And s day in t jam Jull selecti.o1 And pr your pu the best in the I from Co of nume this sect OUT 01 eration. stock. DRESS 0 Its a pleasure to lo mering Silks-every kin( 20 inch all silk taffeta, in< 36 inch Black Tafieta, ev( Special yard wide $1.29 1 20 inch Cream Wash Si!n 27 inch Cream Wash Silk 50c Colored Corded Wasl . BLACK 36 inch Panama cloth, per 36 inch i8 Twill Hen riett: 44 inch Melrose for skirts 42 inch Cheviot Serge, sp 46 inch Silk finish Henriel 56 inch Panama Cloth, 46 inch French Voil, Aeol 40 inch Mohair special, COME TO C;REEI-N to lay in your spring supp . it on less money if you tri A HEARTY WELCO 2UBMSHE~iD EVERY wElDN4IsDAY MOIMo. -BY The Bentinel-JouLrnal Company. TJIoMrsoN & BIcHrEY. Pno~s. J. La. 0. T H O'M PSoN, Eniron. Subscript ion $1.00 Per Anunm. A4dvert isin~g Re tes Reasonable. Ilitered at Pickens P'ostonilce as second Clash Mai Matter PZIKENS, S. C. 2 - Wedn~esday. AprIl 19, 1905. '1 Lbe best plan of farming is to raise a vaiety of (crops). Gol'w ever3 thing4 3you feed, iandt sell1 it mos813 tlyn thei flornm of l've stock, using. the fertibazer to build up the farm. -A nieat 1 ttle folder, descriptive of P~ickens, with itsnmany advantiges, enclosoefii' each letter sent ou tbyI the busimuss men and etbers would' soon make Pickens tihe be-st knownI townsa in the South. A dispatch from Fairbanks, Alaska to Tacomo, said that a common United States 2 cent, postage stampli has just. bcon rold there for $1, and that it was the last stamp in town. Th~1e last, le mon in town had also been consumetd It sold for $2. Break up the habit of bolrrowing your neighbor's paphier anid get one of v-our own. Your neighbor wihom you I orr-ow from may like to read lhis pa per just when you have it. Did you~ ever think of that? There is a movement on foot to have the farmers neo cotton bagging instead of jute ir. packing cotton. The South Carolina branch of the South ern Wholesale Grocers' Association is at the head of the mnovemient. The u se of cotton bagging is urged be causecotton is aproduct of the South-. :2 - or Stateewlhlle burlap is imported fro ni64 ~ y~'P ~ 9~nez thry days wil prove of nomentons in/portance i4 the cotton *mr~ ften d- abea quietly sw4p Aoet. inoureahiI coagg I. % 4~f ut It a big erop A ~ r' i)$9grices !li be iheyteble hre hasbeej talk onoinr PICK hould be music t< he week crowds c of choi-ce mercha I is grand. Fame esents an array c rchases here. Ev to be liad for the )iedmont section i lumbia to Ashevi ==BEN r'Ou.s advertisers. ion, bTi1 'tis not 1) TOWN TRAD_ Every da~y .ihopc( W~e wvi il ae plea 00DS AND SILKS. ok through the grand stock of I that is worthy. :luding White, per yard mry yard warranted, special pric< 3lack Taffeta, per yard, per yard, 50 cents value, Silk, DRESS GOODS. yard only 1, per yard, only , per yard, only ecial, per yard, only ta, per yard only 75 and: ian and Canvas, VILLE'S GREATEST STORI lies. You can dress bet Lde at ARNOLD'-ore r e JE Norris News. Norris, S. 0., April 15th, 1905. Daar Se ntinel-Journah: Your scribo bas been isomewhat neglectful for sov oral weeks past, but having little news~V to replort dccided it was best, to give the space to others. E'very3thinlg is moving at a live-ly j)ace in t his ctclion. T1he farme~irs are wellI advanlced ini the pe'opartion~ for anot ber cron;i airt ady some cot MaIldami Rtumo~r dZa~ . thait thero will be a nuuiriage in our townw about Agent Will .Johton~~ hasu giv(e. o con, trt for buildin~g a ic ecottage on a lot nea.r the dept , andi he ex pe(ctsi to occupy il-. when completed. Thrbouigh the tilb~ rtis of Protw. TI. M. Norris of the Norris 'oftton Mlilh, trains No. 309 and 4(0 will stop at our stftaia)n reguilai ly for pasngn Thiis change will take plaiou in a fow (1 tys, anud will ho appreciated by the traveol ing public A rural inspector from the Post Oflice Department at WVaehingtont, camne here 'iredlay andj' surveye-d a prospective route from Iii oio., v; Oateeuheo, Kelley's md il and beyo~nd Sixc Mile mountain, cin 1 expressd his opinion that the nk w route wiould likely bo estabiished. TJhis route huts boen worked up) thir(.gh the efo a of Mr. Ihuirouighs hliggzins who lhves on the aoute and who will likely so muro the carrier's pos. ion whun the .ote is established3. A horse owned by S It Kolloy of Dentral, and driveni by Walter Par rott, returning from Liberty, died l'ear the depot last We anosday night. rather isuddenly. Pi hops a case of "overdrive.". Mr. 'lirrell, of m er Carnesvilhe, Ga., is on o visit to his saster, Mrs. P. WVhitin. Mrs. E. \V. T1ato and children mr a visitinig her parents anear Easley, this veek. We are pleatsed to see the voting contest gr-owing h'ot. r, and as the inumber of votes irecr( ases we know, that the circulationi of our county paper increases. We t rust the efforts 'I the manager of this paper to die pease tke UeWs will be appreciated by the people, and hope that it fur thermore will, in .the near future, be a welcomo visitor in overy lhome of fiekens countyand that the worth less yaankee sthry 1:apers of the borth will bediscontinued forever in the huomwk of dur jedel, oMw, we lingw pf 40w innubsor~Ix for thoes pa. Y'V N S the ear of all wl an be. seen wendi ndise. The Dry Fashion's most c Line Ta f values that saf ery yard of fabric We are 1 is the prnop_)er plac Hle. OT DEOO3 They know as v usi ness for Ihemn I kSPECIAL CON is somheL special si mto in sho)winigy 42 inch Mohai Shim- 46 inch Mohai 75c 2,500 yards fa 95C 28 inch 7c. fig 98c 1 case' roc. co 25c 1,000 yards fii 39c per yard 39c 3,000 y'ds fine Zephyrs-Din 25c. newest (1 25c. Lot Chiffon, C 48c. Sample c; 47c. i 58c. 48 inch fine Si $1.00. 45 inch White $r.00, 40 inch White 39C. Big line Whit< ot E vkli I-T H Store. 211 and :213 1 iveaway fr(0 forl at fewv houIr' wvork se'.lin;g cirtain articles and pra~ es3 givo., oe., nnd m->nIoV B -nt to t~h Nort: b, whleni that (411 flnc moey cou)b haiive been1 inven.ted just as profitall~ hero at home. Again, thoses tr oh sltory papers help to fill the mlinds c b y'.' and girls with stamina very ol jectionablo. (Give themn s~ooetin good( to raortlII no(ting1 at atlI. News pape ~rs li ke o (ts, and blook4 I ki com1)paIIions, and( "it is bettr t) bIc ua a g~oodl live couty newxI)~ spalper, am0 it chioek full of niews and thought fromu good au Iior, and expressioun from great stattesmeon, and wheni ii uerencen Ltiuho will be in off'ect fron hse anke, ppers.. referred to uabovi Iksit wihesC, as ever. Liberty Letter. Liberty, April 17, 1905.---By met ttial coinent the merchoiants1 of Libel 13y wi eloI.,o their stOos at (;:30 p. n furhe nt,ico. Publlic please bec imidand I e ,governled accort ingly. Yesterday was a re.gular Marc dlay; cold northlwest w ind. OveorcoaI were1 inl use and mercury001 i .1 roppec dowvu to 342. Theo frunit erop i.A I .o. [d0. iiite'ha the wor'kme ing, wieb1, when com'pleted, will I quite ani addition to our town. Farmem 8 in thi sttion plati conisiderab le cotton7 seedl last week. Ftortilizer bulsiness seem11 aboi0 woulnd up1. 1Evidently tho I1biI)n was8 not much 15flostan last yealr. A fter getting out wo find. ti groundi( frozen anid ice ono-fou1 th Ii *mn ichi thiek. Farewell, beans,1 U: irish ptat-. o0.. I California. Cal iforn ia onltertaint o very yea' host of visitors. By ro'sonI ot' i se has gained a groat reputatiou ft houspitality. California wvaote you I visit her this spring. Theo Rock Islain System would like to have you try ii up to date service from Chicago ( 8t.. iLouis to the Goldeno State. Aq special induicemnent greatly reduce rateso acre oftered dlaily, March lst t Maj 15, Ask your borne agentc 'i1c Managei'y ock Island Ryster liON to ENTINE 10 are in a day's tr ng thei-r way to thi Goods )epartment hoico conceits are t kes Up t 31y makes it profitt , every article that )oked upon, not oi e to )uy sty lish reli GrED AW AY Tell as you do thatb O tell lyou so. SIDETA TON.\ ile hre Outside of 1 01l Wle te .' yon M 1( r special, r special, PLUMS IN WASH COOD S st color 5C. I Lwn1s, special ured Lawns, fast colors, per yard lored Hat iste, worth i oc to j2 1. le Ginghains and Chambrays in Organdies, Floral Display, speci lities, Batiste andl Mercerized c esigns. Some of them worth 25 )rgandics, newest designs. Made Ise, special AT WHITE GOODS BAR( eer Lawn, special Batiste, w'orth 20C, special Persian Lawn, special . - .- Lmeu ,,iaist Goods at io )S. ARNoI Jpper Main Street, G Cateechee Correseeondence. Overcou1aitan bed q uts were in dond I ot Sunday and aund(ay night. wih thain sleeves Oil last Su:nday 7 ~veningU. Weo were sorry fora her, bot hV nl'(Ilo exI ra couit along to (ffer bor. Rev. Attiaay hias just4 closd a se ri s of maeel ings att I bi plaice. No a-Idil ion to the chmeb ci, but the mean bt)C S (t 1-0 3 ade Ftoniger b- the forei ble~ preancliig. 'I hlre) hasi beena miad do'g se:0(o u)p ini towni for sov r'al da:,si. We, think it 15is mrei of a b~read( famrrine' An an n151Ieeding rock would1 (do well to cona fer witlh Mr. H-arvey ChapU~ man, C~atecea S. ('. Het. lhasP pid roek ona theo Dr. Long place uaut.I thearo is no mlore hu Id to pile i n, and heo says he now hl Ias a fwsuraphuls rock ta dii.posed of in som aa y orV i otheri. Ilarvey is at goodi fa ar, antd he isi no.t the man to plow over' rot k aill the year rathier thani to pilo them.a If any auin will visit his plauce at ('a ehOZC anud see tho imnprovements r 4(atu bo has mad9 in tile way~ of bringinag uap thbe land in only about fou rI months$ it will be a 1l880on. Suc bI ae to you, Hlarvoy. Mr;a. Mack Dickson and bis sister lin -lawv Airs.' Lee Dickson, of this plcwere. called to Alorristown, T 1enna., last ,vuek oa account of the serioust illneass of a relativeo therer Alr. Gais lairrett is stepping lhghtly now, so ats not to wake the baby, 1t ia boy, and very ne0a largo enaough t)o war a No. 40) dre'ss cat. Mr. I. 1). 1l1(e, of Six ali 11, nIow rides in a naew top buggy orderetd fauoan e-airs, IRoebuck & (A. .If it lasts Mr. Rice long no on0e18 else ned be n'fraal to orader ono froma tile firm. Mr. liiu tua a store att Six Milo, dosa good business, and does prin. cially il of is drayinlg from Norr'ie, -1 distanice of about five mniles, on a ugs. 110 is alwa38 ini a hui ry, iiand divels accirdinaglyv aa .tierWel wa f a ;agmg atjUamp 'Creek chiurchu next Sun~day3 (the 4th ar Sunday) be.ginning at 9 o'clock sharp. SProfs. A. Le and John (Jalloway wit1 a conduct, the singing. All lovers of , muiinyited. Rev. TP. lV. Nelson a will preach Mrs. L.. A. Brown's fune-. d ral at 10:30) a. an, and not at 11:30 u s was anniounced laat week. R Iumlor ha it ithlat thle weddinlg belle will rmag s t->n. aiue(xember B likes oaku andi don' s,. t .1 c' to how lairgn a ders o 's Greatest Store. Every est Store. The big store is wer garden. The r.ange of. for choosing. Rlefirai. .ve miles in order to make Jrs is thoroughly good, and f Gieuenville but all towiis nail order business extends ire beyond competition. in town- tiade special consid. Conie and sec this grand.. 10easure. NEWV BELTS AND NECKWEAR. Il the temp)ting Belt and neck conceits for your selection. ihing touches" count. (HREAT STAPLE BARGAINS. ard Prints, blue and fancies, per yd 3 7-8c on's Ec Silk Finish Foulards 6 -C. h Madras Shirting, per yd 8c. h Home-made Bleaching, per yard 5c. i Feather ticking, per yard Loom Bleaching 8c h Heavy Sea Island ad SHOE AND OEQMbO TELIS.-Our footwear Cream o wiaking. We handle Dreu Shelby & Co's. R ords, and they make best women's footwear in America. you a Sdlidi Oxford, patent, tip, for -$1.00 todal or Oxford, wold in Owe stores at, $1.50, for .1.25 stperb at $ . st. oxfrd you ever Saw, at *'2.00 lh i he linit, of I rfectioui at $2.5,, $8.00 and $3 I,0. 'REMIUMS FREE.-Chinaware, beautifully decoroted away. A purchase of $3.00 entitles you to a plate and Lhese cost you nothing. Many have furnished their ) almost by trading at ARNOLD'S. Poorly constructeD AND = ILL = FITTING = SHOES Are High at any price. There ie no satisfaction or economy in wearing them. Conme to us for your shoes. We wvill sell you good ones-will see that they fit you. And if they are not right -willi make them right.... .. .. ... Pride&Patn S. GREENVILLE, S. C. 4 TUSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. ig Cloth for $1 00 9 yds Lownesdal 1Fine Cambric forC $1.00. n Blohng $1 00. 12 1-2 yards Fino Cabbott Clothl *1 00. Etandard Grao) Check1i o. . nethe wide, at 5 ceiis a . yard. SPrices~ on Em~Ibroider1y and3( InseaO 5 I have left in my store sp ~ cesA ~VHN .qon remnants, odds and ends1. Comei. RTHN . early and get first choice. tfPully, E,- Liberty, S..O. the R :L-Jou; avel of Greenvill s 1 olina's Great is a veritable floN emzptingly spread hie Glad I tble for you to dri crosses our count ly by the people o itble goods. Our r 8Y THE R bhis stores' stock e Ve give our out4 of 3 o butsin!iess r 50C. 75 and $1.oo., Finli 4c. 5C. c, special Sc. Stand short lengths 8c. 32inc al per yd 1oc. 36 inc [oths, all in the A C / C, choice 15. F.Iuit to retail at 15. 36 inc 19c. GRAM I NS. is the 6' loc. e ia I OC. osai I Oc. Our Hll 15, 20 and 25c. so on EiN VLLEi S. C. tables P' (n tno it jla sw--et anl i!ed1 over. jLea p' *y e' passe~ ud V e niever' hadt a sing4le, pre-posalt, April wvill soon1 b)e ont .) wi]n ha~vena't received a sinigle A pril fool, henice I guess the ol bache r ism a derelict sure enouigh. B. Notice to Teachers. Pickonsg~, S. C., A pril 6, 1905. Th ('Xet teach .ra examrination) wil beI hol at t h ii place, Friday, .\lay 1 9i h. In addit ion to the reg ul;ar suiibjoets, que~t ions will be submitted on "Hughes' Mistakes in Ts.'ae iing," "Peter man 's Civil G ovr men l~t," and '' Cu rr en t TPhe teachers nre also advised to n~ adl ''T'he Latt of t he Mohicanrs," anmd "T'Jhe Vi.i~ of Si r Lamrt d. ' Eini(l~ lat ion~ to begin at 9 o'clock at. mi. .Aplien:.t must furn'sh t heir otwn statio:nry, ht-gal cap iiz papr pr* P1--rred. R. T. Hallum, S11pt. E I. Pickens Co. A pr. 12 0 v .212 yards Fruit of the LoiO~ .All Calicoes at 5c per yard. Sta nda rd G rado hetg,89 &IREAT BARGAIN! e e IN EV~iI Respec R.0. CM