The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, June 25, 1903, Image 5

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V r bo o i rse l .rm In. Pitts. on order for (t fto b ud that, an . dt lowest 1 - ~4 oidsSome ha firm bought t to lighter sorts. a tow months ago 640Coio at .Detoi' Park he was in quest of or plebalU horises, pund, bay, brown, black teand after a time he minisdary Qf the Pawnee 41 t0show is now striving score or so'of dun or S ss with wiil defined tok, It? -on top line, 'sho'ulder and 9thor sopker for something N t W4Qmmon laid in a supply hIchso -of light cream or gdn wtvi th white mans d tailsau4eptg the get known of pr'oeslonal dealers at tiiose y; ids tpresnt has on hand on order at a ery .long. price for a -pair of -lady's c0bs light sorrel in color with flaxen manes and tails. It is said that this Is one of the hardest orders to fill ever placed, for thej reason that the breeds of hoises which supply the high step ping cobs do not run to hirsute adorn ments of the flaxen hue. Another or der on haxid at the yards is from Eng land and calls for a gelding,10.2 hands, bright golden chestnut in, color, big blaze face, four legs whito to knees and hocks and if possible- a- white splash on belly, flank or side. It is re lated that this order comes from a fan cier who buya. without limit of price and has been unable to fill his bill In either the English or French market. Itange niaised Cavalrr iorises. Major . L. Woodivard of the United States army, who recently accepted 700 rapge horses at Fort Meade, S. D., for the cavalry service from Wyoming, Dakota and Montana ranges, -pro nounces them the best animals that can be secured for the purpose and deprecates the prejudice existing in ar my circles against the range horse. le mays this prejudice was bred by infe rior equine stock of the cayuse variety from Texas and Arizojia, bred for quantity and cheapness more than quality, and that time will be needed to eradicate it. Of the horses raised oI the northwestern range he has th say: to - "They are of good size a hardy, free from diseas .form, the eyes, throat a bjsecially of Pid very am t lungs; tractable trahilng." - .. le to discipline and Major im tftoodward compares these -estern range horses with iounts bought in other sections to the great advantage of the range animal. Officers report that there has never beon serious sickness among thenm and1 that they are tractable and easily trained.-Livestock World. Thoroughbreda In aermany. According to the German Racing Cal enda r, a government publication, there are only 800 thoroughbred mares reg Isteredi in the German empire for breeding purp~oses, and of these more -than 25 per cent proved barren last spring. These figures, while they do 7not inldicate any great measure of thrift in the breeding of thoroughbreds in Germany, are a vast improvemnent on those of former years and show ~hat the Impetus given to.~the breeding 'f thoroughbreds by Count Lehndorf -C~gaining headway to the end that Iore real blood way be injected into eohorses of the Teutonic fatherland. *Parnm sorses searce. Fr'aom thme markets come reports of a at demand from farmers for work ,es. A groat many, largely mares, being shippeOd to tihe counltry to do spring wvork. Any one 'who has ervedl farm hlorses knows that they rage higher in age than ever before, - ys Stockcman and Farmer. Our vet 0i 1nry inquiries show a surpi'isinlg - 1i1iber of horses ten years 01(d or over finn se on1 farms. T1hese veterans are goitlg out of service, and others must lie bought to take their places, as they were not bred during the. times when prices were so low. Our corresp~ondents * v .rywhere report a scarcity of horses ady to go to work an~d prices consid oabiy higher tlapn they wvere last fall. * robably we are now in the worst of the searcity, as by another year -or 4two some of tile produce of tile new ora in horse breeding should be coming into use. Range Horses on the Farau. "Lamst season and the season before several droves of western horses were Irlyen through this part of the country n~d peddled out to this or that farmer, Sqany 0110 Indeed that would pay tile ' ice for them," wriites all Iowa corre p ondenlt of Breder's Gazette. "For 10 most part they brought from $25 ] r thme poorest up to $75 or $80 for the est draft bred animlals, and thmese lat '~rihave genlerally givenl good satisfaG SI bought three of them out of a e~Tlge band and paid $.180 for thle three. 'hyare broken and pulled thle binder 11, I last sumimer in harvest thp~e, tile * thlree making up to weighl about 8,000 unds. The othlers that head 110 draft loed in them did not break so satis Aetorily and, being lighlter, have not ved of as inuch account at farm ork. I thlink the range horse, if withm * **o or three crosses of draft blood, can Sused on the farms of the corn belt righlt, thlough for my qwnI part V '<ould prefer native bred hlorses If I ~ud get them at the same price, b~ hI cannot." ~ AIed Breath bdbreath means a bad mca bad digestion, a' litd~er. Ayer's Pills are ver pills. They cure con .jpitin biliousness, dys. Jisasick headache. , 28c. All'dtugglsts, ~~~t 215 nous i o r bdr a beaumtlful u r r c h l g ~ k ? . ft o e ras ig~mM-* ~ our of red lead, qIvh1.rd of powdered ~~ onhvenition y i wax ~ 1Lmd~man Mauldi, ,~ t~i~avx,atettee. t 6 4 dlitlI Grp Co, n e eases of the Thoata in . I your throat Is k0 or it you arojrov bled in any wIA; Vit gpOt bronchlit I Oi have censuinion. Uy's Pure -a seywill re you. 1% aids -dl estiol oates and enriches the blood, invigorate Wbbain, buII4$ nerve tissue tones up tl hdt.-u malaria, aguo and lowr fe~ora a rany fInd; es 6 system-against q180s a4 ti*Pg ie U U1 PPOR BRONCHTI Gehitlewcn: ')rly last spring I was takel with Chronic Malaria I began to lose feel J3ronchitis set in and catarrh of the air pass ages followed. I tried most everything, bu found 'no,, relief, till I took Duffy's M4al tiskey. I'coninenced laininu strength au after taking fifteen bottlex I bad gained 41 Pounds which I had lost before I began tak ng your whiskey. I wouin advise all wh lavo similar trouble - to take Duffy'i MA Whiskey. It hoi cured me from trouble when nothing olse would give me relief. - I 1. 0. HENNING, Sept. 7, 1902. - Coraopolis, Pa. llu careful and see that D'Dofy's Pure Mal Whiskey' is oil the label, and that It Is ou own patent bottle with the name blown in th bottle. This is the only wa f Duffy's Pur AMalt. Whiskey Is sold. If offered in bulk o lin flasks It is a fraud. Beware of so-callei Malt Whiskies which are sold cheap. The; injure tho system. esl ha.Te Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tho only pure Inedicinal whiskey which hai steod the test for fifty years. and always fOUB4 absolutely pure and freb from fusel oil. I contains medicinal pr6pertIes found in n other whiskey. hauton.-AVhen buying Dufy's Pure Malt -S rnk be sure you get the nkaidfu ofUnscrupulous dealers 1111ndf,,l of the -excellence of thi oimrJ~katiosi, will try to sell you ehenp iiattonn and no-called Malt WhIIsk1ey rsubstitute., srhich are jput ol the naarket for profit only, and vhich, far front relIeving the sick arc ioSItively harmful. Demand "lI)11y*sF and be sure you get it. It i. the. only absolutely pure malt wsi ickey which containa miedIcinal, lI~ntlta-gihing qxulities. Look for the tradeinark, "The Old Chemist,1 tan oar label. Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey has cured mil 118 of cases In the last 60 years. It Is pro seribed by ever 7.000 doctors and used ex clusively by 2,000 prominent hospitals. The genuinle Is Sold At AI Dispensaries, or direct at $1.00 a bottle It Io the only whie. 'o e to Clean Tot-toise Shell. Tortoise shell that has become dingy may be cleaned by wiping the article with a soft cloth, then rubbing well with a paste made of rotten stone and sweet oil, next applying jewelers' rouge and finally )olIshing with a piece of ('hamlois. Treatment like this is not requiredl often if shell pins and combs are polished frequently with chamois. .How to Drive Away Insects. Bits of raw cotton or wadding sait urated with tile oil .of penniyroyal and placed In corners, on closet shelves-and in boxes or drawers will drive away several kInds of objectionable insects, cockroaches, ants, etc., says the Womn an's' Home Companion. Placed in a saucer In the win~dows, It will help (drive away flies. Saturated pads of the pennyroyal placed -between the nmttress and1( around the bed will drIve away the plague not given in the list of those' with which Egypt was scourged for her sins. For this dread ful pest another excellent preventive and cure Is an application to infested plices of equal parts of kerosene and spirits of turpentine. Put the solution in the joints and cracks of the bed, about the surbase and in any othuer phices wh'ere the insects have found lodgmnent andfll 1 all craicks with hard soal) thalt canl be so treated. This is an old fashuioned and1( reliable remedy. Hove to Malw Clam Bouillon. Chop a pint of clanms fine and put them over the fire In a- porcelain )iuled saulcepan with their liquor. Simmer for five minutes; then add a pint of water, a dashl each of maco, paprika and celery salt; strain, pour Into cups and put a spoonful of wvhipped creAi upon the surface of each cup of the How to Act In a Siek floon. Never whisper In an Invalid's roorn. To most p~eole it Is intensely irritat ing. If you want to say anything that It Is best not for the patient to hear, go into another room to say It. Don't allowv household annoyances to be spo keni of in the sick room. Only cheerful topics should be discussed, flowembor that when a person Is lying on his'back he is deprived of the p~rotctionI of his eyelids from the light: therefore blitids and curtains should be adjusted with this fact in view. CASTOR IA For Infants and Childrens, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bthe A-B-C Siofngood hef to ayheistlirvin .B.Co u siean oy ofg his' ageah b ho'thy. All an feed him on I, an au Mu.J, LrN#p.** - ~* t A Student of iuaau Natote6 Who Made UAe -of IIi Knoledge. V "If I tell the old .man that I want t< go to a, funeral, he* will tkiink I aut go ing to the ball gamo, and then, of C course,. I -shall haive to stay here,' - mused the bookkeeper. . "But that won't do~qt all.. must.go. I.can't think of t staying away from Uncto Jo's fu. neral. Por'olddnclo! I1e was always a kind to me. I'll go if I lose my job for it. But, no;~ I'll not lose my, Job.' I'll s outwit that crusty old Moneybogs or my name is-tiot Lowellyn Ledgers." And walking briskly into the pi'ivate oftlee he addressed the head ef the firm as follows: "I should like to go to the ball game his afternoon, Mr. Moneybags, if you don't mind." "What's that?" snapped his employ er, gl..ring at him over his gold rim med spectacles. "I should like to go to the ball game this afternoon, sir. I haven't seen one since last summer." "The ball game?" Mr. Moneybags fairly gasped. with astonishment. "Yes, sir. You see, I've got a little money up on the game, and naturally I am interested in thWresult." "Well, you are a most orliinal young man," replied Mr. Moneybags, "and I like your straightforward manner. Now, if you had-attempted to palm off on me any~ of those timd worn lies about going to a funeral or anything of that sort I would have refused point blank. As It is, I shall let you go. You have been working hard of late, and I think a little recreation will do you good." As Air. Ledgers put on his coat and prepared to leave the offlce the type writer girl heard him chuckle quietly to himself and say: "Honesty is the iest policy, I don't think."--New York Journal. Slave To Mor'phine From Doctor's Orders. habit worse -ft. the Disease. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Me. When the nervous system has been shat tered by the use of deadly drugs there is nothing to equal Dr. Miles' Neryine in restor mng it to health and normal activity. "I feel so grateful for what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine has done for me that I must tell it for that part of humanity that suffers as I have. During the three ears I suffered from nervous prostration If und no relief excep when doctors gave morphine. To get rid of suffering I took morphine my self as it was the ony thing that would give ease, and now you, wh oint with scorn at morphine using, how could you, when in such agony, knowing it about the onl thing that would give relief, resist it? I knewv it was a terrible habit and I knew of Its deadly grasp, but I never fully realized Its signib cance until I had used ita number of months. Oh, the misery of being addicted to such a habit. I resolved then and there to quit It and resolved I would never be a slave to any such demon. About this time I happened to notice Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine adver tised and ordered a bottle. After using five bottles I can truthfuly say I am cured of using nmorphine. Now, however much per sons may dou bt it, God is my witness I am eured. rhis testimonial is unsolicited but I feel it my duty to give it for the benefit of the suffermng."-MATIErz PH ILLU's, Prescott, Ark. * All druggists sell and guarantee first hot tie Dr. Mil:es' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Standard Crop. Alfalfa, cowpeas, soy beans and vari ous other "new'' crops have attracted a large share of attention -.ecently and occupied a great deal of space in the agricultural press. Now let us not for get our old stand bys-corn, oats, clover, timotlhy and blue' grass-and let us hear more about producing then). Corn growing is a timely topic just now. We want to bear from success ful corn growers as to their methods with different soils and conditions. This greatest of all crops in American agriculture deserves more study and more attention than It has received. litockmnas 9m4 garmor, Supporting Tree. ad Limb. Instead of putting props under trees, writeA A. A. Wright of Mission, Wash,, in Practical Farmer, we put screw eyes in the limbs and fasten with No. .14 galvanized wire to screw eyes in the trunk or opposite limbs. For small, leaning trees put screw eye in tihe treo and conneet with wire to ai stake driven in the ground. Thinsg We cah't Afrowd, One can't afford to set poor plants or trees or to set them on poorly prepared ground or to work over them on poor land. tsau the TeKind YO oAw Onught JiniDuw ps was father of a lass Who, by her brightness, led her class. The teaebgpr asig4 d145ams Dumpis the question: "fHow can you beist assist digestion ?" "By eating 'Force,'" When told to him, This story tickled " Suawy Jim." rCd ilth. 8 9 would a nother lot of "NU received, Ho t Eifbt Jppr Caughti a Zear Wfthdat Weapon or rap no&.Jd Haje 2ieai #r Tree and hen by Sheer .Vrenjth -OOtrPotwred and Bovad Him. The feat of eight' Japanese wood cuttors who without other weapons than'their bare hands captured a big 400 'pounCt bour is probably. without parallel. The Japs were in camp on Burrard inlet, about fifteen miles fror Van' couver, B. 0. - They had dlb ered that some animal had made its honie In a holloW treo and determined to It. H1. Takahashi, foreman of the gang, told the story of the capture. "Iarly in the morning seven of my men and myself," said Takahashi, TIE JAPS SPRANG ON THE BEAR. "went to the place, and we started to the work of getting the animal11 out of his winter home. We first hilt the tree with bare of wood, but this did niot ap pear to have aqy effect at all. Finally we found another smiall. hiole on the opp~osite tilde of the tree from where ma. Inotip esatdafr n thewi ieny-o ostomk she oulders c, and we tae to thel wbrkar ctht hea for11 ou cagr wi~trit back inragoon, but the io p smr o hase tooy ethctt al thenally Wmfade a naonthesll coed thsae oweohit made io the tree erom where we hlad bistse h ysfteai "We.nt tals dane arund athie cag, vBy ald by once head alowinds of troue, n our thra nds, e sst "Outko the oe wnote tree'ae an oter u c head and thoenrs thme anlmmes ad the ronime asg as stal bter thate ad nor cor cage.l lie tied frtoih back in agihrutewm smoke oward trouhika theho en rmaded lik rn angr thbuleel. ssg wIe as111 ntorly blo catgte wmoke Wha hlad u ftehlo tre aldacedrresondghy ae "he all -b 010 e had atll yingo "usty and the bi 1101 Iosn time treoa gther hieadan soethers -thi begrfs anie e onybeaponre ties has bioghts tflemother camp did ao comge axandlyt like tneveirst ueited againt lhe tbear, hsit turelf forwru hout.m hl "Wae like aln dodgy brull. hcg "hich 'comnarlidedil the smoke a. u thatimd thiei oldes1t an1i thle horlow wtre a slw aoendilhe bear jumpe n"dTcled for11 bear I was sellingt ltly, tonus the big we lost n tiearo gater hoiclsei tgeter o e aggpres fro til cmpor waf asiglendd i beas ind legd andgan ullingara hint turne fomt. d. etredo s "Wd bhat time dte aomer four mae andhih fontn( paws. siaowsall- r u Smaoteodst ma nac he p arty, watoo slow ad the bear d mrpnecld "tobte rolle oer thoether wond bill -adoe ci alle an hel it wahueesst tryWo use thew au wheght an te boer0's~ th oethoedrn sohe allnils iohedon, rinndt h rud "Asl wo aswohdtheI grastery the brn and esecurd egand morei~ 1111rt aiecd byofa time.h Wotrbound mehnd weit t catwin aot trpu of hisoodkep and hIls front as. arapart wasosle. "odAll( the eahe tried franttrcangy to bite and~h ke rln as~ muc( be theenyy1 jaws and hei there.old'e hih all9 tWev ond eigho t, i til bar'sl thote hldirg tck animad's inhis mouth. pineo then ground.m "Asd andn asundfaat tio- astery te amp boy, ws the a ecaried shtin "eAll tie 1ime hen Ywli lulyAa Boig Wh eyygon thithroawouduld ith tfhe wtent o,11( a1 filoe (optees Dr.K ine ie alag stiko m In MONEY BAOll We te boundihe. Pi0eand wa00h Trvay wte re.a -iheve Mlentl OtS Wihlost 1 ino A F A The JKIn4You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature ofe - ~and has been iado under his per. sonal stipervision sinco its ipfacy. We .Allow no onb to'decolve you inl this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and OJust-as--good" are btt Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience. sigainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a haritiless suibsttitte for Castor .011, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains "iither Opium, AIorphitio nor other Narcotio sarbstance, Its age Is its g~~ltrantco. It destroys Woris and allays FeIrshness. it eurc Diarrhoua, and Wind Colic. It relinves Teething Troubles, cunres consti)ation and .Flatulen .. It assi;ilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving realthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE C ATORWA AAy% Bears tho Signaturo of dA The Kind You Have Always Bouht In Use For Over 30,Ydars. TH CENTAUn COMPANV. 71 MUARAV STRlCe . .fWc vORK O1TV. I S The oldest, safest, strongest Ma . laria medicine. Not unpleasant to Malaria and take. A splendid tonic for all living A u.e v r e in malarial districts. -rcgt. 0il THE LINE FOR BUSINESS THE L IO ALL TH T . 9 UTHERN * - VM TH SCCSSU PLANTE FERTILIZES IlS LANDS.... The -Virginia'Carolina. Chemical Co,. 'vManufactures the best Pettilfrters'n P.arth* Virginla-Caroilna Chemical Co., CHARLESTON, . 8. - I TT' Cures Cholera- Infantum, IUETHINGRO.WOI "h oes teghn -Costs Oily 25 cents at Druggists, the Chil and as Or iaal 25 cents to C. I. MOPPETT, M. D. ST . LUS. O Btwhen or ee f anewayInthi s ng uin h orlingiv tr sa call iedssee thm whe n n id stun. o aeovra O~ ur$ NotioWkJepatme~,Mnt ge is~ full of Bag inos'.Meu Bu whenaeood for eed mofnythn inr ond lete giveds ao Sladwe samellnoney,"your forltrade, e ColdC at oen Pri ay Ou Srig ryGo. Oa Noio Dptmctisfllo Baan. bOur.25tt or ThE OLDE8T, LAR DRY 0008 HOUS MONT SECTION'( To Our Friends and- P We can supply your wants in a from the finest to the -heapest qu. Our buyerq have just returned f counters and sholves are loaded d Dress Goods and Novelties. In 0 the most complete stock in the St you. When in Greenville call and exi before making your purcbases. " more than satisfied.. In CArpets, Mattings,Rugs, Scro and Mats we have a complete st< Thanking our friends and xusto in the past and hoping lo merit a Very Ros MCALISTER GREENvILLE, So Store Full of GUOD THINGS To Show You. We have never before tried so hard wants as we have this time. - We want'to Dress Goods. 29 inch double fold Wecrmted, nice for Skirts or Children's Dresses 10 & 12jc 42 inch Mohair at ......... ...... 25c r.0 inch Mohair at --..... ...........49c 50 Cecilian, (not Mohair) worth $1.00, Special price..... .......59c Sometliiing Graid ii iIk. 86 inch Tifteta at .................. 75c 86 inch all silk Tiffetta at...... ....93o Wash Tiffetta 28 inche s wide just the thing for a waist....49c OUR WHITE GOOD DEfftMEN is coli)et vith the new and up-to-date Oxford P. K., Madras and any! other" good values for waists. 34 inch P. K. White.... .. .... ..0o 34 inch P. K. White- -.............8 The Litti 1o6 N. Main Street. SPECIAL I H. K. STUI BIG BEI This Big Store, the Bigges is rapiclly filling with all cleasses Spring and Si No pains nor e'xpenso will be spared t. our history. Our merchandise offerings evet; every stock has been greatly enlarge satisfy is so greatly intensified that no oni trader shall havc just cause to complain ii of doing business. Your money, back if friends. Owing to the ad vance in cottor but these prices hold good for 10 days fro: SPECIAL 10 DAY PRICES. Good Calicoes, all colors 4+ cents. Yard-wilde Sheeting 45 cents. Yard..wide Bleaching*5 cents. Black and red Cali.. coes 4t cents. Good Mattress Tick 5i cents. Best A. C. A. feather Trick 12+ cents. Best Skirt Linings 4 cents. Good Cotton Checks 4 cents. The H. K. Sti Greenville's G A LA R And Well Solo Always on hand, at figures to de J ust returned from the Nor ~MY 5 plete. Don't fail to . ROT Oct2tf. W d OakI,P andl( As) As S. BYERS CC Will pay SP~OT1 CAS -lar, Ash .or Walnut. - man to receive the hu point. They wvill pa 2market price. Write you have in the way c A. S. BY E RS0OMF BEST AND BEST EIN THE PIED IF$.C, : : : itrons nything in the Dry -oQd lino ities rom Northern markets aud our >i with all the atest Spring ents Furnishing Goods wo havo ate at prices that wvill astonish unino our goods and get prices rour money back if you are not ns, W indow Shade., Art Squares >Ok, nors for their.. libro.a r conitmuance of the same we are ?eotfully. & BEATTIE. TH CAROLINA. to buy things that will fill everybodys tell you of a fow special things. 80 inch percal good st.yles worth 8 and 10c to make it pay you to come and see us, will sell at 6c the yd. uell's Headwear. Full line of Men's Headwear, both in Fui and Straw. All lprices in straw hats from 5c up to $3.CO Men's patits and overalls can't be matched in Greenville that we sel I. Men's suit full size, good black... $2,50 All wool suit at ..-...............4.98 M.SH OESM~ We can please you when we mention shoes . I lot of Ladies Slippers all styles and sizes, the price ",Oc. the pair. 1 lot of mens shoes solid as a rock for 93 censli the pir. ~Bye IHi' Greville 3. C. 3ARGAINS (D IVANT'S E HIVE. t inl all the Piedmont sectionl, of immer Goods I >make this year the BANNER ONE of vill be greater and more varied than d and our determination to please0 and ,~ not even the humblest anud small1es5t t either our merchandise or our methods you are dissatisfieca is the way w e mako all kinds of cotton goods are goinig up1, n date. SPECIAL 10 DAY PRICES. Black Worsted Dress Goods 10 cents. Black D~uck'Dress Goods 8~ cents. Navy Bluo DreuSs Goods 91 cen ts. Sol id color e.d Calicoes '1 cents. Best Aproni Gin hams 5 cents. Colored Dress Lawn 40o nch wide 7 cents- Simpsons Sily er grey ?alicoes di cents. - irdivant o reatest Store. cted Stock of ishing's ad Hat[ fy all competition. :h1 and sCe me when inl our city. S HILD, GREENVILLE, S. C. plar ., Atlanta, Ga. HI for Oak, Pop They will send a mnber at loading you the highest them stating what f HARD)WOODS. 'ANY, AtlantGa