r THE PICKENS SENTINEL-JOURNAL. 1 Entered April 23,1903 nt, Pickens, S. C., uk kcooihI claps nuittor, tinder act of Congre?8 of March 3, 1879. * ^ VOL XXXIII. PICKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1904. _ ~ ? Ta " i [ ..Stui You can nmko out 8TUHDIVANT'S and \ Dry Goods, < B At a 1 ops prico thnn an3 n satisfaction of knowing bought and find any ?rt Jtt and get your money on Our Clothing buMiiv pood many lots of ono ' down bo low il: you can away till When you come to DM!.. ll-- t. -1 - e - 1 ? Skiing my wiiuiu iuiniiy? H. K. St I MoI'AIjL, J. s. WILSON', I A? resident. Vice I Ljpie Pickens Ottjil PL C^CotiolSeed Meal, Hulls, Oil V'.f ow ready for Buf Ginnery has been running on Kipnd we thank our patrons for th r Mill is now grinding regula j|Mplenty of hulls, meal or "batting Bing your SEED and exchange tl scr we will pay you the highest RVeed just as you prefer. ^^B|me tc^MS' -and see, how well w< ^'not controlled by outside ] Bch, or more/for your seed t r R. H. C B". T- Mc F A Till, l'rAulilnnt PICKENS h/ pickens, s &apital rofits Deposits Wk WEPAY INTEREST ON 'J FV JVIAKE LOANS TO V Ll| By Careful and constant work _ . ir^nwargr.iy increases every ye; m, W^olicit your business and UHi| ^^|^^H;HRON^k|NSVi B^^^R^^dTonic the 25 cts?FOIt SALE li^ ftjflf Brca. and J Wr J| rdivanf ;bnviule ST?1 your list boforo leaving home? jet anything you want in 31othin, Shoes, li ?Notions = t other store nr Greenville and after you got homo and examine ,iclo not satisfactory. You can ) something juBt. as good. use hist Fall was immense, and r t two Suits. All of these lota ai llnd your sizo it will pay you to Greenville, come right to f^TU -Plenty of room for tho Childroi Yours for bargains, urdivant Ci snville's Greates R. E. IIHUCK. 'res. oec. 11 Company, 4* and Linters.<<^ business full time all this season eir patronage. rly and you can get 11 r t iem for meal and hulls market price lor your i can treat you. We hnf will imv ban any other market. BRETON, Mgr. J. Mel). IIItUCE, ? Cashier. B j,, BANK (j* C? th $ 20,500.00 ?\ Hi 11,000.00 1 r, - 105,000.00 I cu . 1M1UEfUhirS | in, ARMERS. ? will extend to you ^ C i H ^UDS- vii^ 1 bile enters theVwBhX ki Liver ills follow\wl|\ he tell) \ only Treatment/Jjga/ ?J right touch andJM^MI > riaht mnnnpr //flV/ hv t&mxsb&Er es sa ok M ?c f . th a?U's> Drug Store. jg L S??? I "<-2. < o s -Come right to j| lats and - | and have Ihe what you have fotch it back laturally left a e now marked buy it and put RD1VANT.8? i ! 0., I t Store. i / / / Indian Hotel in Pickens. * * I A Singular Word. Our Inngfi'ig'' contains u word ending "rt" ti>At clonolcH anxioty, woir?\ etc., Id to tbia word another "rt*' mid it will mote affection, j >v, < t \ I'iml tliis jrd in tlio paragraph below. "Cares" bring anxiety and worry, ene bring derail geineut of tlio digoitive puns, uaually resulting in indigOKtion. ydalo's Stouinch Tablet* euro indiges>n. It matters not who'her yoiirstoinli trouble is caused by worry, over )r'x, neglect, midurii or nny other Hue, Rydide'H Btomncli TitbloUi will ro you. Th-iy iiiHuro perfect diges >n and nwim I'tio:i. Tin y tone find 'ongthen tlm pigemivo wrgann, ro-tor K them to lirnltl). Use th-un mid good idth will bloflfl you an l fortune "onbs' you. PiokeiiH Drug Co., PioUoun; . A. Sheldon, Liberty. ver-VVork Weakens Your Kidneys. ihealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through >ur kidneys once every three minutes. fThe Kidneys are your blood purifiers, they filter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesand rheumatism come from excess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected dney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady iart beats, and makes one feel as though y had heart trouble, because the heart Is rer-worklng In pumping thick, kidney>lsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary oublcs were to be traccd to the kidneys, it now modern sclencc proves that nearly I constltutlo* ' diseases have their bcglnng In kidney trouble. i< ?i~l- ? -- --- jrv/u biv? on-i\ juu v.?u matte no misiaKC r first doctoring you. ' Jney. The mild ?d tho extraordinary effect jf Dr. Kilm*.r's wamp-Root, the great kidney remed/ Is on realized. It stands the highest to: its onderful cures of the most distress':^ cases id Is sold on Its merits in. w nt and one-dollar slz- BfeApiHt , ?You may have mple bottle by mall of Bw~?mp-nooi. 59, also pamphlet telling you how to find it If you have kidney or bladder trouble, entlon this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember e name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllmer'a vamp-Root, and the addresa, Blnghamton, HOT ANXIOUS FOR PEACE - ? JAPAN AND RUSSIA WANT NO IN TERFERENCE.?CALL IT AN OUTRAGE. ?? Japan so Characterizes the Sinking c a Merchantman by t!io Russians wear loiiyaru straits. Washington, March 31.?Cure ful iuquiry at the several ombiiB 8ioa and legations interested in thi ltun8o-Japaneje eituassad express today: ' 15 ith belligerents havo sot then jaws and the powers can only stand iciiwi o iwl ur.t h<.!? < !>.. - (itivi !? lUV'll llio HiJ>. "It may bo that whoii Uussiii and Japan liavo tinted more deeply of the ivul borrow ot war that tlioy will be inclined to 1 inti'ii to moiliation, but inv advices from St. Petersburg and Tokio ahow no indication of tliin yet." Tokio, March 31.?'1 lie action of Russian warship* in sinking tin Japanese c-aeting steam.-r, IIany?i Maru, last Saturday is deeply resented by the Japanese. In ofticial circle.* the a ta ,:k upon and tlio sinking of tlio vessel near Taichin island is pronounced to be n clear violation of the neut rality of Cliiui!, be.-idos bnirig an act of wantonness against n dift noe le^H craft. The sinking of iho Jaj mnoHO stenmer Nakonamarft bv tho Russian Vladivostok Hquadron ncir the Tttii^.irn sti.dght i-< rocallod. The Aar.yei Mam was an o d steamer of (>l ton?, and had he.'ii chartered by some Correspondents of n Jupan"so nowsp-i)) -r. St, Petersburg, March J?!.- The Correspondent of the Rti.fi>, who has just returned from Korea, recites that he known (roni official sources that the commander of (he Yicksburg arrived ill Port Said, but that t!i<*y at'o not convincing. Cl^-1 in i ? ?? viiauucu ill UIC" i-uy. Boaufort, S. 0., Maroh T>o.? AW'l Scott, an ??M n -j.;"r<>, was Ktn lust i:i tho I?y Sarah Brown, a yoi:n$ ti ^im woman After (lie c\i'l11 s^ So--?tt went to his Hhuuty, ai d was foil id (!? il i.i hi I this in<.ruing', linvir.-tjf Mod tr ih>ath during tho night. Tho \v(11 cla iim th.lt she whs ' ill IliO (..u: l.y So-.tt Inst wo k o:i account (?f her r iiMfii.1;;i! iu an Iw-r with an nx. Sh threw a brick at him, ali<>r which she Blabbed him. ?Sarah then 1 t her ho118o and w>;-nt to rolativcH a few mi It* h in tho country. She wap on her way to town thin morning in company with a relativo when arrested by Slier:fl Porter. Coroner Sams hfId an inquest. The verdict of the jury wan that Scott camo to his death l>y a wound inllicied by Sarah brown. Freight Rates Raised. i no *'|" i iiiiun 1/1 in ) raiH?: in fioight rates* from Virginia >irith to ciiios in Norlli and >S nith (}?ro* liniv, when t'no shipping is in 1<-h>than carload !ote, will not go inic effect until Juno 1. Tho rule* won- to liavo become effective on April 15, 1 >nt Ilio ri'jir ~?MitativeH ol tho romln liavo notified thetthippore that <>n account of the largo number of protests received .by Virginia shippers that the ialc would bo to their detriment it was decided t'? extend tho time for n month mid a half, in order to give thorn a chance to got up tho facts t.l llNIU.l if It ?Oftmo l\.?l ... !' w I ./ ? V ?> ll*/W I ;iU( tho lull or* requ Ktin^ tho railroad commission of this St.do to outur ? protest did not give nil of (ho fuels, oh, besides tho r;?iso in rate* o.i classes 15, C, I) and I*' on Ichh than cark.ad lotp, there is also a doci'.niHo in carload lots of the h.iuk classes. It is also said that the rates to go into ofl'<.ot arc on tin same scale aa tliowo in rfl'jot. in the North vscat. "Tie a Ktiit'K nroutKl your Anger.' (hit tiiui uottlo of Itheamftolile today ho forcyyonr rlionmatiAm ?i t? a Ann bolii mul )bi!comoti UatgefouH. ^ State Dispensary Beard issues a State* ' ment. Tho State ponsiou board, after a - four days' session, adjourned, having disposed finally of all pension , irntteis before it. The board is; sued tho following statement SatfIurday: "i\ great number of applicants were disapproved on account of . the careless manner in which tho . papers wore prepared by the wen 3 wion commissioners and county , boards in certain c m.j in from tlio various i counties, as I hoy genoruliy do up , t > tlie ?lay < f payment., as neither i 11:0 cl*rk nor th tho recipient of the I usual belabd applications and np-? i peals for correction* of errors on 1 w iioli the applicants were disap- j proved, f.?r as stated above, tho } work < f the State Pension board 1 of 1901, wiih tl?e exception of ap- ] proving the payrolls for the clerks r of court, is entirely finished." i Tho State says it is impossible to < say when the pension lund will be ,1 rcivl. n? llmim 5u " '?? " I .? ? j amount of clerical work to be tioi'o sanding out the money. 10very energy will be used to pay ;t out .1 iittle earlier than Inst year, , which wan tho 28th of April. 0\v- f ing to llie illlioee of Dr. P. E.Grif- ] (in, physician ?.?f (he board, I)r. ( William Weston, of the Richland ( county Ix.ard, acted as his Biihsti- , tuto. ( < Found Dead With Bullet in His Heart. , | Columbia, S. 0., March 80.? i w mi*} iiiicfts, years oui, was shot through tho hoart .it Denmark i yesterday, and .I hn Lovo, aged 45 yo:.i,j, his brotler-in-law, ib in , jail charged with having fuel tho fatal shot. Lu -iirt' body was found last night nt- g.ive tho alumi There | wero no eye witnesses to the tragi odv. Lovo and Lucas had been to. g' thor during the day and it is , .?ai?l both wimo under tho inlluence . of liquor* Thoy wero seen togethnr in a buggy lute in tho evening. When arrowed Lovo was still intoxicated and could not talk in\ tolligcn;ly. Later, however, ho deolured that ho know nothing of the killing. Ho told of drinking , and being with Lucas, but said , that Lucas left him and he naw nothing moi'O of hi in until the body was found. An examination of Lucas' body | showed that the pistol ball had I entered the right side, piercing the < In-art and lodging beneath the skin I \ on the lel't aide. The clothing and i skin wore burned with powder, ; showing that tho shot had been , fired at closo range. Thoro were i evidence* of a buggy having been i driven around tho body several { 1 tiroes. ( i Love has a wife and ton children i while Lueua le"vc* a widow and two children. I t Negroes to Run a Negro (or President. t W. T. Scott, n negro, has announced that preparations have 1 been completed for ;i national convention for tho nomination of a m.'Kro candidate for president. Tlio convention will bo hold in 8t.. Louis, July 6, tlio dato not for tho National Democratic Conventfon. The name of tho now party ia tho "National Civil Liberal I Party," and a platform will be II adopted, which Scott saya will call I J f ir!* CtrW) f*i\t AlVnnrjl? in r\f I ... ^ .. wti in tnui^ ui vi nno" 1 yortation facilities, and a ponaiou Iffor former nlavoa. S. P. Mitchell of Memphis, Tenn. 13 prcnidr-nt ?>f tho organization, l and I. G. WallOii of Waahington, {D. vioo prouidynt. V AIKEN "ON THE NOMINEE. Our Congressman Has a Word to Say , as to the Presidency. A AVashingt >11 epeoinl to tho , Greenvilla Newa 8ayn: . South Carolina members of con- ( gross s?y that t.hoy have made no | attempt to speak for t'uoir const it- ( uents in tho giving of thoir choice r of the Democratic presidential nomination. Thny individually ( have their preferences, hut deelaro \ that th.^y have not tried in any r way to influence n singlo voter In their respective districts. Kwpre- x seiitativo Aikon voices Iho feelings ( of the delegation in this talk with c uic today: c "Wlion T 0^,-1 * ? . - ..VM A 1? ??n wo IVUU JLUl 111 J I jj opinion as to tho nominoo tlic ^ Democrats should put tip I re- r tnombor distinctly stating tlut I , preferred not to nny anything, :.h I v was not weddud to tho candicvcy j of any man. I said that all I R wanted to hoo wm i\ rann who j could unite all tho discordant nlc- ? inouts of the party. When I woh '] pressed for an opinion nn to which ^ nf the mon whose uatncs are now mentioned could do thin, I gav.) it, j i\i my individual opinion that Sen- c utor Gorman was tho b.-st man, And, next to him, Judg? Parker, f "nr.,,? t ? -i " " > i iwirv. iii'jjr?vtrU Vlim IU1S svas yM individual opinion, and did S not voic.) the views of my district, Lhe opinions of which 1 had not made an attempt to find out. Tho ( Pact is that I do not know (ho sen- j, timent of the Third district, but 8 take it that, without special regard v !o the personality of tho man, they j, want some 0110 who can win. There _ _ x i - /v. - . . i r ? a umorence ot opinion ~ to who that man is. I cannot believe that it is a crimo for me to , tiavo an opinion on this question, wen though three-fourths of tho { nembers of congress feel just as I j lo-" . t DEFRAUDED THE POOR. * c Chicago Minister Charged with Robbing Raiiroads of Large Sums. 8 Chicago, April 1,?As a result of c >vbat ho doelarfifl wna l?ia o(V,>rt -...-.v 1 insist the poor of Chicago, "Dr." 8 Dowing, who claims that ho is a ( dorgyman, has boon arrested, | jhargud with robbing tho railroads 0 which have headquarters in Chi)ago, of thousands of dollars worth )f transportation, All of the iuoney bus Socured whs usod for charity, jy kt least this is the substance of a ionfession made by Dowing tonight. Dewing is said to have made a practice of buying mileage tickets n it hnlf rates, claiming that he was r i minister, and then soiling tho f tickets to Chicago brokers. In 11 lis confession Dewing said: "Yea. I admit thllf. I mi r/'li m Ic mileago at 'preachers' rai.eH, and } ?ol(l it to ticket brokers. I used 1 jvory cent of th? money to bettex s ho conditions of tho poor of Chi- ' >igo, though, and if I hare gro'Uly nnnot Nodorland*, Texnn. "Wo huvo given It t j nil of our children. We hnvo used s t>ih?r mrchoinos for tho bhiuo pnrpono, j pnyor found Anything to oqnnl Chamberlain's. If you will nso it as dirootod c it will nlways euro." For Halo I?y Piok- t rum Drug Co., and Enrlo's Drug Store, J'iekena; and Hunter Sc Pickens, Liberty. f 1 Pioneer Road Builder. Former Road Commissioner Tal- y toy, who something like twenty | years ago built tho first improVod r road in tho Piedmont country, iu horo today. Mr. Talloy was at tho tlmo mentioned, a cltizon of Pickens and c for many veara identified with - -. , ;? i administration of tho aft'aiia of ( that county. He ifl now farming a v few mile* from the city. j Bomo of the Pick?n? county j roads built under Mr. Talley'a supervision noArly a quartor eon- / tury ago are eaid to be in piimo / condition atthiatimo,?Greenville \ Herald. V. |t f jl " PANAMA IN NEED OF MONEY. . ... Surprise Manifested at Failure of the United States to Pay $10,000,000. Panama, Special.?Groat surprise is manifested in all circles hore ovor tho alleged non-fulfillment by tho United States of the igreeniont thut on the exchi nge )f ratifications of the canal treaty the United Suites should pay to -he new reDUblic tho mim nf .#in - )00,()00. It is Bald the delay of the Uni-od States to make the payment las forced tho government of Panima to lloat a loan in Now York. Tho. reason for tho nonpayment lp to the present time of tho $10,K)0,000 to he paid Panama on acsount of the acquisition of the sanal torritory doubtless is to l?e ouud in the fact that title cannot >e takeu to the canal and (he ights therein until after certain locoeaary formalities in Paris, /hither two law ofliceis ojf the do?artrnent of justice have gono to ee that the Panama Canal com>any regularly conveys its rights .nd title to the canal property. The Associated Proas on March mnounccd that payments to the anal company and to the repubio of Panama would he made cod urrently about A m il I - -- r - - - MOUNTAIN HAS DISAPPEARED. itrange Phenomenon in Northern Part of Maine. Caribou, Maino, Special.-WoodsMen who have juatreturned hnro iring nowa that Bald mountain, n mall, steep hill in the Tiboquo alloy, only a few miles from the \Tow Brunswick line, has dipap narod. In its placo a small lake iow exists. It is bnlipvpd tlm ?v?/mi :*A _ vuu tllUUllUUU Iropped out of eight during 1 h?? arthquake of March 21, and that ho tremor was what shook Now England, really had its birth in he Maine woods. Bald mountain was an odd-shaped ono with extremely 6teop fides ind was eeldom explored. Tlx'i euerui uenoi la ilial it was the rator of an extinct volcano. Ground tho base of the mountain mall hot, Bpriii^h once existed, and lie rock formation in tho noightoihood bears evidence ol volcanic rigin. SETTLERS COMING. lany Arc Now Interested in South Carolina. Mr. Job. W. SUwnrt, passim^"!' gent of tlio Seaboard, lias roceiilly cceived a lettc*r fiom Dr. Charlie hirneer, of Kvansvillo, Ind., who i now in Chnrloston, in rogard to i stftblibhing a Oorman-Amorican I olony somowhcro in thin Stat<>. )r. Ourneor has int* rostod 1 im- If u tins idea considerably and do iros to purchase anywhere from ,000 to 10,000 acri'H of swamp und which Can 1)0 obtained chovp ?>d thou aftor draininor it lvndor t suitable for colonization 1?y ;i irgo colony of (rcrinan citizons /ho aro now in tho state of Indi* iiia. They aro not fatifdiod with ho climate and wish to conn* touth. I)r. Qnrneer in now in Charleston and expects to tfo to iummorvillo where ho will in])<>et the French-Canadian colony nd afterwards will come to Coil mbia for a conforonco with tho Seaboard officials, It i? jioflsiMo hat the colony mny bo locatod lear Columbia and if not it may! All ^ ' im iibmi v^noiskw. i no sea board lonplo will do all tlioy can to havo t located near Columbia. Tho oflice of coromiapioiicr of im? nigrntion in in receipt of a lar^e lumber of inquiries in regard to tatistioal information about tho tato. From tho fact now on hand it mis oince most oi tho inquiries an ho unsworn! at onco and 111 his way tho Ptato in being woll .dvortisod. A lottor was received rom a capitalist in Toxas desiring nformation as to tho law exomptiig enterprises from taxation, it ?eing intimated in the letter that ie was interested in this stato and night ho induced to invent. The apitftliRt whs given the Uw on the iii\l ior whi/?K 4,,a ....vv - , KIVII, l/UU econt discu&eion ot tho Hiiprnme :Ourt in tho Spartanburg null cnso, )rovidoa what a majority of the litizoiis in tho dintriet bhajl deoidir vhcthnr or not tho ontorpriao nhal'. m? exempt from the tax. Tho erm fixed by law i? (ivo years. Ink Your Uowlrr for AIIi ir,i Kont?Knir. I powdor foi tho foftt. If on tea Swollen tour, ll"t, CahonA, Aoliiu/, ^""t'liog -'.irt, < 'oriiH and Hnnioun.^A' ^nig;intn and bUoo atofia, mA ? 3 1 IVf "tt TEN KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION. HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST IN SQUIBB WORKS AT PRICEBUI'.G, PENN. Bodies wore Cremated Before Anything Could be Done to Stop The Flames. Sciauton, Perm., March 31.? Ton factory ^irls h>st thoir livos by an explosion, followed by ftre, ! in (he Squibb woiks at Triceburg 'to-lay. Sonio of tho bodies wore 1 j blown to atoms, while others wero i r au^ht. in falling timbers and orej mated bub re anything could bo iuuiim 10 stop t'io progiess of tlio 1 bln/.e. Tlio bodies of two of the girls wero blown through the front windows of the building and the remains wore picked up in the street forty f.-et away Ironi the factory. So far as is known, very low of the twenty-eight girls who wore m the factory at tinio of the explosion escaped without being killed or fatal 'y injured. Eight victims are Btill alive, and have been taken to a mar by place for medical treatment. Thepj in little hope of saving their lives. Fire followed the explosion and was communicated to other build* mgs. ttnneUs of tho dying could be heard by the onlookers and would lie resetters were driven back timo and time again by tho raging flumes. Muscles sore, joint s pain fill-rheumatism. Soro limsclflH* or painful joints, may nnmi an approaching ill tack of rheumatism. Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment rubl>ed on tho atlected parts will relievo tho puio aud Hureness, ami prevent rheumatism. Ellioi's Emulsified Oil Liniment is a satisfactory rubbing liuimcnt for all soreness, stillness and lameness of joints or muscles. Pickens Drug Co., Pickens; W. A. Shelilou, Liberty. I Casting Bread Upon The Waters. Omaha, Nob., March 31,?Wil limn II. Hunt, formerly a woll known horseman, but who "went broke" on th-.> tin f fifteen years ago and is now penniless today received I a gift of $1,000 and a diamond | ring from an English acU'oss whom he had befriended in his palmy ' duvs. In addition tlio woman has I imviled Hunt to come to London and marry b >r. Tlioy were ontwenty y< ars ngo. 'riu> lott-'L' i-^ fr -in .h iinio Dubolt. Twenty years ago Hunt mot the girl in San Frr?ncis>co and became infatuated with her. I lor health failed and sln> lo.-t hor plnce. Hunt paid Ivr way h<> no. iSliortly nf.ierward Hunt !o: t !ii* > money and loft ?? San Francisco. For many years Hunt L .s lived a hand to mouth i>x:.?t'':.c in ( Mnaha. Mi.-H Hub f.s K-tt r says sho has pcaruhfxl >? l??? ? > . . . . M'iii u?QI * >Y1IU1"C a.id has just succot'dod 111 finding him. Ilo will It-avo for London in a few duya. Host Cough .MoiHcfno for Children. Win n vcii liny a cough medioiuo for hiuaII chil 'rti:' you want 0110 111 which you ci\n ] implicit confidence. You want one that not only relievos but cares. You wr.: t cr.o that ia unqu'Wlioni\l>ly linnn'H* . You want ono that i? plcaiiin! ' >;('Iminqnrhun'flCoug Ken.ody all of those conditiona. j Tl.ere is nothing so good for tho couglm and oolda incident to childhood. It. ia dl.vo i c. rtni:. preventive and cure for croup, and tin rc in no danger whatever from wliwopin/c cou^h ulien it is civon. I It Ims boon u-'.-d in many opidomicH of tbat di.^ense with perfect micoosh. For t>ale by IMeheim Drug Co., and Karlo'n j I >rupj Story, I'ickeuH; unci Iluntor is riokciiH, liiborty. Negro Resigned, Office Opened. Loonin, tho poslollico in Jasper county, Miss., tho 5 besides Indiauola which had a nogro post master, and which was c'.ofied itl> >111 tho same timo, lias been opened with a whito poal master. Tho population of tho country tributary to Iho Leonia office is mainly hliick, and an no whito man would nccopt. I lie oflico of poetmaster it wan ^ivcn to a nogro bcIiooI toucher. Alter receiving tho commission, he consulted with tho few white residents of the town and was ad?* vised not to accept it by thorn. IIo returned his eommihsion and tho postoftitvi was closed, F,. H. Wade, former postmaster of th# town, agreed to tnko tho plaoo again, and tho ollieo was accordingly reoponed on Monday. Sciatic Rheumatism Cure.il. ?> "I llllVO l)OC 11 :.III l-'flfc to Srtinlin. vlinn mutism for your.*," boyb E. II. Waldron, of WUton Junction, Iowa. "My jointn ?r< r? Miff and gavo mo muoh pain and di?comfort. iMy j intu would oraok wlion i eirnt^litoned tip. I used ChamiHM'iuiii'B I>.01. Ilulm and h>\vo boeu thoroughly ourod. Hnve not. had a pain or Hohn from tiio old troublo for many months, It- i;? oevtninly a most wondorEnt." For b.i lo by Piokona ftnd ICarlo'b Drug btoro, Piok? & Piokous, Lihcity,