E tored April 23, 1903 at Pickens, S. .,as second class matter, under act of Congress of-Mrh8 17 VPICKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY,'AU *1t WHO IS TillS CITIZEN? Greenille Paper Says the Dispensarae Are Furnishing Blind Tigers In Pickens. Always. Buys a Poor Quality of th Stuff and as Much -as the Law Allows. I'be Greenvill , flerall p: ints ti( folilowig: Thje reoords of the West End (is pensary of this city show that one cutizan of Pickens hats purchased moure than $100 worth of lititr ai nd alcohol since tko dispensary of Pick Ois was voted out. Monday of this week this citizen iurchased (he full amount of liqor the dispensor would 'ell hin, an11d t his pirchwer's trips to the city have become sIo frts quaont that thu di. eunser looks for him fow regularly every other day. It could inot be learned whether this purchaser'- patronage was con. title(d to the West E'Id dispeniary or not, as the other dispensers in the city do not know the man. There is no question but that ti0i liquor bought in such largo lots is retailed in l'ickens county, nid there are other unlawful dealers quially active, from till reports. A vell kniwn citize(ns from Pick ens l cotinty was in 1he city yesterday and1(1 ell lib d at the Herald uflice. He tailted that he Coul testify to the fact that whiikey - as sold ut three plac(e in the 1own of Pickletis andoll m imani could piclhase antly amount from a 10 c nt drink up to live gal lons The coditionsi -(to rapidly growing worse, h stated, and hil( blind tigers had never beIt so ltCive A former officer of Pickens counjt. was in the city estcrday and his re port of conditions W11a1 o mieam favorablo to tie anti-dispenatilrv forces. He is authority for tho stato n101t, that a load of liquor passed th ough the principal street of the to %'in of Pickens Monday, ai ( this ib taitl to be the condition generally. t is prepostorous to t-upposo this Pkenls citizeli who buv so much dispensary 'liquor consumes it him self0. The only conclaioi to ht rejlhed then is that it is either pur chnl.e(d for his friends, whicht is m crine under the dispensary I.-w, o elsa ho buys thbe I:quor for retail Which last explanlatiol is miucl m11on1 phusible than ite former. The whlsOkey iS pircised in h-tif pint.,, iIts aind quart packages, and alce. hiQ is purchased by the gallon. ft is said that the alcohol punr cIlised is use.d as a basis for ti n n1ttnnfacturo of crude liq'ior, whliel thb buyer himself makes. T1he~ formn 9u for this '-hetad-busting" beveraug< mstid -to be somet~thing l ike t his: A g janitity of home miade tobacco i1 bqjj(ed utntil th.. strength is d eawi 096t. The juice thus obtained(5 i fl~ixed. with a q'iaotity of talcohiol, at '1yknjownt mtixture to maitke t ho,beta a gnatt i y of caiyonnei p)0pper andl i vcry sma.'ll amount of cologne spuiit * ~ oe is no0 disputing thto fact thai his 1n~ ttbuyer of alcohol does no1 u it for medicinal purploses, nei~ oL' mantuifacturer himself is authorta 7f' the formuiula. T1heo stuil' thtii do4 is said to be a very much worr P'oodiet than one X corn purchaser A pecumuit aasi a..ous ca; n man 'ts p~~urchsos at the WVest Eud dispensary is that ho buys only oni X corn. If he retails this quiality ol liquor together wvith tile "pop skull' of his own minufactoro it 'v'oul ap poeir that his patrons wore tnot very particlarlL atiStt (Frily, tand from the bieaisy buyinug of thiis citizen it the past fowv days, it aippears that qIiulmity3 alonie is the buin lg gnes(1 Under t ho illternal rovenitue law~s at dispeonsor cannot sell to on11 port chaser-of liquor miore thaiin four gal bins antd threo quairis at 0one time11 -The P'ickens manu boiht ithe limi for the last few day~s, anid thie recolid are authority for this stattomoent. 'Te Public Is Aronsed. '?Th.q4. pubhlic is arouised to a knowledge lof the4 enrative merits or thaut groat mod0( icinal comi Electrie Bitters, for sio -stomnaett, liver and kidneys. Mary HI WValters, of 548 St. Clair ave.. Colum buts, 0 , writes: "For several months wasl givent np to din. I had fever an< ngue, my nerves wero wrecked; I eoul, not sioop. and my stomach was so we,,l froty utsehcsa doctors' drugs that, I-col, ntot eat. Moon af ter' beginning to talk Electrie Blittera I ob'ained vaof, and it a short time t wvas entirely cuirol.' Oluaranteed aut ikens Drug Cc iico 500, The Secre is that we are d can give the people Now ve ave Down in a Soul and up-to-date stock half the ianufacture our custonwrs shall and they go on sa value. This is no o goods, bought for tli 5o,oo inhabitants, a goods is perfect. T and will last um haven't space to quc an idea of the great and take advantuge< Superb line" o) This is one ofI state, and for style z are the output of the States and to move t $i 50 SI $1.00 SI 75 S1 50 SI ael W~arning to Mothers. Toon tchi(1 ea1-1 canilot be Ised witi "imall oh ldren (iurilng the hot woether of the t mmer nionths t 1guard agaiust bonuel ti oubles. As a rnio it is only nvecessTar 1.41 give the lild a do of CaHIor oj t) e0rect niy disor lei- of tihe bOni(a. Do ntll s 1 ali substitmte hie g ivo tie old-folb ned 41 stor 4, and teo that it iA fr' shi, as ranid oil 1-utii.o a'ei aII d has1. a tenldencey to gilipe. 'It tis d14e0 not 4.hec11k the bowel. givot Ch - Im e lait's Coic, CholermI amtli U) -- rho 0 rd.y lattd thenl a de' so of 'oi-toer its'- inacipienlcy taml all danigterI avl ed. l' T1he caist<(r oil andu t his remedy~l htouald be prioci ('(d at once0 a nd kept readtuy for intahnt noe at. stoon01 s iho fir-t indaicat ion ol' anay 1.c wcd tIr' u blie appoa I s4. TIh Is .i the10.1 mos to souul tretmtla kntown antd mfaly nto r-el ied upon1 wi th imipheit con11fidenii euven in cases'l of chiolera ini fatutm. jFor sal~a by Pickenis Druzig Co. Colkred District Conference. Picke 's, S. C., July 3.L--ltditor Sent.ine -.Jt'urnal: Allowa~ me to say through' your valuablo~t paph.-r tthait the udistr1icl.t onferecelt of theip Gr1'env illteI Distric.t Coored M\l. l10. chu11rch :ntil a1. Li berty onl the 26thi lnst. at ! .30 ''.ok, alccording. Io) previous arranigemenits. Oi, Tues dlay night ai grandi( seroniiiu was preaced~(. b~y Rev. Y. Got del, or WVillianuito. We~dnaesday at 9 :30 the int;oductory sormlon was prIeached by Rev. .Armstrontg, of Grenville. Good sermons were prechedt by Dr. B. F. Wi1Iher spoonl, Revs. B. S. A. Williamis, I. L.-Har'dy and M. MouzAon, P. E~ Among the distinguished viiors wtir' Dr'. '3. C. Jacob)s, repreiset itng tho Sunday School Unioaa; Dri. 1. G. Ponn, repreosenting thie Ep, wc rth LitLeratuare. Many Vipers and maltuscri11pts were rtead wh 1ich will be v'ery htelpfuil. This cl...S out11 the ed -rship, of Rev. M. MI. Mo uz'/on, who hats wonI nmuy01 friendsl~; his (1epar-I ture is to be muche reogret ted by al l. I l.:espeai l( the senitimenit ol ail wheni I say forCl etorta nin g the ) li confrenc toa ' delightfully. (. TI. Mideri. P. 8.-P'leas>i allow me) A to en tioni Rev. 1B. .1. Robinsont~t, aL bIind~ mn. whol prtealched~ one of the best9 .ermon w111 ever heaV i~rd . is often ca~iused by sores, ulters and1( (can Gersl thlat eat aWAy your utldni. Wita. I k I -dell of Fiat Rock, Mich., says: "'F havo Li used ltebklen's Ar.nicai Salvo, for Ulcers, I Soros and Canoria. ]t is the best he~al 'ing dressing I ever fud." Soothes? , and heals outs, bulrnsi and scalidO. 25o. at Pink~ dar. ug.. as.... ...r..t..d. N L Opportunity 0 t of our Succes aily watching for bargains that o at prices that they appreciate. it Fw you. :hern city we bought a comple of bankrupt goods at about oni rs cost and we have decided th iave the benefit of this purchas le at about one half their actu d out of date stuff, but brand ne e spring trade for a city of. abo nd the style and quality of the he goods are now on sal itil they are all sold. NA te many prices but only give y( values of this sale. Get rea< )f this sale, for they won't last lon Shir ts the prettiest line of -Shirts in tl nd fit they can't he beat. Th< leading factories of the Unit< iem quick we have put the price irts for...................... $ i.oo Si rts fo r...........................--- 75 iirts for.... ....... 50 irts for..............................38 ENFORCING THE LAW. Blind Tigers Are Bolder Under Pro hibition But They Are Being Caught. The P1(ens10-ll colesim!lnt of the '-f Aug st :, Says: i;1 '.av Coish I able Ge o lrg" Chn1 p. noi( ld In lh Maister:4, nh-> is beliuev t v bel t en inpose..y lie Tale it .l i f pi ren the ith r day. I wh s ji h . o tti , y ) he (ji ini tne waslIP gien~ atii aigi do th eg oft ein beer.ill It ) is ii lthath recl be inkt ii h-urlf bi w ever. 'in Saturday it It wa o t.voo ut guilt forI somedo penrede bti-r ~oil Vnnisser~ Lovis soi ine etionethima abou the aet ofet iand1 Paoc o taidu tehad. no recd tollec tiof it wha t.evier..Tequs tion) of ghuily of o giultyi waf asked11 w113 hie towlead. Whe facet withtii .15 the tw is, Pace d theust ho iuttle iso thingu in thel roeorti buet hat he wasth s run that1 he had no cl ton of it. mo po wats fondd htnfortis apernc t. nt he Otber gi .term t to f t St0 ate co ut. iry A L ther ii1( wel tori liudtl younga liigi nearg liien was boug into ii litaIis6 ltra t ie , arii' offiit ystH erd o te cargehit o viltionii ofi weht oi pany.9 nar town ith ano)therlf~ yout. mawho~ i) t hav iee conviced to the Cin e riad by a stte~ cotabley wh..... upici.s.wer.arou.d.h IPT L r a life-time-tli S i"t lot " ie"'o are "ll""t 3)0 silims and regulars, anid the $6.oo Pants at only $ 5.00 Pants at only 4.00 Pants at only 3.50 Pants at only te 2.oo Pants at only i 1-50 Pants at only at 1.25 Pants at only e, i.oo Pants at only al Y.)u will Imiss 11 bargail if yo w Big lot of Collars wort Lut 25c Socks for 15c. i 3e 35c and 50c Socks foi le Nice line of 50c ties t, re Silk st!'ng ties 15c, o >U 25C all Linen Handkc ly ioc Handkerchiefs on g. 5c Handkerchiefs on In this sa1o we havo about fif ladies'8hoca aul Oxford-, ranq p(r pair. Those shoes are mad 1C the United Stateq, and the sizes -Y. $4.50 and $5.00 Shoe xl 3.50 and 4.00 Shoe )>n 3.oo and 3.50 Shoe 3.50 and 4.00 Oxfo 1-75 Shoes at $1.25. 1-50 Shoes at 1.oo. 1.00 Shoes at 75. uce=Mc LEADERS IN 1be tino and stand th9 stiate a law. suit on it. He was ioided for hip appoarance at The fall term of court. Thisi same youIng inuzi worked and vote d fagf-inst the dispensgary in order L , r-move teImIptati on, he ISaid. The yolnrg man's fn e is Will Smuith. Commnissionler Lewi., was asked if ihre is not considerable more 1 doing .n his e tirt siaeo he disenusary was1 closed, Whle)eupo he0f st0atedti t hat .i dloubted if there wasH anyI m~ore ii :cit whiskey sol than when: the dis bensary wasn in operationl from: the ~act~ hat th di4 lsperm.ary was a cloaki , lhe illicit 4daalorI. Since the r. nolOVc of h dispensary it is ai very. may matter ror a conislable to "shiiino be eyes of a tiger, ' 31s 1h has becomol N~othliung on the Market Equal to Cham-. rhoen itemedy~h. TIhis fact is well kniown to druggists wvorywhiere, uand nin11 out or ten willE ivo thir3 ctom1LOlers this piraatioll when(1 the h-.'st is askod for. \'lr. 0b1 WVitmvr, a prominent druggist of .Joplin, Un. in a circubr'i to his cutstomersi.I miys: 'There' is nothing otn the mnarket, i the' way of patent mfedicinea whiich '( ials CJhamnberlailn Colio, olilerat and( I )iarrhmaa Remedly for~ bowel 'tom plaints. 'We ~h sellI nOrcommenQd tis prpaa ion." F"or salo by Pickonis Drug Co. 1t Receipt for Slander or How to Make It. TIake a grain of falsehood1, a~ ibandful of runabtoult, the same1 inanitity of nlimble tongue, sprig >f 11)0 herb of back-bito, a tea ijpooinful of '"don't you tell it,'' Aix :1lop of mii1cv, ii few drachmsa of mnvy; add1( a little discoenrt and jalousy', strain through at bag of' micons11 tuctionl, cork it ill in1 a bottle <-f maevolebnce andi hang it in ai hot aitmosphere; shake it oc 'asi n~al ly for ai few dIays angd it w ill be fit for use. Let a fow d1rops8 be taken before waliking outL and( theo desired resu1ltvill follow. Howji Cnnum (lion beginsu (onumrpion ii arays besgins wzth a 3(oughl that lingers A cough thamt hlangs utd will not yield to the uanal0 treatmenlt ilay : .ot me1 ani consump~i)tion - bunt too >ften it does1 mean1 tils dead1( destroyer Eas gaine (1 a footing Rypale's (1 o u g hi ElIixir is very suiceful 11 checking the0 progrnsa of throat andi itung diseases I~~ven consumimdtioun yields~ to its pmowerfu. nfluence, if its u1s0 is hogan hefore th101 iiseaan is too (deep seated. Th'1is modern cOientific remedC~y, kills the germs that sauiso consumptionl. Its removes tha ansel* and( helps natturo rebuiild tile brokeni ilown tissuO. If you hlave at stubbmorn cough, try Rydalo's Cough Elixir, it wil naot diannnt yun iT NO~T i. greatest sale 1r of P"ants (if ail kinds, stouts, Sw)i'Lt last long at 11he price. t.00. 3-50 -98. -50 -.50. .00. 90. 78. 11 fail to get a pair of thean pants. [15c to go at 1oc or 3 for 25c. 5c Socks for loc. 25c. go at 25c and 38c. 2 for 25C. rchiefs only I5c. ly Sc. ly 3c. 'eon hunudred pairs of men's and jing in prico from $1 00 to $5 00 e by the leading manufacturers of and)uI stvile are porfect. s at $3.50. sat - 2.85. s at 2.00. rds 2.50. C rrow C LOW PRICES - They Appeal to Onr Sympathies. TheL biflinlos anjd dysmpoptic are con shiit. 6uiffer'.-rs 111(1 appeal to our syi pathios. Theire is not one of them, however, who maty not. he lrouglit, biek to health1 111 iuppineosm bV the tse of )lmham 1be hin's Stoumeh and Liver T1db lIts. Tuw t 1b t invigoratt, I he stomac a111n1d liverd s1111 litronLgIlhen thl. digetion3. ''hiey al(so rieglt. the bOW els. For salle by Pikons Drug Co. UJ 011 4.0 Un-J-A -y7 s ats and Dutchess Trousers. rolina College 5-1905 Arts, Law, ciences Tfeachers ,4 Wide Election Opens September 27, i9( ENJAfIIN SLOAN, Presidi Thle term "D]yspepsia"' meansa the lack so pepsinl in thle stomahil. Ind(igestionl if rightly uised when ever tihe food is not prop)lerly dig. ested re~gardl ess of. the cau~so. it isimmaiite'rial, w~1hl r I you cll your ailment Dy).spepsia or Iindigestionm whlen are0 guarante~ed to Cenro all hflma of sitomahLh tronble. BI~y a trial Blox, (pmrice 26) ets.) anid be ,onIvinIced. The Easley Trolley Line. A uueeting of citizens9 will be hold( at Piercitw o nl i August 15*t inI the inltoreist of the Anderson Easley trolley3I lo. Thluis mee!tinug ago, liut Cevera~l of tho par ities 18) iprelJenj 1 ut t)lie timIll oimiod ..n alCCollt Of 3 ri'v 1oll elggl11011 s. At thle meeOting'. onl the 15th Dri. Cougblhin, Mr .J. A. Brock and others~ of AndeIrsoni, D r. Fr'ank Smith and ot hers of Ea:sley, will he pr~oent, and( all porson~s ilnt cested along the line of the proposed r'oad~ arre asked to be0 present. It will bo a buisiness meetinig andl( tho p)ropositlion hias been1 ( dicussed1for somel( timel, and~i it is to be hoped the meeting may lead to something defhiito. 'rhe proposed road wvould traverse one of the best sections of country to be found anywhere, aind would still further develop Pickens ever knew. In order to make this sale interesting for the adies we are offering some special bargains in Winte Goods, Silks and Millinery. All 7 1-2c White Goods to go at 5c. All ioc White Goods to go at 7 1-2C. All 16 2-3c White Goods to go at 12 1-2C. One lot 16 1-2C, 20C, 25c and 35c White Goods to ro at 15c. One lot 35c Champ. col. to go at 25C. Pino Crepe, all shades, 25c and 35c, to go at 19C. Big drive in all wool Batiste, only a few colors rey, tan, old rose-from 65c to 35c. We haven't space to quote more prices, but the calping knife his cut deep. Wtillintery oods Cut in Iaalf. This is one of the biggest millinery seasons that ie have ever had, and we feel very grateful for your atronage in this department. As we have closed our .yes to profit we give you the remnant stock at your wn price. We appreciate your business, cash or redit, and will spare no pains to please you. ompany. VEGETABLE SICILIAN A L Hair Renewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps It soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And It always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. "I. ,It X A FATH E R S DUTY this il ie to e Doss your baok ache? Have highly co.ord? Thesear sure sin of kidny disese DR. MoGEE'S BACKACE AND EIDNEY CURE. Sold0 and reliomene byPc nsDu Co ThdesLittleoDetail Scwuad get Bno.r mon. ton p oths taerrbis. repj EN yardsuof cloh andia mileho thread tsnheathe wholeystoryboy. lgoodasuit-not -byoseverag.thou gist's. 00 andanda btilt.hes. Sol ad ecamndd bihy Pceer rfsmnsi Co. ThaLtte ltestergtalsh TFrthe ofa clthndhe mikseaof life'of th' ewoe suitepu or of ah LgooL detilstan byo seacoui sano stthetosadtesaeo ane mapegty ceveryctsangsoid wto mae cltespeatne righ a the Suthea than his, e ook mouli liof thure maktepes allote oi~rncte Lbete deail hament coud ia wgie o handta cse becauly the lknow ihee' onte btton and eronn sap gof thge lapel allte neveythia ng thaos d course the mone aperae of an oattern le Some ofourSui suanTo Catfle 2., ther prpr5 andldi0. ofead oka at uvemksem.heciI~cc bet 120 a . bain gtrmetada a B..gmea sa ENVLLk..