The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, May 27, 1885, Image 2

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- ? ~fv - - ' ' ;' f .' :;: ' ; The Abbeville Messenger. H. L. BONHAM, Jr.,) 1 E'"?y~o? WEDNESDAY, MAY, 27, 1885. HIKING. Tho Messsnorr is rising in thu estimation of tho Medium. At first nothing that wo said to or about our neighbor obtained any recognition from him. Ho silontly ignored us. After the rail rond discussion began, he began to lake gome notice of us, and acknowledged our existence. Last wci-k his editorial page was devoted to the Mf.skf.noeu. Truly wo are rising ! And tlie Medium had actually to adopt our style of argument. We havo suggested heretofore that tho rail road be putin the hands of tr - editors of the J*rextt and Manner nnd Medium. Last week the Medium suggests that the contract for building the road be lot to the Mkkhenokk. Neighbor, you ought to give us credit for the wit you borrowed. We are perfectly willing to lend to j'oii, for you afe bo devoid of argument to sustain your position, that you need help, lint we insist that you shall he accurate and correct in your statements. The Medium says: "The Meskknokr will do the work for $7fi,000. Kirk for $1'K),000, and Schofiold for 228,(XX)." That is not true, the Mkshrnuku never offered to do the work at any price. It c.m't be bothered with a small thing like a rnil road, it has got its hands full trying to keep the Medium and the Press tnnl linn ner straight. Hut in earnest the Medium was not fair and ongenuous in its argument. The estimates of Kirk and Schofield linth 1 n II /I O Kw^oino" inrl l>?u IIV.-OII1II&, noither of which tiro included in our estimate ! That estimate wns made upon tho experience of the A. & K. Ilond and Medium cannot refute it No, no, friend, you can't inveigle us into a rail road contract and divert us from our legitimate business. We are here to stay. "QUALIFIED VOTERS." The Pr_?ss and Banner takes the position that only those voters registered by the Town Council previous to this time oan vote at the election. It is our opinion that the Municipal registration has nothing to do with this election, that only the State registration a? r? * ----- curti ucaie xs necessary to be exhibited, to entitle a voter to vote. The act of 1882, amendatory of the town charter provides the qualifications of n.^e a;?d residence that shall entitle a person to vote for Jntendanl and Wardern*. And throughout the registration portion and it speaks of elections for '-Intondant Wardens," which it calls Municipal Elections. It provides for tho following form of certificate of Registration, "The bearer is a qualified voter of the town of Abbeville and is years of age and entitled to vote in the Municipal election of said town." Now, the Act speaks of tho Municipal elections entirely. They are elections for Intendant and Wardens. And the ''special elections" quot d by the J*rats and Banner are those ordered to fill vacan/.!?? -m _ r t . .mo in tuu tmiutJH ui jnicnuani or Wardens. The election to bo hold on Friday is in no sense of the word a municipal election. But is a special election provided for by a special act of the Legislature-?and the only qualifications necessary are those necessary to a vote at a State election. Don't let us hnve any technical points about this matter. Let us have a full free and fair election. Let everybody who is of age and qualified under the State laws cast his vote. We want a full frank expression of the public sentiment on this question. Therefore don't try to shut off anybody. We don't how it will affect this election on?way or the other, but we think this is the proper policy to pursue. AIjIj AllO A 111 >! The issue is made up; the battle has been fought: the argument made, an<l u remains now with our people to say i? we shall vote the subscription to the C. C. G. & C. Ilailroad. The arguments for and against the vote have l?een fully presented and our citizens are in position to decide for themselves calmly and deliberately what course th?;y will pursue. Whether we will take Hie chances that aro held out to us and which if we f/iil to realize can do us no harm. Or whether wo will thrust back the hand held out to aid nr.d consign our town and all its interest to slo-* and inevitable decay. The conditions thrown around these bonds tnnko the town perfectly safe in vntin?* 'ft < ? . _ a ...vui. * nvii'iuru HHTC I* no dnngor. And who dare deny llm. there is hope ? What poKsihle objuction havo you to voting them V KnpP<?ho you do not believe anything will ctuno of it ? You may Lu iiiulaken, and ainco no harm can come ?>f it wh\ not take the ehancca ? Snppo?<> you were Htrandod on a rock it) mid ocean, to remain upon which Wi'tu eorlnii death by tho alow process of starrntioi.. a ship, bound for a foreign port, nnd not in communication with your hotiiu pur. or likely ever to bo, heave# in Kight: .Would you refuso to take p-msugu on her because you might not l?e -able to reach home in years pcrhnpn? Our condition is similar Good judgment, - prudence, progress and enterprise combine to urge us to vote these bonds. Friday is the fateful day for Abbovilte. >; i - ' ^. ' - XV; her life is bound in shallows and in miseries. So friends, got aboard the C. C. G. & G. 11. liy. Givo tho old town the benetiit of tho doubt. Let us all work together for tho benefit of ourselves, our friends, our posterity. THAT OPINION. We presume that tho Pretts fintl Gunner will present to its readers to-day, I the dissRHtiny opinion of Associate Justice McGowun in tho case of Chnmbleo vs. Tribble. l ow let it be understood that this is not the law. It requires concurrence of a majority of the Court to decide a question. Chief justice Simp son anil Associate <1 ustice Alclvcr concur in opposition to the views of Judge McGownn. Therefore, however much respect the opinion of Judge McGowan may deserve, it is not the law of the case and no amount of head lines cau make it so. "BYKON." The Medium saj's, "Lot "Byron" come out over his own signature, and show his identity. We promise not to get inad at anything he says, but will promise the people to lift him out his boots in a neat and complete manner." To most people it will occur that "Byron" has already performed that feat for the Medium. AVe suggest that if the Medium don't mind it will produce a repetition of "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." "Byron" "stirred 'em up!'' MOHGAX AGAIN. Captain Dawson, lost Saturday, addressed the Blnckville Democratic club, on the appointment ol J. M. Morgan to be IT. S. Consul in Australia. After hearing Captain Dawson, the club by an almost unanimous vote. ?<lopto?l a resolution declaring that the explanation was satisfactory. There was nothing new in it, and we see no reason to chunge our opinion that the appointment should not have been made. EDITOIlIAIi NOTES. The great French author and statesman Victor Hugo is dead. Some of the greatest works of fiction, of the present age, notably, "Lcs Miserablcs," and 'Quasi Modo" or the Hunchback ofj Notre Daine," wtcre from his pen. He I 1 **"* ! CJ L* n A nr ?* in tif<\ ??? i?, C.J-1 1 *- - A - ' ,, U..1 auvnil >> IIIU ua ail IIIIIUUI, OU I 11 IS asserted that before death he affirmed his belief in* God. Ilis vanity was not less than his ability, and greatly marred his character. Even the greatest, have faults. We have offered the editor of the Medium a position on onr -force when we undertake to build the C. C. G. ?fc C. II. 11. Goodness knows what he will be fit for except to sit on a stump and carp at what the balance of us do. We think we will hire Sehofield in order to givo our friend an opportunity to continue to "favor the road1' and oppose it, at the same time. We just wnnt to say once for all that "those questions" have been answered. The Medium is so well aware of the truth of those answers as a complete refutation of his insinuations that he will not attempt to answer "the answers." We nover said wo knew how to build a rail road ! We don't! Anymore than we know how a paper can be in favor of *i roau, nnu try Dy every menus in its power to do font tlie only chance there is of building it. Major K. B. Murray, of Anderson, will deliver the Commencement address, at Krskinc College. John A. Logan, has been ie-eloeted Senator from Illinois. Til 13 STATE SUrUEXE COL'IiT. Synopsis of ltocent Judicial Decision. Chainbhi el <il, rr. Trihblt, Trtasur t, et al, .V?. 1,703. Certain townships in tho county of Arderson under an "Act to charter the Savannah Valley llnilruud Company," approved 12tli March, IS78, and ofner Acts aincudatory thercof, voted a subscription to said road. The avpellaiiis, i einjj landowners und taxp?ycrs in these townships, refused to pay their portion of this subscription. They were published as "deliin|ucnt taxpayers,'' and their lands were advertise*! ?< t?.. u ?m the auditor uiul treasurer, with u penalty of 15 nor cont. The appellants applied to the Circuit Judge (or nil injunction, which w.ts granted temporarily until the ease could he lu-aI'd on its own merits. 1 he case was afterwards heard by the Circuit .lodge, who decreed adversely to the appellant?, on the groftnd thut the assessment and levy made upi.n app 1 nV property, being made to collect t:ixes, he had no jurisdiction, under Section 2Gtf, (ieneial Statutes, 1882, which inhibits injuctioik and all other process issuing from the Courts intended to stay sucli collections, and having uo jurisdiction, neit ler the constitutionality ot the Acts of the Legislature referred toiif?o*? nor the liability of the conduct of the dofetiicndants ctiuhl be considered ?r dvli'rmini'd hv hint, a. d ordered and adjudged that the ieiii|iory injunction be dissolved and the complaint be disminHod. Tiie ; pli iiuifla appealed. The a;>pellunts deny the constitutionality of the Act of l'iiti March, 1878, aud the Acts amendatory thereat, chartering the Savannah Yallcv Mailrnad C. inimny, alleging that it id a violation o 1 Ac? II, Section 2.1 of the Con t tntion id' Uu State, in that its till* in defective; they deny hul the ans amm'tit and levy mad* by the defendants were for the purpose of collecting a tax ill tho Section 26tl, General Statute/18-SJ, and tiny tkny the constitutionality of snld Section The Supremo Oonrt decides that inasmuch as the Circuit dttdge tuuucno nx upon the ' constitutionality ol'the Act chartering the company, tlf question is not before the Court. The Court can only review such questions ol law at may be adjudged aud determined below. 1 The Supreme Court concur* with the Cir- < euit Judge as to bis ruling on the second < point, via: that tbe assessment and levy was , for the collootion of taxes. Section 268 inhibits the Courts from stopping the collection 1 of Uses, whether legal or illegal. They may 1 be legal or illegal, dependent upon th? par- i pose of the collection, whether for s public or ~i private use; but is either ease it Is a tax Imposed and collectable until, if illegal, it Is so sdisdgsd and determined hv proper authority. 1 jpader the oireumsttriees tbe Circuit Judge k- '/f" * ~ \ >. >. whs not required to enter into the investigation of the qustion, whether tho imposed tux was for a privato purpose, ana therefore whether legal or illegal. The Supreme Court concurs with the Circuit Judge, sustaining tho constitutionnlity of Section 209. See the State vs. Treasurer, 4 S. C. 520, and the State ve. Gaillard, 11 S. C.. 309. Opinion by Simpson, C. J. Mclvcr, A. J., concurs, because tho constitutionality of the provisions coutaiucd in Section 269 of the General Statutes has been determined by authority to which ho is bound to yield. McGowan, A. J., dissents, being of opinion that the Court should now declarc Section 269 of the General Statutes to be unconstitutional; or if it is too late to do so, that it should deulnre that said section was never intended to apply to a case like this, where the provision for an alternative remedy against the State dons not exist; and that tlio decree should be set aside and the cause remanded to the Circuit Court to be heard like otherlcases, only upon the merits involved. Filed April 25, 1885. Messrs. licnct A Scudday for appellants, Mussrs. Whitner A Son for respondents. ADVICE TO UOTHEltS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by ft sick child goffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once nnd get n w - o ^ Iiuiuvui 1111.1. ?? 1.13I<IIW H OIHITHINU nYllui* kok Chii.uicdn Tkf.tiiino. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhuea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens tho gums, reduces infiumation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mus. Wisri.ow's NoOTIIIO SYltUP fob Cltll.DHRN TkGTIIINO is pleasant to the taste, and is the pres cription of ?ne of the oldest nnd best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 5-ay 72 BUSINESS NOTICES. A benutiful line of gloTcs at Dell & Galpliin's. The best black silk ever shown in this mar Km ui. ijcii cc wiwpmn's. Neck wear, Linen collars, collarettes, Fisliucs, Crepe, Leese anil Kuching in grent variety nt Dell & (ialphin's. All over Embroideries, nil over Hamburg, till over Swiss, all over Net! very pretty and cheap at Hell & Uulpliin'd. Do you know tliu cheapest place in I he upcountry to pet a stylish hat or bonnet V It is nt Hell it (ialphin's. Just received, a large lot of Fruit of the Loom Bleached Hoincsnun, which we are selling very cheap, liell ?3t Galphin. The best ttiing out, is our Norclty Combination Corbet, beautifully made, perfect-fit ting >md guaranteed to give satisfaction. Bell k (>a I pit in. fitnory'* J.itth Cathartic is the b estnnd only reliable Liver I'ill known, never fails with the most obstinate cases, purely vegetable, sugar-coated, tnstcles, harmless, no grilling or unpleasant effects. Druggists sell them ?15 cents. I.aces, Oriental, Torchcn, Brent on Valenciennes, etc., in the greatest variety at Boll <5c Galphin's. Jet, crochet, crochet and jet, Taylors covered, Something in black buttons to uintcb uny black dress at Bell & (ialphin's. It is simply impossible to fiud a better line of 8, 10, l'ij-M, 15, 20 nuil 25c, white I.nwns than Bell A (ialphiu arc showing. Fans, fans, fans, from 2}^c. to the best in real hutid painting nt Hell & (Ialphin's. Fine Table and Hall Lamps at \V. S. Colli t- /i - ran a v/U. Something new for Abbeville, nil Artiste in niillinncry at Hell & Galphiu's. You cull get n nice pearl Button for 5c. per dox. at Bell & Unlphin s. Parasol*. We can show you something handsome in this line, liell & Uulphiu. Barley! Barley I Barley! Butter l;tte than never. I)o not fail to sow barley. It will pay. Xo iloubt about it. You can get a pure article nf seed bariey front While Brothers. Flowers, Feathers and Ribbons in great variety at Bell & Calphin's. Ktvlish millinnery. Bell &. Ga|phin. Embroidered Dress Robes something perfectly beautiful. Bell & (inlphin. Diamond Dyes, uiake old things new. Try them, only 10c. per package. All colors kept on hand by Speed & Xcull'er. Laces! Laces!! Lares !! ! in endless variety at White Brothers. Parasols, Parasols, another lot of Parasols just received R. M. Haddon ?( Co. 3 Cases Millinery jost received, ut R. M. IlaiMon <( Co. Be sure tu look at the Fancy China and (> I ass-ware at White Brothers. If you wish tobuya trunk" or valiae, go to the store of White Brothers. An elegant assortment of Flowers, Feathers and Ribbons at Bell <(* Ualpliiu's. If von over need n double foot Plow Stock now is the time to get it. W. J, Smith <(- Son. For gentlemen. A most elegant line of collar.*, cuffs, Handkerchiefs, cravats etc., ai Smith <( Soil's Another lot of thos* elegant White Robe Suits to arrive this week. K. M. 11 addon d* Co. Something new and handsome, Madras:Curtain Lace in beautiful patterns. Also the Sehiin Curtain Lace. Those goods are entirely new and cheap. It. Id. l!addoii<? Co, Satchel Powders, the most delightful. atW. S. Oiiihrun if* Co. Our atock of Hats, Cents neck wear and hand sewed rlioes, cannot be surpassed. Smith <f* Son. White Lawn Robes with trimming to match. A very handsome lot and very cheap at Smith <0 Son's. W. Joel Smith <t Son have oil exhibition one of the Lurgcst and most At tractive stuck of Spring aii't Summer Coods they li.ive evei offered. Coods are much prettier than usual, and cheap enough to satisfy the cJoscxt buver. Cull, examine our stock and get your want* supplied. Smith d' Son. We went to market late, had several k n Is of goods sold us at reduced prices, ami then* fore can offer some real bargains In our customers. Come see for yourself. Smith d* Soil Full width Sheeting, nil linen Table Damasks, Turkey Table llamask, Napkins, Doylies. Towels, Crash and oihcr Goods which take the eve of h< use keepers, can be found in great variety at White lirothcrs. Our stock of clothing has been pronounced the prettiest e*er brought to Abbeville. We really think ue have a beautiful line ofclo'hing and are selling them nl very reasonable prices. Smith d* Son. ? A good assortmort uf tno following named mtick's mny In* had at the store of White Brothers : Tnhle Linens Towel 'sBlankets, Shootings. B?*l Tickings. Counterpanes, Furnituru Prints. (,'nrpotis and lings. 1 tf Mr. Jason Simpson sells some of the bust machines ever Lvnjjh: to this mar Ki'i. lie recently sol.i us n White Ma ijl.ine, tlnit -ivos <>oiup|i*l?? xu!i*ta..,ti?n. It Is litflii running. simple of construction, nntl'lur?l?W\ W?'c?n with safety aHSure th.-se ? m.*f !??? \ !' tr?. flno qualities ill' the White. lV-t!-7I White Brollies have now i;t sto>> more tfinri one hundred c?ises of Bool.?nd tShoes. They null Zeigler's Ladies Shoes, which aro uusurpassed for fit, ?yk* and durability. They also have a largo lot of Men's and Boy's Shoes, made by the Bay State Shoe and I^eather Company. Their goods have been tosted for several years and have ?iven universal satisfaction. Any one who bays a pair of. this make of Boots or . shoes, always gets the worth ^of Ips , ?Sr?vT > ' ' ' Speed & Neuffer I DRTJQ-GISTS. KEEP constantly on hand a full, and well Delected stock of pure Drugs, Chemicals etc., etc. " All the latest and popular lines of Patent 1 and Proprietary Medicines. * XXerbine, i the best Lirer Medicine, cures Dyspepsia, for Hale only by v?. > Try our BLACKBERRY CORDIAL for , Summer Complaint; and our Compound Syr- | up Sarsaparilla with Iodide Potash, for the ? Blood. I BED DUG 1'OISOX, \ the most canvenient way of destroying these ' insects. DIAMOND DYES, * all the 8tA^)Io atl(l Fashionable Colors. | A full line of woncy Goods, < Toilet Articles, Stationery etc. etc. The tjtff^brands ?f Cigars, Tobacco, an<l|Cignrcttcs. A complete sfVck of White Leads, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc., Paint Brushes, Window Ulaiis. i Golden Machine Oil. We sell the celebrated Harrison Brother's Prepared I'aint ; the best in the market. Special altcntiou paid to the Prescription Department. Physicinn'H prescriptions ami fu.itily recipes filled iii nil hours of dnv ami night, by experienced and cnnmctent hands. Ur.lor-i by hand or Mail, promptly attended to. SPEED & NEUFFER. April 2S?, ltW5. tf 83. less AT TUB Menial Saloon For this year will be found Absolutely Puro Spirits. NORTH Carolina copper distilled Corn, Finest brawl* of Kentucky Rye, fr?tn two dollars to sis dollars per gallon." Imported Cognac ISrandy a specialty. Also Ales, I'nrtcr, t'hnmpagnes Ac. In fact nil the popular and standard goods that can be obtained. Together with an assortment of Tobaccos and lino Cigar.", that can not be excelled in quality. Persons needing such goods would not bo humbugged by,buying from them. The place id Seccond Door from Court House. i O'DOMELL & COMN&HAM, Proprietors, Abbeville, S. C. jan 11-tf 2S MY H. H. P. 13 A SUCCESS' FIRST?It is pood. SKCOXli?II is pleasant. THIltl)?It in shI'o. FOURTH?It doos exactly what wo claim for it f FIFTH?It is mailt' by reliable parties. SIXTH?It li;i3 no equal. SEVENTH?It does not nauseate. KUillTll?It d<?cs not gripe. NINTH?It will cure you. TENTH?It is t!io best Liver Medicine known, and costs only Fifty Cents a Untile. A. Never Failing Prevention of Spring Sickness. WILL INV1GOKATK TIIK SYSTKM. Givos Tone to the Stomach. Relieves Torpid Liver and removes all excessive bile from the system and impurities from the blood. Has been tried by thousands in the past four.years and found worthy the commendation of ull. TEY IT II. H. . P. only 51) edits por IJottlo. UAllllKTT & MCMANTEK, Wholesale aud Retail Drngjrists, Augusta, lia. March lH-t.f _ 58 AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering resnli from derangement of the stomach, bowels, and liver. Avon's Cathaktio Fills act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to euro the diseases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these Pills by eminent physicians in regular praotioo, shows unmistakably the estimation in whioh they are held by the medical profession. These Pills are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from " calomel or any other injurious ingredient. ^ C A Sufferer from Head%ehe writes t " Aybb's Piluj are invaluable to me, and ; aro my constant companion. I have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your | Pills are the only thing I could Iook to for relief. Ono dose will quickly move my < bowels and free my head from pain. They aro the most effective and tbo easiest physio I have evsr found. It is a pleasure to mo to , peak in their praise, and 1 always do so . When occasion offers. ; W. L. Page, of W. L. Page & Bro." ( Franklin St., Richmond, Va., June 8, W82. i "I hats usod Ayhb's Pills in n amber- t less instances as recommended by yon, and have never known them to fall to accomplish the desired result. We oonstantly keep them , on hand at onr home, and prise them as a i pleasant, safe, and reliable family medietas, : FOR DYSPEPSIA the? are lnvalnable. v J. T. Hayes." Mexla, Texas, Jane 17,1882. ; The Ret. Fuaycis B. Hablowb, writing from Atlanta. On., e*yt: "For some yean 1 out 1 bare been subject to constipation, J from whloh. In spite of the use of me<U> H cine* of Tarioai kinds, 1 altered increasing \ inoonvenlenco, until some months ago I began taking Ayzk's Fills. They bare entirely corrected the costive habit, and i hare vastly Improved my general health." nut's Oathastio Fills oorrect irregu- J1 laxities of the bowels, stimulate the appotite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the t whole physical eooaomy. , ntriBiD bt 8 Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maw, t Sold by all Druggists. 1 gs^s Mifini F- Ayer*s Sarsaparllla. Af*n wHfc acre Kys, Bore 1 34 ? ...... a < German Millet seed to arri\o ibf* e flrttk. Smith & Son. n ' " ' Vv- ^ ' ' -1. tv T %' ' " ' 1 , Krand Opening \\7 E invito everybody to come and oxam- 1 W i?e our superb stock of ladies pmds if every description. Hats, Honucts, toatli rs, Flowers, itibbons, Laces Ac., in endless / arietv. Itoman Siripes, I'laid Silk and Tinii-1 j'tid Scurfs, beautiful designs. Kv>r,\ ttii}f in neek wear, Uuchipffs, 5 cents and i|i. Iiinen ami Lace collars, Fishues, and cvtryttiitik* that makes unman more beautiful. ( Handkerchiefs. black and colored borders, vhitc and colored, Silk, I.ace, Ac. W.->ndertul bargains in white goods, LftwnB it S cciils per yard and upwards, nice India o l.iiiou III cents, colored Lawns from 5 to 12}^ J :ents per \ ard, best ^oods ever sold here at ^ hose prices, ( iii^butt.s, Seersuckers and . miliums, Cnslmiero.:. Nuns Veiling, I.ace 1 Ituutiiig, 1'lain, limeades and Hnwered, (. Ilea n ti I'll I I'luids in colors ? n.l black and | vhitc, lllack limit in;rs, (.'ashmeres Tamise, j [ azelle and Henrietta t'lo'li, lluttons ami rriiumings for everything. 1 Silk (Moves, While, Itlack at.d Colors, call t Tor our Foster "William" Kid, in lllack and j I I'olors, only $1.00 a pair. Ladies and Chil- ,i [Iron's Hose ami Shoes. ^ R. M. II ADDON & Co. : March 25. 13h5-tf. 1 " I c Job Printing ! I < i OF AI L K 1X1)3 [ JS t NEATLY nud PIIOMI'TLY EXECUTED f t t ?AT THE? 1 t ( t Me sscngcr Office. ( i < Over n hundred pounds new type spcciully ] for printing JtriutV, just received. , AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, j W K * > FF K U T(? Til K FA KM K US O F 1 AI'P. KVlF.TiK; The Dori iup, Jr. Twine Hinder--weight 1,250 lbs. j SIMPLE, STRONC, DURABLE and EFFICIENT. PRICE, $230. , tihk Dorrins: Ijicht Ilonuer. weighs I 750 lbs. price, $105. The Derring Mower, cog gear made of ' malleable iron, the best mower in use, . price $75. The celebrated Thomas Hay Hake, price, $30 l The Corbin Disc Harrow, with friction rollers and chilled boxes, price, $40. t Farquhars, Cardwejls and Butterworth's Thrsslisrs, and "Ajax" Portable Engines. The Iron Age and Planet 1 Cultivators. We solicit correspondence ! from farmers and dealers. ] McMASTKR & GIBBES, Columbia, S. C. Apr 1 4in 55. The Place to get What Ton Want THQS. ffi. CHRISTIAN, HAVING bought the interest of Mr. JOHN WILSON in the business formerly conducted by them jointly, will keep always I in storu a complete stock of - < n - - i iiiu j urocerics, CANNED GOODS' ? and? j CON I E.S \ 1 of all kind*?. i The Best and Cheapest { Cigars and Tobacco, i THE FINEST WINES and LIQUORS SWEET MASII CORN WHISKEY for me riicinul purposes, h specialty. Also clioicu i LIQUOHS of nnv kiud for mcdicinul purposes. < (Jivu liim h cull. Satisfaction pnnranteed. AH persons indebted to tho tirin of Cliristiuu A Wilson must inake immediate par- ' nicnt. . I TII08. M. CHRISTIAN, l-3m-33 . Abbeville, S. C. jyjTASTEK'S f>ALE. Tne State ok Sorrti Oah>>i.ina. . County of Abbeville. | In the Common Picas. W. r'n T ? ? - ? ?'? > . . nmrs, In He., T. W. Wagoner Co., against Lucy J. Mars. , Foreclosure, J By virtue of an order made in the above Uatcdcaseon the 21st day of April, 1885, I ivill resell at public outcry at Abbeville, C. jl., S. C., on .Monday, Juns 1st, 1885. being ^ale Day, within the logal hours of sale, the ' following described property, situate in said ?tatc ami Connt.v, to wit: All that tract or jurcel of Kind continuing ;>XE IIUMDRED AND EIGHTY- n FIVE ACHES, liore or less and bounded bv lands of the ^ ssthic q? Josiuh Wells, 8. H. Morrah, J. E. ' 'aldwell and others. Mso'tliat trnot or parcel of land, eonaining. ONE HUNDRED ACRES, ' 1 nore or less, noil hounded by lands of James | ilcCnsltui, s.iid T. \V. Mars nnd others, and ;no\vn>>s the MeCel**cy place Also,that tract or parcel of land, containug TWO HUNDRED ACRES, f noro i r less nnd bounded by lands of .Tames itcCashm, A. 11. Lindsay and others, known Unas the MrCclvey tract, willed to said T. V. Mars by his father John A. Mil's. Also, one undivided half interest in )XE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES, uore or less, known as the Covin Tract nnd ' inunded by lands of Mrs. J. W. W. Marshall, ' I s. Jnne Leo and Jaincs Tagirart. h The said lands to be sold in accordance with M ho decree of foreclosure heretofore passed on ho 13th day *?f Juno, 1384, and at the risk of * aid Lucy J. Mars, former purchaser. 11 Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance on ntlru .iiiHlhs with interest from tl?v of sale, ho credit portion tobu sccured br bond with utlieient security nud mortgage of the promijH sold?I'urchascr to par for papers. J. 0. IvLL'UH, Master. May 6, 1886-41 88 90N'T FORGET, wc have a modorn ^ Hwift running power press, new J'j ype, ruUd and blag* paper, envolopos h nd curds?no bring in your printing. Physician's prescriptions carefully nd accurately compounded, by expert- ~ need hantis, at all hours ef the day and light, at Speed ?k Ncuffer's Drug store, a Election! ^ 'he State of Norm Carolina, County ok Abbrvii.i.k, Town ok Ahiikvim.k, q| louncil Chamber of the Town Council of the Town of Abbeville. Mavll, IH85 h UK IT HKSOTjVKI), by the Townjl louncil of the Town of Abbeville, now let ami silting in Council. Thai, in pursuance of the provisions ? f nn Act of the State of South Caroina, entitled "An Act to Authorize ? bounties, Townships. Cities and Towns 1} uler 'sted in the Construction of the Carolina, Cmiiherhmd liap ana Chicago {mlway Company to Subscribe to the Capital Stock of sai<l Company," np roved December 22?l, IHH.'J, and upon I] he written application of a majority of *he owners of real estate of saiil town. Inly received by this ('ouncil, asking hat an election be held to ascertain vhether or not said town shall sub- A icribe the sum of five per cent, on the " issessod value of real and personal trr iroperty in said town, in bonds, to the :a(>ital stock of the Carolina, Cumber- g* nnd n??<l I ??21 r% ....V. \/mvii^u Uilliwny VyOMipn- ^ ly, according to the provisions of saiil K, Vet; an election bo hold on the 21Hh lay of Mny, 1885, nt Abbeville ('. II., n the town of Abbeville, the polls to >pen at (5 o'clock a. n\. and remain open mtil G o,clook p. m., nt which election [hall be submitted to the qualified voer;; of said town the question whether I >r not the said town of Abbeville, shall I subscribe the sum of five pt:r cent, on 1 he assessed value ?<f real and personal jroperty, in bonds, to the capital stock -m ?f the Carolina, Cumberland Cap and J" Jhicago Railway Company, according to he provisions of said Act. Tin? saiil subscription to be made on condition that the said bonds be depos- . ted in soine bank in trust and not to be lelivered to the President of the Camilla, Cumberland Gap and Chicago Ilnilivay Company, for the benefit of the ;aid road, until the said nmtl slml! completed to the town of Abbeville J. II., and on the further condition that said roail he completed to Abbeville I). II, on or before the first of January, I). 1888. That, P. I!. Speed, J. <"!. Mtlh-r, L. K. Howie. are hereby appointed the managers of sai<l election, with full power to _ Hold and conduct the same, count the rotes, declare an;l certify the result, acjonling to the laws in force, and Iht provisions of said Act. [ 'J'hat llie voting at said election shall l>e by ballot; such of the said voters who desire to vote in favor of said town making the aforesaid subscription, shall vote a bollot having written or " printed thereon the word "Suuseiiii'? rioN," such of said voters who desire to vote against the said subscription shall ^ vote a ballot having written or printed Kihereon the words uNo St:iisui:irTiox." That notice of said election, stating the the time, place, purpose, and form of ballot to he voted thereat, be published, as by law directed, in th" newspapers published in the town of Abbeville, in the County aforesahl, by three weekly I insertions in each next previous to the i'Jlh dav of May. 1H85. T J. V. HAMMOND, Intendant. w J ONES l*\ MILLER, Secretarv. . May 111, 1885-31 . 1W ^ Sheriff's Sale. * ? Lucy J. Mars, 1 1 against > Execution. * F. W. Mars, us Executor. J j0 BY yiitnc ol' an Execution lo nie directed in the above stated case, 1 will Hell Lo th?; highest bidder, at l'ublic Auction, villi in the legal hours of sale, ut Abbeville II., on Monday, Ihe lirst day <-f June, A. 1). 1883, the following described property, situite in Abbeville County, to wit : All that tract or purcel of land containing, /" ONE IIUN 1)11 HI) AND EIGHTY- ^ FIVK ACltfiS, more or less, and bounded bv lands of the Estate of Josiali Wells, S. It. "Slorrah, J. K. Caldwell and others. Also, that tract or parcel of land, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of James McCaslan,said T. W. Mars and others, and known us the McCelvy | lace. Also, that [raet or parcel of land, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of James _ A II i :--i ?? * - 1 * ... uiiitishv uiiu mners, kiidwii ? ilso ns the McCelvy tract, being the tract A ivilled to said T. W. Mora b\' his fulher John A. Mars. Levied on and to be sold 11s the property of T. W. Miirs, ns Executor, and others to satisfy the aforesaid Execution and costs. Terms Cast). May 8, 1885. .1. F. 0. DrPUK, A Sheriff. A. c., s. c. n May 13. 1885-tf 1X3 To the Public. [HAVE settled permanently in Abbeville, and offer my servires as TAILOR, .o the citizens of the community. All work guaranteed. Cutting and making suits, carefully md nkilfully done. -y Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty. JULKA DKVKAUX. May 13, 1832-3m 5)1 STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, * n.. \ ui'i'ii I i ?ir nPAbVII.I.K. Ill| Common Pleas. ] 'rune, Boylston <fc Co., Plaintiffs, Against J. A. Harmon & Bro., and __ Win. Harmon, Defendants. N| Complaint for Relief. BY authority contained in an order of lis llonor Judge Cothran, granted in his case, and dated on May t?th, 1885, I IP er.-by notify' all creditors of J. A. Hnr- * ?oii Sc Bro., that they ore required to ves'-nt and prove their claims before ?c, within sixty days from '.his date. May 13, 1885. J. C. KLUGH, Muster. No. 80 Gt _ 1 IjA W CAl(l). th< nm VTf. hovo this day formed a partnership for all the practice of law under the firm name \fj; f *Cahon A Honram. Mr. Rorham lias re- (]0] rod from the Master's office and will dovojo , is whole attention to the practice. 'tarOffloe, O'Neill Ranjre. HAM'L. 0. CARON. 30 M. L. BONIIAM. Jr. ] White Lawn for 6^ conls |>er yard tBell St Galphin's. Fa i* ' f J Smith & Son HAVE 5000 FOUNDS BACON, )00 Bashels of Corn, 00 libit* of FLOUR, 0 " of Molasses In Stock nu<i to Arrive. AUTIKS in need of these goods will do well to examine our stock. Varied mitl extensive stock of^eftrly , everything usually needed by tW? ule, to be found at ;mith & son. jan 14-tf 18 lotln k Perrii [AVH in stock a complete ass?rtinent of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye StuHs, Varnishes &c. ^TiSU ALL T11K POPULAR Patent Medicines now in ubb, many of them Xou-secret preparations, consisting of the verr best Cough Mixtures, Dispeplio nn<I Kidney preparations, Kheuinatic anil Neuralgic preparations and Best Liniments for Ma* ami Horse. HE VERY BEST FEMALE PREPARATIONS. YI) IA IMXKUAMS Female Remedy, RRADFIKLD'S Female Regulator. 0L31ES' LINIMENT ANI? MOTHER'S Fill END. UIOFLDKR BRACKS and SKIKT > SU 1TORTF.RS, so necessary to Woman's eomfurt nnd health. Also AbUomiiiitl Supporters, Campbell's Repositor, tte. IUl'TURE instantly relieved l>v using the Celebrated Fry Truss. he only truss giving an upward and >uard pressure, same as holding the rwpireup with the hand. No pressure on ic back. No thigh strap worn. 1st nmi ntn nn/1 tmoiIo) ?* ^ itl 'Exposition 1881. >11 YOK'S 1*1 LK OINTMENT. Tho best Corn Cures. Corn and ltunn I'nds. Also excellent prepnrnfions for Chapped Skin, for restoring Vigor to the Hair, for Preserving find Cleansing the Teeth. ^UR LI\TK OF goods will bo found very complete? consisting of Colognes, foreign nnd domestic, Hankerchief Extracts in grent variety, Toilet Soaps from the cheapest to tho finest. I A III. TOOTH, NATL, RIIAVINO, SHOE AND CIjOTHES BRUSHES. COM IIS OF ALL SOKTS. L IiSO mn 113' articles for Household and * Cooking Purposes? Baking Powders, Kxtracts and flj Spices, and Vinegar. Closo Attention Civen to PRESCRIPTIONS at all Hours, Night and Day. Deccnibcr 24, 'H4-tf 19 For Sale. vrrf-u utr ame, at low itgnreH, the following property: I Five-liorac power Upright Edgine. I Fnrquhar Thresher, I Gin, (50 saws)and Condenser, I King Cotton Press. a rhe ahovo property, is considered in good idition, and may be bought very low by spring to thn undersigned at the Mkssknobk diio. n. 1-c.ltKl.l. May 6, 1885-?f 8fl otice to Board of Health. UK following persons have boon appointed members of tho Beard of :alth, for tho town of Abbeville : . G. A. Vihanska, > ; H. T. Trims, J. M. Oamrnklu P. P. Gahy, M. I). They will be required to look after 3 sanitary regulations of tho tnwri, rl will commence their inspection of - I the premises, on Mouoat, 25th of 1885. Property holders and resints will govern themselves accordingly order of the Council. JON 1,8 F. MILLER, c t r? Way 13,1885-21 ' V. ? ? . i . A full lino of Patent Medicines end ncy articles, st Speed ? Neuffer's. s ' , : . O I