The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, February 03, 1904, Image 1

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THE PICKENS SENTINEL-JOURNAL.?^ v | Entered April 28,1903 nt Pickoup, 8. CM na second oltpa matter, under act of Congress of Maroli 3, 1879. VOL XXXIII. PICKENS, S. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1904. ~ " 1 np nTlftll AAllfiA umi; nun uumts in THE COTTON MARKET Country Longs Go Wild Ii Effort to Liquidate. OPFFRltyGd SWAMPED MARKET 3 pricos Went Down From 45 to 81 Points?Prominent Bulls Were th< Heavy/Buy?fs at the Deoline?East ,ern'ftews Responsible. 1 v Now Orleans, Jan. 29.?Tho long ox flnnf n/1 " ^wkvu luatviuu tJUIIlU 111 IIIU COUOl markot this morning and countrj longs weut wild In thoir efforts to li quidato. Thoir offerings swampei tho markot for awhile and prices wenl down from 45 to 80 points. The prominent bulls were heavy buyers al the decline and oven at tho lowest buying orders of a few hundred bales would send the markot up 10 points. Tho caution was sounded yesterday when brokers coinmonced to ask $1G a bale margin. n was generally considered that the falso reports concerning the situation In the Far East spread about last I K * - - iiRin. wurw responsible ror the liquidation by the weak long interest. All features remained bullish. The movement was light and the weekly Insight figures were smaller than were expected by the most enthusiastic bulls. At one time May options were NC> points under the highest level of the morning, but a quick recovery brought them op until they were only II points bolow the highest level uj*l only 21 points lower than the closo of yesterday. TTie leading bulls said that the drastic liquidation had left the market in a healthier condition than ever, and more open to further advances than for Beveral days past. WAR ON MICROBES. A Effort to Exterminate Th<J ' "--nrtr/ Borlin, Jan. 29.?The Ilorlin municipal authorities have decided to mako an aitompt to exterminato tho microbes in tiio liI)rarloa, Professor Koch having called attgentlon to tiio danger of spreading infectious disease among the books loaned indiscriminately from libraries. The professor's represontativos, during the former's absence in South Africa, where he is studying tho Rinderpest for the British government, has drawn up a plan for attacking the microbes which win uu suiiniuiod u) ino imrary committoe of tho municipal council next Tuesday. it 1h intended to adopt aomo method of disinfoctinK hooks after thoir uho. Tho municipal disinfection station will charge of tho matter. fc. INDICTMENT QUASHED. r Against Former Mayor Ames of Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Jan. lil>.?The supremo court today quashed the indictment QKalnst Former Mayor Ames, of .Minneapolis, and the entire court hold that tho indictment was faulty. Judged Start. Collins and Lewis concurred in tho majority opinion that the offense was not proven, while Judges Lovely and Drown disagree with that hurt /if tlin majority. Dr. Ames was charged and convicted in tho district court of Hennepin county of revolving monoy as r' *i Minneapolis illegally from ( Oldfield Won Auto Race. Chicago, Jan. 20. A dispatch to Tho Tribune from Hotel Orinond, Fla., Kays that without wind, on a wavy surfaced conrso, and with a (loop haze covering everytl Iiik. Harney Oldfiold has won tho 1 milo automohilo championship of America, defeating William K. Vandorhilt by throe seconds, Old11 eld's Mmo was 40 3-.r?, but fn tho best heat .io did -13, which sots the world's intirit i nrc" seconds lower than the* record of A'.iKiers, made on tlie Dourdan road in Paris. Found Guilty of Husband's Murdor. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 2f) Mrs. Lulu Prince Kennedy Kramer, for the second time for tho murder In Junu ary, 1001, of lu?r first hushand, Phil lp H. Kennedy, wan found guilty by a Jury hero today. At her tri?l eho wa? convicted and sentenced tc 10 years In the penitentiary. Tried to start Fire With Oil. JMttahurK, Jan. 2!). Ah the result ol an explosion following an attempt t< ji111 i y a lire wan CUI'IIOII Oil, Mrs. A F. Oray, of North Sowickly. is (load,; Ethul, a daughter aged P<J years, It probably fatally injured, and othei mombors of tho family aro soriouslj injured. Tho family rocontly camf here from J*ovett, Ind. Supposed Crime of Burglars. Chicago, .lau. 28. With bills o largo denominations amounting In al to more than $r?00 sowed in his cloth lag, August Ortman has boon fount dead In tho .squalid little rear roon /of his homo. The man bad been sho rloarl uiinwmnfllv l?v Kiii?i/1oi?j Germ ^School Ship Sails. Charleston, S. C , Jan. 20. Tho Oor ,tmn school ship, Stoin, wlileh iias hooi i iiiy (or Vigo, Spain I BLAZE AT ELBERTON. rBeorglaTown . Suffors ..Third Flro Ip Three Years. Elborton, Ga., Jan. 20.?-Elberton's ^ third disastrous ilro within a few roars and In the same placo, occurred Thursday morning. About 4 o'clock Mathew's drug store . tvas discovered on Are and bofore tho people could bo aroused tho flames uuu aiuuuu 10 utunes Bros., Thornton Bros, and then enveloped Duncan pros., all of whom suffered total loss ?a. The block burned was known as the Jonos block, owned by W. O. " Jones. Across the street the build> ings of T. M. Swift were damaged r about $2,000. For awhile it looked like the whole 1 business section on Mcintosh street t would go, as well as the residence s portion on Heard street. A stiff wind t was blowing and was preceded by a : light snow. While the citizens hoi rocially worked to stop tho ravage the thermometer registered far below the freezing point. I The Hank of Elberton building also caught and was damaged considerably, i The bank Itself suffered some loss, an <1 i?l the Elberton Loan and Savings banks. TRIPLE KILLINQ. 3lx Men Took Part in the Fatal Row Three Dead, Three Wounded. Blltmore, N. C., Jan. 29.?Nows was received here of a triple killing In Lhirke county, 13 miles from Morganton Tuesday night. The statement is that Julius Flshor, Marion Fisher, York Fisher, Hill Deal, Eddie Hunt and Joe Towerly, became Involved in a quarrel when Julius Fisher killed his uncle, Marion Fisher. York Fishor killed 1 till Doal and Eddlo Hunt killed Joe Towerly. The other throe are reported rlously iniowiU . . ' " A V i? 1 <)<\/\ i\X .-'suleiico of cousins m -.ove >' \?\aU?,, v:- ^ Auhttville rnil * Conductor Fisher says ho (loos not think tho details are oxaclly correct, but that there was trouble and Home loss of life. KICK MADE ON VACCINATION. People of Carrolltcn Shy at Vaccine Virus. Cnrrolltou, <ia., .1 un. 29.?Consider able comment and no little dissatisfaction in this section has been developed in the past few days by the visIt or I ho secretary of the state board of health to Carrollton, and into Heard county, with a view to securing compulsory vaccination of tho people against smallpox. Ordinary Drown has been pressed to refuse the order, which subjects him to a lino, but a strong sentiment In ... i KI|I|>UI.1UI j Y IllUI lltkl ! >11 prevails in tho county. Mayor T. C Bledsoe, of Parrollton. will moot with the aldermen today to determine what steps tho city shall take to prevent the further spread of the malady, which has already cost the county thousands of dollars to control a few cases occasionally breaking out over the county for tho past few years. AGAINST BRYAN. Poll of Mississippi Legislature Show? Desire for Revision. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 2'J.?A poll was made of the luadlng members of the legislature to ascertain their views ro I nt?i iiimm Ui? iyviuv/ui uviv. ]linviui ill allows that a iargo majority of them are m favor of repudiating IJryan and making a thorough revision of the platform. Speaker 15. N'. Thomas, of tho lower hotisi', who will probably ho a delegate to tho national convention, doclans himself, as unalterably opposed to the recognition of Bryan as n party leader and says that tho free silver plank should bo entirely eliminated. Stolen Panel Recovered. New York, Jan. 29. The original panel from which was taken Sir I)a vid Wilkie's famous painting, "Mind Man's lluff," and which was stolon ironi me i.cnox Mi?rnry, a row flays apo has ln'un found. Tho panel if-' valued at $r>.()(iO. Tho thief sold ii to a Forty-socond street dealer for $2.50. 4 Firemen Under Suspicion. Ran Francisco, Jan. 21 .- It Is stated that the detectives who aro investigatf I tn>; tho anonymous letters sent to (ho > ! Southern Pacific company demanding $10,1100 under threat to dynamite the ! trains, have centered suspicion on (\vn i , men now employed in the vicinity of " ; Fresno, that one of them has hoan ' j picked out as the author of the letters Not Reduce Wage Scale. Fa'/ottorvllle, I'a., .Ian. 2!>.?At a mooting of morn than 20 eoal opera* ' tors on Vow river, employing In tho ' Aggregate 90,00ft minors, It wia nnanl* . nioufly voted not to rodueo tho wngo:l 1 of minors this your. This moans no i strike In Now river territory. Must Hang for Killing Sweetheart. Pari;*, Mo., Jan. 29.?Frank Dawson has lioon convletod of murdering Anna 11 art man and sentenced to bo 1 hanged Ma roh 17. Dawson Killed " MIor Hart man aa tho rosult of a broken engagement. l'I Saved From Terrible Dentil. family <>t Mm. M. !' ' Toll",, H?W ln'1* <lyill.' Mini k/low to mvo lior. Tho most ^ftMuciMiiH mid every remedy j?a?wliiln ooiiHiunption w.ih tMkitifC I"'1' 'i^Dr. King's Now I > ? L?.ption tnrnnd <1r?pu? Ali bottle brought i n Bciir' i coptipuod n > MMi' the*'?, orn<$ t.' ERECTION OF SHAFT AT V.GKSBURO, MISS, Illinois to Raise Ohd to Mom ory 01 iier fcJoldle.vs. 8TRUCTURI? TO COST $>1&0,0C0. It Is To Be Constructed of White Marble or Granito and Ornamented With Bronze?Bas Reliofs Illustrating Historical Events. Chicago, Jan. 29.?Tho state of Illinois wiil erect a monument in tho Nutionul Military park at Vlcksburtj, Miss., in honor of tho minois soldiers and sailors who participated in the | eoigG of that city from March 29 to j July 1. ISC.:?. The structure, expected to cost OoO, will bo iu tho shape of a rotunda or circular tev.iplo. It in ? constructed of white marblo o? Anlte, and ornamented with bronze. Hronze tablets on tho exterior of tho temple will have has reliefs represent- i ing Richard Yates, tho war governor of Illinois, presented Ulysses S. Grant, hla commission as colonel of tho Twenty-first Illinois; tho gunboats running the batteries at Vleksburg on tho night of April 1C>, 1803, and the surrender of Vleksburg on the night at April 1G, 1803, and the surrender of Vleksburg by General Peinborton. 1'nJor the exterior of tho dome will bo sngravod from Lincoln's second inaugural, "with malice toward none; with ohnrltv for all," and the last phrase in General Grant's farewell orfler to the army, "Lot us have peace." The circumference of the interior win hear panels of size and number ! sufficient to contain tho nainos of alt 1 tho Illinois soldiers who took part If) f h f\ Q * l'',u \viiitam fii;^. ? ci-'h, Mr. A. A. rilgnm, . ^()(j from dropsy, llo waa^A*^!1 ^ Mile. TiV?cKibben Makes 8urW^Singand Startling Statement. Chicago. Jan. 29.?"To prove that largo numbers of cart ridges arc not dangerous In eases of fire I am willing ! to station myself in a room where j 1,000.000 cartridges are stored in ai wooden box and let fire be started" j The Rev. William McKibben. who was superintendent of a cartridge j company before lie entered the min- i iffry, has made thin offer to go ae- ' oompanled by the lire department, in order to determine tho magazines of i tho ammunitions In store will not ? endanger firemen while a structure Is on fire. "It will be nothing new," resumed j tho Rev. t)r. .McKibben, when the ; ?oiiuiiitt'>e had recovered from Its astonishment. "Several years ago when (he cartrifl:x?* company's storehouse burnedi and 1,fl0f?.no0 rounds of loadel allot-j Kiin shells were destroyed (?y fire, I : war in (ho thick of it. and did not get i i a scratch. The experiments proba lily will bo mado next week at the ! foot ( f Randolph street, and If the | cartridges are found to bo dangerous.! the merchants say th<\v are willing to. Iu> p them In lire-proof vaults in the sudurbs." Action Expected In Near Future. Now York, Jan. 20.?The board of maniifi'i'a ot the Cotton Exchange has received the report of a special commlttcc appointed to inv< ^Vjato the proposed plan for extending the present system of eertillcnling cotton t<i j soul'iorn warolioiiscs. Action by the board is expected in the n..-ar futuro. Th" committee reports tr.;:t from 11)00 to the present timo t Mo December (irst stock lias averagod but 150,000 bales, while the future trailing for the past two months Is estimated :i( an average of T'iO.OOO bales dafly. Answers from over 10') members worn against the plan of licensing warehouses and certificating cotton in the , south showed a decided majority in ffltfAl* /*f ?.! '? '<-1. - ? ' * ..i. limn. i lie repor' <ieelaros that under present conditions tho continuance of the cotton futures trading Is menaced. $?0.000 Fire In Louisville. T.ouisvillo, Jan. 21). Kire of unknown origin deHtroyod the DuPonl j warehouse early t IT is morning. It. F \ ; Avery & Co. Hie Metahvaro Manufneturing company, and tho National Mot* j al and Machine eompany, lessees, I \ver?? tho prlnelpal losers. 'K?tal es tlmated losa on buildings nnd contents ; is $ Oldest Artist's Model Dead. Now York. Jan. 20. William Weld), tho oldest artist's model in this city, has boon found dead in iila heart falluro. llo wan 80 years old, nnd owing to hln remarkable physkpio was widely known among artists. Bithop Galloway Accepts. TtiJikogoo, A In., .fa'n. 28. -Hlshop C. H. (lalloway, of tho Methodist Episcopal ehuroh, south, Jackson, Miss., has accepted tho Invitation of Principal Booker T. Washington to proach thfl comnioncement sermon at tho Tuakegee Institute on May 22. ! Treaty for Extradition Criminals. Now York, Jnn. Jst?.?A tronty providing for the extradition of crlmlnaln has been signed hy tho minister of fori ign affairs and the minister o( fJreat llrltaln, according to a Ilerald .n ? * l ? I tnnj'f.1 li Will lilliia, I ?JI u. Found a ('lire, for IinlitfcsUon. f Clminbci Idin'rt Stomivh ninl Livor Tiihlrtrt for iinli?i'Kti*>n nitg&yjiitl I lint (lu?y miit my o iwi bcM-i' tiiM^jniiy <1_VH| 0;>< ii romriiy 1 l> ?v? ev<?r trin t awl I Imvo used m >ny ?liff- rent r?miolio??, I 1 nin i onrlv ftfly-onn y? i'fl of nflt-i nn ' lime mi IT rol u gronf ?lonl frnm indiRo-ttiO". 1 am <";?t n<mo?t anything f wmt now,? O.m. W. K oiy. tt?k M?IK AI -. F<?? ?u'ft ?>v T'bkau* D-hk ft buy > Htor.-; limit * Pu^nn. M?"i ? 2BCi -,;,i i?"***: . n ! 1 OPERATORS AND MINERS. Joint Conference Being Held at I dlanapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 20.?T opening of the Joint conference of 1 dlana, Ohio, Illinois and WoBte Pennsylvania coal operators and mi ers was delayed today by the operato holding caucus to formulate their ( mantis. At the caucus last night t operators found it impossible to k ?> .^e?vuvi aiiu IHWIO WtlB UU atlJOUI mont that the Indiana and Illinois c orators might caucus together, Ti operators came to Indianapolis expe< ing the miners to rnako a demand f a 10 per cont Increase in the minli scale, and when it was found that th< had cut out the demands for mo wagos antf wore "standing pat" on proposition to he presented to the <: J orators, making the run-of-mine has } and the seven count differential tl | battlegrounds, the operators had change their plans. Many operators urged that the out a tors make their demands conserv tivo. The Western Pennsylvania ai Ohio operators insist on making d mands for the return of the minii scale of 1002, and annriviccd that tfi( would refuse to com the run-c mine basis and the 7 cent different)! Tho Illinois and Indiana operatoi wero for more colciliatory action. 8ITUATION OF TRADE. Special Reports ao Furnished to tl' International Aycncy. Now York, Jan. 29.-? Special tel grains regarding the situation of trad from correspondents to Tlie Interm tlon Mercantile Agency throiighoi the I'nited States are summarized s follows: In the central Mississippi valley an throughout the southwest business i mosl staple lines promises to excee that of the opening months of 190; General wholesale orders for sprln trade this month In that region ar saitf to ho heavier than In any precet Moio than 115,000 wag* ing .) II . , , , * 'j ' o worlv l earners have gone haeW t Pennsylvania and the lako region witl In a fortnight. Officials interviewed insist" that stet rail prices will not he c;it. D< spuo pessimistic reports as to iro and stool demand continues to slowl increase. notably for structural stei and basic and forgo lion. Prices have boon stronger for ci tin. rubber, coffee, cotton goods, iw cotton, wheat and corn. Not tlie lo.-b encouraging feature of the busines week lias boon tlio renewed confident? in a prosperous season due to an in provonient in collections. Tho Oh! river valley an! South Atlantic an pull states report large volume ( iiruuris. "GAfcH FOR THE POLE." Lake Navigation Offers An Unusu; Chance to Explorers. Ohio i. .Fan 20.- I,ako navlgatlo this whiter has (Ittod tho crown of t'i steamers in service fur a "dash ft th polo" fin it comhinos all tho e. porionee of Arctic navigation. Lake Michigan lias at last froze ovor. At many points along tli wept shore !io loo Is piled np soli nntil it reaches from the bottom, ' foot deep to an orptal distance ahov the water lino Tim i,w. ~ groat sl/.o and how t.hoy onmo to 1 formed Is regarded as a mystery, airu tho thicker chunks of Ice are not ovi IS or 20 Inchon tlm,. .'h. Tho average temperature for D com!> r 8 decrees helow nornui and Ihus far In .lannnrj' It has her I degrees This average has hoc rxcclh l hat once (luring th? wlnt< of 187a. HiS QUALIFICATION0. Those Necesoary for the Ideal Collet Prcfcccor. Phfcngo, Jan. 20. Tht; qunlifir.ttini for tho Ideal roll'go professor, i outlined by President Harper Ifi n If turo <" (ho University of Chicago c the faculty <>r a college an;: 1. lie- should bo married. 2. Tie should be n Church m^mbc 3. f!e should mix with his etuden outride the eln.'W rooms. 4 II" should have a doctor'n depro r> He should ho willing to v.'oi hard 11 months In the year. fi. He should ho in sympathy wl the puhlle and take an acttvo ifttr | est In public affairs. | The professor who is married, pa 1 Proaldent Harper, will do three timi j at; much Rood in his position as oi i \viM> is ^-liiK"'. itii(i ir nnas tnrr^-j j tour chiblr i. ho wlfl bo ^ti 11 lvettr | f ir ho will lio a Ktron?ef man " , Did Not Result In MadrM, .Inn. 20.- -Tho dispute wh!< | occurred In the chamber jrfv.twrdi | between Minister I.InaroM and Dop I t. Surlano, rcrultlnfi In Heading sr I onds to oan'i otlior, ban been ROttli | without nopofiHltatInx a duol botwo< j tho principals. Ex-Gevcrnor Taylor's Brother Dice Kiw.vvtllo Ton ii lot. ' Oft VT i Taylor, nk< ?1 l?rctt1ior of ex-Oovern R. T/. itn<1 lion. A. A. T; . >r, dl this morning .it "Robin's Roont," t Taylor homo, nonr Johnson City, Ten Er>rl cf Devon Dead. London, .Inn. 20.- Tlio r?'<irl of I von. Wlr Ib-nry Hn^h (hirt'enny, r< tor of IVvrtorham, Dovon, Is dm I'o wan born .Inly IK , 1HI1, and h< c::tonslve CKfatos. When bilious try a <1 > ?* of Cb >inl? Iain's Hto tuioh tin-1 Livoi' Til MM h a t-fa'.izo for one bow ijuic'dy u flrnt o'i up t ? dub'm- (li'-iif will < ir.cnt tl)0 <1 or.liM*. Forsdrt by Pb'AiMi i Ol'iif? C*? ivnui m i-rutf-n<>i?'; inmci'i" ?v I'lCKoi Ltheity. Wuml'T^il N't'rr?% i, Ih <liHiv?y"<i )i? rnui.;' i mrru ftHlnri pniim of Hrn>??, ftiuii*, H??r; f<??i or / joint*. But iUkt 'h i)'* ?tc?st for fr, Jj i.'A &ii\u will k II tl>o pni Is** 1 | | ?tU" U'onWU>. I:'? t ! ,* Hf?'v INTERNAL TROUBLE I IfiCREASiS IN COR r!l Result of Bui doasoma Ta Ill's tion It Is Charged. I A ho GOVERNMENT FUNDS ARE TAI ;et u- Govornors of Three Provinces 'P* that Their Officers Have Been lie turcd by Organized Bands and or Funds Appropriated. ig L,y New York, Jan. 29.?Internal ro; In Corea is spreading, n \)lea The lierald'8 Sooul correayonc p. It is the result of increased laxa js The govornors of three provinces lt) port that their officers Rave been tured by organized bands aud ko\ ntent funds taken. ,r. Dotails have Juat been received 1 a_ of disturbances at Vladlvostock 1(1 ing tlu colobratlon of Russian Ch e. mas. It was created by Intoxlc Iluoslan marines and Japanese ?y nion. Numerous houces wore dost ed, mostly Japanese, but Including Lj Russian theater. r3 , The usual lighting occurred, happen* on such occasions, there considerable brutality, but no fa ties. The marines were not brot under control until much property )l8 been destroyed. The notllicatloi Corcan neutrality cabled from e. Foo to the powers was unknowr l0 the Coroan foreign olTice until rej: a. *wero received from tlie represe tlves abroad. The intimation IS that it was arranged by Yi-Yon and Hvon-Sang-Kun, the latter lwn just returned from "Russia. n Tno C'orean ministers at Toldo h ,, | been Instructed especially to urge '' I nr nki I .v. .~~.i I-?- ... - - { ..iniivuiuii' iceojjmuon or (Tor j, neutrality. o ]. REPLY UNFAVORABLE. n Baron H^yaohi Speako of Russian N ^ to Japan. I/indon, .Tan^^vT^^0 Japanoso r ir,tor. l'.aron HayaohT*stty^oday v reference to tho report n Tho Dnlly f?rn|>hlo. to tho eiioct t v tho Russian reply to Japan was c ] ploted" Wednesday; that it has h communicated to M. Kurino, tho .' ( nno?p minister at Rt. Petersburg, kV that it was unfavorable; that M K ;t no hod officially notified him that council of stnt.O called to consider ,0 Russian reply was only helil hi Petersburg yesterday as er.blcd to Associated I'rcps. I'.aron llayi (j added that the reply had not y t h sent, and that it will only be sub ted for the czar's approval today "There are no means, thorefo added i"if Jnpnnoxu minister, knowing tho contents of Cue a'is> and as to Uio pr obable tenor, th fore, I have no official lnformatlo 11 TRINITY SPIRE IN DANGER )r v Subwny Excavation In New York < May Weaken Structure. n Now York, Jnn. 20.? Work on Brooklyn extension of tho Rapid T I sit subway 'under lower Hroadwaj front of Trinity church, bass l<?. :i p ticafly KtiHi-ended at the request ^ the comptroller of tne Trinity cor )P atJon. who foaV that unless oxtnu ,n nary precaution.'} are taken by tho way constructors to protect tho s of tfie ancient church, it will lie sfdcrably weakened at tho foundat I and fall outward Into Broadway, j When work on the subway had t ,n carried ax south as Trinity, forts were rrade to learn how < tho foundation had boon laid in t ft A 1 ? * ' ? - - 1 * " I I..VJ n|.ur. I'll! Ill> I'HI'.Jl'OS CVMIIll l found, and tosis were inadu below pnrfac r voallng the fact iliat it tends only nlno for the six Inches 1(3 low the "n}ri<inK- The subway, nlnpc Quito close to tho building 1 Roes much d^fcpor, and as tho o ' Is Foft anr'. .sandy. eonio means 0 have (o bo found for staying 'ho k ,ln of tho ditch a* not to disturb on fho city's revered landmarks. r MASQUERADED AS MAN. ts Qlrl Wje Determined Not to Part f ' Her Swoetheart. ' Chicago, Jnn. 2!).?Dressed in a of her brother's clofhos, and with !lil. 'LJgpj.', bniwn 1? a I r cut short and ei r rne<l" fn?o a man's wig, May Won 22 year# old, of Torre Ifnuto, ' has npjwted to tho recruiting serrc at Pt. Sherldun to bo mustered u wRpmpany I. which Is ordered to ri tho Twentieth regiment In the 1 *r\ Ipplnos as coon as It Is at full stror .The pclrl brol<o down when Infi 1 nd?that Hho must undergo the r -Jar physlenl examination nnd co.nfe 1 her so* H^nrt-broVen at. the (hoi ** of separation f om * her sw/cthi " Car| TMlanm. who Ts a prlvnto In c eoj^ipnny. sho sold that sho triei f> onllat as n man In ordor to aec >m| n him apyf shnVh lifa danger. '* . . \ Probably of 8ulclde. Detroit, Mich., Jnn. 20.?Jerei t r 0. Fnrwoll, son of ouo of the i (>fj prominent enpltnllHtfl of Dotrolt, In ^Harper hospital today froin * lot wound through his stomach, f It Is supjKjsed, with suicidal Intent was found fjtt the Woodwnrd avi cnr hnrfffl early today with blood ?c lng from the wound through his s . nch and a revolver lwslde hltr. V. I.. |M 1. Id ,wir'wl1 11/4 ,lin OUltlUD in >. IK IW Ik was 3G yoarn of line. , Card of Thanks. Wo hereby extend our tine* thanks and appreciation to tho M ? . odiata apd frienda of the Pickens cnit for the' generous "jound given lis laat week. We feel selvort unworthy of such manif tions of appreciation on tho pa 11l the I oodIc. Ikt.mjko we lihvn dr.n K tiW.tfyet Wfi oro assured tlmt voi'k i-i vhich tlio EXCHANGE COURTESIES. p 11 Toasts to Empercr Wllflem and Pro ident Hoocovolt. Now Orleans, Jan. 29.?A happy e change of courtesloa between Govern Xa- Hoard and stato oTflolals and Coc modore Schrfoeder and the officers < the German cruiser Vlueta, has take place hero. K P ?I un mnd and on wator glasses cllnl ed to the hoalth of Emperor Wllllai ?ay and President HoohovoH. Govornc Cap- Heard came here especially to pay hi the rysl)ec^B ^10 Qormon visitor. Sn rounded hy Ills stnff In fuR array i gold laco (ho governor rocolved th ^ visiting naval officers In the pali garden of tho St. Charles hotel. Sul lent HfHluently tho governor with his sta were taken In launches to th$ shli ' ' The guns of tho cruiser belched a hi i lute as the party went up the side c can the handsome cruiser. All rose 1 '1 n tho cabin when Commodore SeTiro* der, with a glass In his hand nrr?rw.? horn the health of the president nnd th ('nr governor. 1 K Governor Heard offered a toast t ll,c<' the German commander and to th ^NO German emperor, expressing Iho hop rfj* that the present relations hotweo 1 1L Germany and the United States mlgli continue to be marked by oordlallt _ s and good feeling. %V*h Commodore 8chroeder roclprocate a the governor's sentiments. German societies entertained th 1,u Bailors at a ball last night Tonlgli 10 Baron von MeysonCurg, th? Germni C consul, will be tho host af an ontoi 1 talnment tendered to the visitors. >1 ok Tho Vlneta Is expected to sail 01 ula" Saturday for Vora Crux, was ___ r,il< BIENNIAL BILL PASSED. Mng Houseo of South Carolina Leglelatun ,l%< Favor Loos Frequent Moetlngs. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 20.?A reeolu ! a h tlon has passed both branches of tin general assembly providing for Men mm sessions of tho legislature. Tftli Is the first stop In Fho process neces 8Gry to the r? <1 leal chango from an ,otc nual pensions. Having passed the two houses by t 11 n two-thirds majority, as required bj the contltution of the state, the proposition goes before tho people a? a whol ; In tho general election Ii ?'n NovemnvM" next. oen If It enrriob i,n that election the sue 'ai> oeodlng gonoral ?*?.:?HnbIy will gc an<' through the form of'.ng 11 nml nrl ii win necome nn amomlment n, ??lt stato constitution of 18br?. t'! It Is thought that the proposltloi will carry in the general election, ant the* change will be a welcomed one <slii jf jt doos become a constitutional pro 100,1 vision, It will ho the llrst time li mit- jjjstory of South Carolina lha the state legislature has not met onoi ro- a yenr. "?l It will also he a saving of abou V(>r. $100,000, possibly more, in every fou or<;" years to the state treasury. To Kill Foreign Officers. Constantinople, Jan. 2D.?The port has notified the Austrian aivl Itus City Blnn embassies that the Mneedonlai commit ti es have arranged with tin hf Albanians for liberal rewards, to hav< rftn them Kill every foreign officer sen ' i" Into the provinces In connection wit! rac I the reorganization of Hie gendar.rdo "i under the reform scheme of tho pow P ' ora. mil sub- TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. j?l re con Tho Kentucky senate imased th Ions house hill for a $1,000,000 capltol a Frankfort. This ends the flgh teen started by Henry Clay nnd contlriuni of Blnce hiR tlmo to removo ffie sent o loop government. i:loi The houBO yosterday was entortalc he ed by a speech by J. Adam Bodu, , the RepublScon member from Mtnnortot/ ox who ir.ndo his mahlen go and won Til be spurs. There ajso \va? a dlacuesloi run- c ;innncc i?y Mr. Hill, Republican, o Hp" Connecticut, and Mr. VVUllair.a, Dome urth ciat, of Mississippi, bnaido roforoncc will to fhe rnnarna canal and the rac Ides problem in the i;oulh. e ol Roplylng to Senator Tillman's lutlon In regard to the status of W. T Cruin, negro collector at Ohavloator Secretary Shaw hay# that Cdum Ik d facto collector; but la not rooolvln rorr pay. The I'eabody truHtecfi met In Ward suit Ington, but took no action In rep;ar hei to electing a successor to Dr. Snmtm ram A. Oreen, general agent of tho fund dell W. M. Toomor, of Georgia, Is I Ind., Washington, opposing the Slbloy bl eant to prohibit the purchase of convloi Into made goods by tho government. JoTn "Craft" charges have hern fllo nil I wii n me inrerior dopartment ngalns iKtH Hlrd McGuiro, tho dologate in th arm- houuo from Oklahoma. ogu- (ft the 108 bodies reoovered fror seed tho Hardwtch mine, only 18 have he 3 light Idontlflod. Bart, Tho Duho of Marlborough, undo tl1(, no?retary of tho colonloH, awnurod rt to deputation of the Hrltlah Cotton Grou ;>any ore' association yotitenlay that tta government would aid tho movenicn to secure a supply of nrltfnh grow riiiinn nlah ColonoI YounghiiKband, comnmnrtln mout tho ,lrl-'"h expedition to TLIbot, l.i jl0(1 been warned by ono of the gres j)Uj. lama* o rotlro from tho country o ir(, ^ ttv uc will ho trouble. jy0 Menipt of Die eultan of Moivx enuo 00 to '<>rco ^lC circulation of uniK>| f]ow. ulnr copiior colna provoked tho po] torn- u,ftC0 to r'f)l Chrlatlan codk toiy waa doaecratod. , ll0 In a |k?1 ltlcn.1 riot at Clenfuogoi Cuba. one man was klllod and aovori wero wounded. Notion of I'lnnl (. ^ttlomcnt. , I will npply to T. It. Nowb^rJ, Pi< l>n,l , .fndtfe, ou tho 27lli ?lny of Fotoriiarj lotl)* nx).jt f0P ftfinnl HottliMU"i>t of the e^frtt icir- ?f NYn> Hall urn, drronHod, and pbU to Ij intf" diHiuiKhod lift \dmiuiatiator. our* IwftO Hiillnm, eBlft- ^ftn* 27*4. Administrator. rt of ??Tio a string Around your (lngfr. o ho Uet Mini I ottta of Itliomiuioido today 1m our foro your rlHiiimntfoin K?t? n firm htn llf^liV "IIM viiivil i j I . ; i - H W.T. McFAIiL, iy President I PICKENS I 'I % PICKENS, S. * CAPITAL S J PROFITS i3. \ DEPOSITS ? 1 WE PAY INTEREST ON Til ? gr MAKE LOANS TO FA *- % Careful and constant work t ?r Bank largely increases every yeaj " a solicit your business and \v ^ f?Vt'*t*V rPnennnl^o 1 ~ * u J . vi..iuimwn> (IV-HHIlUUllUOIl. o ? W. T. McPALL, J.S.WILSON, President. Vicr-Pros x -fThe Pickens Oil Mill d DEALERS IN0 (T^Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Oil am t 1 Now ready for I Our Ginnerv has Ihvmi mnnin/v r..n J i VUUJIII- Wll 111 II ai cl we thank our patrons for their I Out* Miil is now grinding regularly pi : it)- of hulls, meal or "batting." j Hrin 4 your SKK1) and exchange then 01 we will pay you the highest m; \ s( 2.1 just as you prefer. Con e to us and see how well we c at 2 not controlled by outside pric ( its i?:h, or more, lor your seed thai R. H. CU i j ^ ? ,j\ Pickens Drug Con 1 j , {. 7K had a few bo I S |\$ [j VV STATIONKRY / ( j j ^ A w Christmas Stock. 1 > 1 < k 1 114* vi 11 be closed out [ j 1 next two nnv- i-o \v~ 3 / J i~-- ' fj . MI" ^ S ?. ,vt .r-i carry it over till new. . ,nc | ail our customers the benelit of tho i \ We sell nice : ( STATION I }! ;> (, C i ltomClilhOl' >VO soli ilio S( ^ i;)?' all \ho schools. j Pickens Drug-Co ^ The Completest Driif i ioo YEARS OLD STRONG AND | Duify'i; Pure Malt Whiskey Saved My Life l Ago and Has Kept Me Strong and I * Writes Mrs. D. M. Roberts, of n 8 ^ ^Robort8 W v f'J / v' V a\v>?1 to resist, tho I L ft nny effect. 0 "Mjrsons, ^ l ai1" ^ 'laV?^U ^ ' and amln go uiku any >moi* mcuiclno. Unity's is the very lifo of old j>e t Tho v ?rajro length of lifo is loss than 50 years. Tho persons i . tho United States who havo passed tlio century a mvos lii.i >r her rino old ago and freedom ,'roni disease to ] r- Klixir i>l Life. \?'o havo been publishing their letters ; ? Mrs. ltol v<is ono of thaso wonderful old people. : DUFFY'S PUUE SMI It PFOMOTfiS HEALTH AW ?n:i 11. ui'viiiiii iv |iiirtiui?uiiai>iou 01 iunii, (i Kcmio, nr it tho vvovl id-out, run-down, weakened, diseased constitutio iltrow <>{.'nud resist (liscd-io. It kills diseaso germs, <iuiot diseased i;i ii< tones upthe heart, cnrlches the blopn j and strengthens tho circulation, and k'vcs power to > the brai and strength and elasticity to the muscles. j DuflfyV t'uro Alult Whiskey cures Bronchitis, ' (toughs, <'<>ld*, Grippe, Asthma, Catarrh, Pneu- A y inonia, Pleurisy, Consumption and all diseases of 0- i the throat and lungs; Dyspepsia. Indigestion, and I every four, of stomach trouble; Malaria and all low ffQ fovors. It is invaluable for overworked men, del- //(f)! Hi icate wo ju-n and siekl^chlldren. (ICQ I J If y??.i wish to ket "young and strong and havoll,^! on your I ico tho glow of jsirfoct health; if youII I wish to liv i to a /reat ago and to rotain nudiinmedlt " the use <>f all your faculties; if you would enjoy life ? ' ,? !.? f, .1 ..r?.l ?.? l,wln.iA?wl I- -I.I \\ ,v, v..?. ..... a.. ...... -M, I.IUV|W|Himit III OIU ngOi UMO Vk <? i Duffy's 1'uro Malt VV hlskoy as <11 roc tod, and takono other iiwdirine. ^ ' No <ttaor medicine or combination of medicines e will do what, Duffy's will do. It Is pnwcribod by 0 7,000 doctor* an<l used In ovor 2,000 IxmpltAl*. Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey cri) tains no fusel oil, and .h tho only whiskey rocogn f\l by tho Oovernmetv (lADTlON.-Wlicn you .?h 'or l)n<fy'? Pur. M? renulnc. UtiftornpiMmin ilMlnri, m.'n.lfnl of th? excel ,, iv? kaII von cheap Imltntlon* an.l nnlt whiskey mi! narkef fqf profit only, and which, f*r from rellevl?] j^tit. OAumnil " IhiflVs" anil be sure jw ?oi It. It I 1 W'hl?k?* which contains medicinal, he, Ith-?lTln* ?iun hottles only i nevsr In i)<??k ok |>u)j ^ rsu jo J. Mcl). BRUCE. % Cannier. M SANK | { $ 20,600.00 B 11,000.00 I - 105,000.po ? VIE DEPOSITS \ RMERS. / he business of this & ill extend to you-*0100' petiowC?' monarch fl B'h i. S.TO7 & Treaa Company, 1 Linters.-<^ \ - business time ail tliis season patronage. and you can get 11 for meal and hulls irket price ior your an treat you. We :es but will pay as i .my other market. S R ETO v/^%/\^/rVuA/vflHH^98 upany. xcs of I1 AN, H left from o\ . at COST for the / 1 do not wish to S J flfl ion, and will civc. J ? =RY Of nil 1<S II001; ]!0o\ imnativ \ I Store. I ^ m ?rom Bronc J ?%A \ JBBj riealthy Eve/ e* ^ 1 ? rimnm. *?1n' ?Pe -_ jfl in , . ?m Doesn't f ^'- 1 'apers ? >Spocta thing, a." ;hU M?hS xi ?''^H nd nuiH? 1 was >t enough vil.^l liscoso. NotliiiiK^J nv your advert Iko.WwBwH hmy'a 1'uro Malt^tyg^^H 'Ilto tlv |i?y ?'A in tho nT. ?* 1 tkeveforJB ' *>-*,!? fbad the Vet. .sS>, &"A am Thanks ^est nnyMihtp, omr^T' o nourishment out or O btrongor than I hav? >(mI flesh. sleep sound oplo, uinl I would not. l>o wlthou^jB MRS. 1>. M. KOBEH'a/T^^H consuls shows there nro only ;i,68fr mark. Almost every one or them Duffy's Pure Malt W hiskey, the true regularly in the pa port* "for years. :r WHISKEY I vigornting8timiilnntSlj|n 11 and krvps itHlwflyfi Mill IP BE ? tho nerve*, rojjpirs ' 5 fy^^ fcann. m<*Holne. T MA 1?D*>? of thl* p'SpH inHtuto*, \?' a., r * Ba tho Kkk, rh I M "' awH8|