I ItaT V - frst sign of RHEUMATISM. Dangerous to get (a run. Easy to curq slow. A single bottle of Will probably do the worh. lad case require Inore. RHIMIACIDE Cir 3 c y s . uCei r i'I t C'that .d r e rac of the disc a e lin:ers 1II the 61-scil Itpl.P ik Ct Zt!iod. fcllcv'cl the iailssi at iti of te kid-~ n c e t chr c i . t i ior. a0. ce catarrh that followvs such a condi Thoi;:h Mhs. M. y V ' rn, )Yf Igigh Polit:. N. C., U : ye:;rs old I nd ha l t. I Ij n r, t :i for 20 yeafS sieC was% C c;,leCy I icui red by . UC1 I ' -i- ) 'Ii Cs f hi felt, ")ears youi: k "il d is an xeu S It i ii I : ny of the forms of tis d read discase" I R xr. . IC V ' i i. t , a nl, :d M ethoilier m iniiister, of Re :.t r n. M~i. ri~:.r .~u in'.aly - RNF!UMACil)E. whlicle cured himl. lie i 5 y% : .rs oti .!l n md h I,: en in1 e mninistry 30Yearsi. SAMPLR. VOTTLE FeltE FROM .00V31 TT CHEC;A L CO., PRO0PN-I ETO J1S, LI:ItTI MollE, MD. GITS AT T-E JOINTS FROM THC INSIOE." /* A S' 13EFORE YOU COME TO PICKENS lIoh :11 iis p:lw'r Ai.I se itiz1 days N D. TAY LOR rueM photographer Will hc in :ow\n and bring y()lr 1olks and have somle perfCet LllH 1 K i PL I )GR I I S Imade. T T U, 'S') A.Y "N I W I) E -13AY For You .4. it $* ~L: eas to C')oid-to) wear--toU Smith & Tle lialbel on the coat f Snl h n to look for-big thing i mnd-ieans this: The Clothes Are Rig a 1l _)Io don' Cnd them , Large shlipmen(t of New Ftall A~$Styles comin in daily. Sricly/ One-P~rice. SBristowv, TH1 E M\NS AN I)IB()Y'S OUTIFITER. Coiled up in that One Little Word Is the mlagnet that drawvs the crowdIs. Whether you live 1 0, 20 or 50 miles it will pay you to come to Sturdivant's 1IG 13EE 1llIVE for your Winter dIress goods, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. H., K. Sturdivant Co. Greenville's Greatest Store. Sterling Silver Ho~h~llw are, I Ste1 ling' Silver .Flat-wvare. * I~*,Art P~ottery, Bric-.-a-Brac and s non)ds, WaTtches and( Jewelr'y. itii JN F BFRUNS., Sn tre CRENiVILLE, 8, C. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Housckeepers Should Remember That HW'alth Is of Prnime Importance. The burisy iouseksel eper, whose time is lostly spent indoors, should (levote five minties each, morning, noon and n1iglt to sillple exercises inl order to develop the iniecles and ward off wearinessf and disease. . A corrIet standing position-head up, clinl in, chest up, hips back-should be practiced alwai.ys, even wheni washing dishes. It will soon be 1om11e 1 a habit, and adds more ole gance to alj)pcill nce than ally loolulnt of money spent inl fine ot.les. Deep breathing should be practiced abnost constalitly. Have uh vs an abundance of fresh air and ill[ tho sunlight you cal possi bly adiit to your rooms. lloisework is excellent exercise if n)11 goes albout it in the right way. Ilave tile sink and cooking Cable so high that you need not bend over when at work. If one conlstaitly staiids or sits in i stoop ing position tle internal organs be C01110 crowded, and diseaso is often the result, says the Womian's Home Companlion. Remember that good hou elweClp1ing is eay lousekeepiig, and ()o woman need wear herself out.. I Ier health is of primo impor tainco when the hap iness and coin fort of a faiaily depend on her. The womi who does her work alono imiust plan systematically and study to save imo and strength in order to have the recreation neces sary to tile well being of every one. Instead of spending timo and good materiol i makiig pies, cakes, etc., which often impair the digestion, StuIly rather the simplest foods, which can be prepared with less la bor aid are valuable to repair waste. Mats For Hot Dishes. Tho common custom of using ants under hot dishos as a protee tion to the polished wood does not pieal to a housewifo as giving an air of tiiitiness to a prettily set dining table, and wo suggest a pret ty idea for tablo ma111tS. (Cut a round or oblol piece of linen the size de sired and embroidered with sprays of flowers of a conventional design, ii cut two pieces half as large for the under side. Place the two straiglht edges together, which should be on the selvage at the mid die across tho center. When placed in this manier they are the size of the upper piece, ald both should be basted togetller and a scallop work ed aroum tihe edge through the top and under side. Now you ha.ve a mal witi anl opening in the center, Jito whielb you Call Slip a piece of uls eut tile shape,11 of the 1111011, onyi trifle smaller. When thle mat nee(1ls hlundering sll) ouit thle asbes tuls atull launlider smme as doilies. Chiicago News. How to Make Koumise. '"Po mnko koumiiss," says a writer in Good Ilouisekeeping, "talke one quar1t of blood( warm~ newy milk fro'~h from the cow, if possible-two teasponfuls of granulated1 sugar, onie-thlird of a1 cake Of comnpressed yeast and( a pinch of salt. Stir wei3 and bo'ttle at once. Leave the bot ties ill a warm temperature, aboutl 70 degrees, for twelve hiours; tieni place on the ice for twelve hours, whlen it is ready for use. I always use siphon bottles such as carbo nalted watiers come in. Beer bottles are0 next best, but any bottle or jug .wi" ' .if tightly corked." lDoesni't Rtespect Old Ago. I t'l shamuef ul whenm youlth fails to show pr .por respect for old ago, bult just thme !onltrary'i ini the caseC of D)r. King's New Life Pill. Thery cut of'nimaladios no' malutter how severo andl i rrespeer ive ot old ago. Dy)3spopsiha, .Jaund ico, Fevuer, Constipatiou. all yield to this plerfet Pill. 25e at Pickos Drug Co. MRS. CECELIA STOWE,. orator, E~ntro Nous2 club. 176 WVarren Avenue, CureGoo, Ilu.., Oct. 22, 1002. - For nearly four yecar3 I suffered from ovarian troubIles. Tho doe t-or insisted on1 ani o >eration as the only wayL) to get well. 1, however, strongly obljectedl to anu ope1raltion. My husband felt dlisheartened as well as I, for home11 with a sick woman is a d isconsolate placo at bes kt. A friendly dlruggist a vised himi) to get a bottle of A ,o of Cardui for mo to try, and he0 did so. I began to improve mn a fow (lays and my recovery was very rapid. WVith in eighteen weelg r was another being. Mrs. Stow0's letter shots overy Womlan how a hiome is saddened by female weaknes aild how completely Win of Cardui curos that sick nessB anld brIngs health and~ happi ness again. Dionot go on suff~er ing. Go to your druggist today an cure a S10 btlofWino of Cardui. Miany Nechool Clalidrmn aro Nick I)y. AMother Gray's Sweet Powders (or ohildren, us~ed hy' AMothe (oray, a nulrse in Children's IIomeo NewV York, Break up (Cods in 2-1 hours, cure 1Fe. verishaitess, lieahuene Iistomach trouIbles, Teeth lng U)isorders, nut destroy ~ wo'rmls At all drug gistit, 250i. sam plh mnnlled EREE. Address, A 0en 8. Olmisted Leltov N. Yj I For ]Infants and Children. * ~ The Kind You Have Always Bogh A'VegeablePreparationforAs similatig IheFood andleg ula tig theStoutchs and.Bowels of Bears the Promotes Digestion.Cheerrul ness and llestContains neiter : OpiumMorphdie nor lieralE .TrNArconaa.nU r PhuoA.& V,7 RnSorStomach, Diarrhoea ness Tnd Loss OF SLEEP.a Bears Y er racs~lite Signatureo NEW YORK._T 'ry er of EXACT COPY O WRAPPER. Makes CHRONIC INVALIDSO WhnSeu St thirai, ie ner h Womovlsond saevierih- n.Lve ll olo ne . ad. MOor CrF SLEEP.ad.aroDrgtr. IVR s t SNature' Te ofi y. . hil toucs the ir Yhee a Sho retonse te fou~n. / Ar Coeampndlet h \Vealkin t ~ Shes fra~es\oe n -h ren hveri s for e en t blo asr ailent p oisn Li tver lsflo AN TOI PELLETSyare h onyreatent /hat ave thein anus t the t rtuc an / Th~es Pl)lCS toce/h lvr h T elses toe th sytem ,. ACoIret isTre-tinenty thf so 2uc ttgs. stisacio nd comfort to..sntnd u ou va e outfDt More Cranirnd arle' rug seece aO urhsoe ihepae.hr he h e, ntestandlaes ShoeCesionsare t fond Sevy and 26 ight ~ar Walkn 'Y /2;2 NChirn Shoo fr5te 5e- . tir ail y. iee o ware atee S wer have ofe aokn and heaery lowest prioes WH.PRICENPATTONS GREENVMaILLt.,ESE, . STAIAE 01 SUTl11 (JAROLINA County of ickone, In Common Ploam Court. li pl msuatico of i Der:tld order amd Fin ord r of forvtelosu8re inai inl lihe fol. I lowig niIiod caso ant on( 111 ill in thI Clt, k' fii11ce, I will r-ell Io the htighest I biide r, duriig tih legal houirs for salo I it Pickis Court ILouse, S. C., on ] S1Al)DAY IN DECEMBER 1903, [lie following described rial enite iponI Lhe(t.! terms hereintafter ntutiomn d, to %vit: Richard Lenhardt, V. S. Jamiieii T. Hunter, ot. al. All the undividod one h Ilf interest of Ithe, difendit Jam. n T. i tite'r in the following described tract, 0i land: 1,4. All tiat piOeC parcel or tract of Ilid sitlate ill Picetis Couity, Stato uforesaid, on a branclh 44 18 "lilo Creek joililng lan1ds of James lalnier, V. U. Stibliig and others, contammg one hundred :.d sixty.nino. (169) acics moro o r Iosms 2d, ANs) all that other pioce p..rcel or raict of land adjoining the above men tione'd tract, Greem B. Ste)lhn9 atu( otliers containing fifty five (55) acres m1oro or less. 3d, Also all that other piece, parcol or tract of land in s:dd Couty and Stiato lying sittieo oin a branchi of 18 Mile Crook contaiining one hundIred and fifty six (156) acros more or 1ess, adjoining lands of V. H. Slribling, Jamm T. Run to) and others and k:mown as the mill tract. Termts, one-half cash1 and the batlaince onl at credit of twelve mnIlfth8, the crolit portion to be secured by a bond of the purchasmr, and a mortgage of the prem ises With ilterest finom (ilay of salo, pur chaser or purcllasner to pay for all pt pers, and for rmoorling s me1. A.JOHN BOOG8, Ch-k of Court. Clerk's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Conuly of Pick<.s, In Cor mon Pleas Court. Iin pursuiance of i Docretal order and ill order of foreclosure made inl the fol lowing named elase rud( (In file in the C0rk's oflice, I wi I sON I..) the highert bidder dur:ng Ithe legal hours for stile tat Pickons Court House, S. C (,,1 SALED.Y IN DECEMBER 1903, the followiing (eseribed reril esitt1 I)o tbe tersf3 lerciln atter Imle.4tioned to wit: Sallie McMillan Youi-gblood, et. it!,, V. S. E!iza J. Youngblood, Vt. ai. 1IM, All 111:1t piceO parcel or fraet of oudin the Comfy .11(i hbe : foresucid anid in lthie liierie0 ne .ownship on 11' Mlilo en ek, contniity ii y-sx C atrr's m1:.r or l(e;, mlj(oi nli :g lands with ii. M. Pu ry. Thmm:s Ps.1 0! 11 rs. ntiltd betii;g at pot ion oPf the old 1olO10 teald of ,aumnnel 1~oa gb10od de. 2d, All that othrl trct in aid Cou. fy and S oate, on %-Wr) f Sh.. (' (ek, waters of Twelve Aldo llvc ij, adjining iland of 1ie (1!0 Of C. L. I b'lingsi wart ht, TIiom .s a. nyJ. C. .r-.t1 B. P. KelleyV anid otherscotanig n Terms1540. one-al ca(01h, balance on a er tdit of twelve 1month1 s, cldit pori2on to be sicured by thce bonid of the purchaser or' purchaiIars, and ai moilgaugo of the pro'miwos withi inuteresat from day of sale with leave to the purcha:Wer to pay al ast b. Purchaeser to pay for all papiers uid for recorditmg rainie. A. J. BOGS, Clerk (of Court. Cler'k's Sale. STAT1E OF S3OUTII CAROLINA County of Pickenis., In Comn 2 Pleas8 Court. In purisuanice oIf a Decxrofal erder andI an order of foreclosuire madi~e inl th o l lotwinig named0( caIso and( on1 fo in tile Clerk's olilee I wvili reil lttib ie llist, hid tder, (uing the legl hours for sal1e at P'ickmus Courmt House, S. C., on1 SALED)AY IN N OVEMlE 1903, the' following descriibed real estaito uploni th1e terins ho reitorft< 1 mienitioneod towuit.: R. E. ]Jowen, v. 8. All t hat pico parcei or' tract of hand0 lying and2( beinig situanto in tihe Count'y and( State lnforesaiud in Daeusvillo T1owni. shtip lind mad~te upl of Ibire sotal ir oels, on1e trac(t knIown na thle Stoephen heid place1, (one tract lan4w n as9 tilt) J. B. Htester lace~s, amitl th 11 f (her0 tract kniowni aso lthe Marly H owan111 1Oace acil (0onta0in ing inl flhe ttfgn gato ( 2n hun22dred and ninty (l') 10')els m..r1e (I or es '1(1rins, Cash 'i d'y ofl .sio and if not compIliedlu i wit wthin one1 hlour thei lumnd will be 1(w -bI on Sanll e day. Purchazeer to pay3 for' lIpapes. A. J. l;014S, ('bik (of Court. Clerk's Sal Ie. STVATIE OF" SOUTH (JAROL1INA ( Ceilouny of Pi(!kons, In1 Common Pleas Cour t. In peursuanc01e of a Dcretali or'der antd an or'dor of foreelosuro made in lih e fol kiwinmg namiied case8 :.n ton filet in1 the Ch r's 'H olir, ] will 82oil to [the hiighiest hidder durinig thC h gatl hours for sale at Pickeus Courx t Htousec, S. C., Oin SAL2EDAY IN DECEMBER 1903, tho following descriibed reli estafo upon0 [1,ho ter'ms heorci nafter mon tioned towit: Tho JBritiesh and Amnoricanl Mortgago Co. v. H. WV. R. E'dens et. al. 1st.. All flint eortain picco parcel or' tract of land( lying anld boeg sitnafto lin 11h0 County aendt Stato afomresaid ini Da-. tousvill0 Toiwniship, on) br'anich waitelr of (iolenioy River asljoining ilnd of N. .. WVilliams, J. E1. Roper1 ned( others coni laiing 0on0 hundred'O~ (100) acres mor01 02 loss. 2d1, All that olbhor pioco paircol or 1 ract of land siitto inl saidt County and S'tato1 inl Pmnpkitownl 'L'owinp~i, and( b)oundedt by landsI1 of M~ilo's :Burigessi, Minia Martini, Allen Edensa and Anidrew swenslCil, on) waters of Oolonoy iIver1 amnd lontaeininlg one0 hunidrod .amid fifty (1501) 1crea moro or less. Terms nishi 0on daly of sa'e. Purobaser '~o pay for paprls. Purcehaser' muit )tomplly with t~he terms witin (on2 hour >r the0 land will bie resold oni Hamel day. - A. J1. B(OGGS, Clerk of Court, Wlerk's 8ale. 4TATH' OF SOUTH CAROLINA Co:muty of Pickousm, InI Conunon Pleas Court. In pursuanen to a Docrot-il order and mll ord, r of roreclosuro Iado in the lol oVIIg nal cal o and on file in the Tork's oill, I will seIl to the highest 3ddor durimg L1e legal hours for salo at Pi(]kcis Court 1ouse, S. C., on SA3LE DAY IN DECEMBER 1903, 1(1 following described real estate u1ponl h!e terus hereinafter mo o>wit: M. E. C. Mull, V. Y. W. P. 1ill. ct. al. All that Certilin picen parool or tract 4ituato in the County and State aforesaid nti Pumpkintown Township adjoiillg n11111f (of Uharl.s Anthony,G(oorgo Lewis 10 othors, contiaining olno hundred and ,wenty (126) inoros mloro or lesis. Terms ecvih on day of a le. Purchaser :utt coIply with formUs1 within one Icur or the promh-cs will be resold on 'atm"0 ay. Piurcliaser to pa:y for papers. A. J. BOGGS, Clerk of Court. Probate Sale. STAT'E OF SOUTH CAROLINA / (County of Pickons. In Court of Probate. J. It. Mauldii n Administrator of tho ostate of Abnor Mitchell decease(], Plaintiff, agaillst Teresa Al iloholl, Waller M. ilitchell andi EI'li (a1rrick aid Ellie May Stone an infamli overV the. augo of fourteen years, iaal Vonna Miitehell, Avery Mitchell, iert Alitchl1, Mlartin Mlitchell, C -1trin blitelll :1nd Fannlliio Mitchell, infr.mts under the aget of f.>urtoon years,1 Defednts . . By viriine of a tccroo made in tho abovo atated ca ont [.ho 2d (f N.ov. A. D., 1903, I will ;oll to th hiighets! bid1 der on SALEDAY IN DECEMMBER NEXT, at Pickens Court llouse, S. C., during the legal hours for sale, th following real estato to wit: All that pi. ce, parcel or tr ct of land contflniniig ole Inioidred and eighty-sov. cti- (18'7) aevoi mior3 or less being the laud ;f which Abnor Mitchell died seized and posss.sed. and WaS convoyed to said decasd by C. L. Craig. Terns cash o d.y of salo. Purchaser to pa)y for lalol and for recording s1am1e. Terms im the above salo muist be complied with wvithin one hour or prem ises will be rosold on same day. J. B. NEWBERRY, SEA L - Probate J.Ttilgo. S l'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Pickens. In the Court of Common Pleas. Frntiuk G. Mauldin, Plaintiff, V. F. l. .hmo10 Wood and Ann E. Moiller, Defendlauts. Pnitrtannf11t to 1 an order of Foreclosure antd sacle mad'te ini thne abo'v. state-d ease onu tic 28tht day of Octoher, 1903, by IHon: Charlies B. D.itzier. Presiding Judge, I will solt to tho hiighesti bidder at P.ickenis Court IIous~e, S. C., on SALE DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT tduring thec legal hours for sale, the fol iowving dle'Cribed real cestate to wit: All thlat picce piroce or lot of land ly ing and being situate ini the stato and county, a'foresaidl near tihe town of Pick-. cnn on wato.n o f town croek adjoining lands of J1. al. Stewart, W. M. Hlageod and others, antd cautainling forty ('40) acres mn're or less being tile sam~io land ownedl by Anderson Voods, colored, at the time of hlis death. Terms of sale, caishi. Purchaser to pay for paipers and recordinig same. if termis are niot comlietd 'with w.itini one1 nour the premises9 will be resold at risk of pi tIurhaser. .1. IG(. MIDA NIEI., Sherifl P~ickens. Co. Sheriff''s Sale. STrA'TE OF SOUTII ;A ROLINA, C noty of Picens. By virtue of a tax exocution placed ini my hands$ by J. T. Giantt, Secretary of Stato, as Ex Oflicio Agent of tihe Comn m~issioncors of lhe Sinkinig Funtd. I have tIs (lay levied up~on and will sell at P.iokens, c. IL., S. c., en Sialoday in Dcomber, 1903, durning the, legal hours for saile, the fol Ilwmg destcribl di Real Estate, towvit: All that coirtain pioen or parcli or tract of1 11and stnated ini Pumflpkinltown town~ (hipi, 1Pokons1l c-mn ly, S. (1., containing Fitty 5ceven (57) crout0 1mor1 or less andt boundelld b'y bcasisc of J. T.1. Ftloyd Mao. Lors. .James K. Kirksey and others, on a3~lIda River andi levied up)on as the es( tate of Shanke I y Joh n M~lasters and ald to satisfy tsx execution itgainust said prOper.ty. J. II. (. MclDANIRL, Shiffil PIokens5 County. CITATION1. AT'A Th' OF SOU'i'f CAROLINA, &(ounty of Pickens. IN 'THEl coURT OF PnIORATI], By J. B. Nowbory, Esquiire., Probate Whereas, HI. L4. Clayton made suit, to rne to granlt him Letters of Administra 3ion of the Estate anld cff cts of Samuel Jones, decoised. Those are therefore to eito and1( admon ish all andt singular the kit..dred and 3reditors of the said Samuel Jonos, .loconised, that thbey appear btefore 11e, in 310 Colurt of Probate, to be0 held at Pick. msl Courlt IIHon, H. C., on till 25th di(ay ~ >f Nov. 1903, after publication boereof, it 11 o'clock inl tile forencoon, to show lcanlHC, if any they halve, why the said udnimsiitration should not he granted. GIVEN undelir my 11and( and1( seal, this~ Ith lday of Nov. 1903, in the 128 year-of mnr Independenca. J. B. NEWBE R1Y, SS A L Judge of Probate, ( d Piekons counl~ty, S. (. NotIco li oletors and1 CreditlorR. All persolns holding climsii against the sataiti of Abner Mitohohi, deceaseUd, ar1. diquecstedl to presen t the same, properly ctttsted, to thle undltersignedl by thme 151,h lay oif D~eember, 1903, P~oroons ini lebted toi said estato mu lst maikel paymnent (1 ~ J. B3. Maulldin, oct,28w., Admininhtatm-,