The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, March 23, 1904, Image 2

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gf [ Pickens Sentinel-Journal. ft I?lTnMSHKl> KVEHY WEDNKHDAY MORNING. HY The Sontinel-Journal Company. Thompson & TJioukv, Proi>s. .) h. O. THOMPSON, Rditoh. bubticriptioii SI.00 lVr Annum. Advertising K ites Reasonable. KntoreU hi Pickens l'ostofllce an Second Class Mai! Mailer l'lCKKNH, S. ('. : Wednesday. Mureh '2:1, 15)04. SULLYS FAILURE: Tim fiiihii'i! of 1 )niui'l .1 Snllv. (lie famous speculator in cotton, wliilc not expected, caused no <^ieat amount uf surprise. Hits career in the cotton i uket thus fur is similar to that of . Ik < jjreat speculators in cotton i ho^o careers havo ended. It would ><<> mi easy matter to nnme a dozen >ther speculators who hccatne rich ind known ail over the country for tl.eir operations in cotton futures, i ut who died comparatively poor. Mr. Hully came to the front hist season when, it was said, bo mndo severid millions of dollars. Of course it isn't known how mu.'h tin hud whmi I the season closed. The reports of the amount varied from $(>00,000 to about SO,000,000. He was a bull in tho market and succeeded in pushing the price much liighor than most of the other cotton brokers thought it would go. At the beginning of this season he was again a bull, and at one time he, with tho assistance of New Orleans patties, forced tho price of futures as high as 17 cents. Thero is no doubt that at one time he was ahead of tho market to tho amount of many millions of dollars. According to curvent reports he had an ambition to push tho prico as high as 20 cents a pound. It is probable that he thought 1 ho price would go as high aa that. There is no doubt, of course, that he believed that it would go much higher than it was at the time of his failure, because he was a buyer, ami if reports are correct was the holder ol at least .300,OHO bales at the time the crash came in his alVuirs. The amount for which he failed is placed as high as $5,000,000. It may bo a great deal more than that Doubtless it will take time to discover exactly what his liabilities aud assets arc. He is rt young man, and has a chance to try his luck again in the cotton market, but it is a pro it}' sate statement that if ho continues to speculate ho v,ill not loavo the mar ~ kot a rich man. When tho fever for speculating in cotton takes hold of a man it seldom loaves him while life lasts, and there is never u time when he. doesn't think lie knows tho direction the market is going to take. " ~ Thero is ofTen Tmicli talk of syndicate* or individuals that have so much money that they absolutely control tho market, and are able to put the price up or as they plea.-e. fh iu wnfUiv n<d inn 11/1 ti*i ?vr?l* tainf tho man with millions* frequently can >iot take hits profits when he would like to have them, but lias to keep on buying or selling until tlie burden becomes heavier than can be carried. l^j^^AiwiiB the case with Mr. Sully. pWden got too heavy for him ^kcratir party has been . r., i... i 1 1 M v ciuiiu Wboelor, who knows B war, holds tlio opin- , BL is to win in Hi Japan. Wo havo Mggfom the beginning of proposed graded ^V^icMHinen. If tlio salK> ^rndod according to ' w?s?ot length of service, tlio J will diHCov<-v some wny of making nl- | cohol undrinknhlo. One way of doin^ it i? to mix it with paint. ' ?? i Mi. 'I'l 1.' M i f 11 MI. jLiivimit* i J. ujuhuii vyiuvu* laud signed a bill while Governor of | Now York compelling white find col- i ored childron to attend tho onmo c schools. What has tho News and 1 Courier to say to this' ti It ih said that ii Loudon physician hnB successfully used radium to cure ?. r? man of tho wifo-hoating lmhit. \V?> agree with tho Augusta Chronicle . that a much cheapor, and quite us < effective remedy is tho whipping post. 0 ' H Won't hoiuo of Clovoltiml'n adinir- ^ ci'H write and hhI< him if tlut ehargo i matlo by Mr. Wataou that h? (Clove- ( 1^4,- land, did roally invito Frod Douglass J and hiu ,vhite wife to his wedding at '' tho White II0U80 is true* WuppoHO tho AugiiHta Chronicle take thin duty on itself. An exohango Bflj* "The^uly^y 1 Mfa^hei Dttnocr&tio party can wiiPHp^oHL of llit) rotors of tb<* aoi.ting El \ -m We congratulate Editor Parks on his appointment to a good position in tho dispensary at Columbia. Commissioner Tatum mado a wise eolectiou, as we feel sure that Mr. Parks *\ill bo found eftieiont ami faithful in the discharge of his duties. Wo aro ( glad to know tlmt Editor Pinks will contiuue to conduct the Patriot. Why has ull the papers iu this sec- j tiou, that look upon (Jlevolaud as a little I in god, said nothing about Mr. N Watson's charge that Cluvelaud ^ forced white children to uttond schools with iu gro children in Now c i'ork and that ho invited Fred Doug- j lass and hiB white wife to his wed- | ding reception? Are papers afraid for the people to know tin truth about their candidate? Booker Washington's appeal for ( respect to tho law and his urging that the barbarity of burning at the < stako bo stopped is eutirely proper, but, as The State says, "if Booker | Washington would every month or j two deliver a broadside against the ^ great erinio of his race, it would be j taken as an evidence of good faith j and would boar fruit." To which we i say amen. , Miss Elizabeth Bird, of Harrison ' county, Kentucky, has feathered her matrimonial nest well. When she loft the home parch it wns to become th<! wife of Bud Martin. Tho next 1 venture wns Edward Crow, and then < she lived a while with "Dick" llobiu. Since hedied Dnvid Buzzard hns been paying her much attention, ami they arc lo bo married noxt week. To tho now r.est sho will take a fine bevy of young Martins, Crows and llohitifl. Health Commissioner Darlington, of Now York, has been making some experiments with disease genus ami money, for tho purpose of ascertaining whether it is likely that disease is transmittal by tho handling of monoy. lie took somo one cent i>ioops. some . r ! nickles ami some climes and covered them with a thin layer of diptheria i germs. At the name time some pieces of glass and paper wero similarly 1 treated. The test pieces wero per- , nutted to remain forty-eight hours. At the end of that time ail of the < germs on the copper, nieklo and silver pieces were found to bo dead. On j the papor and glass the germs were , alive and kicking. This indicated to I Dr. Darlington that our metalic < money has within itself the power to 1 destroy disjease germs. t In The Merry Spring Time. In the merry spring time the festive f malaria microbe, goetli forth determined r to colonize rverv 'nmmti orirnnism. ff this arcli foo linn invaded your system allow us to supplest IVydales Tonics. This 1 remedy frees the blood from malaria * microbes eliminates poisonous matter {. from the system, strengthens tho nerves, aid restores robust health. Ivy dales j f Louie is guaranteed. Pickens Drug Co., I | 1'iekens; W. A. Sheldon Co., Lii)eity. j ^ From Liberty. R. F. D. No- 3. Spring ban come, the buds are be- j ginning to peep out: just u few wjeka , longer ami everything will look | beautiful. k Fanners arc hustling about every <ln<r llw... ,,..t I .. ..,.1, i v?c4j- tin-j Ht;" ?i;uiv i in: v ui;i?: | f ploughing and terracing, fixing their. , land for tho next crop. .Jessie Sown I, of Livonia, Ga., is visiting at J. K Parsons, near Liberty. Miswes Ellin anil Maggie Morgan, ? accompanied by tin ir friend, Miss ? Ada Goudlock, visited Mrs. -J E. i I Parsons, tho first Saturday night. Z. (J. Smith lost a good mule awhile back. 1 Mins Tecoa Madden, of Clemson, ! ... v is visiting her uncle, Mr. Thomas ' Gassawny. Willie Smith, of Anderson county, j visited relatives in this section a fow s days ago. " air. i nomas (lasHaway has been j i|uil<i ill the past fow days, with neuralgia. v Mr. Hill is building a now rnco at > llio Lenhardt mill, nonr Golden S Crook church, i <,'"t'ss wo will have V good corn "dod^ora" now. ( Knuckles Coiidlock gavo the yonng ( folks a musical at his homo last I<Yi- / lay evening. Tin; music was just > limply lino, furnished by tho " Smith" J band, of Pea Kidgo. ( Horn unto Mr. and Mrs. Junius V lirwmfi nil flirt ii uf n luiv f Sumo people think small pox is the i Dig^cst buggar in this section, iih / hey uro raging now. ) There will ho preaching at Fair- i ?iow church tho fourth Sundt.y after- S loon by Kev. Loo Gillespie. \ Philip Robertson brought a now C >uggy home tho other day. Ah this f h leap year I expect his host girl will ft lomo Sunday, and perhaps they will ako a ride. C; Well, Quiz, T will close, ns T am in ,n i hurry to limko n leap your visit. 0 Grey Eyed Girl. ? itatfl of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Jnons County. \ ?{ Frank . Cheney makes oath that lie a Hcnioo portlier of tlie lirtn of I*'. .1. Mioiioy & Co.. lining business in the <" sitv of Toledo, county ami white afore- pi ai< 1, ami that m i< 1 lirm will pay the sum >f ON ft lll'NDIlKlJ DOLLAU8 for noli and every ca-e of Cahurh that can- " tot b? cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh " Jure. 1' rank J. Cheney. Sworn to In foro me nml subscribed in jn 11 v presence, this Gth day of December, . t. D. 1880. |Soal,| A. \V. (Jleason, Notary I'liMio. d< IIuII'h Catarrh (Jure in taken internally nd not* iliroc.lly ou tlio blood and nni our ?nrfao*'8 of tbe Hyatem. Bond for estimonials free. "1 P. J. Cheney X- Co., Toledo, (). V Sold by all JirunKintH, 7oc. llall'a Family Pills aro the Ix'Ht. / Thlti will f|dorest Mothers. Mother Oray^^Jvveet Powdora for JhildiM), atomjI RBKtot* m WEEDS Consumption is a human veccl flourishing best'in weak ungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young ; >vhen old, sometimes imDossible. Strengthen the lungs as you vould weak land and the veeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork s good too, but it is very Hard o digest. The time to treat consumpion is when you begin trying o hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't leceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought :o take Scott's Kmuision. If t isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon orget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consumption you can't expect to be cured at oncc, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treatment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you cm, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. Wc: will send you I't fire that tlin picture in I KmuUion you buy! | slm _ scott& bowne, 'Jrof^a-S^ Chc/r.ists, 409 Pearl st-? N-Y.<;or and fi: nil druggists. Pickcns R. F. D. No. 2. TIjo farmers of this section are nistliug aionnd this lino wenthor. llev. W. C. Seaborn tilled bis rcellar appointment at Prater's creek, Sunday, anil preached an excellent uormou to an attentive congregation. Frank lJoron^bs, of the Ivintr's section, visited his homo folks Sunday. Wo are glad to know that Cnpt. J U. Garrett is improving somo. What lias become of Old Riddle? I ?uohs I know, her name has become unriddled, and she 1ms to wait for a :io'v name. And 1 guess White Rose )loomed too soon and got frost bit, ind sho will have to bud and come igain. The church at Six Mile will meet he fourth Sunday for the purpose >f organizing a Sunday school. Lot : very body come and lot's have a good school. Bring your winging books tnd lot's have some .good singing. wo nave got the folks Unit can sing, f some of the folks that sit in tlio rorner do say that wo look like a (ang of monkeys eating a red apple So come on and don't pay any uttenion to that, hut come on and do the )est you can, and talk all the good ulk you can, and il you can't say a food word nl>out your neighbor don't my anything. Always meet your fel ownian with a smile, and bo kind md loving, (in.I bear ono another's nirdens and (?od will bless our little Sunday school. Probably I will tell you about the >ld monkey playing with the red box iext week. Farmer Buy. Proper Trealiiicnl of Piicmuonia. ' inuumonia is too dangerous a disease oranyono t<> attempt to doctor himself, dthoiigh lie may have llio proper rentelies at hand. A physician should always >e called. It should ho home in mind, lowover, that pneumonia always results rom a cold or from an attack ol the grip ,ii<i that hy giving Chamberlain's ('oiigh Jomedy the threatened attack of puen nonia with the best results. l)r. W. .1. >mith, of Sanders. Ala., who is also a Iruggist, says of it: "I have been soling (Miamberlain's Cough Remedy and describing it in my practice for the past ix years. I use it in eases of pneumonia and have always gotten the best esults." Sold hy l'ick< ns Drug Co., 'tokens, and Hunter Pickens, I liberty. \ ..J. M. NEALEY.. J \\ i:sr I NI) MOIIKI. STAND.) VV ( IPii'CiiLiliiiJ': Jo 'Co /> * I Iandlos a lull liiv of ? ^ I >ry (joods, Groceries cc i and Produce. ? > Give me a call and f<r \ be convinced that I can << S sell you as cheap as Mr, cc S Anybody. / ItrIiit; nip viir l'ro?lnfo. \\ ) e'lixti i.r Hurler. A mIiiito \\ L ofyour inilromtue nolhl- JJ 'r'/'y'sif ///// '/// s / s // y / / s / p business Locals. v ////////////z ' / / / / /// _./. ? Head It. C. Curtcr'H now nd and tit posted on prices. ?]t. ('. Carter lias plenty of corn, \tH, In an and liny at money saving ricon. iv. i i liner mix a low Horace id iniiics left, Co mo quick bo^oro ley are all gone. I).>i?'t forgot tlio millinery <?pf?ng at Heath-iirucc-Morrow Co., i'Yiiy and S.itnidiiy, 25th and 2<ith. ? I have soino nico pigs ready for Qlivory. I'rieo $2.50 oaoh. ni2tnl. John Ferguson. ? Kvoryhodv is invited to tho grand Mining at Heath Bruce-Morrow Co., ridny and Saturday, 25th and '25th. Grand display of pattern hatn id drefls goods at HeaUi-Bvucu[orrovt Co., 25th and 20th'. Don't il to aeo them. It t^onhloil with weak digestion, bftloll-, u 11 ('tiamnorlaii*'* a jt Five Physicians had doae their best to cure James V , J 8. C.. who had one of the most terrible cases of Rll if record. They all felled uatU ooe doctor ores I ^Mm/nag jfl rfl IT CURED HELPLESS CRIPPLE. i J I Mi. Wllket wrilci In Che course of i long Utter, dated August 18. 1! "My legs vcie drawn back until my fuct touched my hips. I was (or nearly 12 inontha. The muscles of my irmt mid legs were hard JJ sutTcred death many times over. Wat treated by lix dillerent phy?Icia u an-1 M arion, but none ot them could do rne any go id, until Or. J. I*. R ffl Die to try your KHEUM ACIDF.. 1 began to take it. and before the (in U / I began to get better. I used 5| bottles and was completely cured." UJ Dr. I. H. E wing confirms Mr. Wilkei' statement in every particular. HM free trial bottle sent on application BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., PROPRIETORS. BALTIf r \Xr?i ati I 11 //ULU i nil )) -AT }20% DISCO % Is very cheap when the prices are r C begin with, but we have determ Jr give for the next two weeks or unt H ruary i st, 20 per cent, ofl on all CI ? Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits anc m coats, uur goods arc all marked 1 ?L figures, and you know what 20 p<_ M means when we take it off. Com* we can fit you. Terms cash, and n ^ ation paid for by us, nor exchanges Winter Underwear included in th I SMITH & BRIS [I LEADING CLOTHIERS Greenville, S. C. f CLOGGED K I D N E Y u I The Kidneys are the sewers of the body, lose their activity the}' become f i I loci with p< and kidney ailments result. Buchu, Gin ^ Ju is .1 remedy that a fiords immediate relief? ol drugs which have a direct and curative urinary organs?a formula used and preset1 ar.ds of < minent physicians, Price $1.00, satisfactory to ?;\riy purchases. At Ding Prepared by the Murray Drug Co., Colurr leal Estate foe s Now is the time to invest in Pickens real esta it pOfS too high. L'77 acres within 3 miles of Six Mile church, 7< balance in original forest. Kino timber. Frame t* ph'iitv of water. Terms to ^11il nurchaser. Ono lot 11 acres in town limitH of Liberty, go< splendid Imrn and fino garden. Will sell or oxehai 1 10 acres, gne farm in 111 ilos <>1 Pickens, nj. wood, also running streams. A rice #11)50.00. 101 acres in splendid neighborhood, 15 mi'es houses. Kino timber. Terras to Huit purchaser. g For further information call on J. D. HOLDER & < ItKAIi ESTATE DEALERS. Office at Depot. TO THE TRADING! NOT a ('losing Out Sale, hut reduced Piic NOTIONS, SI10103, HATS, CAPS, K you if) wonder how such goods can bo We rue oll'oring some Grand Bargains in those lin her All wo link in for you to come and inspect on and when you soe how much wo can save you, it in U8. oSHOUS! SHOE!: Our Shoes are New and of tlio Beat Quality e town for the money. Shoes for the School Childrc Let us soli you your Shoes. We hnvo some Comforts and Blankets lhat 1 monlh at Slaughtered Prices. If you need any of We have a complete line of GKOCKIUEH at p f&~\Vo appreciate your trade nnd will alway W Y ATT & (Mil I: w EA3LE bbt the new kind 01 Jiggl THAT WON ENOUG mm sweep-si THE LARGEST COMPEA M8H L r / it Safe' . BjgflW DL) .^1 ! !? ligl- j itmmmmrnmmfmikmmmtftm 9 PRIC Wfkes. of Dllloo. \ eum/ttisih or 1 crlboo? 1 * I ioo LI ft "Ou r bug: fi Salty," but 03 helpless as a habr B \ V r /vn and shriveled op. I I \\ 0 12, 11 c\< I ell ll ins in McColl, Dillon i> kt bottle was used up JH i {'( I lOLIS IvS, J i v D f .. li y?u 1 /> Lino Ave inv ^ U erne in = (/ Corn, Oats, =, . .. ? z) kinds ot 1VU lUNTf R c ight to jfc lined to C 6% I 1 il Feb- # othing : || ? :l Over- B n plain | ^ 1 ?--???? made" tow I BUS \\ No store ir\ line ol Sn^H on 1~ 4-1-v,. - "11 l iift -| of the 11 ^ 1 1 here. at^l)0Ci S. 8 out tlv weel< When thoy B " . 4 'i oiaoncua wasto a ll('V S s 0111 I <>ne hundred Fiaok Mertfii'/od S j g fl nnd ft 1.2/5 wj'i k<> this week at ' $i-.ab skinta.; niDer i , !':xtr^ ?r?alil v M. : d Hurts * ? r,,l|y triaimod, limited inimU-r i a < I M?"*>yn-KlT? at 'Hi MI is/.;. nt*11oii on iii? l ? ? ?? ibed l?y tll<)U8- I TIlis nuinocr is worth $ . < 'i yai Gllfiru 11 toed ? ffitlo ami "linranlivii to wc.u fwTa c. I $1.25 lihu'k Tuft JB I>on't see lio?- any li<lv v r 3BBIS8$2S3H<aEiBk5S3?' r<*ist this opportunity to buy '.li'. j var?i wiilo 'l';?f? tta -i!k at j I 25c,. Nnil's \ oiliiii IJCS | lCS The very thing for waists or ev had lien- in ti.e following nh Criatu, white, lilue an 1 pink at to. Buy before 4>5C. LillCll ill <i Silk ) acres in cultivation : Suuetlnng new in tho Spring v nant dwelling and 1 VM'1 a" ,,xlrn <,nlii "y.Vi,l,">:,! ,h< Swell Liiu' )d lour room house, ... . , . ,. ? ,. , ' \\ e aro showing a full line <" nge for .small farm. . i i , , ! hose goods, one yam wnlc. :t to* tleudid timber and ? Irom rickenp, good [ Don't overlook our Hprin^ <>iV* r 1 find everything that is uislwful in ]>r; :a I THE{ I'ic.kti'H, h. c. (jreonvi He's ( henpes' f PUBLIC! ?8iuI)R\ GOODS, O /\ n jfj -^>6 ItC., Mint will cause ^ ** sold sit euch prices ' ( , I? jh through Decernir goode, got prices <A^ cans your trade for j SPPING " J I i? ver offered in this i p ai< )ii tl'iit will pleaso. ..ds. U !5'? ado larfi tvo are soiling thin *vc s(.ason's them come early. pajation f* ricen that will plnnee. before. h treut you right. ":ipt can v/ac. PrP& ??Pi snfitei i ?-r~? ;he stakes - >,? ittftt hefo ,. . vmiiista broke lo' Hambu; ,illt |>n,iK, ? r rUrU/ ' #' *<!? an. boun. I vFlLW ?"o(isiou?,8 a faol,, |h chewers ? ^ J I C of i !;,il!,l!' w?n'?l 11 v j t" ^ ^i^'r r^->.- *i?aj - ... v ; . j|:*rv * a-# JR. ram BBwarr ; ljp zrf /^ar $5 oo. )s. Standard Fine Granit/ :>s. 1 lead Rice, ?5.00. 3s. Broken Rice, f>.|.oo.y :>s. Fine White Salt, s , "4id Salt ? not hW,-ies It everyone U , :co I <> ox. I of 1 , , 1011 need vi'o'pr 11 ^ a\ 1 v ' *- c?^ v/ U V LU > > II VI U LES, L( ,n Vn (UG(! 1 , c v , 11 v a , ho: in the 11; van t a n ? \c !\', are head qua boL- iha.... , , ,'... (Iioiny"","11" Ullal L( L'}' s* ^ jjp*^ ;'S--IJNI)Ei:-SKLLS." rM)MJ RLE! iHf^ "Bt B ft) GG JJS I'eou v^ 'V' H'10w you '\VasW(Kls'' 1 )r?ss Gc ..s one. ;1C; io. 1 owi 11 o' a ring ^ tliat will be a! Prf^'OU('aJ and I ^cTll i"fch Fancy M ' . J' '? 'f p.ittcrii.-i iH'luJin Klft?, xvortDt , ,!. , > , i(i, n ^ }| v ^ I , _ ' ' ' l Pljl( /> I \ | iiin. v? ry : <o :?' -ti >n' . toil wip h tnitod quantity, -? 1 i M iVill liO Hp. ' ^ ,V(||.,| . . j,.,;., j -J: S1.3& Flako Yo i I it ni!;(ul <l? sii'ns, t ?? rorn ? .; u <i, ono f ? > . i ' n j, 1 } i! < hi' t ..'el t. mi !c h1 pi ." .J' j>2 ? ?t(ji < ;V' N Jk nii ! V/oo! t o,"f ') two mini! < r. v iil i c iin kii j heBtJ^jOj j j*j?|?pcinl prioo - i' \ - Kj Silk INm'sImli ta 3 ?n Ih?\' ''or Wa;Htii or full J.>rc"s?eH, lie ruing -?* | _ *ui i'.uk on I v at por y:ir?l indt'3' =^5Ci i 5 ?j; incli V( i ( ' t ' r Us * * M ovny imr.^riimblo ftlrndi*. tho rJ ,9C j ' " ' |'s! {{iwoiic An?k< 1 v ' > i iiijf :IK oc'xiu !?lt of patU'l'Mct, SUI i ' ) r?/"'|''l,r,c ' f,)r Monday at ^v/uc*U at |'cr yaril J arc not i>> i !>11> in^ m<? ! j i I n >w. (Jotne in )lions, l is 'i^ m I ! > iu h, (Join.* t > s<?o u ?. JSY BEE"Hi i(;r> N. Main Street. U ^ i * i Mwiniwnura ?iwjMM)lf, I STATE Ol | IN J -A* U.v J. 1$. til i Ju i?,>Whereas, me. to {(iniil tion, of tlio j ! Miuildin, ?l - SELLING ' 1 i i?hains." . , j cm I itoi':< (j ) ' rtlPCO:lM!'l, tl j tlui Court <j ; now (dinin'' in in ens Court' n of March l fit 1! o'clou cr and hv.XU r pro if ?? , , Adminixtrn business than ever (HVKN 11 111 day o! i r.. i be supplied by lis. ,uul:?,t EE atton.i ~ ? ? ?i j t, ">?o in I'ickjL' I in^an J j A 1 tuinuiOnJs' slock of I to ?t tho Conn I ; wi'm?" i you ooflhe ">uu timu you > choap. DRY OOO08 rniinos* n?r>? ma The tfi all Kin.Is... etcvOil yi ii it Market in the of* rw truly, JLv.. >.mi ?~*% j?? 4H " hi . > . ' *T.' '' T ' ' >r'"S^Y IR: f 4 * ' v . ; % * . is iiot bnys it. * t *"?y r/' ^ " DDLE8. I n i'd \xr c\ vrv I AJ.i. A V Y LV 1. V | f rters for i > and all ^ ? I S3. C2. I j \\t nrk /IN UU. /?. . i a better II )ocls and re a few on sale h rough oh;i.i 48c.' ' ,. ) I light ;?? ' i / ui per I - . 75u ilo DSc, ii?ht for full WVQ ( ice - - QOC rivpolino. \ ,lo M'.indnv !it I . _ : \ lirifts | autiful quality 35ti ' i i! (*S? y h . all pivtt.y, ,1ft,. . v Silks 15c. ' 4 iiiil>l?' foi WnistH, regu | ;d throughout | _^,1 ~ ) ii'i'i sea US, anyway, you'll f fVE. } Iroeii v!lh\ S. j CITATION. j ' KOr'i'fl CAROLINA, ) I nty of Pickens. f I V J UK <0(JUT OV l'KOHATK. Nowbory, Itaquiro., IVolmto ^ , F? [ ). ISIa'iItllu mado anit to him Letters of AdminiHtVa- J Tvdato Hinl oflecta of J. It. I nconfiod. v' ) therefore to eito nod admon singular tho kindred ano if tho Hftid J. li. Mauldin, lint they appear before me, it) ?f Probate, to be he'-1 _ PiokIohho, S\ (\, or./ day .? 001, after publication hereof, k in tho forenoon, to allow , y tliey have, why tho Maid I tion hlionId not. bo granted. ( , " under my hand and aeal, thin ' \ f Mar. 1001, 111 the 128 year of mdonee. \ J. It. NEWHRUY, IiI'Iko of Probate, l'iekonB county, 8. (' MLY kvlryIr admilrJ NF' r>3 A A J AX" <; to u".1. "TI?o Moohtnorji P^opls" ulu-i to R?r.?l rataloRue athI nauio fi. omnes oa co..' 20LUMIHA, S. C. , Hollar*, 8v* MVU#., ''otton Olnchtnury, Kto.* Portable ftli# Mite. , I t>t \' < n> ?l