I vol. xxxiii. Pickens, south Carolina, ^w?djVesday, march 23, 1904. in I TYVJV mvw ? ??* ' Ei?4'. '.A v- ? ^ iMi -?mbhhuhhhMHIHHI v | ..Stui \ I GRE | You can tnnko out KTUIi DIVA NT'S and f j | Dry Goods, ( ^ At n Iprh prion than any f \ satisfaction < I' knowing bought and find nny art ft. ami got yuv money < re \ Our CI -tiling bnsint 1 y, good many lots of 0110 or ' | ig down bo low. il you c?n I ij it away till uuxt i"'al 1. :J Wlu-n yon come to < - | Jniog tho wholo family? I' M r 1 y 5/ 01 | n. s\. on I (i ree J T'i fkmmuxxxBB-iT? ?am I f w nraatu.*!' . > ' iMtWJr-m n? * *? AV, T. McKdLL, J. ,s. WILSON I Vn-nMonl. ^ .... , xil, ?**"1 -* DKAUCUS IX> tf^Colton Seed Meal, Hulls, Oil an ; ! . ^ Now ready for! Our (iinnery has been running on lul and wc thank our patrons for thci Our Mill is now grinding regularly plenty ol hulls, meal or "batting." Bring your S1 CI 11) and exchange the or we will pay you the highest \v seed just as you prefer. v Come, to us ami see how well we *J arc: not controlled by outside pri much, or more, (or your seed tha ' R. H. CH W W.T. McFA 1-1., J$B President | nCKENS I . \ PiCKENS, S. I1 CAP2TAL & PROFITS | DEPOSITS % WK PAY INTKRKST ()N Tl. ' i . ( MAKK LOANS TO Y.\ -r. , By Careful and con .tant work t / / iii^lX.i^s every year /b We. solicit your business anil w every reasonable accoinoilalion. I i Mm** BiUCUSWSS //&??* Maker. r f/m/7 chronic inva When the liver i.^ torpid, bi ffMfjx f blood as a virulent poison. L H DAMONS Hi I> LIVER/ \Wi\ANI) ToN,c Pellets are the < VfetflVthat j^ives the liver just Ihe ri Nature's work in the J | Tr?Mm L , Si (r FOB8ALE BY k^L.. / LMcoro, C'v.-or; liver,, avXP* 3 ^ your lii-t boi leaving homo?Conio right to ?et anything yNvlliii h, ^lothin, hoes, Hats and 1 ?Notion I other store in t*villc and ir cl hftvo the after you got. homa,j examine what you have iclo not BatiefactormYou eftn fetch it back fjitinet.hint* inct no > - o j f bb !ss Inst iin<&u tvi (1 naturally lfft ti pj tw> Milts., All of tb,? lo( an> im'v mnvkccl liul your sf V'HD1VAN T,S? -l'lonty ol ilt'nn lor tho Chilli. Yours yt^bargainp, ^ jj n ville'sV i reat.cst ft ore. ! M \ i i V J \ ?m -, M. Mlmur im.uajuUioajT.. ?n?ii?ai?w i ^ .. . { VbBL*JX*m-r+t9rtnMM2i*K.3k yw 2. CCrtSttfilKMMBWn H. E. HRUCK. ! f v IT \? ? W; I Health \ \JUi;i|JUIlJ j r rVcj-'s ->?~-3rr!HESjysn?5. ."^c^.^=stslfl ji " \ c.r 2."> years I have never S H mi sr. c J. tui.iwjj Aycr s LiarsapaiiUa jj d Lilltcrs.^c^ . B c . sarinc. It clcansea m? N ? blood, n":.kcs ma feci snon^, and 1 g t'.ocs ir. pood i.1 every way."? I , .'John I'. Iloductt", Hiooklyn, N.y. H DlbiilC^S ' and rich blood 1 , . .... [] carrics new life to every 3 I time .ill this season ; , v 9 r patron:,j P?"? ot lhc <**!/. You B > and you can net arc invip/iratcd, refreshed. | ji You feel cnxious to be | m lor meal aiul hulls fi active. You bccome strong, | iarket price (or your || stcady,coiinigeoiiS.That's | M what Avcr's Sarsanaiilla 8 r:""rf ij will do for you. 8 u.? s l>ut will pay as g ii.oji?hoitii. aiif'k your I'.ofioi ? l.nt lie llduk* of Ayor'? I mmwiMa. aa H Oarcii i. iiln. II.- Ion,.vj u'.i iilmiit thlBRrand ? ixl CJ. I O k* 5 IVIICjf** M olKPf lUI(' 'l r'S(" '*rn3'1 with melted Mr, I )l',l 1 b ji hut 1 c and sprinkle with sugar and 1$ ciniuioon. Hake in moderate oven k.\l r.KS. fys for hilf an hour, covering with . J brown paper for the lirst lifteen llG business Of tlus ^ ill extend to you C Oter-Work Weakens J 1 Vni t r* r mui I*iuiicy3? Dnl"-",y ?*"?*?*,m?urt W004' All V.tiS-ocl in your body passes through . , - ; your kidnc.onCo every three minutes. I . _ The kidn$y,3 are your ?^le^^/vVrr\ bloodojyrit^ra, they filv-?. n ^r i 0 ter was,? or Vr^TVv-Srix^ 'Impir^Hea in the blood. i , uA?^y are sick or out .V.a?(i6i dcr, they (all to do Urr/^Nf u\ Pains, achcsandrheu/ f-ir \ *wM rnatism come from ex\wuln!V JHr \ ccr'3 ?' uric acid Iri the ?1 \ blood, due to ncglected kidney trouble. | | i Kidney trouFjfeuces quick or unsteady : heart beats, anmakcs one feel as though they had heart ublo, because the heart Is L I over-working pumping thick, kidneyI I poisoned blood i0Ugh veins and arteries. | It used to be isldcred that only urinary trouble.^ were td. traccd to the kidneys, | but now modern>nca proves that nearly f ail constitutional easC3 |iavo their beglni ring in kidney U.lc. f if you arc sick j can make no mistake by first doctoring ur kidneys. The mild and the extraordit, effect of Dr. Kilmer's ( Swamp-Root, tVreat kidney remedy Is \ soon realUyd. l^ids the highest for Its | wonderful fcurea orjmn*? Ht???* *? on and 13 sojfl on Its rrt, by all ^ugglsU jn ( samtpie bottle by t nom# of bw?b?p.Roo?. Iree.S also pamphlet igycu how to find out!?i yuii hivft klot)j? blftdddf trcublfi, Me>>/fton this paper \ writing Dr. Kilmer ' it Cf o., Btngharnton,/ J 8 >n't make any but remember 1 * % ^ thor i name, Aw^t, Dr. Kll^-r w ! blo'lj ?rug Store. ^p-Root. And tn\CM> U ^ r# - * v'""'" mm, In .iffliiiffi JIBfi TILLMAN The Footsteps of Mo.Kinley. I fi CAD PAMPDUGO At the last session of Congress, rUll LUNUKLoo. a j^n Wft8 introduced by Senator ^ Foraker of Ohio, authorizing the WANTS TO SUCCEED G. W. CROFT, appropriation of $100,000 for tho caro of tho graves of tlio The Late Congressman Croft Was Confederate soldiers buried in 1 Leading Counsel for Tillman When tho North, which was increased to e the Latter Was Tried for $200,000 by its author, and parsed ^ Murder.?May 17, Fixed ?>y the Sei.ato as amended. Tho 1 as Date of Election. measure is now in tho hands of the ( Augusta, Ga., Special.?rEx? military committee of the 1 Lieutenant Governor James II Mouso, and but for tho abjf-nie N Tillman, recently acquitted of mur- chairman of this committee, I ,1 e * I I_;n: -i n J . ?Y /-< Ulrtiilfl >? 'lo-l-' 1 1 " ? * tiui iui tuu killing ui rjdiior IN. vi. M wimu hwu?m# uuv?? ui-im ap- ?Gonzales of wolutnbia, S. C, an- Proved and given a place on the ' nounoes his candidacy for Congres? calendar before 11;is. The propo- v in au interview in the Augusta 8'li?n has mot with no opp i-ition, 1 Chronicle of last Thursday. being supported by tbo leaders on Ho will eland for the "cat vaca- ^oth sides. Gbnoral Gi'uSvenor of f ted by the death of Co). G, W. ollio' Republican leader, is its ( Croft. The dead congressman was sponsor in the House. In an in- * at one time the law partner of t?rview of a few days ago he said: < Tillman, and his leading counsel "I ^ee' Oeitain that I will be able 1 in the murder trial. to put the bill through the house N Gov. Hey ward has issued a pro- this session. It would have I clamation fixing May J7, as the heeu passed at llio last session had I day for liolding the election for a not one memb-r ln hl out against 1 successor to the late G. \V. Croft, all unanimous consent legislation 1 Congressman from the Second dis- right at tho close, However, I arn 1 ( * > it . .... VI iV/b. * J i n ??v u Iiiiciuoir-u 111 IIIU In order to give the Detnocr&ts sition, c>ming us it does an tho roof the district u? opportunity to 9U't President McKinb-y'K fa - 1 get a man in trim for the election, mows utterances at Atlanta, and i Col. Wilio Jones, chnirmun of the shall push it, hot!) before the com- N Democratic state Executive C(.m. mittoe and tho houso. " mittee, has issuo'.l a call for tho It is well to recall tho imm<>rtnl < committee to sieet in Columbia, words of tho marlyivd McKinh>y Tuesday night, March 22. ()U which the present movement i< The Second district is composed n" outgrowth., were spoken on (In- v of the counties of Aiken, Bamberg, ooc-isiou of his visit to Atlanta in Miirnvjui.il l<>< !> i r ihii mi'i'il I ,V.., ,aunft.-iu? - . { Hampton and Saluda. the equal of Lincoln's famous ad ? dr?ss at Gotlv&burg. They folCold Wave Coming. low ' If you liavo lVydnles Elixir in llio \ ' house when a cold wave is corning, yon "Sectional linos no longer mar need not fair attacks of Brouohitis, t\o map of tho l int'd Slat S; sec Pneumonia, C< U-jhs, Colds, etc. Ry- ,. . c ,. , . I dilos Elixir taktui when attack beginc tiollal heling no longer li"lds back ^ never fails to check the progress of the tho love wo bear one another disease. It is equally successful in . , . . ^ .. , ., chronic cases of throat and lung disease latornity is the national anthem, ^ Pickens Drug Co., Pickens; W. sung by a ehoius of !<>rty live Sheldon & Co., Liberty. sU(o8 au(1 ()Ur tori j. many of , Mr. William announced a year ?U1 hravc men loll on th?? li?il tl or . ago thai ho would run for Con- s^kouod and di.-d from hardship j gress this summer, and he would aiK^ exposure, ami others returned ( have heen a candidate if Col. Croft hrinRing wounda and from , lnd lived. Ho has been actively whieh they will long suH' r ( at work in the district for months, ' memory of the dead wiil b < ( and has made good progress. IIo a P1VC'0U* legacy' ami th > diialdod j will bo si candidate for the unex- ,VI" ? nation's rare. A na- ^ 1 pi red term, as well aa for tho next t'?" cares tor its disabled ( regular term. soldi. i'o uh wo have always done As soon as Col. Croft died con- Wl" n0N"r lue'c defenders. 1 lie ( sideraMe speculation begun iis to 11 cemeuM ic-j foi tuOiO w !.o ^ his sucfce6Hor, and Mr. Williams' 'n battle are pro it that (ho | namo was generally men tioned first. 'h--?d aie carnd lor. and the living ( Others whoso names were mention have our love. \\ hat an army of ^ ed wore Solicitor Thurmond, of *>l*nUentinolH wo have; and with , Edgefield, Hen. I). S. Henderson, w,mt loV"'K earo Uuir graves are f of Aiken, who was a candidate for kol't- Kvo,T ? ddior'rt gray. mad > . United States Senator two >| t!ii^ govorn* j they will not enter the race but ment, these dile-roi ce.< w.io I >ng }] will sunnort Mr. Willin.m? ago s tiled by the arbitrament < l There has bedn some talk about ar,n8 8-nd the time has coin-?. :n ^ State Senator MnylieUl, of Ham- t',M evolution of Kpntimont an! berg, making tho race, but it ic f?e''no? under i!i? pi.ivi .csi *ortiiiio. cation it, is foun 1 in th-) Kuilant Light horn* laws nro ignored by those . n ^ tiroloss, little workers?I)r. King's Now loyalty to tlio nni hi a id ih?3 II itf. ; I Life PUIh. Millions are ulwnys nt work, H() conspieuou,ly slio,vn in tho v night and day, curing indigoftion, bil ' < iousnoss, constipation, sic'* headache v(,ar jn-t p;l-t ny th<< h mis and i and all stomach, liverand bowel trouble. grandsons of those heroic d-ad. Easy, pleasant, ssfe, sure. Ouly 25o at " ,.<,1. ? : t Pickens Drug Co. "Wlint a K^nous fuM.ro await- ,, 11a Iunitedly, vris-dy and hravoly 1 Attempted to Poison Family. wo faco tl.c n?>w prohluin* now j ^ Tho other day a mysterious at- pr H-in^ upon us. dniermiood tn'? tempt was made to poison tho fam- solve them f??r pglit ?" I human- <, ily ot Rev. Dr. Kshox J. Crudup, ity."?Greenville Daily 11??: tilcl. pastor of (ho Fibnoro Baptist ? -**? ? l( church of Plninfiold, N. J. Referee Continues Cases of Chaingang v Tho pastor's sister and his 0- Cruelty. year-old diuitfhtcr who ate somfl ?>f -The investigation of 'ho charges e h enko pout to the house l>y an nn? nf cruoltv which wcro preferred j known person wero saved l>y time* against tho chuingAiiir authorlti'-s i ly medical aid. of Newberry county by the grand i Tho cako was left at a grocory jury at the February term of court iC storo by an unknown person who will be continued tho first of next d asked that it ho delivered to the week by ltoforoo Krod If. Domi- a pAhtor, An examination of the jii0k. The investigation wa* ooncike shows that the frosting had titthod to allow Mr. Doniiniek to!n !?./?> ...:?u - j.-ji-- - y poiHon. Kuhpr ena other witness. jn No traco of 'Ho poisoner lins Some startling toatimony Ims' *been (V i?l, been brought out I?y the inveftigv1 f< ? ~ tion ftt U??t 11mo, ihmI it in Ibought,h Ml W ih?t mam' will b. fauhcoumig ?l(? oatlito!fmv Him I)nm. J - ? ' J ? ire not immediately pushed for- ocrntic national convention ib now yard after binding from the trans- regarded by hia friends as practi)orts ore bivouacking with their cully assured. They predict it mimaU in tlio open, and sleep in with a confidence based upon an urns in Korean houses, which, intimate knowledge of the Deinovith (ire under the floors, am wann cratie situation in every state in hough dirty. the Colon, says a New York lferEverything requisitioned is paid aid special correspondent. or, but at pros>nt the army is in- '-The Democratic party has an lependent of tlio msouices of the opportunity," one of the foremost .......I 'IM ' ? 1 ? r. uiu iiiuu uin ry iwo (jays j ot the 1'arUer managers said today, iooked rations and three daya' rice "I know that the parly has 'aliens All the correspondents shown itself to !><; capablc of alvho arrived in the Koroan theatre moat anything, hut 1 do not think 1081i 1 itios without official license thai it will commit the folly of iuvc been requeued to withdraw on throwing this clianc-i away." >oard returning tiansports No cur- .Judge Parker iH being put for* espondent lias been allowed more ward as the only candidate from a han 15 miles north of Ping-Yang, pivotal state who can be accept d Host Hciimiy for Constipation. h-v tbo extremes reprusenlod by the "The tino^t remedy for constipation 1 supporters of loinier President v.r us< d is Chamberlain's Htomaoh aud (ii-uver Cleveland on one side and jivot Tut'lets " anys .Mr. Kli Butler, of .. T i 'rnnkville, N. i\ "They act gontly and tho.-e ol \\ ll.i.nn . *1 >1 > and vithoiP any unpleasant ott'oot, ami leave William 11. Hearst on the other. ho lillWflls in II liei'fi < .;! V tiniliriil iwuxli ion." S,l.|l>y PickiHiR'n^g Vto,;i?i?Vk. ,>",lur ft!one- lU [,Mu]? mis, m.d IIin ter & Pickens, Liberty, contend, can unify thn.so di:j.o<'ld? .. ? ?T ~ . nilt elements. T?ilets him out of President Spencer s Proud Report. ,, . . ... iii- ,i Iho campaign, 111 > y my, ana there Suimiol homier, hmd ot t lie , , , . . , . . vvnnM 1m nothing lelt. Hope oi southern Knuway FVt?teni, Ins it;- . ,, " , . ' , " v, v. - , victory would vanish, lie is iin n ontlv returned lo Now i oi k from ..... i ii cs .i tilled null miithrr taction. 1 he m ox loud tut trip In rough theopulh ... , , . regularity ol his puty record on imd in ikes a report that la agree*. . . ', .. , it* . i not be qiiOHlioiiird. L ho very I ict tblo to road. His trip, he says, * , . . . . . ti\ i- lh.it he has nevor express d lus carried him over most of the linen . . 1 .. i -i ? opinions on the great questions >1 tho Southern, and evidences ot 1 . . that huvo divided Iho parly is an >i o p ntv wore general. 1 he fbOO- , , ,n., t . olcment i t strength. 300,000, according to oatiuvd >p, , . , , , , r . , .. . . i , It is asserted by his friends with which the cotton crop has bronchi , . , .. the i!ln)*>st emphasis that .Judge :o the South this year, is ol course . . , .. , , , , .. . . Parker is wholly unpledged to any :>ne of mo greatest i actors in 'ho __ 1 ,, . man. Not even David 15. 11111, .'xcollout situidion 1Jnt it H not . , . . ? , , ... ., who is in lull charts <>J the (liiuithe only luetor, because with the . , . . ... paiun on 11 is b hall, has a promise i)ohfliblo exception or iron niftini* ' , . . ... from him ot any kiu.i or wouid Faeturint;, which ih <1 aiI t h?1 r?as . . . , _T . . |, . venture to ask for any pledge. Jlc slbowhor.', practically all tho in ... ... , . , would be a bold man who would iuslnes of (he South are in a rial- , . . . . -f. ... ... ,, dare t"> in ulco such a fiugi/estion to ly llouri*iiiiig>>iMilip lnu brought a 1 . , , , c . . ,, c, , clear, llo is sale and eonservajreat aval ot money into the boulh , . . , . . . hvo. 1 hese are the t>aliver vou will liii'l, p-rhaps, do- . . . , " . , , be indiOnrent to w liar is being done src.ififts in otlmr sections, l>ut in 011 Ins belialt. Ho knows ol it Jie boutli the ciearucca aro tjroater , , T , . i ii ' - .. only l" a general way .Judge l arJian over, md tins is n sign or the , > . ? , . . ,, ker s iniCi'Oftls nro in tho hands of tunes with thorn . | . .... , , men who am leaving nothing to What Mr. Spencer regards ab , , , , . . . ... r ii i . chance, 1liny are conceded to bo ,ho IwHt thing of all about the , , .... , , . , . ,. . . anions tho most skillful political tiosp.'Vity in the boutn is tli.it, it . ,, . , , , . manages m the country. l< lom >eara no resemblance to the forced . . ..... ,, .. . oarlv morning until midnight Mr. )r "iMom" prosperity, "Hie ; 7 . ., ,, , , ,. Hill may be found in his law omoo south, l'?; ohsoivoif, "was rat nor , ,. ..... ,. .. . , issuing his direction* to Democrat ic j.dimd tho rest ot the country for . . , , . . . leaders from all over the stato and lome 3cars ami did not participate , . . , , . , - , iii . consulting with leiuh rs Ironi other it the remarkable, l>ut perhaps too " . . . . . . 1 || , states. 1 Ins activity b"/aii a year anni development n >tCvl elsewhere, , , , , , . ago and tue plans that nave I> H mrticulnrly correct one.?Char- c m ,.?,i ... olt.? Ol.roniolc- fn.m th,? city Ihursclny. h. I). Wilkes, hirf 1 1 year old koii mul Mr Liiciuit and Modern ad vice about How h >vo nhot and mortally Wounded J to Acquire Weal Hi. Chnrlin Wi.kes, n I rather of Iv I), i The ui'cii lit ? >;('?' "sure roiul lo \\ ilkofl. c alth- w.ih '!??. t(miipernio in .11 The two .M jt j* oliniVed, 10 economic <1 u'wuju. Modern life, villi its "ru-di methods" in biisiiie-iH re- had In on disputing over n win* piircM tlmt "l.rci> i e.i.iliv' ho ml.imI t<> fouctJ and ro.id for Homo tiino. Itn old adage. Ev. rvhodv knows liow . . , e o ho lomperntc mid mor.t j eoplo how to W 11H thoy llld 111 10 \*"to n low in oo "Domical, hut fmv know how to word* passed nlld llieti ihcy com,o>'|> perfooty healthy. Ovor-oatn i?, , .. , , ,, rier.nl'o liulii H, no^lcet etc.. drrniiRe ftt oaoh Oll.or. lie ntomicli, liver and ho\v. ls, c,,i; dn# Tho wonnded man was shot twico tuli? jour liver, >iim ilntn Love has< bo n arrested and are our bowela and f!fUal>linl> a iot t.lnx, now in jail at Uiis place. altliv, li'iliit. d ile? Tnbjotp i-.'wino _ (ioil health. Piukpn* Drug Co., "ickn-;'\v. a. Hiiohlon Ar co , liuiij. Shoots Man to Death Who Abused ,? His Son. Tuskegoc Man Drops Dead. Birmingham, Ala., Social.? TuBkoge.*, Ala., March J8.? \ S Harry Moore, who Im-t Clu in t nun Irigg,a well known elt izen dro;>j>td cut another man to death at North ead on tho streets horn yesterday Birmingham, was shot and instantftornoon. ly killed at Warrior hut night by \f I* I 2 ? ) /#,? rtfl l? A 1 /\ - i'4 1 - * ' ^ ^ >*i. v>?iKi41 ??iut3 iu i?>w ) ati,hv <|in- ?? ^ AiiBHuni, ft ropiiuiDIB Clt)/,6i), or, btopping in front of a furniture It 1< 8niy Democrat io politicians and some of th->.so members of tho houao of ropreHcnUUivoH. That tho feeling has b.H-n changed was shown in the house j'cst'jftlny when an eulogy of CMi'Vcland by Representative Pattorsf-n of Tennc.ssoo caused cnthuaJ iMSti .n, inaybe this fall. The towns ??f iS> ii'jca ami Wulhalla are the only towns in the couuty that have dispunsaries and nianv nocnlo of j th'i county say t.hat they do not j wan!, tl.c disp.-nmiry and that thoy v j will make a fighl to have the Kamo v voted out and have u dry County J once inure. Somo arguo thnt thoy had r.tlhor have the saloons thon a j disji' n.-:ary, nay that a man would I buy a diinlc and go on about his | business, while a-? it \a now you j havo l to a dispensary and buy j at loa^t a k'llt a pint, as tliatiatho j sniallofrb <|u uitily that can be purI clisisod according t<> the laws oft,ho j Stnt", :iixl gome of the liquors aro I enough to ? i: > anyone crazy, or at I louM any one would judge so from tlit? actions ol houim pcoplo that j anybody can se-i at nioat any time, I Saturday evo?itngaTKp--cially, when 'X?, i ihoy aro so full that they cannot ) I walk and scarcely lalk. / f Tlier > has been no official an- \ | nonnc*-m<>nt thai there would bo a I tight 1 >m the dispensary, but it is boing talked, and it is believed by a groat many people in the community as Well .n all over tho connJ ' ty that the same can be voted out ^ j without any dilVn-ultv or much of J8xi\JH a light on the part of the oiti , jt'r vf^ It is thought that tho^jt f llJtc Mi.' V mountain boozo would \ I'OI t | . ?* I : I t ' ' I'l' s t <>i \ V ! would not do f ono town 4 / y ' | (l.iv licciiiiso they hi ... c n I . , .v 111 o, b. O. f i Hrtry and would naturn s trading whilo there. " * The Candidate. S Whilo tho candidate is abror? mSuS&t^fQ tlio hind, Him following express.*,.. ' about oantli hdeH from ex-Governor Hob Taylor, of TonncsHoe, will bo intf H'ftl irs<{ and umuhin^. Mr. Taylor Hays: "livery Inmost mun who runs for ofliis a candidate for Iroublo, I?.? ih<> fruits of political victory turn to hkIu's on his To mo thoro ip nothing in i his world ho pathetic iih a ciiudidiilcv Ho in like a mariner without (!oi!i|)iiHf4, drifting on tho cinpotsl tof-Sf-d waves of uncertainty between tho moiling cliffs of hopo uiUl tho frowning crags of fear. llo ih u Hiking petition und u living prayer llo is a packhorso of public sentiment. llo id tho dromodnry of politics, nud even if ho roaches tho k'Oul of hi.s ambition, ho will soon fool tho bonk of thi) vulturo in his heart und the fang of the serpent in his ?oiil " M Thorn i? not an ache or pain that can In' icii'-licd cxtfrnaliy that cannot bo _ "killed'' in a fow minute* by tho uro of Klliott's lithulHiilod Od Liniment. Rnb it on tlie^flfootod part And the pain will hoou diflnppenv, Full l-'2 pint bottle, 25 \^fl cent*. 1'icjfUH Drug Co., Piokens; W, ijfl A. Sheldon ?V Co., Liberty, ^' wan