N fLAI drt P~*MS~Z MVM ,D1RSOAY MoRnf. ull The Bentinol4oural Compiny- M N THOMPSON A Bionsr. PRoPS. J. t. 0. THOMPSON, Ei6kon. T Subscription $1.00 Per Aunur. i Advertising R tes Rembnable. b uter~ed at Ptokens P'odtumte as secot d Olas Man Matter PICK1CNS 8.. 0.: Wednesday. December 09 1905. Morrison-Richey. On Wednesday ivening the First Presbyterian ohurch, lovely in doo.r aione of snowy white an rew the scene of a lovely w*dding-tha' of Miss Aimee Gaillard Morrison and Mr. James 'Toomer Webey of P'ick. es. .Unusually artistic and pretty vyes the bridal procession - the daint. costume's being all of white and green, to which the flowers and their filmy streamers added a dash of * crimson. The ush rs Messrs Frank Ehlrich, Sam Friday, Louis Little and George Morrison, entered first leading the bridesmaids and grooms men. The maids, Miss Grace Gib. eon, Ola Richey of Pickens, Elizabeth Friday and * Agnes Civil, were all gowned in white Paris muslin and valenoinnes lace with girdles. shp pers und gloves of pale green, and carried bright red carniationas tied with bows and atreamers of red tulle. asmen were M,essrs Uligar Greenville, E-trle Lewis of i, Jack Morrison and Hu Kagan of Sumter. Miss Iwards of Abbeville, the nor, wore a lovely dress of ed not over taffeta, with of white carnations, and in contrast to her all white Vas that of the dame of -s. George Morrison, who aid in Nile green. Her po do chine dress elaborate. and enriched with heavy red roses, was accompanied es and slippers of the same ter Ilowers were crimson car liately preceding the bride 3er tiny 4 year-old niece, wrison dressed in a daintily ,red white uull and carrying of roses to strew in the path ,ppy couiple as they loft the The bride was escorted by her, Mr. J. C. Morrison. dling gown was an airy wvhite licately embroidered and with designs in pearls on se and sleeves. A. tilmy veil d her petite fig ureand white led a charm to the lovely costume. TIhe bridegroom attended by Mr. James P. Pickans, as best man, enter the side door. The ceremno >erfornied by Rev. Samuel b, D. D., the bride and bride. banding beneath a bower of - rysanthemnums forming an wishbone. the church the bri~ul party aut-of-town guests wvere driv Shome of the bride's mother, annon Morrison, on Lady here they enjoyed an inform.' ion. The house was decora. iax and quantities of white is, and in the parlor, which icularly artistic and pretty, nged a lovely floral arch, be. tich the young couple stood ye the congratulations of their friends. During the evening delightful refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Richey left at .mid. night for Charleston, and after the honeymoon they will go to Pickens to make their home. Among the visitors here for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. John son, Mrs. J. L. 0. Thompson, Miss Ola1 Richey, and Mr. James P. Carey3 of Pickens, Mrs, Flora Latham, and Mr. Edgar Morris of Greenville, Mr. Earl. Lewis of Charleston, Mr. -Hubert MoKegan of Sumter andj Miss Neigfe Edwards of Abbevlie..-- Co lthbia State, Beautiful Home Weddings. A pretty home wedding took place Tuesday the 28th nit. at 8 p. a~ t the home of Mr. and Mrs Thos. Weiborn two miles east -of 19'Ioeos, when their third aughter if~M~s Esppie was led to theohymenlal Sby Mr. Johul' A. Duckworth. at three -a o'elock the ap ~bou the ?$ends And rola. .' ~ ~ te family gerQ ushered into nd~~utfully ranged parlor. ethe brid#I party, the jautIuiul gpwned in a ~E~nopywae imprssaiyely ~yj4 F. ED. Seago of ogaksatftiN b ope of the bee ~s oftheir M endn 6mited on Th4ih ati6 beautiful cou of r. AbU M. Mautd e ,a#4g, sv. eago oftliatine. The corsrMo r was very solena' a6 n b atiful. he parlor * tts beautifully decorated green and white. First damo. the ridps nainds,3 1s .Blanche. Duck. rh with NiUL3 Ii Ila Glasnor, Miss lyrtiu 1 lmr with Nt is 14iz 1beth te! MIisi 11an O'sor with Miss iza M-auld-inl. The1y woroelcarm'ng gowns Wtf .re-pe de chliaw with bouiqiets 0f naidin:i hair foro with white roses L at ew'no the bride leaning on tho arm of the groom. The bridA won, a stuart gown of white silk with French trimmings. The lovely white vel.as caught witn a bunchof-white roses and a silver buckle. Miss Dtisy Mauldin was handsome in a 8matrt gown of blue silk and car ried a bouquet of white roses and maidens hair fern. Delicious dishes vere served in the dining room - after the ceremony. The first were served by Mrs. John Robinson, Miss Eliza Mauldin an'd Miss Myrtie Holder Mis Mauldin was reared in Easley and is well known as one of Easley's charming daughters and has many friends who wish her much happi ness. Mr. Rogers is one of Williamston's most prosperous farmers. He is also known in Greenville being a partner with the Misses Rofgora the popular milliners of that city. Amid showers of rice naid old shoes the bride and groon. left for their future home in WilliasLon on Friday. The bride received many beautifil presents. Among the guest were Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Eusley, Mr. Mrs. Jesse Dacus of Williaiston, Mr. and Mrs. John Duockworth of Easley, Mi, and Mrs. M. M. Holder of Pickens, Mr. W. M. H1agood of Eaaley. Mr. Will Robinson of Easley, Miss Elizabeth Rogers of Greenville, Misses Ida and Lula Glasnor of Emis Iy, Miss Myrtio and Mr. Farman lIolder of Pielcns and Ml4jis Blanche Duckworth of E asley. a thoKind You Have Always Bought Bignaturo A Congh Syrup whlich driven a cold out of the system by actinig asi a cathar tic on tihe bowela is onl'ored ini Kenneidy's Laxative Honey and( Toir. Clears the throat, strengthoeus the luntga and bron.. ohial tuben. The niothier's friend and( the childron's favorito. ].ostL for Cr'oup Whooping-Cough, oto. -Sold by Pick eas Drug Co. Six Mile Sketches, Mr. Edlitor: 1 will writo a few lines to let you and the correspondents know that I am not dead neither am I married, ha, ha, %Ir. and Mrs RI. WV. Willimon paid the little town of Pickens a visit last Monday. Mrs. 13Ia Evans who has beo 1 qu)it.e sick recently, wye are glad to note that she is able to be ont again. Mr. WV. A. Hendricks of WVest Un ion, spent Monday night -with R. W. Willimon. Mr. Joe Davis has I rented h'mself 6a new wagon. Mr. and Mrd. M. C. Finidley of thie Stewart section wore lure last week R. II. Holcomnbo has purchaseud a span of fine horses. 'i'his scribe wvent to the little town of Cateechee Monday and'n~ bile there had the pleasure of talking with one of the correspmull' fs, I wvill not tell his name, whyv, diont ,you know?'- I know just as wvell Mr. Coat Stewart has purchneed a new aurrey. Old Pea Rlidge is conm Ing to the front. 8ee1 Mr. 0. W. Garret t has given lisa house a beautiful coat of paint. The farmers are almost dlone pihi. ing cotton and sowing wheat. Mr. Will Baldwin who ncoved to Pear Ridge from Oonmee last fall We Never Disa p We Fulfill Ever Promise and | WE GU Rpain or detention' tom outed never to return, wit o mercur haro Dr. Tatng to "RaW.oitestt" Iby a stafT of oemine sOur succeas nt ti - os ,Xray, vIo0 odorat inow' ti'ainedI an d orn a and lineed phyali Womploy no0 patroag -n ( to $10.00 por month 4~j~I~l~ UAKEEDR Itptre I.ydr arDtm.oats. inor, flK. K ING, My. D. -Vhronio lninoaa ONeaO~ usw yeN~v,oA4 Unnatuirad I eilm r tOsndUr'foa, XAMINATs Toda, Iit I i e ' aite to e po e y eu; I enjoy weIyld bit is. Mrs. ,1. 1, fjblgombe and little son VillQ Vieit4; at Lilberty last week. , sl Vte oy .. rotter q charming oung lady visited: at West Union ast week. Christotis will soon - bo here and vont [ be glail for iay be Dad will 1t. us d rivu th at a l m le 1).no 'A here. HeaIilth in Ihid wr ation is good aidl . ave plent.L of liolmethiig goad to cut for hog killing is the ord-r of the day. I will eloet wiAbiu tho S.mlittel. Jot.1 ural success. O:d Riddle. 9v .4L. M W C3 Wt.2. .. Beare the I Q'Yo Have Al ways00 Signature am "I Thank The Lord!" cried Hannah Plant of Little Rock, Ark. "for the relief I got from Bucklun's Arnio.t Salve. It cured my fearful run ning sores, when. Dothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelons hea'er for outs burns inud wounds. Guaranteed at Pickens Drug Co. 25a. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The South's Greatest System. Unexcelled Dining Car Service Through Pullman Sleeping care on all Local trains. Winter Tourist Rates are now in effect to all Florida points. For full infor. mation as to rates, routes, eto. consult nearest Southern Railwal Ticket Agent, or BROOKS MORGAN Assistont General Passenger Agent Atlanta, Ga. or R. W. HUNT Divisiii Passenger Agent Charleston, S. C. FOLEY$1,AmftAR for clztdreosteafe sure. vo oplates Notice of Escheat. Lands of Calvin M. Smith, deceased, An inquest of eacheated lands of Cal. viu M. Smith, lato of Pickeus county, deconseid, having been inadn at the Spring term of 1905, of the Court of Conmion Pleas for (aid couuLy. iid cor. tilled to me by the presiding judge, and said inquest having been returbed to ne by 1h1 escheator, notice is hereby giveu to the heirs at law of the said Calvin M. Smith, or others claiming unler him, to appoar and make claim to said ceoheated land1)ls. Said Calvin M. Smith died October 16, 1901, and was the pe-rson last seized of said lands(1, which are described as follows: All th~at pieco, parcel or tract of land lying and beipg situate in the couy of Pickensi slate of South (;arljina i'a Eus taitoo township ou cast, side of Big Eas tatoo creek, comnprising thre'e hundred and twenty-flye (325) aircs mire or lean .iiing ilds of Hester tewairt and lands formerly owned by Daivid Prarkeri and others and'known rna the Alpha B~ar tori home place. OctamG A. J. BOOGS, Clerk of Conrt for Pickenis county. TIMl. TAlHim NO 4 Supersedes'Timc Tlabie No 3 IRcad D~own Road I'p No le No 10 ST.A1T'IONS No 1i No 9 Mlixed Mixed Mixed Mixed 4:10 pm10:10)nm IV Pickeas ar 2:55pm6 :30 pm 4:; pmai Ira: 5 am Ferguisoni 2:.45pm 0:25 pm 4:55 pmli 10:55 1m1 *1Parson'rs 2:30pm 6:15,pim 5:00) pmn II:0') nm *Ariall'n 2:25pmr 6:10 pmn 5:10 pm1 I11:05 au m*M anild in 2:20pm 6:05 pm 5:15 pm 1 1:15 nrm ar i-:asley lv 2;5p mn 6:00 pin * Flag Statlions All trallus .tlly excepts Sundray No. an oec~iets with I Sourtherni Railway No 30 No 9) rIonnects with Southern Railway No 12 No. 12 connlects with Southern Railway No 11 No 1.i conneicts with Southern Railway t8040 IEF~or anry informatrion app'y to J T T A YLoR, oen Manager. 1.oW RA aLiS AUAIN TO Arkansas and t he Southwest. Loor than one way fare for the rond trip by Memnphia and the Cotton Belt Route. Dates are Oitrihor 17, November 7, and 21, Decoeniber 5 rind 19. P'Ick your dIato arnd say when and whrere you want to go and we will gIvo you fullI information by return I. P'. 8Ml'rll, Tr. P.A. COTToN CBOLT (Cotton liel Rauto, ROUTO! '2O3 lhu it ablo, lu llding lot Our Patients. isver Hold Out False Hopes, life or bougieeanul Varicoeie aythaout b~usiiea; .0on tasgiti Blood Poigos or sninieral mnixturel Less of Maui y' cured; no etlanulanat but permiaa'en dical oo. Lu an ir01titus inan organiseunder t o dimoaes. Ir. N. IC Ing nth nfounder of the chIef oon-iting s peeialist, being assisted nt physicians andi aurgoons. Le teatent or ehrouoIc dieases Is unhurpa. uipped with a'l th0 galvanto, faradiobttr ay, and F~insen ray: in fact, 0very Sltle4 ~to thle medical profession. 06r sanaitArioe a !espedt, and we employ none biultb tl nc attonmrat ergelafly qual taed graduates milleading means to secure patient.s ed D 'or uanake fre Utra1Iversontj~ \ tin a sp feilr red dw glIe thre ssus EA SESs~ "*e'aW "ide" Velnd Bialdler trouablef, liheun at s and i'naligai ant trobl'es, &atarat rte d and Lunge. D~iseases of By~E an$ Ear as of Woman, suoh s Displacemnents, as, andi such weaknoeses ofwomen, if You are alckeor aifituted. On request we ymnptdm blanks for 1roino troatmnt. ON AND ADVI(SH 1tE. am,... s1., e"e Alant. Aa S Ae I 6m Ia the house. e one when, u feel bil 1oui or dlzy. he ,act di leily on the liver. M.*9"0: Want y , achojor beard BU OINOHAM'S DYE e t1 wn'or rlchblack? Use On DYEeacouw a u waua. DURING THE NEXT I have some special prices to offer the trade for cash on Shoes, Hats,' Pants and various other things useful in the home and on the farm too numerous to mention. When you get ready to Buy a Suit of Clothes this fall don't- fail to see me before you buy and get up-to-date tailor-made goods at the lowest prices. Such goods have neyer been offered in this section. Each suit made to measur'e and a neat fit guaranteed. Yours truly, J. F. HARRIS, By Himself. Treasurer's Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, { County of Pickens. Office of County Treasurer Pickens County;, S. C. Pickens, S. C., September 15th, 1905. The Treasurer's Office will be open from MONDAY, OCTOBER x6th, UNTIL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30th, 1905, WITHOUT PENALTY. The Rate of State, County, School and Special Tax, includ ing One Dollar Poll Tax and One Dollar and Fifty Cents Commutation Road Tax. In accordance with an Act to raise supplies for the flseal year commencing January 1, 1905, notice is hereby given that the office of County Treasurer of Pikeuns County will open for the collection of taxes for said fiscal year from MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th, until SATURDAY. DEOEMBER 30tib. liatel per cent. of taxation are as follows: Levy for State Tax.................. ...... .... 51 nillq "f Otdinary Conty tax................... 4 " Constitutiomal School tax ..............3 " " Psat indebtedness ..................... 21 " Road tax ........ ..................... Sihking Fund .........................14 " Totil levy far State and County Taxes.... 18 mills Levy for inter, at on Piokons R. R. bonds, Pickens C. H. Township, 3 mills. Levy for interest on Pickens it. I. bonds, Ihurricane Towialhip, 21 mills. Levy for interest on Piekens R. it ionins, Eastatoe Township, 31 mills. Special Levy for School District No. 8, 2 mills. S4 4 "4 9,4 " " "'' " 10, I1 " .* e. " "11, 5) " 40 II Ii13,6 44 4e ,. " 16, 2 -- " " " 19.,2 " 2:3, 2 ' 04 4 if" 31, t-i 42, 2 " . A Poll Tax of One Dollar per cnpita all male cit izen between the ages of 21 ad 60 years, except such as are exempy law, n ill lbe collected. A commutation Rload Tax of One D)ll and Fifty Ceits will bo collected at the mame time as otber taxes from aell male citiz -na between the, ages of 21 nnad 50 earsr, except such as are exempted by law. V~nless said tax is paid by the 31st of March, 1906, five days work upon the public' highways wvill be required uinder a ontractor. A sspitaticn tax of 50o will be collcted on chcl and every dog in, the~ countv'. Taxes arc payatble only in gold ti-d silver coin, United Stotes currency, Nation al Bank ot-.a and coupons of State Ronds which becomo payable during the Parties desiring information by mail in regard'-to their taxes will please state the keation of their pro perty and include postaige for a reply, and those a yin~ taxes by check must include the charges for collecting. H. W. FARR, Sept. 20, 1905-td Troasurer of Pickens County. Christmas Holiday Rates Via. Southern Rail way On account of the Christmas Holidays the'Southern Railway will sell tickets from all points oet or the Mississ&ppi and south of the Ohio rivers and to St. Loiuis, Mo., and to intermediate points at a rate of one and one third first class fare for the rounid trip (Minimum rates 50e. ) plus 25c. 'rickets to be sold December 22-31 and Janunary 1, 1906, with a final limit of Jan 4, 1906. Tickets for teachers and students of schools and colleges wvill be s->d December 17-24, with final limit of Jan. 8, 1906, Upon presenta, tion and surrender of c-rtific.ito signed by Principals, Superintondents and Presidents of the varions institutions of learning, For furthisr infotrmationi, apply to any Southern Railway agent, or R. W. HUNT, BROOKCS MORGAN, D)iv, Pa.. Agt- Assisitant Gen. Pats. Agt. Charleston, S. C. Atlt.nta, Ga, lind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs. Mattle Allen, of 11r23 Broadway, Augusta, Ga., "I suffered with blind sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried WE CARDEU A Non- intoxicating Female Tonic I immediately commenced to improve, and 'now I feel likce a new woman, and wish to recommend it .to all sick women, for 'I know that it will cure them as it did me." Cardul is a pure, mnedicinal extract of WRITF vegetable herbs, which relieves female Us pains, regulates female functions, / FREEIY. ,tones up female organs ~to 'a mel d f"ai ,* proper state of 'health. Try en ri 'i7. It for your trouble. *ocs a remv~, Every druggist sells t 1 ' It In'$z.co bottles. t1f~ Busin11ess Suit This is the Suit that you should be the most careful in selecting, as one lives in a business suit six days out of seven, and one expects naturally to be more satisfied in picking out this class of apparel than a more dressy suit. Now we Have Special Attention to This Line; And are ready to please any one. To-see is to buy. Come in and be one of the lucky ones. L. Rothschild, Solo Agent fer Hawes Hats and Dutchess Trousers. To the Trading Public. You will find py stock of goods very complete this fall, consisting of Dry Goods and Notions of most all kinds. Great bargains in Clothing and Shoes, Thcys> and Youths' Suits, Mon's Odd Coats and Pants, Overcoats for Boys' and Men, Ladies' Jackets and Skirts, Mon's and Boys' Kniit Overslhirts anid Underwear. Give me a call and be convineed that 3 ou can buy goods as cheap here as anywhere. WE SELL BALLARD'S FLOUR-OBELISK IS THE BEST. Mrs. L. E. MANN, Six Mile, S. C. A Woman's Hat - When a woman goe.s to buy a lHit she in. sists upon it- posessint. three things: STL'Y 1E 1.4HA I 14 Call ;n(d let us show you how well we Canl please you oill tlese points. MRSW.ENE sBTY T Millinery, 111 S. Main St., Creenville, S. C. N. D. TAYLOR, Photographer, ---MalmR OlF' ...THE VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS.. The kind that are mlade at the L.cst studios~ of the larger cities. The kind that will not fade. That ar~e natural and( I ifelike, and finished on the latest and p~rettiest cards to be had. ...PICT UR ES EN LA RGED... Nice line of mouldings and frames of anly sIAize mde to or der. ....COM E ON W EDN ESDAY.... ro acres of land near' Marietta, S. C., 01n Pumflpkotown road. *10 1por acro. 2 0 acres near Travelers Rest, joining~ lands of Mr. Thos. Cunningham. Part of the Butler Watson 0o(1 homn.. $15 per acro). lso smnall tracts of land1, 20 to 50 acres. ~e have also some very det.irable lots near e y li-mits. Theso lots are along the car line--500 each. THACKSTON & SON - Greenville. S9 AGApT...J* os.u on st npomej eqs ng& TM xaanrov i1suauo I d ; Aos. 10 eOUU Sold ad recmmenddGby tcken Dr u o.du