The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, December 06, 1905, Image 3

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JILI Entered April 28, 1908 at Piokens . -., as second clas matter, under act of Congres of Marh 1 OL XXXV PICKENS, SOUTH- CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY9 ECEMBER 8, 0 secure the biggest crops of corn, fertilizers m ust be used liberally. pply at least 5oo pounds to the acre-with $Y per cent. nitrogei, 8 per cent. available phc.phoric acid, and 9 per cent. POTASH. POTASH ,is ,a mogt nimportant factor in corn ulture. Our ipraictical books for farmers are yours for *the iaiking-no cost or obligation 0 f any sort, an d :aavast fund of invaluable normation in them. - Address. GIRMAN KALI WORKS. Now York--93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, GU.-22% So. Broad Street. By WILL N. HARBEN, Author of "Abner Dan. iel." T h e Land of the U IwoSun." '$The uNorth Wai e Mystery," Etc. Copyright. 1903. by HARPER Q BROTHERS 81tat n.seIs my guest, and any 111tM g'tlirl %voul ike y guc to sduch steady glance oil the taco of her friend. tnatuf girl would like to go to such "You are actually In love with him," an affair, and mamma she sid. "What right?"- She sud George,.do iity me. Don't-don't think clly covered he face. I'm like the rest of the world, for I'm not. I hunger for better things, higher "Oh, don't be a goose!" Kitty said. things, but in this case Ireally don't "We've got work to do before we go know What to do." P to bed. Your mother and Mrs.Dun "Then"-he took a 06ep breath, as if leigh are now roiling a delightful inor tryig to fortify - himself against a sel of gossip under their tongues. I coning bi)rw-"tlien you are engaged can hear their mumbling voices. 1 to Telfurg?" have an idea. I*can't sleep until I . ji am not, George. Don't-don't have rid their minds of the belief that dlIt stion me so closely. I am not hap. George Buckley was hidig oi the 111 I"-- lawn to catch ight of you. That's the "But he looks upon this affair to. sort of thing women love to circulate. night as favorable to his suit. is that Wait. I'll fix 'em, and then we'll go not true?" to bed." "Ile may, George, but I really don't Descending the stairs and entering know wh"t to do." the drawing room a moment later, Kit Miuckley was as pale as t corpse. de ty overheard Mrs. Cranston sying: b~rushed his brow with a quivering "Yes, thataccount for It. lie was not i11111d. Invited and was simply jealous n "Godkgows I have nothing to offer desperate over not seeing her, so he you," he sa~l In ah low tone. "And It stole Into the grounds. and" was wrong for nh to thrust myself on "Ohi, my, what an Imaginatlio you you s I haGe done tonight. Your have, Mrs. Cranston!" Kitty laughed frends will laugh at me for my des. heartily. "But you are away off. Mr. Verttion. but I don~t care. Goodby. Buckley explained it to Lydia. e I shall never trouble you again." was going by here, returiiing from a "Oh, Gcorge"-but hie hd turned and stag oariy down the street. lie saw was3 -walking away inI the darkness, the carrilage ixa and noticed tte wheel She stilled a groan of pain, and then Dcoming off lie called out-I thought went wto the house. She saw herr I ilard some one-but could not at umotlyrnd Mrs. Dunleigh In the draw- I tract the attention of the driver, e bg roomi under the prismatic chade tied to catch up, but could not do so 11r In close conversation, but she pass4 uitil lie was In the. grounds, then the eu oh and ascended the stairs to the wheel came off, and we were flopping roo assigned to herself nd Kitty, about in each oter's laps." Toe latter wa unfastniig her hair "Oh!" Mrs. Cranston exclaimed is before pier glass and came forward. appointedly. hertion, eutended.' "Weltha.desseeomrebeaon id sall yeverineroversthisuayagnatn.e "OnhGeorge"--it h chair tund coe-and -o oatidntyo hn? washe faken wh her hs darkness.lydo~tkowi tw She stayedo' algroin orr paon," a d aegonthenwihLdisge Mint Cob."u the se he sawhe rs.Caso."h ntso t moter ind d."g enoyhesethebtongh.ruswtin ngaroom saide Lydia loisat up cad-ofi!WIculhe wspin nds opefull atne the usextae t- alhete om,'hrei hI bro ss ndtohrel n K thaty.My i' se rttlTe "Yes mad" sid Ktty."~Vy shuld s that neaccents been t. her o th~ yunggodof ma bekiced nvaited for 200 years. je ou n sneeed t byourworlfrcedtodee rodee? no et he soje ee he dolof is reas sep tl ing toe mgr'nd, and"- tria in he cariae, hie ahal bad, init, myo didt enmavaton you dcpam i'ein heglae f eecric "haly, Mrs Cranstpo!" Kott aher"d lighs, n t~ ierftue f cstl flw- eartd i'slyeg. "Sae hwye' just. em nd mi th pludts f asqirn Burke, swetuplaied iro Lyda Uvei laglo'~ nekedwhit shrtedmas bodykingi by her, mestihinromg of er ~vrslpe'sltro We's~iista marThdown tvhy shetrete such indc(1! whn GergeBu~ke, the ari'riaep andh Govtrced T~ ele hin o oe e ztou' i ift~utinth chin off lH alout- thougshe ~ cold I delird tomeo onut ue wit him "OhKitt, yo ar~a~4tiimg" the adti th aetn fterver w Hyue holdnot ietatedtha nigt. 1~up ri to atc .~eupi, butdcoull not dids pmi?~~'ht atout dm? V1~a w unlo he wain. grong to pt you do about im ?" heboul in sch a others lpus." loit "Theatte wul unfoabtenn her hai "Oh!" could avirianon cahed whole beforuetwopleenslcan ataycaff thewaoos he had , extnd med.fosargla ciDon't lect wreyo, ear," sheuk 111cakealngti yulk, u ' "Lide'smadeoriginalyrsatui-g,"psai a~nd i hrblinto ya crairsot and l~ cov r .Dnegm hnKtyhdlf i ihci'fac w sit'therohnds.tiinOtet." ihyud hiehrwt "9 Itay, don't bt if worg you"ksai ~aMissc Cosby.11c "lut vte whotle jting St'sta a altetute"si lios t-aopefuly an the uinexetedot liema" toabid ity "Why. shoadrulrdSes ey x~'i tchat youg todofamanlvbs kd wat mntobemraprncdta snjeko yobun behid rebshesida.~ m trey- r.Iral hiksemdui nto at-c cia itge, whyi a half r baldity -cimd o yda h dor lstm treesery th glare oft elneihecnled h asbrlt~ ov lights, all thdp perumet kof costly nobew- aet h it.Klytl;o r anad eaudits ro~m~ofaqurgm- ieesy tdgtii oh h a l~tikle's ove bu as ureas ate "stllfo tat onest teem moe easud be; ti hssgilt ifyou egraedbyur- "ok sa red Mr yu-ll "I clare gt~thuli. casetolov yo ai(Iwo lyo marie vryig! -ths tdyn twme, trh crhisgiat hartto omeothrdoiegth fotheera thinutes, rther stoo caliceto ake hatmuttthooughystagy-,teroma tclote, dont you thoink?" b~ipy. hatdo car i~ut is ar el ginto ttyto i wIth Lda, s4ihe hd hf? apolon sid 0~q thefirs ejtoy . hersll abtl yonht abut tinkh hl~ namehandhGeorgeIain't smay.beretty!iThey t~ipfhrt o It."Lday tatil nkace sohas ienio-he * upshnpi~d ~xd'~iliaty for 200ktt years.H ve yousawke benitoue? Adytteojc of>N italsto ivnhl h vn but ItiyJkcnev siv Wys. 1Citty knelt at the bedside for several minutes; then she rose, with a sigh, and got tback under the covers. "If it will do you any good," she. said, "I'll tell you I've been praying about this thing. I don't believe God pays the least attention to people who pray about wet weather-ini dry season or dry weather in twet,.Ut, somehow I believe he listens.-.whenyou I call his attention to real -downirtht heart suffering.. I told him I was at the end of my rope and thathL*eought to try to help you and George - out ,,Qf the mess you are in. You are bouth too good and sweet and noble. to"- There was a sudden catch in Kitty's voice, and a sob struggled into her-throat and shook her from head to foot. "Now, what's the matter with you?" Lydia suddenly exclaimed, anl -she turned over and put her arms .about her friend. "Don't, don't, Kitty!" Then they eried silently together until they fell asleep. CHAPTER XXVIII. IIE next morning, atter .his re turn from Atlanta, George met Bascom Truitt at the ware house. "Brought yore mother in with .me,". he said. "I left 'er up at the postoffice readin' a letter. She'll be down -direct ly. I missed you at the reunion, but I heard you was on hand. Lord, I missed the sidewalk, they tell met I met some old friends that kept me full :toAthe. neck through the whole business. -1 couldn't toot my bugle." "That's one way to celebrate," George said, with a smile, as Truitt was turn Ing away. A few minutes later :Mrs. Buckley came into the office. She wore a check ed gingham sunbonnet and it was pulled well down over her ,face. In her hand she held a letter. By her silence and agitated manner George knew she had received unpleasant news. lie placed a chair for her near his desk and resumed his own seat, wondering what could have happened. "You have a letter from father," he said tentatively. "Not fron him, George, but It's from up thar. It's from .the prison doctor." She was silent a noment, then she continued: "Yore pa's bad off, George. The doctor thinks he's had a serious at tack. It's that old hurt place in his head that he got when he fell off the wagon fifteen -year ago. The doctor cayn't tell how it'll come out, but he says I'd better be -up thar. Yore .pa keeps axii' fer me. I eayn't refuse 'im, George." The speaker suddenly paused and applied her handkerchief to her eyes. "Well, you can go, of course," said George. "Oh, kin I?".she exclaimed. "I was afeard you wouldn't want ine to. I'd. rather go, George. I sorter hardened my heart agin 'Im when he -was stout an' well, but's sufferin','.I want to be with 'im." She broke down and began to cry again. "There is nothing on earth to hinder you," said her son, who was deeply touched by her emotion, "and if you want me to do so, I'll go, too, mother. He's my father--the only one I ever had, and" "One of us will be enough," said Mrs. Buckley. -"But, George, I've been studyin' since I got this lettr. I never thought of it before, but I never knowed yore 1)a to do a dishonest act till he htad that fall an' hturt his head. I read int the Index t'other day whar a good man had got a lick in thte head ant' it made a demon out o' himt till the doctors operated on hinm an' cured '1m. Oh, George, it may be that ai-way in yore pa's case, ant' thetm twelve men an' the judge jest sent-a pere sick mtan off for wh-at hte couldn't help. It wasnt't manage~d right. Somebody ought to ~a' fetched .up itat .point, ie mighty night miade life unbearable for us all, but thte chain gang wasn't the place for a man in his condition." Shte had pushted back her bonnet and her gray eyes were flashing rebellious. ly. George wad deeply moved. "Thtat's right, tmothter," he said ad. miritngly, htis fine face aglow, "stick to him. I remember, when I was a very little fellow, that ho was. kintd and gen tle with me, and although lhe treated mue pretty badly after I grew up I never could forgot .that period. Yes, you must go to him and do all you can for his comfort. I'll pay for it." "Oh,. George, George!" the old wom an cried, standing up. "It don't senm right for you to" "1 want to do it, mother," he said simtply and firmly. "You must take the night train, and rememiber, you are te spare no expense." "I said I felt relieved to have 'im go off," whimpered -Mrs. Buckley, "but after awhile I missed '1m, an' of I could 'a' had 'i m back without the responsi bility of what he'd do I'd 'a' beoen willin'. Whnme 'n' '1m got married picked yore pa out of a thousand men. I was so proud of 'im, an' was the hap piest woman alive for several years after you was born. George, of he gita well and servos his time out I think iso 'ni' '1m had better move otf somers wvhar we.don't conflict with yore inter ests, I see my duty clearer now. 'I'll ~stick to 'im fer better or worse as' long as me or 'im lives." George Buckley's head sank for an instant, then he looked - up and -gage at her tentderly. "There is nothing, .mother, that .can keep mne fronm being with you and him. When his time is out we'll all live to gether. I've made up my mind on that pmoitnt. ie's a convict, and I wvant things differetnt, but he's my'father and you are mhy mthter, antd that settles it." Thte old womian started. away. She had reached the door, but .turned haek and stood near him. "George," she said huskily, "you are a good boy," and thten she slowly walked away, Sihe camne in aboutt the middle of the afternoon ready for her trahti, and as he wvas walkimg with he eo.taats. alon. "I dontt ithifik I ort t keep back a,' -he said, "an' I'm goin'1to tOll :YoU -some'n' I did that .Idonttiteeltight:about." %What wasthat, 'mother?" "George"-she, looked .-up hesitating y, as If dreadng -hls displeasure-"I svod ,Lydia Cranston .ag'ln. Jeit a day or two before.she aiccepted the govern or's invite to Atlanta she driv out honi tin ihar.:buggy -an' tcome in to Hoe n. Shedidnu't aux me-not .to tell you. bul I'm sure she wouldn't want you it know. She told mue all about her tron ble, cryin' like 'et heart ud break. Het pa-wasin a eritlealeonditioni an' want .ed :er to go. an' 'or mia was dingrdong In' !at .'er night an' - day. Slie didn'i ieay .right.-out .that -she loveI you. bu .her anttons suid It. -un' ;site knowed understood. She don'.t dike that mat a bit, but her pa wants 'er to narr 'im, an' .she's afeard it will kill 'Im e she,ref uses. 'George, she axed me righ out .what I ethought she ort to do, an .to save niylife I didn't know-I couldn' tell. She-told me she loved me, George that'her own mother never'd been.goot to '' never understood 'er an' tha she'd.come tosmo.fer advice. I hugget her up in my arms, an' she sobbed lik( a -buby, 'but we never got no. nighet solin' itho fiddle. When she went down to the big party the governor give-l9r, I2thoughte maybe she'd decid ed to marry to suit 'er-folks." '"She has," Buckley said, swallowing his emotion. "But let's not talk about It. That's all over, mother. She and I live in absolutely different worlds." "No, you don't, nuthor," said Mrs. Buckley. "She's jest a good, natural, lovin' woman that wants Ato d6 her duty accordin' to her lights, but thar is a sight agin you both, an' thar's no gittin' round it. A heap o' people blame She brokerdown atn4 :ery sayan. a sin like yore ,pa's on a-child. an'.that family, folks tell me, has never mixed with crIme o' any sort." "It was all my fault," lhe answered sadly. "I .ought not to have vlsIted their :house so much. My trial wvill come, mother, when she is "oifare's wife. I get desperate when I 'think. of-that." "WVell, try not to think of it," she said. -Her truin .was comning,. and lhe went to buy her tickeot. He found her a seat and'then kissed hergoodby. "Telegraph if you need me," hie said. "I'll come on the first train'." CHAPTERl XXIX. THE next morning, when George -was .alone .In the otlice, a inid -dIe aged, liard faced country-. man slouched in. "Is this [Hillyer's warehouse?" he .asked. "Yes," said George. "Anything I can do for you?" "Wecll, not exactly for nie," said the man, "but old Squire Deck-I reckon you know him, over In Gilmar?" "I know of him," George responded. "Well, lie sent rme 'to ax ef you uns would let 'im put his will in your safe --that Is, ef you got one; the squire didn't know whether you had or not." The man11 wvas looking about tile room. "I don't see none, I'm shore." "It's there In 'the vault," George ex plained, pointing to the big steel door. "Oh, it's in thar? WVell, I reckon it's good an' stron~g." "One of the best in the country," George said, 'leaving his high stool and opening the outer deer. "One o' them com-combination locks?" "Yes-that's it. Did you bring the paper with you? We -are always glad to accommodate .people." "No; I didn't fetch it. lie told me to inquire.- I never did like the notion a' them -combination locks, as for's I'mn concerned.'- said the man. "Too many folks has got the password Into 'em. Now, a good, stout key that shoves a steel bolt into a good, strong socket is hard to beat." -"I'm the only one about here that knows'-this combination;" Buekley ex plained p'olitely. "We change it quite -cOtegtQ 2 10ren Mr. Hlillyer doesn't keep up with it unless I'm going away." "Oh, -MweU, I. 400kondt wvill ,be satE enough, an' 3fil tell the squire about it when I go. back." The huen: tupinedi out of A be -ware. hoeactosed tie t'ailwsy Atracks and mskedo enI he bowas in1 he- woods on the *dge of thre village. Here he was met by two other men who, glancing about furtivelj, camne out into the open to h im. Oeorge had considerable work to do that night in the office. The safe was already closed and the front and rear doors of the building were locked and burred. Countrymen often came about the warehouse early in the evening, and, as he wished to be undisturbed, he closed the door to keep them from knowing he was there. He also closed the heavy -wooden shutters of the front w~indvs that the light of his lamp inglit not show through to the street. lie woriks1 on unlolnelamua of the pas -a-e of time from 8 o'clock until near midnight. Suddenly he detected a outnd like the crunching of a grain of w.he'at under foot, anud, looking round, he siw three nien standing behind him with leveled revolvers. -What does this mean?" he ahked, h)s eyes fixed on the rigid face of the manwho he(, recognized as his visitor of that afternoon. "Is this a trap?" "That's about the size of it, young man," was the cool reply. "Now, you keep yore sent on that stool an' don't r bat yore eye. The fool on my left's I got a gut that's powerful easy on trig ger, an' it's all he kin do to keep his finger up. Don't shoot 'In. Bill, till I've give 'im a chnnce." "What is it you want?" George asked, t He was not frightened, but the situa 'tion certainly .was a grave one, and iehe felt that he had little, if any, chance for his life. "We are-mountain hoosiers," said the leader of the men, "but we hain't fools by a long shot. We know our business as well as you know yore'n, an' thar's no need tellin' you of you don't git a move on yoreself an' open that safe you'll never open it ag'in." "That's it, then?" "Yes, that's it. This Is one time when you've got to knuckle ur git the wust of it." George glanced toward the front door. "You needn't be lookin' fer a way out," said the mountaineer, "an' you needn't expect the night watchman to be paciln' along by here. le's dead drunk. I know, kase I furnished the liquor an' seed it take effect." "So you think you can fox, e me into this thing," said George. "Do you know, I'd rather die right here than let you rob that safe while it is in my care?" "Oh, come off; you are'no fool, Buck ley. Open the safe. We are not here to palaver. At -least Say :positive whether you will or not. I'll jest give you sixty seconds by that clock up thar. Boys, of he don't open the safe in one minute from now pull down on 'in an' don't miss fer all you do. You'd ruther die, had you, Buckley? Well, -we'll see if that's so or not. He's a t'hip oft'n the old block, boys. is daddy couldn't keep his hands off'n other folks' things, an' his life wasn't at stake. He'll wilt, all right." "So that's the reason you thought I'd .glve .in," soid George, now quite pale, his lips quivering. ., "Well, that's one reason," said the man. "But what's the use o' talkin'? Time is passin'. Jest another halt min ute, boys. Git ready. lie may be fool enough to want to defy us." Hundreds of thoughts flashed through George .Bucliley's brain. There was, indeed, a large amount of money in the safe, and thousands of dollars of it belonged to poor people w%,ho had brought it to him and Hlillyer in abso lute faith as to its security. Could lhe gIve up their money to save his own life, andl "Another quarter," said the leader of the meni. "I'll count six, anid of he ~dontnmove. when .I say six, lpull doewn together. Listen! That's the 12 o'clock train. Fire jest as it's puasa', boys. WVe won't take no resk on the sound reach in' outside." George heard the coining .trajin. 'rho rumnble of it was felt in the w~alls of the bitilding. The mountaineer was measuring its approach by counting slowly: "One-two-three-four"' "Put down your guns," said George Buckley. "No man can expect another to sacrifice -his life for a little money. I've done the' best I can. I'ut down your guns." "That's the talk, young feller. Yoti are no fool. For a minute you tuck this thing so durn cool I thought you wvas goini' to commit suicide. But keep 'im coveredl, boys. We dlon't take no chnnces on him, nur no other chap." "You needn't he afraid," said George, wvith .a cold, hard smile. "You fellows are simply too much for me. 'Theay say every maon las his price; I reckon you'll give me part of the money. I wanit to leave( the c'ountr-y. They wvill all say3 I was concerned in it-because of amy father. Is that understood-I'm to get par't?" "Yes, that's understood," said the leader eagerly. "Boys, we'll .have to divide with 'im-he's the right sort." The traini rattled by. George left his stool and went to the safe. With a hand that gleamed like that of a dead man's in the lamplight, lie twirled the combinatoion bolt back and forth; then lhe suddenly turned to them, passing his hand wearily over his brow. "Look here," ho said, "I'll have to confess that you've rattled me.I chanuged the lock today, and the letters of the combination have slipped my nuind." "Ahi" -snarled the iman add~ressed, "You can't come that ona us. Boys, hie's tryini' to gain time, ie thinks we cayn't git in the safe. Sock It toe the"~ "Ihold on!" George held up his hand, still smiling mechanically. "Don't 07 off the handle. I can figure out tihe combination in a few minutes if you'll only take those blasted giups off nie and stand back. I'mi not ma*de of stone. Ihow can a sman get his mind on a thing like that while you are pointing revolvers at him. Leave mue. alone a minute. I'm with you, but give me a minute to collect myself-to think it out." Tfhe leader laughe~d. "Boys," he said, * fro boeot nied,) "CRAIG BROS9 After several weeks of silence we come before the readers of the Sentinel-Journal to talk about our business, as all mer chants blow their own horn. We are glad to st.te we are still growingin volume of busi ness, each month climbing over the same onc of the past year. We are still sticking on like a leech to the ONE-PRICE Cash System. We are glad to see the people appreciate such a method and show their appreciation by giving us such a liberal share of their trade. We sball continue in the future to deal honestly with our trade. We wish to extend a cordial invitation to EVERY LADY in the county desiring to purchase DRESS GOODS etc. to give Mrs. Freeman a call. She always tries to please. She has a nice line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Jackets, Shawls and Fascinators And many other things to numerous to mention. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES We are full upon shoes most of them at the old price. Don't forget the old reliable "STONE CRUSHER" for rocks, mud, ditch etc. only $1.25 per pair. GROCERIES. You can always find most anything in the line of Groceries at right prices, plenty of COFFEE Green and parched. We sell nothing but the best FLOUR. Have purchased large quantity before the advance. Don't forget us. PRODUCE. Before we close we desire to state to the people of Pickens Co., that our experience in the produce line, CH ICK(ENS, EGGS and BUTTER has been long and Are know our busi ness, no one doing justice to himself and us can afford to pay higher prices than we can. We appreciate your business and shall do all we can for you, paying you the worth of your pm duce and offering our goods at right prices. Come to see us. IMAM Craig Bros.~c One-Price Cash Store. A nA"I WVe ate before the readerIC1s of thle Sen t~tir4.J o1orna1 their paitro~n ge fo r fall and winter business. We are pn vr (to sa1ve youl moneyl( on3 your purchases of all l~ indls of Dry Goods and Shoes, We' huy our goodsi for cash, gol ting I ho lowest price', for' c Lsh coutsitt. Our store iB run with the 10u8t pos~sibLio Oue We are saltisfied with smnall protfits. Conu'ldering I so advan tages, we can alft'ard to sell Dry Gioods and Shoes ai ve(y l tw prices. We huave the largest and miost comnplete stock tha t uo have e3ver carried. We cannot tell all we hav~e, buit to munI it up, we ha'vr. anyl thinig you want inl cidton or' woolb-ni dresi goods , cottoni1,3 flanne , wool 1&ii annela, anll13, b)11a iitS(i lil iu , ull women's and chiildlren's uniderwear and ho03:iery, mnI'. :-bbt, - ollars, o'fe. Shoes of cvery dlescription; no0 man (enn t ow-i u * on shoesl. Bluy of us, andl if goods are not as we replresenI t them ii your' money1'3 cheoIIrfIuleude3 L. Cal anid we will cou dl I:e('I y u A. K. Parke Greenville, S~ C. / ON THE RIGHT INE The bt ter-clas of -pooilo approciato (Go:>d Qualit y, ( andTIw t. -. meont and Right &Iethods. .Of this I am more convinle .i every da ,'. Ni y Businoeeiss~aisiu ol these priIciples and is growing raid1ly. I aml especil.i~pleased.withi the growth of miy trade.(l Mv Iust 7m ers KNOW that IPhantdle only:the BEST, Dry 'Gods, GtIoceries and Shoes, And that every transaction is on the Satisfacotion Guaranteed plan. Buy your Supplies of me and be-convinced. YOURS TO PLE A S, R..R. ROARK.