The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, March 30, 1904, Image 1

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IRlPRr 'V; r: m ? pfl ' pm THE PICKENS SENTINEL-JOURNAL. ? v . . , I? . - Entered April 2fl. lflOfl nt. Pin'keim. H. 0.. an second nlnns nuiltcr. nndor net of Cohki-psr of Mnroh }}, 1879. VOL XXXIII. PICKENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1904. -=== II. , 'I" '! J I' - - 1 NO A ? 35 j f pci. dll 5 (; i < L.i I You can mnk STUK 1)1 V ANT'S Dry Good At n Ipps prico thn satisfaction of kuo bought and find ai and tfot your mom life1 g Our Clothing I gooil many lots of down bo low it you it away till noxt F< When you con U*lll^ II11J >V IIU1U I 11 I I ' H. K. : fSijr T. McFALL, ^ J. S. WILSC / -4-The Pickens Oil i. ~ D1C A LEI Cotton Seed Meal, Hull P^'Now" ready !' Our Ginnery has boon running and we thank our patrons I 1 . T\/T: .1 : . . l: - AVlll 1Y11|1 IS IIUW 11 plenty of hulls, meal or "lx Bring your SEK1) and exchar or we will pay you the hi^ l \ see1' just as you prefer. I v V Come to us and see how \vi ^ \ are not controlled by outs much, or more, lor your s< R. 1 W. T. McFALL, Mj Prcsids-nl I PICKED \ PIOKEU C CAPITAL * PROFITS \ DEPOSITS VVH PAY INTKRKST < t\ i a r/ i: t / \ \ \rt' ' 1V1\ l\. I 1 A J. \i\ D By Careful and constant M Bank largely increases eve We solicit your business every reasonable accnmod K /gSjf/Tho liver must bo H /MVYthat the bile will bo tli / ^channel; the system f^B|AN!JToN,CPr5LL.ETSfor vE^^Athat completely does il IM YH\or 'nJury 1o any p K COMPLETE 1 doses J KEN VILL e out your list boforo leaving Ik and get nnything yon wunt in s, Clothin, Shoes, r==iNot ions 11 any oilier store 111 (Jreeiiville wing after you got homo and c-xa ly article not satisfactory. You uy <;ro something just as good. business last Fall was 1 iiiuieuse. i ouo or two Suits. All of these 1< i can find your size it will pay vc ill. 10 to Greenville, come right to liily?I'lonty of room for tho Chi Yours for bargain?, Sturdivant reenville's Great )^, P. E. BRUCE. Vice-Pros. See. it Trcas Tiff'11 n ~ c Miu uoiipiiy,^ US IX Is, Oil and Linlers.^^ or business >; on lull lime all this season or their patronage. gularly and you can get itting." ige them for meal and hulls host market price lor your ell we can treat you. Wc ;ide prices hut will pay as :ed than any other market. M. CURETON, Mgr. .) Mej). inu:<% i itsnicr. / SBANK I s, s. c. \ $ 20,S00.00 /j 1 jjOOO.oo Jjj Q - J053000.00 g ON 'IIMIC DEPOSITS f() FARMERS. ( work the business of this /j ry year. aiul will extend to you X, ution. , rown off in the r>U'lt V&^SsA must be invi^oratedV^^A <s,hi! r? m K, vr jjpj m the Mikl Power Cure/ jfi&jjj ic work without r*s ? I / *j l aJ if *5 II WH?@ 'E'S J 111e?Ccmo right to | Hats and | "" = | and and l.avo the mine what you have can fetch it back tiitl naturally left a >ta aro now marked >11 to l)u}' it niid put ^TUllDIVANT.S? idren. fi* Co,, .est Store. Rigid Formality. Mrs. Van Rensselaer Crugertella a story of a Washington hostess who invited an ntlaehe of one of the foreign legations to dine with her. Tho invitation was formally accepted, hut o:t the morning of the appointed , day a note, written hy the foreign*ii vn/1 rniwl "Mr. Blank regrets very much that lie will not be able to he present at Mrs. SwiftVdinner tonight, las he is dead." ? Philadelphia Ledger. British Mortality. In England Roman Catholic I priests die at the rate of 18 per , 1,000 per year; Protestant clergyj men, 11 per 1,000; domestic serv i ants, 8 pit 1,000; lawyers, 10 per I 1,000; eahinen, 2i> per 1,000; sol! diers tlio oil' at the rato of 5 per : 1,000 tinder normal conditions, I while on the battlefield, taken from I a record of the past twenty years, ' death is only at the rate or 15 per 1,000 per year. Cause of Excitcment. 9 Mr. Peter Thill, our genial hlackcmith, now wears a nnile as long & as the dresses on the new baby girl 13 who arrived Monday night. It is ? : eaid Peter waa so excited Tuesday I thai ho put t!u' chocs nf a on 3 I tho wrong foot, so that tho poor anr? 1 imal lui(l to walk backward. We a : extend congratulations. ? Hanover 5 j (111.) journal. { A V/idowers' Home. 3 ; Glasgow has a widowers' home in t ! which any poor man who has lost ? his wife and lias no one to care for / his children may rent two rooms for ^ $1.30 ii week and pay for meals at a cost price. There in room in it for v 140 motherless families, and nurses 6 arc provided froo to take charge of tlr tho children. iThe Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. rhcre Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so dccepr?i 111 II i'-llAW ,ivc- Many suddcr. <7" \ i\UX lOjr1 deaths are caused by ?I' 11 heart disease, ' n P|,cumon'Jl? heart II \ f\ failure or apoplexy I JKJ^iTS- MJ r arc ?f,cn '^c 'esull 1 ^ '/i NrOl c' k,dncy disease. If 'CT^t / v n r*l' kidney trouble Is nlfr W ^ \r \ vS v li lowed to advance the Wvj IM Wl _ kidi-ey-poisoned \a\. ' " blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste av/uy ccll by v;cll. 1? ? iIUUJ nunuiw aiiucx icsuii iium a derangement of the kidneys and acuro la obtained quickest by a proper treatment o( tho kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can mako no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver ard bladder remedy. 1*. corrcct3 Inability to hold urine and scald* In* pain In passing It, and overcomes thai unpleasant necessity of being compelled tc fcj often during tho day, and to get up many tlmcT during tho night. Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of Swnmp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its woiv derful cures of the most distressing cases, Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sole ViV nil Hriiffcrlik In (in/t ,7?mwm ?? "'V ? ? sized bottles. You may *m have a sample bottlo of this wonderful now dla- Hjijjljii i covery and a booK that : tells all about it, $>th Homo of Bwamp-noot r sent free by mill. Address Dr. Kilmer b Ca Blnghamton, M. Y. When v/rltlng montlor . reading this gonerou# effer in this paper. Don't make rtny mUtake, but itpiemtysi || 1 STREAMS LEAP ' OUT OF BOUNDS. FLOODS ARE CAUSING HAVOC IN THE WESTERN STATES. Many Homes in Michigan are Under Water?Fires Break Out in Places and the Firemen fight Flames in Water Waist Deep. Grand Rapids, Mich., Special.? Grand river has risen nearly a foot in four hours. Tlioro is every piospcct that tho liso will continue as reports from up stream indicate tin) breaking up of the ice and inemitting volumes ol water. Towns further up Grand fiver report unprecedented Hoods. At Lowell one-third of the town is.unilei water. The Grand and Flat rivers, which join there, are so swollen that they meet in Main direct, a mile from their regular confluence. The trestle work of tho Pore Marquette bridge is under water and the old bridge is so weakened that it is probable traflic will nuvo 10 no mispenueu over I no Sag" maw division of the road until tho water recedes?. Portland reports tlio greater part of tho electric light duni washed away. Through trntlle on the I)etioit branch of tho Pore Marquette hns been checked by a washlout of HO rods near Portland through tho rising of the Locking Glaus river. Tfo weeb tide of tlie town is under water and many p m [)h> have been rescued hv boats. At Lyons the river is 3 feet deep in uju vnmgo mroeis ana at VVagtirs llio olcclrie plant has gone out. Pho Luke Shore railroad bridge was carried away about 11 o'clock Lansing, Mich , March 25.?Th<? Grand river lias icachcd {he highest point in its history here and tlie lluod has cuuted heavy damagn. The water has overll >wed for two idockfl to the westward of tlio river and the lowlands on the #?as?. sid? of tlio stream are all Hooded. The Lake Sljore railroad viaduct iH un? d -r foot of rut>hing water and all fidi.8 are delayed, riio Kalainu/. >o street bridge w. iit out during tho night, Hi>aiing down ai d bunging upagainBt th ) Michigan av< nu<; b:ulgo, which wmm not injured , luSolino Hoaling on the !l ?od from a Jetking tank ran int<> ih b iKr fires at th" i'ates and Kd-I mond\s GaHo'iiu! Company'* plant, rtMiliing in a fire which gutted theplant. Loss $20,000. Two other iiivs aim 11m river v. ere cans d l>y slacking lime. Tho firuir.Pii fought the Haines in water vvuiat (loep. Battle (.'ret k, Mich , Mar. 25.? Flood conditions h.-in as a roenlt j of the Unprecedented fl jud ia the K-tluma/.oo river and Battle Creek, b >Lh of which run through the lort'i), aro the most Kvimn hi the hiutory of the city. All stiver carp uro htrpptd by tho high waior, the hariiB heing flooded, the thl'oo dep >1 h, tho Grand Trunk, Miclii* gin Central and JMioit, TVledo ami Mimhci/nn arn in. ? ? ? n "* w un ? ' 4 **' 1 l,v"x ? loop iii water. Non-Union Men Target for Shot.- Dayton, To in., March 25.?A train load of minors returning from tho mined of the Da^tut Coal and Iron Company was fired on last ovoi.ii ? and four or five wero w Minded, The attacking party was concealed ninoi g lh<! rocks and bniNh !\nd was so woll hid that it was impossible to determine how.inany were in the crowd. The usHtilunts u;.!.l nh t guns, charged with buckshot, and winchest' is. 'J'Iih volIck?f .. ..? i... n 4.. in !<i \?j vino 1iu i i ii*ii ny j/cjmiy oiioi in liters t\ i.?] Yard master llftrloii, who wore on the train, and it i* believed that one of tho assailant* 4 wan wounded. Tho attiu k ^ro\v? out of tho ill f eliiv,' on tho part of tho union mon t-oward lh<? non-union mineri i became Ihd latter l avo net joiitO' tho former in a strike which hai boon in progress for several months 1 Several non-union men linvo r?i ci-nily received anonymous Iwiteii \ threatening violonce if they qoh ' tinned to woik, and the union mci > ? 1? ,1.. I ? I I 111 ?? ?/ \?jr imv: BtiMJiai tjiiun if ceolly mot tlio train and hootev I and jt Ciod at tho working m<;ri. Cold Wnv<> Comlnyr. If voii linvo ll.Tdiilcfl Elixl'- in tli I InniM) wlwn u cold wnvo in coming voi npjHl not fear. ntfflflk^ of HnweliM* /1'iTtirrmin'rt. Ooldp, ?-t<\ lij I K'ixir (nk(?11 nlion nttn^k l?o#m in,? "f fAil" to oliei k t|if> pro(>r?'HH of tli ' (t i* oqanllj "f'U i JAPS MAKE ATTEMPT TO MERRIMAC RUSSIANS, OFFICIAL REPORT TO THE CZAR ASSERTS THE MOVE PROVED UNSUCCESSFUL. i-our merchant Steamers, Laden With Rocks, were Steered into the Narrow Channel at Port Arthur. Officers and Men Killed. (/lie Koo, March 27.?The Jnpiitk'8.) have mndn anotl or nttrmpt to block the oiitraiiCH to Port Arthur. It is hinted li ::t Oiin Kuauiiin torpodo bout was Mink in ihe ongngemont, but it ie ill- ught the vessid can he refloated. Ata o'clock this (Sunday) morning four stoiiii-ludeu uteauaera, or corte<l by eight torpedo boats, approached the harbor. They wore discovered by the Ru-pinn vessels on scouting duly and as they drew nearer the Russian forts and the ships in tho roadstead opened tire on them and sunk them. The Japanese Hoot, which ?onsistud of sixtren ships nil told, remained oil' l'urt Arthur till daylight. At this hour the Russian vessels weighod anchor, whereupon the Japanese vessels disappeared. The fato of th.e eic.vs on the ol AO ?VA niw. .?? 1 oiuiiv o iu??til\>l 3 IS 111 L hil'.iWM# Since tho arrival at Port Arthur of Vice Admiral MakarolV, the Russian lleet hus heon moro active. MnkroIT TclegrnpliN ICmPorur ? f 11 ? Fl|;lit Vice Admiral Makarog, c< m mandinvj naval forces at Port Ar thur, has sent the following telegram to the oniporor: -"I bog most humbly to report that, at 2 o'clock this morning, the; on. my made a second attempt to block the entrance to the inner For this nurnose thov dispatched four large muclnm! e ten ran re, convoyed by six torpedo boats to the entrance. "The onomy's ships \v. re promptly discovered by the fceurchli^htp and were bombarded by the batMoships and by the gunrdships Bohr and Otvnjuy. "Fearing the enemy's bh'ps might br< ak through, I.ii .-u tenant Isrininski, commanding t.he guard birnedo bout Siiini. attrsfl<i>.l U>.> em my and doHtroycd tho l.ow of I. ho foremost Japano.-n stoatn r wilh a torpedo. This st< :;m- r In mud to tho right a:.d was followed l>y two oilier.*, with tho ?c8ii 11 that tho tim e wero : Irandod lo tho right of tho eiilraiiC". ' A fourth 8tuain<:r we!it to tho light of th?? enemy's ships and 1 iI<?*wifc0 sank to tho side of tho fairway. Tin Btilru th?-n battled with tho onoiny'ij oi\ torpedo h ats. Knginoor Artilioor Swyer 11' and six (CaniCii woro lulled and tho co nun wider :i ml t .vol vo sou in nw ero wounded. "At daybreak the oncmy'a I at mm ci iiiwr l < >i.h a;) piftred. and I j?:oce ?l?.tI with (lie lii-t't under my charge to meet tlio enemy. "'l'ljc second iiUtiinpt of the J.?p,incfi > to block tho.enhance t" l'ort Arthur ha? (.tiled, thanka to the inorgetic defense liy tho sea and land forces, who acted as ihey did duriog tho firet attempt. Tho harbor remains perf< ctly clear.'' ? Mot ''Corpse"' Walking Homo. Columbus, Ga., Maich 2f>?Do* ciaring mat lu; wiu t<.?in ? t.> commit Eiiicitlu hooauHC l.ho 14 ycar old daughter of Muli. Jordan, with wljiom I*) bonrdu I, did not return , his lovo, I'Vod T/mgl ?y, ng^d 17 year*, a factory op? r divo, obtained a pistol from Jordan's trunk early tonight and walked oil' in a direction of Motl's },reen, saying wan going to kill hi in ' If. A moment later a shot rang out. Two police i men rushed down to ;h* ? j/rivn and , met the ''oOHpae'' returning l.omo Ho had shot hi111ho11 tliroujf!i the I fleshy pirt of hi* arm, Working1 Overtime. ' Eight hour laws :uc. ignored hv tJsow | Hp'hw, lit!I? wovkf'i'fl Or. Kick's Now Ijifn IM h, ^Millions nre vlway* nt Work ' nixlit nnd day, oiusug indigiit-lion, l?il , iousniwM, c<inH(:p iti i), si<i!t licudtic.Iw nijd u-l 8ti>maph, livjraiid liowol tronhlo ' |vRrpy, p'oAnoht, nnf<', nitre. Only '20>! u * l.'ichyiis Dni'g Co. Rnliol tn hn-iin VVualilOKton, D. v., Spic'inl.? \ United Stutea M(n'.8t< r I'owe) cables the 8t)ito department fron San Domingo city tinder Frtday'i date that Pr\ysi<l?nt Morales ha 0 Oapturnd and canard to l>o prompt ,t fy ex?outftd CUvner?l Nicholas Aria '* thn 1 it Hi B f jjoiit loader who w an trle< I RUSSIAN SOLDIERS CROSS YALU RIVER ? ? ! JAPANESE ARE SURPRISED TO FINI RUSSIAN FORCES ACROSS THE RIVER. II Icc is Breaking Daily and River Wi Soo.i bo Open to Navigation. Russia's Camnaian is Defensive. Seoul, March L'lili,?Japunes j scouts repoit that thoy havo din ovorcd ill it the Russian troop aro south of Yalu in a much stror.g or forco than \\us thought. Seoul, March 25, - Two detach incuts of Kus^nn troops, one n Cfltimated to number liv? huudret I and the f ?t.ll?? I* Kvn Inn itr.wl are ieported (o !>.? pillngin^ tin country around Anju. The na live-;, in fear, arc Hoeing pouih. Anju is forty miles north o Pin.ip Yang and about B'.xty mile: south of the Valu river. Inpit Kmli wkIhsI Itnil I v Cheer Their Annj Anil Miitj. Tukio, March 25 ?The huus<) ol lvprosontntives today listened to <i Hi^nif'icant ppwoh l>y M. Varnat.oto, the minister of in:iriti", and passed with eiithnttiasm and with out a ?1 isHf-ii1111?r voice n vote o! thanks to Vice Admiral Togo nixl liis oflitcr-i for Iheir Hi-rvioc to (h( country. When t!? ) vole was tn ken, tho member.; of the house arose and ch.-erod the navy. In his remarks tho minister o! marii c said it wdh no nc.v thing to Ik; prepared for emergencies in time of roace, but since last October tho .1 npi) navy had 1>>mii under tho necessity of incrcaHin^ its strength ai.d had boen constantly lvndy f >r action on account ot tho action of Russiu . Continuing ho said it had boon matntst to very observer Hint Russia hud coil 8'aiitly increased Iwr .strongth 111 the far (Mist and had Japan not purchased the eruis?rs Nishin and Kaeagii from Argentine, her naval strength would have boon below that of Russia. Rtfiiving to tho result of tho word of Yieo Admiral Togo an 1 bin lied, M. Vamaloto told tin house that to blockade a p >rt nuoccs-fnily tb'> hlockuricr* should be at l"ast twice aw sir ng as tho defenders of tho port. Ho said thv I mnmU, I 1.1--. .1 .vr,,i.i o.i?ni'ii mill i It') I v lissians h i-l I air battl< ship*, fivt rrui 5? and trii torpcd > boat deMrojor* ji11 t at this tiiw, from witi h it must l> - c iik:'.iid-'d that tho work of repairing at Port Arthur wag bo;cuiTtid forward (. fl'uioiitly. The Intest atlnck ot, Port Arthur had enabled tho Japanese td i.l)?civo the actual strength ot' tho navy. Continuing, tho minister said that while ho hoped for a Bpcod> termination of tho war ho nut-: warn the meinlv-r.-j ~>f tlio IiOUm not t<? he ovoi8:iiiguim>. The te.l ? IV 'i t* < 1' Japan's soldiers ntn ol tlio civilians <1' high clc^roo, hi couclude'l, would surely eariy tin var to a glorious nii?l Hiiccousfu Um inin ition. l>.-luy ul ?r M ik?H lint ih|)iUiii*n Angry Ne.v Yolk, March 12").?Dolay ot tin* part of IIussiaiiH lo giving efl'ec to iIn* arrangements for diamant ling th" gunboat Maivljur aro cans ing inoroaflod irritation to tho Jap ai i can and diineulty with tli (Jhinogo oili i.i's, aays a Times di.s patch from Shanghai. A JupHii'.'Mt) crui.ior is in conso (jit'Mico retained svt Woo-Snng. M. Punluff, lately UuSgian mm i-tur to Korea, Is still here, hut i exp.-Otml ho will go north soon. I Vlmllvinloli 'I'ntoin In I'lnli nf Condition Vladivostok, M?ireh '25.?Th troops arriving hero tire in gooi I health and HpiriU*, weithor 1>? atoi . and in some cases with frosthitt'> faces. hut, the only other indicfl tiona of their fceven tliousamhrnil j..urney are their fur coats and fel ..I. ill. II,-... U.w l.l ..... | i,uwtn n iv>n viiry >M Ull^llt I I ' j thorn although no longor in coHsar , as 8|)iin^ U Hotting in with kudo Tim I'lineil Hultil Tufllr \V.1rrtor4 to I'* New York, March 2f>.?Goners Ciirurtl nod Colonel Waiern, Hritin military representative*, h.we ?tai jod for tho front an<l ho have tl j German military attache?, says 1 j Herald dispatch from St. Peter! M I 1 - mi. _ i.i 1 11 uuTgT mo i? roncn win Hiart > 8 onco, also tho Americans. To oar of the government uttuohos a Co H j suck orderly hits been aligned I ' look ufier his WnnU. 'Tie u ?lvi?g around,you Get llmt hotllft of ltliAtnnKi'ptfO v]?\c i-ho'nian^njK^^1 ^? *fl 3 v\o? ^ R. L. R. Bentz Makes Assignment. ]{? Ij. It. Bentz, through his ati, torneys, Cothran, Doan &Cothran, announced yesterday that he was ^ ' unable to meot the demands of his I creditors, and that a petition had j b'icn filed in the United States | court upon which Judge Brawley, jl; ol the district court at Charleston, had issued an order det luring him a bankrupt. Mr. Bentz'u dry I i goods establishment on Main and J ColVcG streets was closed at 1'2 p o clock yesterday to await tlio tli? * action ot creditors. J ne announcement of the failure ' - was n great surprise to the busi- 1 ii 'ss men and the people generally f niid created no end of comment, j( For inoro than fifteen yours Mr. I' 3 B< ntz h?iH bcon*proniinently iden- i ' ' tifnd wiih tho business interests^ i; of Qrcbiiv ille and he has been ro- I * 1 garded as one of tho most success- * ful merchants in the city, ond un- ' tn yesterday there wan neveru doubt, j 1 : in the mind of the publie of '.he! 1 I s'fctrougth and solidity of his estab- 1 ^ lisdiinent. Mr. Beutz's position in 1 r I tile estimation 3f the people is the .: highest. Now that misfortune has | ' ! come upon him regret i* ' being expressed on all tides and 1 I j the hope expressed that his em bar :l i ras&mont is but tempomry. J 111 J/i vine nut. tlil> stnlomcnt lino I teiday, Mr. Dean h;ii?I that thu ^ showing made by tho accounts was 1 bejond doubt the beht bo fill* as <tlio interests of creditors was concorned, that had over been made in '' .1 Greinville since tbe present bank- (' ' ruplcy law went into effect, and ho I had no doubt but thut Mr. Bent/., I had bo wished, could luive contin- v ; ued i:i business for an indefinite ^ I J inio, but rather than further on- li ! dan gi?r the interests of his eredi- v . toiH, lie had voluntarily surrondored all his liabilities lor tho bonelit ? oi' those to whom his establish- o ment was indebted. o Mr. Beiitz, when seen yesterday, 1< 'said that he had nothing to givo ' nut for publication further than s< the statement made by his attor- >' neys. He had not yet formed any c ; plan r.8 to his movements in tho future.?GreenvilleNews, 21th inst. (Paris to Many For His Crime'. u Meridian, Mis^., Special.?The ii trial of Julius Paris, colored, i >r <1 the murder of John T. St. ckl n. I fimK-d Friday afternoon with a v. r- |, di'-t of guilty aiid Pari-* was i; n i u - - t 1 diatcly sentenced to be hang"d u. the county j dl on Monday, April ? i25th. I I On the morning ol February 1 i>aris climbed aboard a train Icav- o i ing Meridian for Chattanooga and t shot dead Mail Clerk Kine.kton 'and seriously wounded M'lil Clerk \ A.J. I>ak?, Tho trial con.sunn d : jouly a day ami a half at a special I I term of the court ordered by Cir- ;i | Onit Judge Hall in order to allay t i.?ob feeling. 1 i The stale guard wan ordend out r | hero tho day of tln> murder t-> pit- i I j vent a lynching. Stood in Snow Scantily Ciaci. & I K&eauahn, Mich., Special.? In a v lire at the Delta county hospital, i over sixty patients, sulVoring from almost every imaginable diseaso, t I i wore thrown into u panic, and ! II many were forced to leave the j "I building dresoed only in their 1 " night clothes. j Manv of the friirhtened nntiei.fa i ' who wero thought to bo at tli . point of doath arose from their buds and escaped frmi tho build?ng by laddors and (ire e.?eapt<3. < Many stood about tho outHido of 1 the building noaily thirty miiuiten * dropsed only in their night clothofl find in snow up to tlndr Un?> m bo- | foro they could lie taken lo nearby 0 h )incH. Tha the was under con' trol within an hour. ii n That Boy. 1 Ilurral) f<>r me! I'm ''that boy." , " Grandmother ta 1 k. =* about him; ?ho '' ! Kavfl "There's that hov iwinin!" l! i - * ? - j " n- * 1 wonder if she wants mo lo l>o a v Kill? Thon, whenever I go noar -v tho girls playing dull tt*!i paily, thoy hog in to grub their things and cry, "O there comes that hoy!'' 1 jj would just ns so'?n hi) sorno other 1, boy; but I can't. Kathor flays, I 4,\VhsU ifl that boy n > to now?" I Just us though ti boy didn't have ' t" b,? np to something or?bust. I What's wrontf with biunu a h -v? . . r. ^ Father whs one, and grand inn?nbo 4 couldn't bo. Father ia itlwuya *nyH. in8> "When I whs n boy." I guAtifl ,() it's all Jight to be k boy, or (jovli wouldn't malf? ?o many* l>?y 'oaj-, v,,i.\? U 'uV* lll,! l,(Mt l'vi 1 i i v_^ rt/ WAR WILL NEVER BE FOUGHT TO A FINISH. SAID THAT POWERS WILL ULTIMATELY INTERVENE BETWEEN JAPAN AND RUSSIA. No Probability ol Mediation Until After the First Biy Land Battle Has Been Fought. Washington, March 21.?Mediation in future, it? tho ItusBianJapaneso war, but not for somo -inic to coiiip, is understood to ba the intention of tlio world powers \t tho prcbcnt timo. There is no loubt, in tho opinion of high authorities, that evontually it is the nlcution of the powers to mterreno, but none of thorn regard tho present timo as auspicious for such ictiou. It in tacitly understood hat tho fiii* Eastern war will novor fought to i\ finish. This, how ver, will dopend largely upon tho levolopnientH o( tho next few llOlltliH, It is Haul at the Btate depart" nont that thi*re is no possibility of uediation until at least one bit and engagement has been fought, n<l poBhinly not even then. Acn?vl i 1 1 1 v.i.iy m mo oost ot authority icithcr Japan nor Russia would ook with favor upon mediation iow, and none of the neutral pow i8 would think of olt'oring such uediatioii undi.-r the present conlition of alVaiiH. Nothing of a lecisive nature luis yet boon accomdished l>y either of the bolligernts, and national prido would procnt either of them from allowing lutsulo interference until tho war mcl aasumod a much moro adanced j)huso. It was cflicially doniod at tho tato department today by a, high ilicial that Great Britain or any ther power had yet taken anyatepu r\/vlf i4 :,>1 ? Lw iiutfiveniion. Lrreat {ritaiu, thin olUeiid eayp, is not du riding the powers with a viow to ltorvonlion, and no action of this haraetor in anticipated. 11 i - > n ni'<y < ? am noniauveiy stated n the 11i?_ , 11? st authority that tho u\to .It-part men t, has reoeivod no ? from Ambassador Clioato, i London, paying that Lord Lanauvno had r-jlli-u iho attention of i c r(>|ne?oiitativus (.1' tho neutral lOtVOis in London to the fact that hn time ha t*?>uiCf< r intervention. According i<> tin; bulict ot cI--prutme 111 oili rials it would > rt'i^r.rdo 1 as an insult by both iu-.sia and Japan it' any .Sugno8tion t tn. dial ion wi 10 inndo at thin i UK!. T > Ru-sin osnociallv would inter uiition by tho powoia ho obnox-* f.:.!. Thus l.u', it is pointed out, tusHii ha-' sustain -d only rovorsop, nd it" it wore to woleoma uitorvenion by tho powi'iM now it woul.d liivu it> i (ko ii place as bccoiul~ -vie ]><>\\' r ni'il iu a?'!i n would he 'og-uded an a<lmihfci')ii of dofoat. inciciit and .lioilcm ailvlci1 about Hovr to Acquire Wealth. Tho '-i' ill s ilos' ":>nro rorwl to veuUh" was "ho lemporrito in all tliinga, ic ccotioi'.:'c:il alwavn." iMcilern life. villi lis ''rus'.- methods" in rt?. piires tliiit "keep I t- i:lliv' be added to ha old mlEvery be ly known ho\t o be tmupi rati* iiinl lie ;<t people how to ie economical, I :?1 few know how to ie- p peii'ecl'y healthy. Ovor-eating, rn'gulav habils, inflect etc., derango lie stoma-!:, livt i i.nd bowels, causing nt>.rpi i liv< r, constipation, *tc. Kydaics I'l.l?:?t.4 aro natures bone illy when such Odiiilitii ns < x.nt. Tho St-iiniu'li Ta'defs will i{i;;<\st your fooil, tie gtln n your digesbve organs and urn your indigestion. 'l'lio Liver Tubtits will i?t<?iiso your liver, htiranlnte your bowels and establish a regular, i...I ii"' 1,1.n..), II .mil, ivxinc* llU)|0[rf lllBlll'O ^ootl liL'altli. i'ickoua I)??/? Co., Pick*u?; W. A. Sh'j!?lon <V Co., liil'.oity. Ex-Gov. "Bob" Taylor Sued for Divorco. Knoxvilio, T.?nn , Mar L'M ? torduy afternoon ir, chancei v court i\ l)i!l was HI. (I fur divorco l>y Mrs. It. 11, Taylor, wifo of Robert Ij. Taylor, three tinxs governor of Tonnossee, ono t? i'in congresHman from the (ir?t diulriet, and known m throughout 'i><1 country as a loc- M turor on "The Kiddle and tho |,c; ltow," ami "Yankee Doodlo and fl| Dixie." HiH u iCi^wftS formerly Mrs Hill, of iMontj^omory, and comoH of a distinijuished Houthcrn fnniily. llrst Iteincdy for-Ooiigtlpatlou. "Tho finost rt'iimil.v for constipation I rv? v iisi d is Olwunltfirluip'ri Stouiftoh nrnl i.iv. i Tahlota," Rays Mr. I li BnUer, of rri4nkvillo, N. Y. * "They no.t goiitly and without Hity unpjoRMUit cflfeOt, ami lmvo l^lo hnwrln in u j-oi f. o: iy unturiil oomli EHi. .s .1" 1 I.y I'Hilu in l>rii;< Co,, 1'iolCHft. i>i.<l H I 1"' A Pickeu*, l.ilx riy, fl 111 chc'i Mul? to< 1 foi V