The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, August 09, 1905, Image 2

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-- ~ --of PUBLIHsED EVICRY WEDrE8DAY MORNINo. so -BY- W The Sontinol-Journial Company. THoMPsoN & RIcE1aY PROPs. J. I. 0. TOMt PSON, IntTon. C Subscription $1.00 Per ueiaiv. , Advertising R tes Reaonable. uatered at Plchens Po0stomuee %1n enmed cltwl - Mal Mitter PICKENS, S. C. Wednesday, August.9, 1901. "Teachers Leaving Piokens." The following hits appeared] ini a number of disponenry organs, with suggestive headlines: "Since Pickens county voted out the dispensary, thus depriving the schools of the mtain source of reve - nue, three lpiincipala and teachers heave tesigned to go elsewhere atul work. W. E. Dondy, in chaege of the graded schools at Pickens, recent ly quit to accept a better position in Georgia. It wan annouanced yester day that J. U. Daniel, principal of the Easley schools, had resigned to become principal of the graded school at Manning. Ile will leave on Mon day for his rnew field of labor. 0 1) Seay has been named as his Success. or. The Easley cotton mill has just completed a handsome brick struct ure for the pupils of the mill village. R. A. Stoldard, of the Liberty schools, has also resigined to accept work at Darlington." We were sure that the voting out af the dispensary was not the reason for these teachorA' leaving, but to be able to say so authoritativoly we wrote to a prominent ani reliable citizen of Piclkens to give u-1 the facts -which he hals done. Mr. Dendy goes to Georgia to ac cept the presidency of it college at an increoso of salary from $80 a month to $125. Mr. Daniels goes to Manning. His salary was $75 in Easloy; it is $100 in 'Manning. Mr. Stoddard goos to Darlington. His- salary was $65 in Liberty; it is $85 in Darlington. These changes Wore all in the ine of promotion, the voting out of the dispensary having nothing whatetver to do with themu. Our infor mant says: "There is no truth in thoso rumors. WVe wtill pay our teache-rs this term even moure thtan heretofore." It is hardly worth while to tell any intelligent, person that the dispou sary money -"blood money", as it~ has beeni appropriatly n ametd -d IOe not form "the main source of- reve nue" for the sch)Ols. Tlhe fiact is it is a very small portion of the school revenue; but were it ten times larger than it is that would be poor coim. pensation for the great evils of the dispensary system in making drunk. ards of our men and causing untold miseries to women and children,, in corrupting our polities and debauch ing the youth of the land. It is money paid for the lives and charac ter of manty a man in South Caro Jina; hence it is "blood money". '.lhis money argument is the lowv est argument that any one could pos sibly resort to, for carried to its logi cal conclusion it would attempt to justify every conceivable immoralhty and erime, provided it brought in the money.-Newberry Observer. Motheral Mothers! Mothers! How niany children are at this season feverish and constipated with bad a stomach heniad achi. Mother G ray's Sweet Powde-rs for Children will always ~ cure. If we ms are- present they wiil I certainly remove'~ the.l~u A t all druag gists' 2. 8 imiple bottle amailed Fnna "' Address A ilen 8. Ol msae, e htoy, Singing Association. Trhe Liberts Towshilhp Afgi ag AssociatnAA1 till conivone with Ii lluhamnah Mcthodliut church about I. two' miles south of? Liberty, on~ the second Sundiay nii August. All? lovers of miusic are cordially in. ~ vited to cormo and brin~g song books and wvell.fIllod brakets. E. OsCA1 B3Mxru, Scoretary. 1 - .Sick headache iesuhls from a disor doredl condition of the stomaech and is qunickly Ona ed by Chamiborlain 's Htonmnoh and Liver Tablets. For salo by Pickens Drug Co, Famous Fruit Farms of Texas, Arkansas, ILouisiana, and The Gi at South-West reached by the Cotton Bolt Tioute. You can purchase very cheap round trip "Home Seeker" tic kets at Atlanta, Blrmingham, Annis ton Montgomery, and certain other points any firsi, or third Tuesday, tipkets boar flud retinn limit of 21 .days and ai ov sleop overs any point Waqgof 9 pis. - I to read by Memphis and the Pelt. Frotn Rook. Rtock, 8. 0. August 4.'-"Tho health this community is very Rood. Miss Lenora Hetidridie opened hool Ot :'easant Grove the 24th ult. tb a flourishing attendanco. Rev. W. 0, Soaborn is carrying cn seriew of meetings this week at M r I. .J:: IIY l1-tis, faom N )1h.1-11 Ila, Is t~mbn I, I jr ift- <hy sinlgi.. ,elI'lal0.'o choo I l n l'.Lea& lt (. r .vo. Mr. and MI Eek J -iss vi',ibtt-d M .r. Aud M r-t 1, 1). 1wi itik, I tif i mrth sunday. M4is luez Meb001 mi U p11:1n1 e)olld school fit Newto'i 1ist lii lav. Stn3day with her brotier E. D. lend. rickim. Miounltain (Nil. Notinlg Il.h.ted, No.thling (UniIn4. Yoi risk iothing iii buying Elliott's Efnnilsified Oil Liniitr it, b. 4 it t- y4o get your, money ) -ck if wit mlitisifed, You)1lr galin i4 great, heeause y'on got the bo-0. limkinent ove (Inad31114. BI-St for Rhe mattism best for Spt ins andi Bwellings, best lor ie in the family and on your slock. A f'ill 1-2 p-nt bottle-, costs but 25 (its. No risk, ail gain. rOLMsINoU-mTAR Oures Colds; Prevents Pneumonia Cheap Rates to Texas, Arhan-as, Louisinai, a1nd the South wot. Elich first and third Ttuesday you ci pirchase LinketH at Atlanta, Birmingham, Ann1istoin, M1ontgonory, and co taill ither poinli to The0 (.1rent South Weist. ind retr11111, 1by Memiphliis and Iho (' tton left Itoe at greatlly reduced rats.ti. Tickets allow stop overs any placo West of Meinj)hw, an( are gocd to return any day within 21 days after Purchase. Writo me to take arr ang)eenilto and 0ee ltt your ticki-tu Iaid by Menph1iB ald the Cotton 1lt IRoute. L. P. 8m th, Trav. Pasts. Agont 205 Mlgnitabl Bhlti , At :n1:tli, it. $100 iLEWAltI) $101. The readlers (if ,tIR jaler will be pleased to leatrn that tLhere is at least onet dreaded (Heaie4 IA t. science has been able to cure in all its t4tages and that is catarrh. liall Catarrh iu e i4 ie 4n ly pOsitive enre now knownt to the iedl ival fraternity. Catarrh being a consati tuulti 0111 dtiSealIe, reqires at : Consfitittoll III trealtment11. . 11a1, d rr ('nre is taken internnily, acting dirkeclys uiponj the. bloo. 111 un l m cons 1,rt'acesi of t~ht HVtielil, thelby lestroyi hll 01 fomli tioni of h l11 olize.IN4, -111( giving the pI tient strfoni'th by Ililding tip the- (41n tittl-onl an11 sit111tnr inl doingt its work. The proprii's h ave s, 11111 fIlithll in its elrative 1o4wers, t ihat they offer One i iei rIllniris Ior My any case a . it. f to cure. Seid for list 'f1. aonas .Aiddress. F'. J. (Uhe ney & i.or., Sold( by all l.Iruggista. IIalf('s iFamrily M PARKER'S '~. HA!R BALSAM -Claeng nnad L*natifles the hal. - 1vo r eies to Dtrlot Gray - fi r to 1 Ym th~i Cr . Calls His 11c Trhe card on the fine pape'r 1looks very miuel "'Put u)> or shut up."'14 ponden~ft of the Hlerah ~ lve to stop the traffic in P n t let himi r( (inest "'Citi er wve hoh-ivo a marn witl t look to pubisih that card h so to keep his word. Un Makes Kidneys and lit.( -.-..a . -m P. L Seay Insta I ~l Cro.wel. . So., Ates good, showr coni f van I th acoy hat Frlid 00 104th bidge nrthis~ rr saidaorn~li auiwed 1h4 fi .t Mr. P. iL. Soy~, a st101.'*F ( Ci, ho camfe ~o wibh~iuv ci ' l~eght~jng o i1e~c 113( (~tl8:uve Iin ted bridg petaoly &ipia 11 ieo nalnced and fehil hos n51a'~ Ar h"ei I, be wasiil liOdlt! as~i ae sad seem, lieait the that~i. wr tredetxi. Iwhen 1 thy C i~ lnews w , c b gt 114 hi ife, wh wai bardin t F, tl>,.ee ~ugtig tt(ruckl5 4h rHoel, thoyol buOilding1( bota~ monthll ago li (lty t01 was al now gl~hu ili, just rea y 2bu1)iling-a~t11 school hutsxo and~r rotfor os A~id1 Soci hallcomined x Unr Alfan's FnOhiEno. Tre eaiy. Ifyou Have A ndtlwa d Boget ndemakstenwknge', oostefe ivsn and bnof so l Don't try cheap cough medi. cines. Get the best Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of Che(ar r y Pect or al cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. "1I havn fo1mil that Aver-s Ciurr Pemtoral is the 'luic it se tichm I ctio irnpoerie for b"roi chit is, ititienz. cotiehis. wtriu ha rd coidA." 31. i.('inot AN. 31.).. Ithaca. N. Y. - Mt ~ ia - - fo r - - w.lI M' . ronch ti Correct any tendency to consiupa tion with vmall dosos of Ayer's I ills. Pickens. R. F. 0., No. 1. Prof. Vei nonl is Iteachinsg A siungitg sch1oo'l at Griffli', He carrie 1 his cla4.a ti, Cedar Itock Wedisesilav niiglit a'Id ['ro f J-on Lslie 1raiu ght his c *lssi fr 1CIC Spiisgs an1d thPv had t argbir colnventim Pror. Vernn priledlit. niGrif'l'i Suindaly and it C.-datr RIHec Stuinday flight. Mr. Arllitr latrspey will run the Toyn Crek roller mill -next year. 0. P. Fie!d lsud wife, of Pindor, visited at J. R. J. Authony's last wo-A, Born, unto Mr. and l rs- J. S. Trot tor, on the 3rd, m1t., a girl. Mrs. Bill Clayton and Mrs. Epps, from neir Centrnl, visited M rs. Jennie Field last wet k. leader. Peculiar Disappearance. .J. D. Runyan, of Biuterville, 0., laid I he poetlitr disapeartceo of his painful s 11pto)Is. of indigestion and biliousness to Dr. Kings New Lifo Pills. He .9.ys: .tYhoy ar: are a perfect r'iody, fo r diz zu ens, Sour stomaihe)), lit adahole, colstip a1tion, etc." Guallr.,n1teed it Pinkenls Drug (o., prion 25c. Stovs he cough and heallunge Cateechee Chat. Bros. Teimtnel, Jone-s and Goings, the two lbitt r of Oreenville, have just a seri(es of meetings iat Camp (Jrcuk orbutreb. Ihere wore four ac. V(c8ionbs to the church, two of whom were haptz(ed last. Sundaiby. Trhoro is to . bO Children's; Day at Camp Crok chliurich next Satulrday, Auig. 12. Iteva. Johntston and Ma~sul. dini are to bu thse omrar of the day. Other Sun~dtay 50chools, CspeCcially 8ix .\ldte, Pru tr's (reek, (Golden 's (Jreek andti I'!1ensanit. lil!, areo in vited. Ev I rybody bring55 well filled baskets. Mr. D). L. Kayi's residenice wte thme scentit of it family reunion hast. Satur. ha~sve the best or notin'. list I t lhe kntows atbout hsow the ( Craso ,look at It-I say I reocon is - that. ani' that's what's made 'im~ - "Tha t um1st be0 It, uncle.7' A,'~ fell bsetween themi~. The sound5( (offeeQ miill Ostmel hatrshly in fro kitchsen, andso thent they heard Mrs yemr singitng t hymn ats she moved int thme adjoining diing room. CHlAPTrEls iII. E~Oltl hI U11CK1LEY did njot to supe its ilual sin meal passed a ihrly.r (o (Sillv the fs~ little group fell Qast she sooni foundt hierself as moody others. TIhe mserchansst gulped d< cup! of hot, black coffee, ate very ly of what was oni his pliate azul A1r. Jlefris' (Osruni, M iss llassie a iv in ar d M W Vida S~heiff' visited Mr. . ( ( re5tt, M[r. f-tnac Sher-. , .Mt is, x da She'rifl ands' Misa 'I.larye asrrectt went . t> ()ld P'ickens the 4th tundtay in Jly .o ans atll daty omstmsenst. at (isIcaeechee Sunsday. osn M'tisa l'lla Bo)ggy iand her little t'phew, (Ilellan Brown, of a lbama, e visitig t heir brnpaetsi ntral, Mr. antd Mrs. ,J.IH. Mul. Mr. ansd Mrs. W. A. IBogts, of Liabama, aire visiting their lriends mud relatives in South Carolinta. Blne Eye.w We lkbetto call SCOT'S EMULSIONc Sa food because it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition, 5 d Anid yet in the matter of restor- d m ig appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially t to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send for free sample, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemniste, 4094t5 P'eart Street, NewYork, ocantd~t.ooi aln druggist. BIO F MEN, WOME ar'd CHILDRI LOW CUT We find we Shoes for this ]i 0111 entire stoc. and Slippers d stances less tha sweep before thi $5.00 Crossett Oxforas $4.00 Crosset All otheri lines re hiol HOBB! 110 and 112 N. MV Smiiii onis for Relief. STATE OF $OUTH CAROLINA, Piokenis C'aunty. Court of Common Pleas. Copy Sumon I fll.1t or Relief-CompIlafint Serve. lBroo ks Titmpson and Marshal Thlom p sonl, as8 admmuistr..tors of the estate of Th~omkas Thiomipson. deceased, Plain tiffs aginst Glabriel Thlompson, Furman Foster, James Wiliamis, Anugeline Keith, Dudley Tialley, Elias TValley, Emily Clarr, Sissy Ferguson, Pickens Thiomp son, Ida McCoy, Thomna IBlythe, Angeline Moore, S.'phronia 'Talley (if alive, ai~d if dead her heirs at law), Lizzie TIhompson, Juliat Walker, Charlotte Dunncan, Ella Bradley, Lii. ly Bradley, Gabriel Theompsona, jr, John TIhomp~sone, and1 Brooks TIhomip son itnd Marshal Thompson, in their ind.vidual capacity, defendanta. To the defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and re quiredl to ,.nawe'r the complaint in this action, o1 which a copy is herewith served upon you, and1( to serve a copy of your answer to the said comnplaint on the subscribers at their office, Miller building, Grecnville, S. C.,* within twen ty days after the service hereof, exola sive of the (lay of such service; and if you fail to ansawer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action wvill apply to the court for the re lief demranded in the complaint. SDated July 14th, A. D., 1905. I EA L ~.A. J. BOGGS, - O. C. P. BLYTHE & BLYTIHE, Plaintiffs At' orneys. To the absent defendants, Furmau Foster, Ida Mc~oy, James Williams, Dudley Talley, Emily Clarr, Tuomas Blythe and Siphronia 'Talley (if alive, and if dead her heirs at law): 'Take notice that the summons and complaint in this actioi wvas filetd in the offico of thie (Olerk of 'ho Uourt of ('onm mon Pleas for Pickens county, at Peck nuC, S. C., oni thi. 5th of .a 'r;t, 1 X35. BLYT1l H E & BL~YpTiE, Ply 'ntilk Attorneyvs. ('eik'S Sale. HTATlE OF SOUTil CAROLINA, County of Pickls.1* IJs the, (Common Pl[ Court in. vs. in,'a I~a5ingam'e, D~efendant. I n ursua n ce of .1d ernN! ',Irderi m Ihe~ abov" F.tatled case'i by Hon. (nco . E. ?riine, date~d June 9, 19015, and ont Ile n the (.h-i k's oilk-, .1 d i sell to thie eighest bi der on sne day i-i Septemb Ier, 935, deuring thn legal hlevs for ral.- , ait ?~iekene Court House5., H. C. , tho follow ng trac' of la'id, to) wit: All lAat piece, pari'Cel or trenet ofi land a the Coun ty~ of PoIkens, St',te of .otht 'aroliune, anid containing sixteen (16)1 cres, mocro or less, and adjoiinig lans I' Nathanial D~unuan, Ann HIedrickcs ud( othrs, it, being the same land do nse' iet the said1 Cynlhia Bowen bcy lie ven Urdine. TIeimi Ciah-Purohaser to pay for apers acnd for recoirin'g the a ',me. Aug. 7, 1905. A. J. 1B0008, Clerk of Conrt. bR. J3. I1. BURQESS, ..DENMTIST.. SENECA, - 8. u. Office over Nimm~ons Store, Doyle 'Building hou -i 9a m, tol1 ,m.---- 2 p. m,Wt ; Z, Death of Little Lena Hopkin On'last Tuesday worning- Aug. 1, . 4:30 o'cluock the Angel of Death Luietly came into the home of Mr. ind Mrs. J. W. Iopkins, of Central, md gathering the sweet spirit of lit Je Lena, their infant daughter, it gently retraced its heavenward flight and there presented to Jesus this dear littlo babo which had been ',14-,r4 1,h-1 Oph-pt mont hs. Little 1( list bl 1 , b 11 v, r% il ftil. 111fr ore th n11 -18 In u 41 . ,v-ll bA i-l tI ) rell, 1.s tel 1141th of Centrad, ble-l b- her1 -Iitite 1-ihtler JeS14il, ho pi evt -1- *1 h a to bI'iy imre iha3n 3 ight w* 3 igo. Fiieral servies. weore C.dn(3e34 ted yLi R.-v. 1 .1. .1 h111s'on o'l tihe day fol ) uing. A Touelhilg Story is the # .ving fro-n death (of the baby girl of Geo. A. E Iler, Cumbierland, Md. Ho writos: "'At thI t I-o of 11 IIloIns our littio girl Was i-l d 4imu-. h1 alth with erOj011 thlint ti4u!)le, a1111h I w I) phyti viansi gave hier upl. Wo wv. re almost inl despair wheu we rosolved to try Dr. Kinig's Now Discovery filr Coesmlp ion, Coughi an(d Cold. Thie first hoot. thi gave relieif; ntor taki-g fouir bot tlie Ble was (111-n1, no-I il now in) porfet. health." Never fails to relive iu. cure a cough or onild. At. Pickens Drug Co.; 50c and $1.00 guarntutood. Tria bottle free. .A. m T !4: .a... Bears the - 1ho Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of' BUSINESS LOCALS. Bring is your eggs, chickens and butter. Highest prices paid for same. H:. A. Richey. All %tho wantifresh fish next Satur. day call at tlle old meat market. J. D, bloore. Fresh beef also. For Sile --Lot of good milk cows. Fresh in milk. (. A. Ellis. -Will pay 60c per husbel in iner ehandis'. for fresh cleanl dly peach seed. Craig Br-os. 2t A heap of little things cieap at J 1). illoore's. You Cli got 25 lb. tie for- ono dollar at J. D. Moore's. Come a n1d see our nice line of shoes , T. Fennells & Co Molasses at ,J. D. loore's 30c to [0( per gallon - good. A nice linte of men's and youth collars at J. T. Fennell & Co's Store Real good cider at J. D. Moore's. This is a reminder t hat I am stil loing business at the 1d StaI( (over ickens Drug Store) w here I am dlways glad to serve n'y >l d ts well s new friends. When ye B want a luick and easy shavo, or an imp-to-date sair cutr- givo me a call. E. T. Hunter The Barber. Highest prices paid for chick( ns -ggs and country produce, J. T. Fennell & Co. Good aplel vinegar at J. D. Moore's for 25e per gallon. The niicent line of lamnps, glassware-c 11d( dCcoriteLd d1ishes to go at csost, J. T. Fennell & Co. For otton Weoigher. .5. 1). Ilobiler is h ereby annou461necti ns~ a ennell1 - * Ci C tton3 weighe1r for I'i(ckenxi Tos ip j. to thei uction of the einali1lledl voters at1 roacinug election. TI. Cinn16 .- 32 is hereby annonneert asa Ie for Cotton we Igher for Pt ekens, ip, subljCCt t( the ac0tion of1 the voters at Crane is hereby annilouineetl as a CandlfIl 2ottoni webher for P'icket T65 1ownusip to th3elatio of the voters ait the aip tice to Debtors and Creditors. persons holding Olma against taie of Charles Anderson, dc , re re'qulested1 to pr'esenlt the properly aittested, to T. JT. Mul ttorney', Pickensa, S. O., for pay by the 15th any of September, and3( a:l personis indebted to the tate are requested to make pay3. o the same. DAVID ANDERSON, -9, 1905. Administrator. onl Weigher's Electioni en is hereby given to the qualified of Pickens, 0. H., Township that stion will he held Imrsuant to Sec i57 of Volume 1 ''odo of La wi of Caroli'.n, 1902, for ai Cotton er for Pickenw. Said etc :-tioni a hI3-idl on the third S turdaiy in) 4, the sa 1mn being t he 1Othl day of, 1905. The poils to openI at 10 33. m. and close at. 5 p. mi P. E. Alex 11d101, B. B. Ilooni 3ud J. E. ('ox ore ppoin3ted' managers of thle sid etration3. B~y orde~r oif theo TIown C '3Ione of icke1ns. J1. Mel). BRUCE, No tice. Thle lBoard( of Coniiuy n-iisr l' ode plciions fort- i- p.oii j, l' Stoward of thle Poor 1Arm f- t A year~i 1906 ini their offim atII Pieken'ii] the 22d (day of Angest. Ely ordeCr of the Board. A New ScieniIc Discovery for the BLOOD and NtRVIS. It purifies the blood(1 by elimnating th< ~ iste matter and3( other impilurities n1od1 by ' stroyig the germs or mricrob~es thati fest the blood(. It builds upj the blood I r rconstructing anid mu'tiplying the red irpuscles, making the blood richt and reai. esCtores aund stimidlates tihe nerFves, main33 a full free flow of nerve force roughout the entiro nerv-e system. It 2eedl fy cures unstrung nlerv'e3, nervous ess, niervouus prostraitioni, and all other Iseases of the nervons Syslteml RYD~ALFS TONIC is sold uitder a posi ve guarantee. Trial sire 8e cents. t'amily sire $I.00 MANUFtAcTURED BY. 1ho RdIcal! Remedy Company, HIOKORY. N. 0. - o0r Sale by Picen Drug. Co EDUCTION! SHOES have entirely too many low cut Ite season, and have gone through k and marked all low cut Shoes own to COST, and in some in n cost, in order to make a clean .e season is too fair advanced. LoW CHII SlieRdnei , 11w $3.50 t Oxfords. now $3.25 $3.50 Crossett Oxfords, now $2.75 $3.00 Crossett Oxfords, now $2.37 duce(1 to cost and les. Tiese prices d good for ten days only. -HEN 8ON CO ain S t - -n hand a nico line of i WA AM and ELGIN that I am )e8li1 - ry low pric. Also some other e grade wvatches Ibargain. Jewelry, wvatches and repaired, and .30 all work that I <deliver. II. SNIDEP - - Easle Notice the .isurance Fea1: h off vLiberty Bank Burglar 1in. Cashier Under la Fire Insure e Depositors' In~ If a burglar bl , and fire destroys the building, an - ier skips out with whan. -notice the result: Co. i p urlar In h replaccs what the burglar got; the I.c to.p fok r t o u . Ixturi s: the Bond Co. replaces whl ie toosumte buieaoat e Fund p13 a the depcsitors--and th . ild Your deprsit I the Liberty Ban..k and it coats you - A word to the wise Rtapectfully, SI[H. C. SIR~LEY, WOMEN WHO SUFIe FROM -I OUDUS For Permanent Relief NR~~~t ctsdireo~ on the Liver. It will cure CONSTIPA , r4~TPE IA ARUIA AND CHILLS. Is entirely free fvrtall nolsonous mineral substances, and is composed sololy of , 4 LV4NG IJRRBS. Espesially adapted for weak and weary donatitutkin5; streaigthens the weakened glands and organs; it checks all derangements of the human body. CURED HER SICK HEADACHE Mrs. Josie Cameron, Centralia Avenue, Tenipl, Texas, writes: ''I find H ER BINE gives me qu c relief, and tak leasure inl recommending it to all women who suffr iroma sick headache." WITHiN THE REACH OF ALL Fifty Cents A Bottle Avoid All Substitutee Ballard Snow Liniment Co. :St. Louis, U. S. A. BOLD AND RKCOMME DED B PIcO3K .Jrsi ryn -ct rm