The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, April 01, 1885, Image 3

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rK ''' ^ ? . The Abbeville Messenger. Entered at the poatoffico a? Sad-class matter. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1885. OBflCRlPriON $2 00 * In Meraoriuln. Diei>, at West<">ver, at the residence of her husband, on Saturday 21st March, 1886, Mrs. Frances Talman. The life of this Mother in Israel, was too exemplary and her inlluence for gooil, to extended to pass away, or, to be Buried in her grave, but should live and shine as a light to the young, and particularly. to thoHo of her own family nd to all who knew her and loved her as a sure beacon, on a stormy sen. Mrs. Talkan was born in Washington. Wilkes County, Oa., on the 1st May 1800 She was descended from ihu family of Wingfield, in Hanover County, Virginia, and inherited from her mother, that no uioncnn vi unui awvvi n mvii o*? vuiinjuvu - 4 ously marked the women of a former age. For nearly sixty years she wns a member of Hopewell Presbyterian church. - For a longer period she was a wife and - mother; In all these relations she was true, faith>ul, and loving, discharging their duties in the fear of God. "Her children rise up and call her blessed, her huflbnnd also, and praiseth her." It is not often that we meet with one whose life from youth, to old age, was so equable. No changes of prosperity or adversity, sickness, or health, life or death, disturbed |bo even current of her soul, but it flowed on in an unkroken stream of love for God, and in synipav thy with and love to all mankind. Her ' ? work on earth being finished she sleeps in Jesus. 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they Shall spo God." We are sorry to hear of the death of "Mr. Arthur H. Taggart which occurod at the residence of his brother I)r. W. M. Taggart last Monday night. Mr. Taggart was raised in Mississippi, but came out hero about eigh years ago, and has been since in charge of his brother's farm. He was unmarried. Mr. Taggart died of pneumonia and was not sick more than a week. He was about thirty two or three years old. He has died young, and had tWe love and respect of all who knew him. . Abbeville Gun Club. The young men of nporting proclivities (not in an objectionable sense) met in Mr. W. C. McGrowan's office lately to organize a society for the inforcoment of tho law protecting game birds. These laws pronibit the killing of turkeys, partridges, wood-cocks, doves etc., between the 15th Mfccch and the 1st October. The orgtoi?foion was perfected under the name of the Abbeville Gun Club with the following officers : l)r. 8. O. Thomson President, I)r. L. T. Hill Vice President, ,T. C. Miller Secretary and Treasurer. The object of the Club was then statod'and a resolution adopted ,requesting the gentlemen of neighboring towns and country to form fiimilar Clubs and use every effort to enforce the existing laws. This is a worthy organization and will accomplish its purposo to indict any person ''high though his title, proud his name" who infringes the law protecting the game. pPtie Ninety-Six Ball. We wrote for our last week's issue An account of the M-inctv-Six JBa'l. Rut tho rail road ncw^crovrdod it out. But we can't let tho affri? pass unnoticcd. It tsz too piottSir.i^Jprtfc?-Good-Ma* nic, sweet and winsome' lassies, and fine' young fellows made it a splendid occasion. We enjoyed it very much. As we "trod a measure" in the dancc, it brought "back other such scenes in Ninoly-Six in which wo participated in days that arc gone by. The young men who managed this Ball deserve much credit. These social gatherings do good. The Ball was a success, and we hope to attend many more there Tlie Doulcey That Wouldn't Bray Once upon a time a donkey fell into a deep hole and, after nearly starving, raught sight of a passing fox, and implored the stranger to help him out. "I am too small to aid you," said the fox, "but 1 will give you some good adyice. Only a few rods away is a big, strong elephant. Call to him and he will get you out like a jiffy." Altor the fox had gone the donkey thus reasoned : "I am very weak for want of nourishmeut. Every move I make is just so much additional loss of strength. If I raise iny voice to call the elephant I shall bo weaker yet. No, I will not waste my substance that way. It Is the duty of the elephant to come without calling." fio the donkey settled himself back and eventually starved to death. Long afterwards the fox on passing the hole saw within it a whitened skeleton. and remarked : *'If it. hp kouIs of animals aro transmigrated into men, that donkey will become one of those merchants who can never afford to advertise."?Philadelphia Call. We cut the above from tho Press and Ranncr of last week. We commend the reasoning of tho donkey to tho opponents of the C.. C. G. & C. R, R, If ? it. -t- -j-? - nc iuiiuw i.iiuir aavice, some 01 those days our town will be a monument to . passers by of our penny-wise and pound-foolish policy. I MESSAGES. Mr. Master Klugh has a very handsome new denk in nis office. 7). 1 Mr. Thos. P. Cothran will leave tomorrow for the exposition. Mr. W. Jool Smith returned Saturday from Arkansas. Mr. Bonh&m gocg to Columbia and else where to-day to bo gone a week. The contract for building the Catholic Church has not yet been let out. * > H. H. P. sure cure for dyspepsia. Capt. Perrin went to Columbia Inst week and mado an cxcellcnt settlement of tho taxes. Remetnber that the Act of 1882 is superseded by the Act of 1883. Don't be misled. ?;ij ??-- -1 ? uiiusib xjiib aio UIU piURSAIHCftl to tako. Mr. W. 0. Benot has accepted an in Station to address tl\e Literary Societies of Newberry College on Jane 23? The old Tailor who came here a few V weeks since has skipped, and we fear that our coat whioh he had to meqd has skipped with hito.: I , "t urev-'. *" It is pleasant to have the ondorsemon of a community like Due Wost The Peterkin cotton seed gives 40 pe cent of lint. McMaster 9c Gibbs ar general agents at Columbia, S. C. Pric $1.60 per bushel. The pump has been put in the noi well. It will be a preat convenient Let it bo inclosed now with a railing o it will bocoino a great loafing place. What authority is there for the Slntc inent that there is $22,000 debt on th rail road per mile. Of course the bonds canH be attache* whilst in our hands' and there they wil remain till the road is built. (len. A. (/. Garlington, once prominen in the politics of tho State died at hi home in Newberry on Thursday. A chihl tossng in its sleep indicate worms. An army of them are at worl eating the vitals away. One dose o Xhrinor's Indian Vermifuge will destroy them and save its life. Married by Kev. Father Monaghan, a the rc-sidonce of the brides father, oi 2fith March, Mr. II P. Burke of linfiali N. Y. and Miss Mary A Norrell of Ah boville. ! \\T- ? ?i?.i ?? fiin T Herald out again in full garb of new typo, and printed on a Campbell powei press. It is a splendid paper, and looki well in its new clothes. We regret very much to hear that Mr i Noble and family contemplate Ieavinf Abbeville. Thi-y will bo much missed and will carry with theui the gooi wishes and good will of all. Wo heai they are going to Fairfield, Wo are informed that Mr. Joel C Wier has purchased the Sas'sanl house and lot now occupied by Mr. Davis ami family, on Floral Hill, and will hcnceforth make it his homo. Perhaps the best thing the C., C. G & U. it. 11. could do would bo to elecl the editors of the Medium and tht Press and Banner, President and Financial Agent respectively. Have the chief opponents of the C. C. G. & C. Road any interest in anj other road? If so let them stand on the strength of their own enterprise Out with it and let the public know. Mr. Arthur Taggart, brother of Dr Wm. Taggart of Monterey, is dangerously ill. It is feared that he will no1 n'cover. We trust that the physician's healing balm and tender wqjtchful carc may bring him through in due time. Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the first blooc medicine to prove a success, still holds its place as first in public estimation, botli at home and abroad, as shown by its miraculous cures, and immensely increased sales. We hope our contributors will excust us for not publishing all. their communications the Inst two or throe weeks. Wc have been filled up with Rail Road mat ter. "When this cruel war is over" wc hope to see you again. We heartily commend to our people the firm of McMaster d': Gibbsof Columbia, S. G. They deal fn all sorts of machinery and agricultural implements and are in all respects reliable and trust Villi). II U t\HU>1 L.I&UI1I 1VCII| Jlliu flldorso them. It is said to bo -'an insult" to quostior the i^otiveK of tho opponents of the C C. G.Mid J. Yet such motives as "making your hotel remunerative," and taking 'our money to build your road" art used by their exponents. By all means "let us have fair play." Oh J Yes! ?JBeftyc going to the-World:a fair in No* Orlrana, calf or aend to ThoBlTfrcQelAjrans 'Otd Palmetto-Saloon, and ?'Ou will find something new. The proprietor hns got pure I'kach Wink, recommended by medical men for Ladies and^pffrldren?s use. Gentlemen call and sample it. You will see for yourselves. The old house ib well stocked with pure gooils. We had the pleasure of meeting, last week, Ilev. A. \V. M?iore. Kditor of the Centennary, published at Lancastei S. C. Mr. Moore is one of the most pleasant and entertaining gentleman, we ever met. If he writes half as well as talks he will make the Centennary ? very interesting paper. We ere glad te know that he got a goodly number ol subscribers to his paper. We understand that candidates foi Federal offices in this State hove noi giveon up the light because of the aciior of the delegation caucus. Wo hoar thai Capt. Hrooks, had'endorsements for Collector Internal Revenue from a large majority of the members of the House aw Senate of S. U., from six Judges, fron the Electors and from the people ai large. When a cold or other causes checl the operation of the secretive organs their natural healthy action should b< restored by the uso of Ayor's Pills, anc inflammatory material thereby rcmovet from tho system. Much serious sickness and suffering might bo prevonted by thus promptly correcting thoso slighl derangements that, otherwise, often develop into settled disease. We arc glad to see Mr. W. T. McDon aid once inorc at his old business sell ing fancy goods, notions, (fee., at tho wol known house of K. M. Haddon A Co. where he cordially invites his man; friends to call on him. He will sci them the best goods at tho lowest fig ures, and will give all orders cntruste* to him his personal attention. Don' forget tho place. Call and ask fo McDonald. tf Duo Went Dots. Due Wjst, March 30, 1885.?Nlieril Watts of Iredcl County, N. C., (said t bo tho most popular man in that coun ty,) brought two daughters to tho Fe male College last week. Mr. Watts i fine looking, genial and vary courteous Miss Carrie Deal a lovely young lad; of llonea Path, is making a stay in Du' West now. Wo soo the Plain Dealt regrets her absence from Honea Path. Miaa Josie Chiles, of Troy, is stayin at present with her sistor, Mrs. J. I Bonner. Sho is quito a favorito wit some of our young men.?M. Ds. Wc score tho Psalm Singer one o its suggestion to locate the branch c the Clinton Omhanarn at Dnr* Wnm And why not? We have a Theologici Seminary, two Literary Colleges, thre Literary Societies, young men and youn women's Christian Association a Mission ary Society, a ladies Benevolont Society a Bible Society, five churchcs, of s many different denominations, three pa pers published hore, a Medical Collegi a Dental College and as fine christian at mosphere for it to breathe in as th State affords. A t Mr. James Moffatt, of Missouri, is 01 a visit to friendR and relatives hero. H< is a former student of Krskine. but a present a Theological student of Alle ghany Seminary, Pa. He came "to ge n breath of Southland spring weather.' There is alwavs a pretty spring bird ii K such a latitude. Mr. Mnflfatt is a fin< specimen of good looking, intelligen r manhood, and the touches of time seen Co add to these qualities. Dr. James ftoyce preached for the A e It. Presbyterians, an intescsting sermoi Sabbath evening. j We have ono of the finest choirs ii ' the State. Tlio cliurch music last Sab bath was unusually fine, the selection! ( capital. We noticed Mr. James Moftat s in his old place in their midst. l)r* K II. Kdwards deserves much credit ir keeping up this body to such a stair H dard. \ f Dr. W. M. Grier will deliver the Annuj?l Oration at Wollord Collego commencement in June. "Fortunate ari j ye" Spartans in such a selection. 1 Mr. J. E. Todd is finishing up most > handsomely, a fine two story dwelling. - It is capped in center hy a tower and if in the latest style. 2 Let us have a railroad if only from r Troy to Helton. r 5 Mr Mack Cochran, of Hodges, is studying dentistry under Dr. 0. ]}. Cowan of this place. Mr. Cochran has gone to practical work, has pulled one tooth an I pays "it was the biggest 1 ever saw, 1 Miss Jennie M. Grier is President ol r the Y. W. C. Association just organized in Due West Female College. Our people are greatly interested in ! uie present movement to goi a rnil road. I Mr. Watts, ^ of North Carolina, who is . said to bo tbc most pupular man in thi: county, and has been sheriff of his county 'ten years, gave us some encourag* ing information on the rnil road subject, lie says they have just completed two roads through their county on the identical plan we proposed, viz., on ths tax plan of 5 per cent., with bonds to run , twenty years, only they pay 8 per cent. ' interest on their bonds and ours is 7 per i cent. He says he has been handling . this tax for the count}' for this purpose and no man scarcely feels that he pays a rail road tax. The majority of the " citizens pay about $2.50 and would not " know the difference if it was not cn_ tered upon their tax receipts. Some ' persons object to the bonds and cspcci! ally the twenty year feature. Ho says the longer they run the better. As ' towns spring up. rail roads increase, 5 property enhancus and men move in. ' All those come in with parli vnnrlv na. sessment and greatly diminish the indi' vidual amount each year. As to the objection that if the hondR are once vo; ted these towns or townships ha^? no more control over them and they may be seized for back debts or applied whether the road reaches you or not. Mr, Watt says the fact is that the bonds lie in the bank in blank form and not filled up until the road rcachas your teretory. 5 Have it plainly stated on the papers "no ' road no bonds," and this gentleman who stands highland has been handling just > such money, says "the tax payer need ' have no fear his money will be misnp,v plied." Our people arc in favor of this road. , tax bonds and all, and they have little fear of their being misapplied, only let . a good attorney draw them tip. The condition of tax when voted takofi ! priority over any other paper or claitn. | Our committco appointed to get up a i majority of the lcjpd^'rotenf West township, are pressing tho cause nd meeting with great encouragement There i* no doal& chant the town ol Due Wcsu, ,Tho fingers oil one J^tH will more tban^riiiiirbf U* Opponent! in tho corporate limits. As to the town* ship, the expectation is that we shall bo able to carry it also, as therw seems no very determined opposition to a meas ure that will pay its citizens in one ! year for all the money they may expend in said year. It is a matter of astonish. ment on all hands at the position that > some friends in Abbeville take on this matter. Instead of opposing a measure , that will bring relief, why not unite in , making it just what you want This is I the Rensiblo way. It is eaay to make i objections to any thing. The Church, i State or anything else. The good paf triotic citizens unite in correcting these BUSINESS NOTICES. t Paints. Oils and Varnishes at Speed i & Lowrv's. A beautiful lino of gloves at Boll A . Galphin's. An elegant assortment of Flowers l Feathers and Ribbons at Boll& Galpliin Hill's Hepatic Panacea prevents ma. laria. A beautiful line of collars at Bell ?& \ Galphin's. 1 Prepared Putty! Prepared Putty ! ! a! ' Speed & Lowry's. Fine Table and Hall Lamps at "V. t .. Cothran & Co. Window Glass! Window Glass!! ai Speed & Lowry's. Buy your Cigars and Tobacco fron: - Speed & Lowry. A variety of Fancy and Toilet good! * .1 ft 1 O T ^ ai npcea ? ijowrys. 1 A fresh lot of Citron, Currants, Nuts - Candies, Applet* and Oranges just re 1 coived nt Speed & Lowry's. r You would do well to examine Bell & Galpbin's stook of Millinery and drosi goods before purchasing elsewhere They havo no old stock. _ Barley! Barley! Barley ! Bcttoi lat? than never. Do not Tail to sow bar 0 ley. It will pay. No doubt about it Yon can'got % pure article of seed bar * ley from Whito Brothers. ! Mr. Jason Simpson soils some of th< best machines ever brought to this mar j, kct. He recently sold us a Whito Ma r chine, that gives* complete satisfaction It is light running, simple of construe tion, and durable. Wo can with safetj K assure those wanting a machine, of th< ? fine qualities of the White. 17-tf h Whito Brothes havo now in stor< more innn one nunurca caseB 01 tfooti " and Shoes. They soil Zciglcr's Ladies Shoos, which are unsurpassed for fit j stvle and durability. They also hav< ll a large lot of Men's and Boy's Shoes 0 made by the Bay State Shoe and Leath 8 or Company. Their goods have beei tested for several years and have givei r* universal satisfaction. Any one wh< s buys a pair of this make of Boots o l" shoes, always gets the worth of hii money. oct 1-tf e JOB WORK done neatly and wit! dispatch at this Office. 1 - l>< 7. * " ' v. ' ioAra,^ ' ' VnHEE Hundred ' Bushels Bed Rust , * I'roof Oats for sale. . ,g 1 S. G. THOMSON. P > April 1 -It. 56 1 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. WE OFFER TO THE FARMERS OF 1 ABBEVILLE; , The Derrlng, Jr. Twine Binder--weight 1,250 lbs. t SIMPLE, STRONG, DURABLE and EFFICIENT. : PRICE, $230. THE Dcrring Light Reaper, weighs 750 lbs. price, $105. The Herring Mower, cog gear mado of mnllcnblo iron, the best mower in use, price $75. t The celebrated Thomas Hay Rake, price, $30 k The (J or bin Disc Harrow, with friction rollers and chilled boxes, price, $40. 1 Farquhan*, Cardwells and Butter wormn i uresners, una rortable Engines. The Iron Ago and Planet Cultivators. Wo solicit correspondence ( from farmers and dealers. MoMASTER & GIBBKS, Columbia, ??. C. Apr 1 4m 55. New Millinery Store. 85' Spring '85 C3r XV, A N D Milliner! Opii | "^^"E will display on and after the ! 26th OF MARCH, tho fluent Assortment of ? i ; HATS AND BONNETS in New York, London and I'aris Styles, crcr shown in Abbeville. AU*re respectfully invited to come and see. \Te hare procured from the largest millin- ' ery house in the United States, the sorrices of MISS MACCA&TIT, ( a lady whose taste and ability as an nrtist in I , millinery, all will admit who favor us with their patronage. MBS. SASSARD,' so well known io the Millinery trade through uuv,iiiu wmuuj , wm iistv vuirgc 111 antes aer partment. Your attention is also called to our r Dry Goods and Notion Department,; ; which is complete. ( Embroidered Dress Robes, $etv Laces, Ladies Neck Wear and Novelties in New* Dress 1 1 Oood?, of all Styles, iuclndinf< the- Latest ( Combination Suitings, will be On exhibition, i Respectfully soliciting .an examination of our stock, we remain, i Vcrj Respectfully, ? Grand Opening , MARCH 31ST, APRIL 1ST 2D. WE invite everybody to come and examine our superb stock of ladies poods nf nrprr (lounrii^win llafo cm. Flowers, Ribbons, Laces ike., in endless variety. Homan Strines, Plaid Silk and Tin- sel and Lace Scarfs, beautiful dosigns. Kveryting in neck wear, Kuchings, 5 cents and up. Linen and Lace collars, Fishucs, and ev- j ervthinetbat makes woman more beautiful. Ilaudkerchiefs, black and colored borders, [ white and colored, Silk, Lace, Ao. Wonderful bargains in white goods, Lawns at 8 cents per yard and upwards, nice India , Linon 10 cents', colored Lawns from 5 to 12% cents per yard, best goods ever sold here at those prices. Ginghams, Seersuckers and suitings, Cashmeres, Nuns Veiling, Lace | i Hunting, l'laiu, Brocades and 1> lowered. . Beautiful Plaids in colors and black nnd white, Black Buntings, Cashmeres Taniise, ' Gazelle and Henrietta Cloth, Buttous and Trimmings for everything. Silk Gloves, White, Black and Colors, call for our Foster "William" Kid, in Black and Colors, only $1.00 a pair. Ladies and Chilj. dren'a Ilosc and Shoes. . R. M. H ADDON & Co. March 25, 1885-tf. 1 t ~~~~ IJL* 3C fc m JL mm HILL'S HEPATIC PANACEA. ! The Best Liver Medicine For TEC IE OTTZE&IE OF * DISPEPSIA. HEADACHE, . BILIOUSNESS, a AND MALARIA. * Airoi'sta, Ga., April 3, 1884. Mr. W. II. liarrett, Pear Sir?After using your Hill's Hepatic Panacea for two years in r the Augusta Orphan Asylum, I cheerfully - recconiniend it as one of the best medioinea I , have ever used for indigestion, headaches, . and all diseases arising from a disordered liver. It has been of great benefit to the children, always affording prompt relief, j A. E. Mckinxk, Matron Augusta Orphan Asylum. _ March 18-tf ; JAS. G. BAILIE & SONS, DEALBBS IHSr CarpetH, OU Cloth*, Window Cur ' WAIjTJ PAPERS, BORDERS AND > DADOES, 3 i Hearth Rugs, Door Mats &c ; 714 BROAD STREET, ; "Kft'jSjS' AUGUSTA, 0A. r DON'T FORGBT, we hare a modern swift running power preat, new 'fi typet ruled end blank paper, envelopes and cards?se bring in jeer printing. *; ? 'iv'"- : V ^ ? (V := ,..-w' v.;. ^ \WliiMSoD HAVE 25000 FOUNDS BACON, 1000 Bushels of Corn, 200 Bbls of FLOUR, 00 " of Molasses In Stock ft ml to Arrive. PARTIF.S in need of those goods will do well to extunino our stock. A Varied and extensive stock of nenrlv everything usually needed by tho tradr, to be found nt SMITH & SON. jan 14-tf 18 Mm ^ Pfirrin UULU1 U1I W X U1 JL ill HAVE in stock a complote assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes <Src. ^LSO ALT, TUB POPULAR Patent Medicines now in use. many of them Non-secret preparations, consisting of the very best Cough Mixtures, Dispeptic and Kidney preparations, Rheumatic and Neuralgic preparations and Rest Liniments for Man and Horse. THE VERY BEST FEMALE PREPARATIONS. JjYDIA PINKHAM'S Female Remedy, BRADFIELD'S Femalo Regulator. HOLMES' LINIMENT AND MOTHER'S FRIEND. SHOULDER BRACES and SKIRT SUPPORTERS, so necessary to Woman's comfort ? ncnith. Also Abdominal Supporters, Campbell's RepositcV, &c. RUPTURE instantly relicTed by using tho Celebrated Fry Truss. Fh? only truss giving an upward and ini\'urd pressure, same as holding tho rup.nreup with tho hand. No pressure on :ho back. No thigh strap worn. 1st jremium and medal awarded at Cincinlatl Xxpoaitiou 1884. PRYOR'S PILE OINTMENT. Tho best Corn Cures. Corn and Bunion Pads. Also excellent preparations for Chapped Skin, for restoring Vigor to tho Hair, for Preserving and Cleansing the Teeth. f\CR LINE OF zf^-osrcnr goods will be found very complete? consisting of Colognes, foreign and domestic, Hankorchief Extracts in great variety, Toilet Soaps from tho cheapest to the finest. Hair, tooth, nail, shaving, SHOE AND CLOTHES BRUSHES. COMBS OF ALL SORTS. ALSO many articles for Household and Cooking Purposes? Baking Powders, Extracts and Spices, and Vinegar. Close Attention Given to PRESCRIPTIONS at ail Hours, Night and Day. Docember 24, '84-tf 19 GARDEN SEED 1 GARDEN SEEDII have just receivod a larg ateak of Landreth's Fresh Car rfen Seed, All Varieties II. W. Lawson & Co. |an 28-tf 20 ' PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. First Class ti all Its AMMiafaMiti. MATES, $2.00, $2.SO. Excellent Cutaene, large alrr room*. Otia PesaeoRer Elevator. Electric ball and lighte. Heated rotunda. Centrally located. Oetl.'Mtf SI 0 ' - . ' * ' ' V ^ ^ . CUNNINGHAM 1 HAVE IN vpmciu LA ROW AND WELL SELBC1 Fall and W 3ONSISTINO IN PART OF Foreign and l)onu NOT! ITATS, HATS, IT ATS, BOOTS ANI) SHOES, HARDWARE, IIARDW GRO CRO At Lower I'rices than tlioy wcro Ever OfTe 1885 ' AT TI1K Centennial Saloon i For this yonr will bo found j Absolutely Pure Spirits. NORTH Carolina coppcr distilled Corn, Finest brands of Kentucky Rye, from two dollars to six dollars per gallon. Imported Cognac Brandy a specialty. Also Ales, Porter, Champagnes Ac. In ( fact all the popular and standard goods that i can be obtained. Together with an assortment of Tobnccos and tino Cigars that can not be excelled in quality. Persons needing such goods would not be . humbugged by buying from them. ( Tho placc ia Seccond Door from Court House. O'DONNELL & CDMEGMt; Proprlstorff,"Abbeville, S. C. jan 14^tf_ ' '' 23 "house for sale. . I WILL be sold to the highest bidder oh i Salesday in April (6) if not dispos- I ed of sooner at private sale the Commodious Tl?..?? 41 r?-?i t:_ m i- T _* n . jiwuac uii ui? v hi inniu ^iiuri'ii IjOU ror par- i ticulars apply to K. KOClftf, or TIIOS. McGETTIGAN. Feb 11-tf 25 - u c Job Printing e . OF ALL KINDS ?AT THEMessenger Office. ? AYER'S ! Cherry Pectoral. , No other oomplnlnta are so inaidiota in their attnok as thoso nffcctluR the throat and longs: f iiuyju du muuu utiu uj uiv majority ox sailor* era. The ordinary couch or cold, resulting J perhaps from a trifling or nnconscious ex- ( posure, Is often but the beginning of a fatal licknou. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral baa wull proven Ita efllcacy In n forty years' fight I villi throat nml lung diseases, and (hould bo V taken in all eases without dslay. I A Torriblo Cough Cured. v " In 1P57 I took a j?evcro cold, which affected my luujjs, 1 had u torriblo cough, and passed ni^ht aftur night without sleep. Tlie cfoctors J gave ino up. i tried aykk'k Ciiehky PkcT'.m u., which roliovod my lungs, induced Bleep, ami ufTordod me the rest necessary for liie recovery of my strength. By tho c coiitiuufd uso of tho 1'FcroMa r. a pernia- f limit euro waa t-lTocU-d. 1 tun now C'2 yeara old. halo and hearty, and am satiallod your " cukicky Pectoral save<l me. t KOKACK rAUtUROTHEB." Bockingliam, Vu, July 10,1882. Croup.? A Mother's Tribute. 1 ""Wlrle In the oountry Inst winter my llttl? s boy, Wivec ytmr.i olJ, was Uikeu ill with croup; 1 It *v?med iih if h? would die from strangulutioii. duo of tho fnmily suggested the naa or Aykr'h CliKKitv Pixtokal, a bottle of which whs alwiiya kept In tho bouse. This w^Mtiind in Mnull and frequent doses, and to our dollght in less than half an bour tho f patient whs hrenthing easily. Tho dootcr s.iid that the t-lif.HRY Pectoral had snrt-d inv darling'* lire. Can you wonder at our gratitudo*.' Sincerely yours, mu*. km ma amnionr.'* 15? West 12?tb St., New York, May 10,1682. i lir.vo nacd avr.n'a Chkrby Pectoral In my familv for eevnrul years, and do not heniiAte to pronounce It the moat effectual remedy for oough; and oolda we have erer tried. a. J. Crake,** l^ako Crystal, Minn.. March IS, 1883. 1 " F ??nff"rad for debt years from Bronohltla, * ami after trying umiiT remedies with no suo* ee?n, 1 vr.'.s ourod by til* use of .AY Kit's CHEftKY l'KtfOltAL. .loiKI-M WALDKB." ] ]!> :.ulia, Miss., April 6,1 m. "I cannot any otwugh In praisa of Ayek's Cherry Pectohal, believing aa I do that but for ita nao 1 shouldlonoaTncs have died from lung trouble* e. Bbaodoh." rajesune, i exs*. Apni a, itxs-. No cam of an afWotlon of tli* throat or tangs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the nse of A tick's Cuerst Pxctoeal, and it will always cure when the disease la not already beyond the control of medicine. PBBMUD BY Dr. J. 0. Ayer&Oo., Lowell, M?m. Sold by an Druggist*. ^ BTottoe. Pursuant to ord*7 of Court, February Term, nit., I hereby give notice that an Extra term of Court will be held at this plane, 1 commencing on the Utb April, prox., to last J for on* week, for the trial of eouttjr causes now on the calender. His Honor B. 0. Press ley, will preside. No Juries required. Mirth 14,1986. 0. A. 0. V-.^. ' ' ' ' [" TEMPLETON HTUKIfi ? ^EI) STOCK OF inter Goods, jstic Dry Goods. w - y ONS, ARK, HARDWARE, CERIES, GROCERIES, OROCERIK8 CKERY, CROCKERY, CROCKERY red Before. l-tf-22 i t CANNON ?AOKNT FOE? MACHINERY I ABBEVILLE, S. C. [AM bettor prepared than ever before to offer to farmers and others needing thoa. Steam Engines, cotton gins, Cotton Presses, Saw Mills, OBIT MILLS, CASK MILLS, Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills^ ,nd all kinds of improved Agricultural Irailomcnts. Also a full and complete stock of Jroceries & Provisions, ORITPP finvrwirnTmvrDv "CIGARS,**TOBAOCO, Etc., t exceedingly low priced" for cash. Price xnr Groceries before you buy. I have eight yeara* experience in the mahinory trada and can offer you indacematljyi ioth in quality, price and terniB. Coll on le or write for auy information aa to price*, crms, Ac. 1-tf-Sl G. H. C. Nanosg Organs TIIE BEST IN THJfTO&Uk ? C. O. ROBINSON & CO. flie Great Saving Mtatifli! $10 TO SlOO SATBIM r n n o U. r. y. Om Prices Lower and jVearar Coat than JSlsetohere. 3. I. O. M. Our Pianos and Organs Selected rom Twelve of the Best Makers, are Acknowledged to be Superior by the 3reat Artist of the World. Wo Deliver our Pianos and Organa, freight Pnid, to any Point in tho South, rith Music Book, Revolving Stool and nstruction Book. Also a Good Cover rith every Piano. P. A.S.M.A. T. H. Our long experience of over 40 year* nables us to plnco in every Home th# inest ronsicnl instrument in the Worl4| guaranteeing Satisfaction and our Pric* o be tho Lowest. Musical Merchandise and instrn nents of overy description. Sheet Matic and Music Books. The Latest Pubications. Orders filled on day of reception. Write for Catalogues, Prices, DU:ounts, and Kasy Terms of Payment r. M. H. O. T. 8. Lowest prico> at GEO. O. ROBINSON k 00.*8f 891 Broad st., Augusta, Gha. M French Candies, Fresh! LEMON CRACKERS, FRESH! SODA CRACKERS, FRESH t GINGER SNAPS, FRESH! ASSORTED JUMBLES, FBKSH I Just Received. 1-tf-W QCARLK3 * THOMAS. 1 1 - ' Ml*1.1 ESTATE NOTICE. A LL perons having claims against Ul ? Estate of Jacob Kura, will present ;ho nam? properly attested, ana those ndebtcd will make payment to BENJ. 8. BARNWELL, Qualified Administrator. February 14-tf 28 HUxlinery I Millinery! rpHB most xtensUe stoak of Milliner? eaa X now be found ?t It M. HADlJON & CO;'Rr l,?84-tf ffc< .? .V v ^ : ;,;r .. . " 4; y-w r'r\ v .. r y ' . ">'<% ' /'I1