Pj^pp ' Entered April 23,1903 at Pickens, S. C., n? 8cooml oIrhb matter, under net of Congress of Maroli 3, 1879. VOL XXXIII. PICKENS, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, I*>04. STOEM DEALS DEATH , IN STATE ALABAMA1 : Ki tlany Pooplo Hoportuc] Killod t0 'v- | 11] at Moundsvillo. i u ; \v TOWN IS ALMOST DESTROYED. i ni Tuscaloosa Doctors Arc Hurried to cj, the Sccna to Render Assistance. al Death List Is Reported at Thirty So Far. tl . j. >\ Birmingham, Ala., Jan. '22.- A ape- '( dial to Tho News trom Tuscaloosa, Ala., says: CI Monnd vllhv u trnvn 1(1 milr^ s^oiilli of hero, was totally destroyed at 1 ^ o'clock tlitu morning by a cyclone. ' A great many people were killed or fatally hurt. A negro section labor* er, who arrived hero on a handcar, reports* that the country is laid bare . for miles around Moundville. ' o He saw the bodies ot many people lying around. 13ver> doctor in Tusca- . loosa, including the surgeons at the "etato insane hospital, have gone to j the scene. ! r? ... . i - i... . . xvufjui luunvuu in'n; iiy t*.1 fjiiiDii*; ^ eay that the (loath 1* I so far Is esti j 4| matod at 30. The merchants of Tuscaloosa have ' ^ offered every assistance to the destitute. Limited Train No. 1 on the Alabama (Jreat Southern railroad missed the g Storm by only a few mifiutes. Thomas 15. Alloy. name unknown; t w,"nlKlit telegraph operator ;i? Mound; '''o rtinl the man in charge! ve f" / ijyw*? * tt (//,, .inroad tank there, were amoni; mj :.o killed. he These bodies will he brought here lai on the noon train ' op Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 22.?Offlcir's nii of the Alabama Groat Southern rail sti road hero have Just received a ines eu sage by tho way of Selma from Con- I ductor Caphart, of the Limited Train th No. 2, northbound, dated at Akron, cu Baying that when his tram reached Mound vilk: shortly hcfoiv o'clock! this morning, ho waa unable to pass' because ol' wreckage on the track. j Qf lie says that the entiro north end of! tin* town of Moundvlllc was wrecked by a tornado about 2 o'clock this, by morning. I iMoundvllle is a town of about Son j peoplt> on Ilic line id' Hah; and Tusca- s>' loosa counties I od It Is 70 miIcs southwest ot here and 0,1 r.!;-iiit If) milcH south of T -tcsilnosa. 10 very wire to the piaco is down as l''1 the result of the storm, hut a wreck- ao ing train witl.( ' lir.cmen on hoar.i has pone irom 1. re to repair the dam *01 The wrecking train Is in charge Superintendent C.riggs, of th railroad. ^v< Struck North tai:*?iingham. ca j3iruiingha:n, Ala., .Ian. 1!^ A lorua-1 do struck tlii" town of North Hirmiug- ' ham at 'J o'clock tiii. morning and do-: niolishcl or damaged :!(; houses, most of whicli were m-v.ro cabins. A nnmher ot industrial plants were also (lamaped hy having tacks hlown down. nl) The store of l'osey Uro . was destroy- Wf ed. There were a number of narrow escapes, hut no one was hurt. foi STORM SPREADS. >' Tolcgrnphic Communication la Demor- 'ni nlizccl In Mississippi Valley. , 'u> Atlanta, (hi. Jan. Tl l?\>r? -easier 1 Marhuty, of the local weather bureau, ,,)l tlus morning statiMl tlint the storm 11 winch has In en prevalent throughout the southwest for the |>;i:;t two days,' an I winch was central nv< r Vioh'-.hurg,' Miss., last nigUi, has spread over the Fc northwestern port ion ef Tennessee and the Mississippi valley, and will doubt le.^s increase in intensity in that sec VV tlon. ot Heavy rainfalls are reported in Ten nesHee, the precipitation reaching 1 CO inch and threeipiarlers at Nashville. <"i Telegraphic conintunicai ion Is do moralized to the west, nearly all the lyi wires being down west or (Sadsden, ?d Ala. The storm is moving in n northeast ! rly direction. ! mi nuyiu rxnieu Ijy L il t"l U S110 O. | 111 Charleston. S. Jan. 2U. At Alkon a landslide occurred while several no ('r groes were at work 0:1 an excavation oa on the line of the city sewerage ox- a tension, and one negro named Wnl lace Tumbull was buried under a nias? of day am] timber**, while the oilier laborers narrowly (reaped. Turn- 1,1 bull's body ban not yet boon rocov R'1 ?rod. | 1' Many Return to Work. V Now York, Jan. 22.- More than 1,501 , 'st ^ tnon In tho building trades at I'ntor Bon, N. J., who havo boon locked out for a month, havo returned to work Their difference** will ho settled by K<> Arbitration. , J?' L . ? I Orders Amnesty. j , Coh&n.silnoplo, Jan. 22. P1?g sultftl iiiiH ordered that t^mual amnesty he pruntiid to the and Mace ^ Ionian* who have libon Imprisoned fol rivticlpatlon In the dlHturlmncoH o' ! . ou last summer. .. . >? t "^ 1^ Appointments for Pickens Circuit for the Year 1904, l | Firfct ttiunluv Poller's ( Impc1, 11 \?, 1 j>. iA.j t'Hikons, 7 |. in joi 5 ' ^ ' I rt- 111 '? Tiling {rintxluy -ttnlliloho >i 11 n. Di Kgtft : fvVOlVo p, m. I bLT ""'' ''1111; Twolvo Milo, .11 h. Vr I H" '' ' ' STATE OF TRADE. ?? ! FSO! jmrr.ary of the International Meroan- 0 tile Agency. ff"i Now York, Jan. 22.?Special tolo- U niiiK from correspondents of tho Iniruational Mercantile agoncy respect- j- ^ ig tho state of trade throughout the nited btate.i are summarized as tol \ iws: "The most cneor raging develop* GREA Lents of tho woolc are tho widening omaiul for all forms of iron and steel Weath L Pittsburg and Chicago with increas111 f? ;1 confidence that bottom prices have Ron reached. Others features are Scct 10 fading of war prospects ami the jcc ^ aaI pleothra ol' money in Now York lid western centers and the highest Pill rices for wheat since 18!>8 due to in Ridge1 reused milling demand for homo and Ing th ircign products and a greatly over- miles :>ld May option at Chicago. Other gheny (lvances in prices were for corn, oats, this n lot lis, cotton, coffee leather, hides, The n and copper, with partial reactions everyt i tho last two. Silk ploco Roods were Hoods 1 hotter demand and prices are hard- The nin:?. Huston's wool shipments ex- ont n ood those of a year ago. Shoes and house; nit her wore lirm at advances. The The lost important industrial union want miles 0 per cent higher wages tor pleTto-i gheny oai and more than that for machine ing. lined. Bituminous miners operators The ii four states want a reduction. deal c "Philadelphia textile manufactories, Cap xcept cottons, are busy. lie sa' seen i EEL STOPPED MILL WHEEL. The were intlre Plant of City Mills at Columbus So I Brouyht to Standstill. thc S thong Columbus, (5a.. Jan. 22.?A big eel tj w topped a 75-horsepowcr water wheel ,t the city mills Thursday. Tho eel going in through the water ^ :nte limb formed such a lump that in' wim'im wus iiiiiiuiu 10 iiuivu. ' n?: Boat .tor was ...? ,,fj- illuj ,|lo millers instigated tlio cause. ( The first man to go down though* I Jn had found a baby in tho wheel, so | -g was tho mass of (losli. Tin 1 had to 1)0 taken out in sections. '. \ .'ft is as largo as tho small part of a ' ill's leg and G foot long. Tho ol> Mfs s jetton removed, tho wat< r whool re- )jaK JU) mod operation. Show It was the iirsl time !n h.-oal history (>n at such an unusual incident oo- tjj(> rro'l- tlit* oit hoard, ATLANTA GETS UNIVERSITY. cu(? |u, ftollc eat Presbyterian Institution W i 11 Be throu^i founded There. nn (imJ Atlanta, .inn. 22.?Tho groat Pros- wR{j (>i t< rian university will be founded In ^ ' ()f) 1,111 ' ort 1)111 Ti e special conference, in which the ropeH nods of seven states were represent- q , by a vote of la to 15. has so reo- ,. . . tho mil liiiemlcd uid the prevailing opinion |)oat v the confi-iY.os is that the Presby- m,'owo rians of the south will abide by tho M()11 lion of the conf< ronco. Showo Hv an overwhelming vote It was do- . , , , ,, , below mimed to recommend tho consolida- . . vented ui of Columbia I heologioal univorsi- ,. disapp* at Columbia, S. ( ., and the South- ... or Slwi stern Presbvierian university .at . . up, wa arksvillo, I enn., in one larger odu tioual institution here in Atlanta. ^ OVER 14 CENTS IN ELBERTON. ... . Wnbas fjhcst Price of Season Paid for Hundred Bales. * ' 1 " Klhcrtou. (In., .Ian. 22.?Thursday hnvo ' out one hundred bales of cotton hnvt' v M (' sold on tho public square at I !>,<> coul" ' nta. " >' I'lils Is tho highest price yet paid ' n'' r cotton horo. and cotton nion frooprod let its going easily to 1;", eenC:;. 1,10 " Some cotton is still on hand, but tho 11,011 1 rgost part of the crop has boon mar led. Tract h It is estimated that the average price ^ '' '' r the crop marketed here has been cents. proper Tho V QTRAfjr.l it r\ n \J rnon tioll CO W i_ >-> I vur.u VYUUU, the l/>; . a toot II from Pile of Wood and Stick o( ci|jc Wood Fell on Him. train Charlotte, N. .Ian. 22.?John ells, the I year-old son of John Well:' , . . Flood tins county, was strangle 1 to death. ( |( V l'ae child was playing on a pile of , , ... . ioo I?rc rd wood when a stick rolled down . . ,. Hood ( d crushod lit in. , a When found, the stick of wood was , , . stennu ing on liirt throat, death having end- ,|mvn the rhild's differing an hour before . , nrawoi duet. Auto Tourney for Savannah. )t j Savannah. f?a., Jan. 22. Arrange |)rj,|rr, nts have been made for :i trial ol ' _ 151 IH t"? i? speed of tho automobiles of liar- jnmni0 y Oldileld, of Detroit, and ChnrlOH (lm,t aham, of Now York, at Savannah stroani rly in February. Thoy will liavo thn (]] iVmllo rac-f for 'he championship <>l c worhl. This race will 1)0 run ( tin- circular track hero. Tho terms* cmc tho track will ho hanked more than (n tfl(. presold to admit of the machines u,|s p, ttm? around them without accident Co?,.,n if contestant# will stop over on their j(>w t)1 i> hack from Ormond Iloach, Fin. ,(n? )(t vend other well known automobll- m,. ... 1 IIVII ? will participate In other oventH. )s |f iiiK of Ice Gorge Gives Way. nnd to Cincinnati, .Ian. 21 ?The larpje lea tin; eil I'K'1 in the Ohio river between laid* r?ef, a iv, Ky., and the western part of this y, r.ave way today. As 11 was bo- , ,v Cincinnati harbor no damage was [(,r, ne here, Imi lower iMdnts have been irncd. (ireat apprehension in felt # ? . I arse re on account or the lee gorges up .nics n o river that are expccted to break |.jV'M. j on. aM It has rained steadily through- . , t the Ohio Valley. was net Who Iain's t Wonderful Nfil'VO. realize , up t,o-d Is displayed by nvtnv a man endnvinR ,,np>r. ins of ae?,.i(i',i>t.d Wounds. ^ _i > nisoH, linrirt, Ho.il Ih, Sort- foot or ntiIT | lit?ovl\ nlrt. Hut iIhto'h no iittctl for if. H iok? i'h Arnica Silvo will kill tho pain and Li ro tho trouble. Ii'h t'io bout Hulvo on ill for 1'iloa, loo. at Pio'ions * '"s \\2 Co. Chupol S?<> view; 1 Rheumatic pain* nro qnicjkly n-liovod . ?ppll"fttioii? of Rnmonn Norvo ami 11 uio Oil: try it. 2.r>o at Furiosi l>rug|w ,,ml DOS THREATEN HtO RIVER VALLEY Jorgos Aro Breaking Up Vith Rush In Rivera, T DAMAGE IS FEARED /M? rnnfi^linr \A/nr.vt r\ VI V/VIIHIIUVO VT HI III C4IIV4 VIIC VI Worst Floods In History of the ion of Country Is Feared?Great Macsoc Arc Moving. sburg, Jan. 22.?Forecaster >vay has received a telegram slat aU the ie,: gorge at Free port, 40 north of this city on the Alio liver, started with a rush early lorning. weather continues warm and .liing indicates one of the worst T>\ in tho city'rt history. police department has patrols otilying residents and business 3 in the threatened districts, ice irortio ?\t Snrinirdnle. 1( north of this city on the AUe river, began to move thin morn .start of the Ice caused a greai >f excitement and apprehension tain J. M. Hemp Wright snli iv the largest mass of ico ho hat here in 40 years. flat boats along tho riverside caught and crushed. far no damage has been done U pringdale dam, and it was lit by experienced observers tha at or was too high for any to h< ;ht. 3ATHOUSE CARRIED OFF. Battered to Pieces and V/lfe o Man Drowned. ianapolls, Ind., Jan. 22.?The ie< ---riod dU a house g Sliowe unu .1 anchored in boat wan battered to pieces f"*1 ho we was drowned. H-? body l been recovered* ,'c ciiugh' \ -.."or some bushet 5tu;>inertjo?i'inland in the inhldlo liver opposite the island beloW y. His cries for help were md an effort was mado to rosn. > Morrison startod for him 1 the ico with a boat. After ir he reached him, but Shown nzed by the coTH and fought r. Morrison llnally overpowerj, tied him in the boat with i?. .1 i r.. 4 11 \i OICU u:u 1U1 nuui t*. crushing Ice and straggles of m threw Morrison out. and the /out on down the river with tied to the bottom. j ison followed the boat with in it ns far as Maywood, 1 milen thf city, where a hayou profurther pursuit. As the boat ;ared around a bond of the riviwe was seen to raise himself ive his hands and fall back. AMILIEG MOVING OUT. h Breaks Record For 20 Years For Hicih Wr.ter. , Ind.. .1 an. 22.?Many families noved out of their loinos oi" rp.cnted tho first doors on ac?r tho wator and Ire in the Waiver. which roKO 2 foot during ;ht, and is still rising. record t'or 20 years is broken, owe factory has closed and 600 re idle. It is feared the new of the Indianapolis Northern )UH Will K<). aratlonsi are being made to dyIt if necessary to save other ly. Kurt Way no Southwestern Trac* iiipnny has stopped its cars and K.'insport lino Is running through Of water. Cincinnati and I>oiilsvill6 ervlce has been abandoned. of Water Sweeps Down River. eland, ()., Jan. 22.?A sorgo ol >kn about the city today and a >r water swopt down the Cu.variver tearing away throe bfjj rs. The vessels wore carried tream and crushed into the big idg? oi the Superior street viaAll woro badly damaged, tin i loliovod the foundation of thfl has been damaged. The rtv nupieieiy niocKeu Dy tho vorfscl.l (1 about tho piers of the via The vosKOla carried clown tho won; large Mcamern owned by kited States Steel corporation. Comparatively Small Loea. innatl, Jan. 22.?The breakup Ice gorges In tho Ohio river at tint has boon accompanied v ratively small loss. So far a irges have been crushed and a hers tor n from their mooring.1), fscape from heavy damage >'y duo to the fortunate breakihe gorge bolow tho city first, I lie checking of tlio ice above (y. Tho river Is now 23 7-10 rise of 10 foet slnco yesterday. Steamers Break Mcorlnga. in. ().. Jan. 22. -(Jreat loss has caused by heavy rain. Two ;t am< rs broke from their moor* nd now llo at the mouth of the in a dangerous position. Tho Plato river bridge has been I away. Tho ship yards of tin1 ii 1 i ioih try ? ?1??ho of ('limnlior -itomuoh an*I I/vor TaMota and for oiui" how qniakly a ttrxt olnsn ate nmlioino will norr ot tlio dinFor Hale by Piokons Drue C*??.; l?nig Store; Hunter '?v "has | founded upon a principle which is viI tally essential to the progress and hap; plncss of any people, and that is the unalienable right of every man to | work for whom he pleases and at what wage ho pleases and to enjoy ] ireeiy the fruits of his toil. This principle lit in some need of vindication in this country and at this hour. Man : was not brought into the world to ; work. It is only his burden. 71 is right and any form of social tyranny which contravenes this right is inftn1 itely mischievous. "The tyranny of boycott in its at i tempt to club the free labor of our , land into slavish submission to u la; bor oligarchy has boon strongly illustrated within a few months 111 the elty j of Chicago, where its people were not ; evon given permission to bury their deud." TROOPS FIGHT FIRE. Callod from their Bunks During Raging 3llzzard by Alarm. San Antonio, Tex.. Jan. 22.?In a, aging bll/./ard r?00 infantrymen and! i artillerymen thinly clad foil mil <>l | their bunk? at Port Sain Houston early I thin morning In answer to a .signal , cannon, and general lire alarm to savo the officers' quarters from dost ruction A row of two story frame house was on lire opposite the adjutant's oflice, bachelor quarters, and a line of J two story officers' quarters, enveloping > ' the government buildings In flames. .Major hoftus Nil' s, artillery corps, had live bucket brigades at work with 20ft men In reserve until a procession of hose rai t:-, and steamers arrived. Several of the quarters are badly scorcbc d and I!00 yards of fence and outhouses were destroyed. The total damage will amount to less than $1/ 000. hut nearly $!)<>.000 L'ovnfiimnnl property was In danger, and was only saved by the prompt response of or Kanlzod troops to the alarm. PLAN OF PILGRIM SOCIETY. Transatlantic Cable To Do Leased for One Hour. V ' New York, Jan. 22,?Plana havo boon mado by tho Pilgrim Society to put Into practical effect the principle of tho club. 'l'hitf will occur during a dinner on Jan. 2'J, In honor of Sir Henry Mortii mor Durand, tho Ilrltlsh ambassador, when, for tho first time In tho history of any dinner in this city, a transatlan tie cable will bo loaned for one hour, and while tho Now York Pilgrims will have charge of this and tho organlzatlon la London, at which Karl Roberts is to be tho Kuost of honor, will havo (.hargo of tho other. The guests at tho two dinners will exchange mo:snages of good will. Found n Cure lor Indigestion. I n?o Chamber!.tin's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion ami Ihft' tli.iv unit, mv a inn iiAtli i> Hum m?v. lyjpap<:A remedy I Imve ovor liie l ami I Inivo nsotl m iu uynas- ?"< tic suicide as the dishonor of the an me central tomb supplied by foreign doni- nm {nation would he unpardonable in the ?f eyes of tiio Chinese, and unless a vig- mo orous effort is made to reassert Man- tloi churiu's authority, the Trappings and y?fl Kolashuls will attempt to restore the l'ra Ming dynasty, with the result of the 8ec complete destruction of China. 8ec The correspondent adds that the dowager has been informed that some of the foreign powers are willing to C give the Manchus a final opportunity ma of rehabilitating themselves, even to con the extent of aiding them by force son if necessary, provided the Mnmini rad government is sincerely favorable to vie reform. Col The Russian ministers at Pekin, the da> correspondent adds, has learned of the Ho results of these conferences and is trat convinced In the event of war China lloi will lie forced to participate with the net result that the whole world will practically be involved. In the meanwhile, the dispatch con- ( chi les, Japan, although ostensibly en- doj gngt"1 with its own quarrel, is really flat the spearman of tho whole group of the pov.'t is devoted to tho policy of anti- tor partition, and who have virtually or agreed toget-her to defend China. paf hoi 3HOT HIMSELF IN HEAD. anr B61 Actor Suicides In Presence of Wife at Columbus. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 22.?Colonel New Fowler, leading man of thu Km- '' pire Htock company, shot himself ^ll through the right temple early this hel morning dying soon after. wll He was in tho presonce of liis wile, '[ Laura Nelson Mall, whom ho married in since they rami' hero with tho stock ly < organization, and Dr. Carlin, who lfud ocr been called to attend him, pat Nervousness, due to overwork, 1b as> j signed an tho causo, ^ dot Officers Chosen. an( Home, N. V., Jan. 22.?TTio lA.nber ^hc Exporters' National association have { chosen the following officers: \V. H. Russe, Memphis, president; John Tj. Alcock, lialthnoro, vloo president; Geo. . ( 11. Speigol, Philadelphia, second vice j president; /'lllott Lang, Memphis, traf* n lie manager; Ernst Price, New York, the retiring president, was elected a l( director, and also chairman of tho ^ ii>iii?i>wrwuion, noin or wnieh positions had boon hold by tho now progidont. 1 trli Revival at Douglasvllle. wll Douglasvllle, CJa., Jan. 22.?Hov. 8. cx' R. 0. Adams, of Atlanta, Is holding a aeries of meetings at tho Baptist Hta church at thin plaoo. ])r. Adams In 1 a noted divine, and a groat deal of In- soi torest la bolng manlfostod In tho nor- bo< vices. Ins Saved Kn.m Ten Iblc D?ftt i. ^ trw Tlin family of Mip. M. I,. B bhitf, of cur Birgeitot'i IVnn,, ?v?lvii?R ami ?%hie poworljyw,^ miJM /f, S'f| BOYS' FATAL ACCIDKNT. :rc Playing With Blasting Powdar In Mississippi. Columbus, Miss., Jan. 22.?Willi? Hard, oon of T. F. Dlllard; Fred and gene Hnyslotto, sons of Mr. W. CJ-. lyslolto, and a young man named Inln, who llvos In tho Mobile and iio de;H>t neighborhood. with tho j othor three boys, wore playing nr tho city powder houao Tuesday .eruoon. A. cnn of old blasting powder that d been thrown out of storage waa ind near the houao and tho four ys begun scraping tho can and pulrl/.ing tho lumps of powder thoy raped out. Thoy rprinklod tho stuff er tho dry grass and also put somo their pockets for experiments upon elr arrival home. before they left the can they struck match to the ground and tho next cond the quartet was ablaze. Thoy n to a ditch near by and Jumped some stagnant water, all their bod^ being frightfully scarred. Willie Dlllard and Fred Haysletto e dead. Eugene Hayslette Is still ive. though suffering greatly from ce and body burns. Young (IrifTln fared tho best and will on bo well. All the boys wore well known and ,ch about 15 years old. A89AULTED AND ROBBED. 3dy of Lady Teacher Found Mutilated In Indiana. Ixmlsvlile, Jan. 22.?A special to MTie linos from Bedford. Ind., any a: The body of Miss Sarah Schaefer, o acher of Latin in the Bedford High ihool, was found in a carriage houuo day. Shn had been assaulted and >t)b jd, a!id the body was bad'y inuti. ed. The appearance of the shed Indlited a tcrrlflc struggle with her aaUlant. Miss Schaefer came here from Elkirt a year ago. and was much ad'.red There Is much excitement ror the murder, and bloodhounds will c iuu scenu ANOTHER BATTLE FOUOHT. i?r.ccol Cacere3 and Forces Have Engoa-.^ment?Seven Killed. ?'e\v York, .lu.:'v 22.?Qeneral Cncoroa ! fought another battle, during Ich rin 111011 Tanarez u-.r-,yd to the fort. His forcea aro now' nt of amiuuuitlun. Atlanta Man Hende Chamber, lugusta, CJa., Jan. 22.?At tiiu null banquet of the chamber of comrco with which is combined the anil cloction, II. II. OabanlsB, manager j the Augusta Chronicle, wan unani-. usly elected president by acclaina11. The officers for the ensuing ir are: President, II. II. Cabaniss; t vice president, Maurice Walton; ond vice president, P. II. Rice, and rotary and treasurer, George Noes. Punpr.il nf Mrc ul ~ u . v.. VI 1*11 I IUUOUII. Jrcensboro, Ala., Jni?. 22.?The reins of Mrs. James M. Flobson, ac-| upanlod by hor son, Richmond I'ler i Hob son, reached here lroni Coloo this morning and the funeral Her es wen* conducted by Rev. It. J I. >1)H at the ICplecopal church Thnrs' afternoon at 3 o'clock. Captain bson's fraternity, the Kappa Alpha, tiered in a body. Many handsonm at tokens were sent from far and ir. Raid on Counterfeiters. TTilcngo, .Ian. 22.?A raid mode by >111y United States marshals on o in Morgan street h?? moiiifmi t.. aricst of John O'Shoa, Henry Cotand Fn (I Sullivan, a saloon hoopon the charge of counterfeiting nn<1 ining counterfeit money. They worn <1 under $l,nno bond each. Moulds] 1 partly completed coins worn zed. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. ['he annuul convention of the 1'nlted lighters of the Confederacy will ho (1 at St. 1/Oiils Oct I to 8. Oct. 7 1 be (Confederate Hay at tho fair The army appropriation hill was up tho house, hut tho dehato was largo mi tho tariff, Mr. WilllamH, the |)om atlc leader, "attacking tho "stand " policy of (he ItopnBllcans. 'annum occupied tho attention <>l ! Henate. Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut. 'ended tho course of the president, 1 Mr. Morgan explained hla bill for s nnnox..tlon of Panama. i Vt tho trial of Machcn nnd hln r.W ed accoraplloos It was charged that .chen on a nnlary of $3,500 n year 1 managed to make a presidential >m for Qonoral Nelson A. MIIoh. \ I'ho recent warm ralnn hnvo caused ? icn irorimn In tho nriwlni'i. niovo and groat damago In Being le. A'hltaker Wright, the promoter on ill at Ixindon for fraud, has left tho tnosa stand, after two days of ctohhunlnatlon. The proaocutlng attory denounced aoveral of Wright's tome.its an lion. MHfeL Pho rovolutlon In J^T loUB thrtn ,H more jn bdnton In throe barn. t>,s h?vo { killed and *ound?i' many bo I 7 Ho*'* Thlet i v < Hui|dr<>d Dollar* Itowtml. f I M , viibo r?f cauurh that cannot I e! li "i / Hull's C'ntnrrl? rnrrin<4 your SEK1) ancl exchar or we will pay you the hit> seed just as you prefer. Come to i:s and see how \v< are not eontrolled by outs I much, or more, lor your sc R. jr~~~ 1 i ) i It TTk y .i ncKens i'rui r I 'v ) | ^ S 0 1 ^'ir,stmas Stock./ 8 VY < This will bo clo! S \ i f || | V, ^ 3 next two weeks. S curvy it over till n< S all our customers the benefit ? 9 ^ W e sell nice \ I STATIC *1 / ! l{(klll(Mllh(Ma wo soil I ) | tor all tho soaioob. I j Pickens Dru< ^ The Completcst Wm. T. Quintan, or Albany, N. Y., Ore From Consumption, Was Cure by Duffy's Puro , Mmm im Ik m) /^fl?Y; \ / flFft ft? v wt en ilaffys Pair? 8 Has Cured Thoujandi of Cas Mnny of thorn worso ovoa than Mr. Quintan' i(?rn prescribed l>y over 7,Tnlt Whls l'o:; i i the fact that it riot only ):illa tho germs i kiicc'. ; t i i o disease. but also purifies tho bl>od, si ^Litost! )clrculatton, strengthens tho heart's act! ^Vllics tho norves, and invigorates nnmote^ ben > BLv.[ 2 1 i 'j^^^BoBM^^BffijShj^^ kfl sl :)N 'flj ro l'AiH work thc^B ry yeaj. V and will tfl ition. , ..M iTM Vic -Pros. Mill CoiiipaS^^H )x? Is, Oil and Linters.^Tfc^ i)r husiril^H ?' on lull time: all this s of tho lungs. Was growing wor?w M v family and friends know I had soiucurnhlo consnmption and urged mo to Hot Springs or tho Northern Wood last resort. But I was too weak to travt..^^H nnd savo up li-, 111. at homo in Albany and kept on taking fl Duffy's ami in two months my lungs wore as ^ sound as a dollar. I had gained t%venty ikuiikIs, and am to-day in absolutely porfecfi neultli. Duffy's saved my life." WILLIAM T. OH 1 NLAN. Iii3 Second St., Albany, N. Y. ffaii Whiskey " ici Where All Else Failed. s. It. will euro you. For fifty year# it hna n '.;,(KX) leading hospitals as tho ono positive on- I sift. l 0Sli ^