Ti_ Aprl'_'Ki 28, N90 aN Ei ,. C., am ta o d oIW, iild Eutei-ed-) April 2', 19I Pt Picken S. C., naI'>dlla nte ne oto ogesofMrh3 89 -'NO~)\E) 10 IK NS . HU SA ,OTB R 1 1903- .tJ VOL. XXXv~ NC) Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve poulds of flesh. She Was thin and weak and I paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, apf1l by tak ing regular doses had gained t welve poutnds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma-I terial.. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your mone's wortli When you buy Scott's Emulsion. \e will send you a little free. SCOTT z & )OWNE, ClEMlsrs, 49 Pearl Street, New York. Soc. aml i.oo - all druggists. A recent consular report reprints the statistics of homestead entries in tl Canadian northwest that were recent ly published in the Toronto Glebe These figures show that in the year ended June 80, 1003, 31,002 hoinsteti entries wero recorded, or inore that double the number of the previous yeat when the list showed 1-1,289. The month of Juno itself showed no fewe: than 0,0W4 entries as conpared with 3,349 for the corresponding month of the previous year. In the last two years there has been a very steady up building of the population in the Cia nadian northwest, a moveient that has been encouraged by both the govern ment and the railroads. As a result It may be expected that Canada will show an enormous growth in the amount of food )'o(ucts whieh she will have to sell for export. What was but a few years ago generally considered a country too cold and sterile for human a habliation Is becoming one of the rieh est food producing countries in the world. When the quantity of food t-ken if too large or the gualit-y too rich, sour stomach is likely to follow, and especial ly so if the digtstion has been weakened by Conlstipation. Kit slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. MA:ticate the food thoroughly.Let five iours elapse between meals, and when you feel a fullness and weight inl th~e region of the stomach after eating take Chainberlain's stomach and Liver Tabl.ets and the sour | stomRach may bM ILVOi lel. For sule by Pickens Drug Co., Earle's Drug Store, T. El. Hunter, Liberty. The sultan of Turkey is one of the most amniable men in the world-when a foreign war ship is in port. And as for promuises Abdul Ihaiid is hard to beat. If present pro11nies doC not suit. heo is ready to offer others in such form; as the powers may desire. This country may lose an heiress 0': ensionally, and soine of its proinenhlW~t mnen nuay take up their re4idlence abroad. but there need be no wvorry about Anerlea's cupI ever leaving Un ele Samn's domain. Bukln Arnica Naive Has world-wide fame for marvelouas curea.It surpast-es any other salve, lo tion ointment, or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils~sores, chapped hanad s, skin eruptions, felons, ulcers, tetter, sait rheunm, fever sores; infalifl for pile. Cure guaranteedI. Only 25c. Pickons Drug Co. Prosperity of the Railroads. That the railroads of the country are enjoyfug an era of p)rosperilty is indi catedl by the facet that v'ery few of themi are going inte the hands of re ceivera. According to figures furnished by the Rtailwaty Age, during the last half of the -last fiscal year receivers were app~ointed for only five unmpor tant railroads, hiaving a total mileage of seventy-nine uidles, a bonded debt of $5,010,000 andl~ caplial stock of $s35. 000. The largest railroad in the list is the Muscatine North and South rail roado, operaxtinag only twenty miles of roadl, and none of thiem can attribute failure to pnay of the conditions affect ing ilailroads generally. Tfhe list of' foreeolosuires comiled by the Rallway Age gIves a total of three roads, with a mileage of 1415 mailes, ai bonded debt of $833,000 and caupitial stock amouting to $'2i3,000. D)urlng the correspiondling p~eriod of 1002 there wa~s a total of ele'ven for('chosuare sales, covering :249 miles of roade and~ $12, * 707,000 of capitalization. Trhe decrease in raallhd bankrupte3 is not due entirely to businiess activity. for conasolidat ions of rca ilway p~roper ties have exercised a mnarked1 innluence Rtailroads are now rarely biuit where they are not needed, and capital is not recklessly wasted in constructing lines with a view of compelinag their pur. chase. Tihe cutthroat policy in railroad construction las, in fact, alnost en tirely disap~peared, thereby materially reducing the annual crop of receiver ships. wh len trouabil with constipation try Chiami criaina's $temach anmi I iver~ Tal. lets. They arc eaisy to, take and prcdIuce -no grIping or othecr uanpleasant effects, For sale by Piokons Drpg C '., Earle's .Drug Store, T. N, Ilunter, L-berty. The Best Pyesex~IPtion for' M9a Chilla and Fever ila lpottle of GnoevH aKr LKas Cupm.a. TioN a. It' 1A simcply iron and qininec ns a atelesas f rn). No mare -nao pail. a-rie &a E18Y MONEY FOR FARIMS Prof. Holden's New Idea About How to Plan Corn. SORT SEED CORN BY HAND If Adopted He Estimates That It Will - Add .480,000,000 .Bushels to the Crop of the Corn Belt-And it Would Require Only a Few Win. ter Evenings' Work. "Let every farmer In the seven great corn States give a few winter evenings and 480,(X)00,00 bushels will be added to the annual crop of thie corn belt." In these wordi Prof. P. G. Holden of the Ames Agricultural College sum marizes the results to be expected of the campaign instituted by himself and the lowa Corn Growers' Associa tion. It isn't increased acreage that Prof. Holden wants; it Is better results from the present acreage. It is not by any artificial culture that he would bring about these results. le prom ises that they shpl be realized if the farmer does the simple thing of put ting a hundred live kernels of corn in every thirty hills. Entirely new in agriculture is the experimental work of Prof. Holden, and throughout Iowa he has convinced meetings of farmers that for once a professor in an agricultural college has a reform that is thoroughly practical. In a word, his plan requires only the sorting by hand of seed corn and the filling of plates in corn planters in such a way as to drop the required iinber of grains of corn in each hill. To find how much the farmers of Iowa are losing each year by not prop erly planting corn, Prof. Holden last year sent 1,00) letters to all parts of Iowa asking the number of stalks in each hill in corn fields. Ile found that the stand was but 75) per cent. of what he has demonstrated will produce the largest yield, and last year's corn crop was generally considered a good stand. The other day he himself inspected twenty-four of the best corn fields he could find. "I found," he reported to a imeeting of the Iowa Corn Growers' Association in Sioux City, "from 3. to 86;.2 per cent. of a perfect stand. The average loss was 28.7 per cent. "I do not mean by this that the field that has live stalks in each hill is bet ter than one with four and that hills of six stalks are better than hills of five. I have found that the best re 'cults are obtainued from an average of about three and a third stalks to a hill. "T have found one stalk in a l1ll will produce but one-third as much corn as a proper number of stalks, two stalks three-fourths of a yield and five stalks three-fourths of a yield. In making my tables I counted either three or four stalks a 100 per cent. stand. 'For ten years the average yield of corn in Iowa has been approximately 35 bushels. A yield of thirty-live bush els with a 70 per cent. stand. which is the average found in a number of years, wvould become lif ty buahels with a 10t) per cent, stand." -4 The acreage planted in cornu in the seveun States growing over 100.000,000 bushuels of corn in 1902 was: Illinois, 0,023,.180; Iowva, h.3()2.O88; Nebraska, 7,81 7,th;2; Kansas. 7,-is51.093; MissourI, 0,775,198; Indiana, 4,520,937; Ohio, 3, '200,224. The combined acreage was about 48, 000,000. A ,,ainu of ten bushels an acre, or a 90 per cent. stand, wvhich Prof. liolden thinks is easily attainable, would mean an increase in the annual yield of these States of 480,000,000 bushels. On the big lFunk farm at Blooming ton, Ill., Prof. ilolden's theory was carried out last year. Several thou sand acres wvere planted with seed sorted b~y hand, through planters ad justedi to dr'op the proper number of kernels. Previously, the best yield was 58 1)ushela an acre. Last year the aver age was 72 bushels. Of the gain, Pruof. Hlolden estimates 80 per cent, was due to the standl andl 21)01e cent. to the excellent germinating powver of the seed. In the experimental fields under Pr'of. Iloldon's control the yield has nevep 1)een less than 410 bushels sincq 1890. The ownuer of 4,000 acres of corn ground at Oldebolt, Ia., this spring bought six cora planters and put thuenj to work hurriiedly. ie has examined his field and found a stand of 13 1.4 stalks to each lull. H~e estimates his lose at $20,(MXi. ie has told that her'e after he will plant according to the Ilolden method. "Aw, that isnm't practical," objected a farmer in one of Pr-of. Hlolden's meet. ings. "The idea of mue sorting grains of corn by hand. 'I have something bet ter to do." "All right," answered Prof. Holden. "We will say that you have the work done by a man to whtom you pay $2 a day. lie will sort at least a bushel of shelled corn ev'ery (lay. "Trhat bushel will plant seven acres of gr'ound. Trho fact that it has been sortedl will add at least ten buihels to the acre yield. A t an average price of 30) cents a bushel that would muean a return of $21 for the $2 you inv'ested in having the corn sorted. "IBut you can (10 it as5 well on winter evenings when it will have cost you nothing." British India buys abroad $260,700,. 000) worth a year', of which the United States suplies $3,772,000, or about one nI'tetleth. The lar'gost item from the United States is $1,000,000 worth af kerosene oil. What is Lifel e In the last analysis nobody knowvs,but we (1o knowv that it is under strict law Abuse thgt law even slightly, pain re. suits. Irregular living meauns dengel ment of organs, resulting ini constpa tionu, hleadache or liver trouble. Dr. King's new life pills quickly te~adjusti this, It'sm gentle, yet thorough. Onl~ 95o at Piokons Drug .Co. Death Ovortakes us all and ther Cmlnne the unm~etae. The Humbert Trial. All France has beei agog for the past three weeks over a crIminal trial whichl in Its demand upon public inter est almost rivaled the Dreyfus court martial, of which it was remni)iscent in that the chief counsel for the defense was N1. Maltre Labori, who defended the unhaippy prisoner of 1evil's isle be fore the military court at Iennes. It was the trial of the notorious I lumbert family, which by tales of a va.t inher Itance from a mythical inillionaire, tied up by litigation with other heirs, the mysterious Crawford brothers, gulled French banks and financiers out of $10,00.000. Not content with this, the Humberts added the bourgeoisie to their victims by promoting the com pany known as the Rente Vingere. For years "La Grande Therese," as Mine. Humbert is known in Paris, moved in the highest society, entertain ing royally in her luxurious apart ments, while her husband waas saving his country as a member of the cham ber of deputies. Sho numbered among her friends some of the most prominent oilcials of the French government. With the inevitable collapse, when bankers would lend no more and the mysterious millions of the Crawfords were not forthcoming, the Ilumberts fled to Midrid, and the cry sent up by the poor stockholders of the Rente Via gere ascended to the throne of French justice. That cry received little hearing at first, and it was openly charged that the delay in having the fugitive pro moters apprehended and returned to Paris for trial was due to complicity in their schemes of those who sat iII the seats of the mighty, especially the French ambassador to Spain. The trial came at last, attended by audiences more brilliant than those at the fetes of Longchamps. and all Labori's elo quence, the friendship of lofty person ages and Mie. liIun bert's incoherent revelations of the alleged Crawford's identity with the traitor Regnier, who bought for Prussia Bazaine's surren der of Metz in return for the millions which lie left to Mine. Humbert and which she would not touch when she learned their source, haive not availed to save her and lier family from sen tences of live years iII prisont. Such a stupendous financial conspira cy as that planned by Mie. Therese Is beyond the wildest* dreams of the "king of American bunko steerers," and Its success must be attributed to oi ther childlike truistfultns or gullibility verging on to idiocy on the part of the French people. The Mainspring of Life. Political economists have told us that self interest is the mainspring of indus try. It is not true, writes Dr. Lyman Abbott in the current issue of the At lantie Monthly. Love is the main spring of industry. It is lovo for the home and the wife and the children that keeps aill the busy wheels of in dustry revolving, that enlis the factory hands early to tile mill, that aierves the arm of' the blacksmith wor-king i his forge, that inispires the farimer alt his plow and the merchant at his desk, that gives courage to the soldier and platlence to the teacher. Erskinae was asked how lie dared, as an uniknowna barrister, facei a hiostile court anmd in sist on his right to be heard. "I felt niy children," lie r'eplied1, "tugging at my robe and saying, 'Hlere is your chanic, father, to get us breadl.' " It is this visioni of the childrena depenidenmt oin us that inspires us all ini the battle of life. IWhether we cultivate a farm, or oper ate a factory, or manage sa store, or build and coniduct a railroad, 01r paint pictures, or write books, or preach ser mons, or enact and enforce laws-what ever we do, the end of our activity is the nurture and training of children in tis primary school, which we call life. in preparation for some life, we know niot what, hereafter. It is said that King Peter of Servia Is already practically a prisonier in his paiace. If so, it is no more thiian be might havec expected. The mnilitairy party which made him can unmake him, as it did his predecessor. Abdica tion. however, Is hardly to lbe expectcd of Peter at this stage of thne game. i~e has both IRussia and Austria on his side, anid each of those powers, esp~e chilly Russia, has a good dleal of ianflu once at Belgrado. It ia by the permnis 810on of those naitions that Mervia re mains on thme map. Porto Rico Is encouraged by the promise of a profitable growth of sea island cotton. About 10,000 bales a-e exp~ected from this year's crop, anid 50, 000 are estimated as the product of the near future. Sugar lands, it is said. realize about $15 an acre, while $00 anm acre can be secured by time growth of this stanpie cotton. If this is correct Porto Rico is to be congr-atulatedl. The farmers of New York state are comliainaing that thiri crops ar-c going to waste b~ecaiuso it is iminpossible to irio help to harvest them. Presently it will be necessary for time gov'ernmnt to ol~er a bounty for every farmn hand that enan be captured, Baren 'Toll, a Russian explorer, is mnissinig, and huis frienids fear lie has been collected. flias Sold a Plie of Chabs lainN Cough Itenmedy. I have sold Chaamberlain's Couigi IRemedy for more than twenty years and it has always given satisfaction. hnave sold a pile of it and can recomn wond it highly,.-Joseph AlcEihiney Linton, Iowa. \Vou will find this rome dy a good frleudwheni troubled witi cought or cold. jt always af'ords quici relief anad is pleasant to take. For sal by Piekense Drug Co., Earle's prua RUSSUI 51100 SYSTEM Secret Conduct Records Kept Almost from Infancy. A MORAL BILL OF HEALTH Entire Classes Often Combine in Dis obeying Their Teacherz -- I nsoleice and Rudeness Common--Teachers Often Assaulted--- Police System. The recent circulnr of tihe minister of Public Instruction, M. Salinger. oil the decay of diselIpline in intermediate schools and a portion of the primary schools Inl th cities caliput bu con-sid ered as other thyn a coufession of tho weakness of the police theory of popu lar education which has been so slub bornly followed In Itussia during th last half-century, not to speak of earli er times. The MlinLister Is- well aware that the evil results of imposing police duties upon the school teachers nre nothing new. One of his Iirst acts as Minister wais to order the (liscontInu ance of the secret conduct records which used to accompaiiy the gym naslum scholars to the universities and other highier educational Institu.ions, and which rendered many an unhappy youth a poltical sus)ect almost from his Infancy. This testified to the Minister's benevolent dispositioni and sound judgment, since it Is universally admitted in itussia that these secret records erected an lopassable barrier between pupils and teachers. The abandounilo en t of the secret records was, however, only on1e sitep. and tile Minister does not seen to have de cided upon a second. Ills late circu lar seeks to ma!ntain the police sys tern and to make it more effmelont. At the same thnic, It urges tho teachors to acquire and exil-cise a wholesoio moral influence upon their charges. As a matter of fact, It Is well under stood that the scholars hate their teachers. despise their legalized In struction, mind regard forbidden iotra ture-as alone worih study merely be cause It is forbidden. All this is so well understood that teachers who attempt to cultivate friendly relations ivlth their sehoi' rs are regarden with smspielon by hoth the police and school autherities. This Is a pnuly proved by scores of seet ci culars which have been sont out fn-ro, the Mlinistry (if Puhlic I lust ructiont during \ir. Sanger's own term of ollive. It, Is not inltiided to convey the im ression Ithat 11. Saniger is Iisincere. lie iustly enjoys public sympathy and esteem to an uiiuial degree. Ills cir cular. however.. shows that he has un dertaken tlie imposs!ble. The AMinistor coiplans that entire classes eft en coin 'ne in diso1eyV their suiperiors. Inst01anices oft lusolaiI)IIe0 and rudeness are common. 'eachers have been personilly anssa ilt el. aid many scholars inl senior form:'s are en gaged in secret propaganla against the Government. instend of olmittig that it is the police smyqtemh of od--a tion which engenders hatred and con temlpt of all auf ioril y, the Mlins 'or blames the teachers for taking no he(l to the conduct of sch')ars in the stroets and in public phircs. Scholars, lie saiys, not1 only sniol(1(1 in ih e s t~s and leav~e ofl p~oii ons of- thlei r sch'oil un iform, hut fail to sa5lute th e ireprir senata ives o f the Mfiistry or~ ( ven .'('he (ioverorilO-( kiieral. it 5is no doubt toe hat In thle large cities the t(I(achere, haiive acciustoimed themisel'vs to a lax er .superiSl00 oif tJcholirs out (If sc'hool hani is custonury in'li t he simaller p~rovincial towns. A liussin in a certain wvell-aunthlenti catedi I nstanice had somte ilticritIy in procui nig a clen mo111) al "hei of hecalth"i when lhe tiesi red to en or a university. Whlen pre('ssod the gynm nasum dire'ctor' said. "Youi aire a Sociallst." "I low do you know I am a SocIal 1st7" "Why- at liftoon years of age you were seen in thec streets with Ilerbe~rt Spencei's Sociology (slc) uioer . your arm." In the provincilal ;townie the schiolars of upp~ier forms are subjected to domieiliary visitations, accom~ in led by the seizure of hoots .hoild t >1h0 uinsulitablie for t heir age, and must so. cure wiritten pernlission from the hieadl snaster bofore daring to visit a comn irado. Ini the former. Lithuanlan pro vinces, now forming the geinei'al gov ernment (If Vilnia, school chiilreinare puinishod for talking Polish in public, with their pairents.; Uut t Is' useless to muiitip~ly de4tailii. Itussian liter$urio abonunds in ev'idences thu'atlthuverage scholar regar'ds the achoo1l as little piore than fi prison hind the tencher as little hotter than a gnolei-nand a spy. Lonidoni Times ('oirrespondenol. Rare Birds in the Londilom zob. Five beinuitifull 14itle birds,' almtiost, if lnt quilte, thA.tini3st things in the Way sof birds, have boon actfuired by thle Zoo wvithin theQ ist (lay or-twvo. Theiu filower ipockeir, as this exigiious plinchi of feathers is termed: Is ai brightb 13y color-ed blrdlot whidh ~frequents flowers for the sako qf the insectj whieb gflthor i'oundt the honey patchen, It live ~in Inidia 11nld the .Mlahiy re gion whien wvild, and,, like a bumming, bird, its rivall in siemlerness of statur-o, builds a graceful hanging .nest, ini whinichi are depiosited r tho vast Ibette'r Li 01,n8. IFearfuil Odds8 Again-4s I liim. iln bief' wa- the cond(itioni of ani old t'ot sa ille', 0. For years hie wa'i 'n ui.di u~ ithi kidlney dlisease maiil njeithi Ir iIo( terst nor1 meIdifcins gav~e himu r lit At hngthI I.' tied Elcetric Bitt I rs. I pu1t~ him orn his feet iln short, order S nt now lhe testiflies, '"I am on te road t< coinlete r'ecovery." Best oin (arth oi e liver' andi kitiney Ii.ibkes ani.I alt fornu ,f st omnich and I owel trSo i'es. OnhI i lM. (Onaranuteed by l'ieken's fI iug Co EDUCATIONAL MATTERS. M'ss Shelor Visits the Schools in Pick -en3. Compulsory Education a Necessity. Tui~tloo Farm), Sept. I12.-Edi tors t n:ier: I will tell you oI my visit to the rural 'chools iri Pickens counity. is a grladulate of Clemson anid hal his whole soul in hiiswor'k, ie hal taught for years 81nd kr~ows whatl to e'xpct of a teacher. Hie hat p)lae dI his school .hooks w it thrld will be brighter. Christ shlsIcodmetorytea~cher moeo nielta erSapsad: ''Go ureaclh my gospel to in Pickens, county meeth te chid- erf wamp idas than impre ~ ad every creature." Are we doing it ri , ai n s o nty with tew c iles' .j ' a m a h i m r v dol d h n so m an y p eo p le a re n o t a b le ion ad olyhav I CQ,'Iiijk~'while Cedar Rock has an improved to read and ohitdroni are growing rldrive each day, building. The house was nicely up) ini idleness? A t eac(h school a big dinner was painted and had blinds Ini front Maryc R. Shelor. spread1 with the nicest things to we're a cloak room and lunch --- eat, with no eud to fruits. T1heo closets. The r'oom could be made DO YOU GET UP trustees invited the hast of epeak- in 'one large or two small ones IT AM A K ers, and~ those whlo aided in -this Theroswrliteipwt1 IT A EBC eduentional campaign were Prof. '~n 1C0fte l)wt Iluges f Geenille Itv. eb-pateut desks and tiico stoves, but Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Iliges f ,Cil'll,1nvo1 b ibrrie orpitr.Cea rtnof Anders n, R ev. ia, libraischo buicngis wo rth Almost everybody who reads tho news of 'ia o ns RiL w, R x of ib rt' k .co l b idi g i o t gO papers is sure to now of the wonderful (f b et st.Iv1 the best rral it__..... cures made by Dr. ofl'v. Wad, 11fv Easey, l .~ S o so ue.in Is eve s . - Kilmer's Swamp-Root, jourer \ 'a of' d e so , So i it or J.b i di g -e e s w. the great kidney, liver ~outho o AneronSolcior ~' I hiad the pleasuire of' a call fromt - and bladder remedy. 19. logg, I~o D Gilespi, Juigeit s the great medi Nestong, Prof. Dan sie , and lr. Governor lIeyward. He saidh he ctrhumphouth;ndn NovtolPrf.1)aie ad i.~woutld be sure to como to \i.coeed fetry;ds Ilhan Anuildin, of Easey, covre aferyears of PrfO.EDnd aesx orono an d w anted1 to see themmem scientIfic research by l~rfW. T~nd mde ixorhors (of the 0. R1. S. I. A., but lie ~ Dr. Kilmer, the emi sevcn (lao add resses. Prof. Dendy 'w( . -- -.- nent kIdney and blad iveypparas a tahr nwudntspeak intown, but, '"drfl der specialist, and is iwantedytopgptoarhearuraedistricin.wondefly successful hn promptly curing P a kenos. h rrtl itrctlame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou Pitkc~s.He, asketd tha I rag a mieeting bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst AtGssy ontamscoointh cutat fo m OtO orm of kidney trouble. Sher lrow ot in 51he me elth- -u tr 'o hi .'E .R Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not re -hrf iougt pi h ie-S. I. A. is attracting gleat atteni. ommnendedforeverythingbutifyouhavekd wllig they wold iftpp ropritos $5 ion. hIisi should make us work .just theremedyyounced. It has beentested willng hey oul aproprate$~ moi'e fir the u p) build ing of Oco. iin so many ways, in hospital work, in private t o th e school li brary. '1hant aditer. .u.Gvro owr' vii practice, among the helpless too poor -to pur noon boksdicionry nd n e. .o Goernr Hey ards vsitchase relief and has proved so successful in 11001, O~ls, lleioinryandan n- il mean great tihings for' Oconie. every case that a special arrangement has .A Cylooi wer orderedl. M r . l - ''il a been made by which all readers of this paper olie willehavein his party the South who have not already tried it, may have a .Iirw is a very fine tr'ustre- Ca rohinai repr'esenitativos of the sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book A t Gates, M r. Jaike Gai're tt e aid .telling more about swamp-Root and how to if lb thers 1 rais ' heSoult hern Edullcat ion Board, and find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. , fto ter ou d ra iisO he every Oconcean should make his When writing mention reading this generous wouldIive(I0 to haea ineo offer in this paper and give $10 havestay #tith us oige to be romembered. send your address to muont ha' sobjol-a graded country AlIl the schools should close to go Dr. Kilmer& Co.,Bing- ~ l schi'ool. 11 i sid it was fatr b'ette , hamton, N. Y. The jto hear the speeches at the rally, regular fifty cent and Jnooramp..oog. t, have th' th jldron under your Tri mue and latce will be inentionied 'dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. win thn t le thm g of toDon't make.t 'ny mistake, but remember winoo utait toloran the goay t.o later- the name, S.w mp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's .schiolii lilolde an th wa tiSwamp-Root, anc the address, Binghamton, hiive a goodl schio-. wa's to go down'I I thanked the Governor for mak- N.Y., on every bottle. iln your1 poeiots. I have Pine. u nOomemnclne iiI s.* .. . hieal d that t hey got the montey. s, I i 'pi~," nwago uPas f ~ 0bOil Pknsis truly awake toher iti ng- ~ ho t"lo n t ieyuaf od torest. r r~e' drs V5fn npaieo hnnhransClc lnc :I wrote to M.Uhmautmy ~eyrtadDaroaIoey'a' r n , work. ie replied :q ' will Uive tt.Speitnet0 .Ma.ordoewktltbwltruead four flags to Pickents coiunty, as tnhpst eal ovstsm igayrlewe yfin i.C they aided you so m uch.' oft'r r l s h o s i c n e J h s n e c a t h r , a v s d m I found, only one0 schiool withi801 n u ahcidtyt ls a ral eivdadwe flowers in the school i'oom, and onemaetobiligeatflbfehatkethtirI(s w niry I wilth pictures on' the walls. Occ- lecneH ilvstol ua url hikyu(o h ooo - nee is ahdad of Pickens on that s h o l.i h a d f m nd d " F rs l ~ a line, but Pic~kens is ahead in many I ikna ela cne iktsDu oTrosDu tr, sate as ,o ehsbeind vhry cmulsodmred.cto s .N hne,~bry