness, the origin of all disease, is Or. J. II. McLean's Str^pgthing Cordial and Blood i'urifier. For sale bj all druggists. Married at the residence of Hon. C. W. Kinard, of Edgefield, yesterday evening, the 14tli. inst, Mr. E. M. Osborn and Miss Nora Kinard, the Her. R. D. Smart officiating. The congressional candidates so far aro: Johnstone and Lipscomb, of Newberry; Aiken and Hetet, of Abbeville; llucker, Simpson ami Whitner, of Anderson?with Oconee and Pickens to hear from.?Aiuiu.i*un Journal. KnvMl His l.uv> Mr. D. L. Wilcoxeos of Horse Cave, Ky., pays he was, for many vents, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes ; the pains were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him iuto convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from firfst bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured and had gained iu flesh oihgtcen pounds. Says he positively believes he would hnve died, bad it not beeu for the relief utForded by Elnctric bitters. Hold at flftv cents a bottle by T. C. Perrin. Miraculous Kseape. W. W. Roed, druggist of Winchester, Ind., writes : "One of my /customers, Mrs. Lnuisa Pike, Bartoniu, Randolph Co., Ind., was a long suffererwith Consumption, and was given un to die by by her physicians. Shs hoard of Dr. King's New Discovory for Consumption and began buying it of me. Iu six months' time sne walked to this city, a distance of Bix miles, and is now so much improved she has quit using it. She feels she owes her life to it. FrccTrinl Dottles .*t T. C. Perrin's Bncklen's Arnica Snlvo. ( The Wnf ??lve in the world for rut.-?. limises. S??iv.s. I'lcera, Salt Tih?\un, Kcvrr Sor*3, Tettvr. UliHpWd Hnnds, Chilbuina. Corn-*, tnd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures, Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed lo jtivt? ncrfeot satisfaction, or nfoney refoiidep. Price 25 conta pes box. For' sale py T. O. Purrin ' . > Don't suppose if you have that pain through the right Hide and shoulder blade,- that yellowness <>f skin and whites of (he eyes,, and , furred appearance of the tongue, that these ' iodioatlons aroofllttlo account, or will depart af themselves; much better take Dr. J. H. McLean's Homoeopathic Liver and Kidney Pillets and remedy the trouble., 24c. per tial. 1 For sale by all | IC. PERU," UNDER The New Hotel, ' I: HAS in stock ti complete assortinonf nf Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes &c. A LSO ALL THE POPULAR ?JL VI Patent Medicines now in' use, dl many of them Non-secret prepa- ] rations, consisting of the very ft best Cough Mixtures, Pispoptic do nnd Kidney preparations, Bheumatic and Neuralgic preparations and Best Liniments for Man and llorse. Q THE VERY BEST FEMALE PREPARATIONS. J^YDIA -PINKHAM'S Female Remedy BllADFI ELD'S Female ltegula- * tor. HOLMES* LINIMENT AND MOTHER'S & FRIEND. SHOULDER BRACES and SKIRT SUPPORTERS, 2 so necessary to Woman's eoinfort and health. Also Abdominal a] Supporters, Campbell's Ilepositor, j|j &c. \\ CIG ARS and Tobacco kept in stock, The best brands only handled. My "Cavallo" Cigars are unsurpassed. ^ ji ?71 RESH Candies always on hand. a] QUIl LINK OF :e\a.:isrcrx- goods will be found very complete? consisting of Colognes, foreign and domestic, Handkerchief Extracts in great variety, Toilet Soaps from the cheapest to the tinest. Hair, tooth, nail, shaving SHOE AND CLOTHES BRUSHES. 1 I u COMBS OF ALL SORTS. ALSO many arti^es for IJouseho Id nn Cooking Purposes? Baking Powders, Extracts and Spiccs, and Vinegar. Close Attention Civen to PRESCRIPTIONS at all Hours, Night and Day t Speed&Nenffer DRTJQO-ISTS. KEEP constantly on hand a full, and well g selected stock of pure Drugs, Chemicals etc., etc. All the latest aud popular lines of Paten and Proprietary Mediciues. XXerbizie, the best Liver Medicine, cures Dyspepsia, for Salt only by Try our BLACKBERRY CORDIAL for Summer Complaint; and our Compound Syrup Sarsuparilta with Iodide Potash, for the Blood: BED BUG rOISOX, the most canvenient way of destroying these insects. DIAMOND DYES, all the Staple and Fashionable Colors j? A full line of Fancy Goods, j( Met Articles, Stationery etc. etc. 5 t* The best brAnds of (] CIgiu-8, Tobacco, andJG'lgarettes. 0 . A complete stock of White Leads, Paints n Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc., Paint Brushes ? Window Glass. . Golden Machine Oil. h E We sell the celebrated Harrison Brother's Prepared Paint; the best in the market. Special attention paid to tho ~ Prescription Department, i Physician's prescriptions and fa.nily re- Jl cipes filled at all hours of day and night, by experienced and competent hands. Orders by hand or Mail, promptly attended I SPEED & NEUFFER. ? April 29, 1885. tf 83, |j J AS. 6. BAILIE & SONS, _ 33JDA.X?TnmB X3ST S Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wiiulow Curtains and Shades, f Wl WALL PAPERS, BORDER8 AND f? DADOES, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats &o S' 714 BROAD 8TRJ2FT, W Dh&X^ AUGUSTA, GA " V ' \ . 4 HO, Ml W. JOEL SMI ? iv>a m ? a we nautj 10 uei w eu MUe 3XTEI03ESL " * We have tho FCTLLERT PRETTIEST and CHI ith ever exhibited iu this market: black silk am udeletrt, black, white aud oolored tied aud scarfs Celluloid and liuen ouVh and collars in tho late: Black half hotse iu cotton aud lisle thread, fancy >r only 25ctn. We keep alwavH iu stock a full assortment of ai lie" tho only perfect fitting shirt known. 50c. Nhirt, We will give you a linen bosum reinforced shir rauze and nainsook undervostH from 2&c up. Heady Hade Clol In addition to keeping a good stock of clothing ork House witli splendid stock to select from, sed. We oan fill orders iu leas thau ono week. We have reouived an elogaut line of Gents and ne selection of straw* just in. Shoes f LiadleS) Gents Our shoe otock is as good and full as is to bo ft AMniaUinu *- ? 1?t: . jLjTu b iv .di d, laaieri une button boot swed BhooH, Ladies and MiHHes Newport Tien ant ;ioes, Ball and Cougroxs and all priced and in vai ith upring bools "Fat liaby"' uhoeu. We Would Call thi if the ladioH to our nice liue Black droRH cood beautiful line of "Crinkled seer^uckero," Gingl laid Nainsookd and Piquen. AIho a choice utocl ud brown Balbriggan nulid and fanoy oolored. L japs, and any and everything the ladies may wa W. ,10 747 Undertaking. Our Faculties auk Unsurpassed. i ? U17E are prepared to conduct burial* in h| V V most satisfactory manner. All modern i J ndcrtakinfr Appliances. Com pel cut manage- I icut guaranteed. COFFINS, CASKETS And Full Line of TilTTOT A T caants Which ark Skcoxd to Nonk. Prices Reasonable. We aim to be Prompt Considerate and ! tellable. He-trse furnished on Application. Our Furniture Dep artment la replete with an unusunllfine line onds. Cull and (tee u.-s. J. R. LEAVE Mi Jr., Green wood, C. 10 No. 1859! *" Insurance License. Kxkcutivk Dkvartmkkt V office ok uompyuoot.kk-gknkrak, ? Coi.uMaiA, S. C. April 1st, 1880. ) ] certify, tint Mr. J. S, l'orrm, of Abeville. Agent of The Equitable life Assurance Company incorporated y the State of New York, has coinlied with the requisitions of th?* Act of [)u General Assembly entitled "An Act > regulate the Agencies of Insurance oinpanios not incorporator! in the Suite f South Carolina," ami I hereby li ense the said Mr. J. S. Perrin, Agont foresaid, to take risks and transact all usiness of Insurancf in this State, in le County of Abbeville, for and in bealf of said Company. xpires March 31st, 1887. W. K. Stonby. , Comptroller General. i .. i fridge to Let.! < WILT, let to tbe lowest bidder ?n Thurs- ' . day, April 8th, 1880, between the hours of i I m. and 1 ??. m. the building of the bridge toss the Saluda river at Watt's Ferry, he right is reserved to rcject any or all bids. [Kciflcations made known on day of letting. JAMES A. McCORD. Chairman 1). C. C. [ ewing Machine Repairs. 1 , | BINDING so much demand for sewing ips- { chine ropairs I will aay to tbe public ( intine anvthinir in the wsv of r?Miw 1 ? ?? - mi8b them at short Notice. 1 keep needle* r the below named machines : J*ew Heme, mericnn, Victor, Davla, Doajesticv Flore^f, ilcox. Gibbg, Orover, B^er,Hartford,Howe, ituc SLittle, Houaoholdi^emiogtenJlwrilj John,. Sineer, W?ed, White, wjlten, heeler & Wilson, Blridee, and Shottle. Oil E.^K*T(?9K,o , Marob fl, J684* wmmmmammtaamrnaam?n?gaaiMjaMWWWW**'.* ?LMM! [TH & SON'S d up far Spring & Summer. WEAR. JAPRRT lino of Gente, Youths and lieya Cra1 Hat in dude* bowrt, fauoy Bilk and wbito lawn in great vaiiety of tttyle and price. ?t stylea. colored and brown balbriggan, a roal balbrigga n zm in the laundried aud unlaundricd "Eigh50c. Shirt. t for a half dollar, aok for it, it ia a bargain. :hing and Hats. on bands we have an agency witb a largw New Measure taken and tit aud xatiufaction guaranMeu, Boyu and Children a full linn for all. Boy a foil haU both atitT and slouch, witb a or All, ana Cnlldren >und ill the un oountrv. ffa mnntirm r>"i~ ? m, lianau .V Hon takon the le?d in gento hand 1 opera (dipper*. GuntH prnnpH, low quarter ried style. Make the children comfortablo 3 Special Attention !s, CaahmoroH, Tauiitte, Henrietta and Amitt es, tianiH, Printh. Colored and White i.awnn, Large t of Black, LihIo Thread and Cotton Howe white adieu Collar*, Handkerchief*, Ferfuuiery, Toilet ,nt. Give us a call and nee for youraelveti. EL SMITH & SON. INSURANCE LICENSE. Exkcktivk OKVAKTMENT. i Office ??f Oomi'tkoli.kii Gkskuai.. ? Columbia, S. <)., April, 1st 188G. S I certify thn?, T. C. "LIPSCOMB, of Ninetv-Six, S. C. agent of the Hanover & Citizens Insurance Company, of New York, SI'RINGFIKI) INSURANCE Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, WESTERN ASSURANCE Company of Canada, ROCHESTER GERMAN, ol Rochester, New Y nrk,' HOME INSURANCE Compunv of New York ' has complied with the requisitions of the General Assembly entitled an "Act to regulate the agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State of South Carolina," and I hereby 1 cense the said T. C. LIl'SCOMli agent aforesaid, to take risk*, and transact all business of Insurance, in this State in the county of Abbeville, for and in behalf of said Companies. Expires March .11, 1HH7. \V. H. Stoney, Comptroller-Geuoral. STATE OF SOI'TII CAROLINA. AHURVII.LK COVt.rY, Court Common Pleas. Kx paru\ llcssio A. Brachnm. lVtilioncr?Application for lloinustetiil. Notice its hereby given '.n all persons concerned, that Mrs Ilessiu A. Heuchaut hns applied to me tn have the llomcMtcad exemptions ulloweil by law act olf to her in her real and personal property. Dated April the All). 1886 and published once a week tor four weeks in tlie Abbeville M EStfKNUKH. J. ('. KU'GII, Master. April,? IRSC-lt .1 v . ? gTATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COt*J)TV Of ABBEVll.l.K, Court of Common IMcmm. * Joseph A. Brown, Phillip B. S. I'eltigrew against Geo. \V. Brown, S. Bleckley, E. W. Brown, J. J. Baker, J. (i. Fret well, Bleckley, Brown A Co.. Mary Chnsteen, John L. Brown, A'ico Brown, Joseph A. Brown, Smith Brown, (ieorgio Brown, Defendants.?By Summons. For relief, (Complaint not served.) To the Defendants : (ico. W. Brown, L. Bleckley, E. W. Brown I. .1. Bilker, J. G, Frctwell, "Mai v Chastecn, John L. Brown, Joseph A. Brown, Smith Brown, Grcorpo^Brown, You are hereby Hummmed and required to answer the complaint in the action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common I'lean, for the Raid County, and to lervo a copy of your answer to the paid complaint on the subscribers at their office at Absbville C II, S C,"within twenty days after the lervico hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to annwer the :pinplaict within the time aforesaid, the plain,ifT in thia action will apply to the Couit for elicf demanded in the complaint. Dated April 8, A. I>. 1886. PARKER A MoGOWAN, I'liantifF'is Attorney's, t. s.| M. G. ZEIGLER, C. C. P. T? Mary Chaateen, Alice B*own, Smith JrotVn. Georiria Brown, nhm.ni j-?- 1 - ir, ? J UV?OUU?iO ill ibr>Ae action take notice thai tbe complaint in bis action (with copy Mimmons ) baa this day teen filed in tbo office of th* Clrrk of the Jourt f?vr Abbeville County, Abbeville C. H., *.C. : PARKER ArMcOOWAN, I Plaintiff' Attorney'#. Aprils, 1886. ,] V.,';'.. j Subscribe for (h?ME6*ESOrfc?. V" > - ^