The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, January 27, 1904, Image 2

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;; J" W! I OOI "I po to t?n I < rui -tr tin tun Th Tl : nil com(11 ii<> ^Hcnino t<> ^fTlio MisHBki 1 tli IHiMtc'.ianirKi id World'* js fc? >' -, Teun., i?. 'i;i" A Trt'J li(> ^yn^\ill ruisu l'io^ i)i.(] 10 fiU'l ci ((on prico ho will not In' ,|1( H 1>jKHH9&gra IK) I ii^^H^^Kvu'isonci's Jlirniin^H 't on B^rtu.'d while threo other ' Bfyajgifrvori' cremated. on that the I intcil Stnt< s j K"' ^Lwill abolish the oflice of L lit' ^tood commissiom r, lately ,,j ^LL* mgatreot. io: H$ announced additions mills amounted to, niid 1<?,:U3 looms, Ifriyoslment ol about. .j 6%... En |||ra | lnul killed t'oi ^^Lndnw Il.o 1 ; ^ Mirt and IB-* m I . 1 I \ ?|k, Vi . on ..... I ' the p-.'iiiten <li10 3 ear old . V " Hr to douth. Huntington, \V. |?|p|Pr\vo miles from that ' "' |^Kl l>y students TIiuik-^^ ^Beaten into iiiso^iM|^^7' ^V^iij[.ped oim' | ^'! 8-L MFirgest rabbit dtive in ibr '1U; J^of the Northwest (incurred ou 'l> pTer Butte Creek, Oregon, on Mo::(lay. Seven bumhvil men, wouu-n ^ , I- children participated and ovn 1,000 rabbits wore killed l^jj Daniel J. hitllty, !he bull cotton | ^ JOiUlUI ) I1IIO JM?U till- ?'l V. t?l I ??J ^y . |?p to 1(5 cents for ay d< 'livery. I>m| tho farmer should not bo elated, fur \\ wlion ho goes to fell, next fall, will bo thankful to take nnv <>M price \n What has become of the new school ' building project? It is niccisary to t, he prepared, in case of an eim rgeuey, for the old one lia.s caught on lire a few times and may burn d avu fiome time, and why not prepare in seas'in' .v.. All cotton planters, wh > can ?1 > s , bin uhi make contracts for their out- .) but of cotton on a 10 co t basin. II H: next crop cau 1 o s ild for Ibis i, die farmer will he I fBSHwK1'1'':in'' business will Y<. Bt. Hut ill a lrts bicii re? ' T I Stales senator by I lie: W llio Ohio Strili: Ti^is '^r :I ht*K.?ion. Tins joint 'tor I lamia a major- ! oil II. ('luiko, of ('l?:vo ' t im unit,oil I K inuei at if ' Ml m., m II. Iville, of <irc<!i* I in iv nnnonnccd hh a canu. ioi I c.iiiunissioncr. I'll e r< o s m t yet boon launched, ma Lt o afraid Io wail too lat< ti | oil tlio liOKt iii tlio Slate. v gn i .. nif r (IfUTiH will probably , W(, HPuml fi?r ro election. net i Iho Ijf^i.slaturo lias lucn in scs- s!i| pslon foi two wo 1cm, but nothing stm t- to has been (1.?no vol. Tlio usual 1 W I ^wulitio of fool hi!U luivo boon pro ' I ( H| Ijfat UB Jivo in hopetj that, ho >*.. ilio oiul of tho mission that tiny ?r R;?l put through Homo pfood tni-aa |>o. H'ch. This is a Imro possibility. Mll< 11 "Your Undo Ben" Tillman bold up j), pat rain tho other day, l?nt ho < 1 i< I not ' ||git it of anything but time. Ho loft ^^uibifoio breakfast, to go to At lut roat'ht'ii lie , 'I liu woH^J 'r_ Albion, Town, bas u cily council liob requires its citiifua to takuoutj icoDso if they want to ?lnucc. The ico id ?15 per capita. A Wry Close Call. "1 stuck to my engine, although every ut nohoil ami every nerve \vu;i racked 111 pain," writes W. llellainy, a lo motivo fireman, of llurli igton, Iowa, was weak ami pile, without any up tifo iiml all run down. A-* I was about give up, I got a bottle of I'Ve?'lric i'.it s, aud after t Uin^ it, 1 !c't as well as >ver did in my life." Wed*, sickly. 11 down people always gain now life, ength and vigor from th er use. Try 0111. Satisfaction Kuurnrdoi d by i'icks Drug Co. Price DO ci tits'. c Lost Corner of Pickens County. io Pickens Sentinel Journal. I am a cit m n of l'ickc ns county (I live on tin; road hading fiom >n<l!nf w\ f.? ('\i inv,/?ii ( - !!*??./? \W h now recognize :11:^ c oner ns the >st, corn cm* of I'iekens ountv," as e C ?untj* authorities <l<>;i*t r*c?<jf w n i only jih u bomitc of revenue? e tux collector 8ei him to bo tlio only io?*i* that finds wluro \v ? live. The above road i ; a ve>y important ad and to my know! ige lias not 1 a liclc of work done on it in dit.< en months, except ihat done at '> expense of mo citi/. n, who is not bio to r?>:id d itv. O i this road ero is a public jurist iniil. cotton gin, w i. i. 1 and a brick ynrd, besides it ,i 11! i'a! mail route. It jre is aL;> n bridges, ranging i width from veil to thirty t<et. all of which 1ms <m kept up n( tlio < xp( ie*<' of same 11villuuI, while IIiom i<ls lis) it in?j to ('Ion.son and t thes? pub-; mills. We now haveiM llio bounds j this road fourteen in< n liable to ad duly and no aulh-' i/.nl ovorr. Lust year all binds on tliis ml paid tuxes (xcej t three and; i-ir tux money was aj opriutod to iter sections, and tho 1 nee that did t pay wont soot I free. Toll tho tax mil*i l?> st t" out of this rut r nnd we will con. nun to take re of ours* Ives l>y ci? itin;^ a do iii >:l of our own. 1 n i sure if we it salir>lv Uoo>ove'it ;;r\t wo huvo mo DBj,'iM!s down hv and will1 id a il( le?< in his 1 1 r to tho xt convention, ho Will -surely l'cco;.;- j '.o tlio independence o* our doniiu). Yourx to con: lf'tld, J. Ktribling. ??? I In Loving Remembrance. Mrs. Mary Wilson Wyatl, wife of I'. Wyutt, died nt his home, nt>ar .sh.'V, Weiinesdin inorniiiir.'January lit, 100!, aij <1 07 yi.?n:v. 0 luonli s I S Oj.v i. Sho hful b t-n a sulFeicr t.10 | asl lliiitv veins-, mt slio wan hristian woman ami b>r? 11? r snfiilt,' with patience. Si 10 Wirt ft i . I (!n?.l luvii)? wil'o ivmiI i!ioih?>r, j il was loved !?y iiii Mint Ici'Ovv her. Silo was ft r f Mr. illlil rj. J. \V. W', of l'^Ueus, S O. il 11;li11 ;I w itii tho l'\iii\i?r.v Metho t chinch when she /was quite, iiif* ami h:'H ever b-jen an eaj^g^^ i hi r. She was mnrri I H. Wynlt of to I m sides a v ^ '' "vos shvom ?.:'i a'i<h'liilcir-.ii, j^reat ^randchi <iren. The Mich are: .J. (J. ami S. N. W.yatt, (Ireenvili", S. ; I? I"'. Wiatt, s. A ]j. Clardv, Mrs. T. I.'\ fi - iev i ?W I'S. W ill l/lbo.l! (if Ivinlcv, I ??i rs. J. A. (/Dell, of Dinningin, Ala. ore i-i an hour A j>e:n f < 1 J\> nu urnin<,' wander rs ;,'ivo:i; ere is n joy f >r .souls di.-tressed, I in for i very wound- I breast; l'i- 1'nund alone in Heaven ere is a s-oft, a downy li d, Ti-4 fitir us I>icatii of !! aver>; irouch for weary niortasprei 1 lien* Usey may re?t 1 lie r.f;l>iulieftil Ami liud r< pose in i f i en. Iiy should our bars in * .rro.v 'low, When <ioiI n ealls his r, ii bids I'm tn leave a wie'ld of woe, i\>r an immortal er<>.\ t ... i . ... .. i ... ii 11' i i ? i ii ? t . 11 i i 11 ;; '.in i' i lit ?. i * Whose liti" to (1 xl wa- '.riv n? : I!/ to 1 ito th> ir f-yos t i y el'SO \> op.n tiicin in it av, ii. ( ir toils am past, ' ii' ii work is doiio 'I Ih< y arc I'nih !>h-s|: 1'1'i v full;.* lit I i i < li^hlt . victory won ! r!iti.Tcil into i Iuavo;> irest loved on -- I ii >ii had left n-': lii it- thy Ids i wo deep' fm 1, 1 ! ':iw (! i . I w iio ha! hi t ! '.is, I If can all o il- sorr.iw. h^al. t ?ij??nn w. hojjo to in her i VVIi? n the; day of lifo i II <1, ' :i in Hi iv.-n nidi j iy ! i^l'Oct th"c V\ 111) IllfWi'1! I ( :ll ; !!! ( -iliol. A 11 >vinrf !) ui^litor. Joseph W. Prior. \il" .JoH<>}>1) W. l'lifO, ft of I 'i'*!v i count v's most \\\>r iv citi/ona, il ill In* home nour k'ov.oe nvor the 2'2<l iitKf., nt <!c\< i. o'clock 11. , from tiic i IV ct.s of i; ti.ulo llirow; m;il .stumping I 1111 in tlie tifst, somctliiii^ in no in n vc ?r i, from wliicli ho r.cvor t liorou;.;lilv j ( iVIIf'tl HI M' II . 111 -4 r#> iim \v> i e Imi.I !'? K-t at K<nwc(- j neb mi tiic 2 tiii insl. i i tlir prcH c (if il liii'^e coi!j;v/ <f.|> mi of rehl , is and Iriends. Knm r I scrvic-s lis conducted I?v Km \l <'. I?rv Ho leaves a dovl'i! compan , oil" K.?n and (wo d;i I liters, l>ecs a lo t ol relatives nnd Iriemlimom n Ins deal 11. i1 is t r>m a ?d man hurt gone frQi i ur nr 1st. loir li" ni'Vi r mud'* nnv | iil>!'c pro- | ?nr, ii'.r at Inched liin .?<?!l' to nn v nvii, hn Hrknowlcdj/.'d hi I In iter and Others 11:at In* li e I made ( ice with (ind, wnv 11im iv.iv dear i I was only waitin > h . cnll. lie j s a trim hushntnl and lo%nif* father. , nlli (vniif svitli itM ";<'Y !i m-l" J Viul lii-4 |i?viii*j li .rf, t lod.iy t o liv s in :i i. Ilir laiiJfl IV111 10 tlt'tlll ( i iiuvo I > |>ui t. i life |<i sIkmI and iJig Lumber Company. A $500,000 lumber coticorn of Pickens was enmmissioncd today by tho Secretary of Stale, tbo commission staling tbat tbo t?lock waa t*? be j>iid in at once according t?.> a cull by tlio directors. 1 Uo company is known us the Moiitvnlo Lumber company, capitalized at $500,000, tti d soitio of the shareholders nio U. K Wood, .J. 15. Painter r.nd E Ij. Warren, t,( Baltimore; II. E. John-oil. of (Iroon vtlh', ami <J. l\ O.ircy, of Pick' in. Columbia Record. 2Gt.i inst. Ground Hog Day. Next Tuesday, tho '2d of February, is "'Jround Ih><^ Day,' and the weatlivr pro phots will be on the lookout to see wiiat kind of a day it wiU be. If cloudy there will l>o an curly spring; if e'.cur it means that there will bo a Lie s-priiijLj and lots of cold weather yet. Toe tradition is that if llto ground ii sees I is *ln d >w when he comes lit he will back into bis hole, but if lie d.'cy iioi sec liis shadow he will know tliere is not iis<j to be much moro coi l and will stay out. 'J'lu-ro are some people who do not believe in the ;>ronn I ii >.* t.ho<>ry: b it they will b<> very nri?h inte rest <1 all the saive to see win-1 her Tuesday is c'o ir or cloudy. Sh;ill Wa rtnl? Tlio f blowing c mimunk'atio.i has been tent to 111 i.s office. Wo concur with its eontontf. It is up to our citizens to act. Dour Sir: At ii in?e? mooting cf i tlio citizens ??f Aiken, held on Saturday, tho 2ild iiist , tlio following resolution was unanimously adoptoil: "Whereas, i:i iho opinion of the ussoinlil-d oit' of Aiken o aintv, tlio prevalence of lynch law anil othor forma of lawlessness aro caused Inrgoly l>y tho general fueling tint uiii ui? imjiikm eii'inoi no ronou on lo c; >nviot the guilty, therefore, hn it "Resolved, Tint the Li.^ishiture now in session 1>h 1 to provitlu for a commission of lea-Iinj* jurists, a dieitors tuul bunim-as moo, who shall consider what changes are necessary in our laws iitnl t!io rules <>f our courts lo insuro tin; prompt !in>l corijiiii a hninistr iti iU of jost sai<l commission lo submit its report to tlit- Legislature, at it^ next session." Your attention is earnestly e-.dlod i > iu:s resolution ami you are uryonlh ri-(|?ioslt:.-l lo use your i;:ilti< <:cc to have similar acti ?n taVon in your tnwii. Arihur I'. For:!, W. L Washburn. A ikon, S. C , .J??u. '2"), (OKI, Mr. Lathcm Appointed oil Washington! Washington, Jan 20. , lul!v<! Wvatl Ailcon h^g^^^T1'',,se!1 hnvioj* Volta in ( villi* 11 j111<;m, of ( I' <)U Washington g^^cToree. Commissioner Ilenrv 1j Weat, who has a warm place in his heart tor all South 'Carolfnians, in reim mhranco of his memorable visit M t ;u li lt slot) Willi*! [)IOSl<l"llt -il llio Gridiron club, proved to Ihj Mr. Aiken's friend i.i nood. There win) several can lid ites for the vucanev on the local polico forco, no of them bein^f Mr. Aikon\s coni!-.! :st, ijit'ioni. After t!j?? usM'i.l examination it was found that four of tin! applicants ha 1 p iss-d v.-rv i*re lit ahle oxui'iiiiiitions. Commission ur West took tho matter uj? nrul d.! ivced in f ivtir ol tlie (1 neii\die ninn. Mr. Aiken Ini I several interviews with tho c >uitnis.sio:icr on tho snhj-ct, mi I tlie latter wns jjlail ilia! cirenmstaiic.'rt justified hiin in appointing Mi Aiken's candidate. .Nil1. Ijiitiium is n son of J. II ! Lithcin of Hie ]>a\U-:villo section of j this county, I nit I'm- >10:11 j tini ) iris j Ij.m'ii in Cuoenviil", in tlio employ of the H. K. <'<>., whore, liv hi.s cum t!y in iniH'i-, hear i: in^ mi l strict nt I (.ill i n to I>11 sit:cs.x, | hn was a vniu.ililo addition to tlicj cotn]>an% lor whom ho worliod, an?l t in uhi friends with all with whom ho j nun in i ney, 111 c.oMunor), jt i I is inunv fri -mls, an<l clas* ! riitrs.^n I'uis comity \v!!! b<; ^'la I t*? know of his ! uero sful ?t]>|><>ii?tiiicnf, Itll'l f< ol HI I IV tllllt t IK; Kfl'llO liW-lllodi fill ji?i! 1 iiiiinst ikin^ attention to do I ii!h, (hat ho ah.ii}'!) employed, will ' h1 ill l/o put lorth l>y him in t! o disivmr?{o of his new dilic-s. The Locn! Mule Market. ( An iMUHuully lar^o nnmher of Tenliessco iiiitl Kt I.lucky s liavo ; heun f-.oiil in Ander.ion lliis winter. , and tliO demand is still jj" ^ yroul many more will l.o sol 1 lie I vc.iii now an<l tho opening of th'* summer. A newspaper man was in nnn of i I'm !>i<,' Hales t !d?'m Him other <! iy .... I i: ; i ii... r< ..... .... .... I 'II' 1 I III" I 'I > ' i 1 iiiiiins. "1'Yoin I "?0 hj was !li(! reply. j 1 "Aro not in<i!? :< higher now than Iiioy worn a few years ag >? ' Id* a<d<f(d. I < "It, would sci in so," l'< i 1 if*.I tl.o < ii)tllo dealer, "hiif us (i in itt< !' of fact I tlicv me (Kit. The explanation li< h , in the fact tl.ut tin* people <! 11i tn. 1 a I both i* class of iiiiiIch u >w than they I lid a few wars ago " "Wo can hardly Hull u plug at any I d ieIn- went on, "people want only i he very bi'.'ge-?t an I best miller. We i l ive the bigge-d demand for mnhs I It. Iiilhls III ;! 1 iilS' I \W I, I'M! ; tixI 1,?! () |> -iin< 1 A ftiw \ours f !io Snll iiikI '.Mi) pouini in j! wore ho nil' It the jtc >;>!'! \v<>ii 1 I lift Hiit slicd with tho Hinullcr mules wo;' I illji I Hell 111 IlllOIlt (lie old p. ici'H, I I ^iiif i.|i<l he I. |h c nirs Hh v art! \ IF,,f 111 HTot'.siti, WL( all I ^ttlo J Wm\\1 joaucraK. I >n\ (' ?r?;/ nh 1 n -i\ Xufl * ' iLH. Vy a A f&fcjnt vnstrJ-'JMBOWD 8 441 have made a most thorough il trial of Ayer's Cherry Sectoral and b am prepared to say i!iat for all disS eases of the lungs it never disapt] points.'' J. Early l:inley, fronton, O. K Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a won't cure rheumatism; jj we never said it would. i{ It won't cure dyspepsia; |? we never claimed it. But jj it will cure coughs and u cokss or an Kinds. We I \ first said this sixty years 3 [ ago; we've been saying it 9 h ever since. jj Thrco sizes: 25c., SOc., SI. All drugglsti. I B Con?:iIt your <lm?tor. If ho s:?yg take It, I M then ii<i us lio %ty*. if h<> tellii you not Q jS to f:ikr it. then ilmi't lake it. 11o knows. R B Lo;:vc it with him. \W nro yrll'lng. a ^ .i.e. a v Kit to., i.owon. Ma??. q TO DESTROY FORESTS. Largo Area in Pickens and Oconee; Counties Boughl by a Balti- 'j inure liiiiiwui i>umpmiy. Clroonvilio, Jan. 21. ? Ono of tliw largest individual Hales that lnis ever been made to ono company bus just 'n? on cmsummatod by Copt. It. E .lohnstoM of this city. Capt. Jolinst ?u has suld tleoriu to 10,000 noma <>f viiyiu timber land iucited in Ooouoo and Pickens counties on the waters of K/iowce, Toxaway, White Water and Horso Pasture r>vol's. This timber was purchased by the i\. E. Wood Lumber company of Baltimore. It in understood that it is the object of the company to build u railroad up the Keowee rivor and convort all the timber into commercial goods by the establishment of wooden ware works, furniture factories, tan* nories, etc. The dep-.hs of Uie mountains of (hut section will also bo investigated t> find the hidden wealth that no doubt exists. The company that has made thin purchase has unlimited means at it.s disposal. It was learned from Mr, Johnston that the land was paid for in cash on the transfer of tho deeds. The Wood Lumber company will establish its Southern oflice in Green vtlK; und will do their banking busi nefis lioio. Tho Baio of tltiHirmjyfti**'*" tract of timber r , , ,iit*^Tii iio the means ;, ^, jiJ^^vTiist 11 molt 111 of mono}' ^^ffTTiiect ion toother with utiiimiti-'l energy. Through thi? tract if laud arc innumerable walor falls with thousands of horse power which _';ui l;u converted into use ami thereby open up u country that hits laid lormiitit for centuries. This is by no mentis the ft rat bi^ lumber dual that Mr. Johnston has made. In the last several months he has sold over 50,000 actus of timber land in the upper portion of Greenville county besides ho has recently closed a di al for 20,000 acres in North (,'arolinn, and now has others pendin.' (':inf .1 c >li n>ston linn lm?n tnnl of nearly $1,"00,000 being =*pci11, in State in tho ii\8t twelve :Mintlis. The money invested in the v irions enterprises, all of which Mr. Johnston is connected with, have unIi in ito<l capital and (he section of ciuntry proposed t> develop lmv? laid dormant for centuries. anothek account. (leniu)ii C/u'le.o, Jan. 21.? 11 ^ k learned hero that tho Beocdict-ljo*. e Lmnher company, which has been operating a largo saw mill at the point where tho Southern Railway crosses Seneca river, has sold o it to luo Audi! lj'iinl>er company of baltimore. The sale includes tho lartro siw iniIi and largo tracts of timber land in tin- mountains. Tli(; Benodict-Liove company, it is thought, has not been prospering, hut I lie company has ample cap iial behind it and will push tho business more vigorously. A Prisoner on Her own House. Mih. \V. If. Liayha, of J(M) 1 Agues Ave., K uisas City, Mo., lias for several years been troubled with Severn hoarseness and at times a hard cough, which she says, "Would Keep mo in d >ors for tiys. I was prescribed for l>y physicians with no i.otioeahlo rc-ults. A friend gave mo part of a botth' of Chainl)"i''hiii's ('ough Remedy with instruc? ... i i.. f.n..,.. 4i .iu i Mill** i > nipri ) i"inn> tut: mi ici iwiirt iiuti I wish to st it? lli\t jiftiM" tilt? first day I >nl<l notice a derided change for the I) ttor, and at this time after using it for two weeks, have no hesitation in Haying \ realize that I am entirely cured." This le.nelv is for sale l>y I'iekens Urng Co.; I'.urle's Drugstore; Hunter l'lckeus, fjihoity, Mrs. B. F. Gantt Dead. Mrs. Alice Gantt, willow of the Into Boiijimin l'\ (Jaiitt, and post mist reon at I'endleton, died at liar homo at that place yosterdav idler an illnoHS if several weeka. Thu funeral serlieo will bo held in the I'reshjtorian Inircli at I'endloton at 11 o'clock toI iv, alter which the interment wi 1 .. I . . . .) i.l ll.n MM ..1 1. I,. HIT ..u ..... V'.. ,Mn. < i.mtt was a daughter of the it;i IvUaid McCrury, one of tho icst citizens of tho county in hi* day, iikI was in her f?lst year. She I< nvrr four children -three (laughters md one son. Her mother survives, nut she is also survived by three sis ers?Mrs. K. (). lirown of Anderson, \Iin I<>liii fl. X ichnry, wife of the in per visor of Oooneo county, and Mis J. A. 1'iico of Mauley. Mrs. Gantt had for many year* ?een a consistent member of th* 'resby terian church. She p iss.'ssed ivuiy ran* and excellent qualities, and v??s greatly iovr? i 1?v ii iar<{0 cireio ot Natives ami friends. All lei SO i dail, '2'2 I inst. To The Public. I wish l?: state for lh<> social benait of Messrs. (leo^^n Brcazoalo and f. Thomas lowers, both of whom invo Imd small pox in their families, ihat thcro is now no danger in visit * Vs th( families, for there is now no. r\ x"?nut thorn nor in their houses., 1^ ' ^^^^^ronslmiT, M I)., \ WJ\ Mo anc Our business is ii to double it. Yc By giving our cu< money. VVe hav to your interest t< "a'sT We have on banc expect to sell at a will pay you to e; We have a nice 1! are always ready H. A HELL Ilumbiirg and An in Pricts I bouf Roods and tll08rt ? Store. I tell you a 1 w??yb will come 1 have t\ lot o at a bargain. ...Groceri Cnll on in?. Ron thy youth. j And Stil OF THAT j|J Not How The good people k m We linvo also anothe h'-raes and hogs. Our Rooms are CLOTHING, SHOES, RUB I FURNITURE, Ming! ( Parties owing on notes o LE T US 11A V 1< Bfcgf-Wo need it NOW a ALL C if you want to. W T W W o Hi Happy Ne I take this m friends for the lii; ended, and hope ness in the futui Stock of the gooc Lowi-sr poss Thanking yc me in the past wi line, before buyin / # A . J T* , . 1 1 ..Dill' I A ^ wish to t A VV cash tracl 2 We wish also to One-Pric ^ As we can alvvay / on a Credit. ^ We can liani \ i * . . t i ?\ muter, neuswax, *4 all kinds of Furs t j O1' ( < l - ' , ; V..' T " NT E D! 1 re Customers j i More Trade \C ncreasmg every day, and we expect 1/ >11 will ask how we expect to do it? ! itomers the best goods for the least e some bargains in Hour. It will be see ns before you buy :: :: :: hHIZHM 1 a large stock of shoos, which \vc l bargain for a short time only. It xamine our line before buying. Y ine of Dry Goods and Notions. We li to serve you. " k. RICHEY. gust* broke 1< o^o in Pickens. 1 mean ?bt <>uI UridiM 8 & 1 Iutumonds' slock of ooda nr.) bound to },?? at. lh?? C'orin r what's a fact, if \on come otio time you bnck. f SHOES to g-. cheap. DRY OOODS es of all Kinds.,. a lember the M< at Market in the (l.iys of Y? urs truly, D- MOORE1 Another Car tr > ? But Ho^vGood! now u good tiling when t!.ey KXT \T. JY IT AND TRY IT. r lot of SHORTS?-m oxc( llont f< o?l for coivf, 3 all Full Up. * With Fall and \\*inter G ods | of every description. JEANS, BLANKETS, QU1LS, JERS. Ol'TlNOS FLANNELS, STOVES, TRUNKS, SACI1ELS. JollMMlIld See Us. (?)?r accounts will plcaso : or It MONEY PROMPTLY 'I'll IS FALL. 1 v lid need it HAD. And on this errand you can i 0ME AT ONCIi. > , M'FALL.j ' ) w Year To You !|? lethod of thanking my customers and ( ?eral patronage througij the year just ; to have a better share of your busire, by keeping a more Complete Is obtainable, and selling them at HBLK PRICKS. >u again for the patronage extended th the hope that you will see my or Yours truly, R. ROARK. I 0b ? ID ? I jli! Til Nro. s m l( hank our customers for the liberal e they have given us during 1903. j " state that we will continue our ^ A e, Cash System. g < s give better values than if we sold ? h m n , . a tile all Chickens, hggs, Good Fresh t& Dry Hides, Musk Rat Hides and ^ at good prices. L Yours truly, aig Brothers ? One-Price Cash Store g 11 1 i/ \ M x \ \ x \ \ \ \ \ \ QUIT COUGH INC There ie no need of wtaring your Lu?> hviiki l?l? "lf'tl ir iijiiii i uj o iivi v/iiviiiui A. few cloFt-B of tliin Household Kr A positiue euro for InfliiL'uzt, Dronchit Spasmodic in Croup. PUT Ul; THE MURRAY C0LU31K1 :\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ fn mmn SL VJf JLJLAJL1 JL iLtUJULP NOT II ClcSing Out Snlo, bti NOTIONS, SHOES, 11/ you to wonder how mcl \'o are offering sonio (liand Bargain er. All wo ?*k is for you to como . nd when you s e how much wo can ?^SIIOJSS! uu r 5 tons arc IS'ow ana ol the l> own for tho money. 8lic.CS for tlio ! ji-t us soil you your Slinca. We hnvo tome Comforts and Bli nonth at Sinughtcrr-tl l'rioes . If v< Wo li:?yc a complete lino of GKC gtiST'W'o appreoiato your trade WYATT c I - i ! i ill OTmwngiuw.ujii.w^x IN EVER r^tx^ssri!smjk4jaataecjtr The Suit or Ovi perfectly and 1 position you sta Our clothing is i ti 1 (fy^y.! - wc alter it until i livery tiling latcs ^ fabrics and tailoi ROTH SO f GRIiliNViLLli, Sole: Agent lor Nufangl Trousei To Bo Giv< Free of < Commencing, Momlay inon inning- throughout the \ car 19c ^ith every purchase made of us nirchases or COI PONS reach 1 011 may select any of the follow Soup Howl ? !,ill) w.ii tli of Coupons. : i ():it Men I l)isli 0>) worth df " i !l mhIio'IVii ami Sa: coy ?3,00 " I J'icklo Dish sN.OI) worth of " Croam I'ilclwr ?8.00 worth of " I in. n^ IJi.-li jJX.OO worth " f in. " " ^rj.(H) \v?D"li " pt. I'ilchw .-'10.1)1) wort h " ! f pt. J'lk-linr {'-10.00 worth " iiitv.v 10.0 ) worth " !? Jmokrr Jar ^"20.!>;) 'vor'li " iiigiir Bqwi :?J.S 00 woiIh " j .'ovoroil I Jul t?T Disli >>21.00 worth " n?icy Dish or Colory Tiny ?20.00 " i 'm l Dish or Or.iugi Uowi ? :!(; " Little STOYKR-I lOHIiS-HKNI FASTEST (IIW\ loll North Main Slroi.'t, - - Now forChm In 11 mi midst of winter you will jlankota, ('onil'-irlH, Shoes ami I' iidt; oino (I the bent va I lies Mint 1 havo ) 'IudmoIp, and Canton Flannels. The host .Icniis anybody sells l<: <\-t ^o.:ds ( v?1 r nnuln lor men's woai n. lOe, and 12ic. Same ^ooils at h c. I'ndcrweur for men and women, nrmnnt. <10 inch Sea Island fdill selling r f PI.- i ~ K /I... .. ^ . I /M . I IK! MUM? IW "Ml/ UUJMrt >111(1 \ |IM 11cill bought ftt "closing out'' prices >r under price. Don'l give mo out when you wji My Shoes Mill stand the f-t-t, oh <*w oriPM with tin m. Ccmo to Hoe uf ?! won't usk you to huy. A. I kVcwt ca-i P. S.: More goods for sain toncy. N'.w is tho time to invest in I'io , it gof-s to Half ncro lot opposite depot, Half aero lot in corporate limits, 1110 J iH'iva within 2 milca of Kan !;)( ). An ideal stock Turn), $'-()()() < 131J 0-J0 acres in one ini 1m of N< ivation, balance original forest; wor>r it. Two framo dwelling* and out For further information call on J. D. H0LI1 RKAIj ESTATE Offlw at Dopot. -mt A (? out, when you can g< t a bottle of fcS , Mullion and Tar. medy will give immediate relief. & in ntt.l LVi.^ v.. r ?ri *- * ?.?' >< IO nil' I ASM UiVOl5^ WI 1 IllUUb, iV IIV I- v A - IJY ^ r DRUG CO. I A, S. C. | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N 4*2 ME HUCI t rcdurod Prices in DRY GOODS, lTS, CAPS, KHC., t.batVttt cause 1 goods can bo sold at sncli prices. S ill lllOMi Hll M t.lirnnnll Tlr>firt r?i - and inspect our goods, got prices save you, it means your trado for SILOES !!^-~ est Quality over ofTetcd in ihis School Children tlmt will please. inknts that wo arc soiling this >u need any of them come early. )CKRIHS ;it prices that will please, und will alwajs treat you right. Si G I i I F IT I N , 5ASLEY, S. C. I ;y_ mak8 jcular. jrcoat you buy here fits you looks well 110 matter in what ml or sit. made to fit nirii as they are, lit bev It it does not fit at first it does tit. L in style, of the most worthy <:d in the most perfect manner. -//lo S. C. 11 awes' Hats, Dutchess and "S. iled China! on Away Charge. iiino-, January i i th, and con- H >.j. " We will give COUPONS . Iroin 5 cents up. When your lie nmnimts; stw>pifinfl Iv'lnw ing pieces: -'iiuc ! Dish 8-.00 in Coupons > in. J*ls?to $1.00 in " 1 ? in. Pint.) $?).O0j in " 1 r in. l'la'o $7.00 in " Imlividn I iiiittor $1.00 in " ' in. Round Vcg lahlo D.'hIi $0 " j j., .i .. ^ << S <? ?? .. ? J .J ' in. " ' " $1(5 '? > ill. I'nlt 1- $M 00 in i 1 in. I I;.tier $10.00 in '? I i hi. I'lultiM* $'2-l.00 in " I 1' ii 1 \>t $ii1.00 i;i " 1 lirca I <?r l)i-li $20.00 in " i C'ovt i?!,l I >is|i .SJ2.C0 hi " t r~* tt u rsee nive, >];rsox company, (V1X4* KTOltti, - - Gre nvillo. S. CJ. turns Buying iiood f^ood warm Clothing, warm rwonr. Just now I n 111 offering i:ul in Wool Dress Goodn, Wool ir 25c, Duckings, Korfluys, tho at 50(5 tho yard, Canton Fmnm 1 anio price iih v lion cotton aol(l IV r , good goi.ds at 25c and 50c a it, 5c. kh m now. I have n big lot of , which onables rao to hcII tfoem-^^ int HI a i j k o t h mid Comforts. 1 custc'inorH Mlick to jno and bring i and if wo can't tiivc yon monoy C PARK, I { I :iOIN V I I J iE, s. c, e money, Same goods for less = ? ^ V Fm sale. hens real cstuto. Buy before o high. illionn, S. C , $100.00. ' T"J , Calhoun, 8. C? $150 00- A iloy, known us tho Davie Rob in ton irris Cotton Mill; 15 ftcros in oulxl enough on (hid pltice to pay Jfl hougep, #12 per aero. >ER & C0> DKAI-KKN. Piok< us, Sjfl