The - Abbeville Messenger. . _ Eutered at the postoffice as 2nd-class matter. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1885. " = 8 U BSC KI FT I ON $2 00 : : . * Death of Mr. L. D. Merrimnn. This gentleman a former resident of Greenwood, died at his home in Seneca City on last Monday, of drops}' of the heurt. His remains were brought down on yesterday's train, to Greenwood and interred at the village cemetery, in the presenco of a l?rgo number of his frionds and relatives. Mr. Merriman leaves' a wife and several children to )|)0urn his loss, lie was a man of considerable means, having acquired it all . by industry and economy. His loss will be long felt. I'eaco to his asher. A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mechanicburg, I" Pa., writes : UI was afflicted with lung V fover and abcess on lungs, and reduced u to a jcnlking Skeleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bottle. After using three bottles, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appetite, and a gain in flesh of 48tt>." Call at Cothran are rapid sellers." Klectric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known + nnti will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bill ~ - every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Cothran & Perrin A Church Committee Sued. Mr. P. T. Keller, through his attorneys, Messrs. Hemphill & Calhoun, has brought suit against the- building committc of the new Methodist church at Lowndesville, for work done on the building. The contract was given to Mr. J. W. Simpson, and he employed . Mr. Keller, giving him an order on the committoc for his wntres. ThiRlhocnm. . \ mittee neglected to pay and hence the suit. M. P. DeBruhl, Esq., represents committee. / ________ The llnnk. There is no Longer any doubt that Abbeville will have a bank. More than the requisite amount of money has been subscribed, including all the subscriptions at Due West. Mr.Barnwell returned on Monday from Charleston where he secured $10,000 in subscriptions, Mr. Geo. W. Williams alone -taking $5,000. It is f thought the bank .vill be organized and in running order by December. There is no calculating the benefit that will aceruo to our town and business men from this enterprise. t > . Fox News, We are told by Messrs. Wilson", Cothran and Thomson that Mr. T- C. l'errin - ? - deserves unlimited credit for the persistence with which ho pursued a red fox into his hole. lie was ably assisted by an amature fox hunter, Mr. Andrew Edwards. The fox-took to ground at 7 a. m., and at twelve, the tired, muddy aud disgusted hunters gave hi in up us a bad job and left him where they had not fourd him. Mr. ?J. H. Wilson brought into town yesterday a red fox that he had treed and caught alive. Messrs. I'crrin and Edwards ought to I got Mr. Wilson to tell them how he catches foxes. Ho! For the Mountains. On and after Thursday, the Gth inst., wo will start a hack for Cedar Mountain (Uotel do Gower) making tri-weekly trips?Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Parties wishing to "go to Ctesar's ' Head and Buck Forest will be taken there without extra cost. Fare, $2.50. 1 'Orders-for seats will be left at Gowkii & Rkim.y'r, City Warehouse. , August 12, '85. 121 - Ice Cold Soda Water. *"* Wo are now selling this cooling and ?. v exhilarating summer boverage. We > manufacture our SODA WATISH from th? purest and best inatoral, and guar. antee it to be as good as that inade anywhere. Give it a trial, only 5 cents a glass at Speed & Neuffers. - v"*- ' "Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Mr. H. D. Rbksb, of Abbeville, is prepared !*- to do all manner of repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and will pay all express vioiica tut Hun huhi/ i.u mm irom sianons on I , the C. and G. road. He alwavs keeps in stock .7 A handsome lino of Jewelry nnd lMrted Ware I at moderate priced. Send in your orders. Address, II. 1). Hkese, Abbeville, S. C. 17 Refreshments at the Palmetto.' ' Thomas McGettignn, of tho old reliable Palmetto Saloon, invites his many friendrf to give him a call during Conrl week. The Palmetto Saloon is well stocked with first-class refreshments. . 09 A. E. Rogers, Wholesale dealer in Com, Flour," Meal, Mea., Hams, bard, Bran, Salt, Molaases, Sugar, Coffee, ttice, Soap, Ac., will deliver-goods at i any poiut on railroad at Abbeville prices. Before buying always ask for oricea, as we have advantaged that few up-country merI chants-have. A. E. Rookkh. . Mr. II. H. Murphy, an excellent maM chincat of Greenwood, is in town, ready to tepair your machine on reasonable terms; Ho warrants his work and onngs good testimonials from responsi 'Me parties. Ho may bo addressod at Greenwood, and will repair machines any whero in this or Laurens County. " July 16 2t 114 Meat! Meat!! Meat!!! Plenty of grease in Abbeville once more. White Brothers have just received 25000 \ pounds clear rib sides. ? '. White Lawn for 6)^ cents per yar at BoH.& Galphin's. p Letter, note and bill heads and envoiI onosneatly printed at the Mehrknokr i . office, at prices to suit the times. vr.iSffrj. * " s .. ^ - -' ' ..' 'Vr * : Mr. \V. A. Pringle, wq understand, intends buying cotton hero this season, jfjve him a chance to hid on yours bc'ota disposing of it olsew^ero. m Tho many friends of Col. J. T. llob- j* jrtson will be glad to learn that ho has efficiently recoyerod from his recent uckness as to be able to be out again. The Town Council advertise on the jjj Dourt House door for bids to dig anoth- . 3r well on the public square, the bidder ? .0 guarantee fifteen of water. Mr. Frank Cunningham of this place, ?f ^ . - v ? J.-^v " ; ; v . ' ;V MKSKAOK8. i Win. Stelts of Troy is in town. J Robert Mabry is clerking for R. W. Cannon. "Mr. L. W. Perrin went to Anderson on t yesterday. f Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ancruin are at Mrs. S. M. Calhoun. ( Capt. Youngblood of Troy was in ( town on Monday. ' Judge Aldrich left Abbeville 011 Monday for Anderson. 1 < II. H. P. releives constipation and , aids digestion. : Rev. W. G. Neville loft on yesterday ' for a trip to Kentucky. : Work on tho new Methodist cburcli ' lias been commenced again. I Miss Thurston left Abbeville on Monday for her school in Edgefield. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Atlanta are i visiting relatives in Abbeville. The political caldron has not com- ^ tnonccd to boil at this place as yet. I Try the the new segnr, Pinhooker, at ? Speed & Neuflfer's. Price 5 cents. 1 If your turnips have failed to come up, now is a good time to replant them. 1 Mr. L. W. Smith has returned from a j pleasant too week's visit to Cashier's { Valley. , Misses Nettie and Josie Russell leave ^ to-morrow for the Charlotte Female In- * stitutc. Mr. Arthur Parker, of New York, 1 was in Abbeville a day or so during the 1 past week. < Uev. W. II. Hanckcl, the rector, will" conduct the services at Trinity Church next Sunday. A groat many parties about town t have commenced to lay in their Bupply ^ of winter wood. Mrs. Kason of Charleston, after a pleas- c ant visit to Mrs. Dr. Gary returned > home on Monday. i Wo are prepared at this office to do all c sorts of job work and will duplicate Charleston prices. * 1 Hon. D. "Wyatt Aiken arc still at the a Hot Springs of Virginia where he 1ms gone for his health. ] An interesting article on ''Southern \ Provincialism" may be found on our J first pagethis week. } a Our Troy correspondent sends an intcrcsline account of the rpunion which was held there last week. _ a Mr. It. Lee Foster, disd at White Hall, j on Monday last. His remains were bu- j ried at Greenwood on Tuesday. The reunion of the survivors of Orr's , Regiment of llifles takes place at Sandy Springs on September 29th. When selling your cotton and paying t3 up your indebtedness don't forget that you probably owe the printers a small v amount. It will be thankfully received , now. .. 2 . Messrs. Seal ?fe Mcllwainc are prepar- t ing to build a stable or repository on h the vacant lot next to the residence of a Mr. Quarles. The following gentlemen will com- e pose the board of examiners of appli- v cants for the Citadel, vise-: Prof. George 11 C.-Hodges, Prof. S. P. Boozer and Dr. L. T. Hill. c Our young friend Prank DuPrc re- J turned to his school in Anderson on 11 Monday last, where we know he pro- u DOSOS to do eroflit t.n liiu nnfivn /-/-illn 1* School Commissioner Hodges left on v Monday for the North. Ho goes on 8 business and pleasure anath of allegiance to-the United State ind is now a full pledged American citisen with all its privileges and responsibilities. itoi. Anton I5erg, who litis been visi- m :ing Col. E. B. Gary returned to his vt lome in Orangeburg on Monday last. \\ Mr. Ronton Jonos of this place, while wrestling one day last week, got his el- of tjow broken. The doctor set it {again b< ind ho is doing well. The delegation from ^Abbeville who cc look advantage of the excursion to visit h< :he'"City by the Sea" have all returned, md report that the city was right badly ^ ised by the storm. j, W. T. McDonald is again with the yell known whoh?sale house of A. E. llogers where he cordially invites his ? tiany friends. Ho is oven better prepared o serve you now than last fall. Always A all and see him when in town and ho M vill be happy to see you and happier .till to serve you. Mr. W. W. Vance, now of Shreve>ort, La., and who has been visiting rclitives in this county, Rtaited for home qj m yesterday. His many friends here visit him success in all of his undertak ngs. The Tax-office, will Dot bo opened his year for the payment of taxes, unil the first of October. This is two th veeks later than last year. An extra term of Court clearing the as '.riininal docket before the regular terra, vould bo of great benefit to our lawyers. (jt iVe hopo that the Chief Justice will :onsent to order it. Fi Mrs. Clarkson, of Columbia, sistor-inaw of Governor Thompson, is visiting ? it Mrs. S. M. Calhoun'8 The Press and Banner and the 1 Sasly Messenger are trying to fight the - ailroad war over again. The former ob ects to the latter's boasting of tho victory vhich the friends of the road obtained it this place. JJ The Newberry and Prosperity papers nQ ira down on Congressman Tillman, bo- rj<] :ause he is throwing cold water on their gj )r0D0Scd railroad connection thrnntrh . ~~ - "O" 1)0 Sdgefield county, with Augusta. Don't forget the meeting in the inter!Kt of the County monument, to dead ohliers of tlie Confederacy, which is to at >e held in the Court House next sale- Cc lay. ho While the horse of Mr. J. F. Harper ^ vas hitched to a buggy in front of Mr. ja| F. Livingston's, it become frightened t something, antl dashing away from ae he boy who was holding him soojj freed timself from tho buggy. Damages, bout |15.00. No one hurt. qj Fnr the prompt and certain cure of ? rysipelas, us? Ayer's Sarsaparrilla, y rhich is the specific endorsed by the L uost eminent medical authorities. JL Malarial poison can bo entirely removd from the system by the use of Ayer's Lguo Cure, which contains a sure speci- n ic, in the form of vegetable product, J ised in no other remedy. Warranted. Bil o'c G. L. P. or Gilders Liver Pills pre- wi ent malaria, cures indigestion, dyspnp- ' ia, sick headache, biliousness, constipa- *1' ion and all disorders of the livor. Tiy " . box and you will bo pleased, for sale \y >y all druggists 25 cents a box. ] xx* ssrs. W. Joel Smith and A. B. ' Vardlaw left on Monday for the North- IHICIU llltjr JMUJJUISU Unilg- * 11 nga full stock of fall and winter goods. )apt. L. W. White left one day last reek for the saino pur pose. Notice to druggists and storekeepers. ? guarantee Shriner's Indian Vermifuge ? o destroy and expel worms from the A luman body, where they exist, if usad ccording to tho directions. You are uthorized )o sell it on the abovo condiions. David E. Foutz, Propietor, Baltiuore, Md. jjj Last Sunday was the most delightful- |^( y dreary day, we have had this season. 'he rain came down in torrents nearly dj< ho whole of tho day, and church goers, an rere prevented from attending service. . Ve have not heard whether the rain ,n tras sufficient to damage any of the :rops by overflow. Mr. Mack Cochran and Miss Dilly ? Ipruell, were happily married en last iunday. We extend to them our conratulations, aud wish for them long ife and much happiness. Capt. J. N. Kirk, passed down the oad on the Greenville & Columbia train n yesterday. Wo heard he had been ummoned to ^Ninety- Six, in the inter- .n nt of some proposed rail road. If finety-Six takes a notion that she wants nother rail road, she has energy and iluck enough to build it. be In an altercation near Hodges, bewoon Chearly Haddon and Harry Frank- wi in, on tho one side, and Androw Andcrod on the other, the latter was shot in he thigh, and now hobbles about on rutches, while tho two former are >onrding with tho Sheriff. The defonlants claim that^the shooting was done 3 n self-defence, and have retained Mess, iemphill & Calhoun and D. H. Magill, Ssq., to defend them. A very poor and contemptible joke n< vas perpetrated on Dr. Morrow in refert/v .. . * ~r v:, :? ^ ? iiivv ?u a lupvibui 1IIC UlUI buruugn *' he columns of our paper some time lince. We of course knew nothing >f the facts and accepted the statenent as it was given us. We regret rcry much that our columns have been ised for such a purpose and trust that .he perpetrator of the offense may be tih/Ia tn onffor fnr it Tho "Xlll" club of New York ? ? a wealthy and rocherce' affair. 1 Its object 18' to prove how reliculous is the Huperstition that if thirteen persona sit down to a table together one of the number will die before a * pear is passed. This club never has more nor less than 18 members at a tr.ble. They hare thirteen sorts of wine ind thirteen dishes served. They meet . on the 18th. of the month and the fee is 1 >1.13. The histoty of the club proves the utter fallacy 'of the superstition. Not one of its many members having fiied under tho conditions of the supor- _ stition. Our friend Mr. Jouet P. Smi|h J bas lent us some very interesting papers connected with this club. I Greenwood Cinders. Two of our colored citizens, gHve a ntineo on Thursday, ono striking the her in the faco with a brick. Trial istice Giles fine was five dollars and ist. . Everyboy is satisfied with the eternal scussion of the Citadel, It. K. Comission and Lawlessness. Let them r ve us a rest. Master W. Tell Hendersonr, Jr., son 1 \V. T. Henderson, of Coronaca died * i August 25. llo was a very worthy )ung man. J. K. Durst has gone North. Dr. Parks takes charges of the Post- J Bee on the 1st of. September. He is aking every arrangement for the conmienco of the people. Mrs. G. W. J! 'illiams will be his active assistant. The A. & K. depot is receiving a coat paint which adds very much to its ^ :auty. Messrs. J. W. Wells & Smith have the 11 intract for building a small brick ware)use tor J. K. Durst & Co. Mr. J. W. Greene and his daughter iss Ida will spend a while North. Icasure and business. Miss Annie Hearst of Alabama is the lest of Mrs. DuPie. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Greene nnd Mr. A. . Edge will while away a short time at r. Clary's at Pelzer. No service' in town Sunday. Too uch rain. u F Rev. H. C. Smart has resigned the ?' istorate of the Greenwood Baptist " fiurch. UL" c n Red Oats I Red Oats! Pure Seed, c leap. Smith & Son. r Red Rust Proof Oats! tho finest in r> - * \\T T 1 O i?. CI ? muinci. n . uui'i omnK a OUN. White Brothers have ft most desirable sortmcnt of Black Dress Goods, BuntJ gs, Nun's Veiling, Henrietta Cloth, tshtneres urt must appear at said special term, ,.11 . r> 1 t I IV an niuicoouo } VIIUUU U Uiurs Will I ke due notice thereof and be prompt attendance; Petit Jurors will be J rved in the usual manner. , M. G. ZEIGLKR, 0. C. P. & G. S. n erk*s Office, Abb. 8. C., Sept. 1st '85. (ridges to Let. I a d ~MIE contract to repair the following f bridges will be lot to the lowest response bidders at the respective bridges at 11 :lock a. m. ou the days named below to ~ t: The bridgo over Wilson's Creek near Nine-Bix, on the road leading to Stony Point, on lesduv, September 15, 1886. U ridge over Gurltail at Whorton's Mill, on odncHday, September 16, 1885. , Dendy Bridge over Long Cane, on Thursv, September 17, 1885. l'he contractor in each instance tfUl bo reircd to give build with approved sureties, t io right ia reserved to reject any or all bids. 1 . JAMES A. McCORD, . * County Commissioner. * Sept. 2, '85. 4t. 11 ppucatxon lor Homestead. rrOTICE is hereby given to all persons inforested as creditors or otherwise, that '8. S. H. McGhee has applied to mcto have 3 homestead exemption by law allowed to r and her minor children out of the personal onerty of which the lato Win. Z. McGhee :a possessed,and to have the same appraised d dot off according to law. Puhlifthed once a week for fotir (4) weeks the Abbeville Mkhsknoku. Dated Sept. I, 1885. J. C. KLUG1I, j Sep. 2, '85, 4t. Master. Poor House Cabins. 1 j lealed proposals will bo received till Sen- . Member 7th. 1885, building two donuiw cabs at the Poor House. Specifications may be seen on application the Clerk of the Board. The contractor will bo required to give nd witb approved sureties. Bids may be sent to the undersigned or left th Klugh at Abbeville, C. W. T. Cowan, County Commissioner. 4t. Ang. 12 1885. 122. j Toticeof Application for Charter The undersigned will apply to the ] jxt session of the Legislature of S. C. i i pnss nn act chartering the "Abbeville > uilding and Loan Association. 1 M. L. Bonhani, * S. C. Canon, W. H. Parker, W. A. Tumnlpton. W. C. lionet, J. F. Miller, and olherH. 3in. Aug. 12 1885. 124. URNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! r^TE have jnst r^cuivcd a Urg sto>k of .andreth's Fresh Turnip Seed9 All Varieties L W. Lawson & Co. On 28-tf SO ABBEVILLE r SIGH SCHOOL., of er PHE 1885-G session of the HIGH SCHOOL V11 L will begin on 8ul BONDAY, SEPTEMBER lift .3 WISTER ARCHER, of Virginia, Principal. wl 1ISS ANNA M. 1IROOKE.1 of Virginia, i Assistants. IISS NANNIE WHITE, f ??' of Abbeville, J th ' ' an The Scholastic year will consist of ten ]*1 uonths of four weeks each divided into two sessions, as follows ; )y (if A Paving Sessions of twenty-eight weeks Tr nd a Free Session of twelve weeks, paid for I iv the Public School Fund. foi Cd Frco Session to begin on the first Monday dr n April, 1880. JONES F. MIILLEU, I Sp?r?tiirv. w Lugust 26 1885. tf. ? Road fori! 1 A LL public highways in Abbeville Couuty W lIl. must be thoroughly worked and put in ;ood condition AT ONCE. Highway Huperntondent.8 and Road Ovorseers will take due u mtice and govern themselves accordingly, loadside ditches must be cleared of obstales, and made deeper or new ones cut where ecesaarv. # qj We will enforce tho law strictly against any Overseer and Superintendent, whose road or oads are not worked, in accordance with this ? rder bv the 1st of September next. James A. McCord. \ William ltiloy. I? W. T. Cownn. County Commissioners. ci July 29th 1885. 5t. 117. T1 F( Anderson kl SI Military School, 1 ANDERSON, S. C." A. f"\PENS again Sept. 1st, 1885. Tuition L/ $ 10, $13, $16 and $20 per Session of A\ wenty weeks. Hoard in the InRtitution without washing, " ights and towels, $12.50 per month. Send for Catalogue. W. J. LIGON, an tc lunc 15, 1885. Principal. 113 f? , tu GREENVILLE female Collie.s p Founded by the Baptist State Convention of S. C., in 1854, Greenville, S. C. 'IIE THIRTIETH ANNUAL SESSION & WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY, Ui SEPTEMBER ICTn. tl The Greenville Conservatory of Music is its ti lusic Department. nt Splendid advantages in Drawing, Painting, Censington work, Ac. Faithful, thorough intruction. ?* Number of Instructors, 15, number of stu- ui entH in attendance last session 210. Kend nl or new Cataloirue. ... A. S. Townes, July 2V), 6t.?116. President. - n] Me Collep.; DUE WEST, S. C. )IIGANIZED in 1838?Proposes to give a thorough College training, fecessary expenses only about $165. Acuity complete. Opens first Monday r? October. Send for Catalogue to W. M. Oiujsb, July 29, 1885. tf. President. 119. Que West Female College. gxerciHea begin first Monday in October. Careful moral training. Thorough teaching. Best facilities in musio, Instrumental and focal, French and Painting. ? Terms unusually low. Whole cost of board and regular tuition for ? ear *165.00. ^ For Catalogue apply to the President. 1 July 22, 115 J. P. Kennedy. TOWN COUNCIL 1 ELECTION. 1 \ X felection for Intenctant and four 'J l\. Wardens will be held in tho Court J louse on MONDAY m SEPTEBEE, s text. Mis will be open at C o'clock a. m., and renain open until G o'clock p. m. The following . lamed persons will act as managers: C. Flugbes, W. T. McDonald and A. W. Smith. Byordfirof theCouncil. T e uAuunvn U Uf UAiVlU&Uil A/f Intend&nt. Jokes F. Miller, Sec'ty. ] Aug., 26, 1885-tf. 120 Notice of Partnership. < THE undersigned havo formed a partnership for the practice of law, under the firm name of Calhoun & Mabry, to take effect from and after July 2, 1885. All business in- I trusted to tbem will reeeiro prompt attention. ORVILLE T. CALHOUN, 10? D. LUCIEN MABRY. DRY GOODS, SILKS, Satins, Velrets, Trimmings, Rua * ^ ^sian Circulars, New Markets, Jerseys R. M. HADDON &CO <12 1. ? trand Opening - r T7 E invito everybody to come and exam- I _ fj ineour superb stock of ladies poods II every description. Hats, Bonnets, Keatli8, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces Ac., in endless rietv. Roman Stripes, l'laid Silk and Tin I and Lace Scarfs, beautiful designs. Ev- j ytinp in neck wear, Ruchinga, 6 cents and >. Linen and Lace collars, Fishties, and evvthingtliat makes woman more beautiful. Handkerchiefs, blnck and colored borders, ^ lito and colored, Silk, Lace, Ac. ^ Wenderful bargains in white goods, Lawns two 8 cents, per yard and upwards, nice India j, inon 10 cents, colored Lawns from 5 to nts per yard, best goods ever sold here at cse prices. Gingliair.s, Seersuckers and 'ttcl itings, Cnslnnores, Nuns Veiling, Lace cau lilting, 1'lnin, Brocades and" Howercd, autifvil I'laids in colors and blnck and RIU| lite, Black Huntings, Cashmeres Tamise, izelle and Henrietta Cloth, Buttons and huntings for everything. I' Silk Gloves, White, Black and Colors, call him r nnr Fhatnt* ^Williom" V!#l I? i >lors, only 11.00 a pair. Ladies and Chil- ^ en's Ilose and Shoes. t. M. IIADDON & Co. 0r March 25, 1885-tf. 1 AS. G. BAILIE & SONS, ~{ DBALEBS XIsT xrpetH, Oil Cloths, Window Cur- U tains and Shades, JL ALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND DADOES, earth Rugs, Door Mats &c 714 BliOAIt STREET, fl) EKJSJSS' AUGUSTA, GA s HI H. H. P. IS A SUCCESS UST?It is good. 5COND?It is pleasant. IIRD?It is safe. )UHTH?It doeB exactly what we claim for FTH?It is made by reliable parties. (Yo [XTII?It has no equal. * 3 V ENTII?It docs not nauseate. i, IOHTH?It does not gripe. mlttent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Complaint canted by malaria. In oase of fallnnt, after due trial, dealers are authorised, bj oar circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. ^ Dp. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Matt. Bold by all Druggists. S| Speed&Neuffer UDDR/CTQ-Q-ISTS. [?"EEP constantly on hand a full, and well lV- selected stock of pure r >rugs, Chemicals etc., etc. All tlie latest and i>opular lines of Patent pri nd Proprietary Medicines. , Hertoine, "! ie best Liver Medicine, cures Dyspepsia, r0| ur Sale only f>y ?/?. j iry our i)iiAi;M>riHKi uunuiAii lor unimer Complaint; and our Compound 8yr- wc u Sarsaparilla with Iodide Potaah, for the Ell lood. Cu BE1) HUG roisox, fro lie nioat canveniont way of destroying these iscots. r 1 DIAMOND DYES, all the Staple and Fashionable Colors. A full line of Fancy Goods, Met Articles, Stationery etc. etc. The best brands ?f t'lgurs, Tobacco, an. tf 8S. \ *: 1885 | eutenniai Saloon I For tbis year will be found \bsolutely Pure Spirits. FORTH Carolina copper distilled Corn, Finest brands of Kentucky Ry?, from dollars to Mix dollars pur gallon. " reported Cognac Brandy a specialty. lso Ales, Porter, Champagnes Ac. In . nil the popular and standard goods that bo obtained. ogcther with an assortment of TobaivgHfcy A fine Cigars that can not be excelled in ergons needing such goods would not b? nbugged by baying from them. he place is Seccond l>oor from Court ise. DONNELL & CUNNINGHAM Proprietors, Abbeville, 8. C in 14-tf 23 gl h. i). ianosi Organs TIIE BEST IN THE WOULD. C. O. ROBINSON & CO. e Great Saving Institution! BIO TO $100 SAVEDl P. Q. S. ices Lower and Nearer Cost than Elsewhere. I. O. M. )ur Pianos and Organs Selected m Twelve of the Best Makers, are knowledged to be Superior by the eat Artist of tlie World. We Deliver our Pianos and Organs, sight Paid, to any Point in the South, Lh Music Rook, Revolving Stool and ;truction Book. Also a Good Cover th every Piano. A C AT A Ti TJ kJ? XTJL* XXa JL -UL* 3ur long experience of over 40 years ibles us to place in every Homo the est musical instrument in the Worldi nranteeing Satisfaction and our Price be the Lowest. Musical Merchandise and instru nts of every description. Sheet Muand Music Books. The Latest Pubttions. Orders filled on day of reception. Write for Catalogues, Prices, Diaunts, and Easy Terms of Payment. M. Jf. O. T, S. .owest prices at GEO. O. ROBINSON A CO.'B. 831 Broad Bt., August*, Ga. SO rench Candies, Fresh! IMON CRACKERS, FRESH! SODA CRACKERS, FRESH! GINGER SNAPS, FRESH! ASSORTED JUMBLES, FRESH! Juat Received. -tf-29 QUARLE8 & THOMAS. ? LAW PARTNERSHIP. m'l C. C ahon, ) Abbeville, 8. CL. BONIIAV, JR. > " " H. UiCi., J Ninety-Six, S. C. I7"E hnve this day formed a partnership V for the practice of law unaer the firm no of CASON, BONHAM dk RICE, beville, S. C., j Sak'l C. Cason, lay 25, 1885. > M. L. Bond ah, Jr. ) J. H. RIOK. Ivy 27, 1885-tf < 08 t jRICULTUBAL MACHINERY. K OFFER TO THE FARMERS OF ABBEVILLE; e Dcrring, Jr. Twine Binder--weight 1,250 lbs* MPLE, STRONG, DURABLE and EFFICIENT. PRICE, $230. HE Dcrring Light Reaper, weighs " 75ulbs. price, $105. The Herring Mower, cog gear made of kllenble iron, the best mower in use, ce $75.; _ The celebrated Thomas Hay Bake, ce, #30 The Corbin Disc Harrow, with frictioB lcr.s and chilled boxes, price, $40. Karquhnrs, Cardwells and Bitftor?rth'? Threshers, and "Ajax" Portable iginuR. The Iron Age and Planet ItiratoTH. Wo solicit correspondence fArmors end dealers. McMAdTER & GIBBE8, Columbia, i? C. Apr 14m 66. Real Estate Agent. 1HE undersigned offers hi* services to the . citixens of Abbeville County at agent la 9 purchase and sale of Real Estate. Here no sale is made, the only obarge will j , for advertising. Commission, one and a J If per oent. on all sales. 4 J. T. PABK8, Abbeville G. Hn S. C. pOR sale, in Kinety-Six Township, 410 1 Acres of Vsluable Land, a part of the minal Barrattville place. Ths land will be tided in two or three tracts, or sold aa a lole. Public roads on two sides.'* ALSO. i Acres, in Calhoun Township, half mil* ?? * ; ??*??>? immedieUlj onthaSavan.. hVaUay lUUroad. Timber enough c.?b? Id topay rot the plaoa. also. : ?* fcnt. \xt Abherille, eompfeti in '* ery department and convenient to bu?inean ie lot contain* on* Acre, For term* and j rtlcolaw apply to J. T. Pa a* a, J 141 Agttflt. J| m