mil - ^ * Abbeville Messenger. Entcted At tho postofTico as 2iid-class matter. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1885. SUBSCRIPTION $2 00 I MESSAGES. Mr. John H. Hogan, is in town. Mr. James M. Kason pf Charleston is in* Abbeville. The protracted meeting in the Baplist church closed on last Saturday - night. Mr. Wait, of tho Qreonvilh; Bar, was i in town last week. Col. H. T. "NVardlaw has returned - from a short visit to the country. Mrs. Norwood and Miss Bessie have returned from their sunitiier trio. Hev. Drs. lioyce" and Grier of Duo West wore in ibboville last week. Our lawyers have nil been busy during the past week preparing for the extra oourt. " The stare of P. Rosenberg & Co. will ;V., be closed on Saturday to observe religious holidays. Mrs. k. Ethridge, r- i?od lady, died ".V in the llock Church u< viborhood Tues, day morning. The bar-roams were all closed on Monday it being the da)' for the election of a new council. Capt. Lr. W. White returned from the 'Northern markets last week where he * has been to purchase his fall goods. ^ f Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenberg of Greenwood spent the Jewish New Year in Abbeville. Wu re'jrot to h?.irii of l.lin sprinits sickness, at Corouaca of Miss Jennie Delph with tvplio- malaria fever. ,4lJlood-food" is the suggestive name ofton given lo Aycr's Hursaparillia, because of its blood-enriching qualities. Hcv. Mr. Mendenhall assist:d by Itey. 11. N. Pratt preached a series of sermons In the Baptist church last week. - Mr. George C. llodges returned from his trip North on last Wednesday and _ reports that he had a very pleasant r vi ??/ Mr. Thomas McGettigan lias worked indefatigably on the Catholic church lot, and now through his skill anil labor has it nicely levelled. Don't forgot court week C. E. Bruce's fine hand sowed boots and gaiters. The best calf boot for $8.00 and JfOCO ever offered for sale in Abbeville. Jurors and witnesses will greatly facilitate the conduct of the business of tho Court next week by being promptly 5 in their nlacos. :1 * ~ . , We arc glad to stae tint Mr. E T Calhoun who has beo!>,. sick for somo time with lypho-iualaria fever is con y. sidered hotter. Quite a number of pursons from Lebanon, Longcane, Montorey and Cedar Sln?n 1* f?P IlrtWn KnAtt ?"? ? U .. .. J H?tu UVVH ill tttlullUHIIUd uptiu the. services conducted by Mr. Burk, head. p Judge McGowan leaves to-morrow for Baltimore. Miss Lucia goes with him for the purpose of entering one of i_?^he most elegant schools in that city. Last Thursday was the Jewish New Year, and our citizens of that persuasion observed it and the following day as religious holidays. Messrs. W. C. McGowan, A. W. Smith and T. I\ Cothran went to Augusta on last Friday to see the game of base ball MiPtween the Augusta and Memphis idubs. Major Earnest Gary, of Edgefield has been visiting relatives in Abbeville for the past few days The Mnjor has many friends here who are always glad to ha ye him with them. Mr. W-. E. Pennv formerly of McCorniick, S. C. and well known here is now *yrith Messrs. Daniel & Co, of Augus'ta, Ga., where he will be glod to see his , friends. Mr. Jas. Watt, died at home in Smithville township, Monday afternoon, of -disease of the heart. He was buried . Tuesday at Tranquil. "When in Augusta we think we found out where to by the best clothing for the Iqast money. Watch our advertia H ingcolumns and see if we did not.' HL .Mr. N. M. Smith, of Longcane died W7f aiif Fr'xfay about 2 a. m. and was buried ? / oft Saturday at Greenville church. He j /^leaves a wife and children and leaves 1 his crop with no one to look after it. > Yarb Madden commenced the dig- j " ging of a well on the public square in va.'j ', front of the Postoflice^on Monday last. - ;jj0 guarantees Bflcen feet of water and - receives ono dollar per foot for digging and walling. 0,ur young friend .Mr. Patterson /'Wardia w, left on Monday last for Prince$%?& ton College, New Jersey, where lie goes to enter the Theological Seminary. His \;'h?any friends hero wish him much suc^ Vicess in his undertaking. |. '-V K. M. Haddon & Co. call nM.pnt.inn tn jiV ' their immense stack of millinery, dress K Koods, silk satins, tricoltines, laces, I glomes. hosiery, shoos, flanels, embroidL eryH, Ladies and Misses wraps &c. Wa havo an Interesting comnumicajfiy tion on the first page with reforenco to [V V; ; tlto Alumna) re-union at Williamston. ^ it is from the pen of one of that col;J>, leap's fairest and most accomplished 'graduates. Mi'. J. B. Arnold gives us an interost' . ing description this week of the assasBiDtiM) of Lincoln. Hd was an eyewitness of'tho affair and hfinco his stAtcmonts "can bo roliod upon. 'His Jotter may be found on our outside. The toany friends of Ituv. H. A.xFnir, of Newberry and who was once a citir ' sen of Abbeville, will bo sorry to lenrn . -^tJwt he has bean compelled on uccount health to rosign the pastorate of ijio Now*bery church. Kon tho new Methodist church istng nioely, Mr. J. W. Sign in lading ils construction, while yon and Mr, C. V. Hammond pnlly thero to aid with suggoaai the fountain hoad the course I. Xi worms that has destroyj|ealth of your child- Give ^Indian Vermifuge before it is Only 25 cents a bottle. i An essay read before the Abbeville Literary "Club on July 24. by Mr. George G. Hodges, school commissioner of Abbeville Ceunty, advocating cer'-ain changes in the school law ol South Carolina. has attracted so much attention in the up-country, and has receivoil so many favorable comments, that it has been secured for publication in the jWeics and Courier 011 Wodnesday next. The improvement of our 00mmon schools is a subject that is engaging more than ever beforo the thoughts and attention of the progressive men of the State, and this essay is a valuable and timely contribution to tho literature on tho subject. John Wobs Uykard is like Gen.Clingman of N C., a firm believer in the efficacy of tobacco as a medical agent. He informs us that ho was cured of an almost fatal case of rheumatism by the application of wet tobacco leaves. And that a few days ago one of his children was suffering from severe pains in tho leg. After trying nearly everything else in vain he used tobacco and the little one was almost instantly releived. We beleive that General Olingman has written a treatise 011 this subject. It may be there is something in it. At any rate it is well to remember it. The young boys who played base ball with tho Troy boys here about two weeks^Ago went down to Troy 011 last Wiwlnnciln v u'iMi fltn r\C turning tho tables on the Troy boys and its is probable they would have done so had 110J, the,rain put a stop to the gnmc. At the end of the fourth inning the score stood 15 to (i in favor of tho Abbeville boys. When in Augusta and desiring anything in tho stove line you should not fail to call on Mr. W. 1. Delpli, .who is an extensivo dealer in such commod ities. You will find Mr. Delph quite a courteous, polite and obliginggentleman and he will sell you goods ns cheap as the cheapest. Look out for his advermcnt in our next issue. Our townsman M. 1\ DoBruhl, Esqy made a narrow escape from fire on last Saturday night. A' lamp on the table was accidentally unset, and tho u-linlo room soon enveloped in lliuues. The presence of mind of those present alone saved tho house and tho flame was smothered out before much damage was done. Prof. Wistnr Archer, of Virginia arrived in. Abbeville on Saturday last and opened the High School on Monday. Miss Brooks the lady assistant who was elected disappointed the Board of Trustees at the last moment and they have not yet secured any one to take her place. We regret to hear of the extreme illness of Mr. L. K. Bowie's child. It is suffering from pneumonia. We trust the good Lord will spare this babe toils parents. But if He take it hence he will give them strength to bear the edict of Him. who said '"Suffer little children to come-unto ine." The Her, 11. N. Pratt, now of Bennetsville, returned last week to visit us for a day or two here in his old home. We were (ill glad to see him, and to know he is contented and prosperous in his new home. A host of friends here wish him and his, prosperity and happiness all their lives. Messrs. Bell & Galphin announce in another column that they have a splendid stock of millinery &c., on hand. We don't well se hideous in their religiaus agitations and they had been commanded by their "Bosses^ tho town council, to close the performance promply at 10 o'clock pc p. in. fh Mr. Branch repudiated the idea of rQ "Bossism" governing his nominations, lie could vouch for the actings of the council and assured all present P" that not a member of that aujust body B< had a thing to do with religion, politics, K or whiskey for the lasl twelve months, of Tho Chairman stated that he had )vi objections to tho "New Deal" proposed it. by Mr. Branch but sinco the positive de- at ninl nf nil / Viot*trr>c ?ill " >?.? qvuj u*t uujvonuiie) ? 1 1 served, and as no other charges were K? preferred and no other name presen- M ted he declared the old council to be pc however, of the true blue party. ol Great was the rejoicing of the noble cp nine at this announcement, and Mr. J. so 8. Hammond, who heads the ticket pi was vociferously cheered. The N. D. l\ did well and deserve the confidence of their fellow-citizens. Our City Fathers. The election for Town Council passed o'ff very quietly on last Monday. The casual observer would never have taken it to be an election day. There was c|) little interest manifested in it, as there |0 was no opposition whatever, to the old council. Out of about one hundred and seventy-five voters, there were only fifty-seven votes polled. The following gentlemen compose the council and all st< re ceived the same number of votes. of t di Intendant : J. 8. Hammond. all tv . - to iv j j I T. P. Cothran. ne G. A. Douglass. Jones F. Miller. H. P. Mcllwaine. ro Religions Services. ba Rev. I)r. Burkbead has been prcnching in the Presbyterian church morning ot' and night, since Sunday last. Great crowds flock to hear the eloquent divine Pft and his sermons are calculated to do a great deal of good. There is nothing sensational about Dr. Burkhcad, SOl though he is a very successful t),( revivalist. He appeals to the reason of his hearers and docs not attempt to"\vork upon their feelings. His sermons are a connoctod series and so Mi fur have proved .masterly efforts in behnlf of the christian dispensation. Tho R* meeting will probably continuo tho rest of tho week and will doubtles? result in much good to all the denominations. Dwelling: Darned. wf The house in which Mr. M. O. Mc- . Cracken lived, situated about two and a * half miles from town was destroyed by fire on last Sunday night. Mr. McCracken and family barely escaped with 'in their lives and saved nothing whatever. 'J" The house was the property of Mrs. Ruckor and there was no insurance up- raj on it. Tho origin of the firo was un- up known but it's thought to have been the work of nn incendiary. ( tw Entertainment. tj,. We have been requested to state that the ladies of Salem Mothodist church c0 will give an entertainment for tho ben- se, efit of the church, on next Wednesday, 'ol| September 23d. Thu entertainment Dr will be given at the church and refresments of all sor ts will be served co Au Important Discovery. t0( The most important Discovery is that ? which brings the most good to tho greatest number. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Colds and Coughs will proserve tho health and save life, C* and is a priceloss boon to the afflicted. ^ Not only does it positively cure Consumption, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, ; Asthma, Hoarseness, and all affections D. oi me ^nroat, (Jhcst and Lung*, yield at once toils wonderful curative pow- -|ers. If you doubt this, got a Trial bot- X tie free, at Cothran & Perrin's Drug 181 Store, ft 6tl An End to Bono Scraping. ort Edward Sheppard, of Harrisbnrg, Ill.j says: "Having received so much bene- tei fit from- Electric Bitters, I feel it my* tei duty to let safifering humanity, know it Haveliad a running sore on my leg for mt eight years ; my doctor told me I would Ag have to have the bone scraped or leg poi amputated. I use, instead, three botties of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my log is tht now sound an woll." Electrio Bittors are sold at fifty cents Sa a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salvo at ? 25 cdnts pcr^box by Cothran $ Perrin. . at *'* . . ,;v v.? vivW''' ???????????B?? l)ne West Dots. 'Whitewashed"?Seeds ? Presbytery-* Wo Won't Forget--Poetry--History. Duk Wbst, Sept. 14th, 1885.?Due ^'est has been "whitewashed." , We had a motley lawsuit last week om Uoshen. Tho Hon. H. G. Scuddy, of Anderson ttonded court at Judge Sitton's on aturday. Miss Ella V. Miller, during tho injrval of school terms, is spending some me at homo. Our town sold completely out of irnip seed and barley. This is a good g?Mrs. Bugcnia Bates, a graduate o( ic Female College, now living in Florij, is visiting Dues West, and slopping Prof. Hood's. Dr. Grier preached an excellent scroll lost Sabbath from the text: 4,Ye c my witnesses." Tho 2nd Associate Reformed Presbyry meets this week at Woodruff, S. C. OKfc of our miniaJnro will l?? """ .... U H 111 U C U1I, aim 0 expcct to havo preaching here next ibbnth. Mr. Frank Young, now of Mississippi, visiting his brother, Prof. J. N. Young, r. Young removed from this county jarly thirty years ago. He i? an elder oin Rev. Agnew's charge and will repsent this church at the approaching rnod. Prof. Hood is giving to his Sabbath hool a series of religious and hiutori,1 questions of great interest. The hool has^>no of these under study ,ch Sabbath. The last one was : rhen, by whom and for what purpose us the council of "Xice" called ? Every object on Bonner street the se of your hand has been either paint1 or whitewashed. There is so much tic flying around in that locality that has given the popular local editor? r. J. B. Bonner?a bad cuse of sore res. AVe don't want the Meskkxokh to for ..... w.v. P.V|IVI liiuc, lO I1IC 111 1110 unties voting tho rail road tax, the patrs covering the agreement between e townships and the officers of the ad. We recently read an interesting little tinphlet in poetry, entitled "On to ill llun," written by "Uncle Dob Mcay" of Greenville 0. II. Some parts it arc- amusing, others real charming, ith a capital sprinkling of history in "Uncle Hob" who was well known the State Hot'-jo, in !76, has written to ofessor Hood for all the facts he can ve concerning the dual Wallace and ackey Houses of '76. This ho pro scs to put in verse and to South Carinians it ought to be an interesting och of history. "Undo Dob" writes luewhat on the stylo of "John Giln." Brudley Items. Cotton is worth 8%. Ctftton seed is selling at 12}.< Mr llamp Youngblood, in charge of ipt. J. T. Youngblood's storo here, is teninga large stock of general merandise and is prepared to sell goods \v down and pay the highest market ice for cotton. He is ably assisted by r. John H. Chiles, Jr. Mr. D. W. Jay is aluo filling up his are, which is in the immediate charge Mr. Wade Cothran, Jr. Mr. Jay is riding his Lime with his public gin ; is putting up a new outfit entirely, I first-class and will soon be prepared gin from 12 to 15 bules per day. ia engine is 100 feet from gin and concted by iron shafting. Our Baptist friends had a very large ngregation at Horeb on Sunday. The ree churches, Troy, Bradley and Hob had a joint meeting there, and the ptism of some eight or ten converts c result^ boing additions to one or the uur ui me iiircs. tdis ordinance was [lowed by an oxcellent sermon by the stor, llev. H. C. Smart. Messrs. Smith & Son, of your town th Esquiro Watson, of our town will on have a mammoth stock of goods in <3 Walker building here! They make trojig team and are bound to Bucceod. Our tolegraph office is in charge of r. Wofford, of Spartanburg. Mr. P. Bradley, Jr, is still the efficient R. Agt X Ninety-Six Dots. The cotton trade was brisk last !ek. Mr. James M. Seignious, of Oharles1 was in town last Friday and Sutury Prof. Lovelace, of Florence, S. C., b been elected Principol of the Xine Six High School. Aiccnamc Street is being built up [>idly, two new houses are now going and others are proposed. There is an effort boing made to erect :otton sued oil mill at this place and 0 energetic men aro^ at the head of is enterprise. Some of our be9t farmers sny that the tton crop will bo no larger, in olir "lion, than it was last year, but Iters claim more and seem to have oof of a larger crop. Mr. T. L. Moore has sold his Normon It to Mr E. Y. Sheppard. This colt [>k the first prize at our recent fuir. Master's Sales. TATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 COUNTY OK 'AKREVILI.E, Court of Common Pleas. V. Sharp against Letitia Sharp, et "al. ?Partition. . ' >Y virtue of an ordur of wiln mmln in tlia y above stated ease and dated April 24, 1ft, I will offer for sale at publio outcry at ibernio* C. H., 8. C., on Monday, October i, 1885 being Saledur, within the legal urs of vale, tho following described proper, situate in said State and County to wit: I that tract or parcel of land, being the rt of the Sharp place not sold dv the Mas at tho former sale in this caso and conning THRITY-TWO ACRfcS, >re or Idas, apd abounded by lands of Alex, [new, G. B. Riley, W. P. JIoGee, and that rtlon of Said Sharp land whioh was sold to a. Mary S. Moore and Mrs. Lucy J. Mara the Master. Terms or Sals?Cash. Purcliasor to pay j Master for papers. J. G. KLUGH, pt. 9, '85. 4t 'Master. , ? White Lawn for 6^ cents per yard Bell & Galphin's. * * - -' i 1FALL OPENING 1885. ALL are respectfully invited to invited to inspect our stock of MILLINERY . On the 24th September We have now on sale a inagniflcient display of lit 1 lyiyliV I'jJi I f NOVELTIES, 1TATS, VELVETS, RIBBONS ?CC. and a complete line of general millinery. We would also call your attention to our stock of DRESS G06l)S, PLAII) STRIPES, AND PLAIN WORSTEDS, BROCADED and PLAIN ' SILK VELVETS, BROCADED AND PLAIN VELVETEENS, in all colors and prices. Black and colored CashmereJT in all gitvui-s wiiu trimming to inaicn. ' C3iostlf5.s. Now Markets, Circulars &c., in great variety. ^ Slioes. AVe have added to our stock u beautiful line of Ladies, Misses and Childrens shoes. Very Respectfully, BELL & GALPHIN. Sept. 10, 1885. tf 132 Fall a^d W inter ==f=lS85== R. M. HADDON & CO., INVITE the Indies to inspect tlicif line . of PATTERNS, HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, BIRDS, FLOWERS, RUFFLINGS, SILKS, SATINS, i COMBINATION SUITS, EMBROIDERIES, DRESS PATTERNS, CIRCULARS, NEW MARKETS, WRAPS, SHORT WRAPS, and all the novelties of the season. THURSDAY 24th SEPTEMBER. R. M. HA 1)DON & CO. We have many Novelties to show our friends this season, that they will not find in any other House in this sectiou. Call early if you wish the most desirable geods, many lines in our stock cannot be duplicated on less than twenty-flve per cent., advance. j^jGoods arn advancing, but as lone: as our stock lasts will sell at old prices. Don't fail to call and see us, we hare some real bargains to offer in the latest novelties. R. M. HADDON & Co. September 10, ft 131 gTATE OF SOUTn CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ABBKVILLE, Court of Common Plena. A. J. Salinas & Son against Fretl'k. T. Hodges, et al.?Foreclosure. BY virtue of an order of aato made in tho above stated cano June 12, 1885, I will offer for sale at Abbevillq C. 11., S. C., being Saleday, within the legal houra of sale, the following described property, situate iu said State and County to wit: All that tract or plantation of land, on Mulberry Creek waters of Saluda River and containing ONE HUNDRED AND- FORTYEIGHT ncrea, more or loss, bounded hv lnndi now n | lately belonging to Wiiliam liodges, Suaan Itilcy nud others. Also that tract of land, containing TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN acres, more or less, and boundod by tho tract herein first mentioned, and by tho estate of Afarshall Sharp William Ilodges, and others. Tkbxr or Sai-k?One-half cash and the balance in twelve months from tho day oT sale, with interest from tho day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of nrcinises, thv purchaser to pay tho Mastor for papers, and pay for recording. J. 0. KLUGH, Sop. 9, '85. 4t Master^ Market Reports. New Yokx, September 14?C p. m.? Firm ; sales 633? middling uplands- 10 1-16; middling Orleans 10 3-16; consolidated not receipts 17,085; gross 645; exports Great Britain 3,853; continent 1,172. Futures closed quiet but; Bales 31,000 bales?September 963. Auousta, September 14.?Quiet? 8 18-16; receipts 832; sales 618. Charleston, September 14?Steady ?middling 9; net recepjs 3.167 ; gross 3,167 ; sales 600 ; stock 12,630. For geutlemen. A most *10X801 line of collars, cuffs, Handkerchiefs, ftravata etc., at Smith j yl; '' ' ,,. > g?TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, coumty ok abukvii.hb, Court of Common Plons. I). S. llarnwefl, as Adin'r of J. Kurz, deceased against C. K. Kurz et ill. BY virtue of an ordor of sale made in the ubovo >tated case and dated June 12, 1H85,' I will offer for mile at public outcry at Abbeville C. II., S. C., on Monday October 5tli, 188 being Saleduy, within the legal hours of sale, the following'describud property, ?'tuate in said State and County, being of the real estate of Jacob Kurz, deceased, to wit : all that tract or parcel of land with DWELLING 1IOUSK, in the town of Abbeville, being tho lot on which C. E. Bruco now resides containing ONE AND ONE-IIALF ACHES, more or less, bounded by lands of W. T, Penney, other lands of tlie Estate and by Tanvnrd street. Also that tract or parcel of land located iu the town of Abbeville, containing TWELVE AND ONE-HALF ACRES. more or less, and bounded by lands of J. O. Edwards, W. T. l'enny, and other lauds of said Estate, and by Tanyard street. Also, that tractor parcel of land located in the town of Abbeville, known as the TANYAKI) LOT, containing FIVE ACRES, more or less, and bounded by Ipnd* of W. T. Penney, Estate land aud Taifvard street. Also, all that lot or parcel of land, situated in the Nown of Abbeville, on the West side of Tanvard street, containing ONE AND ontr-ua aprpu - ? ? a. x \y l\ IJ l 7, more or less, under fence, and bounded by binds of the Estate of Judge Thomson, W. T. Penney and by Tanyard street. Also the TWO STORY HRIClv BUILDING on Main street, in the town Abbeville, one room of which is now occupied by C. E. lirucc as a Shoe Shop, and tho other by Peter Ma>rliaiia as a Bakery. Tkhiis ok Salk? One-half cash, as to the otlijr half a credit of twelve months with interest from day of sale, the credit portion to bo secured by bond of the purchaser, titles not to be delivered until t|ie whole purchase money is. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Sept. V85. 4t. ^TATE OF SOUTH .CAROLINA, COUNTY OF A RltKYIl, Court of Common Pleas. John A. Higgins against Alice A. Wait? Foreclosure. BY virtue of an order of sale made in the above stated case June 12th, 1885, I will oiler for sale at public ontcrv at Abbeville C. II., S. C., on Monday October 5th, 1885, being Saleday, within the legal hoars of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and County, to wit: All that undivided interest of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Acres of land in Abbeville county, dweded to "Alicc Wait by William Dunn on the 31st day of May, 1870, deed recorded in ollicu of Register of mense conveyance Abb?;villo County. Hook 0, na^e 50, said tract to bo cut olF from land of William Dunn, in Abbeville County near Hodges Depot, as will more full)* appear by reference to said deed. Tkiims of Sai.e?Cash. Purchaser to par tl,,. awt I'iipui O. J. C. KLUGH, Master. Sept. 9, '85. 4t. OTATE OF SOUTH CAUOI.INA, county ok annkvii.i.k, Court of Common Pleas. Orvillc T. Calhoun ogainst Mnry K. Brown .^-For c closure. BY virtuo of an order of sale tvadc in the above stated case nrd dated Juue 11, 1RS5, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry at Abbeville C. II., 8. C., on Monday, October 5th, 1885, being Saleday, within the legal hours of sale the following described property situated in said State and County, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of Win. McNeill and John McNeill on the North; on the South by the Haskell Mill tract and Turkey Hill, on the East by Calhoun's Creek, ana on the West by tho public road leading to Abbeville Court House,. Tkrmb ok Sri.e?Cash. Purchases to pay the Master for papers. J. C. KLUGH, Sept. 4, '85. 4t Master. gTATEOF SOUTH CAROLINA, county or ADnKvu.i.K. n * v/ouri 01 uonimon l'lens. A. J. Salinas TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, nniTKTV <11/ a nnpvii t t* ' - " ??iu?wijurM Court of Common Pleas. M. C. Gary against B. W'. Barnwel!, et nl.?Foreclosure. BY virtuo of an oiMer made in tho above stated ease and datod April 24th, 1SH5, I will rtffer for sale ut public outcry at Abbeville Court House on Monday October 5th, 1885, being Sale-day, within the lefial hours of sale, the following described property, situate in said State and County, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land nituate, lying and being in Abbeville village known as the Barnwell house and lot, bounded by lands of Alfred Kllison, Magazine and Depot streets, 11) the Fiirnnrntii limits nf ill" villc, inoasuring Four Hundred and NinetyThree (4M) Fcot on Depot street, and Three Hundred and' Thirty-Three (333) Feot on Mngnzino street, situated iu the corner of Majruiino and Depot streets. Also, that tract or puree) of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Abbeville, bounded by lundft of Thomas A. Jones, A. Bequest, lloliues & Durham, and Depot street, measuring One Hundred and SeventyFive (175) Feet on Depot street and Threo Hundred and Thlrty-lnrce (333) Feet on the dividing line between it and the parcol conveyed to Holmcfc A Durham. Also, that tr?ct or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Abbeville, bounded by lands of Alfred Ellison, Holmes A Dnrhom, Popular street and Magazine street, measuring Three Hundred and FortyFive (845)Feet and (6) inches on Magaxine atroot, Two Hundred and Forty-Two (242) Feet and (S) inches on Popular street, more or less. Terms op Sals?Ono-half cash, balance on a ered?? of twelve months, with interest frocL day of sale, the credit portion to be secured by bond of the puirhaser in eaeh instance and mortgage of the premises sold. ; Purchaser to pay the Master for papers. J. C. K.LUGH, MoKter. Tax^M^Hj IN accordance with the Act to raise sup- H plies for the fiscal year comine.ucing November 1st 1884, appoved December I 124th 1884, notice is hereby given, that I j the Treasurer's office of Abbeville I County, will be open for the collection | of Taxes, I Thursday, October 1st 1885, I and will bo open except the days in I the schedule of appointments made be low in this notice. I The rate per centum of taxes is os I follows: I Stato purposes,' mills. I County current, 3 44 I Roads and bridges, 1)? " I n tt 1 Total, 12 mills. Poll Tax $1.00 Tn all casses whore the May installments has uot been paid, a penalty of 5 per centum upon said installment will be added.. Taxes nre payable in the following kinds of funds and no other. Gold and Silver coin, United States Currency, National Bank Notes, and Coupons which shall become payable during the year 1835, on tho consolidated bonds of this State, known as "Brown 15onds," and on the bonds of this State known ns "Deficiency Bonds." Jury certificates, and tho per diem of State witnesses in tho. Circuit Courts will be received for County taxes, not including school taxes." Parties liable to Poll Tax, and fail;:ig or refusing to pay the same, will bo proceeded against as for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, "shall be fined not more than ten dollars, besides costs, or by imprisonment in the County jail, not exceeding thirty days." All taxes remaining unpaid "on tho 30th day of November 1885, the County Treasurer will proceed to collect the same by distress or otherwiso as now prescribed by law, together with the penalty of fifteen per centum on the amount so delinquent, and if the amount of such delinquent taxes, and penalties shall not be paid on or before the 15th day of December, 1885, then the same shall be treated as delinquent taxes on such real and personal properly, and shall be collected by sale of such real and personal propel ty according to law." In order to further tho collection .of the taxes and to accommodate tho tax payers as far as 1 am able, 1 have arranged the following schedule of appointinent, and request the taxv payers will | iaKc due notice thereof, as thq office nt the Court House will necessarily bo closed on those days. Vevdery, Tuesday, October 6th. Bradley, Wednesday, October 7th. Troy, Thursday, October, 8th* McCormick, Friday, Octeber 9th. Greenwood, Saturday, October 10th. Ninety-Six, Monday, October 12th. from arrival of down train until departure of up train, Tuesday, October 13th. Hodges, Wednesday, October 14th. Donalds, Thursday, October 16th. Due West, Friday, October 16th. The remainder of the time I will bo in the office at the Court House. Tax payers in Lowndesville, Magnolia, Calhoun and Bordeaux townfshins JE will tnke notice that tlie Savannah Vallev ltuilroad tax will be collected at the same time and subjcct to the same pen* nlties as the State and County tax^s. AU information as to taxes will be cheerfully given by mail or otherwise, b.ut I will not pay. postage. J. W. Perrin, County Treasurer. Sept. 9th. 1885, tf. 130. Notice Trial Justices.. TH E Trial Justiees of Abbovillo County arc advised to send in all ?ases for the special session of Court, which is to commence on the 21st day of Septctnbcr instnnt, by next Monday the 14th. instant. and alt persons who have been bound over to October Court, as well as those who may be sent up by j Trial Justices from this date to said special Court, must appear on the 21st instant, ot 10 o'clock, a. m. at Court Hall, Abbeville C. H., without further notice.' Otherwise legal penalty will be enforced. M. G. Zeigler, C. C. P. & G. S. Clerk's ofllce, Abb. S. C., Sept. 8 1885. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ABBEVILLE COUNTY. Probate Court.?Citation for fetters of Administration, Dy J. Lyon, Esq., Probata ^ Judge: WHEUKAS, W. C. Sherard has made suit to ine, to grant hira Letters of Administration Cum Testamento annexo of tho Estate and effects of Martha E, Sherard lato of Abbevillo County, de? ceased. : These nrn th?ror my hand .and so:.l, this 7th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight [sKAii.] hundred and eighty-.flve and in ' the 110th year of American Independence. Published on the 9rh dny of September, 1885, in the Mbssbngbr and on the Court House door for the time requtf* ed by law. J. Lyon, - Judxe Probate Court , \