Z~~~~~~4 4;Itm~n gi~ 8aIRnus 0! a LOcal U1 NNW WiJt! 0 -r4*. A. Gilreati, of Grbenville i vie1 tag his mother, Mrs. .. A. Gil 10W-1h, ih PideNUS. " and Mrs. J. W. Blanton, of M e11o, $a'#ate, t1eited Rev. --Miss aiyrtielder is the char. minig guest of her Aunt Mrs [. Rt. Jones of A idek;8ri Ud week. -E H. Crai.aud.,vife spent a por tin of last week %ith relatives in W alhalla, returnirg . home Mi-maday afternoon. -N-xt Friday i -ihe (lay for the regular monthly tuvoting of the Pickens Chapter U D. C. rake no. tice, daughtoral -Mrs. T. C. Johnson, of Green. wood, S. 0,, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ballentine, of Cen tral. -Miss Annie Robinson, from Fairfield county, is spending some time hero visiting at the homue of Mr. and Mis. 0. E, Robinson. -The funeral services for Ephradim Gistrap will be preached the 4th Sunday in August by Rev. C. L. Mc Kain at Now Hope church at11 a. ni. --Clerk of Court A J. Boggs be. gan yesterday to take testimony in the Pickens desponsary case, and will re port his findings to the supreme court for action by them. -Prof. J. L. Murphree began a singinig class at Porters Chapel on last Monday and will begin one at Antioch the 21st. lie sayti all who wish to do so can attend toth for the price of one. -Married, August 5th, at Oolenoy church Mr. Ttlor Clark and Miss Mary Trotter, in the presence or a large unmber of friends. .J. D. Situ mDons, N. P. tfficiatitg All of Pick. ebiB county. -Mr. McD. ikker will begin a ten days' music school at Coneord Baptist church August 21. The school will close on Saturday night befors the first Sunday in Septem ber with a concert. -Married, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. 11 C. Atkin. son, Sunday arternoon, &ugust 6th, AMr. W. C. Garrett to Miss Eissie O'Conno,'. '.ho bappy- cou ole have the congratulations of their muany friends for a long, happy andl useful life. -P. .a. Dacus called at this oflic Monday on his wvay home from Oconee county-, where he has been super 4 intending the opening of a gold mine in the old Keith quarter .f the Cheo wee valley. He head with him some fine specimens of quartz and reports the prospects as flattering. -Don't fail to attend the mrusicale given tomtorro,v (Thursday) night, the 10th inst . in the Liberty school building, by Miss irene Clark and class. A line program will be rend.er ed and an enjoyab~le time will be had by all who go. Goodly crowds from neighboring towns should be present. --RB. Hi. Crane, J. D). Holder and R. T'. Griffin are candidates for cot ton weigher for Pickens township. S.ee notice of election which takes place on Saturday August 19th. Come to the polls on that (day pirepared to vote according to the dictates of your conscience andi look to the best inter ests of your self and your home mar ket. --The 3oun~g hiduas of the P'icketrs ]3apltist, churt chi have orgenizedl a so jent wmok. to~ be known a' t.e Sian dlard J3k-are . T1his in aL good mtove. menti onu t h' part of t hear; young pe0O. I b- n10( we p1 edict. for them glo; ions results . M ay this be an inspiration to ot hers in ou r chuarchep to conse or'ia th.masl ves to such blessed no,.k7 ri.. s. -'b'ing nobler or . to serve the * of youth. - ugus t 5th a big a - e vas 1held at the G ites school h'o te. 1 4 citations by . the children wverer held and( an appro prtiate talk by the teacher Prof. Going was made, then followed an edunca. tional adda ss by Rev'. W. G. Mauldin who 24pok. on1 opport unity or the past ani present. Dinner was then sorved on the ground and a royal spread it was. The evening exercises consist ed of an address by lon. Julius E Bloggs from the subiject, the Influo,,ce of thought and by Supt. of Educatiot R. TI. Hiallumi on Consolidati m, L ica Tlax ando LI'ibraries. A anhscriptiot was taken for the purpose of gettiat~ a school librar-y. A fter adjour-nmon .A. B . Riggins treated the crowd t<. watermelons. Every body enjoyei the day tine and returned home wel W olt, h i -io* *ith the-, Ptoki .Drug Od. -Afe. id*er, of Anderaon is visit ling her sister Mirs. J. *11. Attaway it Picokens. -John D. Harris and family 01 Lenderman, S. 0. spent last wee? with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Harrih in Piokens. -Mrs. W. E. Dicken and children, of Birmingham, Ald., are on a visit to her sister, Mrs. E.' A. Gilreatli, in Pickens. -'Patrons of the Big Store will miss the sniilig face of B.' 1. Par sonA for a while. He is off for a trip to Georgia and Alabama inl the morning. --Rev. Thomasi Loitell clo-ed a tel dayv lleeting in the Pickem Met hot. ist c-hurch Sunday night. He inbored zeilouely and faithfull y fighting sin in all its foris( and aecoipliihed good work. ---Rev. D. W. Iliott closed a sie cessful meeting Suiday at Pisgah and beganl a mnceting at George' Creek Sunday night. H1e will . be as sisted by Rev. U4. A. Sublett. The singing will bo in charge of J. A Durham. --The call published last, week brought a numuber of people to town yesterday and after meeting and dis CIssing the situatioll ill Pilckeis (1011 ty, they organized themselves mito a :'Law and order League" for the sup. pression of the illegal traffic in whis key in the county, if such there be. For want of space the full proceed. ings cannot be printed until next week. -On the first paige will be found notice of a railroad rally to be held at Pie: cetown on flext Tluesdav, 15th instant. This is a nuoveleit looking to a trolley line from A nde-rsion to Pickens. The conmit tee of arrai. e Iments. 0onoist ing of W. I. Tucker, Dr. C. L. Gnyton, W. A. Cason, L R. Tucker, A. C. Webb, J. H-. E.1od and L. . Watson, through A. M Guyton, se retary, inform n that. thy-V want a good crowdt to be prep ent; that speakers from Pickens, Eats ley and Anderson will be presnt; that dinner will be served on the gronmid. This is a golden opportunity for the people of the Ooie.nov section; they should go down and join hands and pull for the road, for it would mean an extension of the line beyond Pickens. --The street hands have been or dered out and. the streets anid side wvalks of tihe town of Pickens are get. ting one of the most thiorough clean ings up that they have ever had. Itight no0w mnoet of the wvork is being lput on Cedar Rock street; the rail road track is being mov-ed out of this street and a nice sidlewalk( is heing constructed in front of t he Hotel H-iawaitha and( on) ouit by the gradm I school builing to the c( muetery W hen this waorin is compilleted other st reeets w'ill receive their share of the brushing op that they nmeed. Mayor Bruce anmd his excellent hoard of Aldermen dheerve, and have, the thanksc of the citizens of Pickens foir doindg all in their power to make this one of the prettiest towns in thle Piedmnont section. Now let thiemi joini hands wvith the county 0mmi ssioners and fence in the Court House sq'bare and turn it into a inice park and the young ladies ot thie town will adorn them with the first flowers that bloom in it. -All thiose wvho we~re in at tend-l ance at the reunion of thoeu' Mulin famuily, wh ichi was held1 at the homute of Mllr. EarIle Ki unemore~ St hnranyI, Aug. 5th, wiill long remembi~ter the dlay as onie of ple'asure andl soaebd , n joymentl~. Although the dav was a beuautiful one man~1111y wi'ee kep~ t nwiy by sickness in their im mediate tamti lies, and the attendan lce was niot gas large as8 on former occasions; hiov CV evr, a goodly' number were on hand, andl the way ini which they entered into the spirit of the occasion wdo evideece that they were out for a good time anud they had it. Among tihe family con nectionsH presenIt from Packemns we're ?MJr. Jeire Lo oper amid wife, Mur. Jihn Boggs and famiily, Mrs. M. F' Hester aund Miss Kate Hiester. Mr. Kennemnoro's home is oun ideal oneI for t hesoe got herings, and verily then fa-ntily live tunder their own vine and( tig tree, for bothI the vine ande tree aire laden wit h fruiit , as also the up ple ando the peach - somelhmin g outt of thle regulart this season a favoredO~ spot in t his fav ored land1, andl holy they all live longa~ to enljioy it and H ow t o A elid A PeiWcuiltis. Momt vialtimIs of appenidici t i are thlose' w-ho aro habhil itI uallycoshi pated. Olin t Laxative Fruit Sy i up nreis chrVoli cona~ stipation by itimuilat ing thle hiver aund b 1owels and resHtores t ho natturi-at tiu Iof the biowels. Orino Laxative Frail Syrup does not nauseate or gripae andi i3 mild and pleasant to take. Refuse sah stits Pinkenn D~rng Co. WLilniedifg 16 belt S008dtg . 0 U b ODoo tahd nuta good'Is resulting. --A good ineetibg isin Jrogress I Secona this week. --1Iev& R. A. Sub!ett will preac in the Pickos Ba)tist church nef. Sunday night. Prof. J. A. Durharn will bo with him to lead in the sing hag. --Hon. Ben 11. Tillman, who e tablished the dispensary in 8outt Carolina, is out in a letter in wuiel he say1s: "If the (1ispenisary cannol h0 purI'ifil(, I'll hl1) kill it." Ge .yonlr pitcllfo k road Y, Benl, *oU Caln' pirify a liqor dei.-IlIartwell (Ga. Sun. Cured Jly 'ev, I aok:I Nunnn11er' i Cold. A.1. Nrsbaam. !;d( vie, Idiana wnite: '- Lait yet . I7 sntifo(d for thrll! Uontlh wit ia 'ninl(7 (o 'l dtreIdsN ing that it ilt (o F41 t %V y btaiiuosl, I hld m1111n1y of' :I-- t4) IItosIN of 1a'e fevor, and a doe!.)r'4 prs(mc-iJption( did not reahol lily 81: and I 't4k svleral medi oies which ms.ned oily h) aggravatv iy enso. Foriti tiaty I itsisted npon Iavimai Foloy's H.Ilney and Ia 1r and it qniekly eured m'. My uie hit I ii used Foley's Holey tIn' Tar With tile R1ame suecess." P1ickensl Drug Co. Will Picnic nt O'Dell's Spring. Liberty, 8. C., A, n. 7. - The Lib 6rtY Sudl(l6ay vechools' i will picnic at W. T. O'Dl)'s ;prinag tho 15th inst. Let all A futnniaaers4 remember the basket pienic and speiakitag Friday, the 11th. Amnotg other zpeakerf Senaator- ILatimer is expected. All farmers are invited and all members of the Viirmers Eduncational and Co operetive Uioa (n11 of America etspecially. C. Aunothetr Good Mila Gonno Wrong. He negleeted to take Foley'R Kiduo3 Cure at the iifit signa of kidney tootible hopaing it would wear away, and b14 wai 0oon a vic im of Bright's disease. Thenc N danger in doiny, but if Foley's Kid nPy ('ur-0 is 1-Ikn it onc1e the symptomi wilt disapiAaen r, the l'(ldneys are starength (11n4d AM yon ;-reafi slon soind and well A. It. 13:iss, of Aterganltown. Ind., lan to) get. n11) ten or twelv times in th night, and had i severni backacho am< Iills in the kidlneys, ud W1as cared b3 Foley's Kidahey Cure. PickenR Drug Co - - - ' O . . .- - Bears the I ho Kind Yon Havo Always Boo| Biguature From Central. Central, S. C., Aug. 7.--As tb great piaiting contet is over an the publi l1s alniost for'gotten it w Wish to bring it fites6 to the tind of the perople ubo so earneitl worked in the cttatest and to than them for thir ii liberal sup~port. to Ce tral B~apti~st eborehael. In regard the palintinig we wish to extenad ol lthaks and4 1 app reci,aiona to the Seni anel Journ Jtal fo r their 1 liber'alityv and iUncle Zake for' the neat, workmai like ml~aner int which he dlid I work. Tnasteaid tof aa old wveath< hecatet. straiuctIare', Cenitra! B~aptia churiach now hainies as whlite as suos whichl -p-waks londe r an w~ittords ft Uinc'le Zeke's tr-ush tad thle mnaterit class. To il Sea. t ianel Journal' help is diue thlis chiiht b~te~ig p)ainl e'd, and~I i ha malit. ers a41 lpreciate t hi good. The faImr are1Stl' aboait done wvor t'dllitt poactedaii etaogs anjd melon at 4' thle or ~ de of lie dlaty T1here will bet a1 S(.ie4 of mieetingf. at the l.ht~ist, ehaurchi beginnid Angust 19, condul ctd byi Ji 1. L. Vast pa:storl, ~and liev. Mir. JiLugston, < Grievill . Fi., Foia ?ohrnmittee. GIvYen Up to 1)ie. Evtl~anas il, .itnd., u a t''s: "Flor' 'IOe' e hera'ct i'us wh ieb ej astd mae mti< ii atd worr ay. 1 ho't flesh and wasa i a' 'a down-1, ;iand a yeart' n hiatd to a1bat dIn a ka ent ir'y. I iad threen of tI biesi phaysmiaans who' dad mue no got and14 I w's pr' I cll Iby givena up to di F'e's Kida newsrcmed an te h' ottaIn gav t'i 1e gr'eat reClie attnd :.1 tor ininga thet see mdt bottLie I wi entlir'eat cred.'' Picketns Dru'tg Co. EOLEYMIORY~TA1 for.chu~dra-s aafe, auere. JNo oplatei Not ice to Te'aCIcrs. Pirke'ns, 8. O., Aug. 7, 1905. (15) fifteenth. E~x'a'ina ion to beg itt. I9 o'~el k at. m'. A pp)1~lman mutt, fut n lbish thir ownm ataie y, legal eip i prefi'tI'I 4. Sincret'y' sonr'S, Co. Snyt. Edncation. O seas Scat !25.HI(1. One of'the lead ianaho for 1'oun ag la.nies i the* Hont h. New bua ilini (Irand 441 m iuntin 'cnery l a Vta loev of Vilrgina fameitd foar heia'thl. Itiuropean andttt Amaeric irenceers. I'a 'u corse Conervator' atdvan t ini Aa ~i t M ' ale nd Iinteu Ifon. Cert flenate- we.~ (Slecy. St uidentas fromt 30 States. I or enaltog Mv Aia aT a s'. h11 Itills I'res, iitOanoke. Va. Notlee (of Finial Settleel Pr,'litte Judt~gte for' Picknnts coity, St'' th day ' f Sep tember, 1905, for timla sadith awt'n ott thle ett4' of Elia hthad . T. i~' i4'l ls eed at1ili)Ot l o Anu. 8, 1905 Administrators. A FULL SUPILVI O- ThOSE BELCIAN LAMPS noW in Stock-stand and swinging. The best )amp in the world today. Not a one of them, has ever boon known to explode. Special Prices to Churches. Plenty of Candy. -at 6o cents per pound. PiclBOi Drug C. DURINC THE NEXT ____3 hvs(pcaDAYS Ih have some special prices to offer the trade for cash on Shoes, Hats, Pants and various other things useful in the home and on the farm too numerous to mention. When you get ready to Buy a Suit of Clothes this fall don't fail to see me before you buy and get up-to-date tailor-made goods at the lowest prices. Such goods have neyer been offered in this section. Each suit made to measure and a neat fit guaranteed. Yours truly, J. F. HARRIS, By imnself. Business Suits! This is the Suit that you should be the Y most careful in selecting, as one lives in a k business suit six days out of seven, and . one expects naturally to be more satisfied in picking out this class of apparel than a more dressy suit. Now we Have (liven Special Attention to This Line, And are ready to please aniy one. To see is to buy. Come in and be one t of the lucky ones. L. IRothschild, Sole Agent for Hlawes ilats and Dutchess Trousers. BSouth Carolina College 1805-1905 ,Four Schools: Arts, Law, Sciences and Teachers System of Wide Election Expenses Moderate. Opens Sentember 27, i905. BENJAfIIN S5LOAN, President. hI .- -- - " Notice of' Finial Settlemnenit e I will apply to J. B. Newbery, Pio d bale .Judge for Pickena county, on the n. Irth day of Angnst for a ihal settle m1itent of tlic citaqte of Samuel Jones, f, deCcoasetd, anud ask to ho diumIissed.'( as a admninitritor. HI. L. CLAYTON, Adlminiistraitor. July 19, 1905. -Notice. .Pursuant to an order signed by His Honor, Gleorgo F. Prinae, J1udge oif the 10th .Judicial Carouit, and dated .Jnne 9th, 1905, notice is herebhy givent to al creditors of William TP. Field, dIOcIatedJ, TH 3OSCTONuSI )W to prove. thesir claims against himt withmn * thirty daya from the (late of this ordter SMLSSIOQSRS n or b)0 fotrever b~arred. Tt URYGNIGSSg r-A. .J. BOGOS,GisFedrCnesstc Clerk Court of Common Plea', 31 Pickons county, S. . 0 BBES MACHINEPU. College of' Char'lestoni 1785 Charleston, S. C. 1905 a. 120th yoar begina. September 2), Let ;tern, Scies'c., Enigineering. One Alto aes ossigo on Sscholarship giving free tuition to each (10bil.11((latl U 'tIg4, grc ~county of Sout h Carolina. Tuition $40. gig$,0) n l aepybet e" Board and ftinrihed room ini dormitory mhv eu oe rmm os n-. $10 to 912 a month. All candidates for drn h buc fuyoeo h te ahdmission are permitted to comnpeto for rnie.adll)COf5reheb vacantt Boyce schlairships which pay trCdntotaefrnaeAlirl -$100 a year. For catajogue addresR rwa(wil)0ladf etnofSU lIHARkISON RANDOLPHl, President. tom.Smofliaparabrpr For 2 Days Only. tibry8.0 a Next FRIDAY and SATURDAY 11 I will nell the very b)oat machinla Oit 5 gal". for $1.00) it is wor th and sella atIL t us d you '35n. that will bethe price after Saturday. mehaeeee ltolnmronm hu. T.IiniA~~iS Jpnti ng. enrunn 9 7, 'M1 *, -.R -T AXE SHOES Just received a car load. Also fresh car Flour, Salt, Mitchell Wagons, Chase City Buggies. That 20 per cent. discount sale on Men's and Women's Oxfords, Light Summer Clothing and Dry Goods will continue till Sept. 1 st. Don't miss this, opportunity for bargains. Yours truly, Folger & Thornley. Clothing, ShoRC, Hats and Genta' FurnishiDgs a specialty. Sole agents for Mfitcholl Wagons, Chase City Buggies, Stetson Shoes and Carhart's Uniou-mnado Overalls. MID-SUMMER SELLING. We aIre constantly selling out And we are constantly buying in Every week brings us something new and seasonable to offer our customers. Our trade has been good this spring, and to keep it lively during the hot summer months we have reduced the price on all summer goods; and all new goods we are now buying are bought at prices that we can save you money. We have no old accumulations to run off, but will sell you New, Fresh Goods worth every cent we ask for them. Our Lawns, Swisses and Organdies are the best we have ever shown. We are offering some big bargains in Men's and Women's Low-Cut Shoes and Slippers. You will do well to call on us wheneves you need any. thing in Dry Goods, Hosi&y, Underwear and Shbta. ( A. K. Park, " Greenville,S. C. Cut Prices, Entire Line of Oxfords. We off er our $1 .00 line of Ladies and Gents slippers at 85 Cents and $1.25 line at $1.oo Our $1-.50 line at $1.25. Men's patent Leather and tan's at cut prices. Come and see them. Yours truly, Craig Bros.$ ONE-PRICE CASH STOl. :E 70 acr'es of lar - on Puimpkmntown roc 12() acres near Travelers Rest, joining lands of Mr. Thos. Cunningham. Part of the I. Watson old home. $15 per acre. Also small tracts of land, 20 to 50 acres. We have also some very desirablo lots near et .y limits. These h a long tho car line-$0 each. THACKSTON &SO Greenville, S. C